February 18, 2012

The Houdini shop...

... outside of the "Houdini: Art and Magic" show.


m stone said...


(This is actually a test to prove I am not a robot.)

Peter said...

There once was a fellow named Sweeney,
Whose girl was a terrible meanie.
The hatch of her snatch
Had a catch that would latch,
And she could only be screwed by Houdini.

Anonymous said...



Chip Ahoy said...

Oh my God, who chopped off that slave's arms? And why? Why?

Groov'n on the new CAPTCHA. I like how things change to negative in the blob and how capitals don't matter and how they use legible font. These are all very wise decisions.

Bart Hall (Kansas, USA) said...

About thirty years ago I had a heifer who could get out of everything. I mean everything. She'd rear back on her haunches and clear a 5-foot board fence with perhaps a foot to spare. We named her Houdini.

In addition to being commercial cattle people, we had a substantial vegetable operation which was constantly the destination of Houdini's escapades, and so one morning I caught her munching contentedly through about five thousand bucks of broccoli and she ended up on the receiving end of Excedrin Headache Number .308

Very tasty, but no beef the Obamas have ever eaten was so bloody expensive.

garage mahal said...

I sense a aha moment with Althouse.

m stone said...

Great story, Bart.

Chip Ahoy said...

The problem with the Houdini dolls is that you cannot trust them staying put.

Chip Ahoy said...

Just as the Houdini poster will not stay on the wall.

Chip Ahoy said...

What do you do, lock them up?

Chip Ahoy said...

It's a problem for the store. They can't keep Houdini products on the shelf.

edutcher said...

Apparently, she bought the trick that made the trolls disappear.

traditionalguy said...

That pic surprised when I read it was about Houdini. I thought at first it was Garage posting a pic of Scott Walker being perp walked from the Governor's Mansion by a citizen's arrest.

But that can't happen until the weekend before the Recall Election.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

I'll bet you didn't escape without spending a few bucks, Professor.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Gordon wrecks.

Chuck66 said...

I saw a magic trick the other day that almost anyone can do.

A guy asks you to think of a number. He then Writes something on a notebook paper. Then says "Is your number 938?" She says "No". He turns his notebook around and the word "NO" is written on it.

garage mahal said...

I heard some snowmobiles went through the ice on Beaver Dam Lake. Dive teams on the scene. Houdini meets Darwin.

KCFleming said...

All those chains used to be a sideshow act, now it's a fetish.

Ann Althouse said...

@tyrone I spent no money today.

KCFleming said...

The poster looks like Obamacare.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

@Ann Althouse

Sorry. I had to work the word "escape" in somehow.

Paul said...

Houdini never met duct tape.

KCFleming said...

Houdini was the Crack Emcee of the early 1900s.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I spent no money today.

Althouse Shrugged

KCFleming said...

Well played, Lem.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Houdini never met his match.

The rule of Lemnity said...

You are not too shabby yourself Pogo.

Synova said...

I, too, looked at the picture and thought... why is there a creepy picture of a guy with his limbs removed?

Synova said...

"Houdini never met duct tape."


Palladian said...

Tonight's magic was sauce BĂ©arnaise.

Hazy Dave said...

I heard some snowmobiles went through the ice on Beaver Dam Lake. Dive teams on the scene. Houdini meets Darwin.

That's pretty cold, g.

Chip Ahoy said...

Bear Naise called, said, "needs butter."

Palladian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Palladian said...

Oh, Mr Bear Naise certainly received his butter!

To make less work for myself at serving time, when doing béarnaise and hollandaise sauces, I make the "base" the night before, with the yolks, the flavoring (the vinegar-vermouth-shallot-tarragon-salt-pepper reduction for the former, lemon juice for the latter), and about half of the necessary butter. Then I refrigerate and at serving time, I melt the rest of the necessary butter and then whisk it hot into the base. It always works perfectly!

This batch of béarnaise will be spooned over a poached egg which will rest on a cooked artichoke bottom, which will rest on a toasted round of home-made pain de mie.

... Greek characters as the word verification? Seriously?!

Guildofcannonballs said...

Chip Ahoy makes this blog better.

Chip Ahoy makes this country stronger.

Chip Ahoy makes our universe brighter (i.e. more divine).

I salute him.

Penny said...

What a fun thread! Where to begin?

Well, being the lady I am, it seems only right to start with the Bottom. Shakespeare will like that, but half as much as Titus.

Penny said...

Crap, I was too slow! Chip beat me with his better butter yolk. :(

Penny said...

Nothing to say now, other than, Palladian, you are a tarragon of virtue.

Penny said...

Read it and weep, chickenlittle. ;)

Penny said...

"I spent no money today."

"Althouse Shrugged"

Ayn Randy, the horny Scot!

Chip Ahoy said...

Houdini escapes chains by chopping off own arms!

He was going to do the same thing to slip out of the neck ring, remove his head, but he didn't plan things through all the way.

Chip Ahoy said...

I look at that poster and it veritably cries to be Photoshopped. But what would I do to it that hasn't already been done? There is something Pythonesque about it. Python would have made it a paper cutout and done something ridiculous. But it's already ridiculous.

I just looked for the source and saw some that look nekid. Too bad they didn't have boxer briefs. The scraggly boxers look gross. Okay, I don't even know what is real anymore. That nekid one in the middle looks purposefully S&M, and that's just not right.

Penny said...

Ok, so some of us talk funny, some of us walk funny, BUT one of us IS really, really FUNNY!

Not gonna salute you like Buckley, Chip.

Isn't proper lady protocol hand over heart?

Cept maybe February, when it shifts to heart in hand?

Sheesh! America...So many rules. So many exceptions.

Penny said...

Hm? OK, Mister Chip Shot.

I followed that link, lookin' for the nekkid S&M guy in the middle.

It was a lot of work folks, but someone had to do it.

THIS was the 117th of the 234 Houdini images.

Chit, Chip. You got one helluva an imagination!

Penny said...

Thanks for the fun, Althouse. Off to bed now, with one last word for Peter, up top.

Loved your limerick!

Might like it even more if you massaged that last line just a tad. ;)

Jose_K said...

the problem was not been gay but the extortion and supporting an illegal inmigrant

Toad Trend said...

Democrats fail miserably when they attempt to escape their true legacy.


Mr. D said...

Houdini grew up in Appleton, which is coincidentally my hometown. The joke you'd always hear growing up was:

Q. What was Houdini's greatest escape?

A. Getting out of Appleton.

Willem Dafoe (also a son of Appleton) told that joke on the Tonight Show a few years back.

Jose_K said...


Jose_K said...


Kenneth Burns said...

But when will someone put together a museum tribute to Whodini?