... with "Obama" and the number 1 on it.
Walker already gave Obama a Green Bay Packers jersey... last year.
You have to go to the front page — here — to see the photo of today's encounter... which did not include any finger-waggling of the Arizonan kind.
ADDED: Here's the photo.
२०३ टिप्पण्या:
203 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»I wonder if this cooperation and photo opportunity is Walker signaling that he thinks Obama is going to win.
which did not include any finger-waggling of the Arizonan kind.
Further evidence of Obama's reputed rank sexism.
Maybe, Andy, just maybe, he's a decent guy and this is the decent thing to do.
Obama's heading to LA at rush hour again to get $38,500 from the big people and tremendously inconvenience the commuting little people.
Tomorrow morning he will head to Orange County- again at rush hour.
It's like he does it just to show he can.
Civility Kudos to Walker!
I hope that Scott Walker gives Obama the worst case of flu he has ever had. It would be a moment to cherish
Odd and rambling speech by the CEO of Master Lock to kick things off. Lots of cheers for Obama when his name is announced.
I think the "1" stands for "one term".
Stan25 said...
I hope that Scott Walker gives Obama the worst case of flu he has ever had. It would be a moment to cherish
I doubt that Walker stoops to licking doorknobs.
I hope that Scott Walker gives Obama the worst case of flu he has ever had. It would be a moment to cherish.
Walker could have snuggled up close to the jersey while he slept last night, using it for a pillowcase.
I wonder if this cooperation and photo opportunity is Obama signaling that he thinks Walker is going to win.
Uh Oh... Walker is targeting Obama!!! He's # 1 on the list!!!!
Did he give him the flu as well?
MayBee said...
Obama's heading to LA at rush hour again to get $38,500 from the big people and tremendously inconvenience the commuting little people.
Tomorrow morning he will head to Orange County- again at rush hour.
It's like he does it just to show he can.
The 405 is a bitch to drive on a good day.
No Ryan Braun jersey?
I'm surprised Garage Mahal wasn't there to dive in front of Obama when Walker went to shake his hand.
I bet the CEO of Master Lock knows something about jobs. Maybe the cow and Obama both should ask him about job creation.
There is a big difference between Arizona and Wisconsin. In the former, Obama, Holder et al are not only passively permitting unmeasured illegal immigration, but they are actively suborning the Constitution and preventing an equal application of the law.
In Wisconsin, our fellow citizens are exploiting collective bargaining rights to exploit the taxpayers. The end result is similar: a selective rule of law and its attendant progressive corruption. The end result is dissimilar in that unmeasured immigration displaces Americans citizens and increases the incidence of criminal activity. The former is arguably worse, but it is also resultant from the corruption which is in part sponsored by the latter.
Anyway, as with the debt negotiation, I hope that Walker has a strategy.
That image reminds me of the Native Americans getting gifts of cloth from Spanish explorers. The Secret Service should sterilize these gifts.
Of course there were lots of cheers for Obama. You think they'd let people who would boo him attend the speech?
Anyway, the people who dislike him, if any were in attendance, would be more likely just to stand quietly and say nothing, rather than make spectacles of themselves like the occupy and Capitol protestor useful idiots.
BTW, whether or not you like the president, it's very cool to see Air Force One in person.
I think the '1' indicates the number of terms Walker hopes he serves.
That was a classy move by Walker.
Reminds me of the Wagon Train episode where the Indian, having touched a white baby with smallpox, stuck his hand in a fire.
So now Walker has resorted to biological weapons?
from the article:
State Sen. Lena Taylor (D-Milwaukee) lauded Master Lock's commitment to Milwaukee.
"They could have left, but they didn't," she said. "I think they had a vision that allowed them to secure more land. They prepared for this moment to start insourcing."
Not to fart in a crowded elevator, but what kind of perks and subsidies did it take for Master Lock to 'secure more land'?
My only point is that I hope this is not a case where private enterprise is artificially propped up by govt $$$.
"tremendously inconvenience the commuting little people."
Another whining deflection notwithstanding, thank goodness former Rep presidents never inconvenienced the folks.
And please, let the whining and Obama hatred continue.
They could have left, but they didn't,
When did Democrats in the state legislature become opposed to people fleeing the state?
"I do think the hatred of Obama gets in the way of the message of his smarter opponents."
And then there's his not so smart opponents, many of whom post here.
"I do think the hatred of Obama gets in the way of the message of his smarter opponents."
That would be awesome if I hated Obama.
I'm just not in favor of his policies, thanks.
And then there's his not so smart opponents, many of whom post here.
And then there's shiloh, an opponent of being smart, who's many posts here approach a banality event horizon. How's the soup today?
A new jersey last year. A new jersey this year. Could this be Scott Walker's subliminal approach to rubbing Chris Christie's union-busting in Obama's face? All the old bastions of progressive unionism are collapsing.
"And then there's shiloh, an opponent of being smart, who's many posts"
Scott M, whose not who's.
"Scott M, whose not who's."
And then there's shiloh, obsessing over ever single letter I post, allowing his inner typo-nazi free.
It was a good occasion for Obama to meet with the Wisconsin Union Local 1848.
"it's very cool to see Air Force One in person."
Really? It's just a 747.
Although I was just trying to be helpful to my little buddy re: his misuse of words, he then has to call me a nazi as I obviously touched a nerve.
Usually Godwin's Law is reserved for much longer blog discussions, but my groupie SM felt the urge to cut to the chase. :-P
It was a good occasion for Obama to meet with the Wisconsin Union Local 1848.
(laugh) Reminds me of the time during the Presidential campaign of '08. Obama was in Ohio and some numbskull blobber mistook the Ohio State Flag for some home-made banner made for Obama.
shiloh - have you ever met a smart Republican?
Really? It's just a 747.
Come on, now. It's not JUST a 747. I'll bet, though, unlike Tony Stark's, it doesn't have a retractable stripper pole. Well, at least not since Clinton decamped.
@shiloh: You are more pedantic today than usual. Everybody here knows about Godwin's Law.
Alex, personally? or at a blog as there are many smart/astute conservatives at Althouse.
Indeed, if this blog was nothing but yahoo fools, it wouldn't be so appealing.
And if you want 24/7 conservative whining ~ redstate, freeperville, fixednoise blogs are much better outlets.
Forced myself to watch fixed for a couple days after the 2008 election as the whining reached critical mass!
To answer your question, worked in the local county admin building for 5 years and there were several intelligent Reps who were also quite friendly. But this was '91/'95 before the internet started to consume a lot of folk.
shorter shiloh - Since 1995 all Republicans are lizard brained.
shorter shiloh - Since 1995 all Republicans are lizard brained.
Even shorter - Democracy sucks.
shiloh - my god what a little turd you are in our punch bowl.
Barack Hussein Obama, an African/American Muslim, born in Kenya easily being elected the 44th President of the United States of America! :) changed everything, dont'cha know.
ok, ok, Dems and Reps really started to hate each other after Bork was borked :D so Obama's election just exacerbated the situation.
Said a few times never thought an African/American would be elected in my lifetime, so everything else is just icing on the cake.
btw again, thank you's to cheney/bush for makin' it possible.
The yin and yang of politics ...
Said a few times never thought an African/American would be elected in my lifetime, so everything else is just icing on the cake.
What a sad little man you are if THIS is what makes your life complete.
In my day I covered a few of the Master Lock union strikes, and I suspect old dead eyes just didn't want to appear in front of them with any politician Republican or Democrat.
"our punch bowl"
Please define "our"? lol you and that mouse in your pocket ...
btw, re: blog politics, have and always will be an independent contractor as being part a group is soooo yesterday. :-P
Again no Alex, but as already mentioned, I do find Althouse's flock ad nauseam whining somewhat entertaining. If taken in moderation.
Were you raised a bigot, or did you pick that up after moving off the compound?
So...your view is that the only thing that made it possible for a black man to get elected president was for the situation to be so screwed up that people would deign vote for him? Things have to be shitty to resort to the black guy?
shiloh like all true bigots is unaware of his hatred or he justifies it.
Indeed, if this blog was nothing but yahoo fools, it wouldn't be so appealing.
Neither would watching you beclown yourself.
Blogger Alex said...
" shiloh like all true bigots is unaware of his hatred or he justifies it.
2/15/12 3:35 PM
Blogger Alex said...
shiloh like all true bigots is unaware of his hatred or he justifies it.
2/15/12 3:35 PM"
Alex, it became apparent right after I started posting here that many of Althouse conservatives considered you a joke er the blog court jester. Probably because of your wishy/washy nature re: politics. Indeed, like mittens, no core convictions.
take care
And I bet he didn't do the third finger salute your man Obama used to give Hillary.
Scott M.,
No, it is just another 747, albeit with a fancy paint job.
Then again, I may be jaded. Living just 5 miles NW of the north end of McChord's runway (and growing up around here) I got to see plenty of low-altitude approaches of C-5A's when they used to visit, the (very) occasional fly-by of a B-1 and even a B-2 once, plus frequent drives by BFI where you can sometimes see AWACS and other interesting things on the ground.
Yep, just another 747.
numbskull blobber
blogger! Not blobber, although the typo makes me chuckle.
The flu-ridden construction is strange because it sounds like flea-ridden. It should be flu-wracked or flu-stricken. See, he's crawling with bugs.
"Said a few times never thought an African/American would be elected in my lifetime, so everything else is just icing on the cake."
Guantanamo is icing on the cake?
Or ongoing drone use?
Or Bush-era tax cut continuations?
Please elaborate.
Meanwhile, Forbes writer Rick Ungar exposes Walker's budget lies.
In a letter sent by Mike Huebsch, Walker’s Administration Secretary, to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services just two months ago, Huebsch disclosed that the state of Wisconsin would have an ‘undisclosed deficit’ from January, 2012 through June, 2013.
It seems that while Governor Walker now chooses to use cash basis accounting rather than a more honest representation of the state’s finances—at least when reporting his results to the people of Wisconsin—Candidate Walker saw it very differently. In fact, in 2010, Walker vigorously campaigned on the importance of ridding the state of this distorted method of accounting, going so far as to state on his campaign website that he would “Require the use of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) to balance every state budget, just as we require every local government and school district to do.”
Alpha, Wisconsin still does have budget issues. Governor Walker is on the right path though. What would the Demcorats do to fix the continuing budget issues?
Breaking News: Obama had Drooling Obamafan at Hello
Shiloh. Lots of Republicans voted for Obama for the very reason that he is black. I never heard one conservative remark on the color of his skin except to note the remarkable positive progress the country had made in the last forty years. You continue to suggest that his race has something to do with animus to his policies. Do you have problems with Obama because he is black or do you think we can't identify your biases because you masquerade as a liberal? Your repeated suggestion that conservatives were shocked that a black could be president implies you hang with a low life crowd, are poorly educated or think that by repeating a lie it becomes true. You should cut it out.
Breaking News: Drooling Obamafan Triumphs Over Spelling Errors, Issues Correction
Breaking News: Drooling Obamafan Notes Cheers for Obama by Captive Audience
Chuck, once I perfect my alternate universe time travel machine, I will go and find out and report back.
I expect the answer is "shared sacrifice." It would entail cuts such as we saw the unions offer (which Mayor Barrett, Walker's opponent has demanded in Milwaukee), spending cuts and elimination of useless corporate tax breaks that do not "trickle down" to create jobs.
Did you know Wisconsin under Scott Walker leads the nation in job losses?
“Require the use of generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) to balance every state budget, just as we require every local government and school district to do.”
If the federal gov't was required to do that, they would have to immedietly set up a reserve for $100,000,000,000,000 of unfunded liabilities in Big Entitelement/
Which Democrat plans would cause private employers to create jobs in Wisconsin?
Breaking News: Drooling Obamafan Ponders Possibility That "Flu-Ridden" Governor Is Actually Stealth Bioweapon
Breaking News: Drooling Obamafan Reads Much Too Much Into Ritual Tarmac Shirt Gifting
Not breaking news: Amartel is a complete bore.
Did you know Wisconsin under Scott Walker leads the nation in job losses?
If that's true, with Wisconsin at over 83% white, wouldn't that be necessary social justice?
More horseshit in denial of obvious conservative racism:
I never heard one conservative remark on the color of his skin
Lush Windbag:
“it is only Obama’s skin color that is standing between him and the pitchforks of the Congressional Black Caucus.”
Screecher Michelle Malkin:
During the 2007-2008 primary season, Emanuel Cleaver endorsed Hillary, so possibly it’s not all about race. But now that I think about it, Hillary is the wife of the first black president, so maybe that takes us back to square one.
The Harpy Ann Coulter:
“Voters with forty years of politically correct education are ecstatic to have the first Black president. They just love the idea even if we did get Flavor Flav instead of Thomas Sowell.”
And, of course, there is the famous, and widely used, Tea Party photo rendering of President Obama as a witch doctor.
Gee, Scott M, thanks for backing up my point about conservative racism.
If that's true, with Wisconsin at over 83% white, wouldn't that be necessary social justice?
Alpha, you seem awfully obesessed with skin color. Are you a racist?
"Please elaborate."
That Obama continues to drive conservatives, here and elsewhere, totally bat shit crazy !!! would "alone" be worth my ROI ie the (2) donations made to Obama's 2008 campaign. The only two I have ever made to a political candidate.
But also ...
No. 4: Extend child tax credits and marriage-penalty fixes
No. 16: Increase minority access to capital
No. 33: Establish a credit card bill of rights
No. 36: Expand loan programs for small businesses
No. 37: Extend the Bush tax cuts for lower incomes
No. 38: Extend the Bush tax cuts for those making less than $250,000 (couples) or $200,000 (single)
No. 48: Close the “doughnut hole” in Medicare prescription drug plan
No. 51: Require insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions
No. 53: Give tax credits to those who need help to pay health premiums
No. 55: Require large employers to contribute to a national health plan
No. 56: Require children to have health insurance coverage
No. 57: Expand eligibility for Medicaid
No. 58: Expand eligibility for State Children’s Health Insurance Fund (SCHIP)
No. 63: Require health plans to disclose how much of the premium goes to patient care
No. 65: Establish an independent health institute to provide accurate and objective information
No. 69: In non-competitive markets, force insurers to pay out a reasonable share of their premiums for patient care
No. 70: Eliminate the higher subsidies to Medicare Advantage plans
No. 93: Reinstate executive order to hire an additional 100,000 federal employees with disabilities within five years.
No. 105: Increase the Veterans Administration budget to recruit and retain more mental health
No. 109: Fully fund the Veterans Administration
No. 113: Expand the Veterans Administration’s number of “centers of excellence” in specialty care
No. 121: Fully fund the Violence Against Women Act
No. 125: Direct military leaders to end war in Iraq
No. 126: Begin removing combat brigades from Iraq
No. 132: No permanent bases in Iraq
No. 161: End the abuse of supplemental budgets for war
Gee, Scott M, thanks for backing up my point about conservative racism.
Using the word "conservative" in front of racism is a tacit admission that there is "liberal" racism. Otherwise, you would just call it racism without the need to delineate it, wouldn't you, AL?
So...how long have you been a liberal racist? As long as shiloh, or are you just getting started?
No. 167: Make U.S. military aid to Pakistan conditional on anti-terror efforts
No. 172: Open “America Houses” in Islamic cities around the globe
No. 182: Allocate Homeland Security funding according to risk
No. 195: Seek verifiable reductions in nuclear stockpiles
No. 196: Extend monitoring and verification provisions of the START I Treaty
No. 197: Stand down nuclear forces to be reduced under the Moscow Treaty
No. 215: Create a rapid response fund for emerging democracies
No. 222: Grant Americans unrestricted rights to visit family and send money to Cuba
No. 225: Establish an Energy Partnership for the Americas
No. 229: Expand the Nurse-Family Partnership to all low-income, first-time mothers
No. 239: Release presidential records
No. 241: Require new hires to sign a form affirming their hiring was not due to political affiliation or contributions.
No. 244: Provide affordable, high-quality child care
No. 247: Recruit math and science degree graduates to the teaching profession
No. 259: Reduce subsidies to private student lenders and protect student borrowers
No. 269: Increase funding for national parks and forests
No. 275: Expand Pell grants for low-income students
No. 290: Push for enactment of Matthew Shepard Act, which expands hate crime law to include sexual orientation and other factors
No. 293: Repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy
No. 315: Establish ‘Promise Neighborhoods’ for areas of concentrated poverty
No. 359: Rebuild schools in New Orleans
No. 371: Fund a major expansion of AmeriCorps
No. 411: Work to overturn Ledbetter vs. Goodyear
No. 422: Create new financial regulations
No. 427: Ban lobbyist gifts to executive employees
No. 433: Sign a “universal” health care bill
No. 435: Create new criminal penalties for mortgage fraud
No. 449: Raise fuel economy standards
No. 458: Invest in all types of alternative energy
No. 483: Invest in public transportation
No. 495: Double federal spending for research on clean fuels
No. 500: Increase funding for the Environmental Protection Agency
No. 507: Extend unemployment insurance benefits and temporarily suspend taxes on these benefits
No. 513: Reverse restrictions on stem cell research
And add the icing on the cake! :)
take care, blessings
hmm, I've sandwiched my lemming, Scott M lol
"Another whining deflection notwithstanding, thank goodness former Rep presidents never inconvenienced the folks."
1. you're an idiot.
2. they have.
3. much complaining when they do, as no one gives a rat's ass that they are stuck in traffic because someone they voted for are insensitive to their needs.
4. you're an idiot.
5. see 1. and 4.
Shiloh, why are you saying it is good that Barry Obama has created all of these massive gov't programs and spending when the nation is $15,000,000,000,000 in debt? I see nothing about trying to scale back the annual budget deficits.
"Please elaborate."
No. 4: Extend child tax credits and marriage-penalty fixes
No. 16: Increase minority access to capital
No. 33: Establish a credit card bill of rights
No. 36: Expand loan programs for small businesses
No. 37: Extend the Bush tax cuts for lower incomes
No. 38: Extend the Bush tax cuts for those making less than $250,000 (couples) or $200,000 (single)
No. 48: Close the “doughnut hole” in Medicare prescription drug plan
No. 51: Require insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions
No. 53: Give tax credits to those who need help to pay health premiums
No. 55: Require large employers to contribute to a national health plan
No. 56: Require children to have health insurance coverage
No. 57: Expand eligibility for Medicaid
No. 58: Expand eligibility for State Children’s Health Insurance Fund (SCHIP)
No. 63: Require health plans to disclose how much of the premium goes to patient care
No. 65: Establish an independent health institute to provide accurate and objective information
No. 69: In non-competitive markets, force insurers to pay out a reasonable share of their premiums for patient care
No. 70: Eliminate the higher subsidies to Medicare Advantage plans
No. 93: Reinstate executive order to hire an additional 100,000 federal employees with disabilities within five years.
No. 105: Increase the Veterans Administration budget to recruit and retain more mental health
No. 109: Fully fund the Veterans Administration
Take 2
Shiloh, will you do me a favor? How many of those points you posted start out with the words "expand" or "require"?
Scott M, you are getting pretty desperate. Or you're drunk. Could be both, I guess.
"Please elaborate."
Repeating, that Obama continues to drive conservatives, here and elsewhere, totally bat shit crazy would be ROI alone for my (2) 2008 Obama campaign donations. The only two I have ever made to a political candidate.
But there's so much more ...
Here's what Obama didn't campaign on:
Launching missles into Pakistan to murder people convicted of no crimes (and anyone around them)
Continue illegal warrantless domestic spying
Anti-Catholic bigotry
$1.7 trillion annual budget deficits (or whatever it is)
And on and on and on
No. 109: Fully fund the Veterans Administration
Laugh out loud funny.
Hey, what does "fully fund" mean?
Oh, you mean there is no definition and it is a silly slogan which Shiloh uncritically accepts?!
Good Lord Shiloh! That's a shocking list of statist expansion!
No wonder you're so proud.
More bullshit:
Anti-Catholic bigotry
Please explain why the Catholic bishops should have the power to force their religious doctrine into the medical decisions of non-Catholics?
So you cons now want to have our personal medical and medicinal cleared through Catholic Bishops?
That's fascinating hypocrisy to talk about religious freedom while demanding other people kneel under the power of the Bishops to have them control the intimate details of our lives.
Oh, you should revisit the Ninth Commandment. Something in there for you to reflect on with the proper Christian humility. (ha)!
AlphaLiberal said...
More horseshit in denial of obvious conservative racism:
Um, "racism" doesn't mean what you think it means.
I mean, it's no wonder the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and printing presses have been running non stop!
I would like to thank the Bishops, evangelicals and other Republicans, though, for clarifying that they are not only opposed to abortion but also opposed to the most successful way to reduce abortions: contraception.
It makes it very clear they want to control other peoples' (or, women's) sex lives.
AlphaLiberal said...
Please explain why the Catholic bishops should have the power to force their religious doctrine into the medical decisions of non-Catholics?
Of course Catholics are trying to do no such thing.
By the way, the number of times you've criticized Obama for using the Bible to justify higher tax rates remains at zero.
AlphaLiberal said...
It makes it very clear they want to control other peoples' (or, women's) sex lives.
Yes, because they like called on banning contraceptives!
Alpha Liberal, the brown shirts in the HHS has ordered religious institutions to puchase products and give them free of charge to their employees.
Do you think Muslim owned businesses should be forced to serve their employees free bacon?
What is even funnier about shiloh's list is that today's gallup poll noted:
Health Costs, Gov't Regulations Curb Small Business Hiring
But cheer on expanding government, bozo!
for clarifying that they are not only opposed to abortion but also opposed to the most successful way to reduce abortions: contraception.
Ignorant liberal figures out Catholic Bishops are opposed to contraception.
No, I don't, Chuck. like red herring much?
Do you also think that Muslims should be able to control the medicinal/medical decisions of non-Muslims.
And that is not what they required. They required the same thing as the rule promulgated under the bush Administration, which is that there should be no gender bias i the provision of medical services. (Suggest you look it up)
Funny how the Bishops didn't bitch when Bush did it.
I understand this year's version of the 'flu is lousy bad; I hope the Gov has a quick recovery.
And keep it away from my kid! He has to stay healthy through Saturday!
Jay, I have long said that Catholics and other so-called "pro-lifers" are opposed to contraception. Yet here on these very pages I had con's argue that is just not the case.
Again, do you think that religious people should have more power over the lives of others?
Do you also think that Muslims should be able to control the medicinal/medical decisions of non-Muslims
You understand that no Catholic or other religious person was trying to do this, right?
Because you keep repeating it as if it were true.
Alpha, I used to work for a large corporation that was very liberal and PC. They didn't buy me a free gun. Does that mean that they tried to prevent me from owning a gun, which I can do under the 2nd amendment? Should the gov't require all employers to purchase free guns for their employers?
AlphaLiberal said...
Jay, I have long said that Catholics and other so-called "pro-lifers" are opposed to contraception. Yet here on these very pages I had con's argue that is just not the case.
Um, no, what you've heard is that Catholics aren't trying to ban contraception.
The fact that you can't understand the difference speaks volumes about your intelligence level.
When Bush did the same thing Obama did, it was okay.
Funny how that works.
They required the same thing as the rule promulgated under the bush Administration,
No they didn't, you liar.
AlphaLiberal said...
When Bush did the same thing Obama did, it was okay.
Except Bush didn't do the same thing since this was all part of Obamacare.
Note: nobody, not even Obama disputes this.
You are an idiot of the first order.
Maybe instead of this nonsense you'd consider discussing whether or not you think the argument that the HHS regulations violated federal law.
Now Tom INAL but I think he's right, and I am one.
Jay, you know my words are right here, right? I never said they were trying to "ban contraception."
Although Rick Santorum has called for exactly that buy calling for states to have the power to ban contraception.
AlphaLiberal said...
When Bush did the same thing Obama did, it was okay.
From your own link
In December 2000, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ruled that companies that provided prescription drugs to their employees but didn't provide birth control were in violation of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act,
Of course anyone reading understands December 2000, isn't "the Bush Administration"
You can't post without lying.
AlphaLiberal said...
Jay, you know my words are right here, right? I never said they were trying to "ban contraception.
You said this:
It makes it very clear they want to control other peoples' (or, women's) sex lives.
In December 2000, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ruled that companies that provided prescription drugs to their employees but didn't provide birth control were in violation of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which prevents discrimination on the basis of sex. That opinion, which the George W. Bush administration did nothing to alter or withdraw when it took office the next month, is still in effect today—and because it relies on Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, it applies to all employers with 15 or more employees. Employers that don't offer prescription coverage or don't offer insurance at all are exempt, because they treat men and women equally—but under the EEOC's interpretation of the law, you can't offer other preventative care coverage without offering birth control coverage, too.
No they didn't! No they didn't! LIAR! LIAR! LIAR! IDIOT! LIAR! LIAR! LIAR!
AlphaLiberal said...
When Bush did the same thing Obama did, it was okay.
You are a shameless liar.
Jay, you really are incredibly stupid.
"ban contraception" is a different thing than "they want to control other peoples' (or, women's) sex lives."
Have you heard of "abstinence campaigns?" Or perhaps opposition to sex ed?
How old are you? 13?
Shorter Shiloh and Alpha:
Make up a bunch of scary non-truths about the opposition in order to mask/distract from the real loss of freedom(s).
AlphaLiberal said...
"ban contraception" is a different thing than "they want to control other peoples' (or, women's) sex lives."
So in other words, you're just shouting slogans, right?
I mean all your silly Catholic bishops should have the power to force their religious doctrine is just nonsense then, correct?
Alpha, so under Slick Willie, the EEOC said all employers have to give free birthcare to their employees. But apparently this was a toothless ruling as it has not been in affect for the past 11+ years.
AlphaLiberal said...
Jay, you really are incredibly stupid.
I'm not the one asserting the Bush Administration put a rule in place in Dec 2000.
As Althouse conservatives continue to ...
wait for it ...
wait for it ...
wait for it ...
whine about Obama!
Praise the Lord! :)
Cue the ad nauseam, "attemped" sarcastic replies comparing Obama to the almighty.
And so it goes.
More good news for the Althouse suck-ups:
Voters are becoming more optimistic about the state of the economy and, at the same time, are viewing the president more positively.
A New York Times/CBS News poll finds that President Obama’s approval has hit 50 percent, the highest it’s been since May 2010, as Republican voters are also disillusioned by their party’s candidates for the presidency.
shiloh said...
As Althouse conservatives continue to ...
whine about Obama!
Shiloh, I found a picture of you.
Good times, good times, just a few years ago...
Let's see who can get Love to channel and to sound like Jeremy first.
I love revisiting that article:
In the angry life of Maryscott O'Connor, the rage begins as soon as she opens her eyes and realizes that her president is still George W. Bush. The sun has yet to rise and her family is asleep, but no matter; as soon as the realization kicks in, O'Connor, 37, is out of bed and heading toward her computer.
Out there, awaiting her building fury: the Angry Left, where O'Connor's reputation is as one of the angriest of all. "One long, sustained scream" is how she describes the writing she does for various Web logs, as she wonders what she should scream about this day.
A New York Times/CBS News poll finds that President Obama’s approval has hit 50 percent
OH gee!!
I bet they sampled just a few Democrats too!
Jay, have already put you on my groupie list so no need to keep trying to be one of my pets.
Although you could try to be #1. Indeed, a very lofty goal! :-P
Jay - As much as I loathe enaging you in any way, shape or form...can you explain what makes you say that Alpha
asserted "the Bush Administration put a rule in place in Dec 2000?"
His comment clearly says the following:
"In December 2000, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ruled that companies that provided prescription drugs to their employees but didn't provide birth control were in violation of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which prevents discrimination on the basis of sex.
That opinion, which the George W. Bush administration did nothing to alter or withdraw when it took office the next month, is still in effect today—and because it relies on Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, it applies to all employers with 15 or more employees."
There's no "assertion" regarding Bush "putting anything in place."
Only that "the George W. Bush administration did nothing to alter or withdraw when it took office."
What is it that you don't understand?
That poll is a LIE!
Love said...
Jay - As much as I loathe enaging you in any way, shape or form...can you explain what makes you say that Alpha
asserted "the Bush Administration put a rule in place in Dec 2000?"
Yes, the comment you conveniently skipped over:
AlphaLiberal said...
When Bush did the same thing Obama did, it was okay.
Funny how that works.
2/15/12 5:00 PM
Now quick, start backpedaling and parsing!
Yeah, the New York Times/CBS News polling organization only call Democrats.
I swear...you're like a ten-year old child.
There's no "assertion" regarding Bush "putting anything in place."
You mean other than saying "Bush did the same thing Obama did" right?
Jay, are you off your meds? Rhetorical.
Love said...
Yeah, the New York Times/CBS News polling organization only call Democrats.
Of course that isn't what I said.
Why don't you link to it so we can see the sample love?
Jay - Do you understand that when a new adminstration takes office, as Bush did in 2000, and when they did, they "did nothing to alter or withdraw when it took office the next month, is still in effect today"...that that in fact means they did indeed approve of the very same thing Clinton had in place before they took office?
Or in Alpha's words: "When Bush did the same thing Obama did, it was okay."
Other than spewing your standard nonsense, what is it you're trying to say?
Oh, never mind love I found it.
The latest New York Times/CBS News poll is based on telephone interviews conducted Feb. 8 through Feb. 13 with 1,197 adults throughout the United States. Of these, 1,064 said they were registered to vote
That is laugh out loud funny.
By the way, on the same page they have a graphic with the President's approval rating at 46%.
Jay - "Of course that isn't what I said."
This is exactly what you said: "I bet they sampled just a few Democrats too!"
Does that not infer the NYT/CBS polls only included Democrats?
Are you drunk?
that that in fact means they did indeed approve of the very same thing Clinton had in place before they took office?
Thanks for proving my point.
Really, you are dumb beyond words.
Love said...
This is exactly what you said: "I bet they sampled just a few Democrats too!"
Does that not infer the NYT/CBS polls only included Democrats?
Um no, moron. It infers they over sample Democrats.
Isn't reading fun?
.that that in fact means they did indeed approve of the very same thing Clinton had in place before they took office?
they had a different reading of the rule as did several courts which struck it down did.
Andy R. said...
I wonder if this cooperation and photo opportunity is Walker signaling that he thinks Obama is going to win.
It is Walker being a grown up.
Jay - "That is laugh out loud funny."
What exactly is laugh out loud funny about the polling stats?
The numbers they cite reflect a standard number and cross-section of likely or registered voters.
How many people do you think polling organizations poll?
I should clarify, since love reads at a 5th grade level.
The next year, in Erickson v. Bartell Drug Co., a federal court agreed with the EEOC's reasoning. Reproductive rights groups and others used that decision as leverage to force other companies to settle lawsuits and agree to change their insurance plans to include birth control. Some subsequent court decisions echoed Erickson, and some went the other way
So in other words, not only was the rule not put in place by Bush, there was a legal dispute over the application of the rule.
Saying "Bush did it" is so dishonest, that only a leftist would do such a thing.
The numbers they cite reflect a standard number and cross-section of likely or registered voters.
Um, false.
Adults are not "likely voters"
You can't post without lying.
Can't wait for Garage's reaction to this
Garage earlier: "There's no voter fraud in Wisconsin!"
Bush visited Wisconsin in 2006, February 21st, to promote alternative energies..
He must have gone in secretly...
Like going to Iraq for thanksgiving.
Can't wait for Garage's reaction to this
First thing that jumped out at me is singing a petition has nothing to with voting.
I do remember all the hullabaloo about Mickey Mouse and Hitler singing petitions. Out of the 86000+ sigs in the senate recall petitions, only one fake name is even being challenged.
Jay - Are you daft?
"1,197 adults throughout the United States. Of these, 1,064 said they were registered to vote"
What is it you're missing here?
1,064 of these "adults" were "registered to vote."
I would assume that most people who "register to vote" would be the most likely to...vote.
The numbers they use are standard for major polling organizations.
You just don't understand...and never will. (Inferring that I'm "lying??" About what??)
That's it: no more back and forth...I've already wasteed enough time with your nonsensical comments.
First thing that jumped out at me is singing a petition has nothing to with voting.
First thing that jumped out at me was fraud. I guess we differ on the definition.
First thing that jumped out at me was fraud. I guess we differ on the definition.
You said voter fraud. And you got snookered by that Colonel Mustard link. So Mission Accomplished.
fwiw love I don't think you are lying. I think you are ignorant of what a likely voter is in reference to polling.
"Another whining deflection notwithstanding, thank goodness former Rep presidents never inconvenienced the folks."
Except that they did and do.
I lived in San Bernardino when Reagan visited Irvine (I think it was.) The traffic was a mess for THREE DAYS because they had to practice first. I'm completely catholic on this issue. Presidents, all of them, should stay in DC as much as they possibly can.
Do you know how full of it you are when you cry hypocrisy or claim some sort of double standard that doesn't exist anywhere but in the darkness of your own little mind?
Colonel Mustard link?
Please prove you're not a robot
Althouse has problems with robotic spam?
Half those login passwords are illegible.
First thing that jumped out at me is singing a petition has nothing to with voting.
The first thing that jumped out at me was that singing a petition is not valid. A petition requires signing. It cannot be delivered verbally, whether spoken or sung.
There goes all that word verification fun. :(
"In a letter sent by Mike Huebsch, Walker’s Administration Secretary, to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services just two months ago, Huebsch disclosed that the state of Wisconsin would have an ‘undisclosed deficit’ from January, 2012 through June, 2013."
Liberals are incoherent. Something sounds bad and they have a party instead of thinking about it.
I had *thought*, Alpha, that the True Story was that Wisconsin did not have a budget problem so any cuts that Walker made were out of pure mean-ness.
Thank you for pointing out that even with Walker's cuts and the restraints put on public unions to control the budget, that Wisconsin still needs more cuts in the public sector.
Let the record show jeff and Synova find sarcasm a difficult concept.
"The first thing that jumped out at me" on my first visit here was all the conservative whining!
""ban contraception" is a different thing than "they want to control other peoples' (or, women's) sex lives."
Have you heard of "abstinence campaigns?" Or perhaps opposition to sex ed?"
"Control" is different than "encourage people toward a particular point of view." (And "sex ed" is a parental authority issue.)
If you can't see how encouraging people that you're right about something is different than "control" it may well explain a whole lot about how liberals seem so intent on making laws about every last thing for our own good, and also insist on presenting everyone else as *also* wanting to "control" everyone. After all, is there any other choice once one has an opinion than to attempt to enforce it?
Love said...
Jay - Are you daft?
"1,197 adults throughout the United States. Of these, 1,064 said they were registered to vote"
What is it you're missing here?
I'm not missing anything.
You're beyond ignorant.
Given the fact that you don't understand that polling companies use the term "Likely voter" in a specific way, why are you commenting?
Love said...
That's it: no more back and forth...I've already wasteed enough time with your nonsensical comments.
Of course you're running away because everything you've said has been proven to be idiotic.
Here is some reading on "adults" versus "likely voters" versus "registered voters"
"Jay - Do you understand that when a new adminstration takes office, as Bush did in 2000, and when they did, they "did nothing to alter or withdraw when it took office the next month, is still in effect today"...that that in fact means they did indeed approve of the very same thing Clinton had in place before they took office?"
I'm learning a lot about how other people think.
So as I understand... if an administration does nothing to remove what they don't like when they get in office, that means they DID IT too.
Is there a time limit on that? Are new Presidents required to sift through everything that was done by previous administrations and issue retractions, and by what date? A month? Two? Four? A year?
Obama sent us to war in Afghanistan? He DID it? Obama instituted Guantanimo? How long did it take Obama to issue the order to remove Bill Clinton's DADT? Did he make the deadline for not being personally responsible for the presidential order creating DADT?
I'm talking about deadlines here, not because it isn't silly to expect a President to do any of this, to prioritize every single last thing they don't happen to personally endorse that was passed or put in place by those who went before, but assuming this silly assertion is true... how long does a President have before it's the same as doing it?
I'd like clarity so we can hold Obama to the same standard.
There's a drooling Obamafan swarm in here today. Flies on the bloated rotting carcass of big government.
Good post. And you forgot to list the Bush tax cuts!
Colonel Mustard link?
That smells like a scandal to me.
A wingnut classic.
garage wrote: That smells like a scandal to me.
A wingnut classic.
Looks like good old-fashioned levity from the get-go to me. I thought you were going to link to something which was debunked.
You know, like all your Walker scandals?
I guess you to have been there garage. I'd never seen it. In retrospect it looks like somebody was having fun.
Plus I think LI is an underrated blog. I just registered to start commenting over there.
Hey, garage. No fair deleting a comment I responded to.
It amazes me how this blog jumped into the politics of the pelvis- especially a women's pelvis, but of course the Catholic Church has alway been a the forefront of that regulation while not caring too much about the regulation of a man's pelvis-- especially for the Priests. But the point is the Church does not have the right to determine the practices of its employees in colleges and hospitals, just as Christian Scientist do not determine the choices of it employees. in newspapers and reading centers. It seems the Church wants to limit my freedom of choice and it strikes me as strange that all these Althouse conservatives will line up with that philosophy.
It was hilarious. Intentional or not.
RV. The church does not want to "limit your choices" whatever that might mean. They do not want to be compelled to pay for what they do not believe in, for what they deem to be immoral. What is so difficult to understand about that? Buy your own goddamn contraceptives is what the church is saying, not you cant have any.
@roeschv--It's kind of late in the thread to start trying to provoke people with a comment that you know perfectly well is nonsense.
Me too, but this isn't helping.
It seems the Church wants to limit my freedom of choice and it strikes me as strange that all these Althouse conservatives will line up with that philosophy.
How is your choice limited-not someone else. Do you shop at churches? If so, you need to change venues.
I wouldn't say hilarious. Mischeivious perhaps.
I laugh at that stuff like you laugh at Dan Savage's pranks.
There's a deep cleavage in America these days.
And I, for one, am grateful to Kate Upton for providing it.
@roesch/voltaire: No way in hell has Althouse begun to plumb the pelvic privacies the way Sullivan did. But I suppose you clapped for that.
@Chip: Nice!
Thankfully there's one issue that can all agree on--the swimsuit issue.
In case you hadn't noticed the Insurance provider will provide for the payment of birth control, just as they do at most major Catholic universities and hospitals and it should be the rights of the employees to make that decision without being forced to act against their will. And chicken as far as I read, Althouse did not engage in pelvic politics in this thread so what are you talking about with your red herring Sullivan? Hey at least I didn't directly mention the pedophile scandal that has been covered up for centuries.
Roesch-V: "Politics of the Pelvis" was your phrase, not mine.
So you define it please, or choose another phrase.
I'm always willing to admit when I'm wrong, and apparently I was wrong to suppose that you understood the insurance issue, rv. Apologies for that.
Now then...
Insurance coverage is one part of the salary & benefits package agreed to by both employer and employee. (This much should be evident to you from the differences you claim exist between the contracts offered by Catholic universities and those offered by other Catholic institutions.)
Given that fact, it follows that employees aren't being denied anything when they agree to a particular benefits package. OTOH, when the government steps in to mandate coverage, then employees are being denied something: the right not to pay for something they don't value at the cost of its provision.
And if you don't think that employees pay for their health insurance, then you fundamentally misunderstand the nature of employment contracts.
It nice to see the president act like the president of all the country, not just the democratic party. Glad we have photos!
All I know is Steve Jobs tried to explain to Obama why manufacturing jobs were leaving this country and there was no reply.
"But the point is the Church does not have the right to determine the practices of its employees in colleges and hospitals,.."
Quite right. And they are powerless to do so. The only organization with the power to do that is our government.
The only organization DOING so, is our government.
The church, any church, can only make rules for their own organization and their voluntary adherents, and even there the worst they can do is count a person not-a-member if they don't follow the rules. Mostly churches don't even attempt to do that. Mostly what they attempt is to provide clarity on what people are supposed to do, and then forgive them when they fail.
Government, on the other hand, can and does force people to comply with whatever government has decided they ought to do. And instead of just ignoring those who don't comply, or forgiving them, the power of law is used to punish and coerce.
"It amazes me how this blog jumped into the politics of the pelvis- especially a women's pelvis"
Hmm, how did orthopædics come into this discussion?
Can we jump into the politics of the coccyx? How about the politics of the manubrium? Or the metaphysics of the ossicles? How about the semiotics of the hyoid?
I do not know the meaning of those mysterious words but I sense they will not help me to pry open a recalcitrant unyielding corner of some future crossword.
roesch/voltaire said...
In case you hadn't noticed the Insurance provider will provide for the payment of birth control,
In case you hadn't noticed, the Catholic institution is paying the insurance company.
RV. I dont think you understand the issue. At all.
"It amazes me how this blog jumped into the politics of the pelvis- especially a women's pelvis"
Spare us the "shocked, shocked!" routine, RV. It's transparent bullshit. The Administration jumped into womens' ladybits first -- and Althouse just followed along after, like all the other news organs and current events blogs in the country.
No. 449: Raise fuel economy standards
The current administration in a nutshell.
LOL. Make it so number 1!
Did I say beclown? I meant.......... no beclown covers it perfectly.
Wow--this thread went to hell in a hurry--paging Meade--clean up on this thread
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