... Stephen Glasser, an optometrist in downtown Washington, tells ITK that while they might seem harmless, glitter bombs can cause real damage: “If it gets into the eyes, the best scenario is it can irritate, it can scratch. Worst scenario is it can actually create a cut. As the person blinks, it moves the glitter across the eye and can actually scratch the cornea.” Although not likely, it can even cause a potential loss of sight.Is this enough to dispel the illusion that glitter bombing is fabulous and funny?
That’s almost what happened to one of Glasser’s patients, who was out at a New Year’s Eve soiree where partygoers were tossing glitter around: “It literally scratched not the cornea, but the white of the eye … [S]ince [glitter isn’t] exactly what you’d call sterile, there’s not only a chance of a scratch, but giving the person an infection.”...
“If the person’s breathing in, it can be drawn up into the nose and into the sinuses and cause one hell of an infection that’s difficult to get rid of because it’s literally an object... that highly irritates the tissue,” says the doctor.
११८ टिप्पण्या:
Is this enough to dispel the illusion that glitter bombing is fabulous and funny?
Um, no.
The good news is that the percent of the population believing glitter bombing is fabulous and funny tops out at about 5%.
PS, when are these courageous white gays going to glitter bomb the anti-gay marriage black bigot in the White House? Or is he too scary because he's black?
I think glitter bombing is stupid and people should stop doing it.
The Left should go back to just trying to shout everyone down.
What AndyR said. And Andy even wears a glitter avoidance device on his head.
You'd think the potential damage would be obvious. Water bombs!!
All along, it has seemed like some form of assault to me because of the possibility of real harm being done. I hope the charges don't get dropped. There should be consequences. just like for the kid who hacked Sarah Palin's email.
Funny. Last night's episode of Royal Pains had exactly that scenario. In the show a stage actor's cornea was scratched by a glitter bomb.
I approve arresting the person who bombed with glitter.
The kid who tired to glitter bomb Romney forgot he is now guarded by the Secret Service and they did a quick job getting him out of there.
If you have never had a scratch on your cornea you have no idea how truly painful it is.
This people are idiots - but - should that surprise anyone?
Alright Dr. Smartypants, try to find the danger in a thrown banana cream pie.
How long before we adopt a speed limit for carrying scissors?
This kind of over concern for safety is destroying our world.
Now you can't play ball or frizbee on L.A. beaches. $1000 fine.
Get a grip people. The worst thing that's gonna happen to you is growing old and realizing you could have done much more if you weren't so damned scared all the time.
How about a scratched eye for a scratched eye? The Judge needs creative sentencing options.
Andy R. said...
I think glitter bombing is stupid and people should stop doing it.
Shocking that your fellow butt-pirates are the ones that use this non-conventional, yet fierce form of protest. It's all so super and glittery and stuff.
An unlawful act on school property?
Do we really need a law that says "it's illeagal to break the law here."?
Jay said,
"PS, when are these courageous white gays going to glitter bomb the anti-gay marriage black bigot in the White House? Or is he too scary because he's black?"
Excellent question!
Why does AndyR support Obama? Why does AndyR hate the gays?
I think it is for book throwing.
You mean to tell me that if Romney wins the election there will be no exposure to glitter?
We're lucky we haven't lost millions of eyes in New Year's Eve tragedies.
We are losing our collective minds and the will to live.
While Andy and I may not agree on politics, I am in agreement with his comment--Well done, Andy
Sorun said:
"Alright Dr. Smartypants, try to find the danger in a thrown banana cream pie."
The danger is going to jail if you throw it at the wrong person.
"Provocateurs who hit Willie Brown, then the mayor of San Francisco, with three pies in 1998 to protest his policies toward the homeless were convicted on misdemeanor battery charges and sentenced to six months in prison."
Why do not laws against assault and battery cover these pie throwing and glitter bombing cretins? Take em out and shoot em--the problem goes away. (oops--not politically correct--freedom of speech and all that jive fucking bull shit)
Is this enough to dispel the illusion that glitter bombing is fabulous and funny?
Mom's right. They should knock it off.
I got a scratched cornea when I was a kid (wrong end of a snowball). It was painful, but worst was that I wasn't allowed to read or watch TV for about 10 days. Moving one eye moves the other; moving the scratched eye delays healing. Lying in bed for 10 days, staring at the ceiling while feeling perfectly healthy really bit it.
Add to the chorus I must. When Hatman's right, he's right.
Jay said...
PS, when are these courageous white gays going to glitter bomb the anti-gay marriage black bigot in the White House? Or is he too scary because he's black?
Thing is, some security guard for a celeb or pol who's been threatened may take an attack as being just that and the bomber will get hurt - seriously.
Kudos to Andy R. and Roger J.
It's obviously a form of terrorism because at first the candidate doesn't know what hit them. It could be anthrax, or some other poisonous substance. The bodyguards should shoot anyone who's in the act of throwing something at a candidate. There's no time to wait and see what's been thrown.
Alright Dr. Smartypants, try to find the danger in a thrown banana cream pie.
And in Europe, such pies were found to contain adulterants such as lye and HIV-infected semen.
I personally wrote that jackass sheriff [Dupnil] (the same guy in the Jared Loughner affair when Ann Coulter was pied, providing him with the European story links, and suggesting that those pies be tested. He wrote back saying that of course he would not test it. Besides it had already been destroyed. They told him they had baked the pies themselves. He didn't respond when I told him that cream pies were not baked.
I think this is what the administration has planned for Iran. Therefore the disagreement with Israel.
Sheriff Dupnik.
We should stop glitter bombing, and start tarring and glittering. That would avoid eye contact.
I also used to employ cheap theatrics in lieu of thoughtful persuasion, but then I turned 11.
Liberals are responsible people, right? Once they are made aware that glitter bombing is not harmless, they will stop, and will instead create new and better ways to express themselves politically.
Besides, glitter bombing is old now... and it doesn't get the media attention.
You need to get the media attention! Otherwise, what's the point? Might as well just sputter your political opinions in your pajamas, on a blog like this one. (Or on a liberal echo-chamber blog if you want to do it the easy way!)
Althouse. Like Group Psychotherapy. But cheaper.
All these pie, glitter and whatnot attacks are a giggly way of reminding people that they are vulnerable to attack.
Typical lib fascism.
bagoh20, I generally agree, but I don't think there was ever a time when we enjoyed having random people throw stuff in our faces.
Of course, back then the 90-pound weakling would go take some classes from Charles Atlas and punch the next guy who tried it. Whereas now all interpersonal conflict must be mediated via lawyers, public health officials, and cops with tasers.
Darrell: "...cream pies were not baked."
I can assure you that actual banana cream (and butterscotch and lemon meringue) pies are all baked.
There might be no-bake recipes out there, but those aren't really pies. This is my domain, Darrell, please don't attempt to argue with me on this point.
The real danger here is: This sort of glitter-bombing and pie-throwing is effectively a dry run. After tackling dozens of harmless but obnoxious glitter bombers, security people are going to be just a little less quick to respond with appropriate levels of defensive aggression to a real assassin.
"Here's another stupid kid rushing the stage," they'll think. "I wonder if it's banana or coconut cream?" And they don't even bother to unsnap the strap on their holster, and they approach not with an attitude of preventing an assassination, but with concern about injuring this kid being vilified as an anti-free-speech brownshirt goon; and then the kid pulls out a handgun instead of a pastry.
And in the end I think that's what these anarchists with their glitter and pie really want -- blood. They're just too squeamish and cowardly to pull the trigger themselves.
Andy R said
"I think glitter bombing is stupid and people should stop doing it."
Brilliant, captain obvious.
Stoned Julius said
"Liberals are responsible people, right? Once they are made aware that glitter bombing is not harmless, they will stop, and will instead create new and better ways to express themselves politically."
We are doomed.
I'm not sure what these people who throw glitter are attempting to "say" or accomplish, but one thing is certain... If they are mentally unstable enough to pull a stunt like that, and can get close enough to throw glitter, it's only a matter of time before something really bad happens.
It seems like they might be testing the waters, feeling out the security and seeing how close they can get before they do something really stupid, so I'd like to see this nonsense nipped in the bud.
@ Toshstu -
And all that domestic spying, unnecessary use of gratuitous force by the police, wrong-door raids, the TSA and whatnot are a not-so-giggly way of reminding people that they are already dominated by their rulers. Get down on the ground so your better can put his boot on your head, motherfucker!
Typical Rightist fascism.
Lots of "fascism" to go around these days...
It's all fun and games.
Until the hired protection caps your silly ass.
Why are the TSA, wrong door raids, and over eager police right wing? They are all perpetrated by unionized government employees who contribute to lefty pols.
The Glitter Corporations must pay for this. They have wrecked the nation's corneas with impunity for far too long. They have poisoned our lungs, destroyed our sinuses.
Guy in Ohio, it wouldn't be difficult to mix a small amount of biohazard in with the glitter and hand it off to some fool to "glitter bomb" some politician they don't like.
It's also an attempt at political intimidation I can get close enough to you to do this .
For example, [Dan Savage] wrote that in 2000, suffering from the flu while on an assignment for to cover the Iowa caucuses,[21] he was so angered by televised remarks in opposition to same-sex marriage by conservative Republican presidential hopeful Gary Bauer that he abandoned his original plan "to follow one of the loopy conservative Christian candidates around — Bauer or Alan Keyes — and write something insightful and humanizing about him, his campaign, and his supporters."[22] Instead, he volunteered for the Bauer campaign with the intent to infect the candidate with his flu. He wrote that he licked doorknobs and other objects in the campaign office, and handed Bauer a saliva-coated pen, hoping to pass the virus on to Bauer and his supporters (though he later said that much of the article had been fictitious). He also registered and participated in the caucus, which was illegal, as Savage was not an Iowa resident.
Stoned Julius wrote
"Typical Rightist fascism.
Lots of "fascism" to go around these days..."
Um, the 'right' certainly holds no license to fascism, Julius. If you knew what fascism was, you would not make that mistake. BTW, look up 'eugenics'...go ahead - of particular interest of early 'progressives'. Use the intellectually-lazy Wikipedia if you wish.
The real fascism today resides on the political left side of the spectrum.
I agree glitter bombs are a bad idea due to the potential for eye damage.
Don't make victims out of them, they'll never stop whining.
The pie shells are baked using pie weights. The custards--cooked on the stove, then chilled, and the whipped cream are added and refrigerated again. Meringues are a different story, but they're not cream pies, are they? If you are baking a custard/whipped cream pie why would I attempt to argue with such a deranged person?
I eat pies.
"domestic spying, unnecessary use of gratuitous force by the police, wrong-door raids, the TSA and whatnot are a not-so-giggly way of reminding people that they are already dominated by their rulers."
Typical Rightist fascism."
Now endorsed by the elft, for obvious reasons.
Glitter bombing makes all of us gays look like fags. It needs to stop regardless of adverse health effects. It is decidedly unfabulous.
This has been around, but here's Chapelle on 'don't tase me bro.'
(first two-and-half minutes)
When I was a kid one of my buddies got hassled by the Pennsylvania State Police for blowing the slender white flowers from the top of a dandelion at a passing patrol car. I thought then, as I do now, that most cops suffer from testicular insecurity. Hence their need to pounce on anyone who shows even the most insignificant disrespect.
I think the next glitter bomb victim should give the next glitter bomb thrower a swift punch in the nose. A nice hard one that breaks it and makes it bleed quite heavily so that the TV cameras focus on it.
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Anything you can do is appreciated. Thank you
Alright Dr. Smartypants, try to find the danger in a thrown banana cream pie.
The danger is that all I know is that someone's throwing a large white object at me that contains God knows what. Could be banana cream. Could be paint. Could be lye. Could be filled with needles. Could be anything, and I'm not going to wait to analyze it before I defend myself.
Smith, who faces up to six months in jail and a $1,000 fine if convicted, said he has no regrets about his protest.
Good. Send the smug, self-righteous little sack of shit away for 6 months and $1000 lighter - plus legal costs - and see how much he has no regrets then.
I agree with Pastafarian that glitter bombs are entry level, gateway bombs. Beyond this, it must be noted that they are inflicted in a discriminatory way. The targets always seem to be white Republicans. Glitter bombers would attract more sympathy if they occasionally targeted mullahs, black preachers, and Roland Martin. I would also recommend glittering George Michael just for spite.
I think the next glitter bomb victim should give the next glitter bomb thrower a swift punch in the nose. A nice hard one that breaks it and makes it bleed quite heavily so that the TV cameras focus on it.
One thing about Althouse - you can generally find a number of people's fantasies on display.
It is such a bad idea to run up to presidential candidates and throw stuff at them. Sooner or later one of these glitterers is gonna get attacked by security people and really hurt.
There is no right-wing fascism.
Fascism is 100% Left.
It is only Orwellian leftist methods to change the meaning of words in order to channel the thoughts of the weak-minded that got the National Socialists labeled as right-wing at all in the first place.
They focused on the "National" part...nationalism is often-associated with Conservatism, but it is neither a necessary nor sufficient part of Rightism nor Conservatism.
"Right Wing Fascism" is just a wonderful example of Leftist/liberal adulteration of language in order to facilitate the lock-step tribal groupthink that comforts and cocoons their adherents.
So the basic formulation of the leftist worldview is:
Anything done by leftists/liberals/progressives/Democrats = good.
Anything done by right wing/conservatives/GOP = bad and/or fascism (because they are good at picking up on emotional content of words, although sadly inept at semantic content, which is why the use of "niggardly" causes lefty fits).
"Is this enough to dispel the illusion that glitter bombing is fabulous and funny?"
That's a naive question. Of course it's not. Glitter bombing will be fabulous and funny until it's done to Barack Obama -- at which point it will suddenly stop just short of being a capital offense.
NB: I am *not* calling for or encouraging anyone to glitter-bomb anyone. I call for the opposite of that. Hello, Secret Service; you probably already have my blog bookmarked.
Why are lefties such dickheads?
I'd like someone here to provide the statistics on glitter bomb injuries over the past decade.
Good grief...
Hoosier Daddy "Why are lefties such dickheads?"
And yet another highly intelligent, well thought out comment via the Hoosier Dude.
And to think; it took him all day to come up with it.
*Over something so incredibly important as...glitter bombs?
I'd like to give Andy R a shout out--as I said up thread I dont agree with his politics, but he was forthright in denouncing this practice--good job Andy--now, about your politics :)
Nathan Alexander "There is no right-wing fascism. Fascism is 100% Left."
So between the start of the thread's already inane subject...and now...we've come to glitter bombs somehow having something to do with..."fascism?"
Are you on drugs?
Don't look at me: look at the person who brought up fascism: Dead Julius at 3:29pm
Nice job of either: ignoring the responsibility of the liberal person actually at fault, or displaying sub-par reading comprehension.
Those are two significant hallmarks of a liberal...if you aren't one, you are doing a good job imitating one.
I myself think if you attempt to throw anything on another person, and that other person had no idea what it is, then it's perfectly okay to pull a gun and stop them. It's assault, and possibly deadly assault.
One, it'll stop some of this thinking that "Oh, I'm special cause I smoke dicks, and harmless, and that guy is just a hater, and this will show them" passive-aggressive b.s.
Two, the I.Q. of the world will increase if these dummies are eliminated.
We are losing our collective minds and the will to live.
Try to find the danger in a thrown banana cream pie.
When will we realize recklessness is the gift to give?
Sky diving that ends in splat beats a sticky-soft pigsty.
And how do the people protecting Romney (or Obama) know whether it's a glitter bomb or something much more damaging?
Someone's could get shot, and it could be a glitter bomber.
Isn't it simple assault, as well?
Because it is, after all, un-welcome physical contact.
You don't get to throw objects at people simply because you don't like their views or policies.
Pies, glitter, all of it - grow the hell up.
(Sorun: Inhalation pneumonia, choking.
Also, assault.
Even more importantly, being a self-absorbed jerk who thinks assault Shows How Right You Are.)
Don't look at me: look at the person who brought up fascism: Dead Julius at 3:29pm
Nice job of either: ignoring the responsibility of the liberal person actually at fault, or displaying sub-par reading comprehension.
Actually I was responding, rather rhetorically, to Toshstu at 3:17pm. That's what the little "@Toshstu-" thing means. He brought up fascism, in a way that I thought was rather stupid.
As for "nice job etc...", ummm....????
My play-niece got a bit of whatever in her eye, scratched her cornea, and developed an infection. Years.of.hell. Two corneal transplants, intractable pain at times, serious impact on her schooling and athleticism, a droopy eyelid, and wavy vision in one eye even now, five years later. So, yeah, I run with scissors at times, but metallic glitter in the eye or sinus (or lungs) is an unacceptable risk of glitter-bombing.
Nathan Alexander said..."There is no right-wing fascism. Fascism is 100% Left."
Is this not your comment at 4:55??
I see no reference to anybody's else's comment.
And by the way...I don't read through ALL of the fucking comments if I don't show up until 3 plus hours after they begin.
The next time any of the nutcases here read about someone robbing a gas station of bank with a "dangerous" Glitter Bomb...let me know.
C' the accident rate related the Glitter Bombs.
day late and a dollar short there love.
Roger - Sorry, Dude.
Just got here.
Do you have the Glitter Bomb accident and assault statistics?
*What does the NRA say about the Glitter Bomb carry laws?
your telling the story here, love--what you got?
Roger - Sorry, I thought for sure you would have the inside track on such information.
I's sooooooooooo important.
Glitter Bombs.
The dumbing down of Althouse...if that's possible.
BTW Jeremy--you still have your two labs?
I think glitter bombs are great political tools and think someone should play that cool joke on Biden or the other guy for not shutting Gitmo and for killing innocents with drones. It would be cool and then they would change their minds and close Gitmo and quit killing people with drones.
a glitter bomb thrower on the president or vice president would probably be dead before the bomb went off--the secret service doesnt look kindly on those pranks
My comment was in response to the Lefty who mentioned the oxymoron "Right Wing Fascism" @ 3:29pm.
If you are going to take the time to object to a comment that is obviously responding to someone else, be smart enough to do a control-f search for the term first.
Blaming other people for your own willing ignorance: you are a liberal.
Glad to see the guy is being prosecuted.
I wonder why "assault" wasn't one of the charges? It seems to fit the common law definition easily enough; are Colorado laws different?
On Tuesday night, a student at Colorado University at Denver was arrested by Secret Service for trying to throw glitter at Mitt Romney. Now sources are telling Colorado Peak Politics that the "glitter bomber" worked for the Colorado state Senate Democrats. This session.
The student in question, Peter Smith, faces up to 6 months in prison for "creating a disturbance, throwing a missile and an unlawful act on school property," according to Denver Police spokesman Sonny Jackson.
Our sources are saying he was fired by the Senate Democrats either yesterday or today.
Is this enough to dispel the illusion that glitter bombing is fabulous and funny?
A Tea Party member glitter-bombing a prominent Democrat would be enough.
I would have been more impressed had he thrown a Gary Glitter bomb.
He is/was working for Colorado State Senate Democrats caucus.
Another party worker pretending to be an ordinary protestor. Reminds me of during the DNC here in '08 when there was vandalism at the Democratic party HQ committed by a Democratic party worker.
Love said...
I'd like someone here to provide the statistics on glitter bomb injuries over the past decade.
Good grief..
glitterbomb, pie ,fist.
Your right to protest ends at the tip of my nose. Once you overstep those boundaries don't complain about the drama the ensues.
To be fair to Democrats, they fired 'glitter boy' from his Dem state Senate job yesterday or today.... a Dem spokesperson told the media.
I also strongly agree with Sigivald
Sigivald said...
Isn't it simple assault, as well?
Because it is, after all, un-welcome physical contact.
You don't get to throw objects at people simply because you don't like their views or policies.
That is the problem - certain infantile disturbed people think they presently have a moral right to initiate unwelcome physical contact or throw things at people they disagree with..
They don't and judges need to start hammering them - be they spitters, glitter bombers, cons that throw urine and excrement and other special concoctions on guards (or just green light harsher prison admin punishments like no food for a week..)
Glitter bombing is ridiculous, juvenile and gross.
Stop it fags.
Romney's response though was even gayer than the glitter bomb.
Damn--it looks like Althouse's post brought everyone together in this issue
Well done Professor.
I knew it! I felt it!
Glitter bomb was ripe for a spoonerism:
bitter glomb!
O.T. Thanks Lemondog, I'll pass it on. Our rescue is swamped right now, and I have a house full of Pits myself, but maybe someone has room, It's always a long shot with this breed. Just simply too many in L.A.
Yes, he worked for the Colorado Democrat party as a Senate staffer. They quickly fired him and hoped to bury the news.
Kind of reminds me of when southern Democrats used to roll watermelons at African-Americans.
What pisses me dollars are subsidizing the college education of someone so stupid that he thinks it is cool to go up to and throw stuff on a man who is under secret service protection.
This man has a long future of being a community organizer.
"Damn--it looks like Althouse's post brought everyone together in this issue"
Not me. If I ever see any of you people, I WILL glitter bomb you, even if it makes me gay.
"If I ever see any of you people, I WILL glitter bomb you, even if it makes me gay."
Well, that and your Judy Garland custume.
It's obviously a form of terrorism because at first the candidate doesn't know what hit them. It could be anthrax, or some other poisonous substance. The bodyguards should shoot anyone who's in the act of throwing something at a candidate. There's no time to wait and see what's been thrown.
Exactly. The message is "we can enter your personal space and assault you at will". Doesn't matter that the "weapon" is harmless.
Love: C' the accident rate related the Glitter Bombs. Ridiculous.
Accident rate is not the point. The intent is to intimidate.
If you don't get it, "we can leave our baseballs in your yard" (Wisconsin Union Thugs).
Message: We know where you live Love, we were within striking range of your and your family last night, and you never knew we were here.
Sleep tight.
Six months should disabuse this idiot. Maybe he can bunk with the hacker of Palin's e-mail account.
The Prime Minister of Canada had a pushy protester a few years ago.
The PM, Jean Chretien, no cheese eating surrender monkey, grabbed the protester, choked him, forced him to the ground, busting his teeth in the process.
Man, if any of the candidates were that tough ...
How about glitter-bombing WITH a drone? It would be easily possible.
Too easily.
The rotor-wash would help direct the payload over the hapless target.
It would require an impractically large Quadrotor to deliver pies, however.
Perhaps several petits fours?
Maybe they'll get around to throwing acid. That's what this is, isn't it? It's a threat- next time it'll be acid.
Glitter is usally metalized polyvinyl chloride film. Discarding by throwing it at some could be consider and illegal disposal of hazardous waste. The fine for that is up to $32,500 per instance per day. Report the Bozo to the local CUPA and ask them to bring out the haz-mat team to clean up the waste. He will be billed for the clean up.
When are these courageous white gays going to glitter bomb the anti-gay marriage black bigot in the White House? Or is he too scary because he’s black?” Well, they don’t mind Obama’s opposition to gay marriage because they assume he’s lying.
John Lynch said...
Maybe they'll get around to throwing acid. That's what this is, isn't it? It's a threat- next time it'll be acid.
That's usually how unions and the mob do it.
I've had a scratched eye twice in my life, once due to my own carelesness and once due to assault. No lasting damage, fortunately, but it's unbelievably irritating because you feel it every time you move your eyes or blink, which is every couple of seconds.
Someone up-thread suggested that Obama should be the recipient of a cream pie or a glitter bomb for his stance regarding gays. The reason that will not happen is that Obama is one of those politicians that speak with a nod and a wink. He may say that he opposes gay marriage but everyone knows he doesn’t really; he doesn’t need to give a broad wink when he says it. He appears to be in a stable, monogamous marriage but would it shock anyone if some woman wrote a tell-all (as one of JFK’s teen lovers just did) about her adventures with Barack in the youth he spent on the beach in Hawaii snorting coke and smoking weed?
Coming from a Republican with well-known religious beliefs - George Bush comes to mind - invoking Christianity as the basis for a policy decision would be greeted with howls of outrage coupled with ridicule and the warning that the government was turning the country into a theocracy. Recently Obama cited his Christian belief as the rationale for tax hikes on the “rich.” So why are the only people noting the rise of the “Obama Theocracy” people on the Right?
Simple: no one on the Left believes for a moment that Obama means it.
So the gays, the atheists, the acid heads, the serial womanizers are not going to go after their man Barack. Just look at him, he’s cool with it, he just can’t come right out and say it because all those bitter clingers out there are needed at election time. But they know … they know.
@bagoh20, thanks.
Is it a hate crime to beat the shit out of someone who "glitter bombs" you? (I bet that wouldn't be expecting that.)
cedarford said
"...certain infantile disturbed people think they presently have a moral right to initiate unwelcome physical contact..."
How is theft of personal property different than THIS?
Oh, right...if no physical contact is initiated, 'ally ally all come free...'
"When are these courageous white gays going to glitter bomb the anti-gay marriage black bigot in the White House?
Of course, glitter bombing Muslims who actually kill gays would be right out.....
"Message: We know where you live, we were within striking range of your and your family last night, and you never knew we were here.
Sleep tight."
Message: I have a dog, motion-sensing spotlights, and guns. And if I'm in striking range, so are you.
That is the problem - certain infantile disturbed people think they presently have a moral right to initiate unwelcome physical contact or throw things at people they disagree with..
They also think that they are perfectly justified in taking any measures necessary to keep them from speaking, such as entering venues where they have been asked to speak and attempting to drown them out with noise and shouts or even to storm the stage.
What, after all, is the rationale for "glitter bombs"? To humiliate, right? Try that with a black or Hispanic or female candidate and you'll be called a racist or sexist. Only white candidates can be treated such.
The PM [of Canada], Jean Chretien, no cheese eating surrender monkey, grabbed the protester, choked him, forced him to the ground, busting his teeth in the process.
Gee, phx, not so much "fantasy" as "reality", it appears.
It is such a bad idea to run up to presidential candidates and throw stuff at them. Sooner or later one of these glitterers is gonna get attacked by security people and really hurt.
The attackers actually know this and see it as a win-win scenario. Never underestimate the leftist love for martyrdumb.
Glitter, the herpes of the craft world.
wv - fistie
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