It's been impossible to ski this winter! There hasn't been one day when the trails we use were groomed. Meade has skate skis and he's skied, but I need groomed trails and there have not been any.
“He would rape me and then say this is what God’s love feels like,” Smith said, struggling to hold back tears more than twenty years after the alleged incidents.
It's odd how conservatives want to censor this stuff, to bury it, because it imperils their political power.
At least, for now, our social conservative friends don't have the power to censor everything like the leaders in Iran do. They want that power so they can prevent stuff like this from becoming public knowledge. Thank goodness for the Bill of Rights. Our founding fathers were more prescient than our citizens generally appreciate.
It's been impossible to ski this winter! There hasn't been one day when the trails we use were groomed. Meade has skate skis and he's skied, but I need groomed trails and there have not been any.
Sorry about that.
Dead Julius said...
The #1 item on reddit earlier today was this, presented with the quote:
He would rape me and then say this is what God’s love feels like,” Smith said, struggling to hold back tears more than twenty years after the alleged incidents.
It's odd how conservatives want to censor this stuff, to bury it, because it imperils their political power.
Yes, but it wasn't censored, nor did any Conservative I ever heard of want to.
If you navigate to the comments by clicking on the title of the post instead of by the comments link, you will find the navigation links in the accustomed location at the bottom.
h/t to Patrick for pointing that out the other day
After 200 posts, you have to click on the "Show Original Post" or the headline in order to get the arrows to bring you to the next page. And only the arrows at the bottom of the page work.
The arrows that used to be on the "post a comment" link are gone.
DJ cannot have his meds. They are forbidden by unreasonable federal regulation!!! All DJ has got is alcohol, cookies, Radio Paradise, and trolling Althouse...
Considering that a great many "conservatives" consider the Catholic Church to be the Whore of Babylon...
I think that if someone "doesn't want to go there" it's because "going there" means talking about more offenses from the 1980's or earlier or the propensity of persons who don't like women to go into professions where that isn't an issue, and persons who want to "work with children" go into service roles with access to children, including public school teachers and others...
At which we get to "Boy Scouts" and hilarity ensues as any concern about this gets turned into homophobia and nevermind.
As the Catholic Church goes... Older offenses ought to be prosecuted, if they meet the rules for prosecution, but as a club to bash the Catholic church I'm only interested in the scandals if they involve the current operation of the Church.
DJ, Where are you coming from? What conservatives are surpressing stories on priest sexual abuse? Have you somehow in your mind connected the Catholic contraception controversy with clerical abuse?
Who's defending the pedophiles out there? And if you are connecting this to the contraception kerfuffle have you not noticed the left of center Catholics who also opposed the policy?
As for the obvious evil involved in not responding well enough to reports... We've got that football coach and my childhood friend's mother, who was told and didn't believe and didn't do a damn thing.
Not quite *believing* that someone is sexually abusing children is hardly a hallmark of the Catholic Church.
It's the civics quiz that AoS had posted a few days ago. Supposedly the average for people taking it hovers around 50%, 55% for college profs and 40-something for politicians.
I suspect that some odd sampling occurred someplace because I got 87.88% and that was a low score for AoS.
Prolonged residence in Santa Fe can mess up anyone's head.
Actually I lived in the area for two prolonged residencies. The first was working at LANL up the hill... "Don't go walking in this area," my ex-pot-smoker hippie Physics PhD housemate told me, "because the soil is radioactive and they don't have it marked as such..."
It's odd how conservatives want to censor this stuff, to bury it, because it imperils their political power.
Why is that odd? I think people in power always act that way, right or left.
And our free speech clause doesn't necessarily prevent censorship.
For instance, you won't see any photographs of aborted babies in Time, Newsweek, Washington Post, ABC, NBC, CBS. 60 Minutes, etc. The pregnancies disappear and the babies never existed.
Children scalded by napalm in the Vietnam war, that you will see.
They want to upset you about one thing and not upset you about the other. That's all.
Thank goodness for the Bill of Rights.
We only have a republic if we fight to keep it. Back in slavery days, there were abolitionist newspapers.
There are no pro-life newspapers. The MSM is overwhelmingly one-sided on abortion. There is no free speech when you have a monopoly like that.
The internet has been a disaster for pro-choice people. Young people who are trying to decide what they think google abortion and see what the media has hid for decades.
That's how hearts and minds are won. Not because old people changed their minds. But because a new generation grows up and is appalled at the evil of our fathers (and mothers).
I turned on the radio and Mitt R was speaking and his voice sounded so much like that character on Mad Men! Duck Phillips I think his name was. Mitt Romney is Duck Phillips!
If you have a problem when those who don't agree with you engage in the distraction technique, then why do it yourself?
Translation: He saw through my nonsense about Conservatives suppressing clerical abuse and puts up an example of adult professionals abusing kids which the Lefties are covering up which he expects me to address instead.
And, where, O, where, are these stories of Conservatives suppressing clerical abuse stories, pray tell?
@Dead Julius: I spent a week at LANL doing a neutron structure in the 80's. Very interesting place.
What's the name of that stretch of road which is lit 24/7 and guarded from the mesa tops with machine guns? I gather it passes through or by something very important and behind the fence.
Don't know. I tended to stay away from X Division. I went to a physics presentation there once and one of the ten or so scientists in the audience spent the entire time trimming his toenails with a clipper. Too weird for me! (I was at CNLS... back when Hans Berthe was the figurehead, and his underling was my personal mentor...)
Hate to tell you, Julie, but that's a weak opinion piece with no examples. She says WSJ and Fox "skew" stories.
How? Let's see some text!
She seems mad because O'Really and Hannity praise Pope John Paul II while castigating the head of NAMBLA.
In fact, the subtitle, "The conservative pantheon believes their audience does not want to hear negative news about their religion (mostly Christian) or their religious leaders, so they edit their message accordingly.", is never proven.
She has no documentation in the article to back it up.
She says they avoided it.
OK, that's her opinion, but where are the memos or taped conversations to prove it?
Sorry, compadre, but, as Joe Friday used to say, you've got a bagful of air.
Did you really take that seriously? I only offered that as an example of a LMGTFY result using your precise wording; it was #3 and the first result that wasn't from Wikipedia. I'm sorry that you are so desperate. Maybe the Blonde has some medication that she can offer you to help you with your desperation?
I bought this book This Is Not A Novel by David Markson per your recommendation. I have had it sitting next to my workspace for over a year. What the hell am I supposed to do with it? It don't make any sense. Do I need to be drunk to appreciate it? Stoned? Do I need to read it while eating Wisconsin cheddar? Should I just use it to seduce some college-age literary chic? WTF???!!! You know... as I said previously... I do whatever you and God tell me to do, but this makes no sense to me!
We got a couple horse northern fishing on the south end of Mendota this afternoon, right downtown east of the Union. Caught one 38" and a 36". Have to be 40" to keep. The kid had a huge musky on for about a half hour, we had him up to the hole about 3 or 4 times but we couldn't turn its head up in the hole. Didn't have a gaff, so I stuck my arm down the hole and tried to gill grab it, and I snapped the leader.
Heard later on it's illegal to even pull a musky through the hole to take a pic.
The Madison Chain such an accessible and underrated fishery, I'm always amazed more people don't take advantage of it.
Thanks! That was an interesting quiz. 32/33, missed the Douglas-Lincoln debate question. Despite spending high school out of the country, I should have been able to get that. :(
Okay, I am pissed-- pissed!-- that you aren't responding to my question about This Is Not A Novel immediately! Immediate is good internet! Waiting is not...
What particularly annoys me is that on page #1 you think you are doing fine...
Then you flip to page #2 and you have no idea who Wilkie Collins is, much less his Mum. You need to go to Wikipedia. How anyone ever read this non-novel without Wikipedia is beyond me...
Although I do have to admit that at least page #1 makes more sense while intoxicated.
I am drinking vodka. One part good vodka, one part Red Bull, and a dash of orange Powerade. I call the drink an "Obamadrone". Fire upon me, baby!!!
I keep on posting links for you, all of which address your principle issue, but you post and post and post as if you are still awaiting something from me! Here is one more. If you still insist on me holding your hand and guiding you through life... well, I ain't gonna do it! Sometimes you just have to take responsibility for yourself! Get some rugged individualism, man!
I don't remember which ones I missed other than the anti-Federalist one, which is sort of embarrassing, and the levee one, and I think I missed that one because I always thought that "public good" was derived from "that's a good thing" instead of "he's got the goods."
"Okay, I am pissed-- pissed!-- that you aren't responding to my question about This Is Not A Novel immediately! Immediate is good internet! Waiting is not... What particularly annoys me is that on page #1 you think you are doing fine... Then you flip to page #2 and you have no idea who Wilkie Collins is, much less his Mum. You need to go to Wikipedia. How anyone ever read this non-novel without Wikipedia is beyond me..."
If the names don't mean anything to you, you'll have to use Wikipedia or something.
The author assumes you recognize the names of artists and writers.
@edutcher -- Nice work on the link standard. Exactly right. The Google link is a dead giveaway that a poster is substituting polling for thought.
Note to Dead Julius. I see two links in one of your earlier posts. Impressive. Two links usually sends you to the spam filter.
Speaking for myself I try to double-check facts I post before I post them, because I know that what I think I know may not be currant, or may not be documented, or may not be accepted. I never rely on Google without clicking through and checking the source. SEO is marketing. Not facts.
I'm watching The World At War. Excellent series narrated by Sir Laurence Olivier.
I had to euthanize my 12 y.o. ex-lab rabbit yesterday. Spent most of the day cleaning out her big enclosure in the basement and gathering her stuff up to give to a friend who also has bunnies.
If you click on the "comments" for a specific post, there will not be any "newest" appearing at the bottom of the comments to take you to comments over 200.
To see more than 200 comments, do not click on "comments", but click on the ORANGE post title. That will cause a page to open with a combined post and comment page. Then the "newest" will appear at the bottom of the comment page that will allow access to comment 201+.
Now if someone could tell me why I have to enter WV 2 or 3 times to post, that would be helpful.
I'm watching The World At War. Excellent series narrated by Sir Laurence Olivier.
The first of the shows with the proscenium interviews.
Definitely from the British POV, however.
If you ever get a chance, see "Victory At Sea". A little corny, perhaps, but a good overview of the war from the American POV, especially the Pacific - what's nice about it is it's not just another rah rah for the Marines. You also get to see how much the Army did.
The rest you have to pick and choose, some better than others.
Garage, I am jealous of the time you get to spend fishing. I've seen you mention trout fishing, do you musky hunt also, or was that happenstance? Must have been exciting for your kid. My oldest snagged a very nice trout last year, I "tried to help" and ended up snapping the line. Kid still gives me grief.
Re: The 200 comment issue. I hadn't noticed the instructions, but I tend not to look at the comment instructions. Maybe when you add stuff, it could be in bold for a week or so. Lots of people have missed that. Just a suggestion.
Witney Houston had the perfect voice, and the perfect image: a gorgeous singer who had sex appeal but was never overtly sexual, who maintained perfect poise.
Then she killed herself by overdosing on benzos in her bathtub at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.
Really, seriously? Did someone HERE say horrible things about Houston? Is that why you automatically thought of us?
I don't go to News site comments because they are usually vile. Also, I'd never assume that anyone posting to Fox News was anything other than a liberal trolling.
@AlphaLiberal, I suspect the person at that post wasn't at all physically ill from the comments at Fox News. Rather, I think they were thrilled to see the comments and couldn't wait to report on them.
I'm sorry, Dead Julius, but by insinuating that Whitney Houston could once sing well but took drugs you're perpetuating a racial stereotype. Racist. Go hang out at Fox News where you belong.
"@AlphaLiberal, I suspect the person at that post wasn't at all physically ill from the comments at Fox News. Rather, I think they were thrilled to see the comments and couldn't wait to report on them."
So even Madman attacks the messenger er deflects, instead of condemning the message.
So I went and checked, seeing as my contribution to the thread about Houston was early on and I didn't check back. Started at the bottom since people tend to get away from the condolences and nice stuff as a thread progresses... and... nothing Alpha, other that proof that you're repulsive.
What is it that makes it necessary to propagate and repeat and spread and make d*mn sure everyone sees nasty hateful remarks? And then to say that it made you think of US?
I bought the e-ARC for Wen Spencer's new Tinker installment from Baen so I'm starting over reading the first one.
So much Pittsburgh! Why so much Pittsburgh?! There are rivers and bridges and a marathon that I will be running in May... but still: This. Is. Reader Abuse.
Is there a Big Sky in Pittsburgh? Nope! Is there anything else that would warrant it being the setting for two series? I think not!
Gee, all that shouting makes me feel sorry for the asshole liberal in question. Therefore, I would like to encourage all asshole liberals to please post more "VILE RACIST SHIT" to Fox News comments. Just to help even out the world...
Complain that no one condemns the comments on Fox and then, when someone tries to do so as emphatically as possible, that's not good enough for you.
As for condemning the messenger... how is repeating something vile so that it's seen by as many people as possible not as vile as being the one who said it in the first place?
Markson says on page #9 that Anne Hathaway couldn't read.
I resorted to Wikipedia. Anne Hathaway is famous and was born in 1982... how could she not read?
Oh wait...
The other Anne Hathaway died in 1623. Her tombstone was inscribed with her husband's first and last name, but not hers:
Here lyeth the body of Anne wife of William Shakespeare who departed this life the 6th day of August 1623 being of the age of 67 years.
A Latin inscription follows, translated as:
Breasts, O mother, milk and life thou didst give. Woe is me – for how great a boon shall I give stones? How much rather would I pray that the good angel should move the stone so that, like Christ's body, thine image might come forth! But my prayers are unavailing. Come quickly, Christ, that my mother, though shut within this tomb may rise again and reach the stars.
And she only got the second-best bed when hubby kicked the bucket.
What is the point of noting that MadMan didn't "condemn the message?" What, do you think he agrees with it? Is there anything he's ever said, or done, or written that would lead you to the conclusion that he agrees with it? Must we all start our comments with a laundry list of things we don't like?
Please. It would be tiresome to point out that you are a fucking asshole every time I commented.
Sarah Palin wrote an article for Newsweek (at their request) about loving and caring for her special needs child, Trig.
I must be naive because I was shocked at the naked hatred generated in the hundreds of comments there. Maybe Alpha can explain why a story about a mother's love for a Downs Syndrome child can evoke vile, hateful writings by the people of tolerance.
Did you really take that seriously? I only offered that as an example of a LMGTFY result using your precise wording; it was #3 and the first result that wasn't from Wikipedia. I'm sorry that you are so desperate. Maybe the Blonde has some medication that she can offer you to help you with your desperation?
Julius, Did you even follow any of the links. One was about conservatives in Northern Ireland, one was regarding Catholics in India, one was a cite of the opinion piece you initially linked to, several were referring to the conservative Catholic organization, Opus Dei.
In short, I got halfway thru page 2 of your Google search and did NOT find a clear citation of a conservative surpressing reports of clerical sex abuse.
On NPR this afternoon they started into an depth examination of Mormons with an hour long interview of Daniel Bowman, author of The Mormon People. There is a lot there to learn.
And on Downton Abbey many of last season's long term romances and marriages among the Abbey characters were resolved as The War was over but the Spanish Influenza was pruning the characters right and left.
Death as a plot device keeps doing its part in our lives. The 1918=1920 Spanish Influenza was the only true world pandemic since the Black Death 240 years earlier, and no antibiotics yet existed. My Grandfather died from it while my mother was en ventre sa mere, much to her hurt.
Can we at least agree on one thing, that Barack Obama should not be the President. And that articles of impeachment be drawn to insure he's not president again.
I was shocked at the naked hatred generated in the hundreds of comments there. Maybe Alpha can explain why a story about a mother's love for a Downs Syndrome child can evoke vile, hateful writings by the people of tolerance.
When I was in fourth grade, we had an entire class of special needs kids in our school. One of them had to wear a football helmut because he would bang his head into walls.
Classes like that have disappeared. 95% of babies with Down's are aborted in our society. Our liberal culture is making our handicapped babies disappear.
Since liberals ostensibly like babies, and the handicapped--they normally would call something like this a "hate crime"--abortion requires a huge amount of denial and repression.
So when Sarah Palin talks about her baby, all this liberal guilt and anger and rage come bubbling to the surface.
I guess. I don't really understand the hatred other than that. Down's kids are the sweetest people in the world. What did they do, mug you? Take your lunch money?
In short, I got halfway thru page 2 of your Google search and did NOT find a clear citation of a conservative surpressing reports of clerical sex abuse.
I wish comment threads could have a troll content rating, so that I would know if they were worth perusing before taking the time to do so -- yes, I'm a lazy mofo -- I just kept scrolling and looking for Dead Julius' trolling to stop, and it just never stopped. Jeez. What a waste.
Comments older than 2 days are always moderated. Newer comments may be unmoderated, but are still subject to a spam filter and may take a few hours to get released. Thanks for your contributions and your patience.
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१३३ टिप्पण्या:
Very nice, the best winter has to offer.
Were you out skiing or just hiking?
It's been impossible to ski this winter! There hasn't been one day when the trails we use were groomed. Meade has skate skis and he's skied, but I need groomed trails and there have not been any.
The #1 item on reddit earlier today was this, presented with the quote:
“He would rape me and then say this is what God’s love feels like,” Smith said, struggling to hold back tears more than twenty years after the alleged incidents.
It's odd how conservatives want to censor this stuff, to bury it, because it imperils their political power.
At least, for now, our social conservative friends don't have the power to censor everything like the leaders in Iran do. They want that power so they can prevent stuff like this from becoming public knowledge. Thank goodness for the Bill of Rights. Our founding fathers were more prescient than our citizens generally appreciate.
"This comment has been removed by the author."
No, the comment that "conservatives" want to censor reports about pedophile priests was so stupid that it censored itself.
This is one of the reasons why I gave up on CC skiing - the winters were too inconsistent.
I was wrong again.
Stupid has won out.
Conservatives want to censor this? Where do you get that idea from?
No, the comment that "conservatives" want to censor reports about pedophile priests was so stupid that it censored itself.
Why is it "stupid"?
@David -
Okay, I'll answer my own question to you since you don't want to.
I think you think it is "stupid" because you want it censored, buried...
You want people to ignore the issue.
And thus you prove my point.
I can't get to the second page after 200 posts. Weird.
Saint Croix said...
I can't get to the second page after 200 posts. Weird.
2/12/12 5:01 PM
Same thing has been happening to me. I'm glad I'm not the only one.
Ann Althouse said...
It's been impossible to ski this winter! There hasn't been one day when the trails we use were groomed. Meade has skate skis and he's skied, but I need groomed trails and there have not been any.
Sorry about that.
Dead Julius said...
The #1 item on reddit earlier today was this, presented with the quote:
He would rape me and then say this is what God’s love feels like,” Smith said, struggling to hold back tears more than twenty years after the alleged incidents.
It's odd how conservatives want to censor this stuff, to bury it, because it imperils their political power.
Yes, but it wasn't censored, nor did any Conservative I ever heard of want to.
But it's interesting that union teachers who do similar stuff and don't end up in jail spend their days on full pay and benefits and we only hear about it because the parents, for once, raise Hell.
Doberman shadow tug.
EdButcher wrote (paraphrased)...
Oh look, a Snipe!!!
If you have a problem when those who don't agree with you engage in the distraction technique, then why do it yourself?
DJ is off his meds I take it?
@Saint Croix and LarsPorsena,
If you navigate to the comments by clicking on the title of the post instead of by the comments link, you will find the navigation links in the accustomed location at the bottom.
h/t to Patrick for pointing that out the other day
Groomed? What is a "groomed" trail?
After 200 posts, you have to click on the "Show Original Post" or the headline in order to get the arrows to bring you to the next page. And only the arrows at the bottom of the page work.
The arrows that used to be on the "post a comment" link are gone.
(rhhardin helped me with this the other day)
DJ is off his meds I take it?
DJ cannot have his meds. They are forbidden by unreasonable federal regulation!!! All DJ has got is alcohol, cookies, Radio Paradise, and trolling Althouse...
thanks guys, that was aggravating.
Considering that a great many "conservatives" consider the Catholic Church to be the Whore of Babylon...
I think that if someone "doesn't want to go there" it's because "going there" means talking about more offenses from the 1980's or earlier or the propensity of persons who don't like women to go into professions where that isn't an issue, and persons who want to "work with children" go into service roles with access to children, including public school teachers and others...
At which we get to "Boy Scouts" and hilarity ensues as any concern about this gets turned into homophobia and nevermind.
As the Catholic Church goes... Older offenses ought to be prosecuted, if they meet the rules for prosecution, but as a club to bash the Catholic church I'm only interested in the scandals if they involve the current operation of the Church.
Thanks, Maybee...followed instructions and works.
Where are you coming from? What conservatives are surpressing stories on priest sexual abuse? Have you somehow in your mind connected the Catholic contraception controversy with clerical abuse?
Who's defending the pedophiles out there? And if you are connecting this to the contraception kerfuffle have you not noticed the left of center Catholics who also opposed the policy?
@Synova -
I used to live in Santa Fe.
One past life among many.
Since moving away, I read Death Comes for the Archbishop.
I've since held the Archbishop in great admiration. I understand that he is based on a real, flesh-and-blood human being.
Soon I intend to revisit the area, following the travels of the Archbishop as described in that book.
I feel that God is telling me to do this. I do not know why. But I will comply.
Only God and Althouse have this power over me. I do what they tell me.
As for the obvious evil involved in not responding well enough to reports... We've got that football coach and my childhood friend's mother, who was told and didn't believe and didn't do a damn thing.
Not quite *believing* that someone is sexually abusing children is hardly a hallmark of the Catholic Church.
and on another subject:
Conservatives and Liberals get the most responses on this blog. "Centrists " are ignored.
@Phil 3:14-
Where are you coming from?
Woodstock, New York... generally speaking!
If you come to Sante Fe, Julius, it would be fun to go for coffee.
@ Synova -
I would love that.
I'll contact you when I get close to planning the trip, in the Springtime.
Prolonged residence in Santa Fe can mess up anyone's head.
This is fun.
It's the civics quiz that AoS had posted a few days ago. Supposedly the average for people taking it hovers around 50%, 55% for college profs and 40-something for politicians.
I suspect that some odd sampling occurred someplace because I got 87.88% and that was a low score for AoS.
Prolonged residence in Santa Fe can mess up anyone's head.
Actually I lived in the area for two prolonged residencies. The first was working at LANL up the hill... "Don't go walking in this area," my ex-pot-smoker hippie Physics PhD housemate told me, "because the soil is radioactive and they don't have it marked as such..."
Perhaps it explains something!
Los Alamos - conehead capital of the world!
It's odd how conservatives want to censor this stuff, to bury it, because it imperils their political power.
Why is that odd? I think people in power always act that way, right or left.
And our free speech clause doesn't necessarily prevent censorship.
For instance, you won't see any photographs of aborted babies in Time, Newsweek, Washington Post, ABC, NBC, CBS. 60 Minutes, etc. The pregnancies disappear and the babies never existed.
Children scalded by napalm in the Vietnam war, that you will see.
They want to upset you about one thing and not upset you about the other. That's all.
Thank goodness for the Bill of Rights.
We only have a republic if we fight to keep it. Back in slavery days, there were abolitionist newspapers.
There are no pro-life newspapers. The MSM is overwhelmingly one-sided on abortion. There is no free speech when you have a monopoly like that.
The internet has been a disaster for pro-choice people. Young people who are trying to decide what they think google abortion and see what the media has hid for decades.
That's how hearts and minds are won. Not because old people changed their minds. But because a new generation grows up and is appalled at the evil of our fathers (and mothers).
Great winter picture.
Just be careful not to get all black and blue.
@ Synova -
I take exception to some of the questions as misleading. Nonetheless...
You answered 32 out of 33 correctly — 96.97 %
The one I got wrong:
What was the source of the following phrase: “Government of the people, by the people, for the people”?
Your Answer: Declaration of Independence
Correct Answer: Gettysburg Address
Shouldda known that. Gotta read both documents again!
78.79% on the quiz shared by Synova.
Pretty scary, that college educators scored only 55%/average.
I graduated college in 1985. Have been in manufacturing/engineering since.
I'm going to go back and correct/study my mistakes. Should have/could have done better.
(Hope I'm not changing the subject but...)
I GOT IT!!!!!!!
I turned on the radio and Mitt R was speaking and his voice sounded so much like that character on Mad Men! Duck Phillips I think his name was. Mitt Romney is Duck Phillips!
Dead Julius said...
EdButcher wrote (paraphrased)...
Oh look, a Snipe!!!
If you have a problem when those who don't agree with you engage in the distraction technique, then why do it yourself?
Translation: He saw through my nonsense about Conservatives suppressing clerical abuse and puts up an example of adult professionals abusing kids which the Lefties are covering up which he expects me to address instead.
And, where, O, where, are these stories of Conservatives suppressing clerical abuse stories, pray tell?
EdButcher the Psychopath wrote...
And, where, O, where, are these stories of Conservatives suppressing clerical abuse stories, pray tell?
Here. This, for example.
@Dead Julius: I spent a week at LANL doing a neutron structure in the 80's. Very interesting place.
What's the name of that stretch of road which is lit 24/7 and guarded from the mesa tops with machine guns? I gather it passes through or by something very important and behind the fence.
@chickenlittle -
Don't know. I tended to stay away from X Division. I went to a physics presentation there once and one of the ten or so scientists in the audience spent the entire time trimming his toenails with a clipper. Too weird for me! (I was at CNLS... back when Hans Berthe was the figurehead, and his underling was my personal mentor...)
@chickenlittle -
(Or maybe it was Hans Frauenfelder... I don't remember... it was some Hans, anyhow!)
Air Bag Boob.
she takes drugs for her backache, so her breasts also caused the wreck.
she's had 30 breast enlargement operations.
almost died from an infection.
She has spent $100,000 in a decade to maintain her breasts...
wants more surgery this year to take her breasts back up to 38MMM.
Hate to tell you, Julie, but that's a weak opinion piece with no examples. She says WSJ and Fox "skew" stories.
How? Let's see some text!
She seems mad because O'Really and Hannity praise Pope John Paul II while castigating the head of NAMBLA.
In fact, the subtitle, "The conservative pantheon believes their audience does not want to hear negative news about their religion (mostly Christian) or their religious leaders, so they edit their message accordingly.", is never proven.
She has no documentation in the article to back it up.
She says they avoided it.
OK, that's her opinion, but where are the memos or taped conversations to prove it?
Sorry, compadre, but, as Joe Friday used to say, you've got a bagful of air.
@EdButcher -
Did you really take that seriously? I only offered that as an example of a LMGTFY result using your precise wording; it was #3 and the first result that wasn't from Wikipedia. I'm sorry that you are so desperate. Maybe the Blonde has some medication that she can offer you to help you with your desperation?
wv: "gorbie"... hehehe...
Dead Julius said...
Did you really take that seriously?
You linked to it twice.
Julie, if you didn't mean it as an example, you shouldn't have used it.
Send us something when you find it.
@ EdButcher -
Here you go. That link should be quite useful for 'ya!
Althouse -
I bought this book This Is Not A Novel by David Markson per your recommendation. I have had it sitting next to my workspace for over a year. What the hell am I supposed to do with it? It don't make any sense. Do I need to be drunk to appreciate it? Stoned? Do I need to read it while eating Wisconsin cheddar? Should I just use it to seduce some college-age literary chic? WTF???!!! You know... as I said previously... I do whatever you and God tell me to do, but this makes no sense to me!
Nice quiz Synova, I got a 90.91%.
Missed the of the people, for the people, by the people question, The Lincoln/Douglas debate question and the levee question.
So there are critical shortages of 180 drugs in the US, some so essential that people are going to die without them.
The federal government, because of Medicare's price controls.
Welcome to socialized healthcare.
Your untimely death is a feature, not a bug.
Oh, and have an abortion, ladies, and decrease the surplus population. Too many lives to insure in the socialist US as it is.
Plus it's free, so win-win.
We got a couple horse northern fishing on the south end of Mendota this afternoon, right downtown east of the Union. Caught one 38" and a 36". Have to be 40" to keep. The kid had a huge musky on for about a half hour, we had him up to the hole about 3 or 4 times but we couldn't turn its head up in the hole. Didn't have a gaff, so I stuck my arm down the hole and tried to gill grab it, and I snapped the leader.
Heard later on it's illegal to even pull a musky through the hole to take a pic.
The Madison Chain such an accessible and underrated fishery, I'm always amazed more people don't take advantage of it.
Dead Julius said...
Here you go. That link should be quite useful for 'ya!
In other words, you have nothing.
Thanks! That was an interesting quiz. 32/33, missed the Douglas-Lincoln debate question. Despite spending high school out of the country, I should have been able to get that. :(
Althouse -
Okay, I am pissed-- pissed!-- that you aren't responding to my question about This Is Not A Novel immediately! Immediate is good internet! Waiting is not...
What particularly annoys me is that on page #1 you think you are doing fine...
Then you flip to page #2 and you have no idea who Wilkie Collins is, much less his Mum. You need to go to Wikipedia. How anyone ever read this non-novel without Wikipedia is beyond me...
Although I do have to admit that at least page #1 makes more sense while intoxicated.
I am drinking vodka. One part good vodka, one part Red Bull, and a dash of orange Powerade. I call the drink an "Obamadrone". Fire upon me, baby!!!
@EdButcher -
In other words, you have nothing.
I keep on posting links for you, all of which address your principle issue, but you post and post and post as if you are still awaiting something from me! Here is one more. If you still insist on me holding your hand and guiding you through life... well, I ain't gonna do it! Sometimes you just have to take responsibility for yourself! Get some rugged individualism, man!
I don't remember which ones I missed other than the anti-Federalist one, which is sort of embarrassing, and the levee one, and I think I missed that one because I always thought that "public good" was derived from "that's a good thing" instead of "he's got the goods."
I don't remember which other two I got wrong.
For Christ's sake, if you don't know how to link in HTML, learn.
It goes text
Link to one article. All anybody needs is one.
If you can't, say so. Spare me the cutesy Google searches.
Whatchatalkinabout, EdButcher?
How soon before Obama (via Krugman) declares another "market failure", and demands the gubmint bail out or take over yet another industry?
"Okay, I am pissed-- pissed!-- that you aren't responding to my question about This Is Not A Novel immediately! Immediate is good internet! Waiting is not... What particularly annoys me is that on page #1 you think you are doing fine... Then you flip to page #2 and you have no idea who Wilkie Collins is, much less his Mum. You need to go to Wikipedia. How anyone ever read this non-novel without Wikipedia is beyond me..."
If the names don't mean anything to you, you'll have to use Wikipedia or something.
The author assumes you recognize the names of artists and writers.
"I can't get to the second page after 200 posts. Weird."
The other day, I put the tip that you need in the instructions above the comment window. Please notice it.
Ugh! I'm at page #3 and I find myself seduced into turning pages nonetheless.
I feel like saying
Fuck you, Althouse!
for putting me through this!!!
I need more drink to endure!
@edutcher -- Nice work on the link standard. Exactly right. The Google link is a dead giveaway that a poster is substituting polling for thought.
Note to Dead Julius. I see two links in one of your earlier posts. Impressive. Two links usually sends you to the spam filter.
Speaking for myself I try to double-check facts I post before I post them, because I know that what I think I know may not be currant, or may not be documented, or may not be accepted. I never rely on Google without clicking through and checking the source. SEO is marketing. Not facts.
When there are more than 200 comments, you have to scroll down to the bottom of the post page and click "newest" to see them.
No longer working for me. Definitely more broken than it used to be.
I'm watching The World At War. Excellent series narrated by Sir Laurence Olivier.
I had to euthanize my 12 y.o. ex-lab rabbit yesterday. Spent most of the day cleaning out her big enclosure in the basement and gathering her stuff up to give to a friend who also has bunnies.
garage, how thick was the ice?
If you click on the "comments" for a specific post, there will not be any "newest" appearing at the bottom of the comments to take you to comments over 200.
To see more than 200 comments, do not click on "comments", but click on the ORANGE post title. That will cause a page to open with a combined post and comment page. Then the "newest" will appear at the bottom of the comment page that will allow access to comment 201+.
Now if someone could tell me why I have to enter WV 2 or 3 times to post, that would be helpful.
top of page #7:
One of the ennobling delights of Paradise, as promised by Thomas Aquinas:
Viewing the condemned as they are tortured and broiled below.
Vicious evil Catholics!
just below:
Herr Professor, you make your music and I'll make mine.
Noted for future use!
Got a 96 point something or other on the civics test.
Anyone know of or heard from Allen S?
Haven't seen his posts here at Althouse in a spell...I shot Meade an email and he said he did not know.
I bought the e-ARC for Wen Spencer's new Tinker installment from Baen so I'm starting over reading the first one.
Nothing so high brow as literature, but lots of fun.
Still like her Ukiah Oregon stories the best, though.
Petunia said...
I'm watching The World At War. Excellent series narrated by Sir Laurence Olivier.
The first of the shows with the proscenium interviews.
Definitely from the British POV, however.
If you ever get a chance, see "Victory At Sea". A little corny, perhaps, but a good overview of the war from the American POV, especially the Pacific - what's nice about it is it's not just another rah rah for the Marines. You also get to see how much the Army did.
The rest you have to pick and choose, some better than others.
Also got 32/33. The levee question threw me because of the notion that you don't have to pay directly for "public goods."
That's the one that got me as well Hagar.
David Markson was found dead in his bed in Greenwich Village by his children. His ex-wife, serving as his literary agent, released the news.
Markson requested no funeral. His ex-wife, immediately after his death, said "I'm ignoring his request."
MM: Maybe 6 inches. Fished real close to shore, in the weeds.
Watch for those heaves ATV'ers! And I believe open water, in some spots. Definitely pro conditions.
The ultramarine is in the shadows.
Garage, I am jealous of the time you get to spend fishing. I've seen you mention trout fishing, do you musky hunt also, or was that happenstance? Must have been exciting for your kid. My oldest snagged a very nice trout last year, I "tried to help" and ended up snapping the line. Kid still gives me grief.
Re: The 200 comment issue. I hadn't noticed the instructions, but I tend not to look at the comment instructions. Maybe when you add stuff, it could be in bold for a week or so. Lots of people have missed that. Just a suggestion.
Nice photo. It's a grand lake.
I saw this blog post and thought of the gang here.
Fox News Commenters Respond to Whitney Houston’s Death With Deluge of Hatred and Racism
@ Petunia
Condolences on you bunny loss.
Nice to know some lab bunnies have a good life.
@ Don't Tread
Someone gave a shout out to AllenS last week for showing up, but I never could find a post from him.
Hey Allen -- wave at us, please.
Witney Houston had the perfect voice, and the perfect image: a gorgeous singer who had sex appeal but was never overtly sexual, who maintained perfect poise.
Then she killed herself by overdosing on benzos in her bathtub at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.
Really, seriously? Did someone HERE say horrible things about Houston? Is that why you automatically thought of us?
I don't go to News site comments because they are usually vile. Also, I'd never assume that anyone posting to Fox News was anything other than a liberal trolling.
@AlphaLiberal, I suspect the person at that post wasn't at all physically ill from the comments at Fox News. Rather, I think they were thrilled to see the comments and couldn't wait to report on them.
I'm sorry, Dead Julius, but by insinuating that Whitney Houston could once sing well but took drugs you're perpetuating a racial stereotype. Racist. Go hang out at Fox News where you belong.
@ Sorun -
I spelt her name wrong too! Don't forget that!
"@AlphaLiberal, I suspect the person at that post wasn't at all physically ill from the comments at Fox News. Rather, I think they were thrilled to see the comments and couldn't wait to report on them."
So even Madman attacks the messenger er deflects, instead of condemning the message.
So I went and checked, seeing as my contribution to the thread about Houston was early on and I didn't check back. Started at the bottom since people tend to get away from the condolences and nice stuff as a thread progresses... and... nothing Alpha, other that proof that you're repulsive.
What is it that makes it necessary to propagate and repeat and spread and make d*mn sure everyone sees nasty hateful remarks? And then to say that it made you think of US?
No, it makes us think of YOU.
"Rather, I think they were thrilled to see the comments and couldn't wait to report on them."
Add both Alpha and Shiloh to the celebrants.
Okay... I will lend my condemnation...
I bought the e-ARC for Wen Spencer's new Tinker installment from Baen so I'm starting over reading the first one.
So much Pittsburgh! Why so much Pittsburgh?! There are rivers and bridges and a marathon that I will be running in May... but still: This. Is. Reader Abuse.
Is there a Big Sky in Pittsburgh? Nope! Is there anything else that would warrant it being the setting for two series? I think not!
I will be posting my case here soon, about how Obama is not eligible ( he was born British, of a British subject father).
@ Synova -
Gee, all that shouting makes me feel sorry for the asshole liberal in question. Therefore, I would like to encourage all asshole liberals to please post more "VILE RACIST SHIT" to Fox News comments. Just to help even out the world...
Why are you childishly shouting? Rhetorical.
And psychiatric care is available. Probably won't do you any good, but it is available.
Damn, you're a frickin' idiot!
For a Fine Arts major I did pretty well on the civics test.
The internets have edjucated me.
See? There is hope.
It's time to hang it up when shiloh arrives...
Besides, I'm only on page #8. Still 172 pages of death and disease to go! Whoopie!!!
Oh I got #100... just above... Whoopie-redux!!!
DJ, you're definitely beyond psychiatric care. But you're nonsensical rants are somewhat entertaining, so party on dude!
I got 88% on the civics test, and nearly all of it I learn post-college. Kids should be working in the fields, not wasting their time in school.
shiloh, obviously I didn't condemn them because I agree with them.
Madman, the only thing you condemned was the messenger.
(eyeroll) indeed!
Can't be pleased can you Shiloh.
Complain that no one condemns the comments on Fox and then, when someone tries to do so as emphatically as possible, that's not good enough for you.
As for condemning the messenger... how is repeating something vile so that it's seen by as many people as possible not as vile as being the one who said it in the first place?
The new it girl to be sure, but the song Video Games by Lana Del Rey is haunting and lovely.
Interesting super-8ish video, Fiona Apple vibe, Adele vocals.
Markson says on page #9 that Anne Hathaway couldn't read.
I resorted to Wikipedia. Anne Hathaway is famous and was born in 1982... how could she not read?
Oh wait...
The other Anne Hathaway died in 1623. Her tombstone was inscribed with her husband's first and last name, but not hers:
Here lyeth the body of Anne wife of William Shakespeare who departed this life the 6th day of August 1623 being of the age of 67 years.
A Latin inscription follows, translated as:
Breasts, O mother, milk and life thou didst give. Woe is me – for how great a boon shall I give stones? How much rather would I pray that the good angel should move the stone so that, like Christ's body, thine image might come forth! But my prayers are unavailing. Come quickly, Christ, that my mother, though shut within this tomb may rise again and reach the stars.
And she only got the second-best bed when hubby kicked the bucket.
I heartily condemn all the vile things ever said by those jerks on the other side.
What is the point of noting that MadMan didn't "condemn the message?" What, do you think he agrees with it? Is there anything he's ever said, or done, or written that would lead you to the conclusion that he agrees with it? Must we all start our comments with a laundry list of things we don't like?
Please. It would be tiresome to point out that you are a fucking asshole every time I commented.
Reading the comments policy, it strikes me that I may have run afoul of it. My apologies.
But not to Shiloh.
Time to mix up a nice cerulean Aviation cocktail and to keep an eye out for the cobalt blue motor car on "Downton Abbey."
on page #10:
Horse Cave Creek, Ohio, Ambrose Bierce was born in.
WTF?! Did Yoda write this book?!
If I'm gonna suffer this sort of sentence structure, then you are gonna suffer with me, Althouse!
Patrick, don't bother. It's just trolling.
If some arguments are in good faith, Shiloh's an atheist.
Sarah Palin wrote an article for Newsweek (at their request) about loving and caring for her special needs child, Trig.
I must be naive because I was shocked at the naked hatred generated in the hundreds of comments there. Maybe Alpha can explain why a story about a mother's love for a Downs Syndrome child can evoke vile, hateful writings by the people of tolerance.
I just now had the realization that I could write the Spark Notes on This Is Not A Novel.
I'd call it This Is DEFINITELY Not A Novel, market it to post-modern liberals, and PROFIT!!!
As always Althouse lemmings, enjoy your conservative bubble! And please, huddle close inside to keep warm. :-P
@EdButcher -
Did you really take that seriously? I only offered that as an example of a LMGTFY result using your precise wording; it was #3 and the first result that wasn't from Wikipedia. I'm sorry that you are so desperate. Maybe the Blonde has some medication that she can offer you to help you with your desperation?
Did you even follow any of the links. One was about conservatives in Northern Ireland, one was regarding Catholics in India, one was a cite of the opinion piece you initially linked to, several were referring to the conservative Catholic organization, Opus Dei.
In short, I got halfway thru page 2 of your Google search and did NOT find a clear citation of a conservative surpressing reports of clerical sex abuse.
Please try harder, you're better than that.
As always Althouse lemmings, enjoy your conservative bubble!
I'd say it's more of a conversative bubble.
Except when certain pricks pop the conversative bubble.
I'd say it's more of a conversative bubble.
Like Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, Choose-Your-Weapon-ative???
Some strange things going down there in French Lick, Indiana!
Oh, nostalgia!!!
On NPR this afternoon they started into an depth examination of Mormons with an hour long interview of Daniel Bowman, author of The Mormon People. There is a lot there to learn.
And on Downton Abbey many of last season's long term romances and marriages among the Abbey characters were resolved as The War was over but the Spanish Influenza was pruning the characters right and left.
Death as a plot device keeps doing its part in our lives. The 1918=1920 Spanish Influenza was the only true world pandemic since the Black Death 240 years earlier, and no antibiotics yet existed. My Grandfather died from it while my mother was en ventre sa mere, much to her hurt.
My Grandfather died from it while my mother was en ventre sa mere, much to her hurt.
That is very sad. It must have been difficult for her to have never known her father, your grandfather.
Often I think that one of the greatest things we have is the opportunity to live in a time of comparatively advanced medical technology.
...on page #12:
Pope Joan, a.k.a. John VII, 855-858.
Who died when taken by childbirth during a papal procession between St. Peter's and St. John Lateran.
NO WAY! Pope Joan???!!!
Is this true? of page #14:
Unmarried women should not bathe, said St. Jerome. Ever. And should embrace the most deliberate squalor.
The less to breed temptation in the world.
Well, if a Catholic Saint said so, then...!!!!
I got one wrong on Synova's quiz.
Can we at least agree on one thing, that Barack Obama should not be the President. And that articles of impeachment be drawn to insure he's not president again.
Now if someone could tell me why I have to enter WV 2 or 3 times to post, that would be helpful.
ditto! that's the other glitch that's new. You hit "preview" and then your wv changes, apparently. I can't publish out of preview.
I was shocked at the naked hatred generated in the hundreds of comments there. Maybe Alpha can explain why a story about a mother's love for a Downs Syndrome child can evoke vile, hateful writings by the people of tolerance.
When I was in fourth grade, we had an entire class of special needs kids in our school. One of them had to wear a football helmut because he would bang his head into walls.
Classes like that have disappeared. 95% of babies with Down's are aborted in our society. Our liberal culture is making our handicapped babies disappear.
Since liberals ostensibly like babies, and the handicapped--they normally would call something like this a "hate crime"--abortion requires a huge amount of denial and repression.
So when Sarah Palin talks about her baby, all this liberal guilt and anger and rage come bubbling to the surface.
I guess. I don't really understand the hatred other than that. Down's kids are the sweetest people in the world. What did they do, mug you? Take your lunch money?
Phil 3:14 said...
In short, I got halfway thru page 2 of your Google search and did NOT find a clear citation of a conservative surpressing reports of clerical sex abuse.
Please try harder, you're better than that.
As he finally proved tonight, he isn't.
I wish comment threads could have a troll content rating, so that I would know if they were worth perusing before taking the time to do so -- yes, I'm a lazy mofo -- I just kept scrolling and looking for Dead Julius' trolling to stop, and it just never stopped. Jeez. What a waste.
Julius It's odd how conservatives want to censor this stuff
Most Catholics are Democrats. You have a problem with pedophiles in the priesthood, take it up with Chris Mathews.
Hey Julius, why do so many Democrats want to cover up sexual abuse in the Church?
Bingo, Fen & Co.
wv dingrab
means something on this thread
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