January 22, 2012

A warning from mom: "If you vote for a Republican you'll never forget the day when you became a colossal cocksucking asshole."

Proudly reported by an anti-Scott Walkerite over in the Isthmus forums. A fellow forum participant approves: "You certainly have a cool mom." The anti-Scott Walkerite comes back:
Oh come on guys, it was a joke. I'm not sure that my librarian mother is even capable of uttering the words "cocksucking asshole." What she actually told me is that if I voted for a Republican she would build a time machine, go back to 1971 and have an abortion.
Cocksucking is inversely related to abortions. Tell your mom.

What's funnier — amongst Madison liberals — than moms calling their kids "cocksucking assholes"? Abortions. Abortions are hilarious. Haven't you noticed?


Jason said...

Boy, that "new tone" thing that the Dems pushed back in 2008 has really taken hold.

Monkeyboy said...

This was posted by a republican freind of mine.

"I am having a difficult time letting my son go to a rally because I don't agree with his cause...but if I am raising him to live his life and be an example of being tolerant of others beliefs I have to be supportive right ??? Comments plz."

She let him go because she knew it was the right thing to do.

madAsHell said...

Police, firemen, and librarians are always the first ones cut when the tax base diminishes.....but the Assistant Mayor for Global Warming and Diversity is never even mentioned.

Why is that?

edutcher said...

There is more than one definition for the word, "mother".

Some women qualify for both.

Brian Brown said...

Such a laugh riot, those leftists.

Gee, I wonder why they need to lie about their political opinions in order to get elected?

traditionalguy said...

Abortion power is real power without mercy. People never surrender real power.

So Walker is about to face the People With Power; and they are threatening to abort his Governorship and throw away his little fetus ass.

How dare he challenge their personal convenience and expect to live?

SteveR said...

These idiots actually think the problem is Scott Walker (and the Koch brothers). They go away and happy days return. Right garbage?

YoungHegelian said...

Gosh, I hope Andy & crew are gonna rush right in here and denounce Wisconsin Democrats as gay-haters, because last time I looked calling someone a cocksucker was just a meaner & crueler way of calling them a faggot.

I guess there are more people than right-wing Christians who are homophobes. Who Knew?

KCFleming said...

The coolest moms aborted all their kids.

Real earth mothers put their babies right back into the earth.

That's love.

le Douanier said...

I miss Deadwood.

Monkeyboy said...

I miss Deadwood.

That my friend was an awesome show. You made me go to the Deadwood page on tvtropes.org, so now the rest of my day is shot.

Chip Ahoy said...

Actually, what the librarian mom said,

"I did abort you for reasons other than voting but you survived that effort and your entire upbringing has been one long ordeal of managing the steaming pile of seething hatred that is you. Please, please, vote however you wish, but do vote and begone."

Since we're making up shit that moms said.

Chuck66 said...

I'll say it for the 1000th time. This is what happens when you have zero diversity, such as the situation in Madison.

If you have a Republican neighbor and each side of you, you may not say things like this. But if you live in monolithic Madison, you end up with this kind of mentality.

Anonymous said...

if I voted for a Republican she would build a time machine, go back to 1971 and have an abortion

This is the sort of thing that's known as "eliminationist rhetoric" when used by unlicensed individuals.

Paddy O said...

Republicans are okay with destroying unions.

Democrats are okay with killing innocents. After all, better that a million innocents die than a union boss lose their cushy lifestyle.

That's the caudillo mentality that gets transported to cities and governments all across our country. Republicans aren't at all immune to it, but these days it's the Democrats who support, promote and will fight for such a system, all while using rhetoric about the poor to maintain the corruption.

Anonymous said...

Calls to mind the famous quote:

All the articles on this subject that I have read have been from men. They denounce women as alone guilty, and never include man in any plans for the remedy...Guilty? Yes. No matter what the motive, love of ease, or a desire to save from suffering the unborn innocent, the woman is awfully guilty who commits the deed [abortion]. It will burden her conscience in life, it will burden her soul in death; But oh, thrice guilty is he who drove her to the desperation which impelled her to the crime!

Signed "A" in The Revolution (7/8/1869), the official publication of the National Woman Suffrage Association edited and published by feminists Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony.

Chip Ahoy said...

The abortion joking liberal is less interesting to me than the thing that Monkeyboy's friend said. It is the "live his life" part that arrests my attention. That part always arrests my attention. The construction presents a problem in translation.

In ASL the words 'live' and 'life' are the same word.

The words are expressed by an "L" on both hands taping the ribcage twice in and upward motion. It's a lovely word. Some users do distinguish between the two English words by tapping with the index finger for "live" and tapping with the thumbs for "life". Thus "live his life" is the same motion twice executed slightly differently which is a construction and series of motions that doesn't make sense in that language. So one of them must go. The sentence becomes instead, "I taught him to live ... "

This concludes my language-related pedantry for the nonce.

Anonymous said...


Noted a bumper sticker in a church parking lot I passed by this morning:
"Scott Walker: Corporate Whore"

Walker needs to just give up. He can not compete with these intellectual, fact based arguments.

Chip Ahoy said...

My pedantry knows no conclusion.

One way to get around the "live" + "life" problem is to switch from index finger tap to thumb tap half way up the ribcage -- a mid-word switch that is an unconventional way to say either word, just to preserve the construction in English which is better expressed without the English construction. It is the kind of choice that I do make often enough to mark my style as highly idiosyncratic. Due to my tendency of mixing so much English into my sign for the sole purpose of maintaining vestiges of English constructions I make myself more difficult to penetrate. You have to know me awhile and know English well to see what I'm doing and have an appreciation for what to dismiss -- like switching live to life half way up the ribcage. It would only make sense to me and to people who know I pull shit like that.

Bob_R said...

Of course 167th trimester abortions are a constitutional right.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

1971? Then this is a 40 year old man speaking? If this was a college student I might take the vulgarity with a grain of machismo salt. But for a mature person to think this was clever?

Chip Ahoy said...

Later I'll tell you how to pull an unconventional double "z", useful for word like pizza, pizzazz, fuzzy, dizzy, jazz, nozzle, muzzle, drizzle, mozzarella, grizzly.

Oh hell, I'll tell you now. Make a rapid double-flick zig-zag "z" motion with two fingers instead of two zig-zag motions with one finger. This turns out to be quite amusing and very helpful besides.

Kirk Parker said...

Remind me (that's lazy me, can't get up the strength to Google this): Which California pol was it who said, at a pro-abortion rally: "I'm here today because my mother couldn't have an abortion!"?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Ha ha ha. How funny.

Your mother would rather that you be dead than to have a differnt political opinion from hers.

Agree with me or DIE!

Must be a great time at Thanksgiving.

Paul said...

I guess she could tell her 'mom' that she will go back in time to HER mother and induce an abortion.

Dang that girl has one sick family if all they think about is aborting each other.

Liberal Donks are a sweet bunch.

Rob said...

I am often amazed in the differences in family cultures. My Mom would never, ever come close to either of the statements: she would never use profanity with regard to a politician, and she would never joke about abortion. Love you, Mom!

Chip Ahoy said...

Thanks for not aborting me, Mom!

Oh, you should be thanking me for not bashing in your head early on. I look back and think how easy it all would have been for you to get your little head stuck in the crib.

Chip Ahoy said...

Apparently there is no naturally occurring rejoinder for ASL pedantry, so see how deftly I switched back to the subject of abortions in order to fit in?

jacksonjay said...

The tolerant and open-minded crowd, right? I would have expected something a little more clever, like "Kochsucking asshole"!

Glad I live in Texas!

All we have to do is live down the embarrasment of Governor Oops!

Anonymous said...

"Apparently there is no naturally occurring rejoinder for ASL pedantry"

Who would have guessed?! The crickets are telling you: "stick with discussing things wot you made, then ate. And abortion stuff. That would be OK too"

Anonymous said...

I don't think either comment was actually uttered.

madAsHell said...

Chip Ahoy -

Is there a second channel of ASL communication in your pop-up cards??

Do we need to review all the animations that you have submitted, and look for hidden ASL messages?

Anonymous said...

We have a grade school counselor who goes to the local church and signs for a few of the parishioners. I find myself paying closer attention to her than to the others who are verbal. It is actually a beautiful thing to watch and I get more out of the liturgy.

The only words I can sign: apple, pain, hungry, more, mom, dad.

garage mahal said...

Republicans are okay with destroying unions.

Democrats are okay with killing innocents. After all, better that a million innocents die than a union boss lose their cushy lifestyle.

Are you drunk today, or have you been reading World Nut Daily? You make absolutely no sense.

richard mcenroe said...

Not our problem, Ann. You vote with 'em.

Phil 314 said...

so the "civility bullshit " tag is now essentially dead, right?

CatherineM said...

All my girlfriends told me to read "Eat Pray Love." I put it down and didn't pick it up again when I read for the second time a joke of "We don't care if the kid is born with some disease as long as it's not a Republican." What stupid shallow intolerant ignorant people. Yet she calls herself "enlightened."

I may vote democrat and I may vote republican, but I don't want to be around morons who think that kind of talk is clever.

Mike said...

So his mother was going to rename him Andrew Sullivan?

Sara said...

When I was 13 (late 1950s), my Dad sat me down to give me "advice." The gist was, young lady you are about to embark on both an exciting and miserable time of your life, being a teenager and dating. Remember, if you do not date some out of your religion or race, you won't fall in love with them, and if you don't fall in love, then there is no risk of marrying them. Ignore this advice and you will leave yourself open to the worst kind of bigotry and make marriage harder to navigate due to outside forces. However, don't even think about bringing a democrat home or marrying one of those kind. I won't have it! I will disown you and remove your name from the family role.

Anonymous said...

My oldest son is a liberal (we dropped him on his head once - just sayin') and we supported his decision to vote for Barry. It was hard, but it was his first opportunity to vote and we thought it was important to teach him a lesson in the responsibilities of citizenship.

He moved into his own place last year and will have to register to vote where he lives. I don't know if he has done it or not, but knowing him and how busy he is probably not.

We're not reminding him. The danger is too great and he's an adult now. At least as adult as any liberal can be.

Chef Mojo said...

Mother do you think they'll drop the bomb?
Mother do you think they'll like this song?
Mother do you think they'll try to break my balls?
Mother should I build the wall?
Mother should I run for president?
Mother should I trust the government?
Mother will they put me in the firing line?
Mother am I really dying?

Hush now baby, baby, dont you cry.
Mother's gonna make all your nightmares come true.
Mother's gonna put all her fears into you.
Mother's gonna keep you right here under her wing.
She wont let you fly, but she might let you sing.
Mama will keep baby cozy and warm.
Ooooh baby ooooh baby oooooh baby,
Of course mama'll help to build the wall.

Mother do you think she's good enough -- to me?
Mother do you think she's dangerous -- to me?
Mother will she tear your little boy apart?
Mother will she break my heart?

Hush now baby, baby dont you cry.
Mama's gonna check out all your girlfriends for you.
Mama wont let anyone dirty get through.
Mama's gonna wait up until you get in.
Mama will always find out where you've been.
Mama's gonna keep baby healthy and clean.
Ooooh baby oooh baby oooh baby,
You'll always be baby to me.

Mother, did it need to be so high?

Roger Waters

cassandra lite said...

Hmmm, so Mom is capable of building a time machine but, until now, hasn't had a good reason to.

If she did build one, one not go back to '67 or '68 instead, when she was presumably single and...sucking cocks of hippies.

On the other hand, she is a librarian. So what're the chances of that having happened?

Also, were abortions legal in Wisconsin in '71? Or is voting for a Republican worthy of a coat-hanger back alley?

Jaq said...

I never understood what was so bad about cocksuckers. World can always use more, I say.

Petunia said...

Ah, the tolerant Madison left at it again. How this cesspool ever got a reputation as being tolerant and compassionate is completely beyond me.

CatherineM, I decided Eat Pray Love wasn't worth my time when I discovered the author got a $30,000 advance to fund her trip, so she could pretend to be a wanderer and then preach to the rest of us.

Petunia said...

I'm tempted to comment on Dave Cieslewicz' column about the state basketball tournament's leaving Madison, in which he says that Madison is a friendly city.

No, it isn't, if your political and/or religious views are out-of-step with the lockstep intolerant liberal mentality that prevails here.

But it's not worth going through the site's registration process.

Paddy O said...

"You make absolutely no sense."

Do I? Or do I make so much sense that you just blew your mind?

Is it so possible that your head is spinning like a top?!

Is your entire world just crashing down around you?!

(simply explained... it's odd when Walker is opposed for undermining union control, while those who oppose him can be flippant about abortion, which undermines human existence itself)

Toad Trend said...

Hee hee, civility bullshit indeed. Really, leftists are the real rednecks of politics.

Theft, abortion, incivility, lying, jealousy, laziness, they own it.

And that's just Monday.

Brian Brown said...

From the president of the United States today:

As we mark the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we must remember that this Supreme Court decision not only protects a woman’s health and reproductive freedom, but also affirms a broader principle: that government should not intrude on private family matters.

Must not intrude on private family matters unless it involves health care, the amount of water in your flush toilet, your light bulbs, and if the amount of income you earn is over $250,000.

Got that?

Diggs said...

My guess is that he'll never forget the day that his Mom became a colossal cunt.

Toad Trend said...


LOL. Liberal self-awareness is nil.

Oz indeed.

Anonymous said...

Now, if she had told her son that if he were homosexual she would build a time machine, go back to 1971 and have an abortion, we'd be subjected to all kinds of lectures about how hateful that is, 'sweet mystery of life' and all that crap.

Anne M Ford said...

Then mother dear you will not mind it when I have you put into that nursing home in Florida and promise to never visit.

Milwaukee said...

Paddy O said...
Republicans are okay with destroying unions.
Democrats are okay with killing innocents. After all, better that a million innocents die than a union boss lose their cushy lifestyle.

Paddy O: Unfortunately you are making a great deal of sense. Sadly, you are making a great deal of sense.

Unions are happy to make deals which benefit senior employees over junior employees. Who is more junior than the unborn?

Fen said...

Obama: "...must not intrude on private family matters"

Fratricide, incest, child abuse. All "private family matters"

Obama is an idiot.

Anne M Ford said...

"Jay said...
From the president of the United States today:

As we mark the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we must remember that this Supreme Court decision not only protects a woman’s health and reproductive freedom, but also affirms a broader principle: that government should not intrude on private family matters.

Must not intrude on private family matters unless it involves health care, the amount of water in your flush toilet, your light bulbs, and if the amount of income you earn is over $250,000."

Or how much your kids weigh, what kinds of food you eat, what religion you believe, what kinds of websites you visit or blogs you post on. No el presidente is all for privacy.

David said...

If mother's love is contingent on how one votes, it's not love.

bflat879 said...

First, liberals will do or say anything to defeat Walker, they're possessed. Secondly, cocksucking is only related to abortion if you swallow.

Toad Trend said...


Where'v you been?

Good to see you stop by. Don't be such a stranger. Meade is good people, no fears.

Palladian said...

"I never understood what was so bad about cocksuckers. World can always use more, I say."

I'm doing my level best...

Levi Starks said...

Roe V wade 1973 next year will be 40 year celebration of killing unborn children
The commenter made it in just under the wire

1775OGG said...

Speaking of assholes and politics: I recall that Minneapolis had an assistant director for transient art and its mayor also ordered drinking fountains for about $50,000 apiece. Then fairly recently, Minneapolis had to cut back the ranks of the MPD and the MFD; not sure but perhaps to protect that assistant art director.

ajcjw said...

"As we mark the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we must remember that this Supreme Court decision not only protects a woman’s health and reproductive freedom, but also affirms a broader principle: that government should not intrude on private family matters."

In the same statement Obama also said the constitutional right to abortion "ensures our daughters have the same rights, freedoms and opportunities as our sons to fulfill their dreams". So in his view it's OK to eliminate children if they curtail a woman's "rights", hamper freedom and are a hindrance to dreams.

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