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According to the new book by Jodi Kantor.
Tim Burton decorated it “in his signature creepy-comic style. His film version was about to be released, and he had turned the room into the Mad Hatter’s tea party...
“Burton’s own Mad Hatter, the actor Johnny Depp, presided over the scene in full costume, standing up on a table to welcome everyone in character.”
The president's aides decided the party would send the wrong message at a time when the Tea Party was on the rise with its message against Washington's excesses and unemployment had risen sharply to ten per cent.
"White House officials were so nervous about how a splashy, Hollywood-esque party would look to jobless Americans or their representatives in Congress, who would soon vote on health care that the event was not discussed publicly and Burton's and Depp's contributions went unacknowledged...."
१०२ टिप्पण्या:
Sounds pretty cool. I'll never be crazy about having a star fucker for a president, but still. It sounds pretty cool.
Link not working, for me.
Were Marie Antoinette and her cortège present?
But seriously, it's wonderful that the Emperor and his Court occasionally deign to send us, the noble subjects, scraps of their Entertainments now and again, not to mention their sauce-soaked bread trenchers to nibble on the day after their feasts.
I, for one, eagerly await His and Her Excellencies' summer progress through the realm. Perhaps courtiers and Peers of the Realm will allow us to view some of the clever Entertainments they devise in their bids to win favour with the Emperor and Empress.
Fortunately the bust of Churchill had been sent back to Britain.
I'm getting a "404 error" following the link, too.
Link fixed (and more stuff added).
Obama has had so many fabulous parties, but now we find out that there were also secret parties. With all the guests, why didn't the secret leak out?
Is this president a joke or what?
Rome... 2012? Versailles.. 2012?
So is this Nero while Rome burned? Or Marie Antoinette and 'let them eat cake' while people starved?
Nov. 2012 can't come to soon....
Bread and circuses.
Eyes Wide Shut.
I, for one, eagerly await His and Her Excellencies' summer progress through the realm
One good thing about Romney winning is we won't have to read this ridiculous whiny tripe over and over again.
Nov. 2012 can't come to soon....
You're not beating the guy. Not even gonna be close.
I read details at the Daily Beast, since the Ahouse link wasn't workin for me.
The so-called juicy parts of this book seem lame.
What happened to the secret "whitey" video? And, the Ayers/Wright loon connections? Those were compelling smears.
But, the problem w/ the hyperbolic attacks from 2008 is that they are hard to top today. And Michelle isn't delivering much to work w/. Even if there was a meaningful controversy (unlike the silly stuff in this book), it would still mean nothing compared to the scary caricature from 08.
Some on right wing radio still like to point out that some of Michelle's cloths are expensive. I fell that such complaining is idiotic, especially from Rs--who aren't supposed to be into class warfare.
OTOH, it does seem noteworthy that Romney thinks folks shouldn't be in politics if they aren't rich enough to live w/o a paycheck. Being rich is good, but there's no reason to assume that un-rich folks are less valuable to the political system. Arguably, in some ways, the views of these "normal" folks may be beneficial.
@deborah: Excellent point. But wasn't it true that "thumbs down" really wasn't used to indicate that the losing gladiator was to be killed. Perhaps our present, ever so modern society, should come up with a more humane way to resolving these bread and cuircuses contests. Perhaps something even PETA could support.
ps: PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals!
I love that they knew it was bad to have the party, so they decided to hide it.
He's Sort Of God, so it was OK. Same if his name was Kennedy.
If his name had been Bush or Romney or McCain or Cain or Perry or Gingrich or her name had been Bachmann or Palin...
that would have been the height of insensitivity and the Occupation would be storming the White House.
So, tell me again, who's running the joke candidates this time?
So, the people who PAID for this nonsense are not allowed to see the bill for what they were forced to pay for against their will?
The so-called juicy parts of this book seem lame.
That's because the information came from friends of the Obamas.
This isn't a real expose. It is a few juicy tidbits scattered about to get you to read another love letter to the Obamas.
"One morning during his Senate campaign, Obama didn’t show up to a meeting with donors. “After a frantic search, a white staffer named Peter Coffey called Obama’s barbershop to find that, yes, he was there.”
The president confronted Coffey about the call later that day."
When was it?
It must have been from when he was senator.
AA said: " With all the guests, why didn't the secret leak out?"
Yeah. So much for the old adage that we shouldn't believe conspiracies because it's too hard for a big group to keep a secret.
OldGrouchyCranky said...
@deborah: Excellent point. But wasn't it true that "thumbs down" really wasn't used to indicate that the losing gladiator was to be killed.
Thumbs down meant sheathe the weapon; the motion was made to one's opposite side.
Thumbs up was a motion of the thumb to the throat on the opposite side - weapon in the jugular.
That the White House with all their resources (including our money) could throw a really neat party is hardly a big deal. That they decided then that they needed to hide it is cowardly and unsurpising.
Michelle's BFFs strike again.
"With all the guests, why didn't the secret leak out?"
Because the party had vital national security implications.. unlike fighting terror?
I'm guessing of course.
"AA said: " With all the guests, why didn't the secret leak out?"
Yeah. So much for the old adage that we shouldn't believe conspiracies because it's too hard for a big group to keep a secret."
Is this really a "consperiacy?"
Don't forget that the WH party planners couldn't even keep crashers away from the POTUS. And, imho, the description of this party doesn't seem more over the top than the party w/ the $200(?)/lb steak, which we have heard about. Shaped cookies and props from a movie? WTF? That's supposed to be an unfathomably grandiose White House party?
Sounds lame and boring. In the original Camelot, there would've at least been a gangbang or something.
Are we sure that absolutely no reporters knew about this?
Aren't any cons ready to suggest that the lamestream librul media was engaged in a coverup?
"Aren't any cons ready to suggest that the lamestream librul media was engaged in a coverup?"
The MSM is merely the press release arm of the Democrat party.
It's not a conspiracy if it's your job.
Is this really a "consperiacy?"
It is a group of people keeping a secret for no reason other than to protect the reputation of the Obamas. Imagine if they really had something to hide!
Don't forget that the WH party planners couldn't even keep crashers away from the POTUS.
In that case, the crashers couldn't keep a secret. But the WH was able to keep their people from talking about it.
Somehow I don't think if Bush was throwing these kind of lavish parties with 10% unemployment garage would be griping about "whiny" Republicans. He's a typical leftist Obama knob gobbbler. In fact Obama's knob is balls deep into him.
I think the MSM was waiting by their phones in case the WH called and told them there was a news event happening at the WH that night.
Or maybe the pool reporter was locked in a closet.
Moochelle Antoinette in 2012 - "let them have Mad Hatter parties".
"the crashers couldn't keep a secret. "
Having a "reality" TV show would have made that tough.
Thanks for ignoring my spelling.
There is no question Many in the media knew about this secret party Obama was hiding. But the media, like Obama, realize most US citizens are racist hillybilly rubes who just would not know how to handle the truth. Obama insults US citizens in so many ways
Palladian wrote:
Were Marie Antoinette and her cortège present?
She did have her own little wonderland, didn't she?
They hide unfavorable news now the same way they hid news about JFK.
Worthless shits. Why listen to them anymore?
Every word they say is a lie or in service to a lie.
"Unbeknownst to reporters..."
Ha ha ha.
They really think we're that stupid. They do.
This really makes me wonder what else Obama has hidden equally effectively.
Since it was a kids' party (and we don't know how many kids were there), keeping it a secret may have been easier than PB&J wants everyone to think.
What's interesting is that Barry and Moochelle, having blown millions on well-publicized date nights in Paris and elsewhere, sound like they like being in each other's company less than Willie and the Hildabeast.
Which must take real effort.
Ooh. Another entry for "if Bush had done it"
I think the actions of this administration are all based on the advice from Carter. If you're going to go down in history as the worst president then you might at well be known as the biggest partier. Just look at how boring Carter was.
The book with a few juicy tidbits to make it look real but really creates the reality he wants you to believe genre is Obama's standard MO.
Reporters decided they didn't really need to look at Obama's life because hey, Obama had already written two candid memoirs.
Now Obama is POTUS, so he can't be writing and releasing his own books before this next election. He needs someone else to do that for him.
Enter Jodi Kantor, hand picked to write about the private lives of those amazing (yet flawed) people in the White House. No need to look further, because this book is candid.
Okay, I've cracked the con mystery here.
The evil, sneaky BHO administration had the most expensive (not to mention paid for by Real Americans) party in WH history, and the guests were the lamestream media and their liberally indoctrinated spawn. Together these Marxist conspirators planned to hide this party from the folks they referred to as BCers (Bitter Clingers).
[the minds of some con readers of Althosue: "That peanut butter dude is starting to make sense!"]
Two 'Moochelle' references already. Keep it classy wingers. It's so tantalizingly close to what you really want to call her, but can't.
Two 'Moochelle' references already. Keep it classy wingers. It's so tantalizingly close to what you really want to call her, but can't.
Oh really garbage, please tell us what we "wingers" really want to call Moochelle?
Awww, not a mention that I've been doing the NewAge/Obama/Alice In Wonderland two-step for over three years now? Tsk-tsk. I know Glenn Reynolds is shitty enough to short me, but you? Whatsa matter?
Don't you wuv me anymore?
garage mahal,
Two 'Moochelle' references already. Keep it classy wingers. It's so tantalizingly close to what you really want to call her, but can't.
What? A fucking cow? I'll call her that, now what?
Am i being raaaacist?
It's so tantalizingly close to what you really want to call her, but can't.
I really want to call her former First Lady, Michelle Obama, but I can't until next year.
That doesn't sound like "Mooshelle" at all, at least not to me. Oh, well. There's no accounting for some people's chaotic neuron cascades.
Crack - garage is more black then you because... oh shit this leftist crap really warps the brain to hell.
Crack wrote:
What? A fucking cow? I'll call her that, now what?
Michelle ought to be flattered. A cow at least is useful.
It bears repeating that the west is currently burdened with the worst ruling class since Roman times. It is not enough that we have spent literally trillions of dollars to no purpose other than as a sop to Obama's courtiers but we have also been forced to fete him as if he were a king.
It would not surprise me in the least to wake up one day and find that Obama has appointed a horse as one of his czars.
I just saw the most ridiculous bumper sticker of all time. It said:
"Obama / Biden 2012"
That shit cracked me up. I'm still smiling.
I remember when Reagan leaned forward and put his hand on the knee of the president of the Soviet Union and said,
"Enjoy yourself, Gorby, it doesn't get any better than this."
"Were Marie Antoinette and her cortège present?"
Palladian, the L. A. Times is very, very disappointed in you. Surely as a sensitive gay type of guy you know that any comparison of Michelle Obama to Marie Antoinette is inherently racist.
As penance, please recite "Yes, We Can!" 1000 times.
Crack - garage is more black then you because... oh shit this leftist crap really warps the brain to hell.
LOL! I know:
I found myself telling a liberal black friend Ron Paul was blacker than my friend is because of Paul's little speech on the inequality of how the War On Drugs is applied. "A Firestorm of Controversy doesn't even BEGIN to describe the reaction that got. (My friend's pretty dark,...)
Crack wrote: What? A fucking cow? I'll call her that, now what? Michelle ought to be flattered. A cow at least is useful.
Yeah, some people actually want to fuck THEM,...
So I wonder who played the Dourmouse and reminded POTUS to "Heed your Fed"?
I truly want to know what media knew about this party and kept it quiet. Can I guess NBC/MSNBC? Someone needs to start a countdown to election day - start the clock NOW! How many more days until we vote this guy OUT?
"I just saw the most ridiculous bumper sticker of all time."
Evidence that even the dumbest of the dumb can get a driver's license, so no more bullshit about disenfranchising people by requiring photo ID to vote.
Guess what cows do all the time - they chew cud and poop. Sounds awfully close to what Moochelle does!
Uh, as they say, bad "optics" if it was on display right after the Dems were trounced on an election about aloof, self-ingulgent Elites from Ivy schools..
The Obamas have toned it down, but their 1st two years were non-stop lavish parties, swank soirees, plush receptions, and dozens of visits to countries that treated them like royalty.
Bush was a lousy President, but he was a guy that was down to earth. The Obamas and their wealthy adorers in finance and affluent Hollywood gave all the impression of patricians laughing "ironically" at the unwashed 'bitter clinger' masses while dressed in tuxes and gowns at yet another gala gathering while sipping on their 1200 dollar designer martinis.
Let me do what Larry "Lesbian Sex" O'Donnell does. If you don't now the reference, O'Donnell was "moderating" a VP debate in 2004 between Cheney and (oh how quickly we forget) what's his face who was Kerry's VP nominee.
Ol Larry figured that potential "values voters" would be offended if they realized that Dick Cheney's openly lesbian daughter engaged in "lesbian sex".
So Larry "Lesbian Sex" O'Donnell set a world's record for using the same two word phrase more than 30 times in under 2 minutes.
To paraphrase Larry's "Lesbian Sex" rant and to tell off one of the early posters here who got his tighty whities in a knot:
Moochelle, Moochelle, Moochelle, Moochelle, Moochelle---aw it's not worth the time to talk about her.
Ann Althouse said...
. . . . With all the guests, why didn't the secret leak out?
Serious, intense, realistic fear of retribution?
Or perhaps it did leak out but the media did not report it?
"She did have her own little wonderland, didn't she?"
The difference between Marie Antoinette and Michelle Obama is that I actually feel sorry for Marie Antoinette.
David wrote:
Or perhaps it did leak out but the media did not report it?
Give that man a cigar.
pbAndjFellowRepublican said...
Okay, I've cracked the con mystery here.
The evil, sneaky BHO administration had the most expensive (not to mention paid for by Real Americans) party in WH history, and the guests were the lamestream media and their liberally indoctrinated spawn. Together these Marxist conspirators planned to hide this party from the folks they referred to as BCers (Bitter Clingers).
[the minds of some con readers of Althosue: "That peanut butter dude is starting to make sense!"]
As a distinguished ratiocinist once said, "You're a legend in your own mind".
rhhardin said...
Fortunately the bust of Churchill had been sent back to Britain.
Unfortunately, Churchill has been seized by the Neocons as the old unreconstructed Brit imperialist that hungered for war. Save the Empire, hold on to all territories at all costs, treat every possible conflict from the Boer War on as an excuse to send "The Heroes".
Bush was captured by the Neocons and became "The New American Churchill" - thirsty for wars & nation-building, serving Israel's goals, a salesman to talk to his "Dear Friends" like Musharaff, Chalabi, Mubarak, HU Jintao about how ducky everything American was.
And that fed Neocon hunger for more, and better war to promote America. Cost no object when you were talking about saving "Noble Freedom Lovers". Wars with Iran, Somalia, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon for stanping out "The Evildoers Who hijacked the Religion of Peace" and for helping "Our Special Friend" were proposed. Added to with a proposal to "surgically strike N Korea", John Boltons famous call for military options to be on the table because "Cuba has WMD, and backs terrorist Evildoers too!" Neocon McCain proposed conflict with Russia over Georgia to "save the noble Georgian Freedom Lovers", plus warhawk Johnny also though a war with Venezuela to "save freedom" was not a bad idea..
Other Neocons wanted wars to liberate Libya, liberate Burma, save the Noble Congolese from killing and eating fellow Congolese freedom-lovers.
****Maybe that Churchill bust should stay in the UK as a reminder how an Empire can be broken and bankrupted by Imperial Overreach.*****
The Obama Administration treating the presidency like a vacation and party?
The hell you say.
I smell a conspiracy.
Wow, Hollywood's Kevin Costner had, well, a rather racist take on the Obama's and their secretive White House party.
"One good thing about Romney winning is we won't have to read this ridiculous whiny tripe over and over again."
Of course we will, you will be writing them. Everything you post is based entirely on the metric democrats = good, republicans = evil and stupid to the point your opinion on anything is based on the party rather than the action. Total hack, and I see no reason for you not to flop 180 degrees on every stand you have taken when a republican does the exact same thing.
EDH, "spook"? Seriously? Ugly.
An expensive party in the White House hosted by the Mad Hatter. This is a metaphor rich environment. It begs for a snarky column by Maureen Dowd. The fact that such a column will never exist is itself a snarky comment on the ability of the press to fairly report on their own mad tea party with Obama.
Everything you post is based entirely on the metric democrats = good, republicans = evil and stupid to the point your opinion on anything is based on the party rather than the action
It's pretty easy to call bullshit on comments around here. With regards to Michelle Obama, the weird hate for her makes it even easier.
I warned you it was racist!
Or are you calling me out for taking Oliver Stone's JFK out of, ahem, historical context?
Talk about "being through the Looking Glass people..."
With regards to Michelle Obama, the weird hate for her makes it even easier.
What is the "hate" based on, and why is it "weird"?
Were any married people that cannot procreate or use contraceptives there at the party?
If so, this is really disgusting anti anti american.
If any of you re-married oldies approve of this, and can't adorn us with a child NOW you are gross and your marriages should be disbanded.
Wait. So this huge celebrity party happened at the White House in 2009...and we are just hearing about it now? Isn't someone who pays for a subscription to the NYT or WaPo going to ask for their money back? This isn't NEWS? What do the Obamas have to do? Murder babies in the cellar? How do they keep this quiet? What the hell else are they keeping mum about? If team red gets in they should kick the whole press corp out. Let them collect checks from the DNC.
"the weird hate for her makes it even easier."
I don't hate her, but I am sad that she was never proud of her country until they were gonna pay for all her stuff and giver a nice big house with some truly one-of-a-kind accoutrements. That sure makes her special doesn't it?
It will be a good day, 20 years from now, when all you oldies are dead, and no one gives a shit about gays being married.
Because you oldies will all be dead (like the hateful Meadhouse) and the world will change.
Thank God.
So garage gets off on us hating Moochelle? Does he masturbate to hit?
Parties. Secret parties. Daily outings. Trips around the world. And, last, but not least, a vacation in Hawaii, while his home and presumably his family, friends, and neighbors in Chicago were left to fend for themselves.
I think the least of his concerns is service to the American people.
Well, people wanted a "historical moment", and in their desperation elected a man for the color (even a shade) of his skin.
Americans need to remember their individual dignity or they will continue to be slaves of a selective history and will submit to a superior or exceptional dignity. Then again, it is clear that many people either did not understand or desired the consequences of redistributive change and the corruption which it promotes.
There was also the Midnight Cowboy-themed party, when Obama showed up as Joe Buck and Rahm was Ratso.
What is the "hate" based on, and why is it "weird"?
It isn't her travel schedule, every First Lady travels a lot. It isn't the actual size of her ass, Laura Bush surely had a larger one. My guess: she is a.)a Democrat b.) she is black.
As someone said early in his term.....he liked running for office, but as President....he likes the perks, just not the actual job.
Hence the dinners, travel, parties, etc.
garage - always trotting out the race-card. Of course he knows what's in our dark hearts.
It isn't the actual size of her ass, Laura Bush surely had a larger one. My guess: she is a.)a Democrat b.) she is black.
Nope. Michelle O has the larger ass. Indisputably.
It will be a good day, 20 years from now, when all you oldies are dead, and no one gives a shit about gays being married. Because you oldies will all be dead (like the hateful Meadhouse) and the world will change. Thank God.
Oh, Titus, stop it. What you are failing to do - what gays are failing to do - is see reason, and then blaming everybody else for it. I've made this same point over and over again - and it applies not just for gays but for everyone - that we know what a marriage in America is and trying to change it is stupid and not going to happen.
I've made the point in regards to Ann and Meade - they can call what they're doing marriage but that's not so - they are married to other people. It's a one-shot deal, for life. They are co-habitating together, but they're married to their spouses. End of story. My wife is somewhere, maybe doing the same, but nothing will change that I am the man she married.
Now, let's look at gays. We'll all be talking about, say, politics and then you'll come on and start talking about your hog and the size of your load. Why? You're gay. That's obviously different from the rest of us, right? Well, own that.
Carrying on, check out this quote from an article in Gawker called "The Secrets Gay Men Don’t Want Straight People to Know" (which I sent to Ann but not-so-mysteriously she didn't blog about because it destroys the bullshit "Will & Grace" narrative she's always pushing about gays):
Not All Gay Couples Are Monogamous
What HRC and other gay rights groups would like to sell the straight public is that gay couples are just like straight married couples. In many cases, they are. They are monogamous and have been together forever and raise their kids behind white picket fences. What they don't want you to know is that many gay couples, though married, civilly unionized, or otherwise commonlaw are inviting guys over for threeways, playing around with other guys on the side, or engaged in all other sorts of sexual hijinks. Yes, straight people have "swingers" but it seems like there is a stronger bent of "non-traditional arrangements" among the gays. It might be because gay men are horny bastards and because we didn't have your fiendish and chaste preset relationship constructs until recently when straight people decided it was time to stop treating us like second class citizens. Yeah, we may be married, but that doesn't mean we're dead or conforming to your rules.
No, they're not "married" carrying on that way - that's not what marriage is or means. What none of you can get around, or over, is the word "marriage." Whatever that is gays think they're doing, being in a long-term relationship and doing all that needs a new name - probably something that incorporates the term "swingers" into it. Here's the bottom line:
The 60s and 70s did a lot to change society, but not entirely. Hippies came close but, as the old saying goes, "there is nothing new under the sun" and we've seen through all the deceptions now and reality is reasserting itself, wiping away the debris from the wreckage that was caused. Marriage is a man and a woman for life - not just whatever you want to do. Whatever you want to do either has a name or needs a new one, but it's not marriage:
That term's taken.
BTW - even if two gay people "have been together forever and raise their kids behind white picket fences," that, too, is not marriage - because it's not a man and a woman, etc.
It's no more a marriage than I'm a white guy. Wouldn't it be silly for me to keep asserting I am? It certainly would. But that's what gays are doing, and what Ann and Meade are doing, and all the other fools thinking, "that doesn't mean we're dead or conforming to your rules." They're not our rules:
It's just reality - and some of you have a MAJOR problem with it.l
"Because you oldies will all be dead (like the hateful Meadhouse) and the world will change."
I had no idea that marriage was such recent a development.
Change maybe, but what will be gained and what will be lost? Like women's liberation, there are trade offs, not that you give you shit. You just want something that someone else has, and that's as far as the thinking goes.
With all the guests, why didn't the secret leak out?
Because it wasn't actually a party, but something else.
It will be a good day, 20 years from now, when all you oldies are dead, and no one gives a shit about gays being married.
Because you oldies will all be dead (like the hateful Meadhouse) and the world will change.
Thank God.
Not giving a shit cuts both ways, even every which way. Fortunately all the way around, I fully expect not to be alive to experience the full measure of the consequences of all of that (and I'm verging on 51). Living long, so far as I can tell, is overrated.
"White House officials were so nervous about how a splashy, Hollywood-esque party would look
Not nervous or concerned that it was a good idea in the first place. Just how it would look.
You inspire me!
"Do as I say, not as I do". Repeat & rinse.
garage: "It's so tantalizingly close to what you really want to call her, but can't."
Out of the mouth of a racist.
The most transparent regime.
One good thing about Romney winning is we won't have to read this ridiculous whiny tripe over and over again.
When I GOP president is sworn in alongside a House still in GOP hands and a newly retaken Senate, the shrill whining from the left will begin in earnest, most with a memory hole down which comments like the above will swirl into nothingness.
Titus said...
It will be a good day, 20 years from now, when all you oldies are dead, and no one gives a shit about gays being married.
Because you oldies will all be dead (like the hateful Meadhouse) and the world will change
Nothing like wishing death on your political opponents.
PS, gays being married won't change the fact that it is abnormal, immoral and unhealthy behavior.
Nope. Michelle O has the larger ass. Indisputably.
Junior High School.
Not giving a shit cuts both ways, even every which way. Fortunately all the way around, I fully expect not to be alive to experience the full measure of the consequences of all of that (and I'm verging on 51). Living long, so far as I can tell, is overrated.
Ditto. Having it come at you when you're *broke* definitely adds some perspective - like looking over a cliff where you know, when you fall over, you're going to hit lots of branches on the way down. So instead of "Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow," it'll just be "Ow. Ow. Ow."
Oh well. While I've heard of "death with dignity" (out of all I've seen) I've never witnessed it. Hell, life with dignity seems pretty distant for most. Those without money can't catch a break, those with it seem determined to look like fools as they squander what they have. What are you going to do?
I'm sleeping as much as possible to A) stop me from "living" and B) increase the odds I'll die that way.
Life ain't shit without a plan,...
"The weird hate for her. . ."
Considering what your filthy party spewed at Dubya for eight years, garbage, "Moochelle" is practically a term of endearment for the ethically-challenged affirmative-action snarl merchant Little Black Jesus has the misfortune to be chained to.
"With all the guests, why didn't the secret leak out?"
Exactly. The WH must have leaked it now, to this author. Part of their election strategy. Little is as at first it seems.
"I love that they knew it was bad to have the party, so they decided to hide it."
That's what you are meant to believe. The book is a campaign tool. It worked on you, got your attention, moreover, deflected your attention away from the candidate's weaknesses.
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