It was back on January 14, 2004 that I crossed the line into the blogosphere. (That's what we called it then, the blogosphere.) After posting every single day — absolutely never even one day away — I'm still having a grand time.
I'm delighted to still be here and able to type out the letters: Thanks for reading!
१०० टिप्पण्या:
Congratulations Ann. Thanks for giving us lurkers an outlet to share, vent, and occasionally be silly and stupid.
Today is also my wonderful wife's 47th birthday. 18+ years of marriage and I would marry her all over again. She has made me a better person. I love you sweetheart!!!
We don't call it the blogosphere now?
wv: no kidding, is "racest"
Back from Puerto Rico where I have been blog free, news free for ten days, I can only paraphrase Van Morrison's song and say Blog on, Blog on Althouse and Meade..
Thanks for hosting us. It's been a helluva party!
"I'm delighted to still be here and able to type out the letters: Thanks for reading!"
Thanks for writing and Happy Blog Birthday.
Of late, it seems like this is the denouement of the play.
Your consecutive games streak puts you past Everett "Dredd" Scott, but you have a long way to go to catch Gehrig and Ripken...
Congratulations, Prof. Althouse. Your blog is the most open and honest. I hope one day you will have a column in the NYT. Perhaps, replacing both Collins and Dowd - what a waste of space and intelligence.
Now, on wards to better prediction.
Romney wins the SC and FL. But, I love Newt and Perry. They such idiots that I can't but hep to laugh. Man with three religions and three wives wants to be the POTUS (Newt). Man who cannot speak a unique sentence correctly wants to debate Obama (Perry).
All Romney needs a great VP and the election is in the bag.
Also, one weakness in our society. We do not have a single website that provides 24/7 political news - all live webcast. The station (such as CNN, Fox) are not live and it is so sad. Why can we get Al Zeera live but we cannot get our own politics live. I simply find it amusing. There should be YouTube/Politics where everything is broadcast as it happens. No firewall in NYT. It would be SUPER_POLITICO.
Something to be proud of. I'm not sure that even Glenn Reynolds has posted every day.
Congrats. Consistently one of the most interesting places on the 'net and I greatly value the gimlet eye you cast on all things Madison.
Many thanks for posting. Why not just keep on going?
Never misses a day.
Iron Man Althouse.
Quite impressive.
Tanks for the party.
PS If you're not sure why Iron Man applies, ask Meade, he'll know.
And folks still read you! Well done Ann, Congrats.
Congratulations, Ann Althouse! Thanks for a great eight years. I'm looking forward to another eight and hopefully more!
Wonderful blog! Every day I seem to learn something new from the postings, a word, a place, a viewpoint. Thank you so much.
You do a great job. Unique, I think.
We're very grateful that you choose to do this. Thanks for the fresh and informative bits!
Sic transit blogia.
This place is one of the things I expressed gratitude for, in my morning thanksgiving.
I've been reading Althouse since 2005, maybe before 2005.
Althouse is a very crumby blog.
Congratulations and keep on truckin'!
You don't look a day over 10.
Happy blog-birthday and congratulations on what has become one of the most widely read, influential, and best blogs in existence.
Everyday for eight years!?!? That's impressive....and a little scary!!
Thanks for writing!
Congratulations. Eight years is impressive, but every day for eight years is amazing.
For years now, I've been all over the blogosphere (can I still use that name?) reading all sorts of perspectives on a wide range of topics. There is soooo much out there. So much to choose from (though admittedly, there is a lot that can be passed over).
I've been reading you for years now. For the longest time you were one of many. Then one to refer to. Then a top 5. Now- I have to say, when I want to reach into one blog that is interesting, entertaining, occasionally beautiful (images/photos), grounded, and most importantly- sane, I pull up Althouse. I think there's a lot to be said for sane these days.
Two points- with all that is out there, it is a remarkable feat that you consistently attract the number of people you do. Moreover, it is quite a feat to have the breadth of thought behind your readers- it spans the range of ideologies (you can tell by reading the comments).
Lastly, as someone who has tried, and given up numerous times- I salute your dogged ability to keep writing....everyday. Even with a day job. :)
Keep writing, Professor. Happy 8th Birthday. We thank you for it.
Congratulations, now try for another eight years!
Thanks for reading!
Thanks for writing and posting. Your selection of subject matter, your insight, the quality of your writing, and the great smorgasbord of commenters is why I come here.
Oh, and for Garage too. ;)
Found you in 2004 and, except for a couple of years hiatus due to Katrina and dealing with its aftermath I've read you consistently as part of my morning "instrument scan." Although you have your ideological blind-spots (as do we all) I've found you to be one of the most intellectually honest of not only bloggers in general, but of those in academia especially. And the quirky, diverse crowd here is first-rate--mentally quick and highly knowledgeable--even if an assemblage of deviant miscreants with waay too much time on their hands. :) If one is known by the company one keeps, well... MY GOD! :)
Thanks for the work you put into this, Althouse. It is like a cozy bar, without the alcoholism. It got even better when Meade came on board.
I started a blog once, then I realized you have to keep doing it all the time!!! Not for me, alas.
What Karnival said.
I can't improve on that.
Happy blogging birthday!
Seconding some prior comments, I agree that "blogosphere" is a perfectly apt term today.
I can't remember exactly when I wandered over here via an Instapundit link....I think it was right after the launch. Now it's a daily compulsion.
Congrats, Anne! Good work!
Congrats professor, and thanks for providing so many thought provoking posts and a place for us to talk about the issues of the day. Over the years yours has become one of only 2 or 3 blogs I consider must read daily.
"This blog is 8 years old today..."
Now, I don't feel so guilty for behaving like an eight year old when I visit.
Just wait 'til I hit puberty... again.
Brace yourself.
Where would a writer be without her readers.. Keep giving us something to read everyday and we will stick around, happily.
That would be 2929 straight days. You are a diligent worker with a great mind.
On Althouse!
Definitely a far, far better blogosphere with you around, Professor. Thank you.
Just don't spend most of your next few years why you made a bone-headed decision voting for president again. "Dude, I fucked up." will suffice. Simple and wholly accurate.
A grand 8th to you, Madame, as you cover yourself in glory.
And thanks for letting us share not only your thoughts and opinions, but your life and love.
Many more and elevation to Grande Conservative Bloggress Diva in the New Year.
I love the pictures of Madison and the environs. Are you paid by the Wisconsin Tourism Bureau? (jk)
Congratulations. Not as easy as it looks. I'll have to buy something on Amazon to celebrate.
Ann -- Many, many congratulations from a loyal, very entertained and grateful, fan.
Congratulations! We were birthed in close temporal proximity (though mine was several thousand years in the making), another two Badgers in the. . . .BadgerSphere!!
Congrats, Althouse. Thanks for filtering the world through your brain and sharing the results with us.
Congratulations! And thank you for doing what you do day after day.
Great Job Althouse! Congrats and thanks for all you do.
Btw- I went back and looked at your archives and saw this from your post on 12/29/2005:
"I can't think of any examples where I said, 'Gosh, I wish I had more power.'" -- President Bush
Happy Birthday Althouse Blog!
And thanks to the proprietress and all who have helped her.
That's great. Congratulations from someone who often objects to you emphasis, but who respects the effort and consistency.
Happy blog birthday. Great stuff over here. Truly.
Apologies, but you must share your birthday cake.
Nothing clever to say...just thanks so much for your remarkable productivity. Your posts are very much appreciated and enjoyed. Obviously, Meade has added so much to your life but we here in "reader land" have benefited also from his different contributions to the blog. Congrats to you both.
That's what we called it then, the blogosphere
Thank God we've progressed from such savage beginnings. So...what are we calling it now?
Happy Blogday!!
Nothing clever to say...just thanks so much for your remarkable productivity.
Never feel like you have to have anything clever to say in order to post. It never stops me.
Happy anniversary!
Well done.
Thanks for the blog, Ann. Keep on writing!
Ann Althouse, the Cal Ripken of the blogosphere.
We used to say Lou Gehrig. And because Cal is such a classy guy, he would still say that.
Congratulations, and Happy Birthday to the blog.
(Did you ever have the word "Weblog" in the masthead, back in the day?)
That's what we called it then, the blogosphere.
"You see, back in those days, when we called it 'the blogosphere', rich men would ride around in Zeppelins, dropping coins on people, and one day I seen J.D. Rockefeller flying by. So I run of the house with a big washtub and... hey! Where are you going? Anyway, about my washtub. I'd just used it that morning to wash my turkey, which in those days was known as a walking-bird. We'd always have walking-bird on Thanksgiving, with all the trimmings: cranberries, injun eyes, yams stuffed with gunpowder. Ow! my glaucoma just got worse. The president is a Democrat! Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time."
Anyway, congratulations. Truly admire the perseverance.
I love & appreciate you. You are a voice of reason, power, and fun. Keep up the good work!
I still call it the blogosphere! :P
Best of the best. Happy blog B'day.
You are one of my favorites Professor. I really enjoy your unique perspectives.
The Althouse Vortex abides.
It's been a slice.
I've been a reader for a long time but only started the commenting recently.
Althouse is one of the best sites to keep up on politics, current events and even lots of funny things. It also has the best photos and shows lots of the stupid things going on in Madison.
All these years and it's still a must-read. That says a lot! Thanks for sticking around even when the rest of us don't, always.
Thanks for reading!
Thank you for writing..
Thanks for hosting!
Happy Blog Birthday!
You're Blog birthed my Blog in 06 and I was very happy to meet you in LA.
This is the Blogosphere's neutral zone; Right and Left can debate -- and I always learn something new from Althouse.
Keep being awesome!
Congratulations! That is a pretty remarkable streak. Keep on doing what you do.
Thanks. I expect 2012 to be a vintage year for the Althouse blog!
Best regards,
Happy blog-day
We have enjoyed (and continue to enjoy) the ride.
Thank you. Always interesting.
Happy blogbirthday.
happy birthday (kinda :)
Wonderful. Been enjoying it for years.
Now stop congratulating yourself and start writing. Today's offerings are, how to put this delicately, a little on the weak side, no?
Happy Blog Birthday and thank you for writing!!
Congrats Ann - love you wit, wisdom and unabashed commentary of both political and life issues. Thanks for being a beacon of light in a world of mundane. Cheers.
Congrats. Soon you'll have been blogging longer as Meadehouse than as a solo act. The early posts are fun to read with hindsight especially back when the number of comments is in single digits. You were right to persevere.
I didn't realize that "blogosphere" was now as archaic as "aeroplane". I wish it had been called the "Blog-O-Sphere" to make it seem like even more fun.
What do you prefer now..."interwebz"?
Happy Blogirthday.
Of course, you're the one who told me I should start a blog, so you get the blame for that, too.
Man, I love this blog.
wv: HUNCA.
Congrats, this is a must read daily for me....Go Giants! :)
Congratulations, Ann! We'll vote you in for another term!
Happy birthday to my favorite blog. Thank you, Althouse.
Paco Wové said...
That's what we called it then, the blogosphere.
I remember. That was back in nineteen dickety-one. We had to say dickety 'cause the Kaiser stole the number two.
Congrats from St. Maarten! Go have a Krazy Jim's blimpy burger (triple with fried egg) to celebrate!
Ann i seated above the gathering of commenters. Meade approaches before the congregation in a robe and with a camera of course.
Meade: The Blog be with you.
The Commenters: And also with you.
Meade: Lift up your snark.
The Commenters: We lift it up so Ann is not bored.
Meade: Let us give thanks to Ann for her blog.
The Commenters: It is right to give her thanks in good faith.
Congratulations Ann! Thank you for all you have brought to my world since 2004. This is the blog I read the most and the only one that I regularly comment on. Thank you for introducing me to this crazy cast of characters that hangs out here. Blessings on you and New Media Meade.
Happy bloggiversary!
Congratulations, Professor.
You have created a most interesting blog.
And thanks also to the Althouse denizens -- right, left, center, and off-the-wall. You make it work.
How your life has changed because you made the decision to blog.
It was interesting before the shizzle down at that Capitol last year, and that coverage alone should have earned a Pulitzer for blogging. I think it goes to show that the form of curiosity and relentless questioning which is really very good in the instruction of law is even better when trained elsewhere. Keep up the great work!
Thanks again to everyone!
Woot woot! Posting each&every day is indeed a mighty feat. I especially enjoy the wide range of topics/subjects you post on.
What they all said. Not always right (duh), but very close to always interesting. And the relatively wide-open commenting is a nice bonus, even though there are some complete turds (and, by that I refer to bad faith and incivility, not being wrong) in the bunch.
If anything can be said to be a "public service", this meets the test.
a belated Congrats.
I salute your dogged ability to keep writing....everyday. Even with a day job. :)
Day job!?, whoa folks , lets not take it too far.
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