What a joke! Christie — responding to hecklers who used the words "going down" in connection with jobs — said: "You know, something may be going down tonight, but it ain’t going to be jobs, sweetheart." Torie Bosch calls this "an offensive oral sex joke" and acts amazed that Christie put video of it on his YouTube site as if he were "proud" of it "rather than recognizing it as flagrantly demeaning, even misogynistic."
Now, obviously, the words "going down" mean happening, especially when the subject of the verb isn't a person and when there's no object preceded by the word "on." That is, to refer to oral sex, he would have something closer to "somebody's going down on something tonight." Moreover, if one were inclined to make an oral sex joke when the word "jobs" is already in the mix, you'd jape about "jobs." Going down? Oh, there will be some going down tonight, and there will be jobs, maybe not the kind of jobs you want, but there will be jobs.
If Christie wanted to make a blow-job joke, he'd make a much better blow-job joke. The joke here is Bosch. If Bosch were not already a joke at this point, it would be easy to make a joke about Bosch. Wordplay is easy when your name means "nonsense."
But it's not enough here to say Bosch is an idiot or that Bosch's idiocy exemplifies the pathetic present-day feminist web-writers and impugns the entire enterprise of feminism — which has been and should be noble.
It's not enough, because Bosch has infected the internet with a meme, and it's powerfully viral. There will be many, many people now who will get the idea that Chris Christie is a sexist. They just know — they feel — he's an immense misogynist. He's got misogyny on him — and like a blue dress kept in the back of the closet, that stain isn't going to get washed out any time soon.
Bosch has propagated the lie, and her liberal allies — who would love to destroy a rising conservative star — are hard at work spreading it. And I do mean hard at work. These slimy little dweebs who write at places I won't link to, but whom you can find by clicking on that last link, get obscenely excited at the prospect of wrecking a righty.
२८० टिप्पण्या:
280 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»If i recall, wasn't Double X "rolled out" then "rolled back in" at Slate?
I real Double X constantly, but it never fails to leave me scratching my head. When they say "what women think", I think that they are defining "women" as something that I am entirely unfamiliar with.
These words don't mean anything anymore. They've been so abused by idiots (like this) that they'be been ruined forever.
Somewhat related: The other day, we were debating about the issue that people want a "strong conservative" verses a "moderate" which one would think would appeal to more people. I took the position that it's not so much that people want a more conservative conservative as they want someone who is strong in his or her conservativism, and who doesn't back down, waiver, or equivocate.
Christie is a good example of this. He's certainly moderate, but he is tough and refuses to back down about the issues on which he is passionate. Contrast him with a moderate like McCain.
Although Romney has a very different style, I think he's closer to Christie then McCain (for example, in his unequivocal defenses of capitalism and business).
and like a blue dress kept in the back of the closet, that stain isn't going to get washed out any time soon.
Wasn't it under the bed in a box?
I thought it was an oral sex joke.
I also thought it was funny.
When you think about it, it's a method of contraception, which future President Romney says is working just fine.
Works for me.
he has been kind of a jerk when addressing women challenging him. See his interaction with a NJ voter who questioned his choice to send his children to private shool (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/06/21/christie-to-caller-none-your-business-where-my-kids-go-to-school/)
althouse selectively forgets to mention that. she's pushing the line that it's a "lie" that he's a misogynist, as though she has proof that he's not. then she gets just as polemical as the writer she's criticizing ("These slimy little dweebs who write...). it's interesting--in the Court of Althouse, the burden of proof is on everyone else.
A lot of Conservative blogs (Boortz, Hot Air, etc.) have also broadcast this clip as an example of Christie sticking it to one of the OccuSlugs.
I don't think this one's gonna travel.
Christie put video of it on his YouTube site as if he were "proud" of it "rather than recognizing it as flagrantly demeaning, even misogynistic."
I bet this chick is a laugh riot at the company Christmas party!
Anyone who uses this kind of illogic to demonize someone else is toxic, and should be avoided. She's clearly twisting Christie's words. Thank you for much for calling Bosch on her twisted take, as it's clearly yet another version of bearing false witness which can very easily destroy not only one person's credibility but any group that is aligned with that person.
Another wannabe with a chip on her shoulder and it's in Slate. Enough said.
why is oral sex considered misogynistic?
When you only have one card, that's the one you play.
She can't argue with him on the facts.
>>There will be many, many people now who will get the idea that Chris Christie is a sexist. They just know — they feel — he's an immense misogynist.
Forget whether or not it was a blowjob joke. The question is, why is a blowjob joke sexist or mysogynist?
Pathetic. She's either really dumb or really mean-spirited.
she's pushing the line that it's a "lie" that he's a misogynist, as though she has proof that he's not.
Nice logic there.
You know, in the real world when someone makes an assertion such as "Christie is a misogynist"! evidence is usually offered.
PS, misogynist is a word with no meaning to the majority of the population. It only has cache to a small cadre of liberal idiots.
See his interaction with a NJ voter who questioned his choice to send his children to private school
He was right and said exactly what he should have in that situation. Rahm did roughly the same thing at just around the same time. A protective father doing his job would be in line saying the same.
@Troubled Voter said...
Besides the voices in your head you have any actual proof?
Mazeman said...
Pathetic. She's either really dumb or really mean-spirited.
1/10/12 10:08 AM
More likely both.
Troubled Voter said...
he has been kind of a jerk when addressing women challenging him.
Um, not really no.
But it is fun to pretend that he only reacted that way because it was a woman asking the question, isn't it?
This reminds me of the "niggardly" kerfluffle a few years ago.
I thought the Left was the educated side of the political spectrum? Not when in comes to vocabulary and grammar, apparently.
he has been kind of a jerk when addressing women challenging him
I'm pretty much a rude jerk to stupid people and especially to stupid women who ask stupid questions and who don't use the logic parts of their brains.
Am I a mysogynist?
Yes, Anne. They're all hard. At work. Propagating.
You can do this with just about anything, amiright?
"He has been kind of a jerk addressing women challenging him."
No, he's been a "jerk" to people like that shrill harpie who think they're the next Michael Moore. They're searching for the perfect slam that will knock the mean old Rethuglican back on his heels and make them internet stars. I can't link it, but check out the video recently of Christie hammering a doddering leftie who was convinced Christie was planting questions at his town halls; Christie's response - "If I'm planting questions, why the hell did I call on you?" was note perfect. I don't agree with a lot of Christie's positions, but he at least fights back at bias and fights for his convictions (as Lyssa points out).
There's a website called waiterrant.com, where the fellow lists 50 things that are great about New Jersey. One of them is "our governor doesn't give a shit what you think of him. Hell, he doesn't give a shit what WE think of him!"
Not when in comes to vocabulary and grammar, apparently.
Never ask one of them in law school if they owned Black Acre.
This whole thing is symptomatic of something bigger - the desire to be a victim.
This pathology is now everywhere in every aspect of our lives. It finds some expression in litigation, others in media, others elsewhere.
It is another aspect of the death of what made America great. Americans, when put down, when we failed, when we had a set back, when someone did us wrong, used to "suck it up." No longer. Everyone is a victim who must be compensated.
This is more a left thing than a right, but not completely.
We need a feminist joke book.
It's standard procedure for these scumweasels. They have entire institutions, very well funded, devoted to the practice.
NPR yesterday was still advancing the line that it was Republican Rhetoric that led to the Giffords shooting.
They're still pushing the meme Congressman what's his name was spat on and called a "n****r, despite all the video tape to the contrary.
The still push the lie that Bush's 16 words were a lie. They went with the Rathergate memo and stuck with it long after it was shown to be a fraud.
They slimed people over the correct use of the word "niggardly." They manufacture evidence of racism.
Truth means nothing to these people.
You should have Emily Bazelon on a gain and call her out on the shit happening at Dos Equis, or whatever that rag is.
WV: cestes
Actually, my first read was that it was a blow job joke. I had to re-read it a couple of times before it clicked. But I thought it was funnier under the original interpretation.
Here's a problem for the liberal haters. The liberal icon, Springsteen had a hit song, "I'm Going Down" which Christie has seen live numerous times. He was just quoting his rock hero.
I can see where she made this connection, but it's quite a stretch. Christie may be a lot of things, but he's not a guy who makes double entendre oral sex jokes, especially at campaign rallies. Now, if Carl Palladino had said this...
This whole thing is symptomatic of something bigger - the desire to be a victim.
Now you've gone and done it...
rhardin, feminists are humorless. You know that!
…get obscenely excited at the prospect of wrecking a righty.
You mean like you are, in taking her down with your own selectivity?
They guy has a style. It's not a subtle one. If you like what he has to say, likely you'll like the way he says it. If not, not.
Wordplay is easy when your name means "nonsense."
"Le Bosch" was also a derogatory term used by the French in WW I against the Germans.
Proof that politics is thoroughly entrenched.
The same day that Bosch got offended at Christie's comment, John Dickerson wonders--on the very same website, Slate--"Why is this crop of presidential candidates so incredibly unfunny?"
Well, probably because they know that certain people in the media will misconstrue EVERYTHING they say. I'd be incredibly unfunny in that situation as well!
The Slate resident feminist thinks astoundingly like an adolescent boy.
If Torie Bosch were a character in a Waugh novel, she would write a spirited defense of fox hunting or an impassioned plea to bring flogging back to prison punishment. Still, give her credit for writing an entire paragraph without making a single reference to Christie's weight. This shows real character and forebearance on her part.
Erik for the win. I just disappeared my own remark. You just said that so much better than I.
I was unimpressed by Chris' handling of this particular interaction, to tell you the truth. Oh, well, sometimes things work, and sometimes they don't. I do not believe it was intended as a blowjob joke.
As for the rest: Chris Christie was neither a misogynist nor particularly sexist 30 years and I do not believe for one instant that he has morphed into such since.
Bosch is full of it.
Full stop.
You know, you might have a case, if he doesn't throw 'sweetheart' on at the end.
Torie Bosch blew it.
I understood Christie to mean that something would be decreasing tonight, and it wouldn't be jopb - implication that jobs would not decrease under Romney, whom Christie was endorsing as he was speaking.
As you say, it's about propogating and perpetuating lies. That's all the left has. The truth is a painful blinding light for them.
People who throw around the word "misogynist" are more likely than not to talk about how "handsome" and "dreamy" Obama is. The same way people who call themselves feminist made an endless list of excuses for Clinton's affairs and abuse of women, even belittling the accusation of rape of one woman. Yeah, real feminism there. Oh, did I say feminism? I meant Communism, the only ism that drives these Potemkin ideologies.
I thought it was an oral sex joke...and so did several others at the National Review.
Torie Bosch: Ever the class act, Christie’s response: “You know, something may be going down tonight, but it ain’t going to be jobs, sweetheart.” He then goes on to insult the women by saying that if they were from Jersey, they wouldn’t be so silly as to think that his policies don’t support job creation. (That’s the way to win New Hampshire voters for Romney at the upcoming primary: insult them by saying that Jersey voters are smarter!)
Christie's joke seems to be an oral sex joke. Did Bosch overreact and twist his words?
Well, Christie was not insulting New Hampshire voters, he was saying residents of his state *know* from personal experience that Christie creates jobs.
Given how she definitely twisted and overreacts to his New Jersey comments, I am inclined to just not care.
This was an explicitly partisan meat eating event. That Christie tossed these hecklers to the lions is not a cause for outrage.
Later Bosch mentions Tracy Clarke Flory talking about the prudes of the GOP.
There is a prude here. It's poor Bosch and her innocent ears.
Heh. I will tell you that Chris Christie always did like to argue, and to argue with strongly opinionated women--including those like me, who was much more potty-mouthed and inclined toward dirty jokes than he was, at least publicly.
Hell, I can remember one particular university student government meeting debate during which--deferring to Rules of Order, in part anyway--I politely asked then-SG President Bruce Rogers to kindly inform Mr. Christie that he was full of shit over something or other. Bruce looked sort of shocked, but Chris laughed his ass off. It was great! And so was he.
I'll never forget it.
rhhardin said...
We need a feminist joke book.
Ms magazine?
WV "redshe" (no kidding) And she almost certainly is.
This will make Christie more popular. He's hated by the professional left, but soon they will have to get real jobs.
They are going down.
If you visit the anti-Christie blogs, just count the number of fat jokes they make.
Ask yourself how a person can be outraged by putting down a heckler with a fairly obvious blowjob joke, but permit themselves to take cheap shots about obesity?
There is no rational person who would not get the meaning of what Christie said. Anyone who has spent just a little of their time of life outside of a classroom, would clearly understand his language. You have to be so contorted in your thinking that you have just completely removed yourself from day to day reality.
Only years of university indoctrination can do that to a person. Years of having collectivist bullshit such as feminist theory, gender equity theory, fill-in-the-blank theory pounded into your head until the grey matter becomes mushy.
Reality and collectivist studies do not mix. Which is why those who subscribe to this BS should just stay in the Universities, which they mostly do. This is how it has perpetuated all these years- even though it has become a caricature of itself.
The real problem is that many of those mushy-heads have left the universities and found slots in journalism or government. Two very safe sanctuaries where such thinking is actually rewarded- not laughed at, as it is in the real world.
When those with the mushy heads cannot find a slot in academe, government, or journalism, they form groups to sit outside and whine together. This is known as OWS.
Kit: The "sweetheart" is part of why I wasn't impressed by this particular encounter of Chris'.
Any chance Bosch will pen something about the disgusting "Teabagger" moniker pinned to the Tea Party folks? I'm guessing no.
Bosch is right. It's obviously supposed to be some kind of joke, and if it isn't a BJ joke, it isn't funny. And Christie, like most people, would rather be funny than feminist. (Not that it's really very funny, though.)
"...Bosch's idiocy exemplifies the pathetic present-day feminist web-writers and impugns the entire enterprise of feminism — which has been and should be noble."
Yes, let's get back to the noble days of bra-burning.
It reminds me of when George HW Bush debated Geraldine Ferraro in the 1984 Vice-Presidential debate, after which Bush was feeling a little giddy about his performance and said, "We kicked a little ass tonight," and the firestorm that erupted on the left for Bush calling Ferraro a little ass, and how sexist that is.
Or, in 2000 when Rick Lazio approached Hillary about signing an agreement to not take soft money, and how it was sexist of him to "invade her space" like that.
This is an old play out of the leftist playbook.
Christie is thuggish at times, but his engaged speaking style is a forceful contrast to Obama's often precious "I'm a writer and thinker" manner. I listen to the GOP debates on Sirius. I'd say a few of the GOP candidates are pretty interesting speakers -- at least for short periods. Obama sounds like a guy trying to be a poetic, stirring speaker, but not that comfortable with the natural flow of language.
"Going down" means to give a blow job, "sweetheart."
To interpret his remark as insinuating he told the women "blow me" is completely appropriate.
Christie is a crude man.
I didn't know Mary Blige and Bruce Springsteen (and others) were singing about oral sex.
The left doesn't mind the stupidity. Without the stupidity, their lies wouldn't live. Keeping people stupid is essential for leftism. That's why controlling edcuation is so important for them.
It's just sex, what did she say during Monica?
These words don't mean anything anymore.
True, but it's odd, because in my experience they're frequently synonyms.
AlphaLiberal said...
"Going down" means to give a blow job, "sweetheart."
To interpret his remark as insinuating he told the women "blow me" is completely appropriate.
And the reason the women were using the phrase "going down" is ____?
Christie is a crude man.
But, is he as crude as you are dishonest?
Another resident feminist needs a fainting couch, I thought we were in the 21st century, not the 19th.
Treacher WFW at 10:30
she's pushing the line that it's a "lie" that he's a misogynist, as though she has proof that he's not.
Not really up on how honest people go about dealing with accusations, are you?
It's not up to Althouse to prove a negative -- because it's impossible. It's up to YOU and Bosch to prove the accusation. Ann's point is that the "evidence" proferred is weak. The earnestness with which Bosch makes the accusation DESPITE the weakness of the evidence is what leads to the "lie".
I think the Dems would like to get upset about the "sweetheart" (which, quite frankly, I didn't like), but can't because of President "Sweetie, Boy Girl Boy Girl". So they decided there was sexual innuendo to get upset about instead.
From the Urban dictionary:
"going down
the act of eating someone out or giving someone head."
Now, to be fair he may have been referring to a Cheesy Big Mac, judging by his rotundness.
Another resident feminist needs a fainting couch, I thought we were in the 21st century, not the 19th.
It's amazing how these tough, wannabe equal feminists so easily have their feelings hurt or become offended. Wimps.
The guy who's telling us Christie did mean a blow job is making fat jokes.
You have to work on it to be this stupid.
Not everyone is urban.
rcommal said...
Heh. I will tell you that Chris Christie always did like to argue, and to argue with strongly opinionated women--including those like me, who was much more potty-mouthed and inclined toward dirty jokes than he was, at least publicly.
And you, a journalist. ;)
Uh, its not just the left that thought this was an oral sex joke...
My Dad thought so too and thought it quite amusing...and he is as red as they come.
I didn't think it was that big a deal but the defense of it is making it worse...
Where are you going? I'm going down to the food store.
I thought he meant her and her ilk were going down like a TKO.
I guess it depends on how hip or clueless one wants to be.
AlphaLiberal said...
From the Urban dictionary:
"going down
the act of eating someone out or giving someone head."
Good for you, clown.
Now, why don't you tell us why the women were shouting "going down" at Christie prior to his remarks back to them?
The writing at Slate "went down" years ago.
Christie adds significant heft to the Romney ticket.
But, is he as crude as you are dishonest?
Neither Lenny Bruce nor Sam Kinnison were ever that crude.
Historical context matters. A joke made in 1970 is different from the same joke made in 2012. And, I credit feminism with making the difference.
Christie's manner is still worth discussing. Does he address women like this regularly? Does he address men like this?
But, is he as crude as you are dishonest?
Neither Lenny Bruce nor Sam Kinnison were ever that crude.
"And the reason the women were using the phrase "going down" is ____?"
I do not know that. I can't hear what they said on the video.
"Going down" has multiple meanings. The way he used it the most likely meaning is to give head as in "blow me, sweetheart."
To which the Republicans went wild.
Ann's outrage and presumption is disingenuous.
What did he mean, then? What's "going down tonight?" A plate of fries and a heap of ice cream, perhaps?
Take it like a man, sweetheart. lololol
My mom used to sit at the dirty joke table at work, she can't remember them now. Darn it.
Come on Alpha, we all know phrases and words have many meaning. Look up the word "run" in a real unabridged dictionary.
Did I say "come on Alpha"? OMG! What a low blow.
As I said, you're dishonest, but you don't care as long as you can pretend not to be.
AlphaLiberal said...
From the Urban dictionary:
"going down
the act of eating someone out or giving someone head."
Also from the urban dictionary:
If something is going down its about to take place.
Are you really this stupid or just acting?
I wonder what Bosch wrote about Obama's "lipstick on a pig" comment.
"Going down" has multiple meanings. The way he used it the most likely meaning is to give head as in "blow me, sweetheart."
You assumed that because you want to, you yourself said multiple meanings.
I do not know that. I can't hear what they said on the video.
Because you've been told not to.
I do not know that. I can't hear what they said on the video.
Of course you don't, you ignorant idiot.
They used the phrase "going down" which is why Christie used it.
Your beclowning is now complete.
Neither Lenny Bruce nor Sam Kinnison were ever that crude.
Apparently you never saw Kinnison's bit about the necrophiliacs in LA.
Are you really this stupid or just acting?
He's a liar. Like most lefties, he uses every excuse possible to lie about conservatives.
Any excuse serves a tyrant. - Aesop
AlphaLiberal said...
From the Urban dictionary:
"going down
the act of eating someone out or giving someone head."
The Titanic went down, giving head to the sea.
And yet it's clever to snicker at the 'teabagger' slur..
Hypocrisy, she's soaking in it!
Bosch is right. This is a big fucking deal.
"Going down" as in "down for the count". How many cop shows and movies have used in that way in the last, I don't know, THIRTY YEARS?
Vincent Hanna from "Heat" (1995):
"If it's between you and some poor bastard whose wife you're gonna turn into a widow... brother, you are going down."
How stupid are people? Seriously. Alpha Liberal, you watch that movie and then tell me Vincent Hanna was demanding a blowjob.
Nonsense like this is why even when someone I respect like Althouse makes an obscure feminist reference or complaint I have an automatic lifted eyebrow response.
Down goes Fraizer!!!
And all along I thought Cosell meant Ali knocked him out.
Althouse sure has become a right wing crank as of late:
"But it's not enough here to say Bosch is an idiot...."
So, because Althouse likes Chris Christie that means a person who criticizes something Christie aid is an idiot. Here we see Ann Althouse descend into base ad hominem attacks.
Nothing new, really. Althouse's standards are very malleable, depending which tribe is being attacked.
"Something is going down tonight..." could easily refer to a person's HEAD going down on someone.
I checked media reports and here is the chant from the women he attacked:
"Mitt kills jobs, Christie kills jobs."
Bear in mind that Ann Althouse also attacked Jessica Valenti for wearing "a tight knit top that draws attention to her breasts" while posing for a picture with former president Bill Clinton. One of her crazier moments, which really says something.
And all along I thought Cosell meant Ali knocked him out.
Sports nerd.
Torie did not opine on the heft of Christie because Torrie is herself a fattie. You can understand then that as a fatty she is likely not to want to point out Christie's fatness. She also might not hear sex jokes when there are none if she spent some time on the slant board or away from the tasty snacks.
Down goes Frazier! Down goes Frazier!
Did Joe Frazier give a blow job to George Foreman? Liberals really are alinsky scum. No capital letter intended.
AlphaLiberal said...
So, because Althouse likes Chris Christie that means a person who criticizes something Christie aid is an idiot.
Um, no. Bosch is an idiot for taking the plain meaning and lying about it.
And so are you.
"Now, obviously, the words "going down" mean happening, ..."
Actually, I think he meant something else. Gov. Christie is a former US Attorney - a prosecutor - and I think he meant "going down" in the law enforcement sense, where you might say "I'm taking John Doe down" or "John Doe is going down tonight".
It is a two word idiom that has multiple meanings.
For example, I person travelling in a southbound direction may speak of "going down", e.g., if you're in Los Angeles you may be "going down to San Diego". A politician from a northern state who does business before Congress or who is aspiring to national office or is stumping for someone who is running for national office may think of "going down to Washington DC to clean things up". It doesn't really fit into this particular remark of Christie's but it is another reasonable meaning for this phrase.
Here's a situation where a two word phrase can have multiple meanings, and it is uttered in a context where a sexual innuendo would be completely inappropriate, and none have been made previously in the same event, and the politician uttering it has no history - unlike other politicians - of making sexually oriented remarks - and you jump to the conclusion that it is a reference to oral sex? That says a lot about the frame you habitually use to view life.
"... Sports nerd..."
Well not really. I screwed that up cause it was Foreman who took out Fraizer. I mixed that up with the Rumble in the Jungle.
Awwwww! Jay has a sadz :(
Being a Republican is hard work!
"See his interaction with a NJ voter who questioned his choice to send his children to private shool"
Telling people none of your business -- sexist.
Calling a reporter "sweetie" (or was it "honey?") -- not sexist. Right?
"... "Something is going down tonight..." could easily refer to a person's HEAD going down on someone...."
To adolescent liberals like yourself, of course.
Then again, who cares except pearl clutching people like Bosch and yourself. You and your pathetic ilk giggled like twennies when Obama made his lipstick on a pig joke, an obvious misyoginistic slur against Palin but being the classless people you are, that was just fine.
"How stupid are people? Seriously. Alpha Liberal, you watch that movie and then tell me Vincent Hanna was demanding a blowjob."
I never said the only use of the term "going down" is to indicate oral sex. It obviously is not and the Urban Dictionary entry showed multiple definitions.
I am talking about Chris Christie's use of the term on Saturday night. With the "sweetheart" appended on, no less.
The interpretation that makes the most sense is that he was saying "blow me."
But, then again, Republicans defend Rick Santorum's statement that he wasn't talking about black people when he said:
”I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money. I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money and provide for themselves and their families.”
Uh huh.
"Something is going down tonight..." could easily refer to a person's HEAD going down on someone.
It also easily refers to something else.
The progressives' problem is that this is not the "macaca" moment so CC is going down. So death by 1000 cuts it is.
Are you really this stupid or just acting?
It's not stupidity. It's a ploy to attack conservatives and act all offended. The same way they acted all offended about the crude remarks aimed at Sarah Palin. Oops. That didn't happen.
Here we see Ann Althouse descend into base ad hominem attacks.
As opposed to descending into the outright lies you perpetuate?
Alpha, you've really blown it. Your credilibity is no more. Did I say "blown it." OMG! How crude.
I should have said CC is going down in one fell swoop.
Have fun with that one.
"... Being a Republican is hard work!.."
It is. We don't sit on our asses waiting for the government to save us.
Try it sometime.
Hoosier, "lipstick on a pig" is one of the oldest lines in politics.
Well, you know, Bosch DOES make good tools.
Christie's manner is still worth discussing. Does he address women like this regularly? Does he address men like this?
I hope so just for the entertainment factor.
"... But, then again, Republicans defend Rick Santorum's statement that he wasn't talking about black people when he said:
”I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money. I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money and provide for themselves and their families.”.."
I don't see anything wrong with that statement. Louis Farrakhan said pretty much the same thing at the Million Man March.
But, then again, Republicans defend Rick Santorum's statement that he wasn't talking about black people when he said:
Santorum says he wasn't talking about black people. In the video the word "black" isn't quite clear. It's muffled. It sounds like "black". If given the chance to clarify the term would you believe Santorum?
... but this righty would surely wreck her for her dirty mind in his next Youtube appearance smoking a cigar.
"There will be many, many people now who will get the idea that Chris Christie is a sexist."
A plus for Christie for his standing up against the feminazis.
Those who are as bosch and as dirty as Bosch will never appreciate Christie anyway.
Remember a govt. bureaucrat who lost his job for using the word "niggardly" and has to apologize for using the "N" word? There's no defence against another person's ignorance.
One thing I often remind my students (teaching an ancient language as adjunct at university) is:
Words don't have meanings (as much as) they have uses.
Bosch insists that "going down" means x. No - the correct question is "how is Governor Christie using it?"
Now I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility that Christie was alluding to oral sex. There's a 0.1-1.0% chance Bosch might be right. But context and other fine arguments evinced by our good law professor persuade us that Christie was using the expression to mean "happen(ing)".
I think what I find increasingly tiresome is the leftist tendency to insist everything is or means what they - and they alone - say it is or means. This is solipsism on steroids. Gee - why can't the right play that game?
Christie's manner is still worth discussing. Does he address women like this regularly? Does he address men like this?
In the videos I have seen, mostly posted by Christie's governors office, are pretty clear. Men and Women are treated the same.
Cherry picking evidence I can show you anything you want. I could even show you AlphaLiberal is credible.
"... Hoosier, "lipstick on a pig" is one of the oldest lines in politics..."
LOL! You really are a pathetic hack.
Well, you know, Bosch DOES make good tools.
Now THIS I can agree with. I've got a lot of Bosche 12V stuff for the light inside work, including the very cool Power Cube...since made obsolete by the newer version with MP3 players in mind. For outside, though, I gotta go with DeWalt and Milwaukee.
But, then again, Republicans defend Rick Santorum's statement that he wasn't talking about black people when he said:
Santorum didn't say that.
AlphaLiberal said...
Hoosier, "lipstick on a pig" is one of the oldest lines in politics.
Actually, it isn't.
But it is comical to watch you just wave it away.
You have shown how silly, ignorant, and stupid the modern left is by your running pile of vomit here today.
It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument. - William G. McAdoo
It appears Mr. McAdoo met Alpha in one of Alpha's former lives.
Erroneous Bosch.
There's something happening here.
What it is ain't exactly clear.
There's a man with a gun over there....
tellin me I got to beware.
I think it's time we stop, children,
what's that sound?
Everybody look what's goin' down.
Now that I think about it, it was all about blow jobs. Boy were we ever wrong back then.
It is. We don't sit on our asses waiting for the government to save us.
Righties problem is they can throw punches, but whine like little girls when someone punches back.
Righties problem is they can throw punches, but whine like little girls when someone punches back.
This from a guy on the side that institutionalized whining.
"... Righties problem is they can throw punches, but whine like little girls when someone punches back...."
Really? Is that why you lefties scream Racism! Sexism! Homophobia! Islamophobia! Everytime someone says something critical over one of your sacred cows?
You liberals are the biggest crybabies in society which is why you are always pushing for legislation for 'hate speech', demanding 'civility', or demanding some govt. program to protect you from the realities of life. That's probably why none of you show any sense of respect for others because you don't even have any for yourselves.
Righties problem is they can throw punches, but whine like little girls when someone punches back.
Wait. Who's supposed to be whining in this thread? (And surely you don't mean Chris Christie, right?)
garage mahal said...
Righties problem is they can throw punches, but whine like little girls when someone punches back.
And of course you post that idiocy in this post without the slightest bit of irony.
garage mahal said...
Righties problem is they can throw punches, but whine like little girls when someone punches back.
You mean like taking to slate to call an elected official who talked back to "protestors" a misogynist?
Like that?
So that song "Don't Let Your Deal Go Down" was about something totally different, then, Alpo Libtard?
Who knew?
WV: "sistrifi!" Sistrifi, my brother!!!!
And of course you post that idiocy in this post without the slightest bit of irony.
Ah, you're the whiner in this post, not me. And you're the biggest slimy smear artist on Althouse.
Alpo Libtard, you must have some pretty damn pathetic people for friends and family.
Because if there was an intellectually honest man of any kind of honor among them, he would have knocked you on your sorry ass long ago.
"Going down" means to give a blow job, "sweetheart."
Going down also means something else, as you know. Maybe Peter could elaborate on the varieties.
"Christie adds significant heft to the Romney ticket."
I'm disappointed in you, garbage. You have to follow up a fat joke by wriggling and chanting "Christie's got cooties, Christie's got cooties!" How else can you keep Alpha from taking away your "funniest third grader" crown?
One wonders what Alpha thinks of the Elton John song "Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me."
Talk about hot blowjobs.
In the "Devil Went Down to Georgia" Charlie Daniels was of course referring to a phallus.
Take it easy on Alpha. It's not a friends and family thing. It's an Internet thing. You can stare at the the same words for hours on the Internet until they mean what you want them to mean.
Take Torie for example. Again, an Internet child, in search of the means to define her end. Repeat it enough and it become truthiness.
garage mahal said...
Ah, you're the whiner in this post, not me
Yes, keep believing that. Really, you should.
And you're the biggest slimy smear artist on Althouse.
Coming from someone making fat jokes (by the way, I'd wager large sums of money you are not thin or athletic yourself) about Christie.
Remember garbage, it isn't a lie if you believe it.
It has to be about sex, because sex in the broad sense is what defines the left. And barriers/mores need to be broken to get what they want.
Sex, drugs rock & roll.
Or thanks to Cookie for summarizing it, shit apes. What is the excuse in the end? We're animals.
A reasonable response to this would be to ask Torie Bosch to stop projecting her sex fantasies onto public figures.
Christie wasn't making an oral sex joke...
and Santorum said "blah", not black...
and Mitt "created" 100,000 jobs while at Bain...
Coming from someone making fat jokes (by the way, I'd wager large sums of money you are not thin or athletic yourself) about Christie.
Christie is fucking fat dude, deal with it. Christie enjoys talking smack and berating people much less powerful than himself. He deserves it.
...and we can "fire" our insurance company for not covering our pre-existing conditions...
and Newt was a "historian" for Freddie Mac...
and Herman Cain paid a woman for 13 years without "having" sex with her...
and the gop will take away your condoms!
This here thread needs a theme song:
Goin' Down by the Jeff Beck Group.
garage mahal said...
Christie is fucking fat dude, deal with it.
And you're unserious, ignorant, and barely literate dude.
Deal with it.
machine said...
Christie wasn't making an oral sex joke...
I know.
and Santorum said "blah", not black...
Actually, he said neither.
and Mitt "created" 100,000 jobs while at Bain...
And the stimulus "saved or created" 750,000 jobs!
PS, Bill Clinton did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky.
"and her liberal allies — who would love to destroy a rising conservative star — are hard at work spreading it. And I do mean hard at work."
Now that's a funny straight sex joke. Well played! Of course they couldn't be getting paid for spreading it. That just makes them sluts I suppose, knowing what they have isn't worth paying for.
"Christie enjoys talking smack and berating people much less powerful than himself. He deserves it."
Quite right, garbage. I remember when he sneered, ". . it's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them."
You aren't even trying anymore, are you?
garage mahal said...
Christie is fucking fat dude, deal with it.
So are you.
But I don't have to deal with it because I'm not Chris Christie.
What is comical is you're simply incapable of seeing your own incoherence.
But you'll be back tomorrow, ready to beclown yourself yet again.
garage mahal said...
Christie enjoys talking smack and berating people much less powerful than himself. He deserves it.
Kind of like don't call my bluff, Eric?
Or kind of like "I Won"
Or kind of like "If you want to remain on this detail, get your f*cking ass over here and grab those bags."
and republicans want the US economy to recover...
What is comical is you're simply incapable of seeing your own incoherence.
What is incoherent about pointing out an obviously morbidly obese Christie? With a picture even Jaytard! I made it super easy for you.
But I'm curious what you thought Santorum really said, since you know exactly what he didn't say.
and republicans want the US economy to recover...
Surely you can cut them some slack and say that, at least, they want the economy to recover about as much as the Democrats wanted combat in Iraq to go well.
"Bosch has propagated the lie..."
Propagandist Bosch's boschit.
Machine: "and republicans want the US economy to recover..."
I assume you post this "ironically."
As a capitalist I want to make more money than I already have and doing so in a bad economy is a pain. A good economy is excellent for all. It is preposterous to think a capitalist would want a bad economy for a political reason.
Only a dimwit leftie would think of ruining an economy so he could win an election.
machine said...
and republicans want the US economy to recover...
Yes, because not engaging in more borrowing and "stimulus" spending means you don't want the economcy to recover.
It must be fun to be such an idiot.
What is incoherent about pointing out an obviously morbidly obese Christie?
Because it's just rude garage--just like your savage buddies.
machine said...
and republicans want the US economy to recover...
Remember when Obama was going to have an Administration free of lobbyists?
How'd that go?
PS, the new WH Chief of Staff is a former hedge fund manager and executive at CitiGroup.
garage mahal said...
What is incoherent about pointing out an obviously morbidly obese Christie?
I didn't say that you engaging in your silly little picture fun was incoherent.
But thank you for proving my point.
Garage: Chris Christie has himself noted that he is fat. Do you think your observation is some breakthrough of analysis? Or witty in any way? He is a big fat guy who would make a great president.
Wouldn't you want a fat person at potus? You are yourself fat are you not? I think I have read some testiness on your part about fatness and fat.
Honestly, Garage Mahal, what IS it with your harping on Christie's weight? Why does that matter to you? Would you like him better if he were thin? If not, why harp on it?
I'm 5'11" 210lbs. Anyways wasn't that you that said it was okay to savage the First Lady because someone said something nice about her?
Garage: I do not believe I have posted a word about the First Lady.
Chris Christie is fatter than you, that's for sure. He is about your height and outweighs you by fifty plus pounds. I wouldn't use that as a measure to count yourself buff, by the way.
I myself am 6 feet and weigh 185 pounds and my Doctor routinely tells me I am fat.
But I can run faster and further than you or Christie. And I am in my 67th year.
"Going down" means to give a blow job, "sweetheart." To interpret his remark as insinuating he told the women "blow me" is completely appropriate. Christie is a crude man.
Christie’s remark is an unintentional verbal litmus test.
If you think it’s about blowjobs, you are probably a Lefty. If you think it’s not, you are probably on the Right. Trouble is … the MSM are all Lefties so the misogynist blowjob interpretation will probably win the day.
rhhardin said...
We need a feminist joke book.
1/10/12 10:18 AM
Surely one of the world's shortest books :)
@garage: At least your comments have been memorialized here by others.
This threads another keeper!
Surely one of the world's shortest books :)
It's in the pamphlet section next to Jewish Sports Heroes.
...and Mitt is worried about getting a "pink" slip...
Chris Christie makes fat cool. He makes people want to gain weight just to be more like him. That's how great he is.
Chris Christie makes fat cool. He makes people want to gain weight just to be more like him. That's how great he is.
I don't care how thick or thin the guy is. He lives in Jersey. Despite the staggering drawing power of the Garden state, that's got to count for all three strikes against him.
Christie is 260lbs? Good one Michael.
Remember, if you're a Democrat you're for the little guy!
From 2006-2008, Jack Lew was chief operating officer of Citibank's alternative investments division. And it was his division that made billions of dollars betting "U.S. homeowners would not be able to make their mortgage payments," as the Huffington Post reported.
The piece also reported: “Lew made millions at Citi, including a bonus of nearly $950,000 in 2009 just a few months after the bank received billions of dollars in a taxpayer rescue, according to disclosure forms filed with the federal government. The bank is still partly owned by taxpayers.”
Garage: I wrote "He is about your height and outweighs you by fifty plus pounds."
The "plus pounds" means that fifty is the low end guess and the likelihood is that it is more than fifty. That is the beauty of the English language, a word like "plus" embellishes the word "fifty" so that readers, readers, know that it is "more" than "fifty." See? It is a marvel this language and you don't even need an "Urban Dictionary" to figure out a lot of it.
When God created Chris Christie He said, "If I make a man this competent, where can so much competence be stored?" And so Christie was made large to accommodate his great competence, and both his size and his competence struck fear into the hearts of the wicked and feckless.
""Going down" means to give a blow job, "sweetheart."
To interpret his remark as insinuating he told the women "blow me" is completely appropriate."
Uh huh.
If your doc thinks your fat at 6'1 185, you need to get another doc.
Christie could look like Lance Armstrong and garage would still hate him because he's a partisan hack.
I don't agree with all of Christies positions but I admire his no bullshit approach to chuckleheads.
Southern Girl said...
rhhardin said...
We need a feminist joke book.
1/10/12 10:18 AM
Surely one of the world's shortest books :)
If written by a feminist, yes, but a joke book about feminists, no.
I thought our political class and media defined oral sex as not actually sex. So how could the joke (if it were there) be offensive? Its just like a joke about shaking hands, right?
If I should ever forego my strict adherence to vigorous exercise and decide to become a fat man, I would proudly walk around with an XXXL tshirt that says Fat Bastard.
Get in my belly!
I'm going down to the river
Oh sisters let's go down, come on down, don't you want to go down.
Wow! Who knew about all the subliminal oral sex rampant in modern culture.
And Christie does not make fat "cool"...
Take a rest. I imagine it's quite tiring being so humorless.
Christie could look like Lance Armstrong and garage would still hate him because he's a partisan hack.
I don't like him because he's a phony prick. He takes camera crews around with him to events and tries to come off as the Jersey tough guy by talking shit to ordinary people. What is impressive about that? Is pushing down girls some feat in conservative circles?
Is pushing down girls some feat in conservative circles?
No, but it qualifies as a feat of strength at your Festivus dinner.
Is pushing down girls some feat in conservative circles?
Be a good boy, garage. Play nice
Now, now. Freeman's pregnant, not fat (and due any time now, right, Freeman).
As for--to use your term, and only because you used it--"goombah," Going2Carolina, Christie's only part that; the other part's Irish. He married a nice Irish Catholic girl from PA, too. So give him credit!--he may not be setting the best example for his kids, but he is at least by-God diluting the goombah-stock!
; )
he's a phony prick
I call bullshit, Garage Mahal.
Sounds like Garage and Going2Carolina are both down with stigmatizing risky behavoir--especially regarding healthcare risks.
I guess if you can show Christie pushing down some girls I might rethink my position but I'm guessing you're just full of shit as usual.
Be honest for once garage, and simply admit you have no problem with overbearing pricks as long as they are sufficiently liberal.
If you're going to call bullshit on garages comments, I suggest hipwaders and a shovel.
Going2Carolina: "The 'sweetheart' itself is an issue, AFAIC."
One wonders if you were as offended when Obama called "Hold on one second,sweetie," to reporter Peggy Agar in 2008. Care to comment?
"He has young children, but he prefers to shovel obscene amounts of food into his body regardless of the health implications for himself and his family."
So what? Christie's weight is none of your (or my) damned business. Or are you planning to use "It's for the children!" as an anti-Christie bumpersticker?
As Freeman said, it must be tiring being so humorless.
Oooh, touched a nerve, there, eh, Freeman? LOL!
My condolences, though. ...
Am I supposed to be fat?
Am I supposed to be fat?
Uh oh...
If he's so tough, he won't care what I think,
Likely not.
so why do you?
I don't.
If he's so tough, he won't care what I think, so why do you?
I'm sure Christie doesn't care.
As for me--I just like lumping together birds of feather. Think of it as ID'ing phenotypes. I'm fascinated by commenter psychology.
wv = "gynag" That one speaks for itself.
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