What's this supposed to mean? Drudge has been pushing it as "PELOSI THREAT: NEWT WON'T BE PRESIDENT/'THERE IS SOMETHING I KNOW.'"
Is Pelosi implying possession of some secret knowledge nugget? The clip is creepy. I feel like the network is teasing us with another woman — after last week's ex-wife interview — who's going to step into the spotlight and say a few words that will supposedly be sufficient to take down Gingrich.
It's interesting that it's John King doing the little sequence with Pelosi, because it was John King who moderated last Thursday's debate and began it by confronting Newt Gingrich with what his ex-wife had said. Newt pounced on John King that night. (For a visual depiction of the pounce, you've got to watch this. Go to 2:17 for the kill.)
Anyway, what's up with Nancy? In that clip with King, she seems weirdly woozy. I can't tell if she's claiming to have her own personal anti-Newt stink-bomb or if she just feels like she has ESP: "It isn't going to happen... There is something I know."
Now, Newt is saying: "I have a simple challenge for Speaker Pelosi...you know, put up or shut up." Ooh! He really knows how to talk to the ladies. I mean... we've certainly reached a new milestone in the advancement of women.
UPDATE: Pelosi's office says she meant it in the ESP way, not the own personal anti-Newt stink-bomb way.
८२ टिप्पण्या:
I'd guess put up refers to a bet.
"I'd guess put up refers to a bet."
Yeah, I was thinking more like: Put 'em up.
Is Pelosi implying possession of some secret knowledge nugget? The clip is creepy.
Mentioning Pelosi in a video clip as creepy is unnecessary redundancy.
This is the second time she has said this.
Anyway, what's up with Nancy?
She's baiting Republicans into nominating Gingrich.
Newt put a hand up her skirt while they were on the couch shilling for global warming? Perhaps she has DNA evidence...
"I mean... we've certainly reached a new milestone in the advancement of women."
You can't be for equality and still demand to allowed to hit from the ladies' tee.
garage mahal said...
She's baiting Republicans into nominating Gingrich.
OBAMA 50% NEWT 48%
That was no lady, that's Nancy Pelosi.
Newt is saying: "I have a simple challenge for Speaker Pelosi...you know, put up or shut up." Ooh! He really knows how to talk to the ladies. I mean... we've certainly reached a new milestone in the advancement of women.
If queen Nancy wants to play hardball with the boys, she does indeed need to "put up or shut up".
The coy..."I know a secret and plan to tease you with it and destroy your reputation with it", is junior high school girl's bullcrap.
Good for Newt. You have an allegation....bring it on....bitch. (I added that last part, but you know we are all thinking it.)
Nancy already gave us trhe answer. A month ago, she said that if Neewt were nominated, she had access to the thousand pages of House Ethics committee dirt on him. (she was on the committee back in the 90's)
When everybody pointed out that those files were confidential and discussion of them was a ethics death sentence for her, she claimed folks had missunderstood her comments
I'll find the video
"we've certainly reached a new milestone in the advancement of women."
Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
We've had a good opportunity to observe Nancy for the last few years, given her prominence, and I've come to the opinion that she's a bit crazy. She may have something, but I doubt it.
"Nancy as the new Marianne?"
Mrs. Howell, maybe.
Could not find the video. apparently it was a press interview with TPM. He're the quote from "The Hill"
“One of these days we’ll have a conversation about Newt Gingrich,” Pelosi told Talking Points Memo. “When the time is right. … I know a lot about him. I served on the investigative committee that investigated him, four of us locked in a room in an undisclosed location for a year. A thousand pages of his stuff."
No; Mrs. Howell actually had some class.
If I had to guess, I'd say she's trying to figure out a way to sneak something out of those records without getting charged for doing it. Or else hoping this "I'm threatening it but not actually saying it" crap will cause a problem.
"Ooh! He really knows how to talk to the ladies. I mean... we've certainly reached a new milestone in the advancement of women."
I don't get this. Feminists demand an equal footing with men in all things that count, but still want an unequal Victorian social deference to prevail? Is this not a case of wanting to have the cake as well as eat it?
I wonder if she would have said the same thing about Obama if she were a Republican. I bet she knows a thing or two about Obama that would not make him president.
She thinks sharing a sofa is, well...
Anyway, old news.
And Newt's right.
Nancy has a bad case of gavel deprivation syndrome.
It's like announcing you're going to make an announcement. WTF. Just make the announcement already.
If she has something - come out with it already.
BTW - The IRS ended up saying that Newt had done nothing wrong. No violation.
wv: comind - Nancy is part of the "co-mind"
Gingrich was on Fox responding to that and he looked repulsive. Yes, repulsive -- is this the best Republicans do against Obama?
Just make the announcement already.
She will do it after he is nominated to ensure a Obama victory. Why would she do it now?
Is this not a case of wanting to have the cake as well as eat it?
We could let them eat cake, but most of the ardent feminists I've known would prefer pie.
"She will do it after he is nominated to ensure a Obama victory. Why would she do it now?"
But then, why is she threatening now?
Pelosi kept returning to that same creepy, fake smile throughout the interview. Shudder.
Clearly, she wanted to appear like the cat who swallowed the canary.
In her mind, I think she was actually trying to promote Gingrich's chances among what she views as the ya-hoos voting in the Republican primaries, in much the same manner her obsequious interviewer, John King, had a day before.
garage mahal said...
Anyway, what's up with Nancy?
She's baiting Republicans into nominating Gingrich.
1/25/12 9:39 AM
Hmmm she is going to admit she service Newt?
pm317 said...
Gingrich was on Fox responding to that and he looked repulsive. Yes, repulsive -- is this the best Republicans do against Obama?
As repulsive as Obama on any given day? Nope. Speaking of which is Obama really the best the Democrats can do against the Republicans?
1/25/12 10:01 AM
In her mind, I think she was actually trying to promote Gingrich's chances among what she views as the ya-hoos voting in the Republican primaries, in much the same manner her obsequious interviewer, John King, had a day before.
1/25/12 10:08 AM
EDH they are going to wake up the day after the election in stunned disbelief.
"Nancy as the new Marianne?"
Shit, for the first time in my life... I might have to choose Ginger.
Considering the amount of alcohol we paid for on her flights when she was speaker, woozy does not surprise me.
Corrupt and creepy Nanny McBotox does not count as a lady. She's a freak.
Funny how she remembers Newt's ethics investigation 20 years ago, but couldn't remember supporting water boarding just one year later.
"Nancy as the new Marianne?"
On second thought, crazy-eyes Nancy's facial expressions look a lot more like Ginger's.
"She will do it after he is nominated to ensure a Obama victory. Why would she do it now?"
But then, why is she threatening now?
Because Mittens is/was the candidate chosen by the media for Obama to run against. The campaign would have been the same old same old playground with comfortable rules and planned attacks. Mitt is the candidate that they WANT to run against.
Newt is a wild card and scares the pants off of the establishment elites, both Dems and Repubs. They don't know how to respond because of the populist and somewhat Jacksonian nature of the campaign.
They (the elites) had a similar problem with Palin, but solved it by conducting a virutal gang rape of Palin and purposeful destruction of her family while the Republican elites stood by and let it happen and even helped out. She fought back as best she could but eventually family and self preservation won out.
Newt on the other hand is more able to fight back and counter attack. They don't know how to handle this since it isn't in their tried and true playbook
Newt is the Honey Badger.
He must be destroyed before he has a chance.
"She's baiting Republicans into nominating Gingrich."
Indeed, be afraid, be very afraid! :D If Reps are stupid enough to ...
Another mystery Althouse is trying to solve, god love her. And Nancy appreciates her concern. :D
Suffice it to say, regardless of Pelosi, gingrich is a frickin' self-imploding train wreck.
All aboard Reps!
More, here.
Hey, is that Newt's penis she's stroking?
And is Newt wearing some kind of weird bamboo condom the professor made on the island?
cubanbob said...
Obama is as repulsive. I want him gone and replaced with a serious and smart politician who will do what is best for Americans.
She's taunting the Republicans. Why not mock them over their flirtation with Newt?
Either he gets the nomination and they are screwed, or he doesn't and they have to deal with Pelosi shutting down Newt in favor of Romney.
Ann Althouse said...
"She will do it after he is nominated to ensure a Obama victory. Why would she do it now?"
But then, why is she threatening now?
To confuse the voters. And given his issues with his own party a part of me believes that there really may be something nasty in his background that will disqualify him.
I think Newt and Nancy make a nice couple.
The shocker here is that Nancy Pelosi "knows something."
I believe this would be a first for grandma.
Pelosi is engaging in that all time favorite Dem strategy which has to run in co-dependency with the Dem owned Media:
You announce a SERIOUS charge has been made against a Repubbie, or it is rumored to be made soon.
That's it. No charge is ever really made that says he did anything, and then after several years the nonsense is dropped
Then for the next 10 to 30 years you repeat in every story about the Repubbie that there was once a scandal about that him being accused of doing a SERIOUS thing, you all remember that don't you. It was a SERIOUS charge.
And that makes Mitt Romney into a closet Dem .
Nancy looked down, realized her prodigious breasts were sagging and in shock and frustration she slashed out at Newt.
Well, a Newt & Nancy sex tape would pretty much sink his candidacy.
But seriously, she has referred in the past to having copies of the extensive personal info that Newt was forced to give the ethics committee under seal. Never mind that this itself would be an ethics violation big enough to get her expelled from Congress (and would also destroy the Ethics Committee in the process). Hell, even having this info in her possession ought to get her expelled. Why isn't the House demanding she return all copies of this data?
"I have here in my hand a list of 205 things that Newt has done..."
Pelosi is a lady? Granted she's female, but a lady?
As for her creepy appearance, perhaps her botox is melting.
"He really knows how to talk to the ladies. I mean... we've certainly reached a new milestone in the advancement of women."
I am missing whatever, if anything, is supposed to tip me off that this comment is sarcastic. Rather, it looks like a knee-jerk feminist reaction to a quite proper statement made to a lying sack of liberal dung who happens, we are told, to be female.
Glad to see the conservative commenters here didn't disappoint with their blatant sexism.
Also, I think the challenge here for Republicans is to put up or shut up. Either nominate him or don't, but don't waste your time on Pelosi's threats.
Whining about Pelosi and then not nominating Newt just makes you look weak and ineffectual.
I am against corporal punishment on religious grounds, but I might make an exception for a traitor, and the Democrat party as it is led now, by Obama, Reid, and Pelosi, are treading on traitorous grounds.(so are a lot of R's too, in my book)
No one noticed when Queen Nancy hauled that ginormous gavel into the congress on her first day,(envy much?)but since her exile into the wilderness her screeching equals that of a banshee, or the witch that she closely resembles.
Ever notice how the most hateful people live long lives, like this skank?
Between her "pass it to know what's in it", to her insider trading, to her demanding a bigger jet so she didn't have to refuel in KC, Pelosi epitomizes what is wrong with American Government. I hate to be this way, but if she would just die we'd be a better country.
Then there's this chart — which purports to show that Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush left us with public debt far greater than any other recent presidents including Barack Obama — that is still floating around Facebook (I just encountered it there yesterday), collecting raving comments from liberals and more than 23,000 shares at this point.
The Washington Post's Fact Checker, in this article “A bogus chart on Obama and the debt gets a new lease on life,” terms this piece of pure deception a “Four-Pinocchio whopper,“ noting that not only are the numbers for Obama and GWB flat-out wrong, but the presentation of the data is seriously misleading. Moreover, the information (such as it is), which is alleged to come from the “Treasury Department,” was actually “originally created by the office of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi [and] is as phony as a three-dollar bill.”
The WP article goes on to say:
“If the chart were recast to show how much the debt went up as a percentage of GDP, it would look pretty bad for Obama after not even three years in office. In fact, Obama does almost twice as poorly as Reagan — and four times worse than George W. Bush.”
I am drawn to every Pelosi video in the same way I always go to the reptile house when visiting the zoo. There's just something fascinating and other worldly about what my eyes are seeing.
"She will do it after he is nominated to ensure a Obama victory. Why would she do it now?"
Pelosi has already made her announcement. Her little mysterious jibe that she knows something was it. Any more she says later will only work against the democrats and help Newt (should he be the nominee). Whatever it is she thinks she has would come out flat and appear contrived with the sole purpose of interfering with a Presidential election. It will play into Newt's strengths and message at that point.
"Also, I think the challenge here for Republicans is to put up or shut up. Either nominate him or don't,"
Hey Andy, aren't the primaries going on right now??? What the hell are you talking about? It's not like we could coronate Newt tomorrow if we wanted.
Andy R:
put up or shut up
uh oh. Listen up folks. Andy R. Is barking orders again. Hop to it.
"I have a simple challenge for Speaker Pelosi...you know, put up or shut up."
I missed what was wrong with this. Oh. I see the Professor was thinking "put 'em up" as in dukes - fists. No, no.
I took it as "put up the information" or shut up. But yes, I suppose in the old days, "put up" could refer to aggressive physical confrontation, though there are hardly any examples of that in recent decades.
Either way, as a woman I don't take offense.
If I were ever (note that in my wildest imagination I can't think of a situation I would do this in) going to pull some childish nyah-nyah-nyah stunt like this in public, it comes with the territory to expect it to be confronted. Bluntly.
And if it *was* something significant, I would expect that someone with the grace and subtlety of Nancy Pelosi {/s} would, from her deepest desire for Americans to be well informed before they vote for this man {/s/s}, let the world know, verbally and with video if possible, as opposed to writing.
I mean, you wouldn't want to vote for the guy and have to read the info later, to find out you'd been screwed, would you?
OK, Andy R. We will nominate Newt as per your request.
Is there anything else we can do to be of service to you?
I suspect the Dem owned media wants a Gingrich Presidency too. They will have at least 4 years of fun attacking Newt to see how he responds to them.
Remember that is how Dan rather made his multi-million dollar career taking on Tricky Dick Nixon every chance that he got.
Maybe when Newt asked Marianne for a threesome he was just doing it to get his wife and his paramour to break up with him. Like George Costanza did on Seinfeld; except in George's case his girlfriend and 'torrid love affair' were down with the threesome, if it meant not breaking up with George.
missed what was wrong with this. Oh. I see the Professor was thinking "put 'em up" as in dukes - fists. No, no.
I took it as "put up the information" or shut up.
Yeah, that's what it means.
I always thought it was a very common phrase. Is it not?
If Nancy is paying attention to the Republican race, she'd know her innuendo will help Newt.
If she has something really juicy on Newt, she'd be much smarter to not raise expectations but wait until October and release it via a surrogate.
About the dumbest thing she could do, unless her goal is to help Newt, is to play it as she has.
Either she's trying to hurt Newt and she's dumb, or she's trying to help Newt and she's smart.
I think Pelosi pretty much lost her marbles along with the speakership.
She is just desperately trying to remain relevant.
The #1 issue for Republicans is electability. Nancy is trying to scare Republicans into thinking Newt can not get elected. I see only two viable Choices.
A) She is s stupid witch
B) She is a lying bitch
For A), she isn't lying, and Newt does not get elected. Oops, an easy opponent loses the election.
B) She is a lying bitch. In this case, she really doesn't have the goods, and knows Newt can win.
There are other possibilities (oh, she is egging on republicans etc., assuming she is really all that meaningful to them).
What I heard from this woman is she said this with the same conviction she said after Obama care was passed, 1 million jobs would immediately come into existence. Where are the jobs?
Oh, please. I love Drudge! And, I'm also an enthusiasic reader of DEBKA. Doesn't mean that these sites provide us with oracles who can see into the future!
All I know from Pelosi's attack, though, is that Newt is suddenly AHEAD! And, Romney isn't gonna win the GOP race.
What advantages does Newt have? Perhaps, it's the Bill Clinton advantage? He's easy to recognize. And, you can see he'll get votes.
Probably fries Dick Morris' ass.
Hmmm, why isn't this being referred to the ethics committee? Or just have the House censure her and be done with it.
So if Nancy was passing on her psychic ESP, then she was actually channeling her familiar spirit that was speaking a Curse on Gingrich's campaign.
Will Newt send for Palin's curse breaking Pastor, Thomas Muthee, and reverse it?
Stay tuned.
Pelosi was never bright and is probably getting stupider as she ages. She spent a year of her life investigating Newt and remembers that there was a lot of dirt. When questioned about Newt, she stupidly said what she knew to be true.
Once she had a chance to reflect and talked to other, smarter Dems, she backed off since the Dems want Newt to get the GOP nomination.
Anybody who thinks all the ethics investigation files won't surface if Newt gets the GOP nomination is unaware of Dem SOP. It is in the best interest of the GOP that those files surface asap so GOP voters are aware of the contents before they vote in primaries.
The Dems will be thrilled if Newt is nominated. The idea that Dems are afraid of Newt is ludicrous.
I suspect she said this because anybody who worked with him in congress knows what a loose amoral cannon he is, which is why establishment Republicans are not supporting him.
Pelosi replacing Laetitia Casta?
They (the elites) had a similar problem with Palin, but solved it by conducting a virutal gang rape of Palin and purposeful destruction of her family while the Republican elites stood by and let it happen and even helped out.
That would include those who currently went on to join the Romney camp, which is where much of the trashing of Palin from 2009-10 originated.
The Dems will be thrilled if Newt is nominated.
How can that be if Newt is such an anti-conservative, like the Romney crowd wants you to believe?
In truth, the Dems will be thrilled because they hate Newt with a passion and it will give them the opportunity to do what they do best -- hate -- because they know him to be not only ideologically conservative (even with occasional professorial musings) but someone who has kicked their asses in the past and will do so again.
Meanwhile, they will also happy with Romney, not so much in order to bash him, but because even if he were to win, he is a squish who does not threaten them and will even occasionally lend them a hand to implement leftist policies.
"Put up or shut up" is classic Newt.
So is "put out or get out."
Rick said...
"He really knows how to talk to the ladies. I mean... we've certainly reached a new milestone in the advancement of women."
I am missing whatever, if anything, is supposed to tip me off that this comment is sarcastic.
The tip off is Althouse's long standing and consistent position that women who seek equality should not also be afforded unusual protections from the rough and tumble of the world.
It's what I tried to teach my daughters, who have absorbed the idea quite well. (Most likely they would have figured it out on their own.)
Nancy is psycho. She has to be on some sort of psychiatric meds. Of course, in whacky California, who would notice?
Backtracking already?
Seriously, why do people care about ANYTHING that comes out of Pelosi's pie hole?
Ace has it about right when he refers to her as Granny Rictus McBotoxImplants
Bender wrote: That would include those who currently went on to join the Romney camp, which is where much of the trashing of Palin from 2009-10 originated.
There is a strong correlation between Palin-bashing and Newt-trashing. They're proud of it even.
Tea Party vs. Establishment: The two sides need each other.
Obama, a shrew student of Lincoln (a house divided cannot stand) knows this.
Steve Koch:
It is in the best interest of the GOP that those files surface asap so GOP voters are aware of the contents before they vote in primaries.
So why is it in Pelosi's interests to give people like you ammunition against Newt? Stupid witch, as some have suggested?
I don't think she is that stupid, and I think she is a conniving bitch. I don't think she wants to face Newt. The calculus is coming out now as the press is beginning to drum up the anti-Newt message to get the person they really want elected, Romney.
Never mind that this itself would be an ethics violation big enough to get her expelled from Congress ...
There's no ethics violation big enough to get a Democrat expelled from Congress.
The Dems will be thrilled if Newt is the GOP nominee because they realize that Newt will be very easy to defeat.
The media (besides Fox and WSJ, of course) don't want Romney elected, they want Obama elected.
The Dems will fight to keep Newt's ethics files secret until he gets nominated. After Newt gets nominated the Dems will make sure there is a complete dump of said files.
The GOP should be very motivated to get a look at Newt's ethics investigation files asap so we don't make a disastrous decision based on incomplete info.
Being against Newt does not mean being for Romney.
"The tip off is Althouse's long standing and consistent position that women who seek equality should not also be afforded unusual protections from the rough and tumble of the world."
Salient, and fair.
"The Dems will be thrilled if Newt is the GOP nominee because they realize that Newt will be very easy to defeat."
Newt provides a target-rich environment for the dem/MSM smear machine. It could be argued that their boilerplate personal destruction tactic was implemented by Newt himself, long ago.
With his heavy baggage, I think Gingrich is toast. He won't be able to survive the brute-force 24/7 attacks.
Do we know who wrote the SOTU response speech offered by Mitch Daniels? It was excellent. Maybe they'd consider running.
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