३१ जानेवारी, २०१२

Landslide... for Romney in Florida.

Says Drudge. The various cable news networks are showing Romney at 49/50% and Gingrich at 30%.

UPDATE: With the polls closed, FoxNews calls it for Romney with 48%. 31% for Newt. 13% for Santorum and 7% for Paul.

UPDATE 2: Mitt Romney's victory speech: "A competitive primary does not divide us. It prepares us." The campaign "is about saving the soul of America." He's about "restoring America's greatness." He wants you to remember "an America that is still out there.... Let's fight for the America we love. We believe in America."

२५२ टिप्पण्या:

«सर्वात जुने   ‹थोडे जुने   252 पैकी 201 – 252
अनामित म्हणाले...

Also, Trad, we're not going to feed you kosher food. Worse, we're going to call thousands of people in Florida and tell them how we aren't giving you kosher food.

Also, we are going to find somebody who cheats on his spouse. We are going to excoriate that person and try to get them fired. This is the best part: all the while -- the whole fucking time -- we are going to be quietly cheating on our spouse.

What do you think? Awesome, huh?

Steve Koch म्हणाले...

Great victory for Mitt, very convincing. Good that Mitt has demonstrated that he will attack an opponent's weaknesses even though Mitt is a nice guy.

Florida is obviously a hugely important swing state with tons of electoral votes.

A great VP choice would be Florida Sen. Rubio.

Mitt has already said that he will give ObamaCare waivers to all 50 states so they can be exempt from ObamaCare. Sounds like a plan to me.

Mitt is the candidate who is best prepared (by far) to efficiently reduce the size and cost of the fed govt while losing the least utility from those cuts.

Mitt should be the least threatening candidate to indy voters like Althouse. This will give him the best chance of getting elected.

Tradguy: the idea that Mitt will act like Obama as prez is absurd. There will be an enormous difference between a Mitt prez and an Obama prez. To suggest otherwise is profoundly wrong.

Chip Ahoy म्हणाले...

Speaking of Mormons.

Denver got the short shrift on the Book of Mormon tour. The show sold out in five hours. The line for tickets wrapped around the building which is a considerable distance. The people waiting in the line for the ticket window were also on the their cell phones to the same office trying doubly to get tickets, any tickets.

The stage show is very popular.

I would expect it to be an extension of the cartoon. Previously I thought Mormons were exactly like Christians except different. It wasn't covered at Regis in their Comparative Religion classes, but everything that I think I do know about them is beautiful. I like them a lot and I like being around them. I love Utah. If you haven't been there, Alta and Snowbird are world class ski areas and it is kind of wonderful being submerged like that in a family-oriented state. But, pretty much everything I know about the details of their religion was learned from South Park season 7 episode 12, and I realize that is bad.

Parker and Stone are very good song writers. In the cartoon the story of Joseph Smith is told in song. The viewer knows right off the tack the writers will take by the lovely soothing apparently harmless refrain that has you singing it even while realizing its subversive charm.

Joseph Smith is called a prophet.


Carol_Herman म्हणाले...

It's a good think that Newt knows his history. Because he knows Lincoln walked into the Chicago GOP convention, in 1860, in 4th place.

Ahead of Lincoln were 3 favorite sons. Who only had their local states behind them. And, they didn't get along.

As the first night of the convention closed (and the printers didn't have the ballots ready that night), the Lincoln brigade worked overtime. Pulling support from each of the 3 favorite sons.

In Lincoln's favor? Balloting continued, and Lincoln shaved support from 3ach of the 3 "favorite sons."

Right now, you wouldn't buy real estate in Florida. So how come you're buying their candidate?

Lem Vibe Bandit म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
yashu म्हणाले...

But Newt accepted the job opening as the outsider point man for the Reagan Conservatives/Tea party, and he has not let up.

So mistreating Newt is mistreating me and others that think like me.

You are being taken for a sucker by the Gingrich campaign. This is what Newt has tried to do-- to personalize the campaign, to make conservatives believe that an attack on *him* is an attack on *them*.

How do attacks on Newt's political/ ethical baggage, or mocking his lunar lunacy, etc., constitute an attack on the Tea Party or conservatives? They're just attacks on Newt and Newt alone. Has Romney attacked Newt for holding any Tea Party ideas or acting in accordance with any Tea Party tenets? No. Newt claims to represent you (a dubious claim), and Romney attacks Newt for faults that have nothing to do with those values of yours which Newt claims to represent… and you're going to believe that Romney is thereby attacking *you*, the Tea Party, conservatives? Ridiculous.

Now, contrast the Bain attacks. Those attacks on "vulture capitalism" can legitimately be seen as attacks not just on Romney, but on pro-capitalism fiscal conservatives, on businessmen who (by Newt's criteria) would be "vultures" just like Romney. Such Romney supporters, such conservatives, might legimately feel that Newt's attack on Romney (for his work at Bain) is an attack on them.

You're falling for Newt's whiny martyr complex strategy (with Palin's assistance). Newt's not on the cross to die for us, Trad. The only sins he's atoning for are his own.

Chip Ahoy म्हणाले...

Actually, we would and have and do own real estate in Florida.

And we would pay attention because as already mentioned upthread Florida represents.

Gospace म्हणाले...

Outspends his opponents by an order of magnitude, and can't get over 50% of the vote with all the elite saying "Mitts our man!".

Electable? He can't outspend Obama 10 to 1. Or even 2-1. Plus, the media coverage will be all pro-Obama, again.

Brokered convention- SARAH!

One can dream, after all...

Carol_Herman म्हणाले...

Politics ahead.

If Mitt runs, and you don't get a 3rd party candidate, there's still a good chance that Obama wins.

Those in Congress are all weasels. BOTH PARTIES. Whatever goes on in 2012 ... there will be politicians looking ahead to 2016. And, I wouldn't call what they're going to be doing "cooperation." More like "headline hunting."

Romney would fill his cabinet with other elites who can "do the decline" like nobody's business.

If Obama wins? You still get decline.

That's not American Exceptionalism.

So stay tuned. The show is just beginning.

Carol_Herman म्हणाले...

If Florida's real estate market had recovered THEN you would NOT have had Mitt Romney giving a speech at a dry wall manufacturing plant that was closed.

As to Newt's chances ahead, I'm reminded, more often than not, Americans root for the underdog.

Oh, and, yes. In spite of the media's hatred, Sarah Palin's voice is heard. And, she is not spending millions on getting her messages out.

You can't fool me. This race isn't over.

And, you couldn't sell me real estate in Florida.

Pianoman म्हणाले...


I have the special sunglasses that allow me to see when I put them on.

Double bonus points for the movie reference since the aliens *were* a metaphor for Reagan conservatives. :)

John Carpenter's "They Live", starring Roddy Piper. Featuring one of the best fight scenes evah.

What do I win?

a psychiatrist who learned from veterans म्हणाले...

Well, as you know we had terrible news tonight, Newt got bit in the behind in Florida, but the worst of it, well Newt called Mitt to congratulate him. .. Then Newt went onstage and said how he felt about it, congratulating Mitt for a hard fought primary and saying that he’d clear his throat and stay in bit longer but, as Mitt requested that he do for Mitt’s campaign, he was going to act like a jilted lover, like the Roman Republic was going to crash and it was just him, Brutus, against the empire etc. The media of course omitted the first part (wait, well that’s partly true).

mccullough म्हणाले...

What is wrong with Mitt raising and spending more money than Newt? Nothing's stopping Newt from raising money, other than that he's a lazy asshole who doesn't have much financial support. I'm tired of hearing poor Newt and his supporters whine about how they're being outspent. It's a campaign. Go out and raise money or STFU. Ron Paul doesn't whine. He's also competent enough to get on the Virginia ballot, which Newt couldn't do even though he lives there. Apparently he can't go door to door in his own state to get enough signatures to get on the ballot but he should be President?

Revenant म्हणाले...

Outspends his opponents by an order of magnitude, and can't get over 50% of the vote with all the elite saying "Mitts our man!".

Yeah, we're all really impressed that Newt did so well with so little spending, but... oh wait. This is politics. We don't grade on a fuckin' curve around here.

Obama's got over a billion dollars to spend. What's Gingrich's plan for the actual campaign? Get his ass kicked 70-30 and whine that Obama spent more money?

yashu म्हणाले...

Just saw Romney's speech, and really enjoyed it. Lots of zingers for Obama! His slight awkwardness, gawkiness, stiffness, the clipped cadence of his words-- in contrast to Obama's pompous grandiloquence-- endears me to him more. He's a serious businessman, not a silver-tongued orator. I like the man. I will be so happy to vote for him.

I guess I've now become a full-fledged Mittbot. Don't hate me.

I ♥ Willard म्हणाले...

Does this mean you'll be voting for the "non-Christian" Romney over the Christian Obama?

Excuse me, sir, but Obama is a Muslim.

Although I dearly ♥ Willard, I'm not comfortable with his membership in the Cult of the Latter Day Saints.

Please stop talking about Willard's religion. If we ignore the subject, we can pretend Willard is a Christian.

I ♥ Willard म्हणाले...

Joseph Smith is called a prophet.

Before he was a "prophet," he was a con man. Draw your own conclusions.

I ♥ Willard म्हणाले...

I guess Santorium would be different.

Definitely different than Santorum. :)

I ♥ Willard म्हणाले...

The campaign "is about saving the soul of America."

This! Our soul needs saving. Thank goodness Willard, a former LDS Cult ward bishop is coming to the rescue!

I ♥ Willard म्हणाले...

This is the best part: all the while -- the whole fucking time -- we are going to be quietly cheating on our spouse.

As I understand it, one of the purposes of Mormon magic underwear is to discourage adultery. Of course, when the LDS Cult practiced polygamy, it was a lot harder to commit adultery!

Paddy O म्हणाले...

"But when it comes to implementing/growing big government.. he doesn't have that baggage.. I would trust him to do the right thing."

I agree on all your concerns, but totally disagree with your thinking Newt would do the right thing.

Newt had that chance, after all, in the 90s. The trouble with the Republican leadership in the 90s was that they rode into power on a wave of conservative reforms then proceeded to sell them all out to lobbyists. The Republican leadership of the 90s, Newt included, betrayed the cause, and would have continued to do so, thinking the angst against Democrats gave them the right to profit and sell their votes to the highest bidders. They thought the voters rubes who would be appeased by comforting rhetoric.

Newt was the chief of that bunch. And at the heart of that betrayal was that Republican leadership brought in lobbyist driven expansion of government, pushing the state of Congress towards what it became in the last decade. Which is why the Tea Party formed, not in opposition to Democrats, but in opposition to Republicans who had lost sight of the voters.

Newt is still the man of the 90s, using rhetoric and conservative talk to pull people in, but he'll sell you out when he gets the chance, all while saying it's what everyone does.

Meanwhile, for all his faults, and there are many, Romney has a background in fighting corruption. Newt has a background in encouraging it.

damikesc म्हणाले...

Once again, I applaud the willingness of the Republican Party to nominate a non-Christian.

Once again I notice it is Democrats who seem so obsessed with the religion of Romney. Conservatives seem to be OK with it, but Progressives? Man, those bigots hate it with a passion.

Mogget म्हणाले...

So mistreating Newt is mistreating me and others that think like me. But Romney wont need our votes

Kinda like being mean to Christians is the same thing as being mean to Christ, eh?

Geez. A martyr complex, no less, for those sacred conservative principles...

Tarkwell Robotico म्हणाले...

Andrew Sullivan writes about Romney's "lies, lies, lies!"

He also claims Newt's was the better of the two speeches.

Mitt Romney drives Sullivan nuts. And Sullivan is the coo-coo bird in the EPA-blocked coal mine. Sullivan nuts, Mitt wins.

Steve Koch म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Rusty म्हणाले...

They aren't going find much - most were checked before they were handed in.

Yes they will.

I'm Full of Soup म्हणाले...

No button to op to read the newest comments? What is Blogger doing?

viator म्हणाले...

Romney, Willard "Mitt"
popular vote so far - 1,070,490
% popular vote - 40.50%
Soft delegate total 67 2.93%
Hard total 59 2.58%

Gingrich, Newton Leroy "Newt"
popular vote so far - 816,735
% popular vote 30.90%
soft total 27 1.18%
hard total 23 1.01%

Santorum, Richard J. "Rick"
popular vote so far - 378,500
% popular vote 14.32%
soft total 6 0.26%

Paul, Ronald E. "Ron"
popular vote so far - 278,364
% popular vote 10.53%
soft total - 9 0.39%
hard total - 3 0.13%

popular vote so far - 1,070,490
Non - Romney
popular vote so far - 1,473,599
% popular vote 42%
% popular vote 58%

Non-Romney, conservative/libertarian, seems to be ahead.

I'm Full of Soup म्हणाले...

Never mind- I must need more coffee.

Lem Vibe Bandit म्हणाले...

I cant see beyond 200 comments..

unless I comment.

A glitch perhaps.

Lem Vibe Bandit म्हणाले...

You r ok AJ.

Its Blogger not letting us see beyond 200, unless we comment.

Michael Haz म्हणाले...

I don't care whether Newt Gingrich or Mitt Romney wins the GOP presidiential nomination. Either one will have an uphill battle against the $1 billion the Obama campaign will spend on his re-election. And the mainstream media is prety much an arm of the Obama campaign.

What matters more is keeping the Republican majority in the House of Representatives and flipping the Senate majority to Republican.

A Republican congress can prevent Obama from doing much more harm, if he is re-elected, and can hold a Republican president to his promises, if Mitt or Newt are elected.

Obama cannot win re-election without Wisconsin's electoral votes. The Walker-recall election will fail (for the Dems), and there will be at least two very strong conservative candidates (Thompson, Hovde) for the Senate seat being vacated by Herb Kohl.

Wisconsin will be ground zero for politics and campaigning this cycle.

damikesc म्हणाले...

Savaging my opponents does not alienate their supporters. Instead, they will reward me for my dishonesty and malice.

Well, fortunately, with Newt no longer relevant, his savage attacks on his opponents aren't relevant any longer.

But at the very least nobody can say he came up with Newtcare..

He was a shill for Fannie Mae. Hardly better. I have no beef with a STATE deciding they want to mandate insurance. It should be a state choice.

Romney got the best deal he could. It sucked, but if Deval Patrick was in office when it passed, it would've been far worse.

Brian Brown म्हणाले...

Andy R. said...
Once again, I applaud the willingness of the Republican Party to nominate a non-Christian

And I applaud you for reminding readers how ignorant and bigoted most gay people are.

Lem Vibe Bandit म्हणाले...

There are Clear Skies Beyond Tallahassee.

You say you hate the taste of blood
And I'd have to agree
Something about it lacks innocence
Lacks purity

And everytime you bite my lip
I pray that you break skin
We'll let it all flow out
I'll finally let you in

Yea, but the skies are clear beyond Tallahassee tonight
We've gotta find a way out
Before dark becomes light

There's rough days and hard nights ahead
But we don't really think
We just stare at the roof
Hands locked, eyes in sync

We could go right now
Leave it all behind
But you look at the ground
Rather not inclined

I swear the skies are clear beyond Tallahassee tonight
We've gotta find a way out
Before I start to decline

We don't need direction
or place to be
All will be fine because I've got you
and you've got me

We're moving fast
Run sides fly by with ease
I know we won't make it,
But a man can dream

And the skies are clear beyond Tallahassee tonight
We've gotta find a way out
Before dark becomes light

Brian Brown म्हणाले...

Lem said...
I cant see beyond 200 comments..

unless I comment.

A glitch perhaps.

The work around is to click on the post title and view the comments as part of the blog. Scroll to the bottom and click "newest" and you can see them.

Patrick म्हणाले...

Is there a way to show comments after #200? I used to get a click to she "newer" comments, but haven't for a couple of days now. How can I proceed through the day without reading the Wisdom of _______?

Patrick म्हणाले...

wow, that fixed it fast. Althouse gets results.

Scott M म्हणाले...

I cant see beyond 200 comments.

If you use the ATOM option, you can have the feed sent directly to your Outlook (or other mail handler). The best part about that is that the thread title goes bold when new comments are added, like unread email.

Tim म्हणाले...

"Yeah, that's what I heard Bob Dole repeatedly insist, and every other Republican (except Romney) since the early 1980s -- "I'm a Reagan conservative!"

So now we know who the sole arbiter of who is, and isn't, a "Reagan conservative."

All this time, wandering in the wilderness without a compass, a map or a light, we finally have Bender to tell us who is, and is not, a "Reagan conservative."

Dude, you're as delusional as all those Obama voters who though he was actually qualified for office.

The saving grace for you is that you only make a fool of yourself.

The others are handmaidens to destroying the nation's future, so you've got that going for you, unless, of course, you help Obama get reelected.

In which case, you'll be as complicit and delusional as Obama voters.

Carol_Herman म्हणाले...

Not as big a deal as you think.

Now you can define Mittens as willing to go after Newt. For his next act he'll have to go after Sarah Palin.

You didn't know we're heading for a decline?

You didn't know Lincoln walked into the 1860 GOP convention in 4th place? For Lincoln, getting through the first day without giving up, finally brought him success at landing at the top slot.

What did Lincoln have? A national reputation, during a time when slavery was still a thorn in America's hide.

Let this perk.

See if you want to go wall-to-wall negative on Newt. Who percolates with ideas. See how far you get shooting at Sarah Palin.

A good test will be February 22nd. Where the conservatives have been gung-ho for close to two dozen debates. And, then?

If Newt's in the debate lineup ... the conservatives will tune out? No live blogging?

Go to sleep, now, because you're sure Mitt's going to be president.

You know George Romney was running back in 1968. Against NIXON! Romeny, then, had supported the War in Nam. When questioned about it on TV, he said he had been brainwashed.

You think Karl Rove brainwashed Mitt to go after Newt, in Florida, instead of beating Obama's lack of success?

It's not about religion. Some people pray bending their knees down. But not everybody. In America, funny underwear, bending down, and even covering your heads, are all optional.

Cedarford म्हणाले...

testing. testing

John Stodder म्हणाले...

You didn't know Lincoln walked into the 1860 GOP convention in 4th place? For Lincoln, getting through the first day without giving up, finally brought him success at landing at the top slot.

What did Lincoln have? A national reputation, during a time when slavery was still a thorn in America's hide.

Let this perk.

Newt Gingrich, just this morning: "I have been compared, by Carol Herman, to Abraham Lincoln. It would be the height of folly for me to wrap up my campaign when there is the potential for another Lincoln, namely me according to Carol Herman, to become president. As a historian, I can make no other choice than to continue my campaign."

Now look what you've done!

Roberto म्हणाले...

Bender said..."Somewhat interesting - Homeland Security announced that they are now going to start providing Mitt with Secret Service protection. Code name: Weasel"

And then you, along with the rest of the whiners here...will step into the booth and vote for him, too.

President Obama will crush this idiot at the polls.

Get used to it.

shiloh म्हणाले...

"President Obama will crush this idiot at the polls.

Get used to it."

Indeed Roberto, as again, this blog's fearless conservative :-P leader has already conceded defeat!

Rusty म्हणाले...

Republicans didn't seem at all interested in verifying their signatures with GAB they collected against Dems. Nor did they insist they all be published on the web. Maybe now would be a good time?

Probably because they don't have a tradition of stealing elections.

shiloh म्हणाले...

Rusty being totally confused er posting in the wrong thread notwithstanding, when will the incessant conservative whining stop? Rhetorical.

Tarzan म्हणाले...

I'm a tea party person and even a fan of Palin, and I am all kinds of happy with the Romney win. I flirted with Newt, but he lost me with all his girlish fretting about the dreadful unfairness of it all whenever people failed to clap for his lines or (god forbid) clapped for someone else's. Sorry, the man's a bit of a pussy and not fit for office.

The 'taxed enough already' party has no reason to be unhappy with Romney. He has a long history of smart fiscal decision making and has a lot to show for it. He's not afraid to throw down a veto against the dems in his own state and isn't a complete freak in his personal life, and, unlike either Newt or the incumbent, can and will very likely 'act Presidential'. He probably won't trash our ties with Britain by sending back their gift or gifting them with a boxed dvd set of Happy Days (US region code) and an iPod full of his 'greatest hits'.

What a candidate won't do is a least as important as what he will do.

That said, I LOVE the idea of making the Moon the 51st state! I'd certainly hate to see the Chinese or someone else do it first. That said, this ain't the time.

Thanks, Newt. You did well and raised the stakes all around, but now it's time to git.

wv: "unnes" - Film festival in the Ural Mountains

Tarzan म्हणाले...

Republicans didn't seem at all interested in verifying their signatures with GAB they collected against Dems. Nor did they insist they all be published on the web. Maybe now would be a good time?

Public petitions are public information. Go dig them up and post them online yourself.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

OK, I surrender. The field belongs to Laird Romney's forces.

For history buffs and movie goers I remind you of William Wallace's experience with the Scottish Lairds from the day of Battle of Stirling Bridge until he was drawn and quartered.

Newt's recent experiences are analogous to Wallace, the stubborn warrior's, experiences with the Scottish Lairds. They were the hereditary Scottish rulers who would usually give in to the English King's peace terms.

The grandiose Wallace was winning until the Lairds finally had to betray him to the English, who promptly tortured and had him drawn and quartered by the King's media of his day.

But after Stirling Bridge, Wallace did have a glorious time for a season.

I sense that there remains some collective unconscious memory of these events which Romney's campaign will have to reckon with one day.

Other good reads by the Evil Newt, are "Grant Comes East" and "Never Call Surrender."

Alex म्हणाले...

tradguy...So mistreating Newt is mistreating me and others that think like me.
But Romney wont need our votes.

OMG... you are such a CHILD! Do you honestly take this stuff personally? The POTUS candidate is supposed to best represent your interests, not your ego!

Buck up dude, it's gonna be a long ride.

Bender म्हणाले...

And then you [Bender], along with the rest of the whiners here...will step into the booth and vote for [Romney], too.

You really have not been paying attention, have you, Bobbo?

Meanwhile, Tim, anyone who defends Bob Dole as a "Reagan conservative" is the one who is delusional. (Oh, by the way, Bobbo, I could not, in all good conscience, vote for Dole either. I wrote in "Mumbly Joe" instead (extra points for all those who get the reference).)

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