Perhaps this is a big surprise to some adults: If you are divorced, your teenager thinks that your dating is gross. Even if your teenager is telling you that she thinks it's great or fine or whatever, she thinks it's gross.
Teenagers also have a tendency to the dramatic, some more than others, and may find ways, like this, to act out.
This is a reason for parents to stay together. Kids don't want to see their parent dating... except in the most wholesome way.
Calling 911 is bad, but, as Freeman said, this is a young person acting out. It's an independent question what a parent should be doing. And note, we do not know how much noise was heard or the exact nature of that noise.
A familiar situation. My ex had sex our daughter could hear, and see some of at least once. (Just a little BJ action.) No problems until our daughter started having sex and her mother just couldn't understand why.
Seems to me "disrespected" is a pretty good description of what the mother did. No respect for the girl's privacy, her sensibilities, her need for sleep, her dilemma created by the divorce, etc. etc.
Calling the cops may be a little strange, but who was she going to call. Her dad?
It's actually against the law to have sex in front of a child, and I would imagine that hearing is not as bad as seeing, but pretty bad. If the mom knows now how small her house is and doesn't change her behavior, then she is committing indecency toward her child. As they say, get a room.
Good lord it would be horrifying enough to hear your parents having sex, but hearing your mother moaning for some guy she's hooked up with? Yeesh. Imagine if the child were a boy - hearing that could do some major damage to a boy's view of women.
There is a well-documented and extremely high bar set that this little whiner didn't even bother with before calling the cops. For instance, had she followed the checklist before calling 911, she have had to ascertain (see item # 13) whether or not her mom and the boyfriend weren't just in the mom's room watching women's tennis on cable.
How do we know the girl heard her mother having sex and didn't just claim that so she'd be believed?
At best, it's called confirmation bias, at worse it's just plain lying to get back at her mother.
As for the puritans on this board, I take it you never had kids. If you did, did you stop ALL physical affection between you and your significant other? Of course not. (And most teenagers are being rather hypocritical about the whole sex-is-icky nonsense.)
LOL Where are we as a culture if people don't automatically see the distinction for a teenager between sex in general or sex between parents and sex between a parent and her current boyfriend?
Scott M said... There is a well-documented and extremely high bar set that this little whiner didn't even bother with before calling the cops. For instance, had she followed the checklist before calling 911, she have had to ascertain (see item # 13) whether or not her mom and the boyfriend weren't just in the mom's room watching women's tennis on cable.
Ok, that made me laugh. I was flipping through the channels the other night and there was Sharapova playing someone (who cares?). Quite pleasant to watch with the mute on. With the sound on ... no way. Incidentally, she was wearing some sort of lime green outfit. Looked good.
LOL Where are we as a culture if people don't automatically see the distinction for a teenager between sex in general or sex between parents and sex between a parent and her current boyfriend?
It's called shame, Freeman, and roughly half of the boomers have damned near beat it out of us.
Since Joe brought it up, now that my kids are older, they have this annoying habit of staying up later, especially studying. So yes Joe, this has put a crimp in our sex life - I'm not a puritan, I'm just a normal person who doesn't want anyone hearing me having sex. Especially not my kids! We wait until they are both out, which means we have to be a bit more flexible, shall we say. (Not that there's anything wrong with that!) I'd like to say we wait until they are both asleep, but since we are older now, staying up late just isn't in the cards.
Cannot resist: "Newt Gingrich’s well documented tendency to cheat on his significant others does not stop there however. Kip Carter, Gingrich’s previous campaign economic advisory, was walking Newt’s daughters back from a football game one day some years ago. Kip reported that he and Newt’s daughters cut across a driveway where he saw a car. “As I got to the car, I saw Newt Gingrich in the passenger seat and one of the guys’ wives with her head in his lap going up and down. Newt kind of turned and gave me this little-boy smile. Fortunately, Jackie Sue and Kathy (Newt’s daughters) were a lot younger and shorter then I.” At that time Newt Gingrich was already on too his second wife, she was not in the car that day."
As for the puritans on this board, I take it you never had kids. If you did, did you stop ALL physical affection between you and your significant other? Of course not. (And most teenagers are being rather hypocritical about the whole sex-is-icky nonsense.)
I once heard a married woman opine, "Thank God for Saturday morning cartoons", so what Joe says is a lot of why-don't-we-do-it-in-the-road nonsense.
Yet another thing your teenager doesn't like: Being expected to be your friend, a listening ear for your dating stories and a playback tape of the external validation you're seeking for your crummy choices.
"No really, tell me again about your new boyfriend and all the things you dislike about Dad. Yes, this is all very enjoyable. Oh look! It's exactly 974 days until I leave for college! No, nothing. I just happened to notice that just now."
"... As for the puritans on this board, I take it you never had kids. If you did, did you stop ALL physical affection between you and your significant other?..."
Wait, hold on now. Are you saying you still are supposed to have sex after kids??
"This is a reason for parents to stay together. Kids don't want to see their parent dating... except in the most wholesome way. "
It's a reason for choosing carefully and then working hard to stay in love, but if you can't, you are not doing your children any favors showing them how to have a bad marriage and a ruined life.
As to the sex noise, we have no idea how discrete the adults were being. The girl could have been listening with her ear to the door. Calling the cops shows it was about her power, and not the sex. We don't know if the mother was being disrespectful or not (details matter), but we do know that the girl was disrespecting the family by calling the cops. A power play and nothing more.
We don't know if the mother was being disrespectful or not (details matter)
Having your boyfriend stay over while your kids are staying over is disrespectful to your kids. I know that idea isn't popular, but it's true. It's disrespectful to their conception of family and what they perceive to be the sanctity of their own home.
As a kid, I always understood that my mother's sex life was not something I would share with the police or anyone else. But I loved and respected her. That's what's missing here. If I had told people those secrets, I would never consider that failing to be my mother's fault.
Hoosier - my high school boyfriend was kissing me on the front porch of our house. My dad actually flicked the light on and off - when that didn't work he opened the front door and said, "all right, that's enough you two!" Boyfriend fled.
The high school boyfriend is now a gay man living in New York.
How funny that "physical affection" is interpreted as sex.
My kids' attitudes ranged from indifference to telling us that we shouldn't kiss or hold hands in front of her.
As for teenagers staying up late--that was more disruptive to a sex life than little kids, amplified by a wife who freaked out if she believed anyone might suspect we were having sex.
"Having your boyfriend stay over while your kids are staying over is disrespectful to your kids."
It depends. Not all families are the same Freeman. A boyfriend could be a long term one and the kids may always be with her. My mother was married four times, and we kids were always with her. Frankly, when I occasionally heard my mother having sex, I felt happy for her. Like I said, I loved and respected here, and still do. It was never about me. Families didn't always consider children to be so fragile, and delicate. Mine certainly didn't, and I'm glad for that, for otherwise my mother may have been forced to suffer in silent desperation which was wholely unnecessary.
I think that's nonsense. Giving your children that much control over your life is unhealthy and condescending.
Modern times. Aren't they grand?
Live for yourself! It's all about you. Dissolve your family in search of your own personal fulfillment. Then dissolve even the feeling of security your children have in their own home for the sake of your sex life. And make them feel obligated to pretend they like it, otherwise they're just acting like a bunch of controlling provincials.
At least she contacted the authorities insteads of escaping into drugs, alcohol or running away. A lot of kids deal with this in riskier ways. Although finding herself the subject of blog posts and ridicule may make her chose drugs next time.
It would be a source of deep regret if I found that my mother eschewed a sex life during her youth because of me. That would be one of the worst realizations I can imagine. Her telling me that she did it out of respect for me would not relieve my guilt, but amplify it.
I think that's nonsense. Giving your children that much control over your life is unhealthy and condescending.
I agree. Setting the highest standards possible and living by them so that your children will learn by them is unhealthy and condescending. After all, it's all about your personal growth. Children are just accessories.
The cops responded to the domestic disturbance call at 4 a.m. on a Thursday. Even if you assume a verbal altercation of several hours, the the alleged grown-up is still making noise and providing drama into the wee hours of a school night.
If the girl didn't want her mother to have a boyfriend, and was willing to do this to force her will, then there is nothing the mother could do to prevent this except celibacy until she was 18 and out of the house. I'm betting the daughter made other normal healthy interaction between her mother and men as difficult as possible too. I doubt the mother is some kind of slut, or the child an innocent victim here.
If my math is correct mother had daughter at age 20. Pregnant at 19?
What happened to dad?
Was there a "dad?"
Maybe daughter is tired of succession of uncommitted males in house over the last 15 years.
Maybe the daughter thinks it is wrong to have sexual intercourse with someone one is not married to. Is she "wrong?"
Maybe mother and daughter needed to discuss this issue if mom was going to take the position of "Not wrong -- good thing."
Maybe they had this discussion and mom chose to ignore her daughter's wishes / beliefs and didn't think discretion was called for. After all she pays the rent, right? The daughter might have felt this was disrespectful?
As for those anything goes 'cause mom pays the rent crap... You're just pulling our chains, right?
Can people sincerely hold different opinions on this? (Some people do vote Republican. Or Libertarian. Or chose not to abort babies)
Humping whoever whenever when you have kids at home and telling them to get over it just doesn't generally impress me as healthy parenting.
Intact family units are an endangered species.
There is something to be said for "you reap what you sow."
"Now Stanley, you have to understand how divorce works. When I say, 'You're the most important thing to me,’ what I mean is, 'You're the most important thing after me and my happiness and my new romances.'"
"I'm betting the daughter made other normal healthy interaction between her mother and men as difficult as possible too. I doubt the mother is some kind of slut, or the child an innocent victim here."
This is a logical, possible, conclusion. Calling 911 is quite extreme. In our teen days my one sis was 'born again' and would express it in some overly prudish/self-righteous ways. But it is impossible to know from the circumstances given what the case was here.
I see no reason to doubt this. Nor do I see much reason to believe it. Just staying open-minded.
And to those who seem to be operating on the idea that people need to choose whether to believe this is a crappy, selfish mother or a misbehaving child with no sense of appropriate boundaries -- what kind of parents do you think raise those kind of children?
Sure it seems gross, but it's the squeamishness of the modern era.
Can you imagine the days when couples had a dozen kids and lived in one room? Even with multiple rooms, there wasn't much noise-muffling concrete construction.
I'm guessing that prior to the baby-boom generation, it was probably very common to hear one's parents getting it on.
"Does anyone think that the moron daughter should be charged for making a bullshit 911 call?"
I do.
For all the talk about things that "teenagers don't like", well, tough. Teenagers don't like much, usually.
Sometimes teenagers have every right not to like something, and what this mom did was a tad unsavory, I suppose. However, it is not illegal.
Life is all about dealing with things one doesn't like, and making the best of them. And when it comes down to it, if you want to have complete control of what happens in a place, you'll have to pay the rent, or the mortgage, yourself.
I can empathize with teens, but that doesn't mean I have to take their "side".
Does anyone think that the moron daughter should be charged for making a bullshit 911 call?
I mean seriously, she made an emergency phone call cause her mom was boinking and being loud.
No, no, HD, in the modern age this is considered emotional child abuse.
But in the end it will create a future economic windfall. Armies of shrinks will earn paychecks listening to heartwrenching tales of "I heard mommy boinking Santa Claus," the pharmas will make great drugs that dissipate all memories of mommy's copulating symphony. This new class of victim will form the backbone of the new Democratic Party, leading to electoral dominance and a bright shining socialist utopia. Only unpatriotic mommies have sex.
"I got a great note from a friend of mine. "So Newt wanted an open marriage. BFD. At least he asked his wife for permission instead of cheating on her. That's a mark of character, in my book. Newt's a victim. We all are. Ours is the horniest generation. We were soldiers in the sex revolution. We were tempted by everything from Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice to Plato's Retreat, Deep Throat to no-fault divorce. Many of us paid the ultimate price, AIDS, abortion, or alimony for the cultural marching orders we got. Hell, for all I know we should be getting disability from the government." That's from a good friend of mine, "Newt's slogan ought to, 'Hell, yes, I wanted it.'" (laughing) I'm sharing with you how some people are reacting to this. "
I grew up in an era when you didn't even dream of challenging the realm of a parent or a teacher. They were another order of beings altogether. If your sense of them was contradicted, even violently, by their words or deeds, well, it entered the filing cabinet in your mind. But outward response? Never.
A single parent bringing a random male into the home for sex while a teenage daughter is in the next bedroom is asking for trouble. How many times do we hear of some creep molesting a girl because there was no father in the home to prevent it? Or guys who have hard-ons for teenage girls and target single mothers for relationships so they can eventually get to the daughter?
Frankly, we need to be more concerned about where it's going.
Not all that long ago, it was enough to just "give the hand" when you felt disrespected.
For those who may not know, that means one outstretched arm with palm up at a ninety degree angle in the face of the person who did "disrespecting".
"... As for the puritans on this board, I take it you never had kids. If you did, did you stop ALL physical affection between you and your significant other?..."
I'd be utterly mortified if I had even the faintest idea that the kids could hear us, ever. OMG.
Really, seriously, you think that hearing your parents have sex is normal?
This is why I never worry about being out of a job.
Took a situation like this to DA for an off the record conversation. His answer was that it doesn't rise to the level of illegal but it bears watching and is definitely creepy. The conversation came around to the topic of grooming behavior.
The kid is right. it is disrespectful. With having kids comes responsibilities among them showing proper behavior (even if we have to fake it). Her boyfriend doesn't have a place of his own? She has to screw (and loudly) at 4am next door to her daughter. With a fucked up bitch for a mother, its amazing the kid has some sense. All of you who are cool with mom doing it at home in the kids presence, would you be cool if dad was banging his brains out with his girlfriend at 4am next to the daughters room?
I agree with Freeman Hunt - and I'm so relieved she and I are back on the same page about something - and many of you are weirdoes (Hellooooo, Joooooe!)
And for those of you upset the "moron" teen called the cops, what's wrong with you? It's a fucking teenager, not Einstein - how was she supposed to know what to do if she was freaked out? And then you want to have her arrested for making a bogus call? Funny, the cops didn't feel that way.
I swear, spend some time on the Althouse blog and it's easy to discover why the world is such a mess:
You people have no sense what-so-ever.
BTW - one of my foster mothers was a physically beautiful single woman with two boys, besides me. She taught us to stand up for ourselves ("as black men") to cook basic meals and handle money. She had a boyfriend, Joe, who we knew was stable and she had sex with. At his house.
Thank god I didn't have to deal with this. My parents waited until I graduated to get divorced. I dressed my kick butt mom up for her first date with the love of her live though - she looked great.
I dated women with children--including three teenage daughters--and we never had sex while they were around. We never slept together, either; the couple of times I had to stay over I slept on the living room couch. It's just what you do when kids are present. It helps set an example that sex outside of marriage is a big thing and that you can enjoy a woman's company with good intellectual discussions and common interests beyond the purely sexual. Rubbing her feet while you watch TV is permissable, though.
At what age do the terms "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" become inappropriate? This mom was only 35, but I bet her friend isn't a boy. I'm always a little jarred when someone in their middle age refers to their "boyfriend." Do we have a better socially acceptable term? "Suitor" seems outdated and stiff. "Lover" seems naughty, although that is what a lot of these "friends" are.
I repeatedly pointed out that physical affection is a natural thing between parents, yet many writers here make it as though the only intimate relationship parents have is fucking.
Kids often say "eww" if they see their parents hug and kiss or even hold hands. Should parents stop doing so?
I am not saying your children should by privy to everything in a marriage, but I am saying that learning parents have more than a platonic relationship isn't a horrible, life altering thing. Quite the opposite.
A final point: in a marriage, your children are not more important than your spouse. To suggest that once divorced, your children should suddenly be elevated to a pedestal isn't healthy for them or for you. Children are not the center of the universe. Treating them as such is what helps create an attitude of entitlement.
The police no doubt assessed the situation and realized this was a bratty teen and let it go. However, this girl is on their radar now, and perhaps even CPS's. She'll be tagged a "nuisance" caller going forward. Sure, she embarrassed her mother, made a stink, got some attention, but let's hope she doesn't have a real emergency any time soon.
I would say bad parenting. But, I am prejudiced. My ex had a live-in boyfriend for awhile before she married him. But, I never slept in the same room with a girlfriend, even one of over a decade, when my kid was around.
And, so if my kid brings someone home, I don't expect to have a problem with requiring separate bedrooms, while the ex, not so much.
And, yes, parents having sex is icky, but your children are probably just as bad.
"I repeatedly pointed out that physical affection is a natural thing between parents, yet many writers here make it as though the only intimate relationship parents have is fucking."
Except that we're not talking about affection. We're not even talking about parents. We're talking about fucking and your kids hearing you fuck.
I don't expect single parents not to date. And it's unrealistic to expect them not to have sex. But their *children* shouldn't be participants.
Hearing is participating.
It's gross.
Calling the police is stupid.
She should have made a recording and put it on You Tube.
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Perhaps this is a big surprise to some adults: If you are divorced, your teenager thinks that your dating is gross. Even if your teenager is telling you that she thinks it's great or fine or whatever, she thinks it's gross.
Teenagers also have a tendency to the dramatic, some more than others, and may find ways, like this, to act out.
I was going to say something snarky, but geez.
Adding parental dating to the insanity of being 15 is almost too sad for words.
The Panama City Police Department cop reported leaving a domestic rights brochure at the residence.
Oh aren't we feeling better now!
Where did this "disrespected" crap come from?
The comments at smoking gun mostly are directed at the teenager. Basically they tell her to put up with it.
Or tell the mom to be quieter during sex.
No one seems to think that the mom should be a lot more discreet.
I do.
This kid sounds like a real joy to be around.
Where did this "disrespected" crap come from?
What if the daughter has a crush on the boyfriend? Maybe the "boyfriend" is a 21 year-old cabana boy. We need to know more about him.
"No one seems to think that the mom should be a lot more discreet."
Sure, I think the mom should be discrete; but calling the cops because she was disrespected?
".. Or tell the mom to be quieter during sex.."
Maybe she can't help it. Remember the locker room scene with Kim Catrell in Porkys?
Some ladies are screamers.
Not just the cops, but 911.
"No one seems to think that the mom should be a lot more discreet.
I do."
Me, too. It's not rocket science.
I thought you got in trouble for making bullshit 911 calls.
This is a reason for parents to stay together. Kids don't want to see their parent dating... except in the most wholesome way.
Calling 911 is bad, but, as Freeman said, this is a young person acting out. It's an independent question what a parent should be doing. And note, we do not know how much noise was heard or the exact nature of that noise.
We also don't know if this is the first time the daughter heard.
Presumably it is not...
"This is a reason for parents to stay together. Kids don't want to see their parent dating... except in the most wholesome way."
From what I'm told, they're grossed out if it's the parents who are having sex, too.
A familiar situation. My ex had sex our daughter could hear, and see some of at least once. (Just a little BJ action.) No problems until our daughter started having sex and her mother just couldn't understand why.
Seems to me "disrespected" is a pretty good description of what the mother did. No respect for the girl's privacy, her sensibilities, her need for sleep, her dilemma created by the divorce, etc. etc.
Calling the cops may be a little strange, but who was she going to call. Her dad?
Well, it worked. She got everyone's attention.
It's actually against the law to have sex in front of a child, and I would imagine that hearing is not as bad as seeing, but pretty bad. If the mom knows now how small her house is and doesn't change her behavior, then she is committing indecency toward her child. As they say, get a room.
Agree with Freeman to a certain point, most kids think the idea of their parents doing it is yucky beyond words.
That said, the kid has a point.
A responsible parent will arrange for a little privacy to show said kid this isn't a public circus. Could be Mom likes to show off.
As a couple we all know and love was once told, "Get a room".
Good lord it would be horrifying enough to hear your parents having sex, but hearing your mother moaning for some guy she's hooked up with? Yeesh. Imagine if the child were a boy - hearing that could do some major damage to a boy's view of women.
There is a well-documented and extremely high bar set that this little whiner didn't even bother with before calling the cops. For instance, had she followed the checklist before calling 911, she have had to ascertain (see item # 13) whether or not her mom and the boyfriend weren't just in the mom's room watching women's tennis on cable.
Forward this to Instapundit for his 21st Century Relationships series.
How do we know the girl heard her mother having sex and didn't just claim that so she'd be believed?
At best, it's called confirmation bias, at worse it's just plain lying to get back at her mother.
As for the puritans on this board, I take it you never had kids. If you did, did you stop ALL physical affection between you and your significant other? Of course not. (And most teenagers are being rather hypocritical about the whole sex-is-icky nonsense.)
"As for the puritans on this board, I take it you never had kids. "
You're wrong.
And it's not Puritanism, but simple discretion.
Boy is she in for a shock when she finds out that Christians foster parents fuck like minks.They just get married first.
What about if she felt disrespected because her mother was holding a Bible study in their home, and she didn't like it?
Would she call 911 and ask police to place her in an adult video store?
Good lord it would be horrifying enough to hear your parents having sex, but hearing your mother moaning for some guy she's hooked up with?
Exactly. Boyfriend is in a wholly different ballpark than dear old dad.
LOL Where are we as a culture if people don't automatically see the distinction for a teenager between sex in general or sex between parents and sex between a parent and her current boyfriend?
Scott M said...
There is a well-documented and extremely high bar set that this little whiner didn't even bother with before calling the cops. For instance, had she followed the checklist before calling 911, she have had to ascertain (see item # 13) whether or not her mom and the boyfriend weren't just in the mom's room watching women's tennis on cable.
Ok, that made me laugh. I was flipping through the channels the other night and there was Sharapova playing someone (who cares?). Quite pleasant to watch with the mute on. With the sound on ... no way. Incidentally, she was wearing some sort of lime green outfit. Looked good.
Another thing your teenager doesn't like: Being forced to share living space with some strange dude you're shacked up with.
LOL Where are we as a culture if people don't automatically see the distinction for a teenager between sex in general or sex between parents and sex between a parent and her current boyfriend?
It's called shame, Freeman, and roughly half of the boomers have damned near beat it out of us.
The real crime is using "disrespect" as a verb.
Since Joe brought it up, now that my kids are older, they have this annoying habit of staying up later, especially studying. So yes Joe, this has put a crimp in our sex life - I'm not a puritan, I'm just a normal person who doesn't want anyone hearing me having sex. Especially not my kids! We wait until they are both out, which means we have to be a bit more flexible, shall we say. (Not that there's anything wrong with that!) I'd like to say we wait until they are both asleep, but since we are older now, staying up late just isn't in the cards.
The Panama City Police Department cop reported leaving a domestic rights brochure at the residence.
Reminds me of this.
"The real crime is using "disrespect" as a verb."
Thank you.
wv: fooked
Cannot resist: "Newt Gingrich’s well documented tendency to cheat on his significant others does not stop there however. Kip Carter, Gingrich’s previous campaign economic advisory, was walking Newt’s daughters back from a football game one day some years ago. Kip reported that he and Newt’s daughters cut across a driveway where he saw a car. “As I got to the car, I saw Newt Gingrich in the passenger seat and one of the guys’ wives with her head in his lap going up and down. Newt kind of turned and gave me this little-boy smile. Fortunately, Jackie Sue and Kathy (Newt’s daughters) were a lot younger and shorter then I.” At that time Newt Gingrich was already on too his second wife, she was not in the car that day."
Joe said...
As for the puritans on this board, I take it you never had kids. If you did, did you stop ALL physical affection between you and your significant other? Of course not. (And most teenagers are being rather hypocritical about the whole sex-is-icky nonsense.)
I once heard a married woman opine, "Thank God for Saturday morning cartoons", so what Joe says is a lot of why-don't-we-do-it-in-the-road nonsense.
Yet another thing your teenager doesn't like: Being expected to be your friend, a listening ear for your dating stories and a playback tape of the external validation you're seeking for your crummy choices.
"No really, tell me again about your new boyfriend and all the things you dislike about Dad. Yes, this is all very enjoyable. Oh look! It's exactly 974 days until I leave for college! No, nothing. I just happened to notice that just now."
"... As for the puritans on this board, I take it you never had kids. If you did, did you stop ALL physical affection between you and your significant other?..."
Wait, hold on now. Are you saying you still are supposed to have sex after kids??
Did you notice the full closing line of the police report...
A domestic rights brochure was left for the family and a copy of this report was faxed to the Salvation army, nothing further.
I can hear the taunts now: "Your mother wears Salvation Army boots!"
"This is a reason for parents to stay together. Kids don't want to see their parent dating... except in the most wholesome way. "
It's a reason for choosing carefully and then working hard to stay in love, but if you can't, you are not doing your children any favors showing them how to have a bad marriage and a ruined life.
As to the sex noise, we have no idea how discrete the adults were being. The girl could have been listening with her ear to the door. Calling the cops shows it was about her power, and not the sex. We don't know if the mother was being disrespectful or not (details matter), but we do know that the girl was disrespecting the family by calling the cops. A power play and nothing more.
We don't know if the mother was being disrespectful or not (details matter)
Having your boyfriend stay over while your kids are staying over is disrespectful to your kids. I know that idea isn't popular, but it's true. It's disrespectful to their conception of family and what they perceive to be the sanctity of their own home.
I can still recall the day my grandmother walked in on me in flagrante delicto with my then girlfriend. May 6, 1987 at 2:53 PM.
Despite the therapy sessions I still occassionally wake up screaming.
As a kid, I always understood that my mother's sex life was not something I would share with the police or anyone else. But I loved and respected her. That's what's missing here. If I had told people those secrets, I would never consider that failing to be my mother's fault.
Freeman my thoughts exactly.
Hoosier - my high school boyfriend was kissing me on the front porch of our house. My dad actually flicked the light on and off - when that didn't work he opened the front door and said, "all right, that's enough you two!" Boyfriend fled.
The high school boyfriend is now a gay man living in New York.
How funny that "physical affection" is interpreted as sex.
My kids' attitudes ranged from indifference to telling us that we shouldn't kiss or hold hands in front of her.
As for teenagers staying up late--that was more disruptive to a sex life than little kids, amplified by a wife who freaked out if she believed anyone might suspect we were having sex.
Having your boyfriend stay over while your kids are staying over is disrespectful to your kids.
I think that's nonsense. Giving your children that much control over your life is unhealthy and condescending.
"Having your boyfriend stay over while your kids are staying over is disrespectful to your kids."
It depends. Not all families are the same Freeman. A boyfriend could be a long term one and the kids may always be with her. My mother was married four times, and we kids were always with her. Frankly, when I occasionally heard my mother having sex, I felt happy for her. Like I said, I loved and respected here, and still do. It was never about me. Families didn't always consider children to be so fragile, and delicate. Mine certainly didn't, and I'm glad for that, for otherwise my mother may have been forced to suffer in silent desperation which was wholely unnecessary.
I think that's nonsense. Giving your children that much control over your life is unhealthy and condescending.
Modern times. Aren't they grand?
Live for yourself! It's all about you. Dissolve your family in search of your own personal fulfillment. Then dissolve even the feeling of security your children have in their own home for the sake of your sex life. And make them feel obligated to pretend they like it, otherwise they're just acting like a bunch of controlling provincials.
At least she contacted the authorities insteads of escaping into drugs, alcohol or running away. A lot of kids deal with this in riskier ways. Although finding herself the subject of blog posts and ridicule may make her chose drugs next time.
It would be a source of deep regret if I found that my mother eschewed a sex life during her youth because of me. That would be one of the worst realizations I can imagine. Her telling me that she did it out of respect for me would not relieve my guilt, but amplify it.
I think that's nonsense. Giving your children that much control over your life is unhealthy and condescending.
I agree. Setting the highest standards possible and living by them so that your children will learn by them is unhealthy and condescending. After all, it's all about your personal growth. Children are just accessories.
The mother doesn't need to forego a sex life, she needs to enjoy her sex life when her daughter isn't around.
My mom is near 80 today and very active and vital. I wish I could get her laid. All her men died off, and the pickin's are slim now.
What am I talking about? I need to get me laid first.
"I think that's nonsense. Giving your children that much control over your life is unhealthy and condescending."
The cops responded to the domestic disturbance call at 4 a.m. on a Thursday. Even if you assume a verbal altercation of several hours, the the alleged grown-up is still making noise and providing drama into the wee hours of a school night.
There is disrespect here.
And most teenagers are being rather hypocritical about the whole sex-is-icky nonsense
Sex isn't icky. It's just your parents having sex.
Which reminds me of the time my husband's dad offered me their shower and told me that he and my husband's mom showered together all the time. Gross.
This cracks me up; if you become single, it is now your obligation to become an ascetic.
And why are you all so obsessed with fucking? Is that the extent of physical intimacy in your relationships?
What's modern is hiding all aspects of physical intimacy (which isn't just fucking) from your children and others.
What's modern is hiding all aspects of physical intimacy (which isn't just fucking) from your children and others.
If you move the goalposts any more, Joe, you won't be able to jump your shark over them.
If the girl didn't want her mother to have a boyfriend, and was willing to do this to force her will, then there is nothing the mother could do to prevent this except celibacy until she was 18 and out of the house. I'm betting the daughter made other normal healthy interaction between her mother and men as difficult as possible too. I doubt the mother is some kind of slut, or the child an innocent victim here.
If my math is correct mother had daughter at age 20. Pregnant at 19?
What happened to dad?
Was there a "dad?"
Maybe daughter is tired of succession of uncommitted males in house over the last 15 years.
Maybe the daughter thinks it is wrong to have sexual intercourse with someone one is not married to. Is she "wrong?"
Maybe mother and daughter needed to discuss this issue if mom was going to take the position of "Not wrong -- good thing."
Maybe they had this discussion and mom chose to ignore her daughter's wishes / beliefs and didn't think discretion was called for. After all she pays the rent, right? The daughter might have felt this was disrespectful?
As for those anything goes 'cause mom pays the rent crap... You're just pulling our chains, right?
Can people sincerely hold different opinions on this? (Some people do vote Republican. Or Libertarian. Or chose not to abort babies)
Humping whoever whenever when you have kids at home and telling them to get over it just doesn't generally impress me as healthy parenting.
Intact family units are an endangered species.
There is something to be said for "you reap what you sow."
"Humping whoever whenever when you have kids at home..."
You see, once you jump to that conclusion, you have made it pretty one sided and unlikely scenario. Who is gonna argue with you on that?
Once I made a girl sing like Madeline Kahn in Young Frankenstein but that was when I had it goin on.
Who is gonna argue with you on that?
You and Joe, apparently. And what makes the scenario "unlikely"?
South Park always knows:
"Now Stanley, you have to understand how divorce works. When I say, 'You're the most important thing to me,’ what I mean is, 'You're the most important thing after me and my happiness and my new romances.'"
"I'm betting the daughter made other normal healthy interaction between her mother and men as difficult as possible too. I doubt the mother is some kind of slut, or the child an innocent victim here."
This is a logical, possible, conclusion. Calling 911 is quite extreme. In our teen days my one sis was 'born again' and would express it in some overly prudish/self-righteous ways. But it is impossible to know from the circumstances given what the case was here.
Freeman Hunt is on fire. I'll just make it easy on myself and say "I agree with her."
"I doubt the mother is some kind of slut"
I see no reason to doubt this. Nor do I see much reason to believe it. Just staying open-minded.
And to those who seem to be operating on the idea that people need to choose whether to believe this is a crappy, selfish mother or a misbehaving child with no sense of appropriate boundaries -- what kind of parents do you think raise those kind of children?
"You and Joe, apparently. And what makes the scenario "unlikely""
I'm saying we don't know, and if you are gonna make that the scenario, then it's a straw man.
I'm saying there are two sides and I don't feel compelled, as many do, to attack the Mom just for having a boyfriend and having sex in her own house.
I am willing to criticize the daughter for calling the cops. I don't see any way that is justifiable. From the story, she was not in any danger.
Sure it seems gross, but it's the squeamishness of the modern era.
Can you imagine the days when couples had a dozen kids and lived in one room? Even with multiple rooms, there wasn't much noise-muffling concrete construction.
I'm guessing that prior to the baby-boom generation, it was probably very common to hear one's parents getting it on.
Just a sad, sad story, the way I read it. The internet is just one big nosey-parker.
Does anyone think that the moron daughter should be charged for making a bullshit 911 call?
I mean seriously, she made an emergency phone call cause her mom was boinking and being loud.
"Does anyone think that the moron daughter should be charged for making a bullshit 911 call?"
I do.
For all the talk about things that "teenagers don't like", well, tough. Teenagers don't like much, usually.
Sometimes teenagers have every right not to like something, and what this mom did was a tad unsavory, I suppose. However, it is not illegal.
Life is all about dealing with things one doesn't like, and making the best of them. And when it comes down to it, if you want to have complete control of what happens in a place, you'll have to pay the rent, or the mortgage, yourself.
I can empathize with teens, but that doesn't mean I have to take their "side".
Does anyone think that the moron daughter should be charged for making a bullshit 911 call?
I mean seriously, she made an emergency phone call cause her mom was boinking and being loud.
No, no, HD, in the modern age this is considered emotional child abuse.
But in the end it will create a future economic windfall. Armies of shrinks will earn paychecks listening to heartwrenching tales of "I heard mommy boinking Santa Claus," the pharmas will make great drugs that dissipate all memories of mommy's copulating symphony. This new class of victim will form the backbone of the new Democratic Party, leading to electoral dominance and a bright shining socialist utopia. Only unpatriotic mommies have sex.
@Freeman Hunt:
Rush Limbaugh: 01/19/2012
"I got a great note from a friend of mine. "So Newt wanted an open marriage. BFD. At least he asked his wife for permission instead of cheating on her. That's a mark of character, in my book. Newt's a victim. We all are. Ours is the horniest generation. We were soldiers in the sex revolution. We were tempted by everything from Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice to Plato's Retreat, Deep Throat to no-fault divorce. Many of us paid the ultimate price, AIDS, abortion, or alimony for the cultural marching orders we got. Hell, for all I know we should be getting disability from the government." That's from a good friend of mine, "Newt's slogan ought to, 'Hell, yes, I wanted it.'" (laughing) I'm sharing with you how some people are reacting to this. "
It wasn't so much the mother. It was the Great Dane who kept barking, and that Shetland pony wasn't exactly housebroken.
I grew up in an era when you didn't even dream of challenging the realm of a parent or a teacher. They were another order of beings altogether. If your sense of them was contradicted, even violently, by their words or deeds, well, it entered the filing cabinet in your mind. But outward response? Never.
Well, the world changes.
order of being, not beings
I pretty much agree with everything Freeman Hunt said. But I also think calling 911 was way over the top.
A single parent bringing a random male into the home for sex while a teenage daughter is in the next bedroom is asking for trouble. How many times do we hear of some creep molesting a girl because there was no father in the home to prevent it? Or guys who have hard-ons for teenage girls and target single mothers for relationships so they can eventually get to the daughter?
"Where did this "disrespected" crap come from?"
Frankly, we need to be more concerned about where it's going.
Not all that long ago, it was enough to just "give the hand" when you felt disrespected.
For those who may not know, that means one outstretched arm with palm up at a ninety degree angle in the face of the person who did "disrespecting".
Now? That's almost "quaint".
"And why are you all so obsessed with fucking? Is that the extent of physical intimacy in your relationships?"
And why are you so obsessed with fucking in front of your children? Is that the extent of physical intimacy in your relationships?
Hey, look at that. I can distort too.
But can you distort "quietly"?
This is where mom can learn from all the men who went before her...
"Quietly" watching porn.
"... As for the puritans on this board, I take it you never had kids. If you did, did you stop ALL physical affection between you and your significant other?..."
I'd be utterly mortified if I had even the faintest idea that the kids could hear us, ever. OMG.
Really, seriously, you think that hearing your parents have sex is normal?
This is why I never worry about being out of a job.
Took a situation like this to DA for an off the record conversation. His answer was that it doesn't rise to the level of illegal but it bears watching and is definitely creepy. The conversation came around to the topic of grooming behavior.
This is not a good situation.
The Classic Autotune.
The kid is right. it is disrespectful. With having kids comes responsibilities among them showing proper behavior (even if we have to fake it). Her boyfriend doesn't have a place of his own? She has to screw (and loudly) at 4am next door to her daughter. With a fucked up bitch for a mother, its amazing the kid has some sense. All of you who are cool with mom doing it at home in the kids presence, would you be cool if dad was banging his brains out with his girlfriend at 4am next to the daughters room?
I thought everyone knew that you only call 911 when the drive through messes up your order.
BagO Who is gonna argue with you on that?
No one. That's why I wrote it. ;-)
Actually there were lots of other assumptions being made about the girl and her mother, so I thought ... why not another view?
I agree with Freeman Hunt - and I'm so relieved she and I are back on the same page about something - and many of you are weirdoes (Hellooooo, Joooooe!)
And for those of you upset the "moron" teen called the cops, what's wrong with you? It's a fucking teenager, not Einstein - how was she supposed to know what to do if she was freaked out? And then you want to have her arrested for making a bogus call? Funny, the cops didn't feel that way.
I swear, spend some time on the Althouse blog and it's easy to discover why the world is such a mess:
You people have no sense what-so-ever.
BTW - one of my foster mothers was a physically beautiful single woman with two boys, besides me. She taught us to stand up for ourselves ("as black men") to cook basic meals and handle money. She had a boyfriend, Joe, who we knew was stable and she had sex with. At his house.
That's a single parent.
Thank god I didn't have to deal with this. My parents waited until I graduated to get divorced. I dressed my kick butt mom up for her first date with the love of her live though - she looked great.
"It's a fucking teenager, not Einstein - how was she supposed to know what to do if she was freaked out? "
'Cause it takes an Einstein to understand 911.
"You people have no sense what-so-ever."
See above.
disrespected?? Is that a verb??
She was thinking that boy was gonna bang her "fo show"....instead he banged her mommy.
Maybe if we just had so'more HeadStart money so they could have a warm breakfast every morning....???
yeah...I'm tired of this victim shit!
I dated women with children--including three teenage daughters--and we never had sex while they were around. We never slept together, either; the couple of times I had to stay over I slept on the living room couch. It's just what you do when kids are present. It helps set an example that sex outside of marriage is a big thing and that you can enjoy a woman's company with good intellectual discussions and common interests beyond the purely sexual. Rubbing her feet while you watch TV is permissable, though.
At what age do the terms "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" become inappropriate? This mom was only 35, but I bet her friend isn't a boy. I'm always a little jarred when someone in their middle age refers to their "boyfriend." Do we have a better socially acceptable term? "Suitor" seems outdated and stiff. "Lover" seems naughty, although that is what a lot of these "friends" are.
How is this the business of the Government?
I repeatedly pointed out that physical affection is a natural thing between parents, yet many writers here make it as though the only intimate relationship parents have is fucking.
Kids often say "eww" if they see their parents hug and kiss or even hold hands. Should parents stop doing so?
I am not saying your children should by privy to everything in a marriage, but I am saying that learning parents have more than a platonic relationship isn't a horrible, life altering thing. Quite the opposite.
A final point: in a marriage, your children are not more important than your spouse. To suggest that once divorced, your children should suddenly be elevated to a pedestal isn't healthy for them or for you. Children are not the center of the universe. Treating them as such is what helps create an attitude of entitlement.
The police no doubt assessed the situation and realized this was a bratty teen and let it go. However, this girl is on their radar now, and perhaps even CPS's. She'll be tagged a "nuisance" caller going forward. Sure, she embarrassed her mother, made a stink, got some attention, but let's hope she doesn't have a real emergency any time soon.
I would say bad parenting. But, I am prejudiced. My ex had a live-in boyfriend for awhile before she married him. But, I never slept in the same room with a girlfriend, even one of over a decade, when my kid was around.
And, so if my kid brings someone home, I don't expect to have a problem with requiring separate bedrooms, while the ex, not so much.
And, yes, parents having sex is icky, but your children are probably just as bad.
"I repeatedly pointed out that physical affection is a natural thing between parents, yet many writers here make it as though the only intimate relationship parents have is fucking."
Except that we're not talking about affection. We're not even talking about parents. We're talking about fucking and your kids hearing you fuck.
I don't expect single parents not to date. And it's unrealistic to expect them not to have sex. But their *children* shouldn't be participants.
Hearing is participating.
It's gross.
Calling the police is stupid.
She should have made a recording and put it on You Tube.
Since sex sounds are so *public* and all...
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