The paper petitions, weighing 1.5 tons, were delivered by truck to the state Government Accountability Board's office two blocks from the Capitol in Madison. The board, which runs state elections, will then take them to a secure state building that will be guarded by Capitol Police until all the petitions are electronically scanned over several days.
Next begins the months-long process of reviewing the petitions. If the accountability board determines enough valid signatures have been filed it will call elections, which may occur in June or later.
१७ जानेवारी, २०१२
Democrats say they are filing 1 million signatures on the recall Walker petitions...
... which are due today. With only 540,208 needed, they'll have to find an awful lot of invalid signatures if a recall election is to be averted.
१५३ टिप्पण्या:
So, when will Althouse tell us how this is good news for Walker and/or a troubling sign for the libs?
If the accountability board determines enough valid signatures have been filed it will call elections, which may occur in June or later.
@WI Dems: Better schedule it earlier than the general--you don't want a Prop 8-style backfire in the fall.
Walker should have to write every signature on a chalkboard.
garage mahal said...
Walker should have to write every signature on a chalkboard.
I'd be happy if the printed them on "Slate"
If Mickey Mouse and the like are still in there, it may not be too hard.
It was exactly 1,000,000.
Perpetual election season. On Wisconsin.
Hmm that equates to 333 signatures weighing an average of 1 pound.
But 333 signatures should use maybe ten sheets of paper. Do ten sheets of paper weigh 1 pound?
Something does not compute. Or the lawyers got involved and added a bunch of affadavits so they could pad their bill.
Looks like Walker is a goner.
It was exactly 1,000,000.
Not 999,987 or 1,000,080? They landed on exactly 1 million, amazing. That # alone is a like a thrusting fist in the face of Walker and Koch Brothers.
I read one guy signed 80 times because he was still mad over the '00 election.
Somehow, zapping a lot of those signatures may be easier than some want to think.
PS If Walker is still elected, do we skip the pleasantries and go right to the Beer Hall Putsch?
That # alone is a like a thrusting fist in the face of Walker and Koch Brothers.
Recall that the fist is their logo. Little do they realize that "fist" translates to "Faust" in other languages.
"Exactly 1,000,000" would mean that they almost certainly played games with the signatures. You can be damn sure that they wouldn't have left off valid signatures just so they could have "exactly 1,000,000 signatures". It therefore follows that they padded their numbers with garbage signatures, just so they could get exactly 1,000,000.
It's a fist in the eye of the voters of Wisconsin, not Walker. sad you're so consumed by hatred and failure that you can't figure that out.
No only Walker is filled with hatred for the people of Wisconsin. The people of Wisconsin have had enough of his pro-Koch Brother agenda and will fire his fucking ass soon enough.
Garage - here's a virtual high five brother.
Never mind, I read your post wrong. Mea culpa!
garage should have to grow up.
garage and I are both young at heart. Even though we're middle aged losers, in our hearts beats the soul of a 21yo activist who wants to thrust our fist into the face of the oligarchy!
The "Koch brothers" conspiracy theory obsession shows that the Democrats in Wisconsin are not playing with a full deck.
Alex wrote: Garage - here's a virtual high five brother.
Put a sockpuppet in it already.
wv = "mergerap" There's an ap for everything these days.
Elections officials also said individuals could sign as many times as they wanted.
Gee, I wonder how they got to a million?
garage and I are both young at heart. Even though we're middle aged losers, in our hearts beats the soul of a 21yo activist who wants to thrust our fist into the face of the oligarchy!
So you want to beat yourself up?
You are the man.
"The people of Wisconsin have had enough of his pro-Koch Brother agenda and will fire his fucking ass soon enough."----Still going on about the Koch brothers conspiracy theories. Do you libs ever think about why you're losing so badly?
Gee, I wonder how they got to a million?
It was 1.9 million total signatures turned in today, including the Lt Gov, and four Republican senators. The most participated-in major recall effort in American history.
Signs of a dying movement!
This million signatures will get pared down significantly, which sure will make the lefts whining about voter ID a harder sell. BONUS!
But then the recallers will do everything possible to hide the true reason for this effort, selfish pubic union workers wanting free shit.
I would run this stuff showing the selfishness and hypocrisy of these assholes.
Like this lying scumbag, Kim Hoffman
"We crunched the numbers. I will no longer be able to afford to teach."
I'm sure you will be shocked that she is still teaching!
Of course, the memo went out that bitching about money wasn't going to play, so ole Kim Hoffman changed her tune. SHe alter was interview saying how it wasn't about the money, but about "the kids" and "workers rights".
These people have no shame. None.
"So, when will Althouse tell us how this is good news for Walker and/or a troubling sign for the libs?"
When Walker wins the recall election, of course.
Even if all 1.9 million signatures are legitimate, which they are not, tens of thousands of people could legitimately have signed three petitions: one for their senator, one for the lieutenant governor, and one for the governor.
Nowhere NEAR 1.9 million DIFFERENT people signed recall petitions. There are about 5 million people in Wisconsin.
Might not be a dying movement, but it's certainly not the majority of people. And certainly not the majority of thinking people. It is probably a majority of over-entitled toddler-mentality people, though.
And of course, we still have no idea who the Dems will run against the current office-holders, or what THEIR solutions to Wisconsin's problems would be.
Those candidates must, of course, run on restoring public union benefits at the expense of the taxpayers, since this is what the recalls are all about. Or they're just unbelievable hypocrites.
I won't hold my breath.
Doesn't matter. Walker will win and garage and the rest of the angry left will remain angry. After all, it's all they have now, that anger.
Russ Feingold, no stranger to Wisconsin electoral politics and internal polling data, gently said "no thanks" today on his Facebook page.
Of the two people actually stupid enough to run against Walker, he's already beat Barrett so badly that WEAC and AFSCME have told Barrett that he won't have their support if he runs. And Katie Falk is a party hack unknown beyond the borders of Dane County who quit part way through her last term as Dane County Executive.
The Dems will not win a re-call election, especially when voters not in Dane County are reminded that a vote for Barrett or Falk is a vote for this.
The only question I have is this:
Do the unionists have time to fit in one more recall before the next scheduled election?
I'd like to see if Walker can win election 3 times in one term.
You know, to be sure.....super sure......
super duper sure...
garage mahal said...
It was 1.9 million total signatures turned in today, including the Lt Gov, and four Republican senators. The most participated-in major recall effort in American history.
Actually it wasn't 1.9 million as there were duplicates.
But you go on believing that.
Signs of a dying movement!
Our silly experiment with the affirmative action President has shown it is dead.
But I think you should go on believing that if Walker were somehow recalled that the money tree will just disperse a bunch of cash to public sector employees.
The Dems will not win a re-call election, especially when voters not in Dane County are reminded that a vote for Barrett or Falk is a vote for this.
The lame spin from the right today is pretty dismal, I was hoping for a much better effort.
All 72 counties were represented today turning in signatures to the GAB. This is the best the MacIver Institute can come up with? Red Scare? I'm starting to actually feel sorry for Republicans in the state.
I don't think it's unreasonable to consider that
-10% of the signatures could be straight up fraud (Mickey Mouse, obits, etc).
-20% of the signers may have signed twice, just to make sure their signature got counted.
-2% of the signers may have signed 25+ petitions. (Like the guy edutcher mentioned, or Walker-backers who wanted to mess with the results.)
Add that up, and it becomes reasonable for pro-recall people to be worried.
Just sayin'.
The most participated-in major recall effort in American history.
Imagine how much garbage and the little kos kiddies and stupids at think progress are wetting themselves repeating this phrase?
Pretty funny that several of the commenters on Feingold's FB page are encouraging him to run because they're sure Falk can't win.
1.9 million out of 5.7 million total people in the state? I find that very hard to believe.
Congratulations Garage. That is impressive.
Who's going to guard the Capitol Police
I would be content for the recall to go forward, so long as everyone who's submitted a false signature goes to prison.
Garage and Alex - Would you mind stating what issue a Democrat could run on that would cause voters across the state to think "Yeah...I'll vote for [name of Dem candidate].
Please be concise. A direct statement.
Wisconsin voters are fundamentally progressive and pro-union. That's reason enough for them to throw out Walker and his gang of criminals.
AJ Lynch, you're on to something. My napkin-back calculations indicate the weight is off by approximately one order of magnitude. At 1.5 tons, we must assume fewer than two signatures per sheet of paper.
Maybe the SEIU members carrying in the petitions were particularly hefty.
Garage has a boner. It's like he just was kissed by Michael Moore and back doored by Barney Frank. But, give him his due, this is an orgasmic day for his ilk. Like when the Packers won the Super Bowl last year. That was orgasmic for normal folk.
Ive said this from the start: all of this garbage is useless noise until a Democrat actually steps forward and runs. The complete crickets we hear from that side is telling, because they have nothing to run on. Walker's reforms are working, and the state is in better fiscal shape now than it ever was at any the final term of Jim Doyle's administration.
What's the Democrat nominee going to use as a platform? I can see it now....
"Im Tom Barrett, and I approve this message, because I feel your property taxes need to be raised in order for state employees and teachers to have their full health care benefits and pensions for free."
Sounds like a winner.
It seems like a lot of the normal folks have disappeared and the idealogues on both sides of the spectrum have taken over. Boring as hell.
Congrats to Freeman Hunt. Don't go to SF if you want to get that boy circumsized!
where Walker will win in a landslide. What an idiotic process..
The biggest probably source of fraud is in duplicate signatures, since the state originally said no one would check. Now they'll have to examine them all -- its very hard to spot duplicates with a sample.
Toby said:
"Garage has a boner. It's like he just was kissed by Michael Moore and back doored by Barney Frank."
Thread winner!
where Walker will win in a landslide. What an idiotic process..
While the Dems go orgasmic over getting 1 million sigs...even if every one of them is legit (which of course they are not), it should be pointed out that Walker got over 1.1 million votes in HIS favor in November of 2010.
I still cant wait to see who the union leadership tags as their candidate.
No, I was wrong. It comes down to about 7 signatures per page. Could be. At least it's in the right range. And those SEIU people do seem to like a big breakfast.
"That # alone is a like a thrusting fist in the face of Walker and Koch Brothers."
Damn Jews.
"The people of Wisconsin have had enough of his pro-Koch Brother agenda and will fire his fucking ass soon enough."
Alex has been on the web site "Jew Watch" where they talk about how the Kochs and other greedy money grubbing Jews secretly control the government.
Garage -
Just imagine how many signatures they would have gotten if it wasn't just about collective bargaining!
garage "back doored by Barney Frank."
Well, garage is very "pro-state"-- even believes in an enlarged one. No surprise that he's tickled.
Alex and Garage, if Governor Walker is recalled and a Democrat is in the exec office, what would he/she/shemale (see Tammy Baldwin) do to give all the free stuff to government employees...meaning, how would they pay for it.
Please be specific.
1.9 million out of 5.6 million Wisconsinites??
...including children, institutionalized residents,shut-ins, etc.? Not bloody likely
Just imagine how many signatures they would have gotten if it wasn't just about collective bargaining!
Haha. No doubt. The right is in deep denial.
The right is in deep denial.
Meanwhile, the Dems have no candidate.
hmm, a lot of ifs and buts er hypothetical whining from Althouse conservatives as per usual.
On a related note, good thing Ohio doesn't have a recall as Kasich would be toast, polls having shown Strickland would win a do-over 59/41. But Kasich is basically dead in the water right now anyways, er persona non grata, much like Walker.
All fame is fleeting ...
Oh Garage, you are here. You must have missed by post. Here it is again:
Alex and Garage, if Governor Walker is recalled and a Democrat is in the exec office, what would he/she/shemale (see Tammy Baldwin) do to give all the free stuff to government employees...meaning, how would they pay for it.
Please be specific.
Will history repeat itself? Here's some thing to consider regarding the election of some obscure Hyde Park activist to the Illinois State Senate:
The Chicago Board of Election Commissioners had previously sustained an objection to the nominating petitions of Lynch because of insufficient valid signatures, and subsequently sustained objections to the nominating petitions of Askia—who was left with only 688 valid signatures on his nominating petitions, 69 short of the required 757 valid signatures after almost two-thirds of the 1,899 signatures on his nominating petitions were found to be invalid, and Ewell—who was left with only 671 valid signatures on his nominating petitions, 86 short of the required 757 valid signatures after almost half of the 1,286 signatures on his nominating petitions were found to be invalid. Lynch and Ewell, in separate federal lawsuits, unsuccessfully sued the Chicago Board of Election Commissioners seeking to reverse its decision to remove their names from the ballot. [emphasis mine]
This enabled a young fellow named "Obama" to run for the State Senate unopposed in the Democrat primary, in a Chicago district so heavily Democrat that winning the nomination was essentially a guarantee of winning the general election.
Wonder whatever happened to that dude?
One. Million. Signatures.
That's a LOT of shoe leather, commitment and hard work. A national record, most likely.
That's amazing. And today Scott Walker was OUT OF STATE with the founder of AIG, raising more filthy OUT OF STATE lucre to send out his propaganda to people in Wisconsin.
@Big Mike: If Wisconsin voters (who aren't stupid) get one whiff of Chicago on any of this they will send the Democratic machine back to Fipland.
Will history repeat itself?
Doubt it. Most of the signatures turned in have already been vetted. Doh!
And today Scott Walker was OUT OF STATE with the founder of AIG, raising more filthy OUT OF STATE lucre to send out his propaganda to people in Wisconsin.
As if we need to see the pictures of the OUT OF STATE Teamsters semis that were parked outside of the capitol.
I love how liberals think Walker raising money is some punishable offense, while raiding the state treasury of the $10 million or so this recall election will cost us taxpayers is OK.
Meanwhile, the Dems have no candidate.
True enough. But that's intentional. We want to focus on Walker, not his challenger. We don't know how long Walker will drag this out.
That 1.9 million figure is rather bogus, seeing as one person could legitimately sign three petitions, one each to recall the Gov, the Lt. Gov and a State Senator. After you throw out the double and triple counts the actual number of people signing petitions is no more the million that signed the Walker petition. Really, would someone sign a petition to recall the Lt. Gov and their State Senator and NOT sign the Walker petition?
This million person recall drive, while certainly respectable considering the size of the state, is by no means a record breaking event. After all the invalid signatures are stricken, it will be even less so.
One. Million. signatures.
Remember, there are only 5 million people in the state!
This is huge! Walker and his extremist politics are being rejected.
shiloh said...
hmm, a lot of ifs and buts er hypothetical whining from Althouse conservatives as per usual.
On a related note, good thing Ohio doesn't have a recall as Kasich would be toast, polls having shown Strickland would win a do-over 59/41. But Kasich is basically dead in the water right now anyways, er persona non grata, much like Walker.
Walker is no more persona non grata than Kasich, especially since people are running from the Democrat Party in droves.
2 years is a long time in politics.
All fame is fleeting ...
Barry's motto this time next year.
AlphaLiberal said...
One. Million. Signatures.
That's a LOT of shoe leather, commitment and hard work. A national record, most likely.
Only if writing Mickey Mouse a million times in the back room of a union local constitutes a lot of shoe leather.
On the bright side, Walker is makin' WI the center of the universe again lol and hopefully all his recent fund raising from the koch boys, etc. will help stimulate WI's dead economy.
A minor part of Walker's many problems is he has no personality and when watching him give a speech one wonders if he has a pulse. Not sure if him getting angry would be good or bad, but at least it would show he was human. :D
This million person recall drive, while certainly respectable considering the size of the state, is by no means a record breaking event
Who got more?
True enough. But that's intentional. We want to focus on Walker, not his challenger. We don't know how long Walker will drag this out.
Thats hardly intentional. Dems have been begging and pleading for Russ Feingold to run in a potential recall election since last spring.
The reason why they dont have a candidate is because the Dems dont have a platform. They cant run against Walker, because his reforms have worked.
Signatures to recall Governor Walker are < 1.9/2 less those for targeted senators, probably in the range of 700 to 900,000 before subtracting challenged signatures. In other words this was all about a misleading headline to confuse casual followers of the news. The reality is Tom Barrett got more votes than this recall petition for governor.
One. Million. signatures.
Remember, there are only 5 million people in the state!
This is huge! Walker and his extremist politics are being rejected.
Over 1.1 million people voted for Walker in the last election.
Just sayin.'
Alphaliberal, you are anti-Semitic.
If you believe that the signatures have been honestly vetted by the anti-Walker people, I have a lovely bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
Far more likely that many of the most recent signatures, at least, are fraudulent, in an attempt to pad the numbers so that the TRUE vetting will be a more Herculean task.
This million person recall drive... starting to sound more like a "million mahal march."
Garage admitted that he was counted twice, remember?
Jason, Walker has been lying for a year that the protests were only caused by "out of state union bosses."
Well, IN state people collected over ONE MILLION signatures. It's amazing.
Meanwhile, Walker has been collecting OUT OF STATE money from rich greedy bastards like the former AIG chief Hank Greenberg.
You guys have your fat bankrolls and your propaganda news networks and your radio shows and your think tanks. And you've got your hate.
We've got people! Active people who will fight for this country out of love of country, love of ideals, love of community!
People still bitterly clinging to this absurd fantasy that enough Hitlers signed to invalidate this recall? Must be some good stuff they're smoking.
Alphaliberal, you are anti-Semitic.
I thought "AlphaLiberal" was thoroughly and utterly discredited with his "performance" within minutes of the Arizona shooting when he blamed Palin in these threads. I hope he's gone back an erased his comments from that thread because he deserves to have them smeared in his face at every opportunity.
1.5 million pounds. Think of all the trees that died.
The voice of ignorance:
If you believe that the signatures have been honestly vetted by the anti-Walker people, I have a lovely bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
They were checked, one-by-one, against the voter file.
With twice as many turned in, it's a fool errand to try to knock out half a million.
AND, we got a recall against Senate majority leader Scott Fitzgerald. Led by a plucky citizen who would not do as she was told.
That's 1.5 pounds per signiture.
Seems rather much.
Did they use lead based paper?
You guys have your fat bankrolls and your propaganda news networks and your radio shows and your think tanks. And you've got your hate.
I love how any opposite view of a liberal is considered "hate".
Chicken Little:
I didn't blame Palin for the shooting, you liar. I said her rhetoric contributed to the violent atmosphere. And it did.
1.5 million pounds. Think of all the trees that died.
A sheet of paper weighs a pound?
The estimate I saw is 30 trees. Minus the recycled paper.
All these comments and still the liberals here cannot come up with one clear and concise idea for the Dem candidate to run on.
You've got nothing.
Without the hat you look just like George Bush.
How painful for you.
All these comments and still the liberals here cannot come up with one clear and concise idea for the Dem candidate to run on.
You've got nothing.
The fact that union leaders are begging Tom Barrett NOT to run is evidence enough for me they have no clue who to throw on the ballot.
I cant wait for Kathleen Falk to actually stand in front of the people of this state and argue that we need to raise taxes so state employees and teachers can get health care and pensions for free.
I love how any opposite view of a liberal is considered "hate".
Who said that? Not me! I specifically mean the hatred that permeates the conservative ideology, which is all based on opposing or destroying someone else. Nothing positive.
Did you watch the GOP debate? The slavering masses of conservatives cheering on any hateful statement against Obama, against Latinos, against blacks, against gays and lesbians, against unions, etc.
It's what you do.
How about Santorum and Gingrich talking about blacks and food stamps? Racism is hate, brother.
Tell us how Governor Walker's actions fly in the face of the teachings of Jesus Christ. We are all waiting for your brilliance on this one. You trotted out the meme, explain it to us.
What you call Governor Walker's 'minor problems' and such are 'features' to the majority tired of providing cadillac-grade bennies to union members. Trying to sell sand to Bedouins aint easy but have at it if you like lol buh-bye.
garage mahal said...
Walker should have to write every signature on a chalkboard.
Okay, right after the one million signers each write "I wish Wisconsin could be more like Greece" one million times.
One. Million. signatures.
Remember, there are only 5 million people in the state!
And you wonder why sensible people are skeptical that they're all legitimate?
AlphaLiberal, who do you hate more? Jews or Christians? Or do you hate both equally?
I specifically mean the hatred that permeates the conservative ideology, which is all based on opposing or destroying someone else. Nothing positive.
Based on that statement, you have no clue what the conservative ideology stands for.
Lot of god ideas to run on. That's not what we're talking about. We're talking about ONE MILLION SIGNATURES!
Hey, how many TARP bailout dollars do you think Walker's donors got?
Why is it the corrupt captains of Wall Street love Walker so much? Curious.
"Who said that? Not me! I specifically mean the hatred that permeates the conservative ideology, which is all based on opposing or destroying someone else. Nothing positive."
May I suggest a head trauma specialist?
Hilarious. Projection of leftists always reveals them for what they are.
Conservatives sell individual freedom and self-sufficiency.
Liberals sell crutches every chance they get, slave owners one and all. Their message is always 'brother, you can't do it without me (big government).
You are a phony.
So wait a sec, Wisconsin has 5.7 million people total and they got 15% of that total? We're not talking voters here, we're talking the entire population.
Seriously libs, that's a major fraud effort. Even though only libs ever pull of this level of fraud, hold your heads high. This is a major achievement.
Alpha, why do d-bags who spit on our military personal (such as my fiance) apply to Democrats in Wisconsin so much.
Would you like to comment on Ian Murphy? Would you like to defend him and the many many Wisconsin Democrats who have humped him?
"still the liberals here cannot come up with one clear and concise idea for the Dem candidate to run on."
"Hey, how many TARP bailout dollars do you think Walker's donors got?"
Not anyhwere near what Obama's got.
AlphaLiberal said...
I didn't blame Palin for the shooting, you liar. I said her rhetoric contributed to the violent atmosphere. And it did.
It did not. She did not. You're the liar, AlphaLiberal. And you're a bigoted Sullivanist. I knew you were a liar already, but I keep hoping you'll be reasonable. What a waste of time you are.
I agree, Jason, I no longer understand conservatism. I used to, back when it was coherent.
Now, it is just hate and greed.
Romney's father was born in Mexico, so the Republican audience boo'ed.
Republicans hate Jesus! They booed:
"Maybe we ought to consider a golden rule. Don't do to other nations what we don't want them to do to us."
They pretty much boo'ed anytime the phrase "Black Americans" was used.
They did cheer Gingrich 's racist remark that Obama is "the food stamp President".
It's hate.
"Seriously libs, that's a major fraud effort."
Its what we call 'cheaters proof'.
Liberalism really is a mental illness because they have no clue how deranged they really are.
Batshit f'ing crazy and not afraid to brag about it.
I love how the Demwits whine about all the "out of state" money Walker has pulled in with no mention at all of the untold millions of dollars and outside help that national unions and their sympathizers have poured into the state. I used to get angry about this kind of thing, but now I just laugh. Is anybody taking their complaints seriously?
"hate and greed" - the official mantra of the Democrat Party in 2012.
"They did cheer Gingrich 's racist remark that Obama is "the food stamp President".
In the liberal mind, truth = hate.
Pointing out the truth is not hate, Eggbert.
"Batshit f'ing crazy and not afraid to brag about it."
Evidenced by the utterly nonsensical and incoherent verbal ejaculation to the immediate north of your comment.
Alpha, you should listen the 5 minute segment on Gingrich.
Short version...African-Americans need jobs, not food stamps.
What is racist about that? Are you saying Blacks don't have job skills and don't have the neccesities to get job skills?
Short version...African-Americans need jobs, not food stamps.
Yes massa, yes massa.
You can always tell when election season starts because Alpha Liberal invades the comments with his bigoted and mostly incoherent spam.
Liberalism is a disease that I liken to arrested development syndrome. These people feel entitled to be taken care of by 'big brother government'. They are in a perpetual stage of adolescence that refuses to take personal responsibilty. Any attempt to present them with anything other than kid gloves/coddling is met by a knee-jerk response accusing one of hate.
Mental midgets one and all.
Conservatism is a disease that is based on hatred of gays, hatred of single mothers, hatred of minorities, hatred of atheists, generally hatred of everything that is not Christian, lily-white and upper-middle class suburban.
"Conservatism is a disease that is based on hatred of gays, hatred of single mothers, hatred of minorities, hatred of atheists, generally hatred of everything that is not Christian, lily-white and upper-middle class suburban."
And you're a bigoted Sullivanist
I am surprised to read this as I never cared for Andrew Sullivan. But I guess you're the expert, right?
I didn't blame Palin, numbnuts. My argument was more complicated than that, not that you can figure that out. It was about the fruits of preaching hatred.
There are fragile minds and hateful minds out there, damn it. Show some responsibility.
Alpha - fragile minds? With that excuse you can easily put Palin on trial for incitement to murder. Why aren't you agitating for that? Where is your real courage to FOLLOW THROUGH on your strongest convictions? Don't be a fucking pussy.
"My argument was more complicated than that,..."
Translation: my 'argument' was so twisted and convoluted it wouldn't stand up to reasoned scrutiny.
Feingold is sidestepping the recall because he can perform basic math. He knows that the number of Walker recall signatures are less than the number or votes Tom Barrett received in losing the last gubernatorial election.
Geez, just when Wisconsin seems to be on the up and up, it kicks itself in the groin again. First the Packers lose, and now it looks like a recall election is on for the summer.
While lauded by the lefty faithful, it seems to lack the backing of the official party apparatchik who haven't recruited a viable candidate, or spent much money on an anti-Walker ad campaign so far.
They've let the brainwashed acolytes get their signatures, and now they have to decide if they want to go in whole hog or give this one a pass.
My guess is that they'll trot out a mediocre candidate who will get their ass handed to them by Walker. The GOP will spend most of the money to protect their seat, and the Dems at least look like they made an effort while hopefully weakening the GOP for the November elections.
This is the worst outcome for WI as Dems are ginning up a recall election that they are not taking seriously.
I remember back during the several days up to the last recall circus in Wisconsin Alpha Liberal repetitively posting:
'Total Recall, baby'
Wasn't around the blog for a good while afterwards, too.
You guys have your fat bankrolls and your propaganda news networks and your radio shows and your think tanks. And you've got your hate.
Cue the Internationale.
I wouldn't get your hopes up. After hearing Gov Walker on Rush today, it sounds like he has a pretty strong argument to make that his reforms have worked. Once the recall election gets into full swing, he has plenty of money to make his case to the people of Wisconsin. If you want to put your faith in "a Democrat to be named later", so be it, but he/she is going to have a tougher time that you think.
"Don't count your chickens before they're hatched" seems to apply here!
Quoting myself earlier: "All these comments and still the liberals here cannot come up with one clear and concise idea for the Dem candidate to run on.
You've got nothing."
More comments, and still no statement that will win over a majority of voters.
"Eleventy jillion signatures" won't cut it. Everyone who lives (and votes) in Wisconsin already knows that there's about one million goofballs in the state.
C'mon liberals: What's the one, clear compelling to vote for the [as yet unknown] Democrat candidate?
"a tougher time THAN you think."
I really hate noticing typos AFTER it's too late to correct them.
By the way, there are huge electronic billboards throughout the Milwaukee metro area that are running a neato ad this week.
It's a photo of a smiling, happy Tom Barrett with large copy that reads "Mayor Tom Barrett reduced Milwaukee Taxes By $25 Million."
Below that in slightly smaller type is the closing line: "Thanks to Governor Scott Walker's Budget Reform Bill."
Epic win.
I'm thinking "certain people" expected rioting to break out in the streets as Wisconsin descended into economic chaos once Gov Walker's reforms went into effect. Seeing as the EXACT OPPOSITE has happened, the "yet to be determined" recall candidate is going to be hard pressed to come up with a compelling message or even a campaign slogan that win over a majority of voters, at least those not addicted to union brand kool-aid.
Hey Everybody, do you want to see the most boring c∩n⊥s in the whole world? They're right here!
"that WILL win over a majority of voters."
This is getting OLD.
Haz, Garage's schtick is never to promote or defend something. It's pure Alinskyite attack wrapped in an aw-shucks Midwestern package. He's typical of the modern lefty post-modern progressives who post here: only against whatever strikes their fancy; not FOR anything substantive, and always trying to put their opponents on the defensive. You're wasting your time with those wastrels. I'd have more respect if they actually stood for anything.
Below that in slightly smaller type is the closing line: "Thanks to Governor Scott Walker's Budget Reform Bill."
Epic win.
Not really. I like the message, but this is a case where the GOP is the one spending money on the recall. In this case several thousand dollars on a billboard. This whole recall is a frontal feint designed to keep the bulk of the GOP engaged while the Dems try to outflank them in November.
@Michael Haz: Thanks for that info which I just now judiciously used in a comment at the Isthmus forum.
Haz, Garage's schtick is never to promote or defend something.
I thought I talk too much about Walker?
My guess is that the valid signatures for recall of Walker are in the 800,000 range--impressive, no doubt.
Signatures do not equate to votes. Let's generously assume that 80% of the valid signers will actually turn out to pull the lever for an as yet unnamed candidate with no program vs. a well funded sitting Governor with a record to run on.
Unfortunately, the world and national economies are at best unstable, and at worst on the verge of collapse. Obama's coattails will kill Dem votes even in Wisconsin in June.
Feingold isn't running because he can do basic math and doesn't want to get his ass kicked again.
Walker is golden.
@Meade: Nice!
How desperate/delusional are they to even consider David Obey, no less place his name in a poll of potential candidates?
He was scared out of the last election by a freakin' lumberjack, for goodness sake.
He'll go back to his old district and campaign on "no iron mine!!1!" like that'll really win votes in the job-starved northwest corner of the state.
If this recall effort is a "feint", there seemed to be an awful lot of people at the Capitol today who haven't been let in on the secret. Either that or they're all very good actors. They seemed to be rather earnest, indeed. Then again...if they are but pawns in some "Master Plan" they really ARE no more than "useful idiots", which seems about right. Hmmmmm. Come, Watson! The game is afoot!
I thought I talk too much about Walker?
That's my point. You attack, attack, attack the GOP without advocating what's great about the Democrat platform. You ignore Haz's plea to name one reason to vote FOR Walker's opponent, but you'll jump in at the first opportunity to bash Walker. Being against things all the time is a nihilistic and ultimatley futile lifestyle. You're free to engage in it on your own, but don't bring down those around you in the process.
Signatures do not equate to votes. Let's generously assume that 80% of the valid signers will actually turn out to pull the lever for an as yet unnamed candidate with no program vs. a well funded sitting Governor with a record to run on.
Imagine you're a Republican. Five 6'5" firemen come onto your porch, knock on the door, and ask you to sign a petition recalling Governor Walker. If they don't beat the shit out of you for saying no, they may not show up when your house is burning down. So you sign the recall. And at election time, you vote for Walker.
It happened in Taylor Michigan, where the mayoral recall lost 60-40%. I know, because someone I know personally is a Taylor firefighter. He was completely shocked at how easy it was to get signatures - how the hell did the mayor beat them anyway?
AlphaLiberal said...
the conservative ideology, which is all based on opposing or destroying someone else.
Isn't it the Democrats who are opposing Walker without presenting a clear alternative candidate?
Thank you, Wisconsin citizens! As a state worker, I applaud you!
You've swallowed the purple grape juice so easily - apparently, 1 million of you like to:
1. Subsidize my retirement to the tune of $1500/year, but it was $3000/year before the Walker reforms. Multiply that by however many state workers there are and that's quite a chunk of change!
2. Subsidize my health care for me and my family to the tune of God knows how much - oh, I have to pay up to $500 in co-insurance this year because of Walker- poor me, right? I might have to give up my cable TV!
3. Allow me to retire at age 55 and then I can come back if I want to (double-dip) and still mooch off your dollars!
4. 22 days of vacation/year as soon as I start working plus 4 1/2 personal holidays. That's not counting Christmas, New Years, MLK day, by the way.
5. I earn 1 sick day per month - that's 8 hours - but do I use them - oh no, I can convert them when I retire into premiums that I can use to pay for my health care. My father-in-law's sick leave benefit is running out just now and he's been retired for 15 years!
So, it's fine if you recall Walker - just fine and dandy. I will be laughing all the way to the bank while you support me and the rest of my 15% of Wisconsin's population cohort of state workers who have collectively bargained for the above and more! Congrats!
BTW, the ad Michael Haz pointed out is considered to be mostly true by Politifact Wisconsin
Catch it here
If this recall effort is a "feint", there seemed to be an awful lot of people at the Capitol today who haven't been let in on the secret.
Yeah; I don't think it was drawn up as a feint; that's how it has evolved. I should correct myself by saying this recall is a union effort. It wasn't too hard to scrounge up grassroots volunteers; the Purple Penguin commenter is not even a union member and was swayed just by the possibility of having an unspecified lunch time. (I forgot which Indian chief said: "White man is the only race that needs a clock to tell him when he's hungry.")
Anyways, the unions rounded up the signatures, and now this is a problem for the Dem party leaders in WI. They view the recall as a windmill tilt, but they can't say that outright because they are beholden to the unions. So now they have to look like they're taking this seriously enough to maintain union support while at the same time not expending enough real capital to detract from November
Their solution? Let the footsoldiers do their thing (the feint) while simultaneously keeping the unions happy, not spending too much money in the process, and not sending an A-team candidate to die on the hill. Not sure how they do this. There will be a bit of deal-making between the unions and Dem leadership in the coming months. The Dems will have to grudgingly wheel out a candidate with a pulse or risk losing union campaign $$$. But they won't like it.
The Democrat/corrupt/Unions want their greedy paws back in the pockets of Wisconsinites.
By the way, there are huge electronic billboards throughout the Milwaukee metro area that are running a neato ad this week.
That's been up for quite some time -- the one on I-94 near the Domes, at least.
Paybacks: earned & delivered.
All I have to say is what I already said before: Scott Walker is among the biggest boons to the left in the US in many years.
AlphaLiberal said...
We've got people! Active people who will fight for this country out of love of country, love of ideals, love of community!
Yes, a vote against Walker is a vote for the middle class and the American way!!!
AlphaLiberal said...
One. Million. Signatures.
There are
How about Santorum and Gingrich talking about blacks and food stamps? Racism is hate, brother.
Because not wanting blacks on food stamps is racism!
Remember, you're smart and the people you disagree with are dumb!
Clearly, since we're all pro-democracy, we're going to extend the amount of time to verify these signatures, right?
I mean, we wouldn't just keep a truncated amount of time to verify the signatures that would allow people to claim extremely large numbers of valid signatures, such that they were impossible to verify in a given time frame to defacto win a political question.
So, when Walker wins...should he go ahead and abolish public unions from that point onwards?
The most participated-in major recall effort in American history.?
Not so much.
But Gray Davis couldn't even keep the lights on.
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