One American official said an assault team of Special Operations troops parachuted in from fixed wing aircraft, not helicopters, under cloak of darkness to a landing area about a mile’s walk from the actual target. The paratroopers landed, then walked to an encampment where the kidnappers where holding the two hostages.
Within minutes, shots rang out. The hostages were located and secured. Nine Somalis were killed and an unknown number wounded in the ensuing firefight with the commandos. No Somali prisoners were taken....
२५ जानेवारी, २०१२
"American commandos raced into Somalia early Wednesday and rescued two aid workers..."
"... an American woman and a Danish man, after a shootout with Somali pirates who had been holding them captive for months."
१७७ टिप्पण्या:
Maybe we should tell Americans to stay out of Somalia.
Good for the seals, but I would be interested in what R. Paul thinks of this kind of mission.
I'd heard SEAL Team guys didn't like to jump.
The Wash Times said they were SF, so that may be who dun it.
Surprised our Messiah didn't make a big deal about it last night.
Dead pirates. Best kind.
"Surprised our Messiah didn't make a big deal about it last night."
Whereas cheney/bush would still be talking about killing bin Laden, covert military actions should mainly remain covert, cheney/scooter libby outing Valerie Plame notwithstanding.
They've been held since October. I guess its all in the timing.
This should really be the M.O. for all American military insertions. Imagine if in Iraq we had gone in, spanked them hard, captured Sadamm and then...left. In other words, go in, take out the bad guys with a stern admonition to behave or we will be back.
They told me if I voted for McCain, American soldiers would be killing coloured people . . .
And they were right!
One American official said an assault team of Special Operations troops parachuted in from fixed wing aircraft, not helicopters, under cloak of darkness to a landing area about a mile’s walk from the actual target. The paratroopers landed, then walked to an encampment where the kidnappers where holding the two hostages.
This American official apparently has no idea how insulting it would be a SEAL to call him a paratrooper. And I come from a family chock-full of paratroopers.
Whereas cheney/bush would still be talking about killing bin Laden, covert military actions should mainly remain covert, cheney/scooter libby outing Valerie Plame notwithstanding.
Didn't Obama talk about killing bin Laden just last night?
Hey- have you heard about the guy on John Kerry's staff who was just arrested for passing on the name and address of a CIA covert op to a journalist, who then turned it over to a detainee's defense attorney?
Saddam had better security than these pirates. Totally different scale.
As good as our soldiers are, they couldn't sneak the new ruler of North Korea out.
Not to mention that Obama has now addressed this raid and it has been announced it was the same SEAL team as the Bin Laden raid.
Outing valery plame? That was Armitage.
I'm sure Bob Novak is still trying to explain "that one" to "you know who."
"As good as our soldiers are, they couldn't sneak the new ruler of North Korea out."
"They" could, but it wouldn't be very intelligent, politically/diplomatically speaking.
As Bush41 would say ~ wouldn't be prudent!
@Geoff - Just go in and kill him. Drones equipped with Mavericks anyone?
MayBee said...
"Maybe we should tell Americans to stay out of Somalia."
Yeah. But then the Somalis move here. report:
"The U.S. Ofice of Refugee Resettlement reports
that during 1983–2004, 55,036 Somali refugees resettled in the United States. In 2004 alone, nearly 13,000 Somalis entered the country (U.S. Ofice of Refugee Resettlement, 2004). Current estimates of the number of Somali-born persons living in the United States range widely, from 35,760 to 150,000. The majority of Somalis have settled in Minnesota, California, Georgia, and Washington, D.C."
What could possibly go wrong?
"Rochester women guilty of aiding Somali terror group":
"Amina Farah Ali and Hawo Mohamed Hassan ...sat quietly as they were convicted of conspiring to support terrorists in their native Somalia, Ali's lips moving continuously as if reciting something.
But after the jury left and Ali was asked if she had anything to say to the court, she did not hold back.
"I am very happy," she said defiantly through a translator. "I'm going to the heaven no matter. ... Also, you guys go to the hell," she said referring to those whom she believes are against Muslims."
The official said that local [Somali] leaders in the area were pleased with the rescue operation, because there is little sympathy for the pirate gangs, which are blamed for sullying Somalia’s reputation and causing inflation by carelessly spending millions of dollars of ransom money.
Now we know how they feel. Under Obama, Price of Gas Has Jumped 83 Percent, Ground Beef 24 Percent, Bacon 22 Percent.
Plame was already compromised; thats why she was doing desk work back in DC under her own name and listed in "Who's Who". Not the actions of a covert agent at all. If you think they are, you are stupid, quite frankly, and most likely a leftwing kool-aid drinker.
Notice that not one person was charged, much less prosecuted, for revealing a covert agents identity, including Scooter Libby. It didn't happen, thus, no charges filed.
The continuing lie that she was "outed" by Scooter Libby, when Richard Armitage already has stated he was the source, is pathetic.
Nine Somalis were killed and an unknown number wounded in the ensuing firefight with the commandos
Remember how the left characterized Bush as having "Cowboy diplomacy"?
Funny how those terms are no longer used.
There are SF operators in the Phillipines, killing Islamic radicals of the Jamaal Islamia there, but they don't talk about it at all.
You'd think Obama would have enough class to return his Nobel Peace Prize by now.
You can't beat the cloak of darkness.
Surfed said...
This should really be the M.O. for all American military insertions. Imagine if in Iraq we had gone in, spanked them hard, captured Sadamm and then...left. In other words, go in, take out the bad guys with a stern admonition to behave or we will be back.
Ding dong, we have a winner.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
This should really be the M.O. for all American military insertions. Imagine if in Iraq we had gone in, spanked them hard, captured Sadamm and then...left. In other words, go in, take out the bad guys with a stern admonition to behave or we will be back
Sure and then Uday and Qusai and Tariq Aziz could have continued on running the place supported by the Secret Police and the Republican Guard. Tyranny is more than one guy, and killing Hussein or Hitler doesn’t change anything.
This American official apparently has no idea how insulting it would be a SEAL to call him a paratrooper
Well WHO WOULDN’T BE INSULTED, by being called a Paratrooper!?! Coming from a long line of REMFs and Red-Legs….
It must have used a HALO jump.
That acronym is for High Altitude Low Opening. The Paratrooper jumps out of a jet at 26,000 feet and falls silently for 5 miles before opening a Chute close to the ground.
There was no blood on the risers this time, only blood on the pirates camp.
No Somali prisoners were taken
dead mutts.
Yes, the paratroopers trained the Seals in how its done.
And then after Daddy (U.S.)has spanked them and sent them to their room then Mommy (Europeans) can sneak upstairs and give them some milk and cookies and tellthem not to piss off Daddy anymore and do what he says.
There's no down side here. I'd rather hear Obama bragging about this than Obamacare. I just hope there are some photographic records to show how his close monitoring and supervision of the operation led to to its success.
traditionalguy said...
It must have used a HALO jump.
Let's just hope the freed hostages are grateful to be rescued. Is that too much to ask?
How long before Obama's defense cuts render the military incapable of pulling operations like these?
Notice that the only successes Obama has are the ones where he follows or leaves intact the Bush policies?
Democratic administrations are rather lucky in that they have a loyal opposition, whereas Republican Presidents have oppositions which will suck up to America's enemies just to hurt a President they dislike, Logan Act notwithstanding.
"The Paratrooper jumps out of a jet at 26,000 feet and falls silently for 5 miles before opening a Chute close to the ground."
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
No Prisoners were taken? This mean that we killed EVERYONE or that we left the survivors behind?
If the former, a War Crime has occurred and I demand that the ACLU, ANSWER, and Cindy Sheehan seek to have Obama and Biden indicted for War Crimes!
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
The Paratrooper jumps out of a jet at 26,000 feet and falls silently for 5 miles before opening a Chute close to the ground
Who but a MAROON would jump out of perfectly good airplane?
(Man how much “chum” does a person have to dump in these waters?)
"Loyal" opposition doesn't sabotage the US economy for political gain...
Hey- have you heard about the guy on John Kerry's staff who was just arrested for passing on the name and address of a CIA covert op to a journalist, who then turned it over to a detainee's defense attorney?
Yeah, and on top of that, the Obamites, unlike with Plame's assistance to her husband in leaking stuff - went after the wife of Kirikou...forcing her to resign as a abettor.
And the liberal/progressive Jewish media is dutifully lacking any "shock! outrage!" over MRS Kirikous exposure in the media and canning from the Agency! One of the great things about being the Back Messiah, liberals and progressive Jews in important positions in the media still loyally lick his boots.
The Bushies mistake with Plame and the Associates that used Joe Wilson - was in not asking for resignations. They could have forced resignations and revealed the names of the canned CIA people - just as the Washington Post did revealing the name of the canned MRS. Kirikou.
"Loyal" opposition doesn't sabotage the US economy for political gain..."
Sabotaging the US economy has always been the Democrats' job.
Good. Can you imagine being trapped in a Somali pirate camp for months?
Good thing Tem 6 has the rest of the world covered because the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Ranger Battalions, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 10 SF Groups, and SEAL Teams 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 10th look like they're practicing for downtown LA.
Does Kerosene Maxine know about this?
I think Bush & Co did a pretty good job of that, eh?
Off a friggin cliff...and now refuse to help clean it up...
fo shame...
"In the last 22 months, businesses have created more than three million jobs. Last year, they created the most jobs since 2005."
seems pretty spite of...
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
look like they're practicing for downtown LA.
Do Alex Jones or Glenn Beck know about this? Ort have they retreated to their camouflaged, underground bunkers in anticipation of the End Times?
I want to know if the got Johnny Depp.
Pirates are such romantic kidnappers and murderers.
"The Bushies mistake"
hmm, one could write a book ... and several have lol ~ go figure!
Indeed, a lot of water under the bridge in order for cheney/bush to attain a 25% job approval rating Oct. 2008.
Again, how does one go from a 90% job approval Sept. 2001 to 25%? Practice, practice, practice! btw, cheney/bush also had a 71% job disapproval Oct. 2008. The highest disapproval in Gallup history.
carry on
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
I think Bush & Co did a pretty good job of that, eh?
Off a friggin cliff...and now refuse to help clean it up
Uh, Bush & Co,. aren’t in power? Haven’t been since 2008….
And if things are so spiffing, how come 8.5% of us are unemployed? Remember, we passed a “Stimulus” that was going to PREVENT the rate from going over 8%? I believe more people have LEFT the work force than have found jobs, hence the drop in unemployment…certainly work force participation rates are the lowest in decades if not ever.
Joe the Crypto Jew -
"Sure and then Uday and Qusai and Tariq Aziz could have continued on running the place supported by the Secret Police and the Republican Guard. Tyranny is more than one guy, and killing Hussein or Hitler doesn’t change anything."
It would have changed everything in the way of the US thinking Iraq was a threat to us. Saddam captured or dead, intel proved wrong on WMDs - the Sunnis still in charge simply warned they could be next if they misbehaved with us, with the Kurds, the Shiite marsh arabs - or went down the WMD path.
Cost? Under 100 billion, maybe 300 casualties instead of 41,000.
We owed NOTHING!!! to the fucking Iraqi freedom lovers. They could give the French lessons in backstabbing and ingratitude.
No one "spiffing"...takes a while to clean up the mess...
Tell your representative to grab a mop...
I'm not a fan of our current President, so I can totally understand why a lot of folks don't feel the need to heap praise on him over this. But to use a successful rescue mission as a launchpad to attack Obama indicates a deeply-rooted hatred, and that hatred is destroying our country.
IIRC, Kiriakou was the one who publicly stated that he had been involved in interrogations and that he was firmly against waterboarding. Oh, and he also stated that (while against it) it most certainly provided critical info.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
We owed NOTHING!!! to the fucking Iraqi freedom lovers. They could give the French lessons in backstabbing and ingratitude
C-fudd, the point being, that Saddam in US captivity didn’t end the insurgency, a dead Usama doesn’t end Islamic Terrorism…the problems in Iraq or Islam are LARGER THAN ANY ONE LEADER…and anyway Saddam in US Custody wouldn’t have changed our minds about his WMD’s…and that was only one reason for the war, try reading the AUMF.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
I believe your President, himself said if things aren’t better in three years he’s going to be a one termer…and again the POTUS explained that if we passed Porkulus we’d never go ABOVE 8%...
Well said purplepenguin...
IIRC, Kiriakou was the one who publicly stated that he had been involved in interrogations and that he was firmly against waterboarding. Oh, and he also stated that (while against it) it most certainly provided critical info.
That's the one.
I can't believe the difference in the way the press is treating this from the way it treated the Plame thing. OK, I can, because Plame and Wilson were only ever interested in putting on a show for the press.
machine said...
"In the last 22 months, businesses have created more than three million jobs. Last year, they created the most jobs since 2005."
seems pretty spite of...
Actually, it's pretty bad, considering we LOST 5 million jobs in the same period.
purplepenquin said...
I'm not a fan of our current President, so I can totally understand why a lot of folks don't feel the need to heap praise on him over this. But to use a successful rescue mission as a launchpad to attack Obama indicates a deeply-rooted hatred, and that hatred is destroying our country.
I seem to recall a guy named Bush who had a lot worse thrown at him.
Don't recall purple whining about "hatred is destroying our country" then.
But that's what you get from a moby.
shiloh said...
Indeed, a lot of water under the bridge in order for cheney/bush to attain a 25% job approval rating Oct. 2008.
Again, how does one go from a 90% job approval Sept. 2001 to 25%? Practice, practice, practice! btw, cheney/bush also had a 71% job disapproval Oct. 2008. The highest disapproval in Gallup history.
A market crash they did everything they could to stop and one Barry Ozero did everything he could to ensure happened.
That, and the kind of lies shiloh and the rest of the Lefties spread.
I'm not a fan of our current President, so I can totally understand why a lot of folks don't feel the need to heap praise on him over this. But to use a successful rescue mission as a launchpad to attack Obama indicates a deeply-rooted hatred, and that hatred is destroying our country.
I think some people are trying to point out the cognitive dissonance in the response to Bush military maneuvers and those of the current administration.
The Paratrooper jumps out of a jet at 26,000 feet and falls silently for 5 miles...
Well, since 5 miles is 26,400 feet, at some point he probably mutters, "Damn! I wish I'd paid more attention in math class!"
Purple has a point. I would add that Obama is so objectively awful in the role of President that there's no need to take any cheap shots. He fails on the substantive points. One can say, "The guy can sing," or "The guy is willing to have the baddies killed," or whatever, and Obama will still be a bad President. He doesn't have to be a caricature of bad, where every aspect of him without exception is bad, to be a bad President.
machine said...
I think Bush & Co did a pretty good job of that, eh?
Off a friggin cliff...and now refuse to help clean it up...
Ah yes, blaming Bush for the subprime meltdown.
Too bad for you it was Democratic policies that caused the market to crash.
You're also one of these silly people who thinks a "jobs bill" creates jobs.
As edutcher continues to whine and apologize for cheney/bush ...
as per usual at Althouse, where edutcher has reached legendary status, so to speak! :-P
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
As edutcher continues to whine and apologize for cheney/bush
It seems to me that the whining and apologia are from YOUR side…blaming people long gone……
as per usual at Althouse, where edutcher has reached legendary status
Shiloh, why do you continue to use this "legendary" quip? It's nonsensical. And don't pan that off by saying how Althouse commenters are nonsensical, etc, etc.
You appear to have a blogging crutch. Those only work if they are funny. I know funny. You are not it.
You can't beat the cloak of darkness.
Now you'll just have to rub up against it... or something.
wv; reask: reelection lingo
Was replying to Cedarford, who mentioned cheney/bush ...
And rechecking my posts, haven't apologized for anyone, unlike the typical, daily conservative blather at Althouse.
take care
Scott M apparently doesn't understand the concept of sarcasm.
carry on
As Scott M is still obsessed by my posts.
And thanx for payin' attention.
Jay said...
machine said...
I think Bush & Co did a pretty good job of that, eh?
Off a friggin cliff...and now refuse to help clean it up...
Ah yes, blaming Bush for the subprime meltdown.
Too bad for you it was Democratic policies that caused the market to crash.
Maybe you forget. Bush was President for the 8 years immediately prior to the meltdown. During that time his administration did nothing to stop Freddie and Fannie from the disastrous actions they were taking. To the contrary, Bush was out front taking credit for so many people owning homes and being a compassionate conservative.
Yeah, he gets a good chunk of blame, and deserves it.
Obama, of course, has done nothing to help solve the problems.
And thanx for payin' attention.
Obsessed is too strong a word. Merely minimally observant. Call it the same amount of attention required to notice a large turd in one's soup at a nice restaurant. I notice your weak attempts at snark when they come along. Hey, I'm just trying to help you.
Don't recall purple whining about "hatred is destroying our country" then
I don't recall seeing you at the forums. What name were you posting under?
That aside, I did (and do) complain about the same BS regardless of which side is doing you?
Here are a couple more recent example of me asking someone on "the left" to tone down the hateful language:
Seriously dude, you need to stop with all your wild assumptions if you wish to have a reasonable convo.
Of course, that assumes you do wish to have an actual discussion...I may be assuming too much about you.
Maybe you forget. Bush was President for the 8 years immediately prior to the meltdown. During that time his administration did nothing to stop Freddie and Fannie from the disastrous actions they were taking. To the contrary, Bush was out front taking credit for so many people owning homes and being a compassionate conservative.
Yeah, he gets a good chunk of blame, and deserves it.
Obama, of course, has done nothing to help solve the problems.
At various times there were ten proposals by the Bush administration before congress to reign in Freddie and Fannie, but as I'm sure you're aware, congress controls Fannie and Freddie.
"Merely minimally observant."
Thanx for the clarification as I'll take it under advisement and proceed accordingly.
And Scott M must be one of Bush43s compassionate conservatives or a reasonable facsimile thereof.
Bush was President for the 8 years immediately prior to the meltdown. During that time his administration did nothing to stop Freddie and Fannie from the disastrous actions they were taking.
Not true.
Bush first proposed reforming F&F in 2003.
To the contrary, Bush was out front taking credit for so many people owning homes and being a compassionate conservative.
Now that is true. He didn't want to be on the wrong side of "affordable housing" which gave us this mess...
That's right...Bush is completely innocent....except for that whole lying the country in to a war thingy...and torturing people...
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
That's right...Bush is completely innocent....except for that whole lying the country in to a war thingy...and torturing people
Except he neither lied nor tortured….but beyond that I see your point. So on a thread where you can celebrate your President, you are reduced to merely trashing his predecessor? That’s the best you got? *WOW* You must have been a paratrooper and landed on your head a lot….
I imagine it's very uncomfortable now days knowing the Americans are after you. I like that. I do give credit to Obama for green lighting this. He does have that cold vicious streak common to leftists. I just wish they were better at aiming it exclusively at our enemies.
WV: "soless" I didn't say it - the algorithm did.
Jay and Rusty
Bush had a Repub Congress for the first six years. If he had spoken up strongly against these loans, it would have been the end for them. He did the politically correct thing. Nothing, but take credit.
Yes, he/his admin covered their asses with some "proposals." Pathetic. He was the President with a Repub Congress. If he wanted to stop it, it would have stopped. He didn't want that. He wanted to talk about affordable housing.
Yes, he deserves a big chunk of blame.
He wanted to talk about affordable housing.
I have no problem with the concept of affordable housing. An ownership society is a laudable goal.
I, however, would have demanded more rigor behind the reform movement. I think both Fannie and Freddie undersold the extent of the growing problem because they were making serious $$$ from the subprime mess, too.
How many here knew these people were hostages before today?
I didn't. Not a clue.
These folks were so off-the-radar that the Somalis must have figured they were of little or no priority.
Hence their complacency and untimely demise.
machine said...
That's right...Bush is completely innocent....except for that whole lying the country in to a war thingy...
Oh so "torture" led to the economic downturn now?
PS: You can't name a single lie Bush allegedly told regarding the run up to the war in Iraq.
Not one.
Yes, he/his admin covered their asses with some "proposals." Pathetic.
trying to reform Fannie a full 5 years before it all came unglued is not pathetic.
The Paratrooper jumps out of a jet at 26,000 feet and falls silently for 5 miles...
Jets go too fast and can't be slowed down enough, less than 125mph, for troopers to jump.
OK, Jay, have it your way. Bush was a hero.
Whereas cheney/bush would still be talking about killing bin Laden
I take it you didn't listen to last night's State of the Union? :)
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
OK, Jay, have it your way. Bush was a hero
No one said bush was a “hero”…straw man/false dichotomy…what is being said is that Bush attempted to deal with GSE’s like Fannie and Freddie and Hastert AND Dodd and Fwank all balked…or did you miss the video of Bahney, and Dodd, and Waters all denying there were any problems at Fannie and Freddie?
Tank said...
OK, Jay, have it your way. Bush was a hero
No, not at all Tank.
Bush was better on that issue than Clinton and obviously better than some of the R's in Congress who did nothing with his proposals.
shiloh said...
As edutcher continues to whine and apologize for cheney/bush ...
Yeah, the truth is a real bitch, isn't it?
(now we know what shiloh always means by whining - telling the truth)
Especially after you set up all that propaganda.
Stick your LOL up your space suit.
machine said...
That's right...Bush is completely innocent....except for that whole lying the country in to a war thingy...and torturing people...
The same justification was used by Willie Whitewater to justify bombing Iraq to take everybody's mind off Monica and the "torture" wax happily endorsed by Pelosi Galore and her crowd.
Tank said...
Bush had a Repub Congress for the first six years. If he had spoken up strongly against these loans, it would have been the end for them. He did the politically correct thing. Nothing, but take credit.
The Senate was under Demo control the first 2 years of his Administration and Senate rules, manipulated by Christopher Dodd and his errand boy, Barack Ozero, enabled the Democrats to keep any initiatives Dubya made bottled up in committee.
This is the sort of thing you expect from a Ronulan.
I'd heard SEAL Team guys didn't like to jump.
The Wash Times said they were SF, so that may be who dun it.
I would guess they might be either Delta (our hostage rescue specialists) or an A team with a African language spec. Too PC to send in 12 black guys, but it is possible :)
As for HALO and SEALS. They were tauught by the SF. And I assume their basic jump course is at Benning.
Jets go too fast and can't be slowed down enough, less than 125mph, for troopers to jump.
you might google C-17. the jet transport that supports Ft Bragg and Delta are C-17 4 engine jets.
"Tank said...
OK, Jay, have it your way. Bush was a hero."
Ah, yes, there are only two possibilities, hero or at fault.
Meanwhile Barney Frank and his progressive allies are far more to blame. They explicitly used FMFM as a policy tool to enact the quid pro quo they were elected on, using political pressure, regulation, and legal threats to turn the entity from a quasi business to a quasi charity. Barney Frank is on record saying he wanted to "roll the dice" with FMFM. Unfortunately when he lost we got the bill.
But none of this exists to Tank, because to him the only thing that matters is Bush.
Somalia, Schomalia
Been there but got no shirt.
I am hitting 200,000 visits in the next 20 hours or so.
If you’re no is no 200,000 I will spend a whole post slagging you and why you should not be the next president. Now that is worth more than 200,000 of Sierra Leone, leones.
So as they say in Chicago and Freetown, visit soon and visit again and again.
There are now more than 2 million less Americans employed than there were on the day Obama took office. Forget various percentages, etc. That's a hard number. And that does not include all the folks who lost their jobs in the first part of the recession while Obama was still in office.
Obama inherited a nasty recession, coupled with a massive financial crisis. The recession was, mostly a cyclical phenomenon, and the financial crisis had many causes, including ones that can be traced back to presidencies and congresses of both parties, as well as other factors over which the politicians had no control.
All that said, Obama/Pelosi/Reid's anti-growth policies, anti-business demagoguery and anti-certainty erratic behavior has resulted in a recession which was much longer and much deeper than it ought to have been. Examples abound, from Dodd-Frank, to Solyndra/Fisker, to constantly calling for new taxes and repudiating prior agreements to killing energy exploration on Federal lands and offshore.
Seriously, someone give edutcher a hug!
I accept shiloh's surrender.
PS Sarge, the thing about SEALs jumping was the punchline of a joke I heard a couple of years ago, but, as I say, The Wash Times' report that it was SF sounded more credible.
PPS Also, isn't the C-141 a jet, also?
No ones obsessed with you, shiloh, you're an annoyance. The sad thing is that when you grow up - should you grow up - and finally have something substantive to say you'll be civil and reticent, totally unlike the yammering inconsequential obnoxious adolescent annoyance at present cluttering up threads that goes by the name of shiloh.
I accept shiloh's surrender.
Thus adding to your legend...
Another shout out from ricpic who's still pissed off I corrected him in a previous thread.
Again, get over it little buddy ...
take care
Airborne troopers have been jumping out of C-141s for at least 30 years--and yes, the C-141 is a four engine jet.
And Scott M is still "Merely minimally observant" lol.
edutcher said...
PPS Also, isn't the C-141 a jet, also?
Was a Jet. The last 141's were retired out of the Reserves in 2006. The C-17 can be refueled in flight, like the 130. not the 141
"... Can you imagine being trapped in a Somali pirate camp for months?.."
Nope. Then again I'm pretty smart and wouldn't be going to Somalia.
"... But to use a successful rescue mission as a launchpad to attack Obama indicates a deeply-rooted hatred, and that hatred is destroying our country..."
Oh please...
"... Purple has a point...?"
Does he? So Obama gives the ok for the SEALS to take out pirates and rescue hostages. Well holy shit let's give him an ovation. Isn't that kind of decision a given? Isn't that like heaping praise on the garbage man for picking up my trash on Tuesday?
Last time I checked protecting the country and its citizens from foreign enemies is in his job description.
What Purple actually said:
I'm not a fan of our current President, so I can totally understand why a lot of folks don't feel the need to heap praise on him over this. But to use a successful rescue mission as a launchpad to attack Obama indicates a deeply-rooted hatred, and that hatred is destroying our country.
Somewhere, the message has to be hammered home to these dippy Christian do-gooders...
Jaysus won't save you. But at cost and risk to themselves, the USA might.
You fools are lucky the USA decided to risk soldiers lives to save you from your silly folly.
Do Christiam dogooder stuff in poor countries where it is fairly safe and half the population does not see a million dollar ransom awaiting - Paradise awaiting if they kill you.
Last year, the Taliban killed 8 Christian medical workers and their two Afghan interpreters. Kindly waiting for the do gooders, 1 Brit, 1 German, 6 American infidels lined up and shot in a ditch.
Other dogooders proudly noted that the Brit doc, Karen Woo, had treated over 2,000 Afghans for eye maladies before the Afghans decided to kill her.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Somewhere, the message has to be hammered home to these dippy Christian do-gooders...
Oh now you’re just being a spoil sport! They had an adventure…the SEALS had an adventure…and the POTUS get’s a “bump” in the polls, good clean fun, all around.
Shiloh, I gotta wonder if you ever fact-check yourself. You do know, don't you, that it was not Cheney or Scooter Libbey who "outed" Valerie Plame? That it was Richard Armitage (by his own admission)? And that in any case Plame could not have been "outed" since she was not working under cover? I mean do you make this up or are you the willing tool of someone else?
"... Shiloh, I gotta wonder if you ever fact-check yourself..."
LOL! Thanks, I needed that chuckle.
Hoosier Daddy said...
"Does he? So Obama gives the ok for the SEALS to take out pirates and rescue hostages. Well holy shit let's give him an ovation. Isn't that kind of decision a given? Isn't that like heaping praise on the garbage man for picking up my trash on Tuesday?"
A Special Ops mission and the associated risks is a bit more complicated than that.
"... Purple has a point...?"
Does he? So Obama gives the ok for the SEALS to take out pirates and rescue hostages. Well holy shit let's give him an ovation. Isn't that kind of decision a given? Isn't that like heaping praise on the garbage man for picking up my trash on Tuesday?
But that wasn't his point. His point was that using this event to launch inventive about Obama doesn't make sense. And it doesn't.
And Scott M is still "Merely minimally observant" lol.
And you're still floating in my soup, but thanks for obsessing over my posted comments.
re: C-141's can't refuel in-air?
umm, check this out:
"... A Special Ops mission and the associated risks is a bit more complicated than that..."
I'm sure it is for the guys who plan and take part in the operation.
Seems to me discussion of the operation that took out these somalis, much like the operation that took out OBL, should be very limited. Black operations require a great deal of operational security, and the more information disclosed about methods, jeopardizes future black ops and the military forces that have to execute them.
Nathan Alexander said...
"re: C-141's can't refuel in-air?"
Yes, they were AAR capable. However, all C-141s have been retired from the fleet.
I'm sure it is for the guys who plan and take part in the operation.
Almost as risky as getting your toon to 10, slacker.
Hoosier Daddy said...
"I'm sure it is for the guys who plan and take part in the operation."
And also for the chain-of-command.
No prisoners.
That's convenient for Obama and Holder.
That said, nice job Mr. President, and fabulous job troops.
purplepenquin whined...
I'm not a fan of our current President, so I can totally understand why a lot of folks don't feel the need to heap praise on him over this. But to use a successful rescue mission as a launchpad to attack Obama indicates a deeply-rooted hatred, and that hatred is destroying our country.
1/25/12 12:13 PM
First two comments by non-leftists:
1. Maybe we should tell Americans to stay out of Somalia.
2. Good for the seals, but I would be interested in what R. Paul thinks of this kind of mission.
First two comments by leftists:
"Whereas cheney/bush would still be talking about killing bin Laden, covert military actions should mainly remain covert, cheney/scooter libby outing Valerie Plame notwithstanding."
""Loyal" opposition doesn't sabotage the US economy for political gain..."
As usual the left's hatred far outstrips the right, whose real failure is not ignoring the trolls. But those who like to preen they're above such things are useful idiots.
"... But that wasn't his point. His point was that using this event to launch inventive about Obama doesn't make sense. And it doesn't..."
Actually I think his point with his destroying the country comment was forget the invective launched against the previous administration for eight years and don't be mean to Obama.
Sorry but I gave up giving him the benefit of the doubt some time ago.
"... Almost as risky as getting your toon to 10, slacker..."
I'm at 14 bucko.
Oh its on now.
Not being able to get you when I was on, I started another toon thinking you'd had a death in the family or something. Got him to 12 during your hiatus.
I've jumped out of C-141s (jet) and C-130s (turbo prop). Never the C-5, though.
Sound to me that Hoosier Daddy is another one of those folks who responds only based on who is saying it and doesn't really bother to actually read what was written.
There's really only one thing to say to that:
"... Sound to me that Hoosier Daddy is another one of those folks who responds only based on who is saying it and doesn't really bother to actually read what was written..."
I read what you posted. It was pretty clear to me.
Dick Cheney's Death Squad never takes prisioners. Obama wants to close Gitmo no matter the death count.
Come on, though.
He said "good job tonight" twice to Panetta last night, knowing full well the cameras and microphones would pick up on it.
Then they got a picture of Obama and Michelle- still in her SOTU dress- on the phone to the ex hostage.
And finally released information about it over night.
Don't you all suspect just a teeny tiny bit that the timing of this news was meant to supersede discussion about the lame parts of his SOTU, and bolster the parts where he talked about his amazing gutsy calls?
Sure. That's why I didn't object to anything else he said.
But since ***the*** definitive vis-recce of the C-141 is the refueling hump, I had to correct the glaring error immediately.
You know: "Someone is wrong on the internet!"
"A Special Ops mission and the associated risks is a bit more complicated than that."
36fs, you'll almost never hear any praise for Obama from Althouse conservative lemmings re: anything.
That's how lemmings roll.
And Hoosier Daddy after you were totally humiliated in previous thread(s) you keep foolishly showing up for more
Such a masochist lol.
Scott M
"And you're still floating in my soup, but thanks for obsessing over my posted comments."
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. :) Thanx little buddy!
you'll almost never hear any praise for Obama from Althouse conservative lemmings re: anything.
You'll never hear a word of criticism of Obama by you or any other leftist sheep.
As a rule Jay, that's true for an 80/20 conservative blog ie if the liberals here were 100% anti-Obama it would just be a 100% anti-Obama circle jerk!
You want to hear continual criticism of Obama, go to a liberal blog ie DailyKos. As mentioned previously, liberals love to argue amongst themselves ie Hillary/Obama 2008.
take care
"If I’m fortunate to become the next president of the United States it is my expectation that Fidel Castro will finally be taken off this planet. I doubt he’ll take any time in the sky he’ll find a nether region to be more to his comfort."
Willard is very eloquent.
You want to hear continual criticism of Obama, go to a liberal blog ie DailyKos.
Um, yeah, OK.
They are like so critical of Obama!
As mentioned previously, liberals love to argue amongst themselves
Actually, no, no they do not.
ie Hillary/Obama 2008.
Hysterical. Hillary/Obama is an "argument" but Newt/Romney represents the implosion of the Republican party.
You imbeciles are boring.
When Jay is confronted w/the truth er logic he almost always deflects to childish personal attacks ie
"You imbeciles are boring."
boring indeed :zzzz:
Good thing the few liberals at Althouse aren't soooo boring that they are always totally ignored by conservatives lol.
'nuf said!
jeff said...
Good for the seals, but I would be interested in what R. Paul thinks of this kind of mission.
I would think that Ron Paul might note how many millions if cost to lanch this military mission to free this dippy Christian do-gooder who went to Somalia despite State Dept travel advisories basically saying "Stay the fuck out..Americans may be targeted for kidnapping or killing in virtually any corner of the country."
Maybe talk about billing the Christian charity to refund the taxpayers.
Perhaps even to wonder about the role of Christian do-gooders in bringing in 100,000 radical Muslim Somalis into the USA.
I know I've said this before, but when two Japanese hostages were taken in Iraq right after the war, the government didn't do a darn thing about it.
And when they were released, the former hostages apologized to the country for causing trouble.
"... You want to hear continual criticism of Obama, go to a liberal blog ie DailyKos."
Critical that we haven't gone full bore socialist yet and conservatives still walk free?
Yeah, I can see that.
shiloh said...
When Jay is confronted w/the truth er logic
Except you presented no truth or logic.
And you repeating something over & over doesn't make it true.
Jeez, lighten up the loathing. Give Obama his props for authorizing a successful mission. That's one better than Carter.
I mean, isn't there enough in his Stasis of the Union speech to harp on.
Plus this sort of thing obviously irks Robert Cook and Cedarford--
Win Win!
you might google C-17. the jet transport that supports Ft Bragg and Delta are C-17 4 engine jets.
I did. Very cool. Apparently I was mis-informed
How slow were going when jumped from the C17?
So will Biden now out the Seal members so they can be assassinated like they were after killing Ossama?
Yes Biden let slip at a party it was Seal Team 6 that offed Ossama and not a few months later several of their team members were assassinated.
And of course, it was interesting it did happy the night of the SOTU.
I think it is possible for jumpers to deploy from a C-141, and a C-17 which are jets. However, the C-130 is the standard US special ops aircraft. It's a turboprop, sort of a hybrid jet-prop aircraft. It's powered by four T-56 Allison jet engines turning Hamilton Standard props through a gearbox. That's at least up through the E model. There's a new J model and I don't know what it uses.
ken in sc said...
"I think it is possible for jumpers to deploy from a C-141, and a C-17 which are jets. However, the C-130 is the standard US special ops aircraft. It's a turboprop, sort of a hybrid jet-prop aircraft. It's powered by four T-56 Allison jet engines turning Hamilton Standard props through a gearbox. That's at least up through the E model. There's a new J model and I don't know what it uses."
You are correct. Paratroopers can jump from the C-5, C-141 (no longer in the inventory), the C-130 and C-17.
Also, the 101st Airborne and Special Ops units use the UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter to rappel from during air assault and special ops missions.
"C-141 (no longer in the inventory)"
Flew from Rhein-Main Air Base in Germany to Andrews Air Force Base, Washington in a C-141, July 1987. It was a Medevac flight. Long story short had an accident on the USS Saratoga CV-60 and instead of being in Paris on the 4th of July, was at Landstuhl Medical Center.
Like the C-141, the Sara was decommissioned 1994.
An aside, it was a (14) flight and because it was a Medevac there was no smoking, so if you were a smoker ...
Had been to Paris before on a N. Atlantic cruise and was looking forward to being on a bullet train for the 1st time from Marseille to Paris, but alas, not to be.
Anchors Aweigh !!!
(14) hour
Shiloh, I gotta wonder if you ever fact-check yourself. You do know, don't you, that it was not Cheney or Scooter Libbey who "outed" Valerie Plame? That it was Richard Armitage (by his own admission)? And that in any case Plame could not have been "outed" since she was not working under cover? I mean do you make this up or are you the willing tool of someone else?
Shiloh is a victim of the MSM - they keep feeding him with a shovel, he keeps swallowing the swill. Its one of the reasons that liberalism can't survive in a venue that allows for feedback.
I'm still wating for Poser-Shiloh to take credit for the rescue op. Didn't you guys know? He's a Special Operator. Emphasis on "Special"
Fen, Althouse's resident faux Marine back for more abuse. So Fen, little buddy, why is it that Meade doesn't like you? Rhetorical. :D
Plame Leak timeline
btw, turdblossom was lucky Fitzgerald didn't think he had a "slam dunk" case like he had w/scooter, or Bush43 would have had to commute turdblossom's conviction also.
And no, the CIA likes to keep it's internal ops secret, so it was never likely that scooter/turdblossom would be charged w/espionage.
Suffice it to say the Bush43 gang that couldn't shoot straight is not well like w/the current CIA agency or the Joint Chiefs/Pentagon officials.
And oh the irony of daddy being the former head of the CIA. Indeed, Bush41 must have been soooo proud!
take care, blessings
shiloh said...
"Anchors Aweigh !!!"
My time was with the Air Force but my brother did serve on the USS Truman.
Give'em Hell, Harry!
Another aside, there's two ports in the Mediterranean which a U.S. carrier can go pier side ~ Marseille and Naples. Both ports have piers which can handle the deep draft of a carrier. All other Med ports a carrier has to anchor outside the harbor.
There was a couple sailors in my aviation electrician's class in Millington, TN who were married and never wanted to be on a ship. So I mentioned why didn't you join the Air Force. ;)
shiloh said...
"There was a couple sailors in my aviation electrician's class in Millington, TN who were married and never wanted to be on a ship. So I mentioned why didn't you join the Air Force. ;)"
Sea duty is certainly a challenge. And my hat is off to Navy flyers bringing their planes aboard that postage stamp of a runway.
"The Paratrooper jumps out of a jet at 26,000 feet and falls silently for 5 miles before opening a Chute close to the ground."
Hah! I'm guessing that name comes up a lot on the way down.
Fly hundreds of miles, jump out of a perfectly good plane into hostile territory, and Obama still made them walk a mile to the bad guy's camp.
Cedarford -- I do believe the organization the kidnapped pair worked with the Danish Refugee Council.
Interesting to see you put the Christians on the same pedestal as the Jews.
wv messi
My 1st duty station was an H-2 helo squadron, and we detached to small ships, destroyers/frigates and it was always an "adventure" trying to land a helo on the flight deck at night, w/the ship doing 20/30 degree rolls.
Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines ~ what a great place ...It's a great place to start
shiloh said...
"it was always an an "adventure" trying to land a helo on the flight deck at night, w/the ship doing 20/30 degree rolls."
All my landings were on 150-ft by 9,000-ft runways. Could be challenging in poor weather, strong crosswinds or with an in-flight emergency.
I can only imagine the challenge of bringing a jet doing 150 knots or more aboard a pitching and rolling carrier at night or in the weather.
Whereas cheney/bush would still be talking about killing bin Laden, covert military actions should mainly remain covert, cheney/scooter libby outing Valerie Plame notwithstanding.
You ignorant tool, it was Richard Armitage who blabbed Plame's name to Novak, and Armitage and Colin Powell let the whole Libby affair go forward and withheld the truth. Not a shred of honor in either one.
Flight ops on the Saratoga was pretty much 24/7 at sea w/an occasional no flight day. One good thing about non-stop fight ops was the chow hall was only closed for (4) hours in a 24 hour period. Sara going thru the Suez Canal ~ 1985.
Usually at least once during a long Med cruise the F-14 squadrons would have fly-by's w/a couple breakin' the sound barrier. Sometimes at the end of a longgg cruise, Tiger Cruises are allowed when relatives are allowed on board a couple days ie going from say Pearl Harbor to San Diego and the squadrons put on an air show for the folks.
John C, if you're looking for the truth, don't waste your time w/Cheney/Rove/Libby ...
take care
Ref. Tiger Cruises. When my brother was in home port at Norfolk, the Truman would set up family days where the carrier would steam out to just off the coast and the air wing would put on flight operation demonstrations. Take offs, landings, high speed passes and live weapons employments just off the carrier.
Pretty impressive display of fire power for family members.
shiloh said...
John C, if you're looking for the truth, don't waste your time w/Cheney/Rove/Libby ...
take care
Projection (that Dr Freud was so smart).
If you're looking for the truth, don't go near shiloh.
He calls the truth whining.
PS I'm beginning to think Fen's right.
Of all the vets here, none tries so hard to impress everybody he was in by babbling acres of minutiae like shiloh.
My first cruise departing from Norfolk, Jan. 16, 1978, the day after the Super Bowl :), "we" were chipping ice from the padeyes on the flight deck 'cause it was so frickin' cold. After (9) days "we" were off the coast of Africa and it was over 100°. Crossed the equator at the Greenwich Meridian, became a shellback. So got that out of the way lol.
My first port was Casablanca, then Dakar, Monrovia, Libreville/Gabon when we crossed the equator and Tema/Ghana.
It was an (80) day "show the flag" African/S. American cruise and we were in port half that time. We visited Rio de Janeiro for 7 days. No place like Rio ~ fun times! btw, I turned down shore duty in San Diego and Pensacola, FL for Sea Duty in Norfolk, VA ~ no regrets.
One of the main reasons I joined was the old GI bill expired Dec. 31, 1976 ie a college education.
Maybe you should have joined as well ;) little buddy.
True to form, Shiloh feels a need to colour in his fake military record with anecdotes he stole from his drinking buddies.
educator: PS I'm beginning to think Fen's right.
Of all the vets here, none tries so hard to impress everybody he was in by babbling acres of minutiae like shiloh.
Just like in high school - its always the virgin talking up how many girls he laid.
Simple proof would be for Shiloh to link to his DD214. A challenge he has run from at least a dozen times now.
Military vets don't rely on their service record to prop up lame liberal talking points. That was Shiloh's first tell.
hmm "we've" been through this movie before ...
Fen, Like I told you previously I have (2) DD214's 'cause I re-enlisted and showing them to you wouldn't convince you anyways, not that I would waste my time.
Pretty sure I also mentioned one of the reasons I joined the USN was less of a chance of being shot at so I'm not trying to impress anyone.
Speaking of which "we" know for certain you were never in the Marines, except maybe a few days before they kicked you out lol.
Fen, as always, you can have the last word.
"....Pretty sure I also mentioned one of the reasons I joined the USN was less of a chance of being shot at so I'm not trying to impress anyone..."
Gosh! Just like John ( I served in Vietnam) Kerry.
Shiloh: I have (2) DD214's 'cause I re-enlisted blah blah showing them to you wouldn't convince you blah would waste my time blah my dog ate them
Just as I thought. More excuses.
Speaking of which "we" know for certain you were never in the Marines
What's this "we know" bull? You're just making up crap and flinging it against the wall. Pathetic desperation and deflection. Unworthy, dishonorable and uncharacteristic of an actual veteran. But thanks for showing your true character. The pattern only proves my point about you.
Hoosier Daddy has it right. I question the timing. Obozo wanted a chance to pound his chest and play the mighty warrior. I suspect that this takedown could have happened at any time during the last couple of months.
As for the comment about parachuting in? I've seen SEALS practicing HALO drops on Otay Mesa near the Mexican border. The drop zone is an old barley field just above the border. You can hear a C130 droning overhead as it climbs flying east gaining altitude. About 15 minutes later a Navy bus comes to pick up the SEALs and their gear when they land. A few minutes later the C130 comes back so high that you can't hear it. You know that the drop will occur soon because the bus is waiting. The next thing you hear is a series of "pops" as the SEALs parachutes open at around 1,000 feet (or less) above ground. They've fallen maybe 10,000 feet before opening the chute. They're on the ground within a few seconds after chute opening. They pack up their chutes, get on the bus and they're gone. If you weren't in the landing zone, you wouldn't have even heard the chutes opening.
So landing unheard at night a two mile walk or so from a Somali pirate den would be easy for these guys. A more interesting question is how you get the two hostages out after "settling up" with the Somalis.
"Gosh! Just like John ( I served in Vietnam) Kerry."
Kerry did serve w/honor in Vietnam, unlike Bush41's little boy.
take care
Yeah he sure did. Then came home and shit all over his fellow soldiers.
Real classy guy.
Shiloh: Kerry did serve w/honor in Vietnam, unlike Bush41's little boy.
By his own admission, Kerry chose swiftboats because they would be far from the action. He had dreams of waterskiing his way through the war. Once his unit was retasked with dangerous litoral ops, he played his 3 purple heart scam - like nursing a splinter in his hand until he got to sick bay and demanding a writeup. The doc said he removed it with tweezers, slapped a band-aid on it and sent Kerry on his way. I think he's 2nd one was a self-inflicted wound in his butt. Real heroic...
Whereas Bush served in the Air National Guard flying the F-102 to intercept the threat of Soviet bombers out of Cuba. If you don't understand the inherent risk flying interceptors, sit down and shut up.
Bush also volunteered for flight duty in Vietnam. You wrongly think the ANG is a joke, but they flew 40,000 combat sorties over Nam.
So once again, Shiloh, you are full of shit. Really, we should get paid for all the time and energy spent teaching you. And your ignorant partisan attacks only spotlight you as a "poser" vet.
As for you "service", its a simple thing to release your DD214 to the guys over at ThisAintHell [linked above]. Let them do a FOIA on your records, if I'm wrong I'll eat crow here.
[scamper scamper]
yah, thats what I thought...
Fen, your apologizing for Bush, much like conservatives, especially at Althouse, apologizing/rationalizing for him the past (12) years, is duly noted.
And it's good to see one of my many little tagalong groupies, Hoosier Daddy, is still hanging on my every word lol.
btw Fen, you've been eating crow since the day you were born.
How does it taste little buddy?
How many here knew these people were hostages before today? I didn't. Not a clue. These folks were so off-the-radar that the Somalis must have figured they were of little or no priority.
A recent news report had this statement:
Christina Scolforo, a close friend of Buchanan, told ABC that her abduction was intentionally kept from the media.
"We didn't want them to get media hype that would cause them to think that she was worth more, and they would want more of a ransom, and then it would prolong the time that she was captive, so a lot of it was hush," Scolforo said
What kind of social retard would believe it’s simply coincidence that all these “jews” just happened to be perfectly in place on 9/11? Patriots, why are these TRAITORS and ENEMY COMBATANTS still walking around free?
I think we'd all be better off without "TRUTHMONGER".
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