১৪ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১১

"Perhaps Callista thinks unchanging style evokes consistency and reliability?"

"Unfortunately, her fashion choices evoke Barbara Bush Senior, and a bygone era."

The cat claws are out for Callista, whose own hyper-manicured claws "are folded neatly over her lap, a posture she frequently assumes." She "assumes her signature rigid stance." If she's in any position, it is — in Daily Beast talk — a position she assumes. Because she's just that kind of person, now, isn't she? So entitled.

"From her perfectly coiffed bob to her bespoke power suits, Callista Gingrich possesses a style that evokes a woman who wants to mirror her husband’s wealth and power — and lacks any singularity." She assumes her rigid position — her stance — next to the man, mirroring him, wearing a version of his suit, lacking any personality of her own. Lacking any "singularity." Are you kidding? She's the most distinctive-looking person on the political scene! The bright colors, the sharp edges, the signature hair.

"Heaven forbid she looked slightly mismatched. Mrs. Gingrich seems pleased with herself." Seems pleased. Seems. We're being fair. We don't purport to know what goes on inside the lady's cranium. But check out her "stiff... bob" !"Will we ever catch her with a hair or button out of place?" She's so controlled. That control freak. That rigid woman. Assuming her position. Existing without singularity. Pleased with herself as she mirrors the man.

All the quotes go to a slide show at The Daily Beast, which is based on this article — "Newt Gingrich's Wife Callista's Prissy Style Problem" — by political fashion writer Robin Givhan, though Givhan's name does not appear at the slide show. Givhan's tone is different, analytic and intermittently empathetic:
Mrs. Gingrich’s style has evolved from that of a young professional who looked as if her closet might have been an outpost of Ann Taylor to a woman who has set out to exude wealth, control, and exceptionalism.
Exceptionalism... is that anything like singularity, which the slide show told us she had none of.
The unspoken rule of political style: do not tempt audiences into pondering how much mirror time one requires—or indulges in—on a daily basis. ...

In contemporary fashion, as well as in politics, style is supposed to look effortless. When effort is apparent, it is damning. It doesn’t matter if a woman takes hours for full hair and makeup, as long as the result looks as if it took only 15 minutes. Imperfection is a mark of modern sophistication, confidence, and youthfulness.
See how Givhan folds in larger cultural issues?
In the broader, contemporary culture, however, her closely tailored blazers, precisely applied makeup, glossy nails, and hair that never requires a glancing adjustment all exude an excruciating prissiness. Her many style tics—stacked one atop the other—read as code for narcissism, self-indulgence, and brittle self-absorption.
Givhan isn't really criticizing Callista here at all. She's telling us about ourselves and how we understand the trappings of beauty and fashion.
Callista Gingrich stands out because, like a woman of the 1950s and early 1960s, she is dressing beyond her years. Youthfulness is not her obsession. Control and order are.
I'm shocked to read that Callista is only 45 years old. Perhaps she's dressing old to erase the appearance of an age gap in her marriage to a man who's pushing 70.
Style can be used to break down barriers. It can show stature and authority and also exude commonality.

But when it is too perfect, too formal, too stiff, it sets one apart. In Mrs. Gingrich’s case, style implies a social hierarchy that, far from exuding empathy, reflects the haughty airs of noblesse oblige.
Givhan's final judgment — that Callista looks like she lacks empathy — lacks empathy.

১০৮টি মন্তব্য:

vet66 বলেছেন...


C R Krieger বলেছেন...

I was initially lukewarm to Newt, but the more he is attacked in the MSM, the more I warm to him.  Someone that disliked can't be all bad.  I wonder if he has any pet's?  If so, they should be up next.

Regards  —  Cliff

Skippy বলেছেন...

Too bad about the surgery that gave the nutty look to her eyes. And that hair is pretty astonishing. She looks to be 10-15 years older than her chronological age, based on the suits and hair.

frank বলেছেন...

Meanwhile, back in Madtown, a 'flash-mob' riots for gay rights--security called, see it first here:

Beta Rube বলেছেন...

Fawning over Michelle (Givhans usual job) and savaging Callista. It was hard to see this one coming.

prairie wind বলেছেন...

At an event in 2009, Mrs. Gingrich dared to bare her shoulders in this burgundy silk dress. She could look slightly glamorous were it not for the frumpy bow and pointy close-toed shoes.

So, are those horrid pointy-toed shoes finally out of style?

HT বলেছেন...

Ann, you seem to always be quoting Robin Givhan. Why are you so attached to her? Surely there are better fashion writers out there, with a broader and better sense of style. This is the last time I comment on your comments on her articles. You are too attached to her, and YOU are reflecting, mirroring her.

What do you expect?

MathMom বলেছেন...

Michelle Obama could learn something important from Callista about matching colors and fabrics, good posture, sitting like a lady, comportment, and choosing outfits that do not cause a rip in the space-time continuum.

WV: elycit. Callista's fashion choices elycit cat-calls from The Daily Beast.

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

She does dress kinda old. And her hair is interestingly monochromatic.

I like the colors she wears though.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Callista has committed the sin of being a good wife dressed appropriately for her role.

And that is a problem, why?

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Wow. Once again I am overwhelmed by how much commentary can be elicited from a person's appearance. Never in a hundred years could I get so much out of one woman's make-up and clothing choices. Are there are other people who can't for their life come up with all of these thoughts and ideas based upon a woman's image? Not that I don't appreciate looking at women, I could do that all day. But starting to worry I have Asperger's or something (radio-brain?) that my mind is incapable of all this fashion interpretation. Or, is it normal and the interpretative stuff just a bit contrived?

pm317 বলেছেন...

I wish she would something with that hair. It looks too weird, like an alien. There is a pic of her in the slide show with normal length hair with curls. She looks better in that. And she should stop widening her eyes for pictures.

Phil 314 বলেছেন...

Republicans, CRAAAZZZY!!!

And they're wives? Not nice; not fashionable; not hip.

Not hip(s) like Michelle.

prairie wind বলেছেন...

I like the way she dresses ("bespoke suits"...I had to look up "bespoke") and the colors she uses. The pearls? Eh. I don't care. At 45, if she can draw attention to her neck, more power to her. The hair? Have to admit that the hair does look odd. These days, it is so easy to have attractive hair without hairspray (or that much of it) that there is simply no need for the helmet look. I am not the one who gets photographed every time I turn around, though. Maybe if it were me, I'd opt for the helmet, too.

Yet another reason I'm not running for president. That, and my appalling lack of experience as a community organizer.

TMink বলেছেন...

Articles like this which use a pretense of objectivity and serious thought to mimic and repeat "liberals good, conservatives bad" is becoming quite tiresome to me.


Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

Some political wife should start wearing a gorilla mask everywhere.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

Looked at the slideshow. Unremarkable.

machine বলেছেন...

Traditional Guy, what about the sin of cheating on a good wife with a married man?

Can one be a "good" wife if one was the girlfriend first?

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

Something fashion writers should realize:

Not everyone cares about fashion. Lots of people just look at their own roles in life and try to pick out the costumes that best fit those roles. "I'm a political wife. Okay, I'll buy a bunch of conservative suits and do my hair like this. The end."

So who is the more interesting woman? The one who spends hour upon hour wondering which precise blouse will properly sum up her entire being in its fullness? Or the one who has a mental life that does not provide for hour upon hour of blouse-related thinking?

If someone's hobby is fashion, fine. But it's narrow to think that that's everyone's hobby or should be.

KCFleming বলেছেন...

Amendment XIX needs to be reconsidered.

Despite it, women still suffrage. And if they had waited just a little longer, Amendment XX would have been perfect.

And what about Romney's pants? The crease is vital, I hear.

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

Imagine columnists purporting to analyze people based on their unremarkable cars. Laughable. Same thing.

Cody Jarrett বলেছেন...

At least she looks better than the First Wookie, who looks like she's dressed by blind people on acid in the dark.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Callista sounds like an evil stepsister.

Was she the heavy in Candide?

prairie wind বলেছেন...

In defense of Michelle, it is MUCH harder to dress well for photographers when you are not a size 2. Michelle probably has advisors who know how to dress her but Mrs. O doesn't strike me as someone who takes advice well.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Ann Romney is hotter!

Shanna বলেছেন...

We used to call it Republican Helmet Head when I was in DC.

I think her hair looks great, btw.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

I prefer nobless oblige - and wait a minute, isn't that what the OWS movement is about? -- over how most people dress like bums today. And yes, I am guilty.

madAsHell বলেছেন...

Can we talk about Michelle Obama, and her uncanny resemblance to the "Grinch that Stole Christmas"?

Shanna বলেছেন...

Although a slightly darker color would probably age her less.

Seeing Red বলেছেন...

Oh, good grief, get the woman some kick-ass shoes and the outfits change. She looks professional.

MayBee বলেছেন...

It is 2011 and we are still being encouraged to chose our politicians based on their wives and kids.

We are not advancing.

MayBee বলেছেন...

Some political wife should start wearing a gorilla mask everywhere.

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Michael বলেছেন...

Exceptionalism is what used to be an American trait. Back when we dressed better. Back when grown ups wore suits and ties and were polite to each other

KCFleming বলেছেন...

They should just start calling her Cruella Stepford and get it over with.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

I don't know,...however she dresses, Callista still looks like the kind of woman who'd sleep with another woman's spouse. Even a walked-down-the-aisle-twice retread like Newt. Hard to cover that up.

As a nation, and a people, we've fallen so far,...

Ralph L বলেছেন...

I saw Michelle on the HGTV show about WH Xmas decorations. She isn't Whitney-thin, but her calves are as spindly as her husband's now. Callista looks like a bag o bones, too, and I think the hair is designed to distract us from her nose.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Freeman Hunt,

So who is the more interesting woman? The one who spends hour upon hour wondering which precise blouse will properly sum up her entire being in its fullness? Or the one who has a mental life that does not provide for hour upon hour of blouse-related thinking?

This post exists. Robin Givhan's career exists. I mean, they pay her and everything. This question has been settled:

Airheads rule.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Writing about fashion is confirmation bias.

Known Unknown বলেছেন...

Again, Mrs. Gingrich attempts to mirror her husband’s attire—and everything else he stands for

Who knew fashion writers were also mind readers?

cf বলেছেন...

If you recall she (Robin)savaged Justice Roberts' wife and children when he was nominated; ditto with Justice Alioto's wife and fawned so over Michelle Obama and her clown outfits that one might have thought they were lovers.

JorgXMcKie বলেছেন...

When I see the First Lady, it always reminds me of a statement made years ago about my 'style': "Looks like (she) was dressed in the dark with random choices from the Salvation Army reject bin."

edutcher বলেছেন...

You hear the name, Callista, and you think someone in a dungeon with a whip in her hand.

That said, however, when was the last time Ms Givhans looked at most of the Demo divas?

Republican wives are, at least, attractive.

PS Agree with Rube and what Pogo said about suffrage. Guys like Abe couldn't have gotten on the ballot if women had the vote.

David বলেছেন...


And I'm not referring to Callista.

Peter Ryan বলেছেন...

The pictures simply appear to be a classy woman who cares for her appearance and image.

Is that out of fashion now? Should she look like she's a refugee from an OWS protest?

Wince বলেছেন...

I wonder if Callista will bite Newt's dick off and spit it in the fish bowl once they get in the White House?

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

What's the sleeping arraignment at Newt Romney's house? Is it small bed sequential or big bed communal?

shake-and-bake বলেছেন...

In photo 9/16 of the slideshow it looks like Newt's got his trousers tucked into his socks. Did they ride bicycles to the event?

William বলেছেন...

I think Nancy Pelosi has that same post-op, over coiffed look. But I don't think it would ever occur to Ms. Givhan to write such a column about her.

Joan of Argghh! বলেছেন...

I love Laura Bush, but have always hated her "helmet hair." Why have it when there are softer, more natural styles that evoke more warmth?

I have nothing else by which to judge Callista at the moment. But it's not hateful to note that her personal stylist must be a cocktail-party GOP type.

The wounds of a faithful girlfriend are kindness. Callista, dahling, get out of D.C. a bit more often.

Jeff with one 'f' বলেছেন...

When did empathy become the highest quality necessary to be liberal? The Left loves to use the claim that conservatives lack empathy as some sort of trump card, part of the litany of sins that add up to conservatives being evil. Another word that they love to throw around. It never, ever occurs to them that empathy might not be highest on everyone's list of values. I suppose it (along with guilt) is the highest attribute needed when creating a culture of victims.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

Even as bad as Obama is, I just don't see the U.S. electorate voting that pair into the White House. The funk factor is just too high. Conspiracy people will claim they are not from Earth, and reasonable doubt among the rest of us will prevent us from taking the chance.

David বলেছেন...

What a great country we live in that can support the occupation of "political fashion writer."

The Ghost বলেছেন...

Meanwhile, Michelle continues racking up hundreds of millions on the wrong side of the ledger in her East Wing empire, because that's how much it costs to synthesize the myths and misremembered nostalgia of Jackie O (not to mention Martha Stewart) into physical reality.

comatus বলেছেন...

But if Newt shows up in shorts, it is so over.

comatus বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Known Unknown বলেছেন...

You hear the name, Callista, and you think someone in a dungeon with a whip in her hand.

Funny, I think of bulimia.

Scott M বলেছেন...

Funny, I think of bulimia.

Ditto, along with Single Female Lawyer and unisex bathrooms.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"Ann, you seem to always be quoting Robin Givhan. Why are you so attached to her? Surely there are better fashion writers out there, with a broader and better sense of style. This is the last time I comment on your comments on her articles. You are too attached to her, and YOU are reflecting, mirroring her."

She writes about fashion and politics. I'm very interested in that intersection.

You say "surely there are better fashion writers," but you didn't name anyone. Did you mean better fashion and politics writers? I'd love to see what they have to say. Show me.

TMink বলেছেন...

Jef, liberal empathy is highly encapsulated. Empathy for African Americans, sure. Empathy for Asian Americans? No way, they mess up the narrative.

Empathy for OWS, mais oui! Empathy for the Tea Party, c'est absurd!

Trey - who is curious why he lapsed into French

William বলেছেন...

The whole concept of trophy wives needs to be further refined. There are men such as Donald Trump who put the emphasis on a woman's beauty and youth. That's fine for a billionaire like him, but there are women who possess dimensions beyound youth and beauty. I'm thinking of Mrs. Heinz and Cindy McCain. What are youth and beauty compared to a ski lodge in Aspen and a yacht to transport you to your Caribbean retreat. I congratulate Senators McCain and Kerry for their mature judgement in choosing such women. They show that powerful men can see that there is more to women than just youth and beauty.

Titus বলেছেন...

She's 45?

Wow, I thought at least 55.

Chip S. বলেছেন...

I second the comment by pm317 @8:16. I hardly notice her clothes, which seem like pretty standard stuff for a professional woman. But that hair!! Along with her waxy face, it makes her seem completely robotic. I mean, everybody knows that the "Stepford wife" meme awaits, so why go there?

She looks a lot better in that one pic where her hair's not a helmet.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

That writer is one mean bitch.

The media are going to complete their suicidal march this election cycle.

Fen বলেছেন...

They must think their readers are really stupid.

Like the proles engaging in their Two Minute Hate of Goldstein.

bagoh20 বলেছেন...

I know James Buchanan sucked, but that was a long time ago. I think it's about time we gave a single man a shot. Half the adults in the nation are unmarried now. We need someone without split allegiance and conflict over who is really the boss of the house.

Pastafarian বলেছেন...

Freeman Hunt: "Some political wife should start wearing a gorilla mask everywhere."

See, I get what you're trying to do with your carefully laid trap, Freeman. You're trying to goad me into saying something rude and obnoxious about our First Lady.

I'm sorry, Freeman, but I'm much too classy for that.

Callista looks OK to me. One hell of a lot better looking than her husband, but that's par for the course for power-brokers.

Michael McNeil বলেছেন...

You hear the name, Callista, and you think someone in a dungeon with a whip in her hand.

“Callista, also can be spelt as Calista, Callistee, Kallista, Kalista or Kallistee — comes from the Greek for "most beautiful (fem.)" (καλλίστη - kalliste).

“As a name it is derived from the Greek name of a huntress in the myth of Callisto, who was loved by Zeus. The name Callisto was changed to the common Callista for use as a name because in Latin Callista is the feminine form.” (Wikipedia)

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

If only Callista dressed like this. Then Givhan could come up with something nice to say about her.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

The woman is odd-looking to say the least. I don't need a lefty to tell me that. I never imagined she would be first lady material and I don't think she will be as Newt is not presidential either.

Banshee বলেছেন...

There are two different kinds of church choir sopranos: buttoned and decolletaged. Newt chose the buttoned kind of lady -- doesn't mean she's not fun.

(Heck, pretty much anybody who's in a choir is able to have fun. It's that or go insane, and for the paid kind of choir it's twice as important. Having a job that's reliant on a fallible, infectable, constantly aging voice? Oh, yeah, you better have a sense of humor.)

Amartel বলেছেন...

This ugly obvious bitch again. Propaganda whore hiding behind an ostensible interest in fashion.
She and her fashion friends shmeared Mrs. McCain and Sarah Palin last time around. Could they be more obvious?

Banshee বলেছেন...

She's in one of the National Basilica choirs, btw, in case people didn't know -- and she was in it long before she met Newt. Here's the main choir's homepage. Don't see Callista, but that's not surprising in a director picture.

Scott M বলেছেন...

She and her fashion friends shmeared Mrs. McCain and Sarah Palin last time around. Could they be more obvious?

Has she ever slammed Hillary's Maoist pant suits?

bgates বলেছেন...

If only Callista dressed like this.

So that's what happened to Sam Cassell after he retired from the NBA: he became a mean-spirited transsexual with a too-small wig and a fashion column.

@RolandRock1234 বলেছেন...

Probably just trying to distract from the "Gingrich Paternity Bombshell!" http://ibdst.blogspot.com/2011/11/gingrich-paternity-bombshell.html

LordSomber বলেছেন...

To Ms. Givhan's "Meowww," I can only say, "Woof woof."

Banshee বলেছেন...

Callista with better hair.

If Callista's in this video, she has floppy hair in real life. I think she's the blonde at :06. (She may have a special wig or perm for political duty, or a special one for singing in church without too much notice. Also, she may just not be in the traveling choir videos; not everybody in a choir chooses to go on these sorts of junkets.)

(And no, it's not unusual for even non-prestigious church choirs to sing at the Vatican on their trips to Europe, although singing certain Vespers and Masses may be more of an honor than just singing for a random one.)

She plays French horn. I knew a guy once who swore that female French horn players were the sexiest members of orchestras. But I'm not a band geek or a guy, so I hold no opinion on this.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Freeman Hunt,

If only Callista dressed like this. Then Givhan could come up with something nice to say about her.

Oooooh, wicked,...

MayBee বলেছেন...

I never imagined she would be first lady material

What in the world is "first lady material"?

The only semi-requirement for the "job" is to be married to the president. Although an orphaned niece will do.

Banshee বলেছেন...

Ah. Finally found a good shot of Callista at the Pope's Vespers down in the Crypt Church at the National Basilica, back in 2008.

:48-:49. She's one of those very alert, on the ball singers, obviously. No wonder she's still a regular, despite all the political wife disadvantages.

I don't know for a fact whether she's a soprano or an alto, actually. She dresses like a soprano, though, so I'm just assuming. (I'm a soprano, so not being derogatory here.)

Banshee বলেছেন...

Messed up the link. Callista at Pope Vespers here.

I bet she's always solid on her part and her sightreading, too, and very rarely late or missing practice. Yup, one of those anchor choir members.

Banshee বলেছেন...

Ooops. She's an alto, or at least she was in the alto section for at least one Basilica Choir recording. Why they don't include this kind of vital information in her bio, I don't know. Lots of stuff that's less interesting is there.

But man, I need reeducation. I'm some kind of voice-ist.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

It's Ok to judge whitey on looks.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

The unspoken rule of political style: do not tempt audiences into pondering how much mirror time one requires—or indulges in—on a daily basis. ...

As opposed to Michelle Obama who appears to dress in the dark from a grab bag of mismatched clothing two to three sizes too small for her.

Yep.... Callista....how dare she take care in her grooming.

She should look like a bag lady reject who bought her clothing from a Salvation Army Thrift Store sale bin, like Michelle Obama.

Cedarford বলেছেন...

traditionalguy said...
Callista has committed the sin of being a good wife dressed appropriately for her role.

And that is a problem, why?
Nothing I guess if you are dressing to be the trophy wife to replace the initial inadequate trophy 2nd wife of a powerful DC Beltway Insider that replaced the 1st, non-trophy wife.

William - "
What are youth and beauty compared to a ski lodge in Aspen and a yacht to transport you to your Caribbean retreat. I congratulate Senators McCain and Kerry for their mature judgement in choosing such women. "

As one of the most connnected and powerful lobbyists Inside The Imperial City - Newt made a 100 million bucks since leaving the Speakership, among the best of the corrupt rewardees of the revolving door - Newt didn't have to go for a rich girl. Though he hates the word lobbyist - describing himself as the dispenser of wise historical advice...competing, I guess, with other history "Perfessors" for such lucre.

Scott M বলেছেন...


I'm still wondering how a middle-class can be resurrected under the rule of a military junta. I'm honestly curious.

Cedarford বলেছেন...

ScottM - If the democratic system fails, and you put in a military largely drawn from the middle class devoted to weeding out corruption and blocking the influence and economic dominance of the very wealthy - you help create an expanding middle class.

Happened that way in Turkey, Korea, and Pakistan (before a decision by the Pak military to Islamicize and join in the corruption ruined a very promising Pak middle class).

Remember that in Europe in the 19th Century, revolution was everywhere and the bulwark against revolution was the military drawn from the non-moneyed classes. That would keep the ancien regime in place provided the masses were seeing a better life and the enormous disparity between the rich and poor was reduced.
The message was spread the wealth or face the Guillotine when the army abandoned you.

In America, Jacksonian Democracy was always understood to be the threat of armed yeoman under men such as General Jackson that stood poised to rout the East Coast bankers, the lawyers, and moneyed elites should violence become necessary if the bankers, lawyers, and the Elites continued to subvert Democracy by corruption.

Of course, the military is a two-edged sword. It can repress in the name of the plutocrats as well. If the military is led to believe rule by the Rich makes sense.

But if the system is broken, and political parties are unable to stop the decay, decline, and concentration of wealth and power in the hands of The Few - with black unemployment at 50% in inner cities and as (Don Trump) says our actual, effective unemployment numbers at 20-21% - we can expect calls for serious revolutionary change to fix America and devise an economy and institutions that work in the 21st, vs. 18th Century.

Before or after cities start burning in America, again.

Amartel বলেছেন...

The slavish followers of fashion. People who read Robin Givhan and the like are naturally inclined to do what their told - wear a certain type of clothing as dictated by "fhasion" experts, vote a certain way, shmear a person for wrongthink. This is not political commentary, this is tedious, obvious propaganda.

Amartel বলেছেন...

Same thought applies to calling out Michelle Obama on her looks, rather than her actions and words. Pathetic. Please stop.

Scott M বলেছেন...

Of the three historic examples you cite;

Turkey - Outcome given recent events may very well end up just like Pakistan.

Korea - Whatever developed in Korea did so under massive US involvement and shielding militarily. This is not to sell the Korean military short as there is some serious badassery there, but without a large US presence, I'm doubtful of their eventual first-world outcome.

You already covered what's happened to Pakistan.

So, either we're going to slide into some form of zealotry or be occupied by a bigger military? Glib, but to the point.

turtle বলেছেন...

The Catty Liberal Left; you simply don't see the women on the Right being so base.

MayBee বলেছেন...

As I suspected would happen, the press is now writing about Obama "flirting" with Mrs Obama in the speech to the troops today. It's on Political Punch right now.

Is this modern?

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Same thought applies to calling out Michelle Obama on her looks, rather than her actions and words. Pathetic. Please stop.

You are right there is PLENTY to call out Michelle Obama on her words and actions.

However, the looks and fashion issue would not exist if the media had not tried to make Michelle Obama into the second coming of Jackie Kennedy. Fawning and swooning over her fashion sense, which is the worst thing that I have ever seen in a public figure. The woman could look nice and has on occasion, but mostly looks absolutely terrible and tacky.

Had they just left it alone, instead of making a big effing deal out of Michelle's "super uber fantabulous fashion sense", no one would give a shit.

I know when my intelligence is being insulted and telling me that Michelle is a beautiful fashion plate is an insult to my intelligence.

So....when they stop...so will I.

Micha Elyi বলেছেন...

Michael McNeil (10:59 AM) said...

You hear the name, Callista, and you think someone in a dungeon with a whip in her hand.

Okay, I'll play your sentence-completion game:

...is going to do what to the about-to-be martyred Christian maiden, Callista?

MayBee বলেছেন...

Had they just left it alone, instead of making a big effing deal out of Michelle's "super uber fantabulous fashion sense", no one would give a shit.

DBQ- the truly irksome thing to me is that MO was not lauded as some uber fashionable, uber-beautiful icon until the Obama campaign decided to use her in a proxy war against Sarah Palin.
Cindy McCain was, in turn, derided as someone who spent too much money on her too-designery clothes.

Imagine. It is 2011. And politicians and pundits think it is still a good idea to use the wives' appearance (and hairstyles!) as a way to get votes.

And women accept this.

Martin বলেছেন...

Well, if she becomes First lady I don't expect she will try to dictate what my family can eat, so she's 1000% percent better than the incumbent right there.

Amartel বলেছেন...

Dust Bunny Queen - I hear you. Really. The lionization of this resentful, selfish, ignorant woman is vomit-inducing. She did nothing of any particular note in her professional life and her tenure as first lady has been one phony photo op after another ("all this for a flag") all whilst spending public money non-stop on herself. Remember how they all bitched and moaned about Nancy Reagan and her free dresses? Don't hear much of that anymore. Somehow free dresses are okay if they're wrapped around a Democrat. That being said, I still think calling her "moochelle" and saying she looks like a Klingon etc. (while deeply personally satisfying given what conservative women have to put up with) is by and large counter-productive and silly. Also, she's not ugly. On the outside, anyway. Open to argument on this one, though!

Amartel বলেছেন...

Just wanted to add that I have no problem ignoring the Queensbury Rules. Lord knows they don't exist for the left. I'm just saying if you're going to land a punch, land a fucking punch; don't candyass around calling someone ugly, which is subject to debate, when your time would be better spent pointing out that this incredibly fortunate woman, who has barely ever really worked and has been catered to and indulged all her life, is a massive asshole who holds a grudge against the country that made this blessed life possible.

Ralph L বলেছেন...

Also, she's not ugly. On the outside, anyway
But she sometimes photographs badly due to the eyebrows. My sister is an inch shorter at 5'11" and long legged, too, but she doesn't look as oddly proportioned.

jamboree বলেছেন...

Wow. She does look hella old in the two pics on the side. She looks okay in the middle one.

She's technically Gen X. Amazing. It's not just her dress either. It's her total style. The white blonde hair makes her look gray. That's what people do when they can't do anything else to make it look alright - which she probably can.

That's the bad thing about marrying old - you either are enter a permanent state of sexualized infantilization or you meet somewhere in the middle.

I wouldn't think she was a quarter of a century younger than he is at all.


I think I'm quitting politics altogether. These people just creep me the fuck out. All of them.

Stefbot has the right idea:

hopechange বলেছেন...

math mom said: Michelle Obama could learn something important from Callista about matching colors and fabrics, good posture, sitting like a lady, comportment, and choosing outfits that do not cause a rip in the space-time continuum.

oh, math mom!! "a rip in the space-time continuum!
oh hahahahahahahahah!

I was no fan of Callista's but I think the MSM can fix that.

Methadras বলেছেন...

Some of the palest people I've ever seen in my life.

Nate Whilk বলেছেন...

"Her many style tics—stacked one atop the other—read as code for narcissism, self-indulgence, and brittle self-absorption."

Good grief. But I guess she's just projecting.

Pogo said, "They should just start calling her Cruella Stepford and get it over with."

Don't give them any ideas!

wv: virmingt

Craig Howard বলেছেন...

her bespoke power suits

I wonder how many Americans (or Brits for that matter) could tell you what "bespoke" means. I do, though. I looked it up. Interesting that Givhan didn't just say "custom made." Just sayin', as we say.

Polly বলেছেন...

Comatus said...

But if Newt shows up in shorts, it is so over.


Phil 314 বলেছেন...

if only Callista dressed like this. Then Givhan could come up with something nice to say about her.

Robin Givhan is a dude!?

NO BO 2012 বলেছেন...

@madAsHell & @Ann: don't know if you know her, but i think both of you will be happy with MOTUS. she does FLOTUS fashion and heavy political satire, with a side of alinsky snark turned onto his disciples, every day. and she did the moochelle=grinch here

btw, rgiven used to write for the detroit news here in MOTOWN, so i know her "work" well. she's a fool.

One Particular Harbor বলেছেন...

Why do women do this? Men didn't used to stoop to this sort of commentary, but that's changed recently.

Attacking a woman's looks only ever makes the attacker look bad and his/her target look better by comparison.

It's not just the left. I've seen plenty of meangirl snark targeting Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, et al.

Once someone goes there, I lose all respect for them. They are no longer credible, IMO, and the fakey-fake disclaimers about how they're just being helpful, or how they're really very fair people because they offer compliments sometimes, only make it worse.

There is no reason at all for anyone to use a female politician's/politician's wife, daughter, mother's looks to score points. None.

Frankly, I think once someone goes there, if they REALLY want to be fair, they should invite unfiltered, unedited public commentary on their own looks. Maybe if they took a good, hard look in a mirror and realized they're not exactly going to be asked to do the next Ralph Lauren ad campaign anytime soon, they'd keep quiet about other women.

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