“On Facebook there are lots of people willing to join the Fire Kristi movement. You are alone in a wilderness. Your financial help from the likes of the Koch brothers will dry up once your liabilities outweigh your assets, which will be very soon. Your best bet is to start a job search soon. Enjoy your isolation.”
९ डिसेंबर, २०११
Harassment of Wisconsin teacher who appeared in a Scott Walker ad opposed to the recall.
Here's the kind of email Kristi LaCroix is receiving:
८८ टिप्पण्या:
Sick fucks.
You have to remember that these leftists are only sending menacing messages because they care so much about helping people.
Brought to you by the folks who teach your children, Wisconsin!
First unions blow up the governor of Idaho, and now this. I'm really mad.
While I'm stewing, I'll patiently wait for Garage's response to this type of harassment.
She should feel vindicated.
That's pretty tame. I see much worse in the comments section of this very blog on a daily basis.
(The Crypto Jew)
Good thing that Liberals are TOLERANT and OPEN-MINDED…otherwise just think of are plight.
It could be worse, “J” could take up correspondence with her…the Byro LDS-Sock Poppet WiccanSatanist that she is! Tweaker Alt-tard….
This is what democracy looks like....
Childish, rude behavior doesn't surprise me. What does surprise me is that this behavior has been coming from people who should be above that type of behavior - teachers and other "mature" adults who are SOLIDLY in the middle class.
It's like the White Citizens Councils back in the day across the South... scaring local whites who supported integration.
Some liberals today.
(The Crypto Jew)
That's pretty tame. I see much worse in the comments section of this very blog on a daily basis
Mostly from YOUR side, Jimspice….
Typical Public hack.
They are actually shunning her like they are a Liberal Religious Church operation excommunicating her.
She will need a strong faith like Walker's faith to endure the tribulation coming her way.
One powerful scripture in Isaiah 54:17 says, " No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue that rises against you in judgement, you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their righteousness is from me, says the Lord of Hosts."
In other words, when the enemy forms a weapon specifically against His servant's weakest spots,then the Lord says that He will fight for them like the General of the Hosts ( I.e., the Armies Heaven.)
So much for liberal tolerance.
Well of course ...
because, you know, their ideas are soooo good.
And the same people sending her nasty emails believe in diversity of viewpoints in the classroom don'tcha know!!!
D ?? is, ifn shes a goodd teach, is her boss honoral? Or a union toolll? Ora quisling?
Lyle said:
It's like the White Citizens Councils back in the day across the South
Yeah, look around the South today and ponder how effective that turned out to be.
Attention union troglodytes, progressive ranters, and other useless idiots: git yer pitchforks and torches, we're gonna burn a witch!
Kristi the Teacher is this year's Joe the Plumber.
See also, You the Taxpayer.
Leftists are the most hateful, intolerant, vengeful group in western society. She had to know this was coming. For all you leftist poseurs, this woman has courage.
How pitiful and embarrassing.
That said, once you get past all the union bashing in the article there doesn't seem to be any evidence that the e-mail was actually sent by a union member.
This, does not surprise me. My first teaching job was in the city of Milwaukee. I had not joined the teachers union yet, although I was constantly pressured to do so. I was warned that if I didn't join, I would not be 'protected'. I was young and laughed it off.
My classroom was positioned next to another where we had windows between the classes. On many many occassions I saw the other teacher hit, beat, and throw things at her students. I mean seriously hit, whack them with whatever she could find nearby and throw assorted things at her students.
I called it in. Apparently that was my undoing. I was actually SCOLDED by the principal for doing so. The union had been protecting her all these years and were aware of her actions. This teacher had blackmail material on pretty much half the teaching staff and used it to her advantage, she threated to release her blackmail on them, another reason the union was protecting her.
I was warned there would be repercussions against me, and there were. My summer teaching job was magically 'cut' two days before I class was to start. After I went into Milwaukee Public Schools HR, I was told I was not welcome back at the school and needed to be reassigned another school. I quit that day.
The student beating teacher? She was allowed to stay in her position, completely protected by the teacher's union.
I have NO love for teachers unions anymore. They protected a teacher who physically assaulted students and punished the person who reported it to authorities (me).
"Leftists are the most hateful, intolerant, vengeful group in western society. "
Scientologists are way more vengeful. Raiders fans are more hateful. Intolerant - okay, maybe you've got a point there.
This is what happens when you get Teamsters involved in things.
In a larger sense, though, this is how human society operates, and why true liberty is so difficult. The collective, whether it be a bunch of union thugs, or a church, or a neighborhood, or a blog comments section, imposes various consequences upon those who do not comply and on those whose lives and speech disrupt the homogeneity, will and authority of the collective. It's an eternal conundrum for the true liberal (as I consider myself) because it means accepting that social order of any kind relies in some part on the threat of coercive action against those of whom the society (union, nation, city, church, blog comment community) disapproves.
This happens to be a particularly naked and ugly example, but this sort of thing, in one way or another, is the normal lot of human society, and why so many people wish to be apart from it.
And it's easy to pretend that whatever social organization you belong to doesn't operate in a similar way to this sort of threatening harassment and invective, but it assuredly does.
I've seen it here, there and everywhere, from the wicked and from those that think themselves righteous alike.
"That's pretty tame. I see much worse in the comments section of this very blog on a daily basis."
It's the context. There is something inherently threatening about people looking you up and sending you nasty notes, and particularly threatening your job.
Harassing people in their personal space, at work, and their homes is almost entirely a leftist thing. Sure, it happens sometimes on the right. Remember the total meltdown when Malkin (I believe it was) *drove past* someone's home? But driving past, picketing and harassing family (including children) seems to be a common left thing. Like they're justified because their hearts are pure.
Some people are jerks and I'll call it on either side. But this is a fact: Someone being rude to me here, in this place, is not at all the same thing as if someone looked up my e-mail (easy to do) and started e-mailing me personally, or did it on face book or promoted a "get Julie fired" movement, or did anything else to mess with my life.
This is what the progressive leftwing democrat machine looks like. They will intimidate and threaten you if you are not one them.
Progressivism is corrupt.
"In a larger sense, though, this is how human society operates, and why true liberty is so difficult. The collective, whether it be a bunch of union thugs, or a church, or a neighborhood, or a blog comments section, imposes various consequences upon those who do not comply..."
This is true.
But it would also be as if the people at your church who disapproved followed you onto a blog, or people on the blog followed you to church, or people who didn't like your political opinions decided to get you fired from your job, or who didn't like your religion tried to get you fired from your job, or didn't like your race tried to get you fired from your job.
We have secret ballots for a reason. Even so, people should still be able to have a public political opinion without being harassed in their personal spaces.
Does anyone think that ending secret ballots for unions wouldn't immediately result in the same harassment?
The Wisconsin Liberals/Unionistas are the worst of the worst. Any parent that willingly allows their children to be educated by such a corrupt and hateful organization as the Teacher's Union should be charged with neglect. Might as well be shipping the kiddos off to Klan Kamp.
What do these people believe that a Democrat is going to do differently? Don't these menacing tools realize that Democrats across the country are gutting luxurious benefits in the public sector the same way if not more dramatically.
It's just hilarious. These latte-drinking revolutionaries with summers off and full health insurance are a never-ending source of amusement.
How about this guy?
Sign early, sign often!
After all, ends justify means.
Dis izz how disfunctal burocrazzy works D burocrazz needs reformin All burocrazzs loozz ovr time dyr mission focus n morall, n focuss on preservall d organizz
Gotta bring in new leadrzz, kikass, who hv d powr 2 b ruthless bout cleanin out d deadwood, makin evrbod fear 4 deyr jobs so dy start performin Also gotta pump up morale by rah-rah d mission
In evry orgz, dere r peeps who hv 2much negatal influ Only taks 1 or 2 to wreck a hol org Gotta find em n givem d bumrush, sozz d org can be reformss. Its not obvi who d baddds are, reformers gotta have instincs
Success orgs are tru bllvers, who let nobodd wrekk d mission for watall xcuse
Andinista -- Nobody is reading your stupid posts. Give it up.
Typical behavior by the stormtroopers of the union movement. they are just a bunch of thugs and criminals.
"Palladian said...
And it's easy to pretend that whatever social organization you belong to doesn't operate in a similar way to this sort of threatening harassment and invective, but it assuredly does."
Synova's 100% right on this. The issue isn't whether group norms are created and enforced, of course they are. But the penalty for violation relates only to that association.
Church members are nasty to divorced congregants? There's only 3000 churches within driving distance, find another. Go without. But to leftists the personal is political, by which they mean drive anyone with different views completely out of society. Academia enforces it, government enforces it, the NGO-Chartity complex enforces it. And more and more businesses are doing it too.
I think it's Ritmo trying out a new style.
Though he still can't keep it short.
That's pretty tame. I see much worse in the comments section of this very blog on a daily basis.
One one thread they are RAMBO!, and the next thread they are Hello Kitty pretending to outraged over an email. I don't know how they do it, but it's a sight to behold. These are the same people that cheer on people getting pepper sprayed in the face for having an opinion, or getting sent to a hospital from a rubber bullet to the head for having an opinion.
By their logic since we treat our troops worse during training, this one email ain't jack shit. Assuming it's true of course, which is a big if judging by the crowd she runs with.
The ad does not state she is a charter school teacher, or that she filed a brief in federal court supporting Walker's union busting Act 10 and gained the support of the National Right to Work Legal Foundation.
I side with Palladian here. Human groupism is a nasty business. You see it everywhere, including here.
I also side with Synova. Context matters. It's one thing for me to belittle you or you to belittle me here in a comment thread. That's expected or at least a known danger of the arena. It's quite another thing to seek someone out and insult them on a social network where people expect only to interact with people they know.
One of the reasons I am glad Garage comments here is the insight he provides into the mind of the pathologically tribal. A little bit of insight into how the Balkans gets so effed up, for example.
Ok, I'm not really that glad he comments here.
Notice how carefully garage avoids the subject and slipped in the ol' standby "Union Busting" lie.
Not bad GM, but you could have added in a "Koch" reference for the trifecta, or hit a grand slam with "Faux News".
You're slipping old boy.
Who cares if she's a charter school teacher, or that she filed a brief supporting Act 10? That doesn't make her opinion invalid, or justify the nasty emails (it was more than one) that she's received.
Okay, forget all the deflection and blah blah blah and look at the meat:
"garage mahal said...
The ad does not state she is a charter school teacher, or that she filed a brief in federal court supporting Walker's union busting Act 10 and gained the support of the National Right to Work Legal Foundation."
Yep, by his own admission if you aren't a full fledged unionista, you're fair game. This fucking moron thinks that pointing out that she does not represent most teachers that somehow it's okay.
That's all you need to know about lefties.
Walker needs to point out exactly what this recall is about. It's about selfish public union employees wanting the rest of to pay for their excessive pensions and benefits. And be willing to do anything to get it.
If you want to pay more so your neighbor the teacher can have more...vote for the recall.
Why does this bother Ann? These are her people, members of the education community; good Liberals who undoubtedly voted for Obama because they could not stand McCain and that stupid Palin. Why should people who oppose the union position be allowed to hold teaching jobs? Imagine the effect she could have on the students she is teaching. At least she didn’t get pepper sprayed out a bullet in the head. Imagine if she was allowed access to the police for protection or the courts for redress. She should be water boarded because that’s what our troops get in training. I know because I’m practically a Seal … I have seen the film which is the same thing. Hell, I’ve seen the snuff film of Daniel Pearl being beheaded so you know how tough I am.
Palladian is right on the money.
The authoritarians cannot help but betray their true nature. They dream of physical, material, and ego instant gratification through redistributive and retributive change. They do, by their nature, prefer involuntary exploitation to fulfill their dreams; but, it is not beneath them to engage in fraudulent exploitation.
Unfortunately, for the dreamers, they have to contend with a population which still outnumbers them in the majority. Unlike in the past, the American taxpayer remain well positioned to confront and marginalize their effort to consolidate wealth and power..
Whereas society can reasonably cope with corruption in the exception, it will experience a progressive decay with fundamental corruption.
The public unions, and their supporters, should reconsider their assault on America's taxpayers. They should reconsider their effort to undermine our representative republic when they bypass the democratic process.
From what I have been reading, Walker and the Republicans, by letting the school districts and other entities "switch to Geico" have saved millions of dollars. The result is, teachers aren't getting laid off, and school coffers, instead of bare, are flush.
Contrast the neighboring state who voted to go with the Union propaganda, now public employees are being laid off in droves.
Is this true? Or false? And if it's true, why is this not being widely reported?
Wisconsin: Oshkosh schools look to save millions
◼ The district could realize millions of dollars in immediate savings by seeking a new provider. Appleton schools stuck with WEA Trust but saved $3.1 million by stirring up competition. The Kimberly school district dropped WEA Trust and saved $821,000. - The Northwestern
Success story: Wisconsin schools buck union to cut health costs Byron York/Washington Examiner
Union Bosses Win, Ohio Workers Get Fired Jason Hart/Breitbart's Big Government
There's more, but this comment is long enough.
You stay classy, Wisconsin unions!
My wife (who's last name is different than mine) is a public school teacher in Wisconsin. She voted for Scott Walker and for nearly every conservative on the local ballots over the past two decades.
Her work life has been interesting the past few years. While she doesn't seek confrontation, confrontation always seems to find her. A male colleague lost his temper and came at her, across a lunch table, in the faculty lounge one noon. She sat there, laughed and told him to get over himself.
Others have shunned her - she considers this a blessing as who wants to pal around with sociology and history teachers? There have been confrontations in empty hallways after school, and in grocery stores and other venues where we live.
After three decades of standing up to hulking adolescent males students, she's pretty good at holding her ground. She's about 5'-4" and 125 pounds; many of her pro-union male co-workers are much larger.
The vote to re-certify her union has been conducted over the past two weeks. It's a *wink wink nudge nudge* secret ballot. Only, beginning the day she voted 'no', we've been getting some pretty interesting phone calls from men with thuggish voices. They aren't random calls, as her name is not now, and has never been in the phone book. But the union does have it. She's asked more than one caller if he knew that Wisconsin is now a CCW state.
Quite a few of her colleagues have quietly told her "I agree with you, I voted for Walker, but I just can't say anything at work."
Two weeks ago one of her recent students came to visit her. Nice kid, just home from USMC boot camp. He arrived in his dress uniform and sat with her in her classroom for two hours at the end of the day, just talking. This kind of thing happens to her a lot.
The Marine told her that she was one of the few teachers that he respected because she didn't tell her students what to believe, but taught them how to think.
Part way through their chat the school's union rep and two other teachers stopped in to "see" her. They looked at the Marine as if to ask "Who are you?", and he stood and quietly announced "My platoon adopted Ms XXXXX. To get to her, you'll have to go through us, starting here with me." They left, jaws dropped.
Interesting thing is that the colleagues who most often say they agree with her are the rookies - the newer teachers who have 1-5 years of experience and feel strangled by union work rules. If another five years pass before the advances Walker implemented are reversed, the teachers who don't like belonging to a union, at least in her district, will be the majority.
The union "liberals" in Wisconsin are not at all liberal in the classic sense of encouraging tolerance and diversity. They are thuggish fascists intent on bullying others into doing what they demand.
They will not win.
Sorry bud but your moral relativity is showing. Tell it to Gov. Moon Beam. He's begging Californians to increase their tax burden further.
Cutting spending is the last last very last thing a democrat will ever consider. And when they do, its police, and firemen, and EMT's. Never the secretary to the assistant of the aide to the mayor's assistant.
About andinista, you are completely right, but they will either realize they are typing gibberish no one bothers to read, or more and more people will just ignore any cries of wolf from them.
Ps. Not claiming republicans are bastions of fiscal sanity either, their just slightly better than the dems. If we had all repulican government right now, we'd be going over the cliff at 60 miles an hour not ninety.
The left puts a very high price on dissent. In Russia, it was the Gulags. In Cambodia, the Killing Fields. Here, in Wisconsin, all they can summon is social isolation, and the threat of job loss. I'm sure they wish they could smash her knuckles, and make her eat sand, or force agent orange down her throat in front of her children.
The right is far better with dissent: it's not only tolerated but encouraged. The first amendment still exists thanks to the right. The left would happily abolish it.
OT: I saw a trailer for the new Stooges movie coming next year on youtube. I know they're sophomoric, formulaic, and not appreciated by women, but damn it looked funny. Sisso as Curly is a natural.
Stooge fans UNITE!!
Remember, though:
This is all about the kids.
This obsession the Left has with the Koch brothers is a pretty good marker of loon.
Sorepaw, you would be mistaken. I've used nothing but my real identity online since 1990, and accordingly, am an easy target. I've had threatening emails and phone calls, personal and family info posted in comment sections (right here in fact), online business listings spammed, for nothing more than stating my opinion. It's my own fault for putting my identity out there for anyone to see, but I think it gives an opinion greater weight when someone is willing to put a face behind it. Interestingly, those perpetrating said harassment never seem to return the favor.
Michael Hazardous your wife is agoing hero and obviously one he'll of a teacher. Thanks for letting us know about her. Hope we continue to have people who speak the truth.
garage mahal, "These are the same people" went out with the Stanley Steamer (the vehicle, not the alpaca-poop people). Catch up with the new rhetoric! You might try "the fact of the matter is" and "this isn't about X; it's about Y".
Michael Haz, I had a teacher in Government and Economics in high school who probably would have joined your wife's club. He was a thinking liberal who genially challenged his students to think philosophically. Best teacher in the school, mostly covering what were considered throw-away courses (because they were state-mandated civics things the rest of them hated).
Robin, this obsession the Democrats have with the Jew businessmen Kochs is bizarre.
Paranoid conspiracy theories are everywhere.
Chuck66, another commenter on this blog made a series of comments alluding to Charles Krauthammer's prominent nose, apparently thinking those comments were merely clever and not likely to be viewed as anti-Jewish. It's a strange world, filled with strange people.
Bob E, the non-stops attack on the Jew businessmen Kochs is way to similar to attacks on "greedy Jew businessmen during the 1943s. And 1940s. And 1950s.
It'd be one thing if the attacks had at least some merit, but they seem to all be fabricated. Often by residents of Madison Wisconsin. The city that held a vote 2 years ago to boycott the Jewish state of Israel, and only the Jewish state of Israel.
Online threats, petitions getting ripped up, bricks getting thrown through windows, beers getting dumped on people, folks getting flipped off. No doubt about it, things are getting really ugly.
Hopefully we'll soon have a less polarizing Governor in our Capitol, and the nutcases on both sides can calm the fuck down...
Nah, ima do diss 4 awhill, 2learn txlingo ya gotta practiss, uno likk jes ignoit, n ask yrself ?? u po bout it Ifn ProffAA get po-ed enuf ima stop Evr read Bislama? Same diff Chill, k?
Hopefully we'll soon have a less polarizing Governor in our Capitol, and the nutcases on both sides can calm the fuck down...
You mean, a governor like the one before Walker that didnt care about budgets, illegally raided funds to "pay" for things, and let the financial structure of this state get so out of whack that Walker was required to do what he has done just to get this state back to a balanced budget?
The only reason Walker is "polarizing" is because he is one of the few politicans in this country that has looked the public sector and teachers unions in the eye and not blinked first. If thats "polarizing", I wish this country had millions more politicians just like him.
Jason -- I disagree. Democrats are doing the exact same thing across the country. Here in my city, Mayor Rahm is cutting the testicles off the unions and cutting spending like crazy. It's happening everywhere, though.
Where is the scorn for these Democratic leaders? Where is the vitriol. Where are the latte-drinking revolutionaries? What? Their Volvos can't go to these places?
"Hopefully we'll soon have a less polarizing Governor in our Capitol, and the nutcases on both sides can calm the fuck down..."
What would a less polarizing governor look like?
Do you think that Bush was a polarizing president?
How about Obama?
Or is it the case that if you like the guy, then it's not HIM that is polarizing, but the dumb-ass people having hissy-fits.
So... Bush was polarizing, because that makes it Bush's fault.
Walker is polarizing, because that makes it Walker's fault.
And Obama is not polarizing because it's not Obama's fault that his detractors are reactionary nut-cases.
Yes? No? Got another theory?
"These are the same people that cheer on people getting pepper sprayed in the face for having an opinion, or getting sent to a hospital from a rubber bullet to the head for having an opinion."
No one got pepper sprayed for an opinion.
No one got hit with a rubber bullet for their opinion.
They didn't even get those things for speaking their opinions.
They got those things for assembling in an arguably un-peaceful way. In that context, sure, you can argue that the assembling didn't pass over into unprotected trespass, obstruction, or riot. You could try to claim that the actions didn't justify anything.
But when you claim nothing but opinion was involved, you're an ass and a liar.
At the least why don't you point out someone else with a different ideology who behaved the same way and no one sent for cops. Oh, wait... no one else acts like that, so you can't. Darn.
Not even the Hillborough Baptists violate permits or block access, annoying as they are, because they know the police will haul them off if they do.
Wow, garage. Even freaking Fred Phelps has better manners than OWS.
From the Book of Alinsky, verse 13: "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."
All glory and thanks be to Lucifer, "the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom." Forever and ever. Amen.
wv: nednecr
That's the Westboro Baptists.
My g-g-grandmother helped start the Hillsborough Baptist Church after her Presbyterian husband died in 1875.
Remind me why these people call themselves "liberal" and, more important, why we let them get away with this "liberal" fig leaf.
Purplep. So your side will "calm down" after it gets it way. Is that what you mean? But will it keep the dissenting teachers from being harassed? You are happy enough with this tactic if you prevail arent you and rationalize that you will calm down afterwards?
You should know that once these approaches are shown or thought to work they will not go away even if you "win.". One day they might decide to shut you up as they follow your every stupid post here.
"Interesting thing is that the colleagues who most often say they agree with her are the rookies - the newer teachers who have 1-5 years of experience and feel strangled by union work rules."
Q: So how do you respond to critics who say it's wrong to intimidate members who are insufficiently ideologically pure and drive them from their livelihoods?
A: All we can say is, the program is working.
What would a less polarizing governor look like?
Something like this:
But, of course, the current Tea Party crowd would ride that guy of of town on a rail so maybe I'm asking for too much...
But, of course, the current Tea Party crowd would ride that guy of of town on a rail so maybe I'm asking for too much...
See, they only count as "polarizing" when we're the ones who are mad at them.
Meanwhile, the violence & harassment continues in Madison:
"purplepenquin said...
Online threats, petitions getting ripped up, bricks getting thrown through windows, beers getting dumped on people, folks getting flipped off. No doubt about it, things are getting really ugly.
Hopefully we'll soon have a less polarizing Governor in our Capitol, and the nutcases on both sides can calm the fuck down..."
And another lib shows their true colors.
"Give us what we want, and their won't be any trouble."
And as for treatment of teachers and schools that don't toe the line, remember Messmer Catholic Prep in Milwaukee? Protesters vandalized the school, and it administrators where harrassed.
Watch this exchange
No penguin, all the shit you have crocodile tears for is the result of the ongoing thuggish behavior of the public union workers (and fringe idiot socialist you attract.) You are the polarizing element.
Many years ago, my mom, now deceased, disagreed with the teachers union regarding a strike. She continued to work..
She lost many friends.
purplepenquin said...
Hopefully we'll soon have a less polarizing Governor in our Capitol, and the nutcases on both sides can calm the fuck down..
You and your silly ilk can stop the threats, beatings, harassment, and all the rest.
How about that?
"It's like the White Citizens Councils back in the day across the South..."
It's also like the Copperheads in 1861.
Common denominator: Union thugs today, White Citizens Council members, Copperheads, they're all the Democrat party.
" or getting sent to a hospital from a rubber bullet to the head for having an opinion."
Gotta hand it to garage for redefining rioting to having an opinion.
"That's the Westboro Baptists.
My g-g-grandmother helped start the Hillsborough Baptist Church after her Presbyterian husband died in 1875."
My apologies to your g-g-grandmother.
This obsession the Left has with the Koch brothers is a pretty good marker of loon.
*if you buy something, example; coffee or keurig b60, you can read this for your information, because they have a good content for custumer guide..
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