December 10, 2011

Be careful about planking...

... in Wisconsin.


traditionalguy said...

He appears to be one of the skinnier Wisconsin natives.

ndspinelli said...

This is the current generations "streaking". And, funny quip traditionalguy..the kid looks like Jonah Hill. Although Jonah has recently dropped 50lbs.

DADvocate said...

Puhlease! He appears to be performing a protest against capitalistic pigs and the police state. This is an gross infringement of his right to free speech.

T J Sawyer said...

Occupy the ATMs!

Heart_Collector said...

Planking, try dieting fat ass.

Wince said...

It was a photography craze which went viral almost a century before internet trends were born.

And with the swift death of 'planking' and 'owling', it was only a matter of time before 'horsemaning' had its moment once more.

Spurred by historical pictures of people cleverly posing as if they had been beheaded, internet users have flooded sites with their own takes on the concept.

Sorun said...

Manitowoc, WI must be a very safe place to live.

TomHynes said...

DADvocate is sarcastic, but his 1st Amendment rights were violated:

"Ryan Hart apparently upset cops by lying across a police memorial monument in front of the county jail. An officer compared the act to going to a cemetery and “planking” atop a gravestone."

He was making fun of dead cops. He has a right to do that.

DADvocate said...

He was making fun of dead cops.

He wasn't even doing that. He was just being a dumb kid. Haven't we all?

What a waste of time, effort and money by the police and judicial system. Carrying out a vendetta against a dumb kid.

kurt mueller said...

TomHynes -- Very good point. There was likely no regulation against climbing on the monument or they would have cited him for that as well. (Glenn Reynolds has been documenting cases of over zealous prosecution of photographers.)

Anonymous said...

So, screaming protests and occupiers are A-OK but a little planking is a crime?

Oh, the humanity.

edutcher said...

Proof stupid is as stupid does.

You don't mess with police memorials.

john said...

I thought this was going to be a salmon recipe.

ndspinelli said...

You're hot this morning, Juan! I learned about cedar plank salmon on one of our trips to Alsaka years back. It is the BEST way to cook salmon.

Chip S. said...

That ain't a plank.

Mary Beth said...

His brother Ryan is the one that upset police by lying on top of the memorial. From the police report it seems as if they young men were not observed doing the planking, the police saw the photos and thought they were "disrespectful" and "offensive".

Hoosier Daddy said...

Planking? Someone help me out here cause I don't get it.

Mary Beth said...

Planking started a few years ago as the lying down game. You lie face down somewhere in public that you wouldn't normally expect to see someone lying down. You have someone take a picture and then you post it to Facebook (or whatever social network you use). If you're asking "why?", it's for the same reason people swallowed goldfish or tried to see how many could fit in a phone booth or Volkswagen.

Planking was (kind of) replace by owling.

gerry said...

That's garage mahal, isn't it?

Ralph L said...

Since this would have been my mother's 85th birthday, I'll claim she started the craze with a photo of her and a friend sprawled down the library steps in her college yearbook. She was also Miss Dam Site 1947.

Surprised the perp didn't dent the police car.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I'm so out of the loop.

Fernandinande said...

What a waste of time, effort and money by the police and judicial system. Carrying out a vendetta against a dumb kid.

On the other hand, they managed to get at least two more harmless citizens to hate the police. Good work!