The reason is obvious: It's been done with debates.
Wouldn't it be funny if after all the hand-wringing and Constitution-violating drama about getting the money out of politics, the problem solved itself, because televised debates replaced all the in-person campaigning? And, at some point, viral web ads, boosted by reporting, should become more important than those paid ads on television... the ones we fast-forward through, unless we decide to watch them, the way we decide to watch the things on the internet, like this:
६७ टिप्पण्या:
I've often thought they should have an arm wrestling segment in the debates.
As much as I'm loathe to admit it, I agree with Gingrich on his comment that Obama's team wasn't raising a billion in funds to run a positive re-election campaign.
Presidents should be one six-year term. That straddles three congressional elections and removes any incentive to politic with an eye on re-election.
I love Newt's idea for Lincoln-Douglas-style debates, but he's willing to allow GodZero a teleprompter when the subject of ZeroCare comes up.
Although, it's also interesting to note how much Herman got done on a shoestring, using just his own personality, intensity, and ideas.
Gives you an idea how many politicians are really dead fish.
It would be fascinating to see some media outlet invite Obama to participate in the GOP debates, since there are no Dem primary debates.
I'm glad it's cheap for the Republican candidates. It wouldn't be easy to compete with Obama's taxpayer funded campaign.
I'm fascinated by the way that anti-Gingrich ad is perceived as a pro-Gingrich ad by people who don't click and play it.
People making viral video ads need to think about that!
The squishiness of conservatives is my biggest fear now - that after getting elected they just become RINOs. This has stopped conservatism from preventing our current problems and has help exacerbate them.
I prefer a waffler to someone who is always wrong on important issues, but I just wish we could get someone of either party to do what they campaign on. We should at least get what is advertised. It's like going to a restaurant, ordering something, and then the kitchen just sends out the easiest meal to prepare.
How can people who don't click the ad think it's pro-Gingrich? It's labeled Newt Gingrich: Serial Hypocrisy
How can people who don't click the ad think it's pro-Gingrich? It's labeled Newt Gingrich: Serial Hypocrisy
Maybe they thought it was pro-Gingrich in terms of his advocacy as a lobbyist for Kellogg.
Constitution-violating drama about getting the money out of politics
Says A-house, and the Scalia gang. Turn back the SC 50 years (or even 10, when Stevens was around), and Citizens United would have not have happened.
Anyway let the shekels decide--and you get BO and Hillary and Mittens with far weightier treasure chests than McCain (or Gingrinch). CU probably did more for corporate liberals than putative conservatives
Fundraising to sep 30 2011
Obama 89mm
Romney $32mm
Perry $17mm
Paul $12mm
Bachmann $7mm
Cain $5mm
Huntsman $4mm
Gingrich $3mm
Santorum $1mm
Look at how much each has raised and look where they are in the polls.
Gingrich raised $3mm and may be in first. Perry raised $17mm and may be 5th or 6th. Bachman raised a bunch and is nowhere.
I wonder how much money really affects elections. Some, of course. Many people seem to think there is a direct relationship and the one with the most money wins. Doesn't seem to be the case. At least not this presidential campaign.
One interesting thing about Obama is that he has spent about $5mm more than he has raised. I wonder if this is really true? If he has already spent all that money, he has not gotten much for it as he is not doing well in election polls.
If he has already spent that money, will he be able to get enough more for the general?
Paul and Romney are also the only 2 out of the bunch whose campaigns have zero debt.
$mm = Millions of dollars.
John Henry
Wouldn't it be funny if after all the hand-wringing and Constitution-violating drama about getting the money out of politics, the problem solved itself, because televised debates replaced all the in-person campaigning?
I'm not sure who, exactly, really wants to get money out of politics?
The left pretends they do, but they're simply lying.
By the way, what kind of TV ads can Obama possibly run? What, exactly, has he done you want four more years of???
No debt?
I'm soooooo surprised.
And that's how he'd want to lead the country. Too bad that's so ...
"crazy uncle."
Obama can run negative ads and untruthful ads and substanceless ads.
And he will.
Byro-Jay, always time to spam, eh tee-shirt boy.
your man Romney's still way outclassed by BO-Co isn't he. Come election time neither he or Newtster will stand a chance in the big blue states. Prepare for Mittens' corporate-CA hype and all his wealthy GOP wasp-mormonic pals. Nausea itself.
ANother interesting stat is the fundraising "Percent from small individuals"
Obama 46%
Romney 10%
Perry 4% (Yes, 4%-JRH)
Paul 48%
Bachmann 52%
Cain 50%
Huntsman 4%
Gingrich 43%
Santorum 21%
John Henry
What is the height cutoff for that survey? What do you think is responsible for such a spike in midget political support?
Per Antonio...."B-Jay's winding up its wit like a watch. Lets see how it strikes" Like Zero hour.
J said...
Byro-Jay, always time to spam, eh tee-shirt boy.
your man Romney's still way outclassed by BO-Co isn't he.
The fact that you voted for Obama and will do so again should preclude you from commenting on politics.
But you'll carry on in your incoherent blather none the less...
I read a fascinating article about old men being naked in locker rooms at gyms.
I can vouch for this. I have seen them.
Old men (and not fags) seem to be much more comfortable walking around naked in the gym.
Young men, on the other hand, generally don't get naked or take showers at my gym.
Old men are at the sink shaving naked, talking to each other naked, on the scale naked, pissing naked.
I never see young men do this.
Why are old men more comfortable and willing to strip down then young men?
Gingrich on his comment that Obama's team wasn't raising a billion in funds
Newtster whining again about..the free market and wealthy democrats? He's forgetting his beloved Reagan era tactics when the GOP regularly mowed down the Demos because of..... the deeppockets.
Speaking of left wing hypocrisy:
The government lawyers — CIA counsel Stephen Preston and Pentagon counsel Jeh Johnson — did not directly address the al-Alwaki case. But they said U.S. citizens don't have immunity when they're at war with the United States.
Johnson said only the executive branch, not the courts, are equipped to make decisions about who qualifies as an enemy.
And of course the left is outraged by this!
TV turns out to be good for us after all.
yr Byro, Byro-Jay. Romney guy. Tee-shirt salesmam. AZ-'roids and acid head. Failed Nursey. Anonymous posts/blog,etc, That's you, fraud. And you're Titus too, joto
I'm still trying to wrap my head around why in electoral politics those with the most juice, those with the most accumulated resources, those with the most capital (money and human), and those with the most expressed support in the form of campaign donations, are held up as objects of disdain for those facts. And, why it is seen as a bad thing that those who have none of those assets usually end up getting tossed onto the ash heap (usually, but not always). To me it's more or less the way things are supposed to be.
""you voted for Obama and will do so again should preclude you from commenting on politics.""
See, idiot-speech like that--all Byro-Jay and LDS trash. You don't know who I voted for do you, AZ-acid boy. You voted for Obama, DU boy, Digbyite (until she booted you off). .
Get ready for more links to your New worlds scientology site and "poetry" (which you once "shared" with beatniks. Heh heh).
Hey J,
Why are you so afraid?
Why do you like to be anonymous?
And then accuse others of being anonymous?
And what gives a Honduran crack whore (are you even in the US?) any insight into our electoral process at all?
John Henry
@Titus -- Old men grew up in an era of communal showers. I'm not that old (46) but my high school and the local YMCA had shower rooms -- not shower stalls.
Now my YMCA has shower stalls. Shower stalls with curtains, in fact. Hardly anyone uses the curtains. Makes you wonder about the guys that do.
Jay asked:
The fact that you voted for Obama and will do so again should preclude you from commenting on politics.
J/Byro voted in the US elections in 2008? I had not realized she was in the country.
If she was, and if she really did vote, it just goes to prove that we need secure voter ID cards.
Like we have here in PR.
John Henry
Hey "John"--note link to a blog, t, unlike you, LDS shaitan, AZ-tard, flunkie nursey
Lets call a spade a spade--SHAITAN House.
Hey "John"--note link to a blog, t, unlike you, LDS shaitan, AZ-tard, flunkie nursey
She's right, John. If you own a restaurant and nobody ever eats there, you still own a restaurant.
Talking to your selves again, eh, Byro-Jay, druggie, illiterate ex-con, mormon trash.
You've been exposed, puerco, numerous times.
When I clear my throat it sounds like the opening to Beethoven's 5th symphony. yeah i'm that good.
J is the result of the Reagan policy of emptying the mental wards. Shame on Reagan for doing that.
Wow, Miss Squatty's got a new pedophile pal-- Byro-Jay-Sorepaw, Sac drug dealer, turned mormon human filth . Get yr kanberra-kicks on, LDS puto.
I think that is correct. Older men grew up in communal showers whether at school, military, etc.
Titus - but do you think those men checked out each other's hogs?
Get ready for more links to your New worlds scientology site and "poetry" (which you once "shared" with beatniks. Heh heh).
The incoherence is staggering.
Alex the dumbass---reason and integrity does tend to scare mafia queers, regardless of party, race, religion.
Alt-house-- satan 24-7.
"LDS shaitan"
Wow, this clown really is a hater beyond belief.
VW: butommer
That sounds like a good nickname for you, Byro.
Pay to play politics has been a hidden criminal version of donate to get fair access to the decision makers. That was always like protection money paid to stall attackers who wanted some of your financial power.
But the Obama bargain has transformed politics from paying for access to pay us and we will turn you over to our gangs of thugs who want to kill you.
That is pure lawlessness disguised as politics.
With communal showers you get scenes like this:
Hornsby, as you probably know, was one of the greatest hitters of all time, a seven-time batting champion, two-time winner of the Most Valuable Player award, and full-time jerk. Lee Allen wrote that he was frank to the point of being cruel and subtle as a belch. He told everyone exactly what he thought, even if he had no idea what he was talking about. As a manager, his idea of discipline was to walk into the shower and urinate on an errant player’s leg.
J said:
Hey "John"--note link to a blog, t, unlike you, LDS shaitan, AZ-tard, flunkie nursey
Yeah, been there, seen that. Not much of a profile there, is there? No name, nothing about you. You say "Hombre" but the picture is of a woman.
You say "technology" but that can mean anything or nothing.
You say US but don't deny that you are Honduran. (NTTAWWT)
So why are you afraid to identify yourself?
If you want to know about me, try Google. I have a website, monthly newsletter, 3 blogs, two books at at Amazon,videos, speak 3-4 times a year at national and international conferences and more. If you can't find me, you aren't trying.
So why are you anonymous? What are you scared of?
John Henry
PS - I asked you once before and you evaded the question. Are you really Debbie Frisch?
Alex, I think he was part of the Mariel Boat Lift, so thanks to Fidel and Carter!
ND Spinelli said:
Alex, I think he was part of the Mariel Boat Lift, so thanks to Fidel and Carter!
I doubt it. When she speaks Spanish it is not like a Cuban would speak it. It has that Honduran/indian tinge to it.
Besides, the boatlift was 30 years ago. If she came to the US that long ago, wouldn't she have a better command of the English language by now?
John Henry
If you want to know about me, try Google. I have a website, monthly newsletter, 3 blogs, two books at at Amazon,videos, speak 3-4 times a year at national and international conferences and more. If you can't find me, you aren't trying.
J claims to be a professional editor and published author, John, yet refuses to provide a link to any proof of either. This after criticizing others who were talking about their own efforts at writing.
You claim to be a human, Squat-tard, yet your monkey barks show otherwise. So like cough up evidence to show you're ...not a primate.
In other words, I don't have to prove shit to you klan-chimp. Now,bark along with your new LDS throwback pal Byro-Jay-sorepaw.
"John Henry"
Where's the link to your blog, liar. Yr the coward here, Anny-byro, not to say mormonic trash
You claim to be a human, Squat-tard, yet your monkey barks show otherwise. So like cough up evidence to show you're ...not a primate.
Your obvious lack of biology, illustrated by the semi-literate sentence above, should give you all the proof you need.
In other words, I don't have to prove shit to you klan-chimp.
That's right. Because you're lying and cannot. It just takes us squarely back to the dial-a-gibberish you usually foist off on us.
"""John Henry"""
Are you really...half the names on here,Anny-"O'Henry" trash? Including female, g*y, ethnic, etc.?? Yeah you izz . And already traced, cyber-stalker, Byro the AZ acid head
There's got to be some sort of rip in spacetime that occurs when someone posts something like this
In other words, I don't have to prove shit to you klan-chimp.
...when asked for proof of his claims, while he then posts this:
Where's the link to your blog, liar. Yr the coward here, Anny-byro, not to say mormonic trash soon after the former. Please don't choke on the irony as you read his comments.
By your own mode, J, you're a coward.
Damn ScottM--on a slow day I enjoy fucking with J--glad to see other posters have opted in--good job!
Byro J is one of those sad folks on the internet who spout crap but cant back anything up other with insults (which, BTW J, you really are losing it on your insults--you used to be a lot better)
Anyway, ScottM carry on. Its only fun for a little while and then J runs away.
No, little LDS satanist ..where's your proof, scotty fag.
Where's your shit, scum.
Yr the shit of the earth,like yr Klan fratboy pal Roger J
As I said, the insults get weaker and weaker and byro J will run away--it is time for his nappy poo.
Humans are primates, dumbass. Your ignorance is as staggering.
You're the internet creep Roger teabug, storm boy, klanscum, human excrement .Yr the problem, yid..Yve been humiliated, but too stupid to realize it. Got that, LDS swine
Careful J: the Joos, mormons, satanists, and wiccans are coming for you--its going to be a great auto de fe. Got your IP perp, they are coming for you.
J: OK, got to get a round of golf in--I gotta tell you man/woman/thing: You are the worst piece of shit I have ever seen on the internet and I go back to the days of usenet flame wars. You are a sorry, cowardly piece of shit. Anyway, have a nice day.
You're the homos ,here Mormon-whitey trash---untalented ones at that. Like Romney, yr blow-dried closet case hero
One interesting thing about Obama is that he has spent about $5mm more than he has raised.
Another interesting thing is the government over which he presides has spent closer to $3,693,000mm more than it has raised.
A third interesting thing is that in the time it took me to type that last sentence, the government accrued over a million dollars more debt.
Do you suppose the media will be anxious to point out that the new Republican President is "inheriting" a giant financial problem?
step in a ring and say some shit like in person, Roger Teabag, you spineless bag of frat queer garbage.
So, you do not deny that you are Dr Debbie Frisch?
I must say that I admire the way you have been able to tone yourself down and show such admirable restraint here on Althouse.
For those who do not know who Dr Frisch is, she made national TV news a few years back for getting fired from AZ State (IIRC) in such a spectacular manner. She was all over CNN for several days.
If you don't remember that, start with her Wikipedia entry.
Then for some of her truly notable public meltdowns, in court, in public hearings, and other venues check out the dozens of YouTube videos.
At one point she publicly threatened to "Jon Benet" a 2 year old child and I think spent some time in the pokey for that. She has been in and out of federal, state and local slams for the past few years. Apparently is out at the moment.
Debbie, were you not banned from using a computer at some point? Has that ban been lifted? If not, perhaps it explains your fear of exposure.
As for my blog, you can find one of them if you Google KC Boxbottom. Let's see if you can handle that.
You can find another if you can Google Packaging Solutions. I wonder if you can handle that?
Before there were blogs, there were maillists. I started the NIOT list in 1998. 13 years and 63,000 notes later it is still going strong.
Can you use Google Deb? Let's see if you can find NIOT.
NIOT stands for Nothing is Off Topic and we discuss everything. You are all, even you Deb, invited.
John Henry
For those who thought I was being sarcastic about Debbie being toned down here, I was not.
As bizarre as she acts here as J, that is nothing compared to how she is in real life.
John Henry
Left to its own devices, the market of ideas solves itself. I'd say repeal McCain-Feingold now.
Althouse: I'm fascinated by the way that anti-Gingrich ad is perceived as a pro-Gingrich ad by people who don't click and play it.
I'm fascinated by how no one here seems interested in the ad you posted. I thought it was pretty devastating. But it doesn't seem to be enough.
Most people aren't going to vote for Ron Paul and at worst the ad shows Newt to be the same sort of flip-flopper Romney is, which doesn't help Romney, especially when people are interested in Newt's ability to deliver sound bites.
I'd say repeal McCain-Feingold now.
Apparently the Supreme Court feels the same way:
*In June 2007 the U.S. Supreme Court held that BCRA's limitations on corporate and labor union funding of broadcast ads ...are unconstitutional
*In June 2008, the section of the act known as the "millionaire's amendment" was overturned by the Supreme Court
*In January 2010, the Supreme Court struck sections of McCain–Feingold down which limited activity of corporations
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