That's a hell of a headline. For an article by Jim Rutenberg and Jeff Zeleny at the New York Times. If the woman had been named, it could have read:
Jane Doe Said to Have Felt Hostility at Work After Complaining About Cain.
There'd still be that "said to." So imagine if there had been direct evidence, and if could been:
Jane Doe Felt Hostility at Work After Complaining About Cain.
There'd still be that "felt." So let's add another degree of solidity:
Jane Doe Subjected to Hostility at Work After Complaining About Cain.
There'd still be a lack of agency behind the hostility. If we knew who was sending out that hostility, it might have read:
Co-workers Subjected Jane Doe to Hostility After Her Complaining About Cain.
There'd still be correlation without necessary causation. Let's eliminate that for the purpose of further demonstrating the vagueness of it all:
Co-workers Subjected Jane Doe to Hostility Because of Her Complaining About Cain.
Even the article were bolstered with information that would support these 5 added degrees of specificity, the weakness of the story would remain: Which co-workers? What did they know about the complaint? What form did this hostility take? For how long? And the all-important: What connection did any of this have to something Cain actually did?
२१० टिप्पण्या:
210 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»That's okay. Liberal readers will do the obvious translation to "Cain rape victim harassed by Republican co-workers."
Aren't we supposed to MOVE ON whenever we hear these stories about politicians sexually harassing women?
Oh, right.
For it to be sexual harassment by Cain, doesn't Cain have to create the hostility or the hostile environment? I'm sure she is implying that Cain was the one being hostile, but the headline doesn't say that. Isn't it important to know who is creating the hostile work environment?
Also, this claim reminds me of a radio ad that I heard while vacating in Arizona about 10 years ago. The ad was by a law firm and it said something like--"If you are a woman and you have ever worked for a man, you have been sexually harassed. Call X Law Firm to find out more . . .."
Some people just like to complain.
Long after the details, or rather lack thereof, are forgotten, the perception will remain, and his reputation will be tarnished.
Sound familiar? This is exactly what they did to Palin.
In this case, either they have evidence to support their allegation, or they don't. They should, as they are purportedly individuals with integrity, step forward and make their positions known.
As for the headline, it implies hearsay knowledge.
Why do people, especially adults, play these inane games?
Plus, a person can't necessarily be held responsible for the feelings of another person. Jut because you feel hostility doesn't mean there is any. The mentally ill, and lots of "normal" people, have feelings that have no foundation in reality.
Herman Cain put Jane Doe in a headlock! her dreams.
"n.n said...
Long after the details, or rather lack thereof, are forgotten, the perception will remain, and his reputation will be tarnished.
Sound familiar? This is exactly what they did to Palin.
In this case, either they have evidence to support their allegation, or they don't. They should, as they are purportedly individuals with integrity, step forward and make their positions known." Same thing they did to McCain...running a story about someone who said the heard it from someone that McCain had an affair.
"As for the headline, it implies hearsay knowledge.
Why do people, especially adults, play these inane games?"
You answered this question yourself above.
Jane Doe Said to Have Felt Hostility at Work After Complaining About Cain.
Co-workers determine that Jane Doe is a whiny bitch and give her the cold shoulder.
The mentally ill, and lots of "normal" people, have feelings that have no foundation in reality.
Sounds like you've worked at a trade association in the past like I have.
The severance agreement was unusual not only for its size, three people familiar with it said, but also for its confidentiality provision.
Thank God the Times found an anonymous source--three of them, no less!--to opine on the severance agreement using language identical to all the left wing talking points on the matter. Otherwise this article would have to go in the op-ed section. This way, it's "news."
This "sexual harassment" stuff is such utter horseshit. I say that as a male subjected for nearly a year to the unwanted sexual advances of my female supervisor.
You deal with it. You move on.
You don't build another damned victim industry on the thing. Unless, or course, you're a lawyer.
Crying "sexual harassment" is nothing more or less than a power game -- quite common in cases where the woman's advances have been declined and she's attempting to get even.
Been going on since before Potiphar's wife. See Genesis 39 if you don't know the story.
There's a reason women were not welcomed on the job for so many generations ... not because they're incompetent, but because a depressing lot of them are so goddamned catty, vindictive, and manipulative.
I do think Mr. Cain talks too much in reponse to these stories.
However, even if "the women" in these stories were the editors' very own mamas and aunties and they were absolutely confident of the truth in these allegations, the stories printed still amount to journalistic malpractice.
Newspaper articles are supposed to state all relevant facts and identify the sources on which they are based.
Sound familiar? This is exactly what they did to Palin.
"They" did. And they did it when they Palinized Perry.
The Romney camp has long been in the business of planting smears. The thing is -- Cain is fool enough to still want to buddy up to Romney and trash Perry instead.
I wonder what percent of Americans could explain in 100 words or less what is going on in Greece and Italy.
Athenians said to have felt hostility from other Europeans after complaining about....
The leftard reality distortion field has been set to warp factor eleventybillion. No proof, no evidence, no names, nothing and yet we are told that it was sexual harrassment. No wonder Cain is getting a bounce and donations because people see him getting screwed and they are telling politico and the media at large to go fuck themselves. However, the media attempt now is to forward this meme so it hounds Cain. I can already see the satirical spoofs already being videoed of Cain putting his hand beneath his chin and that being code for blowjob. Chapelle could pull it off and make it funny.
Psychedelic George said...
I wonder what percent of Americans could explain in 100 words or less what is going on in Greece and Italy.
I can do it in 4 words: Socialist welfare state fail.
Compare with the treatment given Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey.
I guess the Gray Lady felt obliged to do something after being scooped on the Breck Girl by the National Enquirer, so they gave us this.
Palladian said...
Aren't we supposed to MOVE ON whenever we hear these stories about politicians sexually harassing women?
That only applies to degenerate, sociopathic white men who are compared to the worst the black community has to offer.
Real black men with real accomplishments who have shaken off their chains must be inquisited.
Another oddity here is that the "hostile workplace" thing seems to have occurred - or remained - after Mr Cain had left the organization, though the NYT artfully smudges over the timelines.
My favorite from the story:
“She wants to get back to her normal life and not be in this spotlight,” said one person who has spoken with her.
Spotlight? She's still maintaining her anonymity.
As I said, I too am an innocent victim of sexual harassment!
Your exercise requires a careful reading of this headlines. The writers count on people not engaging in careful reading, so they can convey a particular meaning, without being held to that meaning.
Sunday New York Times headline, according to my trusted sources:
Herman Cain's campaign stumbles
Women and minorities hardest hit
Wolf has been cried too many times to take it seriously. I can't make myself care anymore.
WV: hothot--what the accuser is not not.
"Co-workers Said to Have Felt Fear of Being Complained About After Woman Complained About Cain"
I had a lengthy discussion on Facebook with a young woman who goes to school at Amherst over these allegations against Cain.
She insisted that my disagreement with her feminist politics was in itself a form of sexual harassment!
As she got angrier and angrier over disagreement, she began to insist that my disagreement proved that I committed violence against women.
In fact, she became quite specific. She said I undoubtedly touch women without their consent and refuse to take no for an answer.
This woman fabricated abuse charges again me that became more severe every time I disagreed with her.
I'm encountering this more and more with leftists. Disagreeing with them is a form of abuse. They're taught this in schools.
You can imagine how this plays out in the workplace.
Althouse: While I certainly detest Herman Cain, I want to say that is one of the most brilliant takedowns of an ersatz headlines I have ever seen.
Deconstructionist abd structuralist criticism deservedly gets a bad rap a lot of the time, and one on the whole can be thankful they no longer dominates the academic humanities. But your treatment there shows the true value of reading against the grain.
Thank you.
While I certainly detest Herman Cain
Unlike the Clinton years, where any and every possible conspiracy theory was plausible and warranted relentless press inquiry - from murder to drug running - the Cain saga is just all so unknowable. It could be literally anything BUT sexual harrassment!
Scott M: haha.
Unlike the Clinton years, where any and every possible conspiracy theory was plausible and warranted relentless press inquiry - from murder to drug running - the Cain saga is just all so unknowable. It could be literally anything BUT sexual harrassment!
Poor judgment in bringing up Clinton, garbage.
After all, he was involved in sex acts with an intern under his authority, who was also decades younger than him.
We know this for a fact.
Maybe you'd better try again on the hypocrisy thing.
I'm feeling some hostility from garage. If I ever find out who he/she is, I'm suing his/her ass off.
Ugh, I wish the comments section had an "edit" feature. Or, I wish I could type competently. Or both.
The severance agreement was unusual not only for its size, three people familiar with it said, but also for its confidentiality provision.
What!?!! The NYT thinks that confidentiality agreements are unusual? How can they possibly make this claim?
Confidentiality agreements in settlements, of any and all kinds, are about as unusual as sand on a beach.
- Lyssa
What's to detest about Herman Cain? He's obviously a great man. He'll make a fine cabinet secretary. He would be a truly exceptional White House spokesperson, though that job is beneath him.
Confidentiality agreements are a dime a dozen.
I'll repeat. When I was laid off from my last full time job six years ago, I was given a five figure payment and I signed a confidentiality agreement, agreeing among other things to say nothing negative about my employer.
My employer was concerned that I would file an age discrimination complaint or suit against it.
I had no intention of doing so, but I signed the agreement and took the payment.
I could now, if I chose, claim that that agreement represents some admission of wrong doing on the part of my ex-employer. But, it doesn't.
I know how she feels. Complaining about a nice guy is not as much fun as it used to be.
Telling lies about a person whom the listeners already have gotten to know well, like and respect is generally a useless task and only makes the listeners look funny at you.
The secret to making fatal shots with slander arrows is to make them to strangers who are curious to here a great tale told with embellishment and feeling.
That slippery Cain has inoculated the jury pool that the tale bearers are trying to poison. Foiled again.
This story: takes the statement from NOW regarding Clinton (and helpfully reminds us that he "ran his hand up her thigh, exposed himself to her, asked for oral sex and pointedly reminded her of his friendship with her immediate boss") and compares them to NOW's statements involving Cain.
Unbelievable. Sometimes I think that the thing that liberals call "feminism" is some kind of weird performance art.
If it credibly comes out that Cain: 1) ran his hand up an unwilling woman's thigh, 2) exposed himself to someone, 3) asked for oral sex from a co-worker who he wasn't in a relationship with, OR 4) pointedly reminded a woman of his friendship with her immediate boss in connection with this sort of behavior, I will certainly condemn it, and state that he should drop out.
Don't expect that to happen, though. NOW is an embarassment to women.
- Lyssa
People -- We have no idea who is lying. That's not the issue. The issue is this ridiculous double standard where people can cloak claims based on sexual harassment in anonymity.
It's ridiculous. It's not as if this person is alleging rape (and if she was, that still shouldn't be a shield). What's the very worst of the allegations? We don't even know. And it's bullshit.
By the way, if Cain did harass someone and there was a confidentiality agreement, he should sue this alleged victim. If , she has breached it by talking about what happened. He should take her house. He should ruin her life.
Unlike the Clinton years, where any and every possible conspiracy theory was plausible and warranted relentless press inquiry - from murder to drug running - the Cain saga is just all so unknowable. It could be literally anything BUT sexual harrassment!
How many years until the former rapist-in-chief's files are opened? 35? Can't wait!
Sometimes I think that the thing that liberals call "feminism" is some kind of weird performance art.
Nonsense. Art has it's own intrinsic integrity. Feminism has all the integrity of a drive-by shooting.
$45K "unusual" for the settlement? In the late 1990's, I believe a top line senior Washington sex harassment defense lawyer would bill in the $350-$450/hour range. At that time I was a Partner in the DC office of a multi-office firm and our senior DC litigators were in that range.
To take a case through trial would run many times $45K, so it seems to me that a $45K settlement reflects a close to worthless claim.
As far as confidentiality in settlement agreements, that's the norm from my (limited) experience.
"even if then-Governor Bill Clinton propositioned and pawed then-state employee Paula Jones — certainly misconduct for any employer or supervisor, Jones does not have a valid harassment claim because she could not prove that the overall result was a hostile work environment."
Truly stunning. Apparently, the acts themselves aren't hostile?
You'd be a good English teacher, if this Law thing doesn't work out.
Sound familiar?This is exactly what they did to Palin.
"They" did. And they did it when they Palinized Perry.
11/4/11 2:56 PM
Perry Palinized himself.
NOW is only an embarrassment to the women that buy into its BS, not women who can think for themselves.
I have felt up a bunch of women's tits at work and they loved it.
No big deal.
Get over women, those tits sticking out in that really tight sweater need a good roughing up.
I guess reading the actual article is too hard for some of you?
The woman [and two other witnesses] alleged that Cain made a proposition - after they had all been drinking - that she leave with him. She said no. She made allegations and then felt hostility in the workplace afterwards.
What is so hard to understand about that?
If anything, it is sort of in Cain's favor because it shows that people in the workplace respected him and they felt she was [perhaps] overreacting.
Truly stunning. Apparently, the acts themselves aren't hostile?
If I were walking around the office knowing that at any time, some guy was going to feel me up, (expose himself to me, ask me for oral sex) and I wouldn't be able to say anything or I might lose my job, yeah, that sounds pretty darn hostile.
These things do occassionally happen, and they're a problem that sexual hassment laws and tort claims should solve. But they're rare, and should not be confused with cases where someone says something off-color (or something- we still have no idea!) and someone feels "uncomfortable." It's sad and hurts everyone (legitimate victims like Ms. Jones (and Kathleen Wiley, who should be a household name) as well as the potential victims of false accusations) when people abuse the system by crying wolf, and when people let them get away with it by paying them to keep quiet.
Matt -- Remember how you wanted Obama to kick ass and how he kicked so much ass when he tried to schedule a speech on the same night as an already-scheduled Republican debate?
Remember that ass kicking? How did it go?
And how is the rest of your ass kicking going, dude? I bet you are kicking a lot of ass.
I have been sexually hit upon at work and I find it quite rewarding. I never acted upon it because they were ugly. But I actually like the attention, who wouldn't.
People should be flattered.
I think if you have never been sexually harassed it says more about you and it's kind of sad.
Seven Machos
Obama is a nicer guy than I would like him to be. I'm dissapointed. Wish he was a liberal too. Can't have everything. [shrug].
NOW is only an embarrassment to the women that buy into its BS, not women who can think for themselves.
It's embarrassing to me, as a woman, that people might for even a second confuse me with these women, or that people might think that they speak for me. It's further embarrassing that there are any women that would give up their sexual liberty (or worse, argue that others should) for a politician they agree with.
Shorter Lyssa
I beleive every single allegation ever leveled at Bill Clinton.
Cain? Yawn. It's just a piece of paper!
Maybe she felt the hostility from her co-workers because the co-workers felt she was full of shit and her complaint without merit.
It's embarrassing to me, as a woman, that people might for even a second confuse me with these women, or that people might think that they speak for me. It's further embarrassing that there are any women that would give up their sexual liberty (or worse, argue that others should) for a politician they agree with.
So, lyssa, why do you find my attitude offensive?
You've admitted that sensible, decent feminism is just about a contradiction in terms.
I've raised two daughters, both of whom have M.A.s, professional careers and successful lives.
I'm confused that you can't see the reality of my life. Why does ideology seem so important to you?
You don't seem to be one of those people who think that proper ideology is more important than a good outcome in life.
Matt said;
Seven Machos
Obama is a nicer guy than I would like him to be. I'm dissapointed. Wish he was a liberal too. Can't have everything. [shrug].
11/4/11 3:53 PM
Me too Matt.
Yeah, Matt, I bet you are real tough motherfucker who kicks ass all day. I bet you shit nails.
I bet you like to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and I bet you are all out of bubblegum.
Good luck with all that ass kicking, there, dude. Keep kicking ass.
Shorter Lyssa
I beleive every single allegation ever leveled at Bill Clinton.
Cain? Yawn. It's just a piece of paper!
And, why not, garbage?
Clinton's depredations against women are a matter of public record.
There's no proof against Cain. In fact, we don't even have an accuser who is actually identified.
You probably should cease on this Clinton shit, garbage. It all backfires.
In one of my first jobs at Time Warner the Senior VP would pay me to go out with him.
No sex though. He was gross.
He was british and filthy rich. I went to Wimbledon with him.
I got about 50k from him in one year.
Then he told me he had cancer and needed the money back for treatment.
I didn't believe him and wanted to keep the money.
I stopped talking to him and he was very harassing.
Then he died.....of cancer.
Seven Machos
Are you still in the 7th grade? Or did your brain just stop developing then?
Obama is a nicer guy than I would like him to be. I'm dissapointed. Wish he was a liberal too. Can't have everything. [shrug].
You won't be satisfied with anybody to the right of V.I. Lenin?
The "Obama isn't a liberal" thing is simply hilarious.
It's okay for Clinton to come all over blue dresses and stick cigars up pussies in the Oval Office. It's okay for that fat, dead fuck Ted Kennedy to kill a woman. It's okay for John Edwards to father a bastard child with a campaign worker while his wife dies of cancer.
We'll look past all that shit. Right, Garage? But wholly unsubstantiated allegations of unspecified and vague sexual harassment by unnamed accusers against a Republican -- this we must take seriously. This is cause for alarm.
The leftist moral world is a sad, sorry joke. But fight the good fight. Kick ass, Matt and April. Kick ass. I bet you kick a lot of ass.
Tell us. When was the last ass you kicked? Tell us about that violent event.
Matt -- You are the one who talks about kicking a bunch of ass, dude.
Tell us about it. Tell us about your agenda of violence and your daily regimen. How do you do it? Do you bring weapons? Do you lift a lot of weights to stay ready for the next ass kicking?
And what do you weigh and how tall are you? And what is your percentage of body fat? I bet you are a lean, mean motherfucker. You must be, to kick all the ass you kick.
I think I have mentioned this but the British guy kept a pot of public hair in his medicine cabinet? They were all different colors too so hit wasn't from the same hog.
What is that all about?
I though maybe he flossed his teeth with it but never asked.
garage mahal said...
Unlike the Clinton years, where any and every possible conspiracy theory was plausible and warranted relentless press inquiry - from murder to drug running
Yeah, that blue dress and everything Monica told Linda Tripp or all the details Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broaddrick provided meant nothing.
- the Cain saga is just all so unknowable. It could be literally anything BUT sexual harrassment!
A few facts might clear the air, but when did the Left ever let facts get in the way?
We'll look past all that shit. Right, Garage?
No! I'm saying we all have to be as vigilant [if not MORE vigilant] with Cain as we were with Clinton. Investigate everything, leave no stone left unturned, that sort of thing. Don't you think?
Fuck the facts. Allie and Matt just want to kick some ass! That Obama is too nice to kick ass, though. If only Obama could just kick ass, that would change everything. There's be no discord then, just a bunch of kicked asses and Obama, triumphant.
Let's agree to agree to KICK SOME ASS and get to the bottom of the Cain allegations. What do you say Truthseeker?
No! I'm saying we all have to be as vigilant [if not MORE vigilant] with Cain as we were with Clinton. Investigate everything, leave no stone left unturned, that sort of thing. Don't you think?
No. We should be as vigilant with Cain as we were with Obama... which is to say, not at all.
Cain should be getting the free pass a black man deserves. Just like Obama did.
lyssalovelyredhead --
"Sometimes I think that the thing that liberals call "feminism" is some kind of weird performance art."
You would be correct.
I beleive every single allegation ever leveled at Bill Clinton.
Cain? Yawn. It's just a piece of paper!
Wait - someone's levelled accusations at Cain, like Willey and Jones *coughnotanonymouscough* did to Clinton?
Who, pray tell?
P.S. - Did you hear that the NRA offered to release Bennett's client from the confidentiality requirement, but she's declined? Hmm. You know who else likes to retain anonymity? Snipers.
Didn't the Clinton Years teach us ANYTHING???
Shouting Thomas
The "Obama isn't a liberal" thing is simply hilarious.
It is far more accurate than claiming he is somehow a 'Marxist', which is an abusively overused term that has no basis in reality.
Extends Bush tax cuts - Yes
Continues and expands war in Afghanistan - Yes
Puts Social Security cuts on the table - Yes
Has a more aggressive anti immigration policy than Bush - Yes
Has done more deregulation than Bush - Yes
Begun to pull back on EPA regulations - Yes
Raised taxes - No [Even Reagan raised taxes and SS taxes as well.]
The list goes on.
Just because Obama was loved by liberals doesn't mean he has governed like one. He is what I would call a moderate in liberal clothing.
Garage -- As I have said here and other places, the issue here isn't the truth the allegations. They could be true. The issues are:
1. Democrats get a pass for shit that is much worse for a long time. Sometimes, those Democrats are good and worthy politicians, like Clinton. Other times it's trashy ambulance chasers like John Edwards or someone like Jesse Jackson. That's wrong. There is an obvious pattern of agenda.
2. No one should be able to make allegations of any kind hiding being a veil of anonymity. It's one thing to try. It's another thing for the entire press to be acquiescent. Why aren't these people outed? Again, there's a pattern of agenda.
And so, dude, you are right but only the way a hypocrite is right. There are bigger issues lurking and the next time a leftist does the same thing, or there are such allegations, that leftist gets a pass. Will you endorse that?
Didn't the Clinton Years teach us ANYTHING???
Yes, they taught us that, if the accused is a Democrat, he's entitle to one free grope.
He is what I would call a moderate in liberal clothing.
It would be better if Obama was a shit-stomping ass kicker like you! You wouldn't stand for this petty politics and these stupid previously scheduled events. No fucking way. You'd get out there and force your will upon the world. You are the vanguard, dude. The vanguard of fucking kicking ass.
And if that means we have to hang some dirty kulaks by the lamp posts, well, that's part of ass kicking. Suck it up. Right, Matt?
So Cain gets one free grope?
Who would have thought conservatives would rally around a candidate 14 yrs removed from Clinton with that motto!
Extends Bush tax cuts - Yes
Continues and expands war in Afghanistan - Yes
Puts Social Security cuts on the table - Yes
Has a more aggressive anti immigration policy than Bush - Yes
Has done more deregulation than Bush - Yes
Begun to pull back on EPA regulations - Yes
Raised taxes - No [Even Reagan raised taxes and SS taxes as well.]
He didn't extend the Bush tax cuts. He lost the 2010 election to the Tea Party, which left him no choice.
Yes, he accepted the Bush Doctrine in the war on terror. Only an idiot would have done otherwise.
Obama has consistently tried to stop oil, gas and coal development in the U.S. That's part of the reason so many people are out of work.
I don't know about EPA regulations. I know that he's tried to strangle the coal industry. In reality, he might be pulling back out of some sort of concession to political reality. Shutting down coal plants will only increase unemployment and start and inflationary spiral. Nonetheless, he supported the green scams until his legs were cut out from under him.
Yes, he certainly wants to raise taxes in every way imagineable, which is clearly the liberal platform.
All you're saying is that political and economic reality has constrained him from implementing a fully progressive program. In fact, what your saying is that he wants to be re-elected, and that he's pulling back from some of the most disastrous of his far left projects.
He's as liberal a president as will ever be elected. It's possible that the after shock of his failure will prevent a liberal president from every being elected again.
garage mahal --
"I'm saying we all have to be as vigilant [if not MORE vigilant] with Cain as we were with Clinton. Investigate everything, leave no stone left unturned, that sort of thing. Don't you think?"
Agreed. What say we start with the facts behind the accusation> You know, time, place... names?
So Cain gets one free grope?
Who would have thought conservatives would rally around a candidate 14 yrs removed from Clinton with that motto!
We don't even know if Cain got his free grope, yet, garbage.
Let's wait and see.
Edit feature? Competent typing? What, and lose all the comedy value provide by the lack of either??? :-)
What's to detest about Herman Cain? He's obviously a great man. He'll make a fine cabinet secretary. He would be a truly exceptional White House spokesperson, though that job is beneath him.
After he's elected president Cain can appoint Romney to the position of White House lawn jockey, in which position I'm certain Romney will acquit himself well.
All you're saying is that political and economic reality has constrained him from implementing a fully progressive program.
Yes. This! Exactly!
Matt's response to Obama's failures to implement various parts of Obama's ridiculously ultra-liberal agenda is that Obama is too nice. No, you dumb ass. Obama failed to get enough votes in Congress and failed to convince the American people.
Matt's and April's response is that Obama just needs to kick ass -- which is what they would do. These people don't realize the utterly, totally fascist nature of their statements. When I call them on it with brilliant ridicule, they don't get it. This is because they are shallow and stupid.
But you keep on kicking ass, Matt. Stay tough, you big, bad motherfucker.
Matt's and April's response is that Obama just needs to kick ass -- which is what they would do. These people don't realize the utterly, totally fascist nature of their statements. When I call them on it with brilliant ridicule, they don't get it. This is because they are shallow and stupid.
The 2010 elections removed the boot from Obama's foot.
He couldn't have kicked ass if he wanted to.
Republicans didn't block anything!
He couldn't have kicked ass if he wanted to.
Which elevates rationalizations that Obama is a moderate or that Obama is too nice from the sorry to the comical.
April and Matt would do...what exactly in the face of reality? They say they'd kick ass. This is, of course, a farce. They probably weigh 220 pounds collectively (unless one of them is a lard ass) and they've never been in a serious physical or political confrontation in their lives where the stakes are anything beyond what the appetizer should be.
But, in their deep, dark hearts, they are violent fascists. They don't respect democracy or constitutionalism. And this comes out in the metaphors they use.
Obama is not in the legislature!
Republicans didn't block anything!
They blocked precisely what the electorate elected them to block.
That's what democracy looks like.
In '78 I once had my ass groped as I was standing in a plant hallway looking in a window.
There was a crowd of women workers passing at the time though there were some men in the group too.
I have to confess that I quite enjoyed it. Unless it was one of the guys.
I had not realized that I had been sexually harassed.
Can anyone recommend a good lawyer?
John Henry
Seven--a while back you got all over me for making what you alleged was an incendiary comment.
You are going over the edge here son--take your own advice you gave to me, and cool it. Just my opinion.
What was your incendiary comment, Roger? I imagine it had something to do with race.
I'm not sorry you are taken aback in your tender mind with my comments about ass kicking. I'm not sorry that offends you.
I am surprised nobody has mentioned Ron Paul.
He spent all those years fondling women's vaginas.
And he gets away with it just because he is an Ob-Gyn?
Unfair. I think he is getting a pass because he is white.
John Henry
you are wrong--but being wrong has never stopped you before.
As it turns out I usually appreciate your comments--and I dont mind if you get on my case--this is a blog and doesnt have nearly the bite of usenet flame wars.
So flame away--not important. You are looking pretty foolish here.
Roger -- I am sorry you don't get the point, which I have even bothered to explain.
Oh well. Good luck to you.
Seven--I dont get your point--but thats OK
Go out and do good.
Shouting Thomas
Extends Bush tax cuts - Obama could easily have vetoed the bill. He has that ability for that bill.
Political reality or not if he was truly a [left] liberal he would not acquiesce the way he has.
And you can't have it two ways. You can't claim he is far left but then say the policies he has supported and bills he signed were not because he was forced by circumstances to vote with Republican. That is absurd. Especially because that is a royal double standard. If you keep signing bills over a three year period which belie your liberal base then you are not a liberal.
To call him the most liberal is laughable. LBJ's [social] policies were far more left as were FDRs.
Again, you are confusing some of the liberals who voted for him with the man himself. Look, I'm sure a bunch of far right goons will end up voting for Romney. But it won't make Romney far right. Romney and Obama are actually pretty darn close to each other. That Healthcare bill is their dual signature.
Matt's and April's response is that Obama just needs to kick ass -- which is what they would do. These people don't realize the utterly, totally fascist nature of their statements.
[I]n their deep, dark hearts, they are violent fascists. They don't respect democracy or constitutionalism. And this comes out in the metaphors they use.
I very much hope we can get to the bottom of these allegations but first we are going to need to know what they are and who made them. Then we are going to have to subject the accusers to some scrutiny. One of them, still anonymous, "wants her normal life back" but it is probably too late for that. I am with those lefty commenters who thinks this needs some real looking into and i hope we do. I do so hope these women are not going to feel "uncomfortable" with what they are about to experience. The press will bat them around like cat toys.
Matt you dont mean to say he is not far enough left you mean to say he has no balls and no principals.
Obama could easily have vetoed the bill.
You don't understand bills, among many other things. Do you think it was a one-paragraph statement only about taxes?
You would have kicked that fucking bill's ass, before and after vetoing it. Because that's what you do: kick ass.
I envy you.
Three women made public claims of sexual misconduct against Clinton:
Paula Jones - Claimed she was summoned to Clinton's hotel room and ordered to kiss his penis. Clinton was disbarred for five years on the last day of his term for lying about this.
Juanita Broaddrick alleged in 1998 that United States President Bill Clinton had raped her on April 25, 1978. Note the very specific date and detailed information about the event.
Kathleen Willey on March 15, 1998, alleged on 60 Minutes that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her on November 29, 1993. Again, a public accusation with specific details.
These three events may or may not have happened the way the accusers suggest, but you have to admit there is a lot of smoke here to deny that there is any fire.
If the feminists of the Democrat party could swallow Bill Clinton without a blink, they have no right to even frown at Herman Cain.
If you keep signing bills over a three year period which belie your liberal base then you are not a liberal.
Obama forced Obamacare through Congress, probably the farthest left legislation since the Johnson era.
Obama dumped $2 trillion into a failed stimulus.
Obama dumped billions into the green scams.
What you are bitching about is the absurdity of your own political position. It has no constituency... at least no constituency that allows a politician to advance it without committing suicide.
No, Obama could not have vetoed the extension of the Bush Tax Cuts. He had no political leverage. Zero.
There is no foothold for your politics in the electorate. If there was, Obama would enact his treasured progressive programs. You cannot win an election playing to progressives.
If the electorate had truly grasped how far left Obama is, he would have been defeated by McCain. The media conspired to cover up Obama's past.
You're lucky Obama's black. That's what got him elected. If he were white, and his progressive politics had been fully understood, he would not have been elected.
Matt you dont mean to say he is not far enough left you mean to say he has no balls and no principals.
Jesus, you guys are morons!
The electorate found out through painful experience how far left Obama is, and they voted to stop him dead in his tracks.
Your agenda is hated by 95% of the populace. Suck it up and accept reality.
Robert Cook sends Jews to ovens because a homeless vagrant shouted obscenties at some OWS camper, and is also responsible for 100 million deaths, because of.... something.
Now the prase "kicking ass" = fascism
I'm thinking Dan Riehl may be right when he said today "This isn’t a serious political movement right now, it’s a clown show, one with which I’m coming to resent being affiliated."
Matt you dont mean to say he is not far enough left you mean to say he has no balls and no principals.
11/4/11 4:52 PM
Oh dear God in Heaven, hell has frozen over. For once I agree with Michael.
If the feminists of the Democrat party could swallow Bill Clinton without a blink, they have no right to even frown at Herman Cain.
Are you referring to deep throating?
Matt said...
Shouting Thomas
The "Obama isn't a liberal" thing is simply hilarious.
It is far more accurate than claiming he is somehow a 'Marxist', which is an abusively overused term that has no basis in reality.
Extends Bush tax cuts - Yes
After saying he wanted them to expire.
Blinking after you pick a fight isn't winning.
Continues and expands war in Afghanistan - Yes
You mean the withdrawl plan even the Demos think is foolhardy?
Or the one where he cut McChrystal's troop list in half and, as soon as the got there, ordered them back out again?
Puts Social Security cuts on the table - Yes
On which he has since reneged.
Has a more aggressive anti immigration policy than Bush - Yes
Yeah, that fence just shot right up, didn't it?
Has done more deregulation than Bush - Yes
Matt's obviously on another planet.
This Administration is setting records for new regs. It's why nobody's investing or expanding.
Begun to pull back on EPA regulations - Yes
1 smog regulation does not make up for all the EPA regulations intended to implement cap and trade.
Raised taxes - No [Even Reagan raised taxes and SS taxes as well.]
I seem to recall Zero wanting people to pay "their fair share".
And Reagan was double-crossed by the Demos in a we'll-cut-spending-if-you-raise-taxes deal.
Try again.
And somebody send Matt back to grade school. The guy's a bush league PB&J.
Let me repeat this of Allie:
Jesus, you guys are morons!
The electorate found out through painful experience how far left Obama is, and they voted to stop him dead in his tracks.
Your agenda is hated by 95% of the populace. Suck it up and accept reality.
Obama slipped through because he's black. This was your best chance ever to slip a progressive agenda past the electorate.
They recognized Obama for what he is, and voted to shackle him with a Republican House.
Get used to it. Even if he's re-elected, he'll be confronted with a Republican Congress.
Sexual harassment is not the dominant form of hostility in the workplace, religious test and political tests are.
That was so true at the late Borders that even customers began to take notice and drift away from the store; grateful for Amazon, Kindle, and iBooks.
Intimations of racism ended any discussion of our failing president. My civic values and religious beliefs were a daily source of ridicule and fair game for the most outrageous comments. Formal complaints utlimately changed nothing. Yes two managers were transferred without reprimand or demotion. But the new manager was even more blatant in his remarks. Thus giving the go ahead for others, including employees. Managers refusing to acknowledge you in a meeting or on the sales floor or in the morning was common. Signals were clear who was "in" and who was "out" and to complain was to be laughed at openly.
This is what NOW and the ACLU and the 21st century civil rights establishment have created and it is virtually invisible. In law school we would have called that intentional infliction of emotional distress, but the professors and students would have sided with management.
Liquidation at Borders only intensified the daily hostility.
The real problem here is that Republicans are no more inclined to acknowledge this than the Extreme Left Democratic Party.
Now the prase "kicking ass" = fascism
If you insist upon imposing your agenda upon people who do not want your agenda and have expressly voted so, you are a fascist. There is no other explanation.
The particular metaphor -- kick ass -- is a perfect expression of fascism in the political context. It means make people submit to your will despite their desire not to do so.
This is all very obvious.
So, Allie, what's your suggestion?
In 2010, Obama was severely reprimanded by the electorate. Even he admitted that he got his butt kicked.
He lost the ability to push legislation through Congress.
What's your solution? Martial law?
I don't agree that Obama won because he is black. That is a factor, but not the factor. What was more important was the perfect political storm. In 2008, no Republican was going to win. Also, Obama was smart enough to make himself totally nebulous. What is more nebulous than his own slogan -- hope and change?
The 2008 election was very similar to the 1996 election, where was race was not a factor. And the 2012 election will be similar to the 1980 election, provided that we can nominate someone remotely decent as a national candidate.
NOT 1996
1976! 76.
And the 2012 election will be similar to the 1980 election, provided that we can nominate someone remotely decent as a national candidate.
We can only hope.
So far, no Ronald Reagan on the horizon.
Titus, what a cruel hussy you are.
Matt would be right there fighting the good fight with the Occupy Oakland thugs but he doesn't want to get his hair mussed.
Honestly I have no solutions.
He could use his Executive powers in some instances, but then the right will yell it's unconstitutional. If he has to contend with a Republican House and Senate, nothing will happen the next four years. The country will be screwed.
Honestly I have no solutions.
He could use his Executive powers in some instances, but then the right will yell it's unconstitutional. If he has to contend with a Republican House and Senate, nothing will happen the next four years. The country will be screwed.
No, the best thing that could happen is for "nothing to happen the next four years."
The less government does, the better.
You're not bright enough to grasp this very brilliant idea, Allie.
Is there any reason to continue reading newspapers or watching television news?
I fully stopped about 3 years ago. What I get secondhand from Althouse confirms my decision to forego these dull repetitive mimeographs. Nothing true can be said, nothing vital can be learned. All is for The Party, nothing outside of The Party.
Apparently plenty of people continue to read them, for reasons I cannot fathom. A murmuration of opinions is but a pale imitator of starlings.
You linked The Heritage Foundations from last year. While Bloomberg this year writes:
Obama’s White House has approved fewer regulations than his predecessor George W. Bush at this same point in their tenures, and the estimated costs of those rules haven’t reached the annual peak set in fiscal 1992 under Bush’s father, according to government data reviewed by Bloomberg News.
Anti- immigration
Why must the only issue be a fence? Obama has done something far more effective and that is penalize businesses who hire illegal immigrants. He has also doubled the humber of deportations. Yes, doubled.
Social Security
A liberal president would never even consider putting Social Security on the table. Don't be so sure he has reneged.
Sure, Obama wants to bring the capital gains tax up to where it was in the Clinton era. Which was lower than it was under any other president until Bush. Hardly liberal. More like status quo. Again, Obama the moderate.
If he has to contend with a Republican House and Senate, nothing will happen the next four years. The country will be screwed.
Yeah, dude. Like 1994-2000. Remember how we were totally screwed then and nothing got done and the economy was a disaster. Nobody would want to go back to that disaster.
That's why it's better for you to insist on kicking ass. Bring your big knife -- the one you slit throats with!
Is there any reason to continue reading newspapers or watching television news?
The Chicago Tribune has excellent coverage of the Cubs.
And, I've seen some great football games on TV this year.
Wisconsin v. Ohio State was particularly good.
Allie--as I have said elsewhere, a veto proof republican congress is a good solution in this sense: it is a very effective check on an executive not willing to listen to what, I believe, the American people are interested in.
Gridlock, it seems to me, is a very effective device for checking an out of control executive or an out of control legislative branch.
Well thank you Shouting, you are my mentor, I sit at your feet and inhale of your knowledge. Even if it stinks.
Sorry, that's number of deportations not 'humber'. Bottom line Obama has a more effective anti-immigration policy than Bush.
Nine percent
$15 trillion
Anti- immigration
Nine percent
$15 trillion
Social Security
Nine percent
$15 trillion
Nine percent
$15 trillion
Dead Obama
Nine percent
$15 trillion
Any other ass-kicking bullshit
Nine percent
$15 trillion
Dead Osama! Osama!
Nine percent
$15 trillion
Ha ha ha ha. This is the best backwards thing I ever read.
Well thank you Shouting, you are my mentor, I sit at your feet and inhale of your knowledge. Even if it stinks.
That's good.
Yes, it does stink, but it's reality. Government isn't the solution.
It's better to restrain the government, and let the private sector do its thing.
You are impatient and you want to wave a magic wand. Your magic wand is the government. Unfortunately, as Obama has proven, it doesn't work.
I rather hoped thats what seven meant--otherwise the secret service would be knocking on his door.
Althouse complaining about a ridiculous "headline??"
If I were Rutenberg or Zeleny, I'd be embarrassed to have my name attached to a story with so little factual content.
Hahaha, damn I was kind of wishing he wouldn't have caught his mistake.
Roger J. - Speaking of a "veto proff Congress"...isn't that what G.W. had for his first term plus?
And look where that got us.
Love -- Tell us about the solvency of Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid. Tell us how that is going to go on forever, as you said yesterday.
I love that one. I just can't get enough of it.
Tell us also how people who don't believe your fantasies are merely misled by talk show hosts, while you, Platonic philosopher king, have the True Knowledge from an independent source.
Why is that, Allie? Is it because you are an ass kicker who harbors a desire to use physical violence to enact your woefully detested agenda?
Or is it something else? Some other kind of ass kicking?
All of this "Cain will be elected President" sounds so much like all of the "Palin will be elected President" tripe that appeared here on a minute by minute basis.
Are you people EVER right about anything? (No pun intended.)
Cain won't even be the nominee because the GOP will not, under any circumstances select him to be so.
It will never, ever happen.
Love -- Where does anyone say Cain will be the nominee?
I'll wait.
In your case, yes. In the case of Shouting Thomas, no, he may be vicious, but I kind of like the old dog.
Sometimes you are amusing.
Sometimes you are annoying.
Sometimes you are annoyingly amusing, in a Three Stooges sort of way.
Sometimes you are a fucking genius.
Today you are a fucking genius.
To be clear, when i say that our President has no balls and no principals i do not do so to mount a high horse. I say it with deep and profound contempt for the liar and fool that proports to lead us.
Bender - The Romney camp has long been in the business of planting smears. The thing is -- Cain is fool enough to still want to buddy up to Romney and trash Perry instead
Romney camp is pretty clean.
As for Cain and Romney respecting one another as men and business leaders - they do. As expected. Romney may well want to have Cain in his Administration. (Just not as VP, Herman's age, health, and knowledge holes make that a hard thing to see)
Romney also might give Sarah Palin a rehab role as a cabinet officer or some other important position where she could show that she is capable - to many skeptics. Palin got a raw deal and was burned by being put into a VP slot she wasn't ready for, in a confused campaign that helped make her look bad.
While Perry is a little dumb and best left in Texas, Santorum and Bachmann a little unsavory and hardcore idealogues...I'd look for Jeb Bush, Haley Barbour and Tom Pawlenty, perhaps Bobby Jindal to get offers of important spots. If, Romney gets the nomination and wins, of course.
Good luck, Allie. Twat.
Is that all ya got Seven? Your losing your touch.
What's the deal with Herman Cain? There are at least two settlements because of charges of sexual harassment against him and a third woman has now come forward to state that she too was sexually harassed by Cain. I thought Cain was a good Christian which he claimed at the Value Voters Conference last month.
According to the words of Christ as written in Matthew 5:27-28: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart."
Given those words of Christ, I would say that Cain has committed adultery.
I guess I can understand Limbaugh supporting Cain because I'm sure Limbaugh has committed adultery between his four marriages, but I don't understand why so many Family Values Republicans are still supporting Cain? Does this mean that Republicans are actually OK with Clinton's infidelities as well?
Seven - So nobody here thinks Cain will be the nominee? Nobody wants him to be the nominee? All of the comments on a daily basis, relating to everything that comes out of his mouth doesn't really have any relationship to any of that?
Everybody here just really likes his pizza?
Uh-huh...that must be it.
Battling with leftist nitwits gets tiring after awhile. How many different ways can I explain your disgusting authoritarian tendencies to you? How many times can I explain that a politician in a democratic constitutional regime cannot foist his will on an unwilling people.
Anyway, babe, at some point even I run out of invective.
Love -- Find the comment in this thread saying that Cain will be -- or even should be -- the nominee.
Also, tell us again about how a $15 trillion debt and an unemployment rate of nine percent is going to allow Social Security and Medicare and Medicaid to continue in their current forms. Don't forget the part about how those things are taxed via wages. And don't forget the part about how 2.2 children will never support an aging population of generations that had many more than 2.2 children.
Humor me, dude. Please. Don't just make conclusionary statements, either. Really tell us everything you know. Start at the beginning.
Love, they like his bright shiny smile, looked so refreshing after the smoking man's grimace. Didn't Althouse herself say that?
I thought Cain was a good Christian...
I thought Bill Clinton was a good Christian. I thought Jesse Jackson was a good Christian. I thought Ted Kennedy was a good Christian.
According to the words of Christ as written in Matthew 5:27-28: “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart."
Fuck you, you self-righteous dickhead. God hates hypocrites. Hell is hot, dude. Scalding. You will burn if you don't mend your ways quick.
Love: re veto proof congresses: Mr Bush IIRC never vetoed any legislation, and again IIRC he never had a 60 seat republican senate during his first term. It does look like Mr Obama might be looking at a solidly republican house and close to a sixty seat republican senate given the number of vulnerable dem incumbents.
Seven - Any reason you refer to another commenter as a "twat" and "babe?"
Do you live in a cave?
It's not as if this person is alleging rape (and if she was, that still shouldn't be a shield). What's the very worst of the allegations? We don't even know. And it's bullshit.
More than one left-wing commentator has referred to these two (or is it three?) anonymous women as Herman Cain "victims."
Victims of what?
Seven Machos said...
"Fuck you, you self-righteous dickhead. God hates hypocrites. Hell is hot, dude. Scalding. You will burn if you don't mend your ways quick."
In that case I guess I'll have a lot of company including Cain.
Roger - Actually G.W. did indeed use his veto powers.
He just waited until the Democrats took over:
In 2006 he finally vetoed legislation, halting a congressional bill that would lift certain funding restrictions for embryonic stem-cell research.
He was the first president to go an entire four year term without using the veto in 239 years.
While the Republicans were in control...of course.
Love -- I use those words because they serve my purposes. Allie can take it. She understands why I use the words I do. And that's a testament to her savvy.
For you, I choose two words: ass clown.
Are you going to tell us about all the comments here saying Cain will be the nominee? Are you going to explain how your government welfare programs will remain solvent?
Or are you just going to carp like some sort of Carrie Nation about how vulgarity offends you?
36 -- Enjoy hell with Herman Cain, then, hypocrite.
sorepaw said..."Victims of what?"
Uh, I'm pretty sure it's referred to as "sexual harassment."
Are you unfamiliar with the term or do you just not agree that it is wrong?
*And before you say nothing really happened; you don't know anything about what did or did not happen...but two monetary settlements appear to indicate something indeed did happen.
Love -- Still waiting.
Cain won't even be the nominee because the GOP will not, under any circumstances select him to be so.
I have no idea whether Herman Cain is going to be the nominee.
I can think of a few reasons why he might not be.
But your political prognostications are reliable, why?
Seven Machos - "Love -- I use those words because they serve my purposes. Allie can take it. She understands why I use the words I do. And that's a testament to her savvy."
So you think using "twat" and Babe" during a discussion or debate fits into the realm of "serving your purpose" and that a woman must be pretty damned "savvy" to not take offense?
You DO live in a cave.
Love--I stand corrected thanks and you are correct that his vetoes, few that they were came in his second term.
sorepaw said..."But your political prognostications are reliable, why?"
It's called an "opinion."
Do YOU think he'll be the next GOP candidate for President?
Roger - Much appreciated...and taken aback by an actual mea culpa appearing on these pages.
Happens almost as often as a black man being elected President.
Uh, I'm pretty sure it's referred to as "sexual harassment."
Are you unfamiliar with the term or do you just not agree that it is wrong?
Tell me what Cain actually did, in concrete terms, and I'll tell you whether I think it was wrong.
Even tell me what Cain is supposed to have done, in concrete terms, and I'll tell you whether I think it was wrong if Cain actually did it.
Merely employing the phrase "sexual harassment" provides no information about what Cain is supposed to have done.
All it does is signal that at least one woman professed to be offended by something he allegedly did.
If she had only walked into his outstretched hands, this would be so much easier.
Seven - I don't know you, but based on your comments, especially the last few, I have a suggestion: Get yourself some psychological help.
Love: I am paraphrasing John M Keynes here but when asked why he changed his mind, he said something to the effect that when the facts change, I change my mind--what do YOU do sir?
Do YOU think he'll be the next GOP candidate for President?
I genuinely have no idea.
I don't share your confidence that Herman Cain's nomination is impossible—a prognostication for which you've provided no plausible reasons.
Love -- You ARE Carrie Nation.
I take back what I said about you being an ass clown. You are actually a twat.
Still waiting on all the posts about how Cain will be the nominee and the explanation about solvency in light of a $15 trillion debt. Let me guess: tax the rich! Tax the corporations! Right? That always works, especially when you must reduce unemployment before you can do anything else.
Love -- You need to stop being a twat.
Matt said...
I guess reading the actual article is too hard for some of you?
The woman [and two other witnesses] alleged that Cain made a proposition - after they had all been drinking - that she leave with him. She said no. She made allegations and then felt hostility in the workplace afterwards.
What is so hard to understand about that?
What's so hard to understand is where you came up with the two witnesses. The woman alleges that there were other people present at the incident. The times talked to two people who were familiar with the woman's complaint. But nowhere does the linked article claim that anyone, at any time claimed to have witnessed the incident.
If the unit merely emitted this output, several times each thread, would any information be lost?
Love said...
...but two monetary settlements appear to indicate something indeed did happen.
Yes. The something that they indicate was that two lawsuits were threatened.
A murmuration of opinions
Is but a pale imitation of starlings,
As a bird in the hand is worth tons
More than two in a bush full of farthings.
Be gentle, Pogo.
Matt said...
The woman [and two other witnesses] alleged that Cain made a proposition - after they had all been drinking - that she leave with him. She said no.
First of all 3 women heard Cain ask one of them if she wanted to leave with him. Yeah, that's pretty hostile and harassing. Can you 'feel' the harassment there?
She made allegations and then felt hostility in the workplace afterwards.
She makes an allegation, not a criminal allegation, but an accusation against Cain and the felt hostility afterward in the work place. Hmmm, I wonder if she was expecting a ticker tape parade and balloon animals to be made in her visage at the idea too? You don't think people would be a little pissed about something like that?
Matt, you child molested me, so now you are going to have to defend yourself. Then your reaction is either going to be one of laughing it off as the suggestion of a crank or get pissed that your name is being besmirched by what you would consider to be a completely baseless lie regardless of who else was there to 'witness' it.
sorepaw - "Tell me what Cain actually did, in concrete terms, and I'll tell you whether I think it was wrong."
Well, can I take the time to call Cain and the women to ask?
Otherwise, you're stuck with three separate women all making the charge, with two of them being paid to keep quite.
Do you think the settlements were just the association's way of saying he really didn't do anything wrong, but we've got so much money on hand we thought we'd give you some of it?
Ignorance is Bliss "Yes. The something that they indicate was that two lawsuits were threatened."
So if I threaten you with a lawsuit, you'll send me money?
If that's the case, I'm mailing out the threat later today.
Seven - Much like Alex, I'm not going to engage you with any form of response, and I hope you do the same in my direction.
I just don't find you to be very bright or informed.
*And I was serious about you getting help.
Love -- I'll keep responding to you. I was serious that you are a twat.
furthermore I'll even go one better. They were drinking outside of the company right? It wasn't a company event right? They weren't in the NRA facilities right? It was private adults in a semi-private setting right? Also, the hostility towards her came after she accused him, but was that hostility coming from Cain or from people who worked with him and knew him and were loyal to him? Seeing the picture?
In an interview, Thomas A. Kershaw, who served as chairman of the board of the association in 1997 and 1998, said that he was not aware of any allegations against Mr. Cain. But he said his sense of humor left room for misinterpretation. “Herman is kind of a kidder, kind of a jokester, particularly when he’s in a relaxed situation,” he said. “I think some people misunderstood what he was saying or what his intent was.”
He added, “I know he’s just a great guy and a wonderful motivator and so forth. I just can’t figure this out.”
Same events different interpretations perhaps? But because she was 'uncomfortable' that's what matters right?
Matt said...
You linked The Heritage Foundations from last year. While Bloomberg this year writes:
Obama’s White House has approved fewer regulations than his predecessor George W. Bush at this same point in their tenures, and the estimated costs of those rules haven’t reached the annual peak set in fiscal 1992 under Bush’s father, according to government data reviewed by Bloomberg News.
From the Puffington piece Matt is using - "Obama has approved 4.7 percent fewer rules than Bush had at the same point in his presidency, but they cost businesses more, according to a Bloomberg News analysis".
4.7% - WOW!
Anti- immigration
Why must the only issue be a fence? Obama has done something far more effective and that is penalize businesses who hire illegal immigrants. He has also doubled the humber of deportations. Yes, doubled.
After he didn't get amnesty or the DREAM Act passed. Oh, and he's cutting back on deportations, too, after his Hispanic approval started tanking.
Social Security
A liberal president would never even consider putting Social Security on the table. Don't be so sure he has reneged.
An incompetent, narcissistic POTUS who thought he was going to be cute and wheedle the Republicans into a position where they could be accused of wanting to throw Grandma off a cliff definitely would.
Sure, Obama wants to bring the capital gains tax up to where it was in the Clinton era. Which was lower than it was under any other president until Bush. Hardly liberal. More like status quo.
Let's take a look at all the ZeroCare-related taxes.
Not to mention tax increases for all wage earners making over 200 grand.
No status, no quo.
Again, Obama the moderate
Again, Zero, the small c communist.
Love said...
So if I threaten you with a lawsuit, you'll send me money?
No, because:
1) I don't have deep enough pockets to have to worry about protecting them.
2) As far as I know, we have never been in together in a situation where my action could be mischaracterized as harrassment.
3) You are not an employee of mine, so I don't have to find a way to make you go away without fear of a wrongful termination lawsuit.
I was in a car accident a few years ago. First car rear-ended second car causing it to rear-end me. The police report said that car one was at fault. My lawyer and my insurance company said that car one was at fault. The driver of car two and her lawyer and her insurance company said that car one was at fault.
Car two drive sued car one driver for medical expenses, pain, and suffering, etc. They also named me as a defendant, on the off chance that a jury somehow decided that I was in some way at fault.
After months of meeting with my lawyer, filling out questionnaires, sitting for a deposition, etc, my insurance company settled our part of the suit for almost $1000, which the lawyer call 'nuisance value'.
So trust me, a settlement indicates that a lawsuit was threatened. Nothing more.
Mark Levin commented last night that no one at Politico bothered to ask anyone on the National Restaurant Association board about what they knew about the Cain accusations.
It turns out that Joseph Fassler, who preceded Herman Cain as President of the association, knew nothing about any legal settlements. He declared the kerfuffle a "hatchet job."
But what about the red flags that Herman Cain has caused with his "I forgot", never knew about the settlement, all I said was that she was the same size as my wife...the trust is not there for me anymore. It is a crying shame...
Jane Doe Felt Up Hostilely at Work After Complaining About Cain.
Love, Seven Machos even calls his own Granny a twat, that's how he shows how " macho" he is.
Tax raises comin' soon, Nacho Macho man. Even Boner says so. Sad--your little Ayn Rand j-o fantasies about to end.
wow Byro-"Love" having a bad day at the Sac t-shirt stand--so time to put on yr dress and the liberal-housewife schtick and entertain the Smurfhouse, eh hayseed. Just stick with your Mein Kampf, Book of Mormon, and Ayn Rand-books like the rest of the schmucks here.
If he [Obama]has to contend with a Republican House and Senate, nothing will happen the next four years.
Good!! Everything that Obama has done and everything the Democrats did since they controlled congress, up until 2010, has been a disaster.
Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing.
Everything that Obama has done been a disaster.
You mean like continue the BushCo tax cuts for the wealthy, hire Bush people (Gates), conservatives like Hillary, work with Bush's man Paulsen on the TARP, hire Goldman Sachs people, increase the DoD budget?? yes Obama the centrist's continuation of Bush Admin policies has hardly been better than BushCo itself (though a lower body count). Stick to the ho-roscopes, Nixon-queen.
J said...
You mean like continue the BushCo tax cuts for the wealthy, hire Bush people (Gates), conservatives like Hillary, work with Bush's man Paulsen on the TARP, hire Goldman Sachs people
Hi dum-dum, I see they let you out of your cell again.
Anyway, you should try and reconcile your drivel with the fact that Obama campaigned against Bush's policies.
Then again, you're barely literate and we wouldn't expect much from you.
If you have held any position of responsibility in government or business in the last twenty years, you know that sexual harassment means that a woman does not like you or wants to make some money off of you. Enough people have been through this meat grinder—or watched someone else go through it—to know what's going on. I don't think this will hurt Cain with the public.
Whats that, Bryo-Jay acidhead-LDS perp? Grazi for evidence, neo-nazi faggot.
You were told to STFU , weren't you pedo. Now Im have to have Miss AT testify on you, yokel scum--this be CA not utah-fagland, dreck. Get ready to par-tay white trash.
(Can't resist --)
Maybe she wanted someone to feel her stility
DBQ: Obama's closing Gitmo was certainly no disaster.
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