So it's apparently insulting to liberals to mention that President Obama is the largest recipient of donations form Goldman Sachs, and that Hillary received the most from BOA.
Garage, are you insulted? Or are you insulted that some of your fellow travelers can't face the truth?
Actually, except for the one 'minder', they were good natured kids. The sort of crowd you'd usually see hanging around the student union at any university at this time of year.
And, for those who actually go there. Thinking the food is free. And, the tents are top of the line. And, also free. SURPRISE. SURPRISE. They come away with head lice.
What's the real lesson? All businesses are now looking at security measures. Glass windows that don't break on impact. And, something "faster" than the police, when private property is invaded.
While even if you're allowed to carry a gun, when these thieves break into a food court demanding money ... the best thing you can do is RUN. RUN the same way you'd RUN FROM A FIRE!
Oh, yeah. In the long run there will be punishments meeted out to politicians. Their old lies could bite the dust?
Wouldn't that be a nice outcome? Maybe, we'll be able to call it "The Anthony Weiner" outcome.
Nah, the "minder" would be the guy who would be the first head of security. He would be liquidated in a year or two by some quiet guy in the background of the videos who kept his mouth shut.
For the most, they seem like decent enough kids, and you wouldn't become suicidal if they dated your daughter. Still, their idealism is a form of willful ignorance.......Corzine can comingle, perhaps even con-mingle, hundreds of millions of his clients' funds. and it doesn't reflect poorly on Democrats. Chrystie is overweight, and it is symbolic of the greed of Republicans.
Another gotcha type video that backfired, everyone of them appeared far more intelligent than the Tea Partiers, who were paranoid about their guns being taken away and if Obaba is a citizen. Proud of these kids, despite some mistakes, it's only starting folks, they will be a force to reckoned with.
What movement was instrumental in ending the Vietnam War? It took several years of protests before it gained traction and affected change,this movement is young.They aren't backed by Daddy Warbucks.
These kids seem reasonably bright, if half in the bag. I wonder if they were exposed to more information from people like Coyne whether they would realize that "corporations" aren't nearly as beholden to conservatism as they seem to believe. But, I'm pretty sure they don't associate with anyone who will ever tell them that. Che isn't known as the butcher of la cabana for nothing and it's pretty easy to find out about his murderous nature, yet he's a hero to most of these kids.
AS the tape shows even the OWS freaks aren't saying "go democrats", as the usual conservative dumbass thinks. Most realize Clinton was at best a demopublican (ie, his assistance to loan sharks) and that G-man Sachs gave Obama a shitload of shekels. So, Instapundit lost.
"... What movement was instrumental in ending the Vietnam War?..."
The Tet Offensive which turned out to be a massive defeat for the NVA and all but destroyed the Viet Cong yet the left along with Cronkite turned it into a media victory for Ho and Giap.
"It's also fun to note how leftists don't actually watch these videos."
How is that fun? They don't make these videos for lefties to watch and don't really care if you do. They are made to be funny for right wingers and expose the independent and apolitical to how OWS and extreme lefties actually think. I would say the relevant audience for these videos are about 2/3 of the population. The audience is certainly not the 1/3 who think the world revolves around them.
They're as stupid as their parents were back in the 60s.
As they say in the African community, beauty may be skin deep, but stupid goes all the way to the bone.
Allie's Apple said...
Another gotcha type video that backfired, everyone of them appeared far more intelligent than the Tea Partiers, who were paranoid about their guns being taken away and if Obaba is a citizen.
Clearly this is the video playing on continuous loop in her head.
What movement was instrumental in ending the Vietnam War? It took several years of protests before it gained traction and affected change
You mean the one run by the KGB, that gave us the Killing Fields, the extermination of the Montagnards, the Boat People, the re-education camps, and the conversion of South Vietnam into Asia's Sweatshop?
"... Che isn't known as the butcher of la cabana for nothing and it's pretty easy to find out about his murderous nature, yet he's a hero to most of these kids..."
Doesn't sound reasonably bright to me.
Then again leftwing mass murderers always get a pass from liberals.
Allie's Apple said... "What movement was instrumental in ending the Vietnam War? It took several years of protests before it gained traction and affected change,this movement is young.They aren't backed by Daddy Warbucks." 11/8/11 10:21 AM Nixon war the VN war with his policy of Vietnamization. Democrats lost the peace by not honoring promises and cutting off aid to SVN which fell to a massive bliezkrieg by NVN tanks. Liberal never forgave Nixon for winning the war they began.
What movement was instrumental in ending the Vietnam War?
The anti-war movement at least had one clear objective that everyone could understand, regardless of whether they agreed with it or not. That's not the case here.
Allie's Apple said... "What movement was instrumental in ending the Vietnam War?
Nixon ended the draft and that ended the 'movement'. After the end of the draft the demonstrations disappeared. They could have cared less about 'war' or "VietNam".
More like, do the GOP-TP morons here know anything about Fidel/Che and the history of Cuba and Latin America, or that CIA operatives helped kill him? No. Whether one agrees or not with Chevara tactics one should know something about the issue instead of just brainfarting.
I still get a kick out of how baby boomers think they were responsible for Civil Rights and ending the Vietnam War. The vast majority of boomers were in the early teens when the hard work was done on Civil Rights. The pressure that brought about the end of Vietnam was brought by Americans (influenced by Cronkite, et. al. and tired by zero perceived progress compared to goals of previous wars) whose kids didn't have the privilege of protesting while deferred from the draft. But other than that, yeah, all change happens in this country because young people sit in mud, beat on drums and get high while they think they are first people to ever think they have all the answers.
Allie's Apple is so right. It was not until Nixon killed those students at Kent State, then murderously blew up the Math Center at UW, then sent John Kerry into Cambodia on Xmas Eve in '68 that Americans woke up and elected Carter to save us all.
"The meticulous myth of Senor Guevara is of a handsome Argentine heroically helping Fidel Castro’s guerrillas liberate Cuba from Fulgencio Batista’s military dictatorship in 1959. Then he became a global revolutionary icon inspiring the downtrodden to rise up everywhere, even personally leading rebel warriors in the Congo before being executed doing the same in Bolivia in 1967. The (communist) party line says Che personifies the selfless humanitarian courageously fighting for “social justice.” He’s the Marxists’ martyred Christ figure replete with pictures of his half-naked corpse riddled with bullet holes. And the classic poster of an angry young Guevara has scarred countless college dorm rooms for over 40 years, putting a face on the eternally young rebel for angry adolescents everywhere.
The real Guevara was a reckless bourgeois adrenaline-junkie seeking a place in history as a liberator of the oppressed. But this fanatic’s vehicle of “liberation” was Stalinism, named for Soviet dictator Josef Stalin, murderer of well over 20 million of his own people. As one of Castro’s top lieutenants, Che helped steer Cuba’s revolutionary regime in a radically repressive direction. Soon after overthrowing Batista, Guevara choreographed the executions of hundreds of Batista officials without any fair trials. He thought nothing of summarily executing even fellow guerrillas suspected of disloyalty and shot one himself with no due process.
Che was a purist political fanatic who saw everything in stark black and white. Therefore he vociferously opposed freedoms of religion, speech, press, assembly, protest, or any other rights not completely consistent with his North Korean-style communism. How many rock music-loving teens sporting Guevara t-shirts today know their hero supported Cuba’s 1960s’ repression of the genre? How many homosexual fans know he had gays jailed?"
From an Essay by Dr. Douglas Young, Professor of Political Science & History at Gainesville State College February 10, 2009
After a century or so of US companies pimping Latin America and setting up mafia paradises (ie, the Batista regime), you're probably going to get a decade or so of red reaction.
Many of us have been there, like these kids, with the same ideas and tactics, but we grew up. They don't know anything, and as is clear in the video, most are just having fun.
It will end. Most will realize that joining the establishment has benefits that are worth working to keep and contribute to. Some will not grow up and they will become homeless or professors. There is nothing new here.
I don't blame these kids for partying and pretending it has some higher purpose - that's what being young and stupid is about, but if you are a news reporter, writer or other grown adult, and you find this stuff to be deep or righteous, then you have wasted your youth not learning anything valuable.
Wouldn't a Timothy McVeigh t-shirt be more fitting to the cause. I mean if want to idolize a idealist mass murderer, get a little more current. I think it's racism that keeps McVeigh's legacy unpopular.
J says: "How the dialectic works... ." Does he mean "How the cookie crumbles?" Mao and the 'Great Leap Forward'--50 million, Stalin, the Kusacks--20 million, Pol Pot, 'Killing Fields'--10 million. Sure makes Che/Fidel look like pimples on Marx's ass.
"It took several years of protests before it gained traction and affected change."
And, as Lars pointed out, the moment Nixon ended the draft, the "Stop The War!" protests vanished like snow in hell. As soon as the upper-middle-class collegiate youths knew they wouldn't have to have their precious best and brightest cabooses shot off, they could leave the war to the unfortunate, no-connection plebes to deal with Charlie. As they say, you can look it up.
Christopher in MA--you got it right. After my 1st tour in VN I visited HS classmates in Madison. A stranger in a 'strange land'. Their concerns all selfish:
1. Their birthday. 2. Profs who graded on a curve of A+ to A-, no study needed [protect deferment]. 3. Next time/location of 'protest' march to get: A. High B. Laid
My sense is that there is a permanent class of slackers, long-in-the-tooth hippies, and other assorted professional grievance types who pretty much live to go to whatever the left-wing "happening" of the moment is. If it's protests in the Madison capitol against Scott Walker, they go there. If it's a IMF or G20 meeting or whatever, they go there. If it's a "Million March" in Washington, they go there. They just want to hang out wherever the "scene" is, do some drugs, dance around, beat some drums, hook up with some hippie chicks, and generally goof off. The actual ideology of what they profess to believe in is really not important as long as it rationalizes being a slacker who has no job or interest in a job and basically wants to perpetually live life as a teenager with no responsibilities except to party. They just can't be taken seriously. They can't speak to the topic of the moment except in the broad cliches that they've heard parroted and they're not really interested anyway...they just want to hang out, get stoned, and hook up with some chicks.
When things get really bad - desperate hunger bad - as I think it will in the next year or two when the financial house of cards collapses - most of these people will drift away back to live with their parents.
"Nixon ended the draft and that ended the 'movement'. After the end of the draft the demonstrations disappeared. They could have cared less about 'war' or "VietNam"."
Nixon ended both the draft and our active participation in the Vietnam war in 1973. Given that the anti-war movement had been agitating for the end of the war, there would have been no reason for them to sustain themselves after what they had wanted to happen...happened!
If some of these people are aware of all of this, why are they especially angry at conservatives? Conservatives are just too square? Rationality is considered overrated? What's the deal?
And yes, I get that most of them probably weren't aware of the points in the video but understood the thrust of the questions. So are they leaving now? Changing their tunes about conservatives?
"If some of these people are aware of all of this, why are they especially angry at conservatives?"
What makes you think they're expecially angry at conservatives? They're angry at the financial institutions--"Wall Street," hence, their name--and the political system and its players who are unresponsive to the needs of the citizenry and who are in bed with Wall Street, creating, in essence, a political/financial criminal syndicate.
In short, in answer to the question "Who's really in bed with the bankers," they're all in bed with the bankers!
"Did you watch the video? Conservatism was mentioned explicitly...."
I saw one guy mention conservatives. You can't assume the whole of OWC has the exact some bias as that one person. (You can't even know how much the little snippet of video might reflect that one person's larger view.)
The occupiers are blaming the wrong people: “It’s not the greedy Wall Street bankers who destroyed these people’s hopes. It’s the virtueocracy itself. It’s the people who constructed a benefit-heavy entitlement system whose costs can no longer be sustained. It’s the politicians and union leaders who made reckless pension promises that are now bankrupting cities and states. It’s the socially progressive policy-makers in the U.S. who declared that everyone, even those with no visible means of support, should be able to own a home with no money down, courtesy of their government. . . . The Occupiers are right when they say our system of wealth redistribution is broken. But they’re wrong about what broke it.”
The fact that they're in New York and not Washington speaks to the fact that they're letting the people currently in Washington off the hook. Also, most of the demands out of OWS have been demands for statist handouts.
Some of the smarter conservatives here, however dull and obvious, are correct that the OWS should probably be protesting..the government itself-- ..and demopublicans (ie remembering that Clinton AND the Gramm-Gingrich gang implemented de-reg which was a big part of the mortgage crisis). But it's sort of a desperation thing, and ...for kicks too.
Go for it, Byro-sorepaw, bipolar stoner-troll (is it left, or right, female, gay, or ethnic today? all of the above), currently dissing the police (grazi for evidence).
I do not understand why this is a surprise. Obama and Clinton are moderate liberals and moderate to conservative Democrats in some ways. They are not radicals and they are not economic populists. Isn't that obvious?
In Canada there are three major political parties -- The Tories, the Liberals and the NDPs.
Liberals are not Radicals. Why is this a surprise to anyone?
"If some of these people are aware of all of this, why are they especially angry at conservatives? Conservatives are just too square? Rationality is considered overrated? What's the deal?"
They would agree, most probably, with conservative populists.
They are populists, and were never supportive of Clinton's and Obama's economic neo-liberalism.
again - "liberals" are generally not "populists" or "radicals." Very different ideological traditions.
In STL, the occupiers are about to get evicted from the local downtown park, by the Mayor. It's getting cold and heading into the holiday season. People will be having events, and the City doesn't want to mess with the unemployed vagrants stinking up downtown.
Most are mad b/c the American Dream has been taken from them, and they're left with $60k in college debt that their parents can't pay off because they're upside down on their homes, if they still have one.
No matter what they try to say it's "about", the spokespeople keep coming back to being about people who used no discretion in spending themselves into serious debt.
They want people who didn't buy $60k in useless college degrees (assuming these people even *completed* college), to pay up.
They want people who aren't upside down on their homes, to pay up.
They want the employed, to pay up, because that's the way they think the world should work.
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९० टिप्पण्या:
So it's apparently insulting to liberals to mention that President Obama is the largest recipient of donations form Goldman Sachs, and that Hillary received the most from BOA.
Garage, are you insulted? Or are you insulted that some of your fellow travelers can't face the truth?
Actually, except for the one 'minder', they were good natured kids. The sort of crowd you'd usually see hanging around the student union at any university at this time of year.
I think you have to be grateful for this farce!
It's not much of a movement. But it sure stinks.
And, for those who actually go there. Thinking the food is free. And, the tents are top of the line. And, also free. SURPRISE. SURPRISE. They come away with head lice.
What's the real lesson? All businesses are now looking at security measures. Glass windows that don't break on impact. And, something "faster" than the police, when private property is invaded.
While even if you're allowed to carry a gun, when these thieves break into a food court demanding money ... the best thing you can do is RUN. RUN the same way you'd RUN FROM A FIRE!
Oh, yeah. In the long run there will be punishments meeted out to politicians. Their old lies could bite the dust?
Wouldn't that be a nice outcome? Maybe, we'll be able to call it "The Anthony Weiner" outcome.
Has his "pregnant wife" had her baby, yet?
Shocking! I continue to be shocked that OWS is full of bums, hippies, conspiracy dorks, and other assorted losers.
The "minder" is the guy who would become chief of the secret police if OWS was a real revolution.
I'm impressed by the high level of seriousness overall.
Imagine being $150,000 in "non-dischargable debt" ... and you can come here to PARTY.
There's been a report that now head lice is breaking out among the participants.
Giving out shampoo that kills head lice should have been one of the winning gifts.
It's MORE unpleasant being in Zucotti park ... than it would be standing on one of NYC's crowded subways.
I don't think the good-natured folks in this video like the conspiratorial "you're here to make liberals look bad" asshot guy either.
Nah, the "minder" would be the guy who would be the first head of security. He would be liquidated in a year or two by some quiet guy in the background of the videos who kept his mouth shut.
For the most, they seem like decent enough kids, and you wouldn't become suicidal if they dated your daughter. Still, their idealism is a form of willful ignorance.......Corzine can comingle, perhaps even con-mingle, hundreds of millions of his clients' funds. and it doesn't reflect poorly on Democrats. Chrystie is overweight, and it is symbolic of the greed of Republicans.
Another gotcha type video that backfired, everyone of them appeared far more intelligent than the Tea Partiers, who were paranoid about their guns being taken away and if Obaba is a citizen. Proud of these kids, despite some mistakes, it's only starting folks, they will be a force to reckoned with.
It's always fun to watch lefties hyperventilate over the dreaded Fox News. It's a conspiracy!
'Another gotcha type video that backfired, everyone of them appeared far more intelligent than the Tea Partiers, ..."
Exactly, that's why you should want the widest possible cirulation for this video.
Allie's Apple said...
Another gotcha type video that backfired,
Yes, it "backfired" if you are as ignorant as them.
Which you clearly are.
It's also fun to note how leftists don't actually watch these videos. forgot to mention how racist the Tea Party was.
Allie's Apple said...
Proud of these kids, despite some mistakes, it's only starting folks, they will be a force to reckoned with
Do you want to bet?
Che rolling papers. I love it.
Who's in bed with bankers? Why, easy. Other bankers.
Wow....Byro-the stoner sockpup. from Sac at work, derailing, mumbling, with some bad trolling
Trace day, "Sorun"
Heh...what mistakes are those Allie? Mass arrests and rioting in Oakland?
Yes I'm sure you are proud.
Carol--you should defer to Titus on movements, he's our resident expert.
What movement was instrumental in ending the Vietnam War? It took several years of protests before it gained traction and affected change,this movement is young.They aren't backed by Daddy Warbucks.
These kids seem reasonably bright, if half in the bag. I wonder if they were exposed to more information from people like Coyne whether they would realize that "corporations" aren't nearly as beholden to conservatism as they seem to believe. But, I'm pretty sure they don't associate with anyone who will ever tell them that. Che isn't known as the butcher of la cabana for nothing and it's pretty easy to find out about his murderous nature, yet he's a hero to most of these kids.
AS the tape shows even the OWS freaks aren't saying "go democrats", as the usual conservative dumbass thinks. Most realize Clinton was at best a demopublican (ie, his assistance to loan sharks) and that G-man Sachs gave Obama a shitload of shekels. So, Instapundit lost.
"... What movement was instrumental in ending the Vietnam War?..."
The Tet Offensive which turned out to be a massive defeat for the NVA and all but destroyed the Viet Cong yet the left along with Cronkite turned it into a media victory for Ho and Giap.
"It's also fun to note how leftists don't actually watch these videos."
How is that fun? They don't make these videos for lefties to watch and don't really care if you do. They are made to be funny for right wingers and expose the independent and apolitical to how OWS and extreme lefties actually think. I would say the relevant audience for these videos are about 2/3 of the population. The audience is certainly not the 1/3 who think the world revolves around them.
They're as stupid as their parents were back in the 60s.
As they say in the African community, beauty may be skin deep, but stupid goes all the way to the bone.
Allie's Apple said...
Another gotcha type video that backfired, everyone of them appeared far more intelligent than the Tea Partiers, who were paranoid about their guns being taken away and if Obaba is a citizen.
Clearly this is the video playing on continuous loop in her head.
What movement was instrumental in ending the Vietnam War? It took several years of protests before it gained traction and affected change
You mean the one run by the KGB, that gave us the Killing Fields, the extermination of the Montagnards, the Boat People, the re-education camps, and the conversion of South Vietnam into Asia's Sweatshop?
There's change you can believe in!!!!!
"... Che isn't known as the butcher of la cabana for nothing and it's pretty easy to find out about his murderous nature, yet he's a hero to most of these kids..."
Doesn't sound reasonably bright to me.
Then again leftwing mass murderers always get a pass from liberals.
Allie's Apple said...
"What movement was instrumental in ending the Vietnam War? It took several years of protests before it gained traction and affected change,this movement is young.They aren't backed by Daddy Warbucks."
11/8/11 10:21 AM
Nixon war the VN war with his policy of Vietnamization. Democrats lost the peace by not honoring promises and cutting off aid to SVN which fell to a massive bliezkrieg by NVN tanks. Liberal never forgave Nixon for winning the war they began.
What movement was instrumental in ending the Vietnam War?
The anti-war movement at least had one clear objective that everyone could understand, regardless of whether they agreed with it or not. That's not the case here.
I often wonder whether these kids who admire Guevara know what he did and approve, or just have no clue.
Then, I wonder which scenario is more frightening.
That's right the 60s freaks should have been rallying for Nixon-Kissinger/Westmoreland, and more napalm and carpet-bombing.
The GOP-bots here forget that the US had given some aid to Cambodia as well.
Allie's Apple said...
"What movement was instrumental in ending the Vietnam War?
Nixon ended the draft and that ended the 'movement'. After the end of the draft the demonstrations disappeared. They could have cared less about 'war' or "VietNam".
Obsession. It's funny.
More like, do the GOP-TP morons here know anything about Fidel/Che and the history of Cuba and Latin America, or that CIA operatives helped kill him? No. Whether one agrees or not with Chevara tactics one should know something about the issue instead of just brainfarting.
I still get a kick out of how baby boomers think they were responsible for Civil Rights and ending the Vietnam War. The vast majority of boomers were in the early teens when the hard work was done on Civil Rights. The pressure that brought about the end of Vietnam was brought by Americans (influenced by Cronkite, et. al. and tired by zero perceived progress compared to goals of previous wars) whose kids didn't have the privilege of protesting while deferred from the draft. But other than that, yeah, all change happens in this country because young people sit in mud, beat on drums and get high while they think they are first people to ever think they have all the answers.
Have these dipshits actually come up with something other than life isn't fair and pay for my student loans?
Christ I hope they don't procreate.
Allie's Apple is so right. It was not until Nixon killed those students at Kent State, then murderously blew up the Math Center at UW, then sent John Kerry into Cambodia on Xmas Eve in '68 that Americans woke up and elected Carter to save us all.
Better, hope some freaks don't show up in yr front yard, Hoosier the teabug snitch.
Oh lookie, J is making threats on the interwebs again. How cute.
I often wonder whether these kids who admire Guevara know what he did and approve, or just have no clue.
I asked one once. He accused me of working for Fox News.
"The meticulous myth of Senor Guevara is of a handsome Argentine heroically helping Fidel Castro’s guerrillas liberate Cuba from Fulgencio Batista’s military dictatorship in 1959. Then he became a global revolutionary icon inspiring the downtrodden to rise up everywhere, even personally leading rebel warriors in the Congo before being executed doing the same in Bolivia in 1967. The (communist) party line says Che personifies the selfless humanitarian courageously fighting for “social justice.” He’s the Marxists’ martyred Christ figure replete with pictures of his half-naked corpse riddled with bullet holes. And the classic poster of an angry young Guevara has scarred countless college dorm rooms for over 40 years, putting a face on the eternally young rebel for angry adolescents everywhere.
The real Guevara was a reckless bourgeois adrenaline-junkie seeking a place in history as a liberator of the oppressed. But this fanatic’s vehicle of “liberation” was Stalinism, named for Soviet dictator Josef Stalin, murderer of well over 20 million of his own people. As one of Castro’s top lieutenants, Che helped steer Cuba’s revolutionary regime in a radically repressive direction. Soon after overthrowing Batista, Guevara choreographed the executions of hundreds of Batista officials without any fair trials. He thought nothing of summarily executing even fellow guerrillas suspected of disloyalty and shot one himself with no due process.
Che was a purist political fanatic who saw everything in stark black and white. Therefore he vociferously opposed freedoms of religion, speech, press, assembly, protest, or any other rights not completely consistent with his North Korean-style communism. How many rock music-loving teens sporting Guevara t-shirts today know their hero supported Cuba’s 1960s’ repression of the genre? How many homosexual fans know he had gays jailed?"
From an Essay by Dr. Douglas Young, Professor of Political Science & History at Gainesville State College
February 10, 2009
No threat, Fen-tard--jus that you can't read, tweekie trash--and..lookie, human shit-- like most of the teabug snitches here, yr boring as fuck. .
He has a good manner about him, that Evan.
After a century or so of US companies pimping Latin America and setting up mafia paradises (ie, the Batista regime), you're probably going to get a decade or so of red reaction.
How the dialectic works, teabug trash.
Many of us have been there, like these kids, with the same ideas and tactics, but we grew up. They don't know anything, and as is clear in the video, most are just having fun.
It will end. Most will realize that joining the establishment has benefits that are worth working to keep and contribute to. Some will not grow up and they will become homeless or professors. There is nothing new here.
I don't blame these kids for partying and pretending it has some higher purpose - that's what being young and stupid is about, but if you are a news reporter, writer or other grown adult, and you find this stuff to be deep or righteous, then you have wasted your youth not learning anything valuable.
"... Better, hope some freaks don't show up in yr front yard, Hoosier the teabug snitch.."
That some kind of threat? Is it? Cause if it is I should warn you I don't like threats. In fact I get downright pissy.
Don't let your elephant mouth get your hummingbird ass in a bind.
Wouldn't a Timothy McVeigh t-shirt be more fitting to the cause. I mean if want to idolize a idealist mass murderer, get a little more current. I think it's racism that keeps McVeigh's legacy unpopular.
Oh do ya, Hoosier hick.
Im a shakin'.
Its not a threat anyway, dyslexic Dan Quayle. Jus a heads up, trash
"... Im a shakin'..."
Cowards like you typically do.
J says: "How the dialectic works... ." Does he mean "How the cookie crumbles?" Mao and the 'Great Leap Forward'--50 million, Stalin, the Kusacks--20 million, Pol Pot, 'Killing Fields'--10 million. Sure makes Che/Fidel look like pimples on Marx's ass.
Hoosier yr the Larry Craig Log Cabin joto, mormon grrrl.
You put yr snitch addy up and ill knock you the f**k out. Legal, like. You got that Romneyite snitch?
"It took several years of protests before it gained traction and affected change."
And, as Lars pointed out, the moment Nixon ended the draft, the "Stop The War!" protests vanished like snow in hell. As soon as the upper-middle-class collegiate youths knew they wouldn't have to have their precious best and brightest cabooses shot off, they could leave the war to the unfortunate, no-connection plebes to deal with Charlie. As they say, you can look it up.
"They aren't backed by Daddy Warbucks."
You're right. They ARE Daddy Warbucks.
Actually, I apologize for slandering the good name of Daddy Warbucks.
He was a patriot.
Christopher in MA--you got it right. After my 1st tour in VN I visited HS classmates in Madison. A stranger in a 'strange land'. Their concerns all selfish:
1. Their birthday.
2. Profs who graded on a curve of A+ to A-, no study needed [protect deferment].
3. Next time/location of 'protest' march to get:
A. High
B. Laid
Smile. I went back to VN.
"I went back to VN."
Thanks for your service, Frank. Glad to know you made it home.
anything about Fidel/Che and the history of Cuba and Latin America, or that CIA operatives helped kill him?
See? The CIA does good work.
"... You put yr snitch addy up and ill knock you the f**k out...."
Tell you what. Next time your mom let's you out of the basement and you make your way to Indiana, ill be more than happy to give you the opportunity.
Hippie hipster-girls dancing, that's the answer!!!!
Now what's the question? . . .
wv: 'anserz' Told ya!
J : No threat, Fen-tard--jus that you can't read, tweekie trash--and..lookie, human shit-- like most of the teabug snitches here, yr boring as fuck.
And true to form, the little bitch hides behind weasel words to pretend he didn't just threaten Hoosier on the internet.
How pathetic. How typical of the Left - "we throw our baseballs in your yard"
J has the answer before he even hears the question:
"It's Amerika's Fault."
My sense is that there is a permanent class of slackers, long-in-the-tooth hippies, and other assorted professional grievance types who pretty much live to go to whatever the left-wing "happening" of the moment is. If it's protests in the Madison capitol against Scott Walker, they go there. If it's a IMF or G20 meeting or whatever, they go there. If it's a "Million March" in Washington, they go there. They just want to hang out wherever the "scene" is, do some drugs, dance around, beat some drums, hook up with some hippie chicks, and generally goof off. The actual ideology of what they profess to believe in is really not important as long as it rationalizes being a slacker who has no job or interest in a job and basically wants to perpetually live life as a teenager with no responsibilities except to party. They just can't be taken seriously. They can't speak to the topic of the moment except in the broad cliches that they've heard parroted and they're not really interested anyway...they just want to hang out, get stoned, and hook up with some chicks.
When things get really bad - desperate hunger bad - as I think it will in the next year or two when the financial house of cards collapses - most of these people will drift away back to live with their parents.
"Nixon ended the draft and that ended the 'movement'. After the end of the draft the demonstrations disappeared. They could have cared less about 'war' or "VietNam"."
Nixon ended both the draft and our active participation in the Vietnam war in 1973. Given that the anti-war movement had been agitating for the end of the war, there would have been no reason for them to sustain themselves after what they had wanted to happen...happened!
This was good. Now I really don't get it though.
If some of these people are aware of all of this, why are they especially angry at conservatives? Conservatives are just too square? Rationality is considered overrated? What's the deal?
And yes, I get that most of them probably weren't aware of the points in the video but understood the thrust of the questions. So are they leaving now? Changing their tunes about conservatives?
Looks like it's pretty much just a party with a political movement sheen to make it feel significant.
He put words over the birds dancing at the beginning and the end and those are the best parts.
"If some of these people are aware of all of this, why are they especially angry at conservatives?"
My question, as well. I think the answer may be it's what they've been taught for their entire lives.
"If some of these people are aware of all of this, why are they especially angry at conservatives?"
What makes you think they're expecially angry at conservatives? They're angry at the financial institutions--"Wall Street," hence, their name--and the political system and its players who are unresponsive to the needs of the citizenry and who are in bed with Wall Street, creating, in essence, a political/financial criminal syndicate.
In short, in answer to the question "Who's really in bed with the bankers," they're all in bed with the bankers!
"In short, in answer to the question "Who's really in bed with the bankers," they're all in bed with the bankers!"
But I see no evidence that the protesters get that.
What makes you think they're expecially angry at conservatives?
Did you watch the video? Conservatism was mentioned explicitly as were such conservative boogeymen as Fox News.
"... the political system and its players who are unresponsive to the needs of the citizenry..."
Fascinating as 2/3 of the Federal budget is devoted to the needs of the citizenry.
"Did you watch the video? Conservatism was mentioned explicitly...."
I saw one guy mention conservatives. You can't assume the whole of OWC has the exact some bias as that one person. (You can't even know how much the little snippet of video might reflect that one person's larger view.)
Watching that vid (and others like it chronicling the OWS movement) just reminds me of how truly we currently live in an M.C. Escher world..
Watching that vid (and others like it chronicling the OWS movement) just reminds me of how truly we currently live in an M.C. Escher world..
"What makes you think they're expecially angry at conservatives?"
I would be verycomfortable taking the "Yes" side of a: "OWS protesters are angry at conservatives; Yes or no?" bet.
The occupiers are blaming the wrong people:
“It’s not the greedy Wall Street bankers who destroyed these people’s hopes. It’s the virtueocracy itself. It’s the people who constructed a benefit-heavy entitlement system whose costs can no longer be sustained. It’s the politicians and union leaders who made reckless pension promises that are now bankrupting cities and states. It’s the socially progressive policy-makers in the U.S. who declared that everyone, even those with no visible means of support, should be able to own a home with no money down, courtesy of their government. . . . The Occupiers are right when they say our system of wealth redistribution is broken. But they’re wrong about what broke it.”
-Margaret Wente, also via insta
The fact that they're in New York and not Washington speaks to the fact that they're letting the people currently in Washington off the hook. Also, most of the demands out of OWS have been demands for statist handouts.
Some of the smarter conservatives here, however dull and obvious, are correct that the OWS should probably be protesting..the government itself-- ..and demopublicans (ie remembering that Clinton AND the Gramm-Gingrich gang implemented de-reg which was a big part of the mortgage crisis). But it's sort of a desperation thing, and ...for kicks too.
Go for it, Byro-sorepaw, bipolar stoner-troll (is it left, or right, female, gay, or ethnic today? all of the above), currently dissing the police (grazi for evidence).
who were paranoid about their guns being taken away and if Obaba is a citizen.
LOLOLOL Didn't you listen to Barack? Are you not informed on Fast & Furious?
They aren't backed by Daddy Warbucks.
Haven't you heard of unions?
@ Seeing Red
Lets not forget Georgie Soros
I do not understand why this is a surprise. Obama and Clinton are moderate liberals and moderate to conservative Democrats in some ways. They are not radicals and they are not economic populists. Isn't that obvious?
In Canada there are three major political parties -- The Tories, the Liberals and the NDPs.
Liberals are not Radicals. Why is this a surprise to anyone?
"If some of these people are aware of all of this, why are they especially angry at conservatives? Conservatives are just too square? Rationality is considered overrated? What's the deal?"
They would agree, most probably, with conservative populists.
They are populists, and were never supportive of Clinton's and Obama's economic neo-liberalism.
again - "liberals" are generally not "populists" or "radicals." Very different ideological traditions.
In STL, the occupiers are about to get evicted from the local downtown park, by the Mayor. It's getting cold and heading into the holiday season. People will be having events, and the City doesn't want to mess with the unemployed vagrants stinking up downtown.
Most are mad b/c the American Dream has been taken from them, and they're left with $60k in college debt that their parents can't pay off because they're upside down on their homes, if they still have one.
No matter what they try to say it's "about", the spokespeople keep coming back to being about people who used no discretion in spending themselves into serious debt.
They want people who didn't buy $60k in useless college degrees (assuming these people even *completed* college), to pay up.
They want people who aren't upside down on their homes, to pay up.
They want the employed, to pay up, because that's the way they think the world should work.
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