He was disapproving of Congress spending time voting to reaffirm "In God We Trust" as the national motto.
(I don't really get the theology of it. Does the President purport to know what legislation God wants Congress to pass? And if God is big on people helping themselves, why should government intervene with attempts at help? I know... it's just a joke about God. Obama is using the Lord's name to jab at people who are using the Lord's name. I need a reading on whether God likes any of that.)
१२८ टिप्पण्या:
The president knows all. Some even think he is God's son. At least they treat him that way.
President Obama is the smartest president ever. Just ask George Clooney. He knows what he means, and he knows what God wants. Why should us simple folk question him?
From God's lips to Obama's ears.
God helps those who help others who help others to help themselves. God is very meta. All the theologians are agreed on this point.
@wilw's take was pretty good: «Money House GOP spent today on creating jobs: $0. Money GOP spent on reaffirming "In God We Trust": $215,000. We are governed by children.»
Does the President purport to know what legislation God wants Congress to pass?
Stoopid question. The President is God. In grade school the nuns always told us "God helps those who help themselves." I always helped myself to more cake.
Prez Obama still believes those big levers of power actually work miracles. What a maroon.
I think that comment says a lot about Obama. It's why he went to church, to make political connections and to organize the community. He sees religion as a means to his own political ends. "God wants us to pass my jobs bill."
I would say that is a pretty flagrant use of taking the Lord's name in vain. Which is to say, using the Lord's name to advance your own agenda.
"In God We Trust" might be a sin, too, actually, as we are claiming we are pious. But we're not actually advocating a political agenda with that one. (Which is why the vote in Congress was almost unanimous).
Obama's comment is really obnoxious, if you break it down. "Why are you thanking God? That's a waste of time. Pass my jobs bill, that's what God wants."
IIRC the Republican majority House has passed a bunch of bills the Democrat majority Senate can't be bothered to take a look at.
President Irrelevant, who has a narcissistic flavor. He speaks for God.
(Someone tell the Anchoress, and she can tell the Pope.)
Just another in a long line of stupid politicians claiming to know what God wants. Indeed, it is the hallmark of the stupid to claim to know what God wants. When someone claims to know what God wants, you know that that is a stupid person -- or worse.
I suppose that I don't remember as well as I used to, but it's my recollection that the first stupid politician running for high office that I discerned as stupid by this metric was George McGovern in 1972. Just as for Althouse, 1972 was the first year that I was eligible to vote in a presidential election; I was 21. McGovern was running around the country claiming to be God's candidate. What can you do when your choice is between a crook and a fucking blithering moron?
God awful.
"God wants us to pass my jobs bill."
Funny. God told me to vote against Obama.
Obama has a serious Jesus complex. First he turned gold into shit (stimulus 1.0). Then it was Obama and the Insuring of the 30 million. Presently he's trying to raise green energy from the dead like Lazarus.
Stimulus 2.0 may be his greatest miracle yet, though. It answers the age-old question: Can Obama create a pile of shit so heavy that even he can't peddle it?
There are better things they could do, but I generally figure that when Congress is passing symbolic legislation or Obama is playing golf, it means they aren't doing something worse. I call it the "Midnight Basketball theory".
What a douche. God doesn't share His plans with His enemies.
Those wacky Republicans with their laser-like focus on jobs!
I wouldn't mind changing our national motto to, "In God we trust; all others pay cash."
Just off the top of my head I'd guess God doesn't like it I base this guess on the third commandment.
I think this is what would be called a false dichotomy. Right? Congress did not have to chose between passing their resolution on In God We Trust or passing a bill to put people to work. Obama implies that one took away from the other.
Now, if he really wants to go there, we can. We can talk at length about all of the many many things done *instead* of fixing the economy for the last three years.
And yes... "God helps those who help themselves" is not the same statement as "God helps those who get government help." Also... it's not in the Bible anyhow.
As theology goes it's right up there with praying to God to win the lottery and finally, after much prayer and even more recrimination when it doesn't work, God speaks up and says, "How about meeting me half-way and buying a lottery ticket?"
Or else it's a wry way to say that God doesn't help and won't help and only a foolish person waits around expecting it... a commentary critical of those with faith.
Third commandment? Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy? WTF?
Or, are you thinking of some other ten commandments?
Taking the Lord's name in vain is the second commandment -- or, maybe not.
"Or else it's a wry way to say that God doesn't help and won't help and only a foolish person waits around expecting it... a commentary critical of those with faith."
That's pretty much it, innit? God helps those who help themselves and all others fly coach.
As for Obama, I take him as he presents himself. He claims to be a Christian believer -- so there you are.
A God's Bill, really?
Fucking sad.
The Wisconsin Marching Band need to look at their intervals, they are all over the place.
And let's face it that drill is pretty easy.
And don't get me started with their marching technique.
At least we have better blacks.
God wants Obama to confiscate, borrow or print enough money to hire a quarter million unionized government workers. Just in time to donate union dues and stuff envelopes for the 2012 campaign.
God thinks like David (Axelrod and Plouffe, not the biblical guy).
With over 10% of our economy based on the accumulation of debt, I hope Obama has a plan to replace the virtual economy he has created. Once he is no longer able to sell debt backed by the full faith and credit of the American taxpayer, there will be a catastrophic collapse of our economy. In the meantime, his policies continue to harm the people who have remained responsible and have acted in good faith assuming the rule of law was not selective.
As for God, the principle that God helps those who help themselves is a sound one. If Obama understood its meaning, he would reject involuntary redistributive change, especially when it is a progressive condition. It would be ideal if societal assistance was purely afforded to individuals who falter (not by choice but circumstance), and it was given exclusively through voluntary exploitation (i.e., charitable works and donations). As it is, the combination of authority funded through involuntary exploitation and purchasing its power through redistribution and favors promotes progressive corruption of individuals and society.
The economy needs a foundation. It cannot rely purely on luxury industries such as automotive, where the withdrawal or decline of a single industry leaves the local economy in a depressed state.
The problems in this society can be traced to secular institutions vying to replace traditional institutions, which have failed to impart moral knowledge to guide members of a free society. The reliance on reactive totalitarian policies is insufficient and proactive policies are counterproductive. Yet both measures are highly profitable to their proponents and enforcers.
There is also the issue of excessive, and especially unmeasured immigration, principally over 10 million (and likely twice that number) illegal aliens who contribute to increased incidence of involuntary exploitation, including: murder, rape, fraud, etc; displace American men and women with similar skills and knowledge; displace American children; and are a progressive burden on society's systems and limited resources. Administrative districts, including nations, exist for a good reason and with a purpose compatible with the limitations of reality and the enlightened desire to preserve individual dignity.
A selective rule of law is no one's best interest. It is a causal factor in corrupting both authoritarian and private interests. This is a human legacy which should be rejected by individuals with integrity.
As a lawyer, Obama was part of the problem that lead to our fiscal crisis, and as a civil servant he remains a principal contributor.
Third commandment? Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy? WTF?
Or, are you thinking of some other ten commandments?
Christians disagree as to what are the specific Ten Commandments, and the order they are in. When the original poster says Third Commandment, he's referencing the Protestant understanding ("Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain"). You misunderstood him because you're quoting the Roman Catholic version.
See wiki for a pretty good discussion.
I'm pretty sure God wants us to adopt the Ryan Plan.
It's divine.
Ann asked:
“And if God is big on people helping themselves, why should government intervene with attempts at help?”
Since Obama was addressing the issue of infrastructure, maybe he was channeling Abraham Lincoln who stated the legitimate object of government is to do for people what needs to be done. Lincoln did cite maintaining roads and bridges as one example of government responsibility.
God isn't the lords name. Hate to break it to you folks.
@wilw's take was pretty good: «Money House GOP spent today on creating jobs: $0. Money GOP spent on reaffirming "In God We Trust": $215,000. We are governed by children.»
This is plain silly. The Republicans in the House have sent a number of jobs bills up to the Senate, where they have languished.
But, the idea that somehow passing Stimulus II (or III) will create a single job is highly questionable. The President promised us that the unemployment rate would hit 8 something percent if Congress didn't pass his first Stimulus. So, it passed into law, and unemployment has been above 9% almost the entire time since.
Why, you ask? Because it was built on misunderstood Keynesian economics. The Dems, led by President Obama and (then) Speaker Pelosi seemed to believe that any money spent by the government would create demand, and, thus jobs. They got into a bidding match on Keynesian multipliers, which Pelosi may have won, at predicting over a 5-1 ratio. But, this is in the face of empirical work that estimates the multiplier at less than one.
So, since money spent by the government was supposedly equally stimulative, regardless of how it was spent, they figured they might as well use it to pay off their political constituencies, and shovel the bulk of it to their supporters, friends, and families. Thus, government unions, other unions, green energy companies like GE, etc. received much of the money.
Then, they discovered there was no such thing as a shovel ready infrastructure job (and they aren't going to create net jobs anyway, thanks to Davis-Bacon, environmental laws, etc.), which means that infrastructure spending would have been counter-cyclical. And the green jobs money was sluiced to political cronies, like Kaiser with Solyndra ($1/2 billion, or Pelosi's brother ($3/4 billion).
So, what is this new "Jobs" bill that is supposed to create so many new jobs? More unshovel ready counter-cyclical infrastructure projects. More money to unionized government workers. More green energy jobs. And, this time, a massive tax increase on the people most likely to hire.
Please tell me again, why you think that this Jobs bill will create even a single new job, instead of costing a bunch of them, like the last big stimulus bill did.
Let me add that the $0 spent supposedly "creating" (or saving, maintaining, etc.) jobs is probably a bargain. Why spend hundreds of billions shedding jobs, when we are likely to come out ahead, job-wise, if the President's new "Jobs" bill goes nowhere.
And, no, calling it a "Jobs" bill doesn't create jobs. Talking about all the jobs that these discredited policies are supposed to create, if the evil Republicans were to just get with the program, doesn't create jobs. All these things do is make the libs and Dems feel better about themselves, and may help the President get reelected (as long as no one looks at all the legislation that the House has passed that the Senate has sat on).
pretty sure that knowledge is above Obama's pay grade.
Obama said that God wants a Republican president in 2012?
n.n said...
“There is also the issue of excessive, and especially unmeasured immigration, principally over 10 million (and likely twice that number) illegal aliens who … displace American men and women with similar skills and knowledge…”
What specific jobs are Americans being displaced from?
Farmers in both Georgia and Alabama have encountered problems in harvesting their crops after those states implemented tougher immigration laws this year. The farmers in these and other states look beyond the nation’s borders for labor because many Americans simply don’t want the backbreaking, low-paying jobs immigrants are willing to take.
Your band is crap and Titus is wrong about "your" blacks. Watch any youtube of any band from an historically black college. And then know your band, most bands, suck.
Isn't this the same GodZero whose chief theological advisor for 20 years said, "God DAMN America!"?
MadisonMan said...
Those wacky Republicans with their laser-like focus on jobs!
As opposed to whom?
ZeroCare and Fast and Furious haven't exactly cut a big hole in the U-3 or U-6.
The proverb "God helps those who help themselves" is not in the Bible. I see the commenters who say it is a sound theological principle, and they were taught it by nuns and so forth, but it strikes me as unbiblical. The whole message of the Bible is that God helps those who can't help themselves.
"In God We Trust. All others pay cash."
"Those wacky Republicans with their laser like focus on jobs!"
As Ed says - opposed to whom? If Little Black Jesus is so certain of His Father's wants, perhaps He - in between His rounds of golf and sending Herself off to whine about what a downright mean country this is - could use some of His Godhead to whip into line the recalcitrant Democrats (you know, HIS party?) who are keeping His stumuli bills / jobs bills from being passed.
If He can't even get His own followers to do His work, what does He expect from the Samaritans?
Shorter Christopher - the SCOAMF is a dullard, nitwit and hack. And the only godhead he believes in is the mocha-colored one staring back from the mirror every day.
The President was just being Self-effacing.
*This* - not merely "bad language" and cursing and saying things like G-ddammit and Jesus Christ! - is what the 3rd commandment is really about. Using God's name for evil (or at least disingenuous) purposes.
For the record conservatives can be just as guilty.
The Book of Job is quite clear on God's opinion of people who claim to know God's plan.
"I think that comment says a lot about Obama. It's why he went to church, to make political connections and to organize the community. He sees religion as a means to his own political ends. 'God wants us to pass my jobs bill.'"
Just as every two bit(or four bit) football coach invokes God to help them win the game--as if a mythical supernatural entity would have the slightest care in who wins an athletic competition--or every general of every country in the world assures his people, "God is on our side."
Obama is carrying on with the same pro forma lip service to God that almost every American politician feels required to observe. I wonder how quickly the Althouse Gang would strain themselves to be equally pointlessly snarky about their own preferred, but equally insincere (or delusional) politicians of choice?
And why the fuck is Congress voting on something so stupid as whether to keep "In God We Trust" as our national motto? Why is it our national motto?
My oldest friend refers to human beings as "shit-apes."
That's just what we are.
I need a reading on whether God likes any of that.
I seriously doubt God is happy with *anyone* using His name to leverage political arguments.
If he wants us to help put people to work
wilw's take was pretty good: «Money House GOP spent today on creating jobs: $0. Money GOP spent on reaffirming "In God We Trust": $215,000. We are governed by children.»
That wouldn't even put 1 person to work under the stimulus.
God protects drunks, fools & the US of A.
Not anymore.
wv: price
now we are paying the price and a hard lesson it will be.
The Bible is clear about such things:
Do not put your trust in princes or men of power, because they will lead you astray for their own purposes. Psalm 146:2
We Christians are often told that the best way to pray is using scripture, since that is God's word.
We're also told to pray for our leaders. Consequently my prayer for Obama is from Psalm 109:7-8 ...
When he is tried, let him be found guilty, and may his prayers condemn him. May his days be few, and may another take his place of leadership.
That's something a college sophomore might say. Besides "lightweight religion" how about a tag for "lightweight presidents?"
Um, except Obama, Congress, or the federal government don't "put people to work"
This guy is an imbecile on so many levels it isn't funny.
God helps those who help themselves.
Obama helps those who help Obama.
How's that for sophomoric?
Tit for tat, Mr. President.
Robert Cook said...
My oldest friend refers to human beings as "shit-apes."
Which is why you and your ilk want everyone to live in shared misery and are dangerous scum.
Go to hell you Marxist pig.
jsled said...
@wilw's take was pretty good: «Money House GOP spent today on creating jobs: $0.
Um, the government doesn't "create jobs."
So the "take" wasn't pretty good.
It was idiotic.
MadisonMan said...
Those wacky Republicans with their laser-like focus on jobs!
Do you idiots every have a new phrase or idea?
Has the party you vote for come up with a new slogan since 1968? Really?
"My oldest friend refers to human beings as 'shit-apes.' That's just what we are."
Plato. Alexander. Cleopatra. Thomas Aquinas. Averroes. Bach. DaVinci. Mozart. Goya. Gish. Wright. Edison.
Ad nauseam. All merely 'shit apes.' So rarely have I ever seen anyone so nakedly expose their own black emptiness. I pity you, Cook.
As a wise man once said, we are all lying in the mud. But some of us are looking up at the stars.
You voted for this law professor moron, why can't you enjoy your choice? I like to rub it in your face every time you complain about your vote.
as if a mythical supernatural entity would have the slightest care in who wins an athletic competition
The "mythical supernatural entity" does care who wins athletic competitions, but not in the way your pathetic premise postulates. First and foremost, I'm not sure how many teams you've actually been on, shit-ape, but I play three sports a year for the better part of two decades. I don't once remember a coach that prayed (they don't all pray, in fact, the prayer coaches are in the minority) asked for players to do their best and freedom from injury, not victory. You watch too much tv, apparently.
Secondly, the "mythical supernatural entity" is indeed involved in every aspect of one's life which would include sports. Lessons learned, life-altering injuries, etc. If there's a plan, sports are part of it, wouldn't you say? People that participate in sports are shaped by their experiences in those activities just like anything else. A god that cares about each and every person would likewise care about each and every person's every activity.
Trying to get our head around an omnipotent, omniscient God that knows everything that's going to happen, while still allowing free will, simply runs you smack up against the limits of human understanding. We can no more envision a workable system that incorporates both a "plan" and free will than an ant can comprehend Windows 7.
He looks like a sad preacher losing the flock. I can't believe so many Americans fell for the hype.
I can't believe so many Americans fell for the hype.
If that's true, the vote tallies from 2012 will probably drive you to drink. Whatever the outcome, quite a few of those same people will vote for him again.
But, this is in the face of empirical work that estimates the multiplier at less than one.
This is the second time this lie has been published in this blog without providing a citation for the claim.
Please provide one or stop lying.
The simple indisputable fact is that the stimulus worked, not as well as hoped or promised but it helped the economy and job situation, not hurt it. Many people claim that the reason it didn't work as well as hoped was that it wasn't big enough or properly targeted, both these problems can be laid at the feet of the Republicans, not Obama.
Freder Frederson said...
The simple indisputable fact is that the stimulus worked, not as well as hoped or promised but it helped the economy and job situation, not hurt it.
You mean it "helped" by taking the unemployement rate from 7.8% to 9.8% right, dummy?
You are such an idiot it is sad.
The farmers in these and other states look beyond the nation’s borders for labor because many Americans simply don’t want the backbreaking, low-paying jobs immigrants are willing to take.
You hit it with "low paying." Sometimes, when the pay is low, supply drops. If the pay were raised, the labor supply would go up.
Doesn't that quote imply that the people are helpless? It's as if Obama thinks God only works the front of the room. In his mind the "us" will help themselves by telling the "people" what to do.
Freder Frederson said...
The simple indisputable fact is that the stimulus worked, not as well as hoped or promised but it helped the economy and job situation, not hurt it.
You can provide no facts or data supporting this idiotic assertion.
Many people claim that the reason it didn't work as well as hoped was that it wasn't big enough or properly targeted, both these problems can be laid at the feet of the Republicans, not Obama.
And "many people" claim you are an idiot.
PS, the stimulus was written by Democrats and implemented by Obama.
So the problems are laid on them, you silly little liar.
I heard that, the other day, God took Obama's name in vain........
The Republican controlled House has passed 17 jobs bills while the Democrat controlled Senate has done nothing. In bizarro dumbass world, it's the Republicans' fault. The Senate hasn't even passed a budget in over 900 days. What exactly have they done this year?
God is, to him, just another tool he can use to advance his agenda.
That's why he chose top join a church when a community orgaizer and aspiring pol in Chicago, and why he chose the church he did.
I thought God said they should have girls at Welton.
Hahahahaha! I see some of the resident shit-apes are screeching and flinging shit, upset at being reminded of their true character.
"Plato. Alexander. Cleopatra. Thomas Aquinas. Averroes. Bach. DaVinci. Mozart. Goya. Gish. Wright. Edison."
You could have named many more, and these are the superior human beings who advance humanity as a whole. There will be other such superior persons in the future. But most among us are primitive, ignorant, superstitious, fearful, xenophobic, hostile and violent...as demonstrated by the preponderance of commenters here.
For a couple of months I've been using support for Obama as a pretty good proxy for intelligence. Not intellect, intelligence.
By this point, those who support the man are either:
a) deeply ideological, and committed to an ideology with an abundant record of proven failure ... not very intelligent ... or,
b) unaware of what's happening in the economy, foreign affairs, cronyism and scandals ... which unawareness betrays at best a childish intelligence.
One way or t'other, Obama supporter = f(!clue)
@Robert Cook -- I prefer "Monkey Boy" myself, as in "Laugh-a while you can, monkey-boy."
36fsfiend said...
n.n said...
“There is also the issue of excessive, and especially unmeasured immigration, principally over 10 million (and likely twice that number) illegal aliens who … displace American men and women with similar skills and knowledge…”
What specific jobs are Americans being displaced from?
Farmers in both Georgia and Alabama have encountered problems in harvesting their crops after those states implemented tougher immigration laws this year. The farmers in these and other states look beyond the nation’s borders for labor because many Americans simply don’t want the backbreaking, low-paying jobs immigrants are willing to take.
11/3/11 1:33 AM
You make a great case for ending welfare and government unemployment insurance.
He's using the Royal Plural. "WE will pass OUR agenda whether the peasants are pleased with OUR decisions or not."
And in Obama's theology, "But of course God is on OUR side. WE are the instruments of HIS Devine Judgement."
And in Obama's theology, "But of course God is on OUR side. WE are the instruments of HIS Devine Judgement."
Another argument for changing his nom de plume to Maud'dib Obama, he of the Golden Path.
"As for God, the principle that God helps those who help themselves is a sound one."
The principal may be sound but, as others have mentioned, it appears nowhere in the Bible nor is it particularly Christian. God helps those who trust in him, as the motto states, is the more accurate Christian principal.
"*This* - not merely "bad language" and cursing and saying things like G-ddammit and Jesus Christ! - is what the 3rd commandment is really about. Using God's name for evil (or at least disingenuous) purposes."
Yes, that would be the talmudic position. Most Christians agree with that.
Are knuckledraggers considered above or below shit-apes? This is important to me.
Clearly, Cook thinks we are all on his level.
He flatters himself.
"Clearly, Cook thinks we are all on his level."
Like I say, Obama can't make it through an entire speech without contradicting himself. But contradicting himself in a single sentence has to be a new low even for him.
I knew it, he's a bitter clinger, make sure that man is not allowed near any weapons.
"But most among us are primitive, ignorant, superstitious, xenophobic, hostile and violent. . ."
And yet still, by the mere fact of their existence, have within them the divine spark. Whether they use that to the betterment of the world or its detriment is not testament to their being either "superior persons" or "shit-apes," it is how they choose to use or abuse their gifts.
I despise Obama. I wish nothing but misery and despair for him. But to dismiss even such a loathsome prick as he as merely a shit-ape is to deny the wonder and glory and infinite blessings of the Creator.
You mean it "helped" by taking the unemployement rate from 7.8% to 9.8% right, dummy?
Employment is a trailing indicator. When the bill was passed, the unemployment rate was 8.2%, up from 7.8% the month before, and rising rapidly.
You are the dummy.
You can provide no facts or data supporting this idiotic assertion.
Actually, I can. I have repeatedly challenged you and others to provide proof to the assertion that the stimulus was a drag on the economy, you have yet to do it. You are just lying. Even the Wall Street Journal could only find economists who would claim that the stimulus had "Zero" impact, not a negative one.
jsled said...
@wilw's take was pretty good: «Money House GOP spent today on creating jobs: $0. Money GOP spent on reaffirming "In God We Trust": $215,000. We are governed by children.»
11/2/11 10:26 PM
A bargain compared to Obama bin Biden's AF1 campaign travel costs. Loose change really when compared to Michelle's taxpayer funded vacations.
You are right, we are governed by children, they organized a mob and it's called the democratic party. You know, the children who are in charge of the senate and the executive branch.
A bargain compared to Obama bin Biden's AF1 campaign travel costs. Loose change really when compared to Michelle's taxpayer funded vacations.
You are right, we are governed by children, they organized a mob and it's called the democratic party. You know, the children who are in charge of the senate and the executive branch.
Where were you when Bush was spending more time on vacation than any other president?
I despise Obama. I wish nothing but misery and despair for him.
When I disagreed with Bush's policies, I was called a traitor on this very blog.
By the standards of this blog, what does that make you? You not only hate the president's policies, you have personal animosity towards him. How can you despise someone I doubt you have ever met?
Freder Frederson said...
You mean it "helped" by taking the unemployement rate from 7.8% to 9.8% right, dummy?
Employment is a trailing indicator. When the bill was passed, the unemployment rate was 8.2%, up from 7.8% the month before, and rising rapidly.
You are the dummy.
You can provide no facts or data supporting this idiotic assertion.
Actually, I can. I have repeatedly challenged you and others to provide proof to the assertion that the stimulus was a drag on the economy, you have yet to do it. You are just lying. Even the Wall Street Journal could only find economists who would claim that the stimulus had "Zero" impact, not a negative one.
11/3/11 9:09 AM
So when are you apologizing to Bush? At least with his 'stimulus' we killed a boatload of scum not the least of which was Saddam Hussein. So other than more welfare parasites what has Obama's 'stimulus' done for us?
Where were you when Bush was spending more time on vacation than any other president?
Why is assuming that criticism of this current president default support of the previous so often the fall back for supporters of this president?
I assume you believe yourself to be a fair, level-headed individual who can think for himself. Why don't you extend that to others?
Freder Frederson said...
A bargain compared to Obama bin Biden's AF1 campaign travel costs. Loose change really when compared to Michelle's taxpayer funded vacations.
You are right, we are governed by children, they organized a mob and it's called the democratic party. You know, the children who are in charge of the senate and the executive branch.
Where were you when Bush was spending more time on vacation than any other president?
11/3/11 9:16 AM
At his ranch, on his dime unlike you know who and wife and really, compared to Obama, Bush hardly ever took a day off.
Somebody tell Freder he needs to get justification for Stimulus from something other than the Gray Lady.
That's like taking (Godwin alert) Dr Goebbels' word that Von Paulus won at Stalingrad.
PS The purpose of Stimulus was, in GodZero's words, to keep the U-3 from going above 8%. Clearly, it failed even his standard.
PPS Since GodZero throws in a campaign speech to put his trips on the taxpayers' dollar, Freder knows that Zero has spent more time goofing off than anyone.
How many golfing afternoons has it been?
Money House GOP spent today on creating jobs: $0
Dodged a bullet there.
"When I disagreed with Bush's policies, I was called a traitor on this very blog."
Not by me. And frankly, the "how dare you question my patriotism!" schtick is motheaten.
"By the standards of this blog, what does that make you?"
As I have not advocated Obama's assasination, placed a gunsight on his head and labeled it "snipers wanted," as I have not cried, "Lee Harvey Oswald, where are you when we need you," as I have not provided arms to the Iraqi resistance, I am part of the loyal opposition.
"How can you despise someone I doubt you have even met?"
I go by his own words. People such as myself are - to recall a few declarations - bitter clingers, teabaggers, greedy fatcats who don't want to pay their fair share and the enemy. His Homeland Security Department considers me to be a potential domestic terrorist. Now after all that, you seem to say that I should ignore it, wait to shake Obama's hand and look into his eyes to see his soul (to recall the much-mocked Dubya assessment of Putin) before I can make any judgement.
I won't Godwin the thread, but you see where your logic leads.
Farmers in both Georgia and Alabama have encountered problems in harvesting their crops after those states implemented tougher immigration laws this year.
I seem to recall that the amount of additional crops that spoiled after the new immigration law was passed were a fraction of a percent of the total harvest. Numbers that statistically insignificant are difficult if not impossible to attribute to a single underlying cause.
On the other hand, the farmers IIRC in Georgia claimed that they needed an additional 11,000 farm hands . . . in a State with 9.7 million people and a 10 percent unemployment (and something like 65 percent teenage unemployment) and that is supposed to be an excuse to ignore our nation’s immigration laws?
That's like taking (Godwin alert) Dr Goebbels' word that Von Paulus won at Stalingrad.
The assertion has been made here repeatedly that the stimulus is a drag on the economy. I have provided evidence that it was not (and admitted it certainly did not meet its goals), yet you persist in calling me a liar while you have not provided one shred of evidence to support your contention that it actually harmed the economy--especially the claim made a couple days ago that the multiplier was .7.
You can provide no facts or data supporting this idiotic assertion.
God, and I am accused of knowing nothing about economics
@ Freder Frederson
This is straight from Krugman and Wells (yes, Paul Krugman and his wife) Macro Economics text book. The multiplier equals 1/1-MPC. Where MPC is the marginal propensity to consume. MPC = change in consumer spending / change in disposable income. As you can see 1 divided by any number, even infinity, will always be less than one. Hope this helps.
"God helps those who help themselves."
Nowhere in the Bible. Ben Franklin didn't come up with it either. Daggum Greeks!
As you can see 1 divided by any number, even infinity, will always be less than one. Hope this helps.
You forgot fractions. 1/(1-.5) = 2. My God, you apparently never even learned basic math, much less economics. And the MPC, by definition is always between 0 and 1
Freder Frederson said...
That's like taking (Godwin alert) Dr Goebbels' word that Von Paulus won at Stalingrad.
The assertion has been made here repeatedly that the stimulus is a drag on the economy. I have provided evidence that it was not (and admitted it certainly did not meet its goals), yet you persist in calling me a liar while you have not provided one shred of evidence to support your contention that it actually harmed the economy--especially the claim made a couple days ago that the multiplier was .7.
You can provide no facts or data supporting this idiotic assertion.
God, and I am accused of knowing nothing about economics
Somebody needs to break it to Freder that even some Democrats have conceded that the Stimulus money went into the pockets of union honchos and local politicians and was thus wasted. The only people who made any money were the ones making the orange signs.
Freder Frederson said...
Actually, I can. I have repeatedly challenged you and others to provide proof to the assertion that the stimulus was a drag on the economy, you have yet to do it. You are just lying.
Actually, you can't.
The disagreement underscored the extent to which econometric estimates are heavily reliant on underlying assumptions and models, but Mr. Blinder and Mr. Zandi said they hoped their analysis would withstand scrutiny by other scholars
Is not a fact.
As I said, you're an idiot.
Freder Frederson said...
If you are going to comment on government borrowing and spending in terms of economic growth at least learn the difference between an expense and an investment. Trust me on this, people who have real money do know the difference.
Freder Frederson said...
The assertion has been made here repeatedly that the stimulus is a drag on the economy. I have provided evidence that it was not
Actually, you provided a link that you clearly don't understand.
You have presented zero facts to back up your assertion.
PS,PS, the stimulus was written by Democrats and implemented by Obama.
"I need a reading on whether God likes any of that."
Can't help ya. The Lord won't talk to me ever since I, ... never mind.
edutcher said...
What the leftist never seem to understand is that spending for its own sake is a misallocation of capital and borrowing to spend just to spend worsens the problem. The borrowed funds have to be repaid and the funds used for the repayment aren't available for needed spending aside from the underlying misallocation of capital. No stimulus package will ever work and none ever has. But the left is so committed to its vision it won't believe it's lying eyes.
Somebody needs to break it to Freder that even some Democrats have conceded that the Stimulus money went into the pockets of union honchos and local politicians and was thus wasted. The only people who made any money were the ones making the orange signs.
Somebody needs to provide some evidence to back all these assertions.
bob, you're preaching to the choir.
The Demos don't want to admit the '92 recession wasn't killed by Willie's bikepaths in Sausalito stimulus, but by the repeal of George Mitchell's luxury tax.
Unforced error on Obama.
Freder Frederson said...
Somebody needs to break it to Freder that even some Democrats have conceded that the Stimulus money went into the pockets of union honchos and local politicians and was thus wasted. The only people who made any money were the ones making the orange signs.
Somebody needs to provide some evidence to back all these assertions.
11/3/11 10:09 AM
The Davis-Bacon Act. There is but one example.
One thing about the republicans that really pisses me off is that they won't push to repeal this act and require state and local government to repeal their analogues as a condition of receiving federal funds, the other is not pushing for a national right to work act and banning civil service unions. There are no saints in the government whorehouse.
edutcher said...
bob, you're preaching to the choir.
The Demos don't want to admit the '92 recession wasn't killed by Willie's bikepaths in Sausalito stimulus, but by the repeal of George Mitchell's luxury tax.
11/3/11 10:09 AM
True. They also don't want to admit that BJ ran as a conservative in 92, heck even ran back to Arkansas to execute a retard just to prove his bona fides and he still couldn't win a majority of the vote.
Funny thing, the left is forever haranguing Bush about deficits, but not Obama for tripling down on what called stupid to begin with. Three years in they blame Bush for the economy but fail to explain why the guy who said he had the solution shouldn't be fired for failing to deliver. 46 years of LBJ's social spending and we are worse off than before as a nation in economic terms and on the verge of bankruptcy but they say close your eyes and ignore those pesky details.
I wasn't preaching to the choir so to speak, but rather at the lefties who refuse to see the world as it is and not as they wish it to be. I'm no good at HTML and didn't want to cut and paste a large back and forth quote. Sorry for the misimpression.
God helps those who help themselves comes from Greek Mythology. It is a paraphrase of what Hercules said when he came upon a cart stuck in the mud. The driver was praying to the gods for help. Hercules pushed the cart out of the mud and said, “The gods help those who help themselves.” It's not in the Bible.
BTW, Protestants, Catholics, and Jews each count the ten commandments differently Some commandments are combined in different traditions.
FrederF: It is pointless to try and engage a liberal on the topic of the stimulus. If the premise is that it created or saved X number of jobs it cannot be disproven until only X number of people remain employed. The premise was preposterous but is evoked to prove the efficacy of the program that in minds of most was a bomb on stilts. The administration itself admits that the shovel ready jobs were not shovel ready and those were the only ones that were possibly helpful in the first place.
"@wilw's take was pretty good: «Money House GOP spent today on creating jobs: $0. Money GOP spent on reaffirming "In God We Trust": $215,000."
Money House GOP COULD have spent trying to create jobs: $400,000,000,000
Money GOP Spent on reaffirming "In God We Trust": $215,000.
There FTFY.
Since we know government can't really create jobs without taking money out of the economy and the $400 billion would have been wasted the same as the first porkulus, I'd say we got a bargain from Congress the other day.
@ Freder Frederson
Okay, so you got me on the math. Early in the morning for me. See how easy it is to admit that you can make a mistake? Mea culpa. But did you read the whole article that you cited? The part where it states that if the money is borrowed, which it certainly was for all of government expenditures, the MPC can be greater than 1? And if the multiplier works so well, as to government spending, why are we 14 trillion in debt? I know, I know, because the portion of government spending to GDP has not increased. That is because that ratio only includes year to year spending and does not include total debt.
Remember, nobody can show freeder that the stimulus didn't work!
AP) WASHINGTON - The ranks of America's poorest poor have climbed to a record high — 1 in 15 people — spread widely across metropolitan areas as the housing bust pushed many inner-city poor into suburbs and other outlying places and shriveled jobs and income.
By the way stupid, if the stimulus went so swell, why isn't Obama saying that?
KEN in SC: Only to lighten up the subject as to Obama knowing what God wants and Ann's inquiry for readers to voice their opinions, I submit the Cajun Ten Commandments:
1. Jus be one God in heaven. 2. Don't have no Idols. 3. Don't be cuss'n nobody. 4. Brought yo'self to church. 5. Listen to yo maw maw an paw paw. 6. Don't be kilt noboby. 7. Ma Chere don't sleep with yo brother's wife. 8. Don't yo took nothin. 9. Always told the troot. 10. Don't yo wish for yo neighbor's pirogue. Living near Cajun Country and respecting their faith and traditions along with their unsurpassable food............
"Obama is using the Lord's name to jab at people who are using the Lord's name."
No he is not. "God" is not God's name. Methadras makes this point. The word "God" is a symbol, not a name. Comparable to "person" vs Nancy. God has millions of names. Pick one that suits you, He responds to them all, including the feminine ones.
The person you reference is using the word God to halo himself and hell opponents.
"I need a reading on whether God likes any of that."
OK, no, He does not. Do you like someone speaking for you without your authorization? The individual you reference exhibits no signs of prophetic authority. I cannot speak or write his name, so odious is it.
"God is very meta. All the theologians are agreed on this point."
True and true. Wish more grasped that essential metaphysic.
"As a lawyer, Obama was part of the problem that lead to our fiscal crisis, and as a civil servant he remains a principal contributor."
n.n., a request: please come out from behind the curtain, with your name.
cf "Ineptocracy" today at Reynolds. That's the meta-message of this post by Althouse. Invoking God for a political deal is inept. All self-promotion, lies and deceit are inept.
Ineptocracy is an excellent description, but how to get it off the public back when it's already made universal aptitude pedagogically counter-indicated? Who beyond elites trained to rent-seek and spread ineptitude outside their core in order to bulwark their position is available to become apt and want to be? The elites would have to foray/redoubt outside their castles to train up the willing ... and on a curriculum NOT identical with that used to rear the elites. And the willings' numbers are colossally embarrassed by drugs. Were is such a curriculum? And where elites willing to teach non-elites by it?
"God helps those who help themselves comes from Greek Mythology. It is a paraphrase of what Hercules said when he came upon a cart stuck in the mud. The driver was praying to the gods for help. Hercules pushed the cart out of the mud and said, “The gods help those who help themselves.” It's not in the Bible."
Yup. Sathya Sai Baba tells the story with the figures being a farmer, a cart, a ditch and Lord Krishna.
"How can you despise someone I doubt you have even met?"
Jay Carney doesn't know the Bible enough to notice that "God helps those who helps themselves" isn't in it. But I know it well enough to hash together a decent paraphrase:
"We despise them, because they first despised us."
Expanding on Hercules and Krishna. Classical Greek thought and iconography is strongly influenced by classical Vedic tradition. Pythagoras is part of the indication of this. There are others, including language. The figure of Hercules derives in part from the figure of Lord Rama (Ramayana by Valmiki) and in part from the figure of Lord Krishna. Krishna dates from about 3800 BC, the time of the Mahabharata War which he helped the Pandava brothers win. Rama dates from long before that.
I would say that is a pretty flagrant use of taking the Lord's name in vain. Which is to say, using the Lord's name to advance your own agenda.
Exactly. Regardless of whether "God" is His "official" name, the intent is there.
Moreover, Oblahblah and Carney evidently think "God helps those who help themselves" is biblical.
Spanish saying: ayudate que Dios te ayudará.
Napoleon: God is with army with more cannons
The phrase "God helps those who help themselves" is not from the Bible. It comes from Benjamin Franklin, not Jesus, or Paul, or Moses. Obama and anyone else who references this passage in this manner in only highlighting their biblical ignorance. If anything, the opposite is true - "God helps those who cannot help themselves," usually by sending genuinely wise and conpassionate people their way.
"Napoleon: God is with [the] army with more cannons[.]"
Also Napoleon: "The moral is to the material as three is to one."
Napoleon's branch of service was artillery, as was T. J. "Stonewall" Jackson's. Douglas MacArthur called air power "forward artillery." An army is as good as the cover of its artillery, period.
God loves strength and bestows more of it on the strong.
"God loves strength and bestows more of it on the strong."
So I guess God didn't mean it when he promised that "The meek shall inherit the earth," or was this a case of the human writers of the Bible editorializing?
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