What's he doing? Well, he's running for re-election, which is pretty much all he's done (save for running up even more massive debt) since the day after he was elected last time.
Per Christie, the administration put out spin that POTUS didn't want to be involved because he knew it would fail? Are there any links/sources to anything the White House said like that?
Hey...there's a time and place for junior-high humor, and at that time and in that place, your mama's so fat she went to the movie theater and sat next to everyone.
I do love Mr Christie--the guy comes across as one who tells it like it is--and with facts to back up his assertions--I dont agree with all his positions, but he is someone I can could easily support--Lets see how he does sorting out the NJ mess, but he is definitely a force to be reckoned with.
And Allie--your comments demean yourself--which sets the bar very low.
Theoretically we are paying him to be the executive who intermediates between the two political parties to reach consensus on matters of import to the nation as a whole. Theoretically the chief executive of the country represents all of the citizens, not just those with whom he agrees.
The role of chief executive is difficult and not all are cut out for it.
Once upon a time there were media reporters who would have been making those same demands on the President on a weekly basis. Oh, yes, children, but that was when a Republican was in the White House.
But Governor Christie's right. Leading from behind is three orders of magnitude less than our current President's pay grade, so perhaps we should dock his check by the same factor.
Allie. Very intelligent comment regarding why Christie did not run. Just the sort of empathy we expect from our healing professionals. And of course Christie's weight disqualifies him from any opinions that do not comport with your own. Love the liberalism of progressives!
That's right Allie, lame "progressive" template. It backfired when tried by Corzine..or don't you read? You have to explain Barney Frank, Jerome Nadler, Chris Matthews, Al Gore, Michael Moore, I could go on.
Oh and Allie, you might want to consider salads yourself.
Well, Obama is not Christy. They're 2 very distinct personalities not even accounting for the State. Although, they're are many Christy like pols who came from Illinois. And, I, like you, think the Jersey demenaor is tough for some to accept. But, these are tough times and I think many who would normally be turned off by this personality might accept it now.
Could Obama have treated Congress the way Christie can knock heads together in the Jersey legislature?
He certainly could have called a meeting of the Supercommittee dozen, with himself presiding, and refused to adjourn until some solid progress was made. Remember, we've been constantly taught what an eloquent and persuasive and post-partisan leader Obama is.
Allie--may I suggest in this charged political atmosphere, please put a sarcasm note on your posts--The difficulty with blog postings is that humor/sarcasm does not come across easily.
Could Obama have treated Congress the way Christie can knock heads together in the Jersey legislature?
I don't think so. How does Obama threaten the Republicans in Congress? What can he take away that is so valuable that they would back down, but that he hasn't taken away already? I can't think of anything.
Besides, many of those members of Congress have plenty of power in their own right. And, many of them know that they will probably be there in Congress a decade after Obama is turned out of the White House for the pro-am golfing tour.
If presidents really want to get a deal done, they will get it done. It won't be pretty, but it will happen if he wants it to. Obama really didn't want anything done and the Senate dems provided him the cover.
"Allie--may I suggest in this charged political atmosphere, please put a sarcasm note on your posts--The difficulty with blog postings is that humor/sarcasm does not come across easily."
Assuming she was being sarcastic, which is a big assumption.
I assume everyone remembers how Obama shot into the lead 3 years and a month or so ago, when McCain suspended his campaign and got involved in the financial crisis.
And, Obama looked so sage and wise, while continuing to campaign?
Looking back to Obama at that time, could he just have been disinterested? Uninvolved?
I find it interesting that someone can become President partially by not doing anything, while his competitor did, and now he is being slammed for not doing something when something needed to be done.
You really think Christie could treat Congress like the Jersey legislature?
Remember how bad Perry looked outside of Texas. You can't just bring your Texas/Jersey style to the national stage. Think about how it will look torn out of the state government context.
As Mr Hayden rightfully observes, what Governors can do is considerably different than a President can do--I see no evidence that Mr Obama has any understanding of the constitutional doctrine of separation of powers. The other two independent branches of government may be obstacles, but they have to be engaged. Mr Obama's (apparent) view of our constitution is woefully warped.
Ann Althouse said... Getting Christie out of New Jersey might be like getting Perry out of Texas. What looked good in context doesn't work out of context.
1. Correct.
2. He is a lot of fun to have on your side. He cuts through a lot of crap, and this is a perfect example.
3. There's a lot about Christie that conservatives would hate, but he's awfully good for a NJ (blue blue blue state) governor.
Oh--And Professor Althouse's point in the post preceding mine, I think reinforces mine--We exist in a federal system--not a unitary government. The Framers were pretty damn smart.
Allie--we have a succession of Presidents who apparently have some appreciation of separation of powers--Mr Reagan, as I understand, would regularly meet with Mr O'Neill over a drink at the end of the day. Some differences may just be amenable to good relationships formed informally. There is much to be said for maintaining informal relatationships.
A good President, IMO, does not insult the members of a separate branch of government, in a state of the union address wherein the insulted members cannot respond.
Too late. You already tipped your hand and you meant what you said about Christy being fat...etc. Back peddling is unbecoming.
So why didn't Christy run? He has something that you liberals and progressives don't have.
Christy was elected to do a job for his State, repeatedly said that he would finish that job and is not interested in using the people of New Jersey as a launching pad.
Love how the single-celled intelligence calls it a joke after she has her head handed to her. Just like Lurch a couple of years ago.
As for Christie, he has value as another member of the Greek chorus, not unlike Miss Sarah. The weight of all those reminders that GodZero has no clothes is eventually going to be felt.
Ann Althouse said...
You really think Christie could treat Congress like the Jersey legislature?
Remember how bad Perry looked outside of Texas. You can't just bring your Texas/Jersey style to the national stage. Think about how it will look torn out of the state government context.
No, that's a little different. What is said on camera and what's done behind closed doors are two different things.
Think LBJ.
WV "excar" What a Mini Cooper is after it tries to occupy the same space as an 18-wheeler.
Dust Bunny, if I were really serious about my statement regarding Christy's weight issues, I would have fought . I don't back down or backpedal, you DON'T know me yet, obviously.
Chirping from the sidelines where he can't get hit. Why didn't tough guy Christie take on Obama? I'm sure there was a flatbed semi large enough to cart his fat ass on the field?
Garage--because, perhaps, Mr Christie was principles enough to know he was elected to do a job, rather than view election to one office as a stepping stone to another office. Your comment is especially egregious.
DustBunny, you may be correct. I just put her on my horseshit screen. And, I always make up my own mind based on my own observations. Believe me..I'll be diligent. I am persistent, patient, and I don't miss anything. The fact that she backed down so quickly is how many bullies behave. But, it is not dispositive. I don't have the interest in researching the past. I'll just monitor from here foreward.
Obama voted 'Present' more than 130 times as a state senator as Hillary and others noted during the primary. If that was not a red flag, I don't know what else was. Yet, people like you voted for him. He is enjoying the perks of the job with none of the responsibilities. You get what you deserve but you drag down a lot of other people with your stupid vote.
Roger Christie is a big boy. He's mad because Obama was smart enough not to get involved in an obvious clusterfuck that was doomed before it started. There was never going to be a coming together between the two parties.
for those who believe Gov Christie's weight is an an issue, I would counter than Mr Obama's addiction to nictotine is even more issue--but those kinds of topics are imo so much bullshit.
It is the caliber of demonstrated leadership that I believe important. Mr Obama has failed miserably; Gov Christie has apparently signed on to fulfill his elective mandate--At the end of the day, I would go with Gov Christie.
What are we paying him for? Why, for the radiant benevolence of His countenance. Silly Christie.
Allie whined - "all that strength and chutzpah wouldn't get him any further with Congress than Obama's style got him."
Well, Allie, when your "style" is to snort "I won," when you command your minions to ram through a health care plan that, we were told, had to be passed so we could find out what was in it," then I can imagine the GOP throwing up roadblocks. None of which, I remind you, would have done a damned thing to stop Little Black Jesus, since his party had the congressional majority. If He can't even bully His party into submission, that's not the GOP's fault.
Roger - yes, Reagan did meet with the loathesome O'Neill for drinks, which is one of the many reasons I don't engage in Ronnie idolatry. O'Neill, after all, was the pantload who called Reagan "the evil in the White House" and who stabbed him in the back by promising budget cuts if RWR would agree to tax increases. Ron did, and like a typical Democrat, O'Neill went back on his word. Reagan should have had the IRS dull a full colonoscopic audit on the fat bastard.
Christopher in MA--I do take your point about O'Neills fecklessness and backstabbing--but at the end of the day it is Ronald Reagan who is remembered and Tip ONeill's only legacy is his chief staff Crissy Mathews--which legacy would you prefer?
President Reagan made the effort--O'Neill was a piece of shit--there are no monuments to O'Neill--only to Mr Reagan--and Chrissy, O'Neill's legacy has only a tingle in his leg.
This makes no sense. Republicans blamed the failure of the "gang of six" talks on Obama's invovlement and his eventual endorsement of their plan. Now they blame him for not getting involved?
News flash: Congressional Republicans are reflexively against anything Obama is for. If he'd gotten involved, they would have bashed him for trying to "force" them to accept additional revenues in the form of tax increases. We would've heard Christie saying something along the lines of, "Who does this guy think he is to butt into the Supercommittee's work like that? Aren't we paying you to do your own job?"
This is just another dumb partisan attack disguised as a Youtube-ready "Christie cuts through the crap" moment. People who can't stop slobbering all over Christie to look around and see that will never be able to understand the basic truth of the situation.
RogerJ: Clinton too reached out to Republicans. His first action as president was to initiate dialog.
Chris Matthews himself has noted that Obama is not inclined to reach either across the aisle or to his own party. He is a loner and a guy who does not make outgoing calls.
Yes Christie's act would have worked in DC. He would have been the outsider who came to town to get rid of the dead wood. And yes Garbage, he could arrive on a flatbed and then use it to truck out the 500 or so pieces of dead wood sitting in Congress.
Jim wrote: "News flash: Congressional Republicans are reflexively against anything Obama is for."
Actually, the Republicans are against bad ideas. As it happens, Obama only possesses that variety. There is plenty of evidence that the president does little to mediate. By not getting involved he can duck responsibility. Momentarily.
Michael--as much as I dislike Mr Clinton's flaws (namely chasing pussy wherever he could find it)-I do agree that Mr Clinton was a consummate politician--and while I think very little of him as a human being, he at least had a good feel for politics--especially if the politicees where women.
And Roger, I understand your point completely. Reagan was a better man than I am. Had I been in Reagan's shoes after that, the only time O'Neill would have seen the Oval Office would be at the back of a tour group.
Ann Coulter made the same point a few days ago, in regards to the GOP not being willing to accept any new taxes as a deal - the Democrats have always lied and agreed to cut spending, but never have. For once, it seems the GOP has learned you cannot negotiate in good faith with them, so until there are real, actual cuts in place (not freezes, not reduction in rates or growth, but actual by-God cuts), the left can go pound sand.
Christie can be an effective thorn in Obama's side the way Sarah Palin can't. These barbs are much better from sitting governors. Perry also would be a more effective foil for Obama as a governor and not as a governor/presidential candidate.
hirping from the sidelines where he can't get hit. Why didn't tough guy Christie take on Obama? I'm sure there was a flatbed semi large enough to cart his fat ass on the field
RogerJ: On two occasions I have had the chance to interact with President Clinton and both times I found that I was completely taken by his charm and wit. Notwithstanding my bitter opposition to him as a President his persona is very powerful and I was mesmerized when I thought I might have been otherwise. He is clearly brilliant and intellectually engaging on the same level I have found Gingrich.
Allie, Don't get paranoid. I'm just watching your posts here. If I were watching you professionally I would certainly not announce it and you would never know..until we got to court.
I've shot many litigious female malingerers. I reckon you see them as an RN. Insurance companies have RN employees and they're real good @ picking out the deadbeats..better than docs.
Michael--agree entirely--Mr Clinton, as I understand, has brilliant political skills--he can engage with any one and make them feel he is their partner--I do not, in the least, denigrate his skills as a politiian--may be the best ever--but those skills were squandered in his personal conduct--and at that level the skills are but a fart in a whirlwind. Sad to to waste the skills Mr Clinton had chasing his pecker.
Gov Christie: "...I had people of good will on the other side"
See the problem here? Pres Obama does not have this benefit...he has an opposition party that actually wants the economy to fail...for purely political reasons...
Yes, it stops when they filibuster every piece of legislation, every nominee, move the goalposts once they get what they said they wanted, etc...etc...
You don't really believe the "regulation" crap do you? Consumer demand is the problem...
You don't really believe the "regulation" crap do you? Consumer demand is the problem...
My God! Hilarious! Truly a view into the foolish leftist mind.
Why is there no consumer demand? Is it because consumers have no money? Why don't they have money? Is it because they don't have jobs or don't make enough money? Why would that be? Is it because there is a lack of providers of goods and services? Why is that?
You ponder those questions, Machine. You let us know.
Machine: Yeah, capitalists want to stall the economy so that they can win an election. Are you serious? I could care less who makes the economy grow. I make a lot of money in an up economy, not so much in the down times. As a lefty you have to ponder this conundrum you have created for yourself. We cannot be both greedy pig capitalists AND want the economy to tank.
he has an opposition party that actually wants the economy to fail...for purely political reasons... If they did, they would agree to all his tax increases. You're projecting what the Dems did to Bush in the Iraq war, which worked for them in 2006 & 8, but was utterly despicable. Yes, I'm questioning their patriotism.
garage mahal said... Chirping from the sidelines where he can't get hit. Why didn't tough guy Christie take on Obama? I'm sure there was a flatbed semi large enough to cart his fat ass on the field?
First, let's point out this bit of hypocrisy:
"garage mahal said...
Ah, junior high school humor. Shoulda known."
Now let's move on to the fact that you didn't lash out at Dave Obey or Russ Feingold ripping Walker but not running opposed.
Liar. Idiot. And hypocrite. Garage, you got it all!
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९५ टिप्पण्या:
Got to love the Jersey guy! The guy he beat[Corzine] is maybe going to be indicted.
Isn't Obama just perfecting lassez-faire government?
We should all be thrilled!
What's he doing? Well, he's running for re-election, which is pretty much all he's done (save for running up even more massive debt) since the day after he was elected last time.
So why didn't Christy run? Oh yes, too fat, can barely walk, had to hop a helicopter.
Per Christie, the administration put out spin that POTUS didn't want to be involved because he knew it would fail? Are there any links/sources to anything the White House said like that?
So why didn't Christy run? Oh yes, too fat, can barely walk, had to hop a helicopter.
A yes, junior-high humor. Should've known.
A yes, junior-high humor. Should've known.
Hey...there's a time and place for junior-high humor, and at that time and in that place, your mama's so fat she went to the movie theater and sat next to everyone.
I do love Mr Christie--the guy comes across as one who tells it like it is--and with facts to back up his assertions--I dont agree with all his positions, but he is someone I can could easily support--Lets see how he does sorting out the NJ mess, but he is definitely a force to be reckoned with.
And Allie--your comments demean yourself--which sets the bar very low.
A yes, junior-high humor. Should've known.
See the Barney Frank thread for context.
Theoretically we are paying him to be the executive who intermediates between the two political parties to reach consensus on matters of import to the nation as a whole. Theoretically the chief executive of the country represents all of the citizens, not just those with whom he agrees.
The role of chief executive is difficult and not all are cut out for it.
Looks like others have already beaten up on Allies dreck (hat tip to J)
Once upon a time there were media reporters who would have been making those same demands on the President on a weekly basis. Oh, yes, children, but that was when a Republican was in the White House.
But Governor Christie's right. Leading from behind is three orders of magnitude less than our current President's pay grade, so perhaps we should dock his check by the same factor.
Looks like others have already beaten up on Allies dreck (hat tip to J)
Well, Christie is one fat bastard. And Barney Frank speaks like an idiot!
Allie. Very intelligent comment regarding why Christie did not run. Just the sort of empathy we expect from our healing professionals. And of course Christie's weight disqualifies him from any opinions that do not comport with your own. Love the liberalism of progressives!
Getting Christie out of New Jersey might be like getting Perry out of Texas. What looked good in context doesn't work out of context.
Could Obama have treated Congress the way Christie can knock heads together in the Jersey legislature?
That's right Allie, lame "progressive" template. It backfired when tried by Corzine..or don't you read? You have to explain Barney Frank, Jerome Nadler, Chris Matthews, Al Gore, Michael Moore, I could go on.
Oh and Allie, you might want to consider salads yourself.
On the other hand, where would the country be if he were leading it?
Allie: So why didn't Christy run? Oh yes, too fat, can barely walk, had to hop a helicopter
Stupid bitch.
Christie didn't run because New Jersey needs him to stay and fix the spending crisis created by your Union Brats.
I wouldn't want that job. I doubt he does either. But, unlike Obama, Chris Christie understands the concept of Duty.
On the other hand, where would the country be if he were leading it?
Excellent question.
Mad Man--who is the "he" you were referencing? We know where the slender Mr Obama has taken the country--were you referring to Gov Christie?
Oh Roger, lighten up. Even right wingers can enjoy humor, no?
I actually admire Christy's strength, something I wish Obama had more of.
Well, Obama is not Christy. They're 2 very distinct personalities not even accounting for the State. Although, they're are many Christy like pols who came from Illinois. And, I, like you, think the Jersey demenaor is tough for some to accept. But, these are tough times and I think many who would normally be turned off by this personality might accept it now.
Could Obama have treated Congress the way Christie can knock heads together in the Jersey legislature?
He certainly could have called a meeting of the Supercommittee dozen, with himself presiding, and refused to adjourn until some solid progress was made. Remember, we've been constantly taught what an eloquent and persuasive and post-partisan leader Obama is.
Stupid Bitch Allie will now complain about civility, within minutes of attacking Christie's weight.
in 3 2 1
Allie--may I suggest in this charged political atmosphere, please put a sarcasm note on your posts--The difficulty with blog postings is that humor/sarcasm does not come across easily.
I accept your point.
Could Obama have treated Congress the way Christie can knock heads together in the Jersey legislature?
I don't think so. How does Obama threaten the Republicans in Congress? What can he take away that is so valuable that they would back down, but that he hasn't taken away already? I can't think of anything.
Besides, many of those members of Congress have plenty of power in their own right. And, many of them know that they will probably be there in Congress a decade after Obama is turned out of the White House for the pro-am golfing tour.
Oh, and did I mention their egos?
If presidents really want to get a deal done, they will get it done. It won't be pretty, but it will happen if he wants it to. Obama really didn't want anything done and the Senate dems provided him the cover.
"Allie--may I suggest in this charged political atmosphere, please put a sarcasm note on your posts--The difficulty with blog postings is that humor/sarcasm does not come across easily."
Assuming she was being sarcastic, which is a big assumption.
I assume everyone remembers how Obama shot into the lead 3 years and a month or so ago, when McCain suspended his campaign and got involved in the financial crisis.
And, Obama looked so sage and wise, while continuing to campaign?
Looking back to Obama at that time, could he just have been disinterested? Uninvolved?
I find it interesting that someone can become President partially by not doing anything, while his competitor did, and now he is being slammed for not doing something when something needed to be done.
Well Roger, maybe Allie was just kidding. I'll take her @ her word this time. But, my profession teaches me to look for patterns. Time will tell.
DAMN GOOD QUESTION! This guy doesn't lead.
You really think Christie could treat Congress like the Jersey legislature?
Remember how bad Perry looked outside of Texas. You can't just bring your Texas/Jersey style to the national stage. Think about how it will look torn out of the state government context.
As Mr Hayden rightfully observes, what Governors can do is considerably different than a President can do--I see no evidence that Mr Obama has any understanding of the constitutional doctrine of separation of powers. The other two independent branches of government may be obstacles, but they have to be engaged. Mr Obama's (apparent) view of our constitution is woefully warped.
Why the "Obama is bland" tag?
Wouldn't "Obama is incompetent" or "Obama disappoints" or "Obama can't lead" or "My vote for Obama was a mistake" be much more appropriate?
Althouse is bland
Ann Althouse said...
Getting Christie out of New Jersey might be like getting Perry out of Texas. What looked good in context doesn't work out of context.
1. Correct.
2. He is a lot of fun to have on your side. He cuts through a lot of crap, and this is a perfect example.
3. There's a lot about Christie that conservatives would hate, but he's awfully good for a NJ (blue blue blue state) governor.
Oh--And Professor Althouse's point in the post preceding mine, I think reinforces mine--We exist in a federal system--not a unitary government. The Framers were pretty damn smart.
The Framers were pretty damn smart.
Yes, but they were all evil, white, land-owning men. Surely the most vile types of people on the face of Gaia.
I am serious about respecting Christy's strength, he has chutzpah and knows how to use it, too bad he's not a Democrat.
But all that strength and chutzpah wouldn't get him any further with Congress than Obama's style got him. Althouse is correct.
ScottM: That nothwithstanding, their masterwork was our constitution. Not a bad outcome from a bunch of scurrilous miscreants. :)
But all that strength and chutzpah wouldn't get him any further with Congress than Obama's style got him. Althouse is correct.
Given the current state of the state, Allie, I don't see how Christie's approach could have possibly done worse.
Allie--we have a succession of Presidents who apparently have some appreciation of separation of powers--Mr Reagan, as I understand, would regularly meet with Mr O'Neill over a drink at the end of the day. Some differences may just be amenable to good relationships formed informally. There is much to be said for maintaining informal relatationships.
A good President, IMO, does not insult the members of a separate branch of government, in a state of the union address wherein the insulted members cannot respond.
Allie, Obama has no style. Even Dems say he never calls. That's not a "style" unless being aloof is a style. If so, it's always a loser.
I am serious about respecting Christy's strength,
Too late. You already tipped your hand and you meant what you said about Christy being fat...etc. Back peddling is unbecoming.
So why didn't Christy run? He has something that you liberals and progressives don't have.
Christy was elected to do a job for his State, repeatedly said that he would finish that job and is not interested in using the people of New Jersey as a launching pad.
@nspinelli. The pattern is already set.
@Roger, sorry about the non-clarity. He refers to Obama.
Roger, yes to that, but over imbibing must be avoided , or things could get ugly, fast ;)
Love how the single-celled intelligence calls it a joke after she has her head handed to her. Just like Lurch a couple of years ago.
As for Christie, he has value as another member of the Greek chorus, not unlike Miss Sarah. The weight of all those reminders that GodZero has no clothes is eventually going to be felt.
Ann Althouse said...
You really think Christie could treat Congress like the Jersey legislature?
Remember how bad Perry looked outside of Texas. You can't just bring your Texas/Jersey style to the national stage. Think about how it will look torn out of the state government context.
No, that's a little different. What is said on camera and what's done behind closed doors are two different things.
Think LBJ.
WV "excar" What a Mini Cooper is after it tries to occupy the same space as an 18-wheeler.
Alllie: good; appeciage he emoticon--that works well for understanding. :)
Dust Bunny, if I were really serious about my statement regarding Christy's weight issues, I would have fought . I don't back down or backpedal, you DON'T know me yet, obviously.
Chirping from the sidelines where he can't get hit. Why didn't tough guy Christie take on Obama? I'm sure there was a flatbed semi large enough to cart his fat ass on the field?
Mad Man--thanks for clarification
Garage--because, perhaps, Mr Christie was principles enough to know he was elected to do a job, rather than view election to one office as a stepping stone to another office. Your comment is especially egregious.
DustBunny, you may be correct. I just put her on my horseshit screen. And, I always make up my own mind based on my own observations. Believe me..I'll be diligent. I am persistent, patient, and I don't miss anything. The fact that she backed down so quickly is how many bullies behave. But, it is not dispositive. I don't have the interest in researching the past. I'll just monitor from here foreward.
Spinelli will be watching me, oooo, more creepiness. But he is a private dick, no?
Obama voted 'Present' more than 130 times as a state senator as Hillary and others noted during the primary. If that was not a red flag, I don't know what else was. Yet, people like you voted for him. He is enjoying the perks of the job with none of the responsibilities. You get what you deserve but you drag down a lot of other people with your stupid vote.
Christie is a big boy. He's mad because Obama was smart enough not to get involved in an obvious clusterfuck that was doomed before it started. There was never going to be a coming together between the two parties.
Jesus, we're paying him, too?
Garage--it was the flat bed comment I took exception to--and for Mr Obama being smart? nahhh-not so much
for those who believe Gov Christie's weight is an an issue, I would counter than Mr Obama's addiction to nictotine is even more issue--but those kinds of topics are imo so much bullshit.
It is the caliber of demonstrated leadership that I believe important. Mr Obama has failed miserably; Gov Christie has apparently signed on to fulfill his elective mandate--At the end of the day, I would go with Gov Christie.
--I see no evidence that Mr Obama has any understanding of the constitutional doctrine of separation of powers.
Sure he has, it's a hinderance, that's why he's regulating everything in sight.
What are we paying him for? Why, for the radiant benevolence of His countenance. Silly Christie.
Allie whined - "all that strength and chutzpah wouldn't get him any further with Congress than Obama's style got him."
Well, Allie, when your "style" is to snort "I won," when you command your minions to ram through a health care plan that, we were told, had to be passed so we could find out what was in it," then I can imagine the GOP throwing up roadblocks. None of which, I remind you, would have done a damned thing to stop Little Black Jesus, since his party had the congressional majority. If He can't even bully His party into submission, that's not the GOP's fault.
Roger - yes, Reagan did meet with the loathesome O'Neill for drinks, which is one of the many reasons I don't engage in Ronnie idolatry. O'Neill, after all, was the pantload who called Reagan "the evil in the White House" and who stabbed him in the back by promising budget cuts if RWR would agree to tax increases. Ron did, and like a typical Democrat, O'Neill went back on his word. Reagan should have had the IRS dull a full colonoscopic audit on the fat bastard.
Christopher in MA--I do take your point about O'Neills fecklessness and backstabbing--but at the end of the day it is Ronald Reagan who is remembered and Tip ONeill's only legacy is his chief staff Crissy Mathews--which legacy would you prefer?
President Reagan made the effort--O'Neill was a piece of shit--there are no monuments to O'Neill--only to Mr Reagan--and Chrissy, O'Neill's legacy has only a tingle in his leg.
This makes no sense. Republicans blamed the failure of the "gang of six" talks on Obama's invovlement and his eventual endorsement of their plan. Now they blame him for not getting involved?
News flash: Congressional Republicans are reflexively against anything Obama is for. If he'd gotten involved, they would have bashed him for trying to "force" them to accept additional revenues in the form of tax increases. We would've heard Christie saying something along the lines of, "Who does this guy think he is to butt into the Supercommittee's work like that? Aren't we paying you to do your own job?"
This is just another dumb partisan attack disguised as a Youtube-ready "Christie cuts through the crap" moment. People who can't stop slobbering all over Christie to look around and see that will never be able to understand the basic truth of the situation.
RogerJ: Clinton too reached out to Republicans. His first action as president was to initiate dialog.
Chris Matthews himself has noted that Obama is not inclined to reach either across the aisle or to his own party. He is a loner and a guy who does not make outgoing calls.
Yes Christie's act would have worked in DC. He would have been the outsider who came to town to get rid of the dead wood. And yes Garbage, he could arrive on a flatbed and then use it to truck out the 500 or so pieces of dead wood sitting in Congress.
but at the end of the day it is Ronald Reagan who is remembered and Tip ONeill's only legacy is his chief staff Crissy Mathews
That's not true. He was the inspiration for a bird in the Shoe comic strip for years.
Jim wrote: "News flash: Congressional Republicans are reflexively against anything Obama is for."
Actually, the Republicans are against bad ideas. As it happens, Obama only possesses that variety. There is plenty of evidence that the president does little to mediate. By not getting involved he can duck responsibility. Momentarily.
Michael--as much as I dislike Mr Clinton's flaws (namely chasing pussy wherever he could find it)-I do agree that Mr Clinton was a consummate politician--and while I think very little of him as a human being, he at least had a good feel for politics--especially if the politicees where women.
"He was the inspiration for a bird. . ."
Senator Batson D. Belfry, if I recall correctly.
And Roger, I understand your point completely. Reagan was a better man than I am. Had I been in Reagan's shoes after that, the only time O'Neill would have seen the Oval Office would be at the back of a tour group.
Ann Coulter made the same point a few days ago, in regards to the GOP not being willing to accept any new taxes as a deal - the Democrats have always lied and agreed to cut spending, but never have. For once, it seems the GOP has learned you cannot negotiate in good faith with them, so until there are real, actual cuts in place (not freezes, not reduction in rates or growth, but actual by-God cuts), the left can go pound sand.
An interesting thread indeed--and thanks to the commentariat-
My take on 20th century presidents who will emerge as great leaders?
Harry Truman
Dwight Eisenhower
Ronald W Reagan
Of course, I am not a presidential "scholar" but I do stand by my choices.
Christie can be an effective thorn in Obama's side the way Sarah Palin can't. These barbs are much better from sitting governors. Perry also would be a more effective foil for Obama as a governor and not as a governor/presidential candidate.
hirping from the sidelines where he can't get hit. Why didn't tough guy Christie take on Obama? I'm sure there was a flatbed semi large enough to cart his fat ass on the field
Hypocrisy looks bad on you, Garage.
RogerJ: On two occasions I have had the chance to interact with President Clinton and both times I found that I was completely taken by his charm and wit. Notwithstanding my bitter opposition to him as a President his persona is very powerful and I was mesmerized when I thought I might have been otherwise. He is clearly brilliant and intellectually engaging on the same level I have found Gingrich.
Allie, Don't get paranoid. I'm just watching your posts here. If I were watching you professionally I would certainly not announce it and you would never know..until we got to court.
I've shot many litigious female malingerers. I reckon you see them as an RN. Insurance companies have RN employees and they're real good @ picking out the deadbeats..better than docs.
Michael--agree entirely--Mr Clinton, as I understand, has brilliant political skills--he can engage with any one and make them feel he is their partner--I do not, in the least, denigrate his skills as a politiian--may be the best ever--but those skills were squandered in his personal conduct--and at that level the skills are but a fart in a whirlwind. Sad to to waste the skills Mr Clinton had chasing his pecker.
News flash: Congressional Republicans are reflexively against anything Obama is for
So that explains why the Senate hasn't presented a budget in over 3 years, Obama during his time is against it.
I do think the pubbies are for a senate budget.
"... News flash: Congressional Republicans are reflexively against anything Obama is for.."
That's because everything he is for, sucks.
Did you see those Iranian students that stormed the Brit embassy?
Obama was probably thinking: ' That's all I fucking need right now.'
It's like the thing to do in November with them.
Nahhh, he's thinking should I use the 4-Iron?
Gov Christie: "...I had people of good will on the other side"
See the problem here? Pres Obama does not have this benefit...he has an opposition party that actually wants the economy to fail...for purely political reasons...
It can't be the regulations which are strangling us, it must be 1 house of Congress, because without that house, everything stops.
Yes, it stops when they filibuster every piece of legislation, every nominee, move the goalposts once they get what they said they wanted, etc...etc...
You don't really believe the "regulation" crap do you? Consumer demand is the problem...
machine said...
Yes, it stops when they filibuster every piece of legislation
Um, dummy, you do realize the Senate didn't pass a budget when there were 60 Democrats, right?
Of course not, you dumb little talking point.
Pres Obama does not have this benefit...he has an opposition party that actually wants the economy to fail...for purely political reasons...
The economy has already "failed"
You dumb talking point.
You don't really believe the "regulation" crap do you? Consumer demand is the problem...
Considering I read about some of the regulations and the fact that Dear Leader is going that route and said so, yes I do.
You don't really believe the "regulation" crap do you? Consumer demand is the problem...
My God! Hilarious! Truly a view into the foolish leftist mind.
Why is there no consumer demand? Is it because consumers have no money? Why don't they have money? Is it because they don't have jobs or don't make enough money? Why would that be? Is it because there is a lack of providers of goods and services? Why is that?
You ponder those questions, Machine. You let us know.
This is going to be awesome.
You don't really believe the "regulation" crap do you? Consumer demand is the problem...
Um, how do you explain the Black Friday sales record then?
How do you explain the offshore drillilng ban killing tens of thousands of jobs?
How do you then explain the Keystone XL pipeline decision?
You don't really believe the "regulation" crap do you?
Yeah, it isn't like the NRLB is trying to block Boeing from building a plant in South Carolina or anything.
I just bought a car in the suburbs because it was cheaper. Why was it cheaper? Why couldn't a city dealership offer the same price on the same car?
Now, about those providers of goods and services...
Obama said if he was elected, energy prices would necessarily skyrocket, Machine.
Is he doing that by Congress or regulation?
Machine: Yeah, capitalists want to stall the economy so that they can win an election. Are you serious? I could care less who makes the economy grow. I make a lot of money in an up economy, not so much in the down times. As a lefty you have to ponder this conundrum you have created for yourself. We cannot be both greedy pig capitalists AND want the economy to tank.
he has an opposition party that actually wants the economy to fail...for purely political reasons...
If they did, they would agree to all his tax increases. You're projecting what the Dems did to Bush in the Iraq war, which worked for them in 2006 & 8, but was utterly despicable. Yes, I'm questioning their patriotism.
garage mahal said...
Chirping from the sidelines where he can't get hit. Why didn't tough guy Christie take on Obama? I'm sure there was a flatbed semi large enough to cart his fat ass on the field?
First, let's point out this bit of hypocrisy:
"garage mahal said...
Ah, junior high school humor. Shoulda known."
Now let's move on to the fact that you didn't lash out at Dave Obey or Russ Feingold ripping Walker but not running opposed.
Liar. Idiot. And hypocrite. Garage, you got it all!
Thank goodness Obama isn't doing more. Everything he's done has been a flop so far. With luck his next big flop will be his re-election campaign.
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