"We have to do an assessment as to whether or not this is going to create too much of a cloud, in some people’s minds, as to whether or not they would be able to support us going forth...."
It’s also taken a toll on my wife and family, as you would imagine... Any time you put another cloud of doubt, unfortunately, in the court of public opinion, for some people, you’re guilty until proven innocent. And so, the public will have to decide whether they believe her or whether they believe me. That’s why we’re going to give it time, to see what type of response we get from our supporters.
IN THE COMMENTS: mccullough has a theory:
I'm guessing that Cain asked this woman to come forward and tell about their affair so he could have an excuse to get out of the race.
He never had any serious intention of being President.
२५१ टिप्पण्या:
251 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»We'll miss having you around, Herman. Why you stayed after your unpreparedness in that joint appearance with Newt is beyond me.
I'm guessing that Cain asked this woman to come forward and tell about their affair so he could have an excuse to get out of the race.
He never had any serious intention of being President.
There was never anything he did or said during this entire campaign that should have made people take him seriously.
Too bad. I was going to suggest that this be turned into an "I am Spartacus" moment!
Wouldn't that be great? Thousands of people standing up and saying; "I had sex with Herman Cain!". How you gonna prove who's lying?
Back on the plantation, Herm!
"There was never anything he did or said during this entire campaign that should have made people take him seriously."
Like wearing a stupid hat sideways.
I don't blame Herman but society:
You can have 100 women lined up against him but, without proof, they're liars.
In a decent society, with it's priorities straight, they'd be the ones under the gun,...
And, if not true, what they're doing to that poor man's wife, mentally, is criminal. Not to mention how they're twisting a decent man's view of his country.
If there's a God, he'd be running a hot poker through the lot of 'em,...
Some day, all the Presidential candidates will be Mormons, war heros, and/or Democrats.
I have no idea where the truth lies, but why is a good man so hard to believe?
This is the way the process should work. It is a shame it does not work in the same way for candidates of both parties.
What Crack said.
Buncha grifting litigious lying whores.
The KochBros are going to want their money back. Should have done a little more auto-oppo.
I would not have voted for Cain in a primary.
That said, he's a Black Republican, and they obviously must be destroyed.
Once upon a time, if a woman admitted to an affair, it was probably true since admitting such would have been shameful. Now it's just a way to become a 15 minute celebrity so who knows what's true or not.
wv - xessess
Also, you can't spell reassessing without some ass.
Once upon a time, if a woman admitted to an affair, it was probably true since admitting such would have been shameful. Now it's just a way to become a 15 minute celebrity so who knows what's true or not.
Oh Jesus.
What the women say is proof. Cain's denial is proof. Maybe they are lying, maybe he is telling the truth, maybe a bit of both. Who knows. Corroborating evidence by the women would go a long way. The allegations of sexual harrasment were made at the time and settled by the employer. Maybe they were b.s., who knows.
I don't find any of the allegations about sexual harrassment or allegations about Cain's hitting on some women or having an affair disqualifying, even if true. Herman Cain seems to be sort of like Bill Clinton, and his platform is not about family values, etc., which is beyond the ability, much less the authority, of the POTUS to tackle.
That said, Cain's wilful refusal to brush up on important issues and his obvious winging it on them leaves me to believe he was not serious about becoming POTUS and I'm sure his family thought it would never go this far. They certainly didn't want to be part of the process. And if Cain's a philanderer, then his wife probably knows about it.
If he quits, he's looking for an exit. But he should not whine on the way out that he is a victim. He is not a victim.
Cain has no more business running for President than any KC pizza joint manager does.
"... You can have 100 women lined up against him but, without proof, they're liars..."
Hell, I'd admit it. What's the shame in it? Babes are hot for me and all this monogomy is a silly social construct. The Lord said go forth and multiply and I took him at his word.
Who'd you rather want leading the country? Super.Shagger Cain or President Mom Pants?
Better that he get out now than stay in the race through the primary and take away votes from one candidate so that another candidate ends up in the White House because the press refused to actually investigate the details of the alleged affair.
But that would never happen.
STFU, Byro-sorepaw, LDS queer-pagan garbage. Even your attempt to be a rightist as pathetic as su mama's panocha
J said...
Cain has no more business running for President than any KC pizza joint manager does.
Yeah Byro, because being CEO of the corporation with $265 million in annual revenues is like totally the same thing as managing a KFC store.
Roast upon a red-hot shovel the duck of doubt...
- Lautreamont
Nursey Byro-jay with another brainfart. Must be a slow day at the T-shirt sweatshop (heh heh..closed pronto, perp).
Maybe go back to ol Winslow JC and get the LVN, dreck. Your Billy Idol days are over, puto
On the other hand Obama has been completely faithful to Reggie Love. His "body man." Right out in the open. Michelle knows. The MSM know. But everyone's copacetic with it. Because of the mission. The mission comes first. To fundamentally change America. What's not to love with our vicious vindictive president?
"That’s why we’re going to give it time, to see what type of response we get from our supporters."
His supporters are bailing. It's a done deal.
While it's true that I don't think Cain could win, the underlying story to me seems that it's important to make sure any conservative black man who aspires to political greatness knows what's in store for him.
As if the Clarence Thomas episode hadn't already taught us. And of course that the Left will enforce the Right's morality standard on it's candidates even if the Right is willing to look the other way.
TO reiterate: your Billy Idol days are over, puto. You can't write either, Byro-jay-sorepaw, oclarki, et al. Fock even your plagiarism skills suck
Two problems for Cain:
1) Even I have lost track of the ratio of accusers:frauds. Yes, some of the women's stories seem fishy, but in the end all anyone remembers is that Cain is associated with something seedy.
2) More importantly, lets ignore the Lefty and MSM hypocrisy, Cain did not handle this "crisis" very well. And the POTUS has alot on his plate - our economy, illegal immigration out of control, a corrupt Justice Dept that needs to be entirely replaced, Obamacare repeal, Iranian launches against Israel, Paki nukes (or Jihadi nukes, if Obama continues to frack AfPak up), the Euro-crisis, etc.
Dude, the correct response is this:
There’s no question at times of my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked far too hard and things happened in my life that were not appropriate.
WV: doright
I would stick with him except for all the policy flubs.
I think the real problem for Herman Cain is that he's beginning to realize that if he was actually elected President he might have to put all of his extramarital affairs with white women on hold. That's asking just a little too much of a successful black man.
Just so you guys know, Mark also wants to forcibly rid the country of all illegal aliens at any price in addition to being a racist cunt.
Back to the motivational speaking circuit.
The question is: When does he become a media-friendly critic of the GOP? Seems like the best way to generate interest down the road.
@ rhhardin
"Roast upon a red-hot shovel the duck of doubt..."
Not really in the mood for duck today.
How about the Smothered Pork Chop of Whistling Dixie?
Tyler Florence Smothered Pork Chop
I usually just use regular milk instead of the buttermilk and not quite so much olive oil. And some diced onion and fennel.
The major problem for Cain isn't the bimbo eruptions. The major problem for Cain is that when you actually try to get specifics out of him it rapidly becomes apparently that he has no idea what he's talking about.
His heart's in the right place, but that isn't enough.
How does General Powell fit into the "destroy the conservative Black man" meme?
Thank you, it's true I do want the illegal aliens to leave...though you're lying when you say "forcibly". I advocate a program of targeted financial incentives to punish employers for hiring them and to reward citizens for reporting the lawbreakers and to reward government agencies for doing their job and catching them.
Financial incentives are the farthest thing from "forcible". The fact that you have to engage in such hyperbole shows how effective the idea really would be...it scares you. They might actually leave! And then who would vote with the fringe white progressives and defeat the traditional white American men who want the country to remain white and American?
The major problem for Cain is that when you actually try to get specifics out of him it rapidly becomes apparently that he has no idea what he's talking about.
Cain is a good example of the kind of black person who gets ahead in this country. We've all known a few at our workplaces. They learn a few catchphrases and repeat them over and over ("My nine-nine-nine plan!") thinking that style and flash and a few catchphrases substitute for actual knowledge. Their grasp of the issues is thin, however, and after a certain point that becomes obvious. We're not supposed to notice it though...that would be racist.
Should black people and other minorities be denied due process like you want illegal aliens to be denied due process, Mark?
"How does General Powell fit into the "destroy the conservative Black man" meme?"
He was never conservative. In fact, the media embraced him after he began dissing the GOP. Which is the road I think Cain will go down, unfortuately.
Not that I totally buy into the "destroy black conservatives" theory. Just that Powell was not conservative.
How does General Powell fit into the "destroy the conservative Black man" meme?
General Powell is not conservative.
It's not that Cain is ready to be president, because he just isn't. I see that now, not because I think he is a sexual harasser or an adulterer, but because he is not going to triangulate his response based on public opinion. That is something he has said he wouldn't do and now he is. So long Herman, you're a good guy, but this isn't for you. And once again, the process works like its supposed to.
We're not supposed to notice it though...that would be racist.
You are doing just fine on your racism. Good work! Fabulous racism.
Andy R. said...
There was never anything he did or said during this entire campaign that should have made people take him seriously
Talk about pot-kettle-black. Like anyone takes you seriously around here, queer bait.
LOL. So offering rewards for turning in lawbreakers is "denying them due process". LOL
Lest we forget Cain's also close pals with Allen Greenspam, Randian.
No wonder the Gumphousers like him--Cainstein.
Good work! Fabulous racism.
Why thank you!
Also racist is lumping black people together in a hilariously ridiculous way. That is, in fact, the definition of racism.
You are a racist cunt, dude.
J. -- Jews only run the world because they are superior to you in intellect.
Powell was never a conservative
General Powell isn't conservative, so he's irrelevant to the "meme."
J said...
TO reiterate: your Billy Idol days are over, puto. You can't write either, Byro-jay-sorepaw, oclarki, et al. Fock even your plagiarism skills suck
You have to "reiterate" your silly drivel, Byro.
That's some fantastic stuff right there...
Wow, that's a powerful ad hominem argument you've got going there. I mean, calling me a "racist cunt" - two really bad words! Heck those are probably the two most baddest words a liberal can even say! Gosh, I am so chastened! I'm going to need to reevaluate the validity of my arguments because after all, a guy on the internet just called me two very bad words!
Nachos, you really are a ridiculous little ghoul aren't you.
Ayn Rand was a joke as a thinker but she repudiated her own jewish heritage. And did I say Greenspam was mistaken for being jewish? No. He's wrong because of his simplistic laissez-fare ideas.
TO reiterate: your Billy Idol days are over, puto. You can't write either, Byro-jay-sorepaw, oclarki, et al. Fock even your plagiarism skills suck
That's right byro-jay, blowhard, trash, perp, AZ yokel. Truth hurts, eh, tee-shirt boy. And..your Archie script days are over too! Heh heh. Grazi to...
AZ yokel
That is on par with America's Politico in terms of satire...
Cain's only political future is with a third party--a third party called the Pizza Party. The slogan could be: "Election Day Pizza Party. Are you in?" How inclusive! I'm so in. Except I think Obama is already using the "Are you in?" line, so that might be problematic.
Our choice now is between Newt, who has had multiple post-marital affairs (is that more respectable than extra-marital affairs?), and Romney, who is too androgynous and sterile to have affairs. It's a miracle he's married at all.
Lord. Can we stop voting on our candidates' sex lives? It's creeping me out.
How about if we just choose candidates who are married and faithful and don't have character issues?
Wouldn't that be better than surrendering and accepting lower and lower standards of behavior in a candidate for the highest office?
The fact that you think someone is a liberal because he tells you that you are a racist cunt speaks volumes about your shallowness, Mark.
Good luck deportin' those illegals. And try not to look the black people directly in the eye.
Coketown, what's a post-marital affair?
If only he'd been a Democrat - highly electable.
Coketown, what's a post-marital affair?
Maybe he meant post-martial affair. That would be the R&P the Vikings were so renowned for.
Coketown, what's a post-marital affair?
I made it up. We need something to call whatever it is Gingrich did. Twice.
You are quite the hysteric.
My two observations are quite unremarkable.
That successful black men seem to have a predilection for white women.
And that it is common for blacks to "fake it" and get away with it in their jobs. Every white adult with much job experience has run into the type, whether they are honest enough to admit it or not.
But for some reason it infuriates you for someone to mention those things.
"How much did they give to Herman Cain's campaign? "
You mean BESIDES the $40G under the table to get the ball rolling, or can we go back to the point where they starting grooming him for office 10 years ago?
to the point where they starting grooming him for office 10 years ago?
Oh my God. This is too funny. Herman Cain as the literal Manchurian Candidate. And those evil Kochs would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for dudes like Jim who saw through the ruse.
"AZ yokel"". Nice ring to it eh-- concise not to say accurate, Byro-Jaybird. Maybe go back to yr zionist-pedo daddy's place and spank it together to yr fave NAMBLA vids, puerco (well, fore the ...F**s get there). Ya know, old school beatnik, like you were trained to
Cain is a good example of the kind of black person who gets ahead in this country. We've all known a few at our yadda yadda yadda...
You really that behavior is unique to folks with darker skin color?
'cause I've seen all kinds of white, yellow, brown, red, and even purple-colored people behave in the same manner as that which you described.
Mark -- Your observations lumping black people together are exactly what make you a racist cunt.
Why can't racists accept their racism? Be what you are. Wail with it, dude!
No, Penguin. It's just black people. But Mark isn't a racist. No sir!
You really that behavior is unique to folks with darker skin color?
No, I didn't say "unique" did I?
I said he was a good example of that kind.
I didn't say that there are no examples of that behavior in other races.
ME: Coketown, what's a post-marital affair?
COKETOWN: I made it up. We need something to call whatever it is Gingrich did. Twice.
ME: How about an extra-extra-marital affair?
Exit, stage thataway!
Oh I absolutely stand by my belief that it is more common for blacks to behave that way than whites.
But it would be stupid to try to argue that ALL blacks are that way and ALL whites aren't.
These behaviors probably exist along a normal distribution. A percentage of every race behaves like that.
It's just that the percentage of blacks who behave like that is larger than the percentage of whites. Can I cite a study to prove that? No. It's my impression, that's all. Just based on what I've seen.
It's my impression, that's all. Just based on what I've seen.
So your observations cannot be racist. Alrighty, then. Racist.
Just based on what I've seen.
So you're suggesting, as a race, whites keep it in their pants better?
It's not racist to suggest that black people tend to be serial adulterers or chase after women of other "races," whatever those are.
At what point, Mark, do you become a racist?
So you're suggesting, as a race, whites keep it in their pants better?
I was commenting on blacks' greater tendency to try to 'fake it' in the work and professional space.
But given the very high black illegitimacy rate - near 80% - compared to whites, and given the very high rate of sexually transmitted disease among blacks compared to other races, well, yeah whites probably do keep it in their pants better.
Tell me honestly that you were surprised to find out that Herman Cain, a successful black man, had been cheating on his black wife with a series of white women. That's one of the oldest stereotypes around.
I guess I become a racist when someone like you calls me one.
I really don't care about the label. I gave up caring about being called a racist by liberals a long time ago. It's what they all resort to when they can't address the substance of the arguments.
"Racist" has several meanings, too.
If it means I notice that blacks have some very negative tendencies as a group, then I guess I'm "guilty". But those are the facts.
I don't make 80% of black babies illegitimate.
I don't make blacks 6.0 times as likely to be arrested for murder as white people. Or four times as likely to commit rape or sexual assault. Those are just facts.
If calling them to attention makes me "racist", then so be it.
Hmmm. Powell is a Republican. So it's not that libs/media hate blacks who leave the Dem party, just very conservative blacks.
I see: ya just gotta make a twist here and there to play along with the Thomas/Cain victim story.
Let's just tell racist jokes at this point, Mark.
You first, Mark. I bet you know some real humdingers.
write_effort said...
Hmmm. Powell is a Republican.
Powell openly supported Obama.
I see: ya just gotta make a twist here and there to play along
See above
Let's just tell racist jokes at this point
Q: What do you call a black man flying an airplane?
A: The pilot, you racist dipshit.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
So you're suggesting, as a race, whites keep it in their pants better
Unless they are officers in the US Navy.
Frankly, I hope he stays. As I said before, this one is the cougar with a stalking history attached and, as has been noted, another volunteer from Chi-town.
Can we all say astroturf?
mccullough said...
I'm guessing that Cain asked this woman to come forward and tell about their affair so he could have an excuse to get out of the race.
He never had any serious intention of being President.
That applies more to Daniels.
Andy R. said...
There was never anything he did or said during this entire campaign that should have made people take him seriously.
Except maybe a lifetime of accomplishment and academic excellence.
Too bad Hatman - or GodZero - can't say the same.
Cain's issues have more to do with him being left-handed than the color of skin. I haven't met a lefty yet that is worth a shit.
Friggin' southpaws shouldn't be allowed to be among us decent folks. And yes, if that makes me a "handist" then so mote it be!
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
What do you call a black man flying an airplane
Sean “Puffy” Combs?
What do you call a black man flying an airplane
Endless WWII-era white guilt relief?
I have noticed that people with hazel eyes like to fuck dead animals. They are also far more likely to commit arson.
Just my observations. Don't call me an eyeist, man.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
I have noticed that people with hazel eyes like to fuck dead animals. They are also far more likely to commit arson
You get close enough to people F*cking dead animals, you can note their eye colour? I generally just try to keep my distance, and cross that dead animal off my “Road Kill Stew” Meal Plan.
Joe -- I have hazel eyes.
I love how fast a conservative can be throw under a bus when they do the absolute unforgivable, and say something nice about a Democrat.
Not a conservative anymore!
Powell was in the public eye long before his endorsement of Obama. Why weren't libs/media trying to destroy him then? He was being touted as a possible GOP presidential candidate.
Perhaps the difference between Powell and Cain/Thomas is that he is actually qualified for higher office, and doesn't need to get hysterical about "high tech lynching."
Note no profile/blogs from MnMark, and then he spouts racist BS--the Byro-sorepaw MO. Cain has issues but it's the GOP-TP calling him a n****r
(bookmark it garag).
A certain part of Mr. Cain's anatomy appears to be a'puckerin'....
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
and say something nice about a Democrat.
Not a conservative anymore
You mean like his support for Affirmative Action, his support for Gun Control, his support for forced student “volunteerism”, you mean his betrayal of “Scooter” Libby, made him a Good Republican Conservative….Powell was NOT a Conservative, and since 2008 can barely be considered a Republican.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Former Republican candidate Sean Bielat tells National Review Online he’s “certainly thinking pretty hard” about another run for Congress. Last year, Bielat waged an aggressive campaign against Rep. Barney Frank (D.) in Massachusetts’s 4th Congressional District. Although Frank won by a 54–43 margin, it was his closest race in years. And now that the state legislature has redrawn the district, the potential for a Republican victory is even greater.
“If you look at the map, without knowing anything about Massachusetts, you can tell it’s not gerrymandered the way the old one was. The old one looked like a snake,” Bielat jokes.
The possible candidate says he will make a decision “in the next few weeks” after consulting with his wife, who gave birth to their second child only two weeks ago. (They had their first child during the 2010 campaign.) “We want either to decide we are in and jump right in, or to decide we’re not and support whoever’s out there
Found this for you, Garage…so I guess you look foolish, AGAIN…about “Bonnie Fwank”. In another story Bonnie exclaims that the Legislature did him no favours in redistricting….
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
He was being touted as a possible GOP presidential candidate
Yeah like John McCain was touted, because he de-energized the base….Just because or perhaps BECAUSE the NYT/LSM like a “Republican” doesn’t make him/her a good Republican, much less a Conservative.
Cain has issues but it's the GOP-TP calling him a n****r
No mention, of course, of the others here calling him out for holding that opinion. I'd call it willful ignorance, but that would imply higher cognitive faculties than you possess, Jolly.
On the subject of racist BS, J's position is that the Jews run 75% of the banking/financial companies in this country. Since you're the expert, J, how much Jew blood does one have to have to be part of that 75%? A drop? A pint? A second-cousin, twice removed?
garage mahal said...
I love how fast a conservative can be throw under a bus when they do the absolute unforgivable, and say something nice about a Democrat
You can't find any references to Colin Powell as a "conservative" prior to 2008.
Further, openly endorsing and voting for Obama is more than saying something nice, idiot.
you mean his betrayal of “Scooter” Libby
You really are a stupid fock, JoeJoe Kissinger. You mean Scooter Libby, the shyster who routinely lied under oath--serious felonies-- for his man Cheney, who should have been in prison for at least 10 years? That guy? Gen Powell did the right thing at least in that case.
write_effort said...
Powell was in the public eye long before his endorsement of Obama. Why weren't libs/media trying to destroy him then? He was being touted as a possible GOP presidential candidate.
Powell was never considered a conservative, mainly because he wasn't one.
That's awesome Joe. Keep cutting and pasting what Frank has already publicly stated. Way to keep me informed. He is 72 yrs old, was sick of running and raising money, and hated the doucebags he worked with. I guess it is possible the dude he beat by 11 points would run against him again, and could have even possibly lost!
The key part of "reassessing" to Herman Cain seems to be ass aka booty. NTTIATWWT.
"Yeah like John McCain was touted, because he de-energized the base….Just because or perhaps BECAUSE the NYT/LSM like a “Republican” doesn’t make him/her a good Republican, much less a Conservative."
Yes Joe, certain liberals I knew just thought McCain was terrific.
That a liberal would approve should have been more troubling to more people; the rest is history.
garage mahal said...
I love how fast a conservative can be throw under a bus when they do the absolute unforgivable, and say something nice about a Democrat.
Not a conservative anymore!
Colin Powell on Colin Powell:
“I consider myself a moderate Republican,” Powell began. “I have very, very moderate social views, and I’m pretty strong on, on defense matters.
You beclown yourself yet again.
How does General Powell fit into the "destroy the conservative Black man" meme?
He doesn't; he's a moderate. That's why Clinton was willing to consider him for the Vice Presidency back in '92.
garage mahal said...
That's awesome Joe. Keep cutting and pasting what Frank has already publicly stated.
What is hilarious about your comment dumbass, is you asserted it wasn't possible Frank was retiring because he was afraid of losing.
You are an idiot beyond belief.
This is not as bad as the sexual affair Chris Mathews clearly had with Obama. Obama is never even asked about that, despite all the clear evidence.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Way to keep me informed. He is 72 yrs old, was sick of running and raising money, and hated the doucebags he worked with. I guess it is possible the dude he beat by 11 points would run against him again, and could have even possibly lost
But Garage to quote you, “we can’t KNOW”….Just own up to you Frank is out because he wasn’t going to get his usual free ride, and even a victory was just going to leave him to finish a career as a Powerless Minority House Member….He’s not America’s Politico, he KNOWS his party is toast in 2012, and mayhap him, too.
Funny he hated the “Douche B@gs” he worked with, so suddenly Mr. Witty is just a grumpy old Queen, I guess the mask is dropping…he was a nasty, venal human being propped up by a LSM Meme and fear of being “Homophobic” who ran in a gerrymandered district, in one of the most Blue States in the US. Name one positive accomplishment of the man, beyond 32 years of kinda running for office?
Frank quit for one reason and one reason only: pimpin' ain't easy.
A Marxist, an illegal alien and a Muslim walk into a bar.
Bartender says, "what can I get you Mr. President?"
You folks ranting here better hope the professor doesn't deem this "boring" and cut off the debate. You'll need to order a bowl of Le Censor Soup @ the Hot Soup Cafe to understand.
I'm guessing that Cain asked this woman to come forward and tell about their affair so he could have an excuse to get out of the race.
I don't buy that; if he just wanted any old excuse to drop out, he already had the perfect excuse before the adultery story broke: he could have said the harassment charges had been too hard on his family.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
*WOO-HOO* I was wrong, Barney Frank a s done ONE good thing, he supports the repeal of IPAB! A blind sow finds an acorn now and then, I guess.
What is hilarious about your comment dumbass, is you asserted it wasn't possible Frank was retiring because he was afraid of losing.
This is one of Jaytard's sleezeball intentional mashing of the facts. In other words, a fucking liar.
Here is what I posted in the Barney Frank thread:
You tell us sorepaw, mindreader.
Who was Frank going to lose to?
11/28/11 12:49 PM
I said it's impossible to know why Obey retired. Just like when a Republican retires, or opts out running for a position, it would be impossible for me to know.
Yes. Plenty of R's have retired, no?
11/28/11 2:21 PM
In Frank's situation, in particular, Garage, it doesn't matter why he's getting out. The amount of damage he did will still be taught in civics history classes decades from now.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Yes. Plenty of R's have retired, no
Six to be exact, SEVENTEEN DEMOCRATS….gee, oh gee why the disparity, do you think?
You don’t actually do “facts” before you post do you Garage? You just wing it, and throw it out there, hoping, correct?
Anyway, “Do you want fries with that” calls….
The harrassment charges were before his god-awful interview with the MJ editorial board and the last debate or two. Cain didn't want to bother to brush up on a lot of the major issues. He started a campaign to raise his profile and push his economic views. He was very successful with that, beyond his wildest dreams probably.
But he's at that point now where substantively he needs to show dramatic improvement. He's dropped some points in the polls, but nothing he couldn't make up if he hit the books. He doesn't want to hit the books because he doesn't want to be President. And if he stays in the race any longer he will start to embarrass himself more on the issues. So better to drop out now and blame it on the high-tech out to get conservative lynching than to fess up that this was largely a publicity push.
Expect Gingrich to start doing the same thing because there is no way he has the discipline to be President and he knows it. Gingrich has been running to promote himself and his books. He also has more than accomplished his goals. Mission Accomplished for Cain, now a good exit strategy.
Anyway, “Do you want fries with that” calls….
You better get on that then.
JAC is right on the too-clever-by-half conjecture.
Running for POTUS is a big deal, as our current VP, if he were less foul-mouthed, might say. Cain is trying it, and will probably bow out. Cain isn't sufficiently prepared for the opposition.
Cain isn't sufficiently prepared for the opposition.
Those last three words are superfluous.
Bob E.,
If Cain or Gingrich took running for President seriously, they would have strong staff in the early primary states, as well as some operations up and running in major primary states. They are campaigning almost exclusively through televised debates and media interviews. This is not a calculated strategy. This is winging it. Cain is starting to embarrass himself with conservatives and he knows it is time to go.
Yes. Plenty of R's have retired, no
The correct totals are zero and nine, actually. Eight of the Democrats and all six Republicans are leaving the House to run for other offices. Of the twenty-three departing Representatives, only nine are retiring; all nine are Democrats.
Unless they are officers in the US Navy
Huh? If you're referring to Tailhook, IIRC she claimed the principle groper was a black or Hispanic guy. But I think all officers hate the Whites and want out of those pants ASAP.
zionist racketeering
It's back! Jewish rackets! J. is real big on this.
I love this one. Tell us more, J. Tell us everything. Start at the beginning. Leave nothing out. Be patient with us, as we learn your secret protocols.
I am so intrigued. Please humor me.
Empirically, racist, how much Jew blood does one have to have to qualify? You raise the stakes to empirical data, you have to back it up. Not that I expect such from the likes of you, but I'll give you a chance to back up your bullshit.
Do you have to have two fully Jewish parents who each had two fully Jewish parents, or can you get away with just having a Jewish aunt by marriage?
Waiting on you, bigot.
Levi - "And of course that the Left will enforce the Right's morality standard on it's candidates even if the Right is willing to look the other way."
The dimbulbs of the religious right came up with "morality" litmus tests that few candidates meet. Naturally the Left likes to point out how the dimbulbs made it hard for many to run as Republicans.
Of course, the Right enjoys laughing at people on the Left that want to ignore their own transgressors.
The feminists made clowns out of themselves as they fell on their swords one after another to defend Clinton - betraying all their supposed high principles. That laughter from the Right stuck on them.
An observation, Squat-tard, with empirical support. Pointing out...evidence of zionist racketeering (Leon Trotsky said as much at times) does not mean approving of Mein Kampf, except to ninnies such as you and most of the Gumphouse.
I think he should be on the ticket with Newt Ginrich as together they are perfectly represent the party of family values--
Heh heh. Touched a nerve, eh.
Play dat funky shofar, white boys
Heh heh. Touched a nerve, eh.
Play dat funky shofar, white boys
Hardly. Answer the question and stop resorting to dial-a-gibberish.
mccullough, we're getting a little inside baseball here, but I think you misread (present tense) political history. If the most obvious candidate always got the nomination, we'd have a very different history. Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and even Barack Obama ran unusual campaigns of the sort that pundits of the time would say, at the time, will not work. But they got elected.
Let me be blunt. You obviously dislike Cain deeply. Come, let it out. The release will help you.
I want to know about these Zionist rackets. Are they Wilson rackets? Prince?
Lately 7-Machos has gone from licking the boots of the Israelis he sees himself as serving to a series of smug, self-righteous rants accusing anyone who disagrees with him on immigration or certain black pathologies he denies existing.
Quite a few posts from 7 Machos screaming how people are racists or bigots for wanting illegals deported or condemning black crime & affirmative action.
To think, only a few months ago, 7 confined himself to screaming how anyone that disagreed with doing what Israel wanted America to do - was an anti-Semite.
7 Machos is branching out!
To think, only a few months ago, 7 confined himself to screaming how anyone that disagreed with doing what Israel wanted America to do - was an anti-Semite.
This is a blatant falsehood. But what should we expect from such a vile person?
By the way, Jews are richer than you and smarter than you.
On to something more substantive, why is it that people automatically charge hatred of a candidate -- like you do, Bob -- when people call that candidate unqualified, or unprepared, or wrong on an issue, or whatever.
You realize, don't you, that this is abjectly making the political into the personal? You have accepted the worst tropes of leftist thought and you don't even realize it.
Squat-tard I was discussing the finance/banking plutocracy--not the racial makeup of Peoria, or whatever hayseed town you crawled out of. And as Ive said before, you little spineless twit, there are many WASPs in the plutocracy as well (ie, Big Oil). Now, dradle dradle away Squat. Anyway it's you and yr frat boy palsies (even here on A-house) who put on the Hitler costumes and get down wit yr bad selves, right.
Yes C4---say something slightly negative about Israelis and the A-house jotos think you're quoting Hitler. How the log cabin GOP operates.
Bob E.,
I don't dislike Cain, but he's a limited candidate and does not want to educate himself on some important issues (defense and foreign policy the most glaring ones). I don't care about his personal life or his sex drive, etc. and for what it's worth, making sexual advances that are rebuffed isn't a crime or a tort, so I don't have any moral qualms about Cain.
But he is not running a different campaign, he is winging it. He does not want to be President and it shows. He likes the limelight and wants to highlight the ideas he is interested in, and I don't blame him for it.
None of those other candidates -- Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, or Obama -- were winging it, and all of them were serious about wanting to be POTUS. Cain and Gingrich aren't. I doubt Santorum or Bachmann are either. That leaves, in alphabetical order, Huntsman, Paul, Perry, and Romney as people who are serious about their candidacy.
I think Cain is suffering Class President Syndrome, which is somewhat related to mccullough's theory. The office Cain thought he was running for is very different from the office he's actually running for. He thought he could run an absurd campaign with strange ads and an over-the-top autobiography, similar to how candidates for class president run goofy campaigns with promises of soda machines in the bathroom and renegotiated tardy policies with the principal. But then reality sinks in: the office isn't nearly so glamorous, the process is banal and bureaucratic, and you have far less power than you hoped once elected.
Honestly, I think Obama is suffering from the same syndrome.
There is something sadly funny about the desperation of conservatives to find a credible True Believer.
So desperate that they will try and make the latest non-Romney - Gingrich - into someone who isn't 100% Pure Corrupt multi-millionaire DC Insider Establishment Tool that Newt is, who somehow did not shred "conservative family values" at every opportunity in his personal life, who didn't have a plethora of Big Government social engineering ideas he pushed for 20 years.
Or so much baggage Hillary would call Tiffany's and complain Newt had lots more than she did.
With Cain at deaths door, they have fucking Newt left to pretend Newt isn't who he really is...try and delude themselves he is "Another Reagan".
Do they really have a Death Wish? To rebrand the Republicans as the Party of Stupid? Where Newt is the family values icon and ignorance is deemed to be a mark of authenticity, high character, and a rejection of what them thar college educated Elitists say?
Love to ask each and everyone of them : Are you serious? Do you really want 4 more years of Obama?
Funny that somehow none of this sort of thing ever hurt Clinton, and the accusations started at about this phase of the primaries.
So you can't answer the question, then, right, E-grade? You throw out spurious percentages and present them as empirical, but fail, repeatedly, to back up the data involved.
I've given you ample opportunity to withdraw the statement that 75% of the banks/financial companies in this country are owned by Jews, but you keep doubling down on stupid. Facts, you don't have. Bigotry, yes. Non-sensical hurlings of ad hominems, yes, with the same efficacy of monkeys flinging shit at a teflon wall.
Admit you're a bigot and your inner-peace will multiply along with your rabid misuse of grammar.
Let me catch up;
1. I believe this woman.
2. Powell is not a conservative. At one time a prominent black who wasn't a paranoid race-baiter was considered "conservative." But that's not a lasting definition.
3. If life experience tells you that 10% of whites and 40% are blacks are assholes, that doesn't make you a racist. You're a racist if you think all blacks are assholes. (Or all whites, which is what 40% of blacks believe).
4. It's funny that Purple Penguin thinks racial issues in the US are due to "skin color." It's cultural, dumbass.
Are you serious? Do you really want 4 more years of Obama?
hehe. Anyone that can't beat Obama will do!
Two words for Herman Cain- Burnt toast.
Romney should tar Newt with the Beltway insider brush. MSNBC repoorted [yeah I know it's MSNBC so probably an exaggeration] Newt may have made $100 Million in the last ten years from his Beltway consulting perch.
If that is true, I think voters will look at Newt very very differently.
The GOP needs better vetting of its tokens candidates.
Romney should tar Newt with the Beltway insider brush.
So to speak. The guy was Speaker for years; I doubt voters need it pointed out to them that Newt's about as insider-y as a man can be.
How does General Powell fit into the "destroy the conservative Black man" meme?
He doesn't. General Powell is not a conservative.
It is a shame to see the vicious destruction of Cain and the pain that the attack dogs of the media are inflicting upon a decent woman...Cain's wife.
The media, as people, should burn in Hell for the hurt to the Cains and the destruction that they have brought down upon our country in their partisan zeal.
However, if nothing else, Cain was able to contribute something of value to the political season. A real consideration of reforming the tax system that we have now with his 9-9-9 plan. Maybe that will be his legacy.
Perhaps the difference between Powell and Cain/Thomas is that he is actually qualified for higher office, and doesn't need to get hysterical about "high tech lynching."
As pointed out elsewhere, Powell is not conservative by any rational measure of the word.
He thought John McCain was too conservative for his support. McCain --- who isn't exactly known for being a terribly conservative fellow either.
Cain has issues but it's the GOP-TP calling him a n****r
When did a Tea Partier call him anything negative? He's a LEGITIMATELY brilliant man who needs more seasoning in policy before being a possible President. He'd be an excellent Senator or Representative.
I love how fast a conservative can be throw under a bus when they do the absolute unforgivable, and say something nice about a Democrat.
Lieberman and Zell Miller say "Hi"
the shyster who routinely lied under oath--serious felonies
Lying under oath is now a "serious felony"?
Man, that wasn't the accepted belief in the 1990's...
Man, that wasn't the accepted belief in the 1990's...
They are only serious felonies if they are not found by wide-ranging and out of control special prosecutor investigations. Or something.
They knocked him off his game. Got him defending himself against allegations rather than talking about policies, and too distracted to speak clearly on things like Libya. The process is grueling, the debate schedule alone exhausting.
A good man is knocked off his game by false allegations that damage his reputation - whereas for Clinton, such allegations were something he was ready for, had an excuse made up, and a plan of action - the guilty man suffers no confusion.
It's sad.
Nevertheless, whoever emerges from this gauntlet of fire will be hardened steel. And has to be, given the dire straits we find ourselves in. Maybe we have to have the guilty man, who has no ability to feel the guilt. A character flaw, like the ability to lie, which a president must also possess...
Is that what we're looking for? The best liar? Biggest con man? Best cheater? Both Clinton's and Obama's elections say "yes."
Funny that somehow none of this sort of thing ever hurt Clinton
It did, but he stayed in, outlasted the others, and the Democrats sucked it up and rallyed to him at the convention.
Rev - agreed but I meant that 2012 will be ripe for an anti-Beltway insider message and Romney can at least say he is not one of those.
too distracted to speak clearly on things like Libya
Yes, well, on Libya. Clearly what we must do and what I would as president is -- holy shit! Look at those fun bags!
It doesn't make sense to me. If you are having an affair with a man - presumably you care about him, love him even, and would do nothing to hurt him.
This woman - went out of her way to hurt him. It doesn't jibe. "Wanting it to come out on her terms" is bogus too - all she would have to do is say "no comment."
BTW - tho - where are Obama's ex-dates? Girlfriends? Significant others?
I read something the other day that someone said the White House is acting like they know something we dont. I have been thinking about this...it does seem strange how they are showing up these days... Maybe they do know a secret we don't. Well...here is something to chew over: Maybe Obama has already decided not to run...and Hillary is waiting in the wings...White house is waiting for the right timing... anyways...just a thought...
Tora -- What exactly is suspicious about the way the Obama administration is acting?
As an exit strategy, having your paramour spill the beans leaves a little to be desired. What was his exit plan for Afghanistan and Iraq again?
One thing's for sure. Don't trust anyone here who says they know who's lying in all this. That's someone you can't trust with justice.
If you are having an affair with a man - presumably you care about him, love him even, and would do nothing to hurt him.
Well, I appreciate the sincerity expressed. But even being married to a man is not always an indication that you care for and love him, and would do nothing to hurt him.
What was his exit plan for Afghanistan and Iraq again?
I believe it was to wait until the people of Beirut had elected a replacement for Quadaffi.
I believe his exit strategy on Afghanistan and Iraq was to listen to the generals. So we should ask the generals what the exit strategy is.
How about if we just choose candidates who are married and faithful and don't have character issues?
Winston Churchill was a chauvanist and a drunk. He also happened to save Western Civilization from the socialist Nazi.
See, the problem isn't that Cain has character flaws, the problem is inadequate way he handled the entire thing. And this was just a microburst of what he could expect to face 24/7 as POTUS.
Looks like I have no where to turn but Newt.
Herman's big sin was being a successful black man. More to the point, a successful, self-made black man who didn't owe his success to the Lefty Welfare-Industrial Complex.
He has to be destroyed in the same way Sarah Palin has to be destroyed for being a successful, self-made woman who doesn't owe her success to the feminist grievance machine.
And Marco Rubio will have to be destroyed for the same reason.
Get past the FUD merchants and the disgruntled Libertarians and "Conservatives" who are throwing a hissy fit because their guy (or girl) either didn't run or hasn't stayed the course (or so it seems at this point) and you have Professor Jacobson's observation that, regarding Herman Cain, we still have no proof and no evidence.
PS I note Ann has featured mccullough's moronic comment about Herman bringing this woman forward to give him a graceful way out of the race.
Now that's projection.
J: [filth filth filth]
I'm so happy J's syntax is so atrocious. I don't get more than 3 words without my eyes glazing over.
You guys realize J's schtick is merely cover for his retardation. He can't form a proper paragraph, much less a sentence.
So please don't pick on him. Its simply not sporting.
Cain was done in by Cain just like Palin has been done in by Palin. Bill and Hillary Clinton received as much shit as Palin and more than Cain and they're still standing.
The difference is that Bill Clinton wanted to be President and so did/does Hillary.
Hillary Clinton is tougher than Sarah Palin, and that's all there is to it.
Imagine that in person he/she/it probably sounds a lot like the Hamburglar.
Probably looks like him too.
McCullough -- What makes you think Palin was going to run? Or that she even wanted any of this until she was plucked out of obscurity.
I am no great fan of Palin. People here can certainly attest to that. But not running is not the same as running. Can I call you not tough since, after all, you also are not running for president?
You guys realize J's schtick is merely cover for his retardation. He can't form a proper paragraph, much less a sentence.
It is interesting that a number of folks have posted asking what "Byro" is.
Too bad even J doesn't know...
Where are those first 4 women anyway? They made their splash and disappeared before they gave a shred of evidence...hmmm, what happened to the big plans, combined news conferences, documentation, actual proof...but, that was never the plan was it? They did their job and they went back under the rocks came out from under.
So, out comes the big gun...the affair...wow that's a first, right? A politician having an affair.
None of that is the issue anyway and in the end the real issue is what will get Cain...those that liked him, likde that he was different from the "Slick Willies" of the world. Now, without absolute proof of a vast left wing conspiracy...or at least a name of someone/group behind the swift boating...he ends up looking like all the others. And that, just won't cut it.
Personally, I just feel really bad for his wife. She has such grace about her, with just enough sharp edge to hold her own with a big personality like Cain. She deserved much better than this.
I meant that Palin quit as Alaska governor. She wasn't tough enough to serve out her term. Her excuses for doing so don't wash.
She doesn't want to be President, which is fine. A very normal decision. She certainly flirted with the idea to sell books and promote her celebrity, which is fine.
Palin has whined a lot, though, about the unfair treatment. Hillary did to. I think they do it to gain sympathy and punch back. But Hillary's still standing.
Perhaps Bill Clinton is a better example of someone who wouldn't quit, despite the impeachment and all the b.s.
I think those women disappeared because the story was over. Cain survived the accusations, which really weren't much anyway.
His answer on Libya and his complete failure to educate himself on important issues are what's hurting him. You can't be this ignorant and be President.
@ Scott, Hee!!
I am just happy he finally found a whore to fuck him.
I agree that Palin was a quitter as governor. I get it now.
I would only add that quitting for Palin was a career move. We can't fault everyone for quitting. I'm not still delivering a local newspaper on my Schwinn Predator, after all.
But maybe quitting for Cain is also a career move.
Is it interesting about Byro? Or does it just show that most people lead healthy, fulfilled lives outside the realm of fantasy worlds?
I bet Cain's success rate is probably pretty decent. Not JFK territory, but probably pretty good. He's a charasmatic guy with a good voice. There's a reason he did pretty well as a candidate.
mccullough said...
Cain was done in by Cain just like Palin has been done in by Palin. Bill and Hillary Clinton received as much shit as Palin and more than Cain and they're still standing.
The difference is that Bill Clinton wanted to be President and so did/does Hillary.
What drivel!
The fact that both the former Serial Rapist In Chief and the Hildabeast were and are the beneficiaries of a compliant and complicit Establishment Media more than willing to cover up for them and always ready to put the best face on their misdeeds is, of course, insignificant.
And, Lord knows, even with the nomination almost handed to her, Hilla couldn't even mount a decent campaign against a nonentity from Chicago who campaigned on nothing. She couldn't even make a decision to settle a dispute among her aides.
Oh, yeah, she wanted it. /sarc
While I think Herman's been undone by his willingness to concentrate on the economy to the exclusion of other topics (as I've noted on several occasions), mccullough wants us to believe he has taken a year out of his life, put his reputation on display, and undergone a grueling odyssey across this country for a lark.
Actually, mcculough's nonsense sounds more like mccullough's boy, Daniels, who folded when he might actually have to fight somebody for the nomination (or, at least he was the one mccullough told us was his man when the field was wide open - now he sounds just like another moby).
Hillary Clinton is tougher than Sarah Palin, and that's all there is to it.
Yeah, that's why the Hildabeast has spent the last 3 years licking Zero's boots and being humiliated by him while Zero appointed a bunch of foreign policy czars to do her job while Miss Sarah has refused to be silenced and galvanized opposition to ZeroCare.
PS Garbage like that makes me think mccullough is just Hatman without the hat.
"mccullough said...
I'm guessing that Cain asked this woman to come forward and tell about their affair so he could have an excuse to get out of the race.
He never had any serious intention of being President."
This is idiocy. First it requires that he actually had this affair. But even if we assume that he did, he didn't have to go to this length to leave the race...he could have simply said "I quit." No shaming his family. Or himself.
Ed -- You are so invested in Cain despite his readily obvious lack of experience and qualification. It must be a sad end for you. I am sympathetic because there can be only one, like in Highlander, and a lot of people will end up disappointed, at least for awhile.
However, your comparison to Daniels is a sorry one. Daniels didn't run for the same basic reason Cain will soon drop out: personal marital and sex issues. Daniels's wife left him for another man and then they got back together and remarried later. He -- and, I'm sure, his wife -- didn't feel like dredging up what must be a monstrously sad period in their lives.
Please make a note of it.
You are entertaining. Cain didn't take a year out of his life because his radio show ended back in February.
He has been trying to promote his books. He retired from a successful career in the private sector a while ago.
He ran for President in 2000 and for Senator in 2004.
I don't blame the guy for trying to make a buck. He saw how well Obama and Palin did and rightly figured he actually accomplished something. But he doesn't want to be President. Never has.
As for Daniels, I'd put his record up against Palin's two years and huge spending increases and bloated state payroll. But neither of them are running. Daniels is serving out his second term as Indiana governor and Palin is posting criticisms on the Fed's open-market operations on Facebook. Cain will soon be joining her. Time for you to find another candidate.
As for the media's treatment of Bill Clinton and Hillary, you are misinfored. The media never liked the Clintons, and neither did the Democratic establishment. That's a big reason Hillary lost. But she's toiling away at Secretary of State and is not a quitter. Neither is Daniels. Neither is Bill Clinton.
Edutcher, you back losers and are lashing out at others because you are a loser, too.
Here's a song for the media:
Blame it on Cain.
Don't blame it on me.
Oh it's nobody's fault,
But we need somebody to burn.
".....you are a loser, too."
A loser at something specific? Perhaps he has been a loser at backgammon or Pac-Man.
It seems a little silly to conclude he embodies loserness.
If you had said "reoccurring wrongness" it'd be harder to question your assessment.
Powell was in the public eye long before his endorsement of Obama. Why weren't libs/media trying to destroy him then? He was being touted as a possible GOP presidential candidate.
Powell thought about running for prez, but never officially entered the race. He cited his wife's battles with depression as his reason for abstaining. He claimed he was worried about the effects an invasive and insatiable press would have on their family life.
Could be true; might not be. He might've had a skeleton or 2 in his closet. But since he never ran for anything he was never vetted the way Cain was.
Powell had a hissy fit after the runup to the Gulf War 2. He felt used when he made his case for war at the UN, and then distanced himself from Cheney and Rumsfeld. And then he endorsed Obama.
Do you now see why the press have laid off him? His Democrat street cred has never been higher.
mccullough said: "[Cain]...is winging it. He does not want to be President and it shows. He likes the limelight and wants to highlight the ideas he is interested in...."
Fair cop. But not different from, gee, any other real POTUS candidate. This candidate has some ideas and wants to enlist people in getting those ideas enacted in policy and legislation? That's a new thing?
Or did you only just notice that POTUS candidates tend to be self-centered?
Seven Machos said...
Ed -- You are so invested in Cain despite his readily obvious lack of experience and qualification. It must be a sad end for you. I am sympathetic because there can be only one, like in Highlander, and a lot of people will end up disappointed, at least for awhile.
Wrong again, as always. I just hate to see a good man defamed. Apparently, the sophists, trolls and mobys here have no such problem.
Seven states the obvious when he says there will be only one nominee (not a blinding insight, after all), but, of course, he knows better than everyone else - at least until he sticks his foot in his mouth as he always does when defending a position he takes more for the sake of being a contrarian than any real logical basis.
PS mccullough is sounding more and more like several of our other trolls by the minute. His whole "you back losers and are lashing out at others because you are a loser" rant is the sort of infantile raving we've heard from so many of the Lefties here when they can't make a decent rebuttal.
And, yes, the Lefty Establishment so hated Willie and Hilla that they repudiated Dan Blather when he told Willie, "If we could only be half as great as Mrs Clinton and you, we'd come away winners".
mccullough's stepped in it again.
mccullough: I meant that Palin quit as Alaska governor. She wasn't tough enough to serve out her term. Her excuses for doing so don't wash.
Aw geez, not this shit again.
Palin resigned because libtards were abusing a loophole in the law to hamstring her administration and bankrupt her with frivolous law suits. She resigned to protect the people of Alaska from that. They deserved to be led by someone that wasn't constantly under attack on the national level by the MSM/DNC smear merchants.
She wasn't tough enough to serve out her term.
You are such an idiot. OBE, yes?
Fen, that was some really fine Palin Fangirling you have going on there.
You GO sista!
A lot of these Palin and Cain fans are people that decide based on how they *heart* their faves, not on any stray thoughts or facts they have heard that are going through their heads.
Indeed, lack of learning and ignorance on a wide range of subjects are thought to reflect well on their fave pols "character" in standing up to attacks by the evil media that "persecute them" when they fail open on interviews.
These are the people of true- believing conservative purity that are working as hard to re-elect Obama as they worked to re-elect Harry Reid.
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