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२७ नोव्हेंबर, २०११
Another shopping reminder.
You know you need stuff:
४२ टिप्पण्या:
I tried to cancel an order I placed yesterday so I could reorder it from here, but they wouldn't let me. Claimed they already shipped it (rolleyes). Yeah sure.
I'll get the wife's Kindle Fire through here though.
OK so I said in another shopping thread I bought these AmerTac LED under cabinet lights. I bought these to replace the halogen set I had, which had bulbs that cost $5 and a dimmer that cost $17, both of which failed often, and the lights were very hot, hot enough to melt a chip bag if it was placed too close. Since lighting is a hot topic I thought I'd post a review and some pictures.
The kit comes with 3 pucks that connect to a switched 12VDC power hub. The pucks have 20" connectorized leads. My biggest criticism of the kit is the leads are not long enough to do an average install, requiring you to plice in additional wire. Not that big a deal since it is low voltage, but still something of a pain and the splicing was the task that took the longest to complete.
I ended up installing the whole thing with 2-sided tape from the hardware store. The pucks, wiring and power cord are so light strong tape worked fine and made the installation a snap.
Here's a picture of an individual puck(s) illuminated. They're 2" in diameter and incredibly bright. I never saw LEDs so bright before - it actually hurts to look at them directly.
Here's a picture of the final result.
The price has been all over the place. I bought them for about $35, yesterday the price was at $47, when I looked this morning it was $30 and now only 45 minutes later it's $50. No idea why that happens, but the price of LEDs was a major factor that slowed my decision to go that way.
You can see my review on Amazon on the second page at the top (CynthiaW, the wife's account).
It is embarrassing that Ann is now whoring for this mega corporation. Why does she not encourage her readers to shop at a locally owned independent store?
I'm guessing it's time for The Professor to ask for a raise since the $150K plus she gets from the taxpayers of WI doesn't seem to be enough to support her in the manner to which she wants to be supported in...her $65 dollar a plate appetizers and all.
Or maybe send Meade out to work.
Really Ms. Althouse. This Amazon begging is old already.
And DaveW, Amazon has it's orders assembled and ready to ship amazingly fast, with warehouse facilities spread out across the country. Usually I get the "order shipped" email from them within short hours of placing the order. So I'd hold off on the candy ass eye-rolling stuff. If you don't like their fast shipping policy--order from someplace that takes a week to get around to it. They are legion.
Does Crack have an Amazon affiliate link? I'm guessing that would be a better choice of person to support than the law prof with the 6 figure salary.
Any of the Lefties who so disapprove of her capitalist plaints consider the Amazon money may help Ann pay for the blog which gives them free rein to whine about how the US is such a dreadful capitalist, theist state?
What professor, no Shamwow ads??
I defy anyone to provide any kind of evidence that I'm a lefty or that I've ever complained about the US as a dreadful capitalist state, edutcher.
If you can come up with any evidence, I'll donate $1000 to the charity of my choice in your name and post the receipt.
In other words--being tired of The Professor blatantly begging for scraps from the Table of Amazon doesn't make me an unwashed OWS maggot.
So fuck yourself.
Funny, I mentioned no names.
"It is embarrassing that Ann is now whoring for this mega corporation. Why does she not encourage her readers to shop at a locally owned independent store?"
I promise that most of the money I earn through the Amazon Associates program will be spent locally, in local shops and restaurants, or simply handed over in cash money to the City of Madison to spend on all the citizens of Madison who will benefit from the lavish expenditures of Mayor Soglin and his minions.
CEO-MMP, this would be the absolutely perfect gift to yourself, and you can purchase one from The Althouse Woman's Amazon link.
Oh, and maybe you could get Jay Retard to inflate it for you.
ROFL @ AllenS!
Oh man that was a good laugh, thanks I needed that.
"I'm guessing it's time for The Professor to ask for a raise since the $150K plus she gets from the taxpayers of WI doesn't seem to be enough to support her in the manner to which she wants to be supported in...her $65 dollar a plate appetizers and all."
1. Ever since the Democratic Governor Doyle imposed furlough days on us state workers, there have been the opposite of raises.
2. Law school professors are paid from money raised through tuition, not taxes.
3. That wasn't an appetizer, it was a second course dish, and I did not order an entree.
4. What is the argument that writers should not be paid for writing? Why should I be paid more as a law professor rather than as the writer producing this blog? Shouldn't a high-traffic blog be monetized? What is your economic theory here?
5. Do you think people should make money in proportion to their needs, so that anyone interested in making more money must have unmet needs? That sounds like communism to me.
I just discovered the Warner Archive collection. The studio now prints DVDs on demand. They appear to have hundreds of obscure old movies now available that have been impossible to find for years. Some are on sale as well at Amazon....Stuff like Tea and Sympathy, The Fox, Verboten, Wild Rovers, Special Bulletin, Savage Messiah, The Mortal Storm.
That last is a 1940 anti-Nazi Jimmy Stewart movie. Here's a chilling scene where Stewart and his German family hear the news on the radio at Professor Roth's home that Hitler has become Chancellor.
Really Ms. Althouse. This Amazon begging is old already.
Seriously. I don't need to go to a website (here) to be nagged about "XX shopping days to Christmas!!!!" I freaking know how close Christmas is already.
You sound like Billy Mays or Vinnie the ShamWow guy. "Act now....operators are standing by."
But WAIT....there's more....much more!!!!
If you must beg for money. Put a Pay Pal icon on your side bar.
If you are this hard up for money there must be better ways that still maintain some dignity.
I thought this blog was a labor of love and not a commercial enterprise.....not that there is anything wrong with that....capitalism is good...just quit NAGGING us.
Maybe more subtlety.
"If you must beg for money. Put a Pay Pal icon on your side bar."
I guess if I'd done that, you wouldn't notice, since there's been one there for many years.
Feel free to use it, though.
I think what I'm going to do is turn off comments for future Amazon posts. If any of you anti-capitalists has anything more you'd like to say about my interest in making money from my writing, say it here.
Leave the comments on, Professor, I'll handle the dissidents.
Just ignore the trolls professor. Some of us like to get and give recommendations for gifts or products.
I don't get what the hell anyone has a problem with anyway. There are posts I am not interested in and I just scroll on by.
And the content here is free. I read here more than I would a magazine I was paying for. And here I get to comment, argue and often interact with the writer herself.
When Althouse has built a million visit per month blog by working on it for all these years every single day why shouldn't she be able to get a free cup of coffee out of the deal every once in a while? Especially when it costs us nothing directly.
my interest in making money from my writing, say it here.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to monetize your blog. Almost everyone does it. Why not?
I, for one, am certainly not anti-capitalist. Just look at what I did for a living. No one begrudges you a right to earn more money for your hard work blogging.
However, this in your face "Buy this shit!!! And buy it now before Christmas!!!" postings are what is annoying.
Like over the top product placements in a movie, where you notice all the bags of Doritos, close ups of the brand names on the butts of the star's jeans and cans of Coke strategically held towards the camera, more than the plot of the movie. Distracting and annoying. These things can be done with humor and with subtlety.
Product reviews are good. I'm always interested to hear what other people think about a product (like your cameras or a kindle or other appliances) before I buy it. this stuff!! isn't a product review. It is what a huckster does. Less is more.
Just sayin'......but do what you want....after all it is YOUR blog and I appreciate all of the other posts that you do and the variety of opinions and topics.
I can scroll past. That's why God invented mouse wheels.
"Ann is now whoring "
This is bullshit! I searched all through Amazon and I found no such product available. I searched in Toys, Health & Personal, Beauty, Sports & Outdoors, Home Kitchen, even Pet Supplies. I was in a cold sweat before I finally gave up. It was cruel to put me through that.
"Like over the top product placements in a movie, where you notice all the bags of Doritos, close ups of the brand names on the butts of the star's jeans and cans of Coke strategically held towards the camera, more than the plot of the movie. Distracting and annoying. These things can be done with humor and with subtlety."
I've never done anything like that. When I link to a product in a post other than a pure shopping post like this, it's always because I'm discussing something anyway, like a book or a movie. I never throw something extra in as a product placement. I never write posts as if I'm just happening to be using some product when it's really a hidden ad for that thing.
""Ann is now whoring " This is bullshit! I searched all through Amazon and I found no such product available. I searched in Toys, Health & Personal, Beauty, Sports & Outdoors, Home Kitchen, even Pet Supplies. I was in a cold sweat before I finally gave up. It was cruel to put me through that."
That's more of a Craigslist thing.
Ann does not like it being pointed out that see has sunk to the depth of a carny.
It is always interesting to see how thin skinned Ann is. She can dish it...
Add Amazon to..Ann's sugar daddy list: Big Oil, Rush Limbaugh, Fox, Finance, TP, WalkerCO, etc.
What's that legalistic term-- disclosure, ich denke
@Psychedelic George
Warner's Archive has a couple of 5 for $50 sales a year. Free shipping too.
They had one in October and one this past black Friday.
Best to sign up and get their announcements.
I, too, whined about one small aspect of the content (though not the fact) of the Professor's earlier Amazon-shopping post.
Tell you what: if you don't like her small attempts to pay for this endeavor, just don't come here. Or do, and get flamed, maybe, but you're gonna have to write and reason better than most of the complainers in this thread to even be noticed by the Professor or her regular visitors.
"Ann is now whoring "
Althouse is free. That's a great bargain.
The NYT charges. That's whoring.
Professor, If you think you can arbitrarily cut off debate while continuing to shill you are mistaken. But, on a more fundamental level, you are betraying your free speech philosophy. You have a right to shill..we have a right to tell you to go shit in your hat. Isn't that how it's supposed to work?
Folks please remember, professors have very thin skins. This is exhibit 74 volume 233.
It is obvious you are just pimping Jesus out and as for your writing...worth nothing.
Anyone know the best cover/folio for an IPad2? Thinking about the Targus Versavu.
The wife bought me the IPad and I don't know if I should get one with a keyboard, or maybe I don't need a keyboard at all.
Another shopping reminder:
For anyone who wants to help someone in need,...
Does Crack have an Amazon affiliate link? I'm guessing that would be a better choice of person to support than the law prof with the 6 figure salary.
No, I don't do the Amazon thing very well. I thought about it, and even tried, but it bothered me for the reasons others have already voiced.
There's only a PayPal button for those with an interest/concern.
I should've opened the browser and put Althouse on the screen, so you guys can see how difficult it can be for me to even read the damned thing sometimes. But that would've meant making my friend wait a few minutes (this thing is s-l-o-w,...)
Crack, you gotta be kidding. Nobody has to put up with that. The Kindle Fire is $199 and you could run a blog off of it. Hell, I've been given a number of computers better than yours for free.
You are either full of shit, and scamming here, or you are so offensive in person that no friend likes you enough to even give you their electronic garbage.
Just tell one of your new age buddies that they look nice today and that you feel their positive energy is helping to enbiggen Gaia's chakra. Then while you have them semi-conscious in the bathroom sweat lodge, just steal their damned I-pad.
Crack, you gotta be kidding. Nobody has to put up with that.
Sure they do - that's my computer. That's been my computer as long as you've known of me.
The Kindle Fire is $199 and you could run a blog off of it. Hell, I've been given a number of computers better than yours for free.
Well, I hate to bust your bubble but I don't have a spare $199 laying around, or an intact social circle for people to hand me shit. You are either full of shit, and scamming here, or you are so offensive in person that no friend likes you enough to even give you their electronic garbage.
This part is actually why I'm answering you: do you see how you've swung it around to I'm offensive? And - knowing everything you know about me and how I feel about fraud and dishonesty - you're accusing me of possibly scamming someone? Really? Me?
Come on, Bagoh, tell me you don't understand why I keep to myself.
Yesterday I was told I'm in line to be the top fundraiser for the Salvation Army in my area - that's how offensive I am. So I take a break and this black guy approaches me, wanting to talk. We're chit-chatting, all casual getting-to-know-you bullshit, but ever so slowly, bit-by-bit, he reveals himself to be both an imbecile and a racist. And I wonder as I'm listening to him, how does he maintain a good job and I barely get by?
But, of course, I know the answer. He's your typical Obama voter, etc., as inoffensive to most as my anti-racist stance is wildly bizarre. He's part of the ex-wife/Kim Kardashian/American Idol/Lady GaGa/Oprah/Michele Bachmann anti-vaccine crank/Newt is probably the best candidate while cheating on everyone he's ever known Matrix I've been living under since 2005. He's Ann, full of contradictions like letting everyone know she makes $150,000 a year and eats $65 truffles, while putting her hand out - and getting pissed if anyone mentions it - but with a hundred thousand followers who will gladly give her money instead of me because (mercy!) I'm not shy about preaching a desperately-needed critical thinking and living by a hardcore form of ethics that - lordy, lordy - in a world without any can get kinda dicey.
I've seen one person today and, though I have some things that need to be done outside the house, I've declined, thankyouverymuch - and your accusation there MUST be something wrong with ME is a spot-on *perfect* example of why that is so:
I don't even have to leave the house to have my world turned upside-down and get wrongly accused of something I'd never do.
I just gotta be breathing,...
This is getting at some of what I'm living with. In a country of 300 million+, it's too big of a subject for me to deal with, so I hide. I can't force (or enforce) rationality, so I'm largely reverting to watching - some of you may have noticed I don't blog like I used to, but, really, what's the point? You're still going to reward the "winners" whether they're wrong or not. I could be proven correct on every subject out there - even providing answers on how to solve them - and all it gets me is attacked by the likes of J - with few (if anyone) coming to my defense. Otherwise, in the larger world, nothing changes until somebody dies - that's generally the rule.
It's one hell of a way to run a 21st century country, y'all,...
Oh, and in case I'm mistaken:
Even people dying isn't good enough anymore,...
Writing a daily blog is alot of work plus alot of time, whats wrong with Althouse making a few bucks off the traffic generated? NOT A DAMN THING! I clicked a link today for a product off AA blog that i was going to buy anyway, why not buy here?
I actually remembered to step through the Althouse portal (vortex?) to make my big sweep purchase for the kids' Christmas, thanks in large part to the odd backlash in these comments. So, there's one thought for keeping the comments open in future posts...
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