Sorry to inflict all that on you, but I wanted you to see what really goes on, and I thought that needed some strong sunlight. There were 5 posts today:
1. Introducing the protest planned for today.
2. Still photography from the scene.
3. The first video, showing the Phelps group and 2 different counterprotesters who express themselves in entirely different ways.
4. The second video, showing Meade's close encounter with Margie Phelps.
5. The third video, Phelps explains what she's doing and shows her style, and Meade crosses for video of the folks on the other side.
१०७ टिप्पण्या:
6. Shocking meat video. Always a bonus and on topic.
It is good to remember what legalistic and hard hearted people come out of Christian cults.
They can read the Bible and only see a tool for their use to condemn people into slavery to religious false prophets.
No wonder educated people don't want to stand up for Christian faith in Colleges. How can you blame them?
But real teachers of scriptures also do a good job of freeing prisoners by faith in God that comes from hearing the Word.
Fred Phelps is an asshole.
San Antonio rocks!
I'm convinced that WBC is just running a scam. Shame on those who waste their Saturdays giving them any attention, like the rainbow-flagged fools across the street.
Yes, if there's one thing that will stop these fiends, it's free publicity. Well done.
San Antonio rocks!
Yes it does, Fred. Yes it does.
OK, the Westboro crowd are nuts, at the very least, and something worse if we want to push it. On this, we all agree.
But I do have to agree a lot of this was overkill. These people have received plenty of exposure from the media due to their picketing of servicemen's funerals.
Granted, the Madison thing was a bit different, but I don't see that much difference between this and the coverage of the public sector unions last winter.
PS Private funerals should be off-limits to outside groups IMHO, regardless of cause or deceased.
Ann will tell me if I'm wrong, but this seems to stem from the Skokie business back in the 70s. The court was wrong then, and allowing these people (or anyone with similar methods) to harass mourners is just over the line.
That you highlighted the Westboros protesting outside an event that was a happy one for those inside made them appear like a benign oddity, less offensive, and more entitled to express their opinion.
To the point, at times, when they appeared to be the ones being bullied.
I think Margie digs Meade. When Margie was backing it up into Meade's space, she was enjoying it too much.
WBC most definitely IS a scam ...
... it survives, yea, thrives, upon litigation from their encounters with the public and police.
Look cross-eyed at 'em and they'll sue you into next Sunday.
Althouse is a leader.
When she does dumb stuff?
You need to track it down.
Fantastic footage from New Media Meade. But I can't take any more of the Phelps pathology.
Or just let Maggie hold your left nut hostage while some guy named Meade goes home to....Althouse?
Althouse has a fascination with assholes.
Gotta love the babe.
By the way, I don't buy the angle that exposing these creeps is somehow a bad idea. One would rather not know about the cancer in one's guts, but knowing is better than not knowing.
"Why did Althouse put up 5 posts on the Westboro Baptist Church protests here in Madison?"
She left her right in charge?
Glad she isn't the choir leader.
The WBC is really a sad assemblage. I understand Meade's morbid curiosity to be sure, but really I think it's best to just give them their berth and otherwise deprive them of all oxygen and attention.
There simply must be some cultural bottom beneath which we will not lower ourselves to expect media coverage.
I submit that WBC is two levels below that bottom.
Oh. . . . . Who am I kidding, there is no bottom.
Is the Westboro's reputation for provoking street altercations during street protests in order to make money by suing actually true?
The Snyder case involved $16,500 in legal expenses awarded by the court in the disposition of a lawsuit filed against the Westboros.
I couldn't find any lawsuits that the Westboros brought, other than against against public officials who have tried to curtail their free speech activity, sometimes supported by the ACLU.
I found this:
the group sued Topeka multiple times for failing to provide sufficient protection during its protests. Although they lost most of their cases, WBC did win $43,000 in legal fees in 1993. According to Shirley Phelps-Roper, they also won more than $100,000 in 1995 in a lawsuit against Kansas' Funeral Picketing Act, which they claimed violated their First Amendment rights. Because the Phelps family represents WBC in court, they can put the fees they win towards supporting the church. On July 27, 2010, the city of Bellevue dropped the charges of flag desecration and contributing to the delinquency of a child, due to a federal judge declaring the flag desecration law unconstitutional. The city also paid Phelps-Roper $17,000 in a settlement agreement, in exchange for her dropping a pending lawsuit against the city. Most articles put their travel/protest expenses at $200k a year or more. These suits they have won in no way support their expenses for the last couple of decades. I would love for someone to prove me wrong as I am genuinely curious, but I cannot find anywhere that supports the Internet "old wives tale" that they sue and win all the time.
I'm getting all ACLU-ie tonight.
"Oh. . . . . Who am I kidding, there is no bottom."
Excellent start.
So why do you continue to feed the trolls in person? Without the sunshine of publicity, these mold creatures will die of starvation.
Althouse is your "Gal".
Althouse: "Sorry to inflict all that on you, but I wanted you to see what really goes on, and I thought that needed some strong sunlight."
"…needed some strong sunlight"? Right.... I suppose that for blog readers like us, Westboro & its practices were really a riddle wrapped in an enigma — before tonight.
Westboro is a formidable brand name for hatred, thanks to coverage like this. It's now kind of like Justin Bieber coming to town — how can an ambitious blogger resist — it's Must See TV™. Or shameful pandering to the culture of notoriety.
I'm sorry, but 5 posts is just pathetic — regardless of (or also *because* of) the Instapundit link. You're rewarding Westboro — vindicating their media strategy.
Anymore, I find it amusing that someone would even think that God hates. Do they really believe that God is mean? Or that there are human beings who are kinder and more loving than God?
To see a sign that God hates fags is, quite literally, hilarious - lol
It is good to remember what legalistic and hard hearted people come out of Christian cults.
And Muslim cults and Buddhist cults and Shinto cults and Hindu cults and Jewish cults and Atheist cults and Marxist cults and political cults and Gay cults and any number of others.
But the Westboro Baptist Church is in no sense of the word "Christian." They are a Hate cult.
No need for singling out Christians for that backhanded slap.
Actually, Phelps was a Democrat first and foremost -- a major player in Kansas Democrat politics until the big falling out and the revenge preaching went deep Monty Python. Some the clan apparently enjoy/ed significant employment with the State of Kansas. I think Miss Margie spent some time working at the department of corrections, which might shed some insight on what some might see as an apparent obsession with punishment and all things anal.
Strange, this. Leaving your state to stand on a street corner of another, defending the new testament with the old. Fascinating how vain and distempered presumptions of G_d's primal intentions is co-presented with disturbingly ample visual evidence of sloth and gluttony.
Where did Margie find the biblical authority by which the mortal human state of unconditional sin can be concretized? She has apparently found the actual facts.
Margie. Cast. Stone. Unhinged.
These Kansas girls are a real mess. Just wait till queen Kathleen gets done with the finishing touch on the euthanasia she has planned for the rest of us. For the greater good, of course. Can't say "children" on this one. They'll be next.
"It is good to remember what legalistic and hard hearted people come out of Christian cults"
Much as I loathe the Phelps' and the WBC, I must acknowledge that they haven't flown airplanes into any buildings that I know of.
These people are attention/publicity whores first and foremost, the only thing about them that's real, and the only thing they're even halfway good at.
Well, if I ever get terminal or no longer have a family to live for, these creeps are at the top of my list.
I read neither of the posts nor the comments in the posts about the WBC. I didn't need to. I already knew what kind of people these were. To say that this is a Christian cult is idiotic. They have nothing to do with Christianity. To infer as much, is to do nothing but slander true Christians, and nothing more, and I believe that was the intention.
sunsong said...
Anymore, I find it amusing that someone would even think that God hates.
Read the Old Testament.
Being from Kansas I have had more than my share of exposure to WBC. They once picketed a funeral at the church up the street from my church. Never was quite sure what the deal was.
I appreciated New Media Meade's work. It adds to the Althouse experience.
WBC is a cult to be sure but it is really a family. Our understanding here in KS is that it is about seventy-five people most of whom are family members of the Fred Phelps tribe. In that regard I have often wondered if the cult is prone to the same abuses as fundamentalist Mormonism.
I believe that the MSM uses them to attempt to tar all Christians with the same brush. When I observed the goings-on up the street from my church what was remarkable was how small a group they were and how much larger they appeared on TV.
Because it was local and newsworthy?
While their ideas may be sensationalist and shocking, there is nothing wrong about their engaging in this peaceful protest. And it was peaceful - if anything, the counter protesters were engaged in the more aggressive actions.
While I find their cause abhorrent, I am damn glad I live in a nation that allows it.
The theme in punditland about the Wall Street mobs goes like this:
A weakness in authority opens the door when a crisis shows its weakness, and
Anarchy lead by mobs ensues, and
A strong man fills the authority void and disburses the mob.
That is a precis of Napoleon's rise to absolute power.
By analogy, the Phelps clan is strongly filling a void with an authority claim. They need to add a crisis and a mob to bake the tyranny cake they get a mob started up to oppose them and live off the crisis like vultures off dead meat.
There is a Darwinian lesson in this somewhere.
The authority of the scripture can be hijacked by a tyrant when the Church will not preach the truth but sits on a comfortable fence.
The mystery is why people are drawn to a cruel slave system, be it a Christian cult or a Muslim cult.
Does it have to do with familiarity because that was the way Daddy raised them??
I seriously want to understand this tendency to surrender to authority in a crisis.
That is the theme of my favorite movie, Empire of the Sun. Get it and watch that happen as the empires clash like they are doing again today as Pax Americana is ending everywhere around us.
Is the Westboro's reputation for provoking street altercations during street protests in order to make money by suing actually true?
That's not the only way they make money. I think the main way is settling out of court when they sue for being denied protest permits. Easier, steadier income.
The number of people involved is so tiny. So, in fact, it really amounts to nothing. Distasteful, but indicative of nothing.
The entire gay debate is sort of like that. As I pointed out last week, same sex households accounts for 1/2 of 1 percent of American households.
There's really nothing here, Althouse. No great civil rights issue. No awful repression. Nothing.
From a personal standpoint, I don't want to attend a church where the pastor is gay or female, but I really don't give a damn if somebody else wants that.
I think, Althouse, that your obsession with the gay debate says more about you than it says about anything else. You're stuck in wanting to gin up new civil rights issues. It's 60s nostalgia on your part.
While their ideas may be sensationalist and shocking, there is nothing wrong about their engaging in this peaceful protest.
Yes, there is something wrong with it-
Everything about this cult is wrong.
Just because something is legal doesn't mean you cannot make a personal judgement as to virtue or lack thereof.
I realize in liberal land there is a law against "right and wrong", but I don't live there.
These people are vile, and everything they say and do is wrong.
You own pictures, Althouse, show a gathering of only 15 or 20 people.
In a country of 350 million people, you can gather together a group of 15 or 20 people who are crazy enough to do or believe in anything.
In this case, you are generalizing from nothing.
Like gay marriage heralds (and foments) the end of marriage (intentionally, for some), gay priests signal and immanentize the demise of that religion. So the Phelps efforts are pointless.
The Phelps cult is reprehensible and tiny. They are the crazy aunts let loose from the attic. It's street theater,nothing more. They get to feel outraged and we get to feel outraged by them. Nothing changes but the two minutes of hate, cross-directed.
This is what entitlement looks like.
Why can't I stand on a street corner professing....hate, fear, and God?
Oh, yeah....I have a family, and a job. People depend upon me to do something useful.
w/v: paths - A lotta people can't find one.
There are easier and more moral ways to make a living.
I am not sure if Phellps and his spawn are true believers or complete charletans--but does it matter? They engage in outrage theater.
The best way to deal with this is to ignore them.
Shouting Thomas said...
The number of people involved is so tiny. So, in fact, it really amounts to nothing. Distasteful, but indicative of nothing.
The entire gay debate is sort of like that. As I pointed out last week, same sex households accounts for 1/2 of 1 percent of American households.
According to Gallup, almost half of all Americans believe up to 25% of the population is homosexual. When people find out it's between 1.3 and 3.5%, a lot of this goes away.
Alas, it made their day!
These phelps characters treat publicity like it's their own religious experience.
They don't care if people "counter-demonstrate." They win, because it's their party.
Too bad you made their trip to Madison worth it.
By the way, the same is true for the wall street "demo." Their pictures go around the world. Which incites more lunatics to show up.
But it ain't Woodstock!
Woodstock was so popular (in its concept), that tickets were sold. And, more tickets were expected to be sold ... at Max Yasgur's farm.
And, people had to drive 200 miles to get there! (Gas back then was 25-cents a gallon.)
Lots of people thought they'd buy their tickets THERE, at the site. And, that's when the mob didn't want to wait on line ... so they tore through the fence.
Sometimes, you need to start with a critical mass.
While all the phelps and organizers do ... is hope crowds show up. AND, EVEN BETTER, TV CAMERAS!
That's how desperate people get to be on TV.
Fred4Pres said...
The best way to deal with this is to ignore them.
Better yet, have some appellate court invent (they do it all the time, after all) a way for them to be sued.
Especially for something that can't be quantified, like pain and suffering.
The Phelps cult is sustained by the publicity it receives. If the various media paid it no attention the cult would disappear into its own tiny black hole.
By including it on this blog, five times no less, you have given it cause to continue. The cult lives only for the attention it can draw. You have played into its hands.
This morning at church we were invited to march in the Pride Parade. This, I believe, was once the Gay Pride Parade but has been rebranded to include the rest of the LGBT community. It was not explained if we were to march in "solidarity" or as an initiation right or exactly what. In any event we were invited but declined to attend. My son,14, is bemused by the parade and wonders if there is or should be a hetero parade in which we celebrate our sexual preference and its many advantages to the human race. Our church is, I believe, migrating away from the thing it once was
I would hope Andres Serrano has the courage of his convictions and fully supports Phelps' marketing.
Same with Rosane Barrr (the Hitler baker).
And most of Hollywood and the entertainment industry in fact.
What is the difference in message between "Piss Christ" and "God Hates America?"
What's the difference between Joe Biden saying "hey let's cut Iraq a check for $100 billion?" after 9/11 and Bush saying "hey Teddy please be friends and write my education bill for me mmmkay?"
Between Hollywood/Phelps and Bush/Biden success is the main thing that keeps them separate.
Many Republicans ridicule Biden for an off-hand (and hence incredibly stupid) comment and cheerlead Bush, overlooking the fact Bush called us racist and let Ted Kennedy control our nation's education bill in the Senate among the many other Bush problems that left us with President Obama.
We all ridicule and mock Phelps while some support Hollywood trash (cf. Human Centipede) and bands that hate everything about certain fans of theirs (Rage Against the Machine, Green Day, etc.).
My position is Fred Phelps and friends deserve NEA grants, pronto.
And an hour per day on NPR.
In order to show the world America doesn't censor as much as we used to when Reagan was in office.
We are truly a tolerant and diverse peoples if we pay for Phelps message; otherwise we be FASCIST.
It's either/or, now as then.
The firm I'm currently contracting with is hosting "Coming Out Day" on October 11.
I'm not offended, but I'm bewildered that an employer would encourage its employees to advertise what they do in bed within the confines of the corporate HQ.
An idiot bit of propaganda.
I think that coverage, including posts like this mostly have the effect of slandering Christianity. That's what the uninformed masses see: another bunch of crazy Jesus freaks. They don't deserve the coverage and it's not worth the negatives it produces. Outlets should avoid that. You have to consider whether what you do mostly helps or hurts.
edutcher said...
Read the Old Testament.
Why? I already said I don't believe that God hates. I don't think the Bible is even translated correctly - let alone true. Good grief. That's so much of the hatred in this world. People who just cannot deal with the fact that we are all free to come to our own conclusions and we will NEVER all agree.
That's the old Malcolm Boyd "I can't believe God would send anyone to Hell" non-judgmental value-neutral nonsense from the 70s. A lot of the Protestant denominations that are hemorrhaging parishioners have bought into it over the years.
It tries to rewrite the Bible the same way the Lefties try to rewrite the Constitution.
It tries to rewrite the Bible the same way the Lefties try to rewrite the Constitution.
I'm not trying to rewrite it. I don't believe it. I don't even think the Bible was translated correctly - let alone that it is true. I don't believe that God hates.
You miss the point totally - I'm never going to agree with you. I think you are so off base it is tragic. Millions, billions of humanity will never agree with you. We are NOT all going to agree. It's not going to happen :-)
So, what to do? The answer is to live and let live, imo. Greater freedom with greater responsibility.
The best way to deal with this is to ignore them.
They position themselves in such a way that they're impossible to ignore. They are actually kinda good in that particular. Being in-your-face odious to the extreme, but at the same time managing to get into everybody's grille, all across the social, political, and religious spectrum. Impossible to ignore, and wholly contrived. Gotta give them something along the lines of props for that.
It's street theater,nothing more.
That thought came to me too, for awhile. Watching the videos reminded me of walking down Market Street in San Francisco in the 60s. You'd always see something beyond-the-pale outrageous. But whereas then and there it was always entertaining, with these people, by the time I watched Meade's 3rd video, I was tired of them and wanted them to go away.
This morning at church we were invited to march in the Pride Parade. This, I believe, was once the Gay Pride Parade but has been rebranded to include the rest of the LGBT community
A working theory I have is WBC has styled itself after the gay pride movement and turned it around 180 degrees. Early 90s, back when Queer Nation was getting started, and other such gay entities, there were elements that sought to get in-your-face and be as outrageous as possible at gay pride events, parades, etc. It may be no coincidence that's also when WBC got started and perhaps simply co-opted their tactics.
I enjoyed the fall colors.
The extreme arrogance of organized religions in their certainty of what it is that God thinks is what led me to reject organized religion. We only have a vague, distant glimmer of what God thinks. That shouldn't keep us from trying to discern it, but it should keep us from condemning people whose beliefs are different from ours, at least until their beliefs start to affect us in a temporal way. In the meantime, the one commandment that is unimpeachable is the Golden Rule-- do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
I'm still trying to figure out why Althouse never put up a post when a few rouge gays hung Sarah Palin in effigy three years ago. A google search of Althouse archives reveals that she has an obsession with mock hangings, but only in a racial or a Prosser context.
wv = hemple: House of worship for the pot-oriented.
wv = hemple: House of worship for the pot-oriented.
Incorrect chick. It is a place of worship for those of us who worship Shirley Hemphill.
Mitochondri-Allie said...
Looks as if Meade and Althouse have touched some nerves here among the loyal commenters, don't like that Meadhouse show protesters "on the side of love" waving rainbow flags in a positive light?
Are you all afraid some of these same progresses may have been part of the anti Walker protesters? Or do you just really like the far right religious agenda that feels gays are a blight on the society and are secretly happy Phelps is out there doing your dirty work for you?
Another projector. If the anti-Walker protests made any progress, it's pretty invisible.
And, if the one-celled life form took the trouble to actually read some of the comments by Conservatives here, he/she/it would know no one hates the Westboro crowd more than Conservatives. In fact, the Lefties are usually MIA on them because their target is servicemen's funerals.
But when did Lefties worry about facts?
Then why the Lefty diatribe?
No Conservative here defended the Phelps agenda. And I've yet to see one - anywhere - defend it, BTW.
The one celled life form is the one blowing smoke.
(and the idea of any "progress" achieved by the Walker haters is still nonsense)
You are like the Phelps, you spew crap too.
Edutcher is a loser who never accomplished much in life and spews against anyone he thinks is responsible for his lot in life, whether it's the gays, the ACLU, the Democrats or people who like modern art. He's the sort of fellow that is laughed out of the room in polite society, including among Republicans who have done something with themselves. (He'd call them RINOs or something like that, as he was stumbling back to the bus stop.) It's sad, but also amusing to witness in its own way.
That would be a touching story if anybody believed you Mitchy.
It just doesn't hold water.
Well not enough to waterboard anyway.
The best way to deal with this is to ignore them.
Or do exactly what Meade did. He clearly irritated her and wasn't to be put off. If Meade was from an identifiable news organization he would have been 'litigation material' in her eyes. However, as he never stopped filming she couldn't make a deal out of him/her bumping into each other as he warned her enough times I'm sure the 'we'll sue' works well with big news organizations where no-one wants the headache.
I've seen enough of Marge's scalp to last a lifetime.
No I believe that there are some left wing people serving in the armed forces. We won't ask so they don't have to tell. I mean it is theoretically possible but I bet they about as common as Caucasians in the NBA.
In any event I am glad that you don't give a rats ass what I say because I would like to return the favor as I do not believe you have a loved one serving and I especially don't believe that you would have got yourself arrested attacking the Phelps.
Take a chill pill there internet tough guy.
Sure thingy there Mitchy. You are very believable. Don't worry about what I have to say. Or what I think. If what you say is true then it doesn't matter so much what other people think.
Keep telling us your stories. They are real entertaining. Really.
Have we reached the point where everything involving homosexuals requires in-depth coverage and the mandatory highlighting of crazy folks who coincidentally are not big supporters of the homosexual agenda? There may be regular folks who are not big time supporters either. I can't imagine that this was legitimately big news even in Madison. Give it a rest.
Maybe later you can tell us about the old days with Trapper John and Hawkeye and them guys back on the Frozin Chosin.
somefeller said...
You are like the Phelps, you spew crap too.
Edutcher is a loser who never accomplished much in life and spews against anyone he thinks is responsible for his lot in life, whether it's the gays, the ACLU, the Democrats or people who like modern art. He's the sort of fellow that is laughed out of the room in polite society, including among Republicans who have done something with themselves. (He'd call them RINOs or something like that, as he was stumbling back to the bus stop.) It's sad, but also amusing to witness in its own way.
I see some phony folksy has come out from behind the furnace in Mom's basement.
And projecting like the guy at the cineplex.
He was commenting here on a Monday morning a few weeks ago. Usually that's a busy time in most workplaces.
Things "slow at the office"?
The "boss was out that day"?
Translation: Mom went to the store and he goofed off for a while.
Is "Mitochondri-Allie" just another incarnation of Apfelkuchen, who also pretended to have a leftist daughter serving in the Navy?
Apfelkuchen said:
"At least I have the courage to come to Althouse's blog and take you on. Granny that I am, lol."
How many different names and accounts do you courageously use to "take on" the other posters here at Althouse's blog?
Mitochondri, I'm just not finding anything here that supports your claim, "Looks as if Meade and Althouse have touched some nerves here among the loyal commenters, don't like that Meadhouse show protesters "on the side of love" waving rainbow flags in a positive light?" Care to point it out?
"His outlook is so narrow that he can't comprehend that many of our troops are patriotic lefties?"
Probably intel weenies. Never met one of them didn't have a screw loose somewhere...
I'm not Trooper York.
And you didn't answer either of my questions.
1. Is "Mitochondri-Allie" just another incarnation of Apfelkuchen, who also pretended to have a leftist daughter serving in the Navy?
2. How many different names and accounts do you courageously use to "take on" the other posters here at Althouse's blog?
It will be easy enough to repeat these questions in every thread I see you comment in (regardless of which of your sockpuppet accounts you choose to post under) until you answer them. Readers can draw their own conclusions based on your reponses, or lack thereof.
Edutcher says: He was commenting here on a Monday morning a few weeks ago. Usually that's a busy time in most workplaces.
So you're keeping track of the times and days I'm posting comments here? I'm touched! And here's a song for you, superman.
Anyway, I don't keep track of the days and times I post, but maybe you can provide a link to the post in question? I suspect it was either a day off, a slow day at the office or something along those lines if I was posting on a Monday morning. I generally don't do that but I don't remember the exact times and dates of all postings. Maybe you can put together a list of my recent posting times and dates, Edutcher. You seem to have a lot of time on your hands.
Hey Mitchy I am not sockpuppet guy. I am happy to call you a lying sack of shit here and now in my own voice.
I was busy watching the Giants blow a game and just finished complaining to Carl Banks on WFAN on the post game show.
If your story was true it wouldn't bother you so much that I don't believe you. You would just shake your head and not worry about it. But you don't.
So I repeat. I think you are a lying sack of shit.
But that's ok. You can run for Senator from Conneticut or something. That's what you lefty war heros do. Knock yourself out tough guy.
Oh and it is pronounced corpseman.
Isn't that what your super special lefty patrotic President says?
Who cares Mitchy? I am not sweating what you believe. Unlike you. So keep telling us about all the brave left wing americans serving our country in harms way.
Say do they ride unicorns? I bet they ride unicorns. That would be way cool.
Yo, Richard, I was an intel weenie (1st Cav, Viet-Nam, 1968-1969) and my son is enlisting for nearly the same MOS next week. We may have a screw loose, but we are on the same side as the rest of the troops :). Anyway, I think Applecake Mitowhateverl misunderstood your statement (surprise) and somehow thinks you don't know what a Corpseman is...
I will believe you if you tell me your daughter serves in the "Old Navy."
I hear it is very dangerous when they have sale on flip flops.
It's not hate to point out that you are a liar and that you are weeping crocodile tears to curry favor and get some sort of sympathy. I simply don't believe you Mrs. Blumenthal. I don't care enough about you and your lies to hate you sweetheart.
If you are even a woman.
In the long history of the United States there have been many left wing heros.
Douglas MacArthur. George Patton. Cutiss LeMay. Audie Murphy.
Wait that doesn't work.
Oh yeah.
Lee Harvey Oswald.
Ok I will give you that one.
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