ADDED: If it's not on TV, I don't want to watch. The streaming on-line is too tedious. I'll wait for the transcript. And read what Jaltcoh has to say.
AND: Thanks to Rob in the comments for giving me the channel number. That was really hard to find! Okay, I'm watching now.
ALSO: I realize I've just written the most boring debate live-blog of all time.
PLUS: The Wall Street Journal's conclusion:
Herman Cain and his 9-9-9 plan were front-and-center all night, while Rick Perry, who many considered the frontrunner just a few weeks ago, was something of an after-thought in the debate. He hit a few bloop singles when a lot of people thought he needed clear home runs. Mitt Romney showed a little more verve than he has in previous debates and seemed perfectly comfortable defending his record and showed a knack for the counterpunch (particularly with regard to Cain's 9-9-9 plan). If he and Cain are one and two, voters will have a VERY clear choice between the maverick and the manager.MORE: Power Line says:
Mitt Romney did very well again. He comes across as strong, reassuring, articulate, experienced, knowledgeable. At one point, other candidates peppered him with questions. That helped Romney, I think–he came across as the candidate who matters. He also defended Romneycare more passionately than I have seen before. His pitch in his closing statement for a strong America was powerful, given the breaking news on Iran’s apparent terrorist plot inside the U.S.
१२८ टिप्पण्या:
Can we talk about how Cain is a serious credible candidate?
So far, vile hack Karen Tumulty is acting like a vile hack.
If this isn't on TV, forget it. I pay over $200 a month for UVerse. This isn't on UVerse?
It's on Bloomberg TV. That's in the SD section of my cable lineup.
It's on at the Washington Post site. But that's not teevee. which is important to our host.
What is "SD"?
Is it on UVerse? If not, I'll read the transcript tomorrow. I am not watching on line.
That's apparently channel 222 on UVerse in Madison.
SD = standard definition
I'm watching it on Bloomberg
I can't find it here in Southern Maryland on Comcast either. But while looking, I found "Our Man Flint", so I'll have something amusing to watch.
Infobabe asks Mitt a question about a global financial meltdown in 2013. Mitt replies, Well that's a hypothetical. Infobabe wants to argue. She says it's not hypothetical.
Andy R. said...
Can we talk about how Cain is a serious credible candidate?
10/11/11 7:12 PM
Compared to Obama anyone including Bozo the clown is a serious and credible candidate.
@Ann if you have Bloomberg on your cable line up you can watch it live.
It's on Bloomberg TV
"Andy R. said...
Can we talk about how Cain is a serious credible candidate?"
I know. He a douchebag with a bad 70's haircut, who wears his hat a weird angle, and has a bunch of blogs about being Jewsih and gay that no one reads. Plus he's a moron who has accomplished nothing in life.
Oh, wait, that's not Herman Cain.
I couldn't find Bloomberg on UVerse. I Googled, searched the UVerse site.
But Rob said 222, and then I got there. So I'll watch it now.
John's live blog is pretty good. Beats listening to those irritating journalists and politicians.
Vile hack Karen Tumulty promoted to sanctimoniously partisan whore.
Andy R(acist) wrote "Can we talk about how Cain is a serious credible candidate?"
Knock yourself out, hat boy, keep your mumbling at a low volume so as not to annoy others, but, and this is very important, whatever you do, do not write anything about it here. You are a douche.
Curious George, bravo.
Is it on UVerse? If not, I'll read the transcript tomorrow. I am not watching on line.
Damn straight! When you want information, you can't get it on a computer screen. You gots to have it from a big-ass TV screen.
Blonde is as blonde does ...
(...and pays over $200 a month for the privilege, bless her heart.)
How do these idiots think they're advancing to the "front of the line?"
It's like we're watching a season of survivor for "intellectuals."
Or, like watching Geraldo Rivera getting "booed" out of _Zer-Kish_-Mear-Smoothy-Park. Or "Down and Out in Wall Street.
Listening, not watching:
Romney: Boring. Very white. Smooth like mayonnaise.
Gingrich: Mean, insulting. Uses words like "stupid" to describe Congress. Bet he has a lot of friends.
Bachmann: "I'm a federal tax lawyer. It's what I do for a living." Say what? Just what I want in a president--a federal tax lawyer. God help us.
Cain: 999. The man knows marketing. Nice 'n' catchy. Knows how to get a laugh. Good. Talks numbers. I can't follow it, but neither could Bill Clinton.
Huntsman: See Romney comments above.
Perry: What a harsh accent. Needs to hire Professor Higgins. Loser.
Santorum: Gets a nervous laugh by insulting Cain. Great.
Newt has the best brain of the lot. Unfortunately, the brain is in Newt, so there's that drawback.
I'd vote for him, though. On the sole criteria of who has the most experience in government, and how best knows how it runs, Newt wins.
Perry is done; insignificant at this point.
Cain Rocks! 9-9-9 is brilliant, w the 15% payroll tax elimination. That good lookin' reporter didn't get it. Will the American People?
Romney, is right about China's currency. Gingrich is there to say what other's can't; the debt deal and committee was STUPID!
Prediction. The GOP establishment wants Romney; the rank and file love Cain. Romney-Cain ticket.
The debate no one will watch because no can can watch - or wants to watch.
I see from a photo they are all sitting down. This tends to make debates rather toothless. When politicians sit down they become more resigned.
Can you post the link to live TV? It is audio link, that you have.
I like Cain. But I suspect Romney/Cain is likely.
Can't they just play classical music during the breaks? But not frantic North By Northwest-style violin jamming?
"She does this dancing finger thing...My Mom's pretty weird."
"There are many ways to start the day...We'll be tracking the story." Translation: We'll be staring at a computer screen.
Listening, not watching:
Bachmann: Dissing Perry. Why bother? She's fighting for 4th place.
Perry: Texas, Texas, Texas. Texas, Texas. Texas.
Cain: 999! Simple! Fair! Gets a laugh. Again.
Romney: Says he doesn't like simple answers. I just read a quote from Jobs in BW: "Simple can be harder than complex. You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple." I bet Steve Jobs would loathe Romney. The Seven Major Pillars. Is that from the Old Testament? Bright Horizons Childrens Centers. "Net net." Please use words and terms average folks understand. "Net net." People hate people with MBAs.
Gingrich: Yea, verily...the Speaker! We listeneth. Uses words like "rationale." Is that French?
Huntsman: How boring. Nasty attacks. Ugh.
Paul: Can't you just imagine this guy with a bottle of cheap whiskey sitting on a rock under an interstate overpass? Or on some 1930s radio show? "Wall Street! The banks! Foreign Governments!" Rant, rant, rant.
Cain: Message to Paul: Do not fuck with me. 999! Jobs, jobs, jobs. Huge laugh. People can understand this guy. He is a human being.
Take Herman Cain seriously.
Psychedelic George said...
Gingrich: Mean, insulting. Uses words like "stupid" to describe Congress. Bet he has a lot of friends.
This is why I like the guy.
Nominate Cain! He represents MORE than a change to the tax system. He is a challenge to elite leftist thought control that they have instilled upon their subordinates.
Take Herman Cain seriously.
I take Calin seriously.
Listening, not watching.
Huntsman "I'm proud of what we were able to accomplish." Bor-ring. "I care about people!" O, Jesus. Run for the hills.
Romney: Why ask Bachmann anything? Go after Cain. Are you afraid? Long winded.
Bachmann: She has eight million children. Go to my website. How very 1996.
Who is talking about truck bombs? Bad, bad thing to talk about.
Must be Santorum.
Cain: He. Talks. Slowly. And. With. Force. Bet Dirty Harry would vote for him. "I will be President." Visualize whirled peas.
Amy Carter yammering about adult crap. The earth would still be flat. Infiniti. Clean water for the village. Teleconference and babies will not die in Uganda. Reality sets back in. Another child yapping, using words like "infrastructure." What would Charles Dickens think? Ear shredding electronic music. We're back!
Perry: Block grant those dollars back to the state. What is he talking about? Only geeks talk like this.
Cain: Guy must know numbers. He was on the Fed. He has secret Fed candidates!!! Maybe that guy from Moneyball.
Paul: Bet he was a good doctor. His heart is in the right place. Warm fuzzies.
People determined to be serious never are.
It's how seriousness finally wound up as a species of frivolousness rather than its opposite.
Hence the debates.
Wait for the blogs to come out.
A beautiful Faure cello and piano in the meantime.
Another Faure less beautifully played, played by it looks like the Marx Brothers or Three Stooges here.
Faure's chamber music is banned in Iran, in an Islamic blow against Western voice leading.
Greenspan? What a stupid answer.
Greenspan was the idiot that inflated the tech bubble, then inflated the housing bubble.
The better choice is proably Volker, as Paul said, but he's getting kind of old.
I'd day probably the Dallas Fed President, or some no-name large bond portfolio manager.
Romney fired back at Perry on Romneycare, saying that Massachusetts has the lowest percentage of kids without care, Texas the worst. Perry did not respond.
See, Romneycare isn't so bad, people. Wish every state had this option. Wait we [almost] do now. Yes!
Romneycare isn't so bad, people.
Is it bad? If so, how?
Ann, we have U-verse, too. Your Bloomberg channel may be a different spot, but it should be in the block of news channels with CNN and Fox.
First, it's not a debate, it's an extended version of the Charlie Rose Show - and not a very good one.
First, I think Perry saved his campaign tonight. He still needs some polish, but he did well enough to stay afloat. He's trying to emulate Herman in the way he always pushes 9-9-9 and he needs to put more zip into it.
Bachmann and Newt had good debates, particularly Bachmann. She really shone for the first time in a month and she should move up a little.
Herman, of course was great - that's why Hatman tries his FUD routine all the time.
But for God's sake who picks these questioners - RINO Central?
Karen Tumulty is a disgrace. When she asked why the Wall Street crowd wasn't in jail, somebody should have nailed her ass to the wall with a lecture on due process (I wish you know who were running just so she could have delivered that lecture).
Romney fired back at Perry on Romneycare, saying that Massachusetts has the lowest percentage of kids without care, Texas the worst. Perry did not respond.
Notably, Romney didn't refute Perry's allegation that health insurance costs in Mass have ballooned like crazy, either.
Personally, I'd rather have insurance that I can afford that some people may choose not to get.
Personally, I'd rather have insurance that I can afford that some people may choose not to get.
Sure you would.
But the problem in MA was uninsured poor, not the size of your middle-class premium payment.
Who was heckling? Anyone catch what they said? I'm guessing it was anti-Catholic or anti-Catholic type policies.
I'd rather have insurance that I can afford that some people may choose not to get..
I'd rather have insurance that I can afford that some people can't afford.
Who can't afford it, but isn't eligible for Medicaid? Betcha they have cable and an i-phone. MittCare drove costs up, and ObamaCare will do the same (and already has); that's the point.
Listening, not watching:
A very sensitive Charles Rose...pain and hope.
Bachmann: A child of divorce. Worked way through college. Eight million children. Love people. Yuk.
Cain: Dad worked three jobs. Heavy. That tops Bachmann.
Gingrich: Brat. Moved. Sense of the pain level.
Paul: Promote liberty and pass the whiskey.
Santorum: Steel town. Quintiles.
Huntsman: Presided over a state. Uses words like "substance abuse." just says drugs.
Perry: Dad was a tenant farmer. He comes from trash.
Romney: Crisis. Military second to none. How many times have we heard that. Jeez.
Charlie Rose believes in tables. Won't shut up.
Personally, I'd rather have insurance that I can afford that some people may choose not to get
Personally, I'd rather have freedom and have Romney the Mandater mind his own damn business.
He. Just. Does. Not. Get. It.
It's not a federalism issue, it's not a coverage issue, it's not an affordability issue -- it is a matter of government getting the hell off our backs. All government.
RomneyCare disqualifies that hack from being governor. So just how does it qualify him to be president?
Romney washes the floor. Perry is scared and he cannot even speak in English.
This sucks. I have like 200 channels but not Bloomberg. I have Gene Simmons Family Jewels, Wen Hair, and "Successful Farming Equipment" - who knew? No Bloomie.
I agree with Santorum that broken homes are significant to the poverty rate. But what policies does he think that the gov't can put into place that would change that?
When the babe from Bloomie asked that inane question about poverty, I wish somebody had noted that it was the most comfortable poverty in the history of the human race - complete with iPods, cell phones, and cable TV - and had thrown back in her face that the dollar figure used to determine who is "in poverty" doesn't include income from welfare, unemployment, or food stamps.
Well, now there's been 5 "debatable" events.
Nothing caught fire.
No need to send in the fire trucks.
Does any particular debate, so far, stand out among the rest?
Personally, I'd rather have insurance that I can afford that some people may choose not to get
The fewer people that are insured the higher the premiums will be. How else can the insurance companies cover the costs of health care these days?
It is real easy Governor Romney (D. Mass.) to have "universal coverage" when you simply make it illegal to not be covered by a plan.
To the extent that it is not the policy of a thugocracy, it is the same old "wave a magic wand" approach to governing that Obama has.
If Romney is the nominee, America loses, no matter who wins in November 2012. If Romney becomes president, he will usher in the destruction of the Republican Party.
Maybe, for the next "debate" ... we can meet around some fish hole.
So, you could have two contests at once.
(If you introduce fly fishing ... maybe Dick Cheney would come?)
I didn't watch.
It's DWTS!
I am shocked that Romney is even considered a front runner. What is fucking up with that? He's a total fake.
Bender, please go and work for Obama. We do not need you here. Romney wins the nomination and wins the Presidency. And, America rises again.
Looks like the only black person in the hall was Herman Cain
dartmouth is light bright and damn near white
The fewer people that are insured the higher the premiums will be.
All other things being equal, sure. Do you really think that all other things would be equal? MassCare drove costs up; ObamaCare has and will do the same.
Bender, please go and work for Obama. We do not need you here
Don't need me? You don't want my vote to go to Romney?
Good. Will do. It won't. Ever. Under any circumstances. None.
Obama just keeps on winning. Doing nothing. But he beats these people!
And, he knows it!
Take Herman Cain seriously?
That 9/9/9 sounds like For $9 ... you can get a medium pizza. And, for $9 more they'll send you two.
While if you flip the "999" ... you "get" 666. Which won't go over all that well with the religious crowd.
What state is going to hold the convention?
Charlie Rose is still alive?
Who knew?
You pay $200 for "Uverse?
I tossed out my "Dish" when it was $40 a month.
Haven't missed TV since.
Psychedelic George, Andy R. and company are hot to trot to kill the golden goose, destroy it utterly and then...and then the dictatorship of the proletariat, I guess. Or maybe they don't even know that's what's in store for them should Occupy Occupy Occupy "succeed." Thank God and our founders for the 2nd Amendment.
I realize I've just written the most boring debate live-blog of all time.
That's okay, it was probably the most boring debate of all time. And perhaps not coincidentally, it was a good debate for Romney.
Romney was strong again. He said all the right things.
Perry was still weak in thinking on his feet, but he was being himself and not that horsey cowboy act. So that was an improvement.
Santorum, Paul, Bachmann and Huntsman kept up their verbal vandalism to get noticed, but they made no friends.
Gingrich showed off his brains again, but his personality ruined it every time.
My friend Herman was being himself tonight. He shot a possible on every opportunity to market his leadership skills. I like his chances.
I got the impression that Romney and Cain were working together tonight, even if they didn't know it. Are they already anticipating sharing a ticket?
The fewer people that are insured the higher the premiums will be
Let's do away with this FRAUD about RomneyCare and ObamaCare right now.
Neither one of them is really intended to have more people who are "insured." What they want is more people who pay premiums, period.
Specifically, they want young, healthy people, who will not use or otherwise increase demand for actual healthcare services, to pay vast sums of money into the system and never use it. They want people who have no real need for the product to be enough of a sucker to buy it anyway.
Neither RomneyCare nor ObamaCare are healthcare plans -- they are finance plans. They are plans designed to separate people from their money by force of law.
Carol_Herman said: Haven't missed TV since
I'm with Carol on the TV. But, my family can't live with without it. My chair is turned so that I can't see the TV screen. I like it that way.
I'm not with Carol on politics though. She likes Obama and wants to see him win again. I can tell.
If you want to win an election, the first thing you need is a candidate who can win!
It's almost like watching the Anthony Weiner debacle.
Where the PUTZ that ran had democrapic CLOUT! He thought all he needed was his name on the ballot.
What is it about candidates who think they get the "shoo-in" prize.
How do they react to their loss?
We're watching ALL of the "front runners" ... without a clue that they are not liked.
Why is Newt there?
Nope. I don't like Obama.
But I do understand retail.
You NEVER buy wholesale ... any of the crap ... because that's what you're gonna get sent.
My mom always said the only jeans he'd by are Black. Blue. And, tan.
That way when her shipments came in ... she could sell ever pair!
But go ahead. Buy green. Buy red.
You can't give them away!
It gets real easy to deal with the salemen. When they know you only buy the basic colors.
Same with politics.
I keep saying OBAMA IS WINNING.
Has nothing to do with how I'll vote!
If you get really disgusted, you can write in any candidate's name you like!
(Back in 1980, Reagan, at the debates, always went after the WELFARE QUEENS.)
what would he have done with Bachmann's 23 kids? (She kept getting checks i the mail for this, ya know?)
While we're at it, what are the odds on Romney?
Why am I'm picturing this as the scene at Meadehouse earlier tonight?
Romney and Cain did very well. Perry didn't raise to level he needed to change his direction. He was sitting there watching all the economic discussion he looked like he was lost at that point. I think Gingrich is great theater and is trying for VP. I also think Cain is vying for VP on a Romney ticket, and I'm starting to like that idea. Bachmann didn't hurt or help..she'll remain stalled in fourth. To the person who wondered why Romney asked his question of's because he didn't feel threatened by Perry at all..and Cain as a second to Romney is good for him. and the focus of Cain's 9-9-9 were all asked. Huntsman and Santorum will still go nowhere. Ron Paul had the chance to shine on the economic focus and the Fed, he came across looking nutty. This Joanna questioner attack/ questions on Cain's 9-9-9 plan was a good chance for Cain to demonstrate trickle down. Romney is wrapping it up, Cain might win Iowa and SC, Romney wins NH, Nevada, Mich and Florida..and then sweeps the rest of the races.
I like Rose introduction:
Former Godfather, Herman Cain....
I hope for the next debate we can just call it THE GONG SHOW.
Then for every repitition ... Be it "9/9/9" ... or whatever ... We give that person ONE GONG.
The "winner" gets themost "GONGS" ...
New Hampshire has 4 electoral college votes.
Florida's polls close "one hour later."
And, IF Obama takes the night away ... You'd have to see the republican candidate NAILING:
(Besides New Hampshire's 4) ...
North Carolina (15). Pennsylvania's (20), and Virginia's (13).
November 2012's results will either be a nail biter. (With Republicans) gaining ...
Or not.
Remember this. In 2008, where McCain believed no whites would vote "for the black man." McCain finished 47% to Obama's 53%.
Before you start salivating ... think that the democraps already realize they have a fight. And, IF they "pull" a Bill Clinton ... there will be more RUNNING TO THE MIDDLE ...
Than Newt Gingrich remembers happening on his watch.
Notice how no one calls Newt Gingrich out on his STUPID "impeachment" process.
How come?
Are fuses long where memories are short?
Carol...A simple idea repeated 10 times will be remembered.
It's called education.
Scattered ideas are like a flock of birds that are here and then they are gone.
Not that I don't like your talent at scattering ideas.
Keith Richards, endorsing Herman Cain's 999 Tax Plan?
(EDH is actually visible in the video @3:42)
Makin' it, doesn't matter how many
Well, I can't shake it
Off of my back, damn monkey
It's either too tight
Or it's too slack
How much
That's all it is ooh
Ninety nine
How much, yahh
Now, ninety nine
You better hack it baby
Yea, my time exploded, space blew up
Need something in my dixie cup
Whoa, let me get it right
There's the best pair of lips I've kissed all night
How much, well give it to me
I'll pay you later
Nine ninety nine
Ohh, I got a pocket calculator
Yeah, wake up, it don't make sense
Nickles and dimes
Nine ninety nine
The lion and the lamb are locked in an embrance
You won't get it till it's in your face
Ohh, I got me out of depper red
Don't panic
Ah, it's where I want to be
Yeah, oh
A useful member of society, huh!
I just need a little of that old money
Gimme ninety nine, yea
Well, I can't shake it off of my back
God damn monkey
Aw, it's too tight, or it's too slack
Yeah some things never change
Price of bullets remains the same
Here we go
Hand over fist, slap on the wrist
Umm, nine nine
That's all I'm askin'How much
How much do you want to give
Just a little bit
Yeah they operate
Look at the state of my baby
Wll, it cost 20 grand, pitfull
Yeah, that's a nine
Put your money where your mouth is
Cough it up
Ohh nickels and dimes
Yeah, huh, ooh
Boston Globe:Presidential challenger Mitt Romney accused President Barack Obama of failing to lead in a time of economic peril but sounded less conservative than his Republican rivals in their debate Tuesday night, defending the 2008 Wall Street bailout and declaring he can work with "good" Democrats.
Just what we need ... another Republican working with Democrats to enact their agenda.
How in the fuck is Mitt Romney still allowed at Republican Party events?
He's a goddamned traitor.
Beginning of the end for Cain.
Who;s the next ABR?
Sure it's on UVerse. It's on station 222 here. And they are going to repeat it.
Vicki from Pasadena
For people who vote purely on race alone, and I suppose there are millions, they would have to vote for Cain over Obama. Cain is blacker than Obama. I don't mean just in the technical sense of darker, but both of his parents were black, whereas Obama only had one black parent, and not even from the tragic tradition of the slave ancestry. So, Cain is blacker.
I realize that on a deeper level we are all African Americans since we all ultimately derive from Africa. That is, all of our ancestors came from Africa, since that's where the human species first developed.
But for the people who vote on blackness alone, and see race as the sole criterion in the race, wouldn't Cain trump Obama?
At any rate, I like Cain. I think he's Able.
The next POTUS:
Mitt Romney.
Rick Perry: Forget you. (I think he is jizz in his pants.)
edutcher - "Karen Tumulty is a disgrace. When she asked why the Wall Street crowd wasn't in jail, somebody should have nailed her ass to the wall with a lecture on due process..."
This isn't about "due process" it is about how the country lost two trillion to those fucking Wall Street assholes and they are so well-protected by both Parties that there are no investigations or indictments coming.
Worse than 9/11. When the same inter-Party Cabal ensured that not a single FBI, CIA, FAA person was fired, demoted,even reassigned. And the bitch behind the Gorelick Wall, was named to the 9/11 Commission.
PS, Bender...why not just shut up and join the Obama campaign? You'd be like a brain dead, stone age reactionary conservative evangelical NCO I knew that was so upset Buchanan lost out to HW Bush that he voted for Dukakis.
People, listen up. The Presidency is not a debating job. The President doesn't debate - he decides. He lays out direction, creates atmosphere for a particular dynamic and action. He doesn't argue - he directs.
What is most important is what he knows, believes, and is willing to accept responsibility for.
The rest is like watching your plumber play baseball. It doesn't matter one bit how good he is at it. It's not what you hired hm for.
I like Cain. But I suspect Romney/Cain is likely.
Cain/Romney is better.
The next POTUS:
Mitt Romney.
Puh-leeze. Romney will win New Hampshire. That's about it. Real conservatives won't vote for him.
"But, but, but, he's ahead, and he's got so much money." Nah. Nothing matters until people actually begin casting votes in elections, and Romney won't get the votes.
It's the liberal Boston Globe's stock and trade to float moby bait like that for conservatives. No need to run with it.
Like I said earlier today about the "Counterweight Strategy", Romney the pragmatist will work with whomever has sway in congress to enact an agenda he can live with.
Elect a Republican congress, and Romney will govern from the right.
Cedarford said...
edutcher - "Karen Tumulty is a disgrace. When she asked why the Wall Street crowd wasn't in jail, somebody should have nailed her ass to the wall with a lecture on due process..."
This isn't about "due process" it is about how the country lost two trillion to those fucking Wall Street assholes and they are so well-protected by both Parties that there are no investigations or indictments coming.
Again, Cedar pursues his own agenda. Anyone who wants people to go to jail when they didn't break the law makes it about due process.
The broad from the WaPo wanted bankers to go to jail for being the beneficiaries of the Democrats' ghastly policies.
Of course, the "people who lost two trillion" aren't "those fucking Wall Street assholes (notice how the Lefties can't make a case without four letter words?)"; the ones who should be going to jail are GodZero, Timmy Geithner, the Friend of Angelo, and Slobbering Barney, but the WaPo will never go for that.
Thanks, MarkG.
Downtown Brown speaks the truth.
How in the fuck is Mitt Romney still allowed at Republican Party events?
He's a goddamned traitor.
The game, my dear friend, is called 'how to win the middle 20%.'
Fire-breathing conservatives may play well in your neck of the woods, but what wins national elections are middle of the roaders in Michigan, Ohio, Florida, Indiana, and PA.
And they are just not as conservative as you.
Well, Romney certainly came across as competent, knowledgeable, and likeable. I kind of felt for Perry, who seemed subdued, serious, and cowed.
Well, then the middle 20% appears to be irremediably stupid.
The money is gone; the idea of USA-as-Europe is dead. Voting for Utopia don't mean shit.
bagoh20 said...
People, listen up. The Presidency is not a debating job. The President doesn't debate - he decides. He lays out direction, creates atmosphere for a particular dynamic and action. He doesn't argue he directs
I don't think you know how leadership on a team works. Or that leaders must negotiate. Or that debate shows how well some people can do in real life situations vs their ability to deliver their scriptwriters lines.
Not necessarily does debate skill = competency and ability to have critical thought skills.....but it sure exposes the candidates that don't.
And absolutely, Romney will still have to work with Democrats, media people, the public that needs a good communicator, state governors that will not be bowing waiting for their next instruction. Being President is a little different than being Stalin or Pol Pot.
Each President save the bad ones like Jimmy, Dubya, and Obama debate and negotiate every day as part of the job.
Also Nevadabob....
"Romney _ , defending the 2008 Wall Street bailout and declaring he can work with "good" Democrats.
Just what we need ... another Republican working with Democrats
How in the fuck is Mitt Romney still allowed at Republican Party events?
He's a goddamned traitor."
By your logic, Reagan was a traitor, too. Every week he scheduled meetings to formally or informally sit down with not just Republicans, but the likes of Robert Byrd, Tip O'Neill, George Mitchell, Jim Wright to hash over things. He would make phone calls just to keep up with governors like Mario Cuomo, Ann Richards..
Add traitors like HW Bush and Nixon and Clinton after his 1994 wakeup call sat down and worked the problems all the time.
Obama did not sit down with Boehner and McConnell for 2 years. He's your kinda guy. Uncompromising.
"Well, Romney certainly came across as competent, knowledgeable, and likeable."
...and he knows the meaning of "hypothetical."
Bachman and Perry appear increasingly more irrelevant.
Still not convinced Cain is a serious and credible candidate.
Let's see. We're in New Hampshire.
At Dartmouth.
Why not, The John Belushi character, at the end of Animal House ... when the credits run ... Is an American Senator!
So, you tell me.
We're in New Hampshire!
Where was John Belushi, tonight?
Besides dead.
Let's say the moronic GOP "picks" Herman Cain to run against Obama.
You got pizza?
You think the "homeboys" go for the Godfather Pizza Guy?
What if the ticket is "Funny Underwear Man, and the Pizza Guy?"
You placing bets?
If you were running numbers, this is not a winning ticket.
And, "dial" 999 ... for a tax refund won't work, either.
"I don't think you know how leadership on a team works. Or that leaders must negotiate."
Funny Cedarford. It's all I've done for almost 3 decades, and very successfully, but go ahead - tell me how it works. Tell me how the guy who delivers a cool one-line comeback is gonna do a better job than the guy who has succeeded at every leadership role he ever had. Tell me how those cute comebacks deliver smart leadership in the war room or on the phone negotiating with a senator. I bet that works really well.
“What if the ticket is ‘Funny Underwear Man, and the Pizza Guy?’”
Probably not the best ticket possible, …but it still wins.
Next question.
FWIW, it could be, for sure, and would be, likelier than not, quite interesting and perhaps even illuminating if there could be at least one, if not two (maybe three; but only maybe), debates entirely devoted to the candidates asking each other questions. Things got more notable when things got more interesting in this debate.
Ever wonder why nobody is ever satisfied with the leaders they pick in this democracy? Because they pick the best campaign not the best leader. They don't pick the best qualified - they pick the best presentation. The let down is after you get it home and open the package, the presentation is history, the slick package goes in the garbage, BECAUSE IT DOESN'T DO ANYTHING.
Obama didn't lose tonight.
This should be your worst nightmare.
You watch debates.
You give out points.
But it's not working!
Once Charlie Rose was sitting at a table in Dartmouth ... somebody should have looked to see if John Belushi name got carved anywhere.
It's even funnier to think this is a "choosing match" to come up with a nominee who can win over Obama!
Care to see the score from the 2008 event? McCain got 47%.
What if, in 2012, the GOP gets beaten by someone who can only get 44%?
Oh, while we're at it, how did Michele Bachmann tank so fast?
Did she lose steam because Sarah Palin decided to pull out of the race?
What, exactly, tripped bachmann up?
Since polling shows she's lost ground.
And, the "Funny Underwear Man's" stock keeps going up? (I blame "insider trading.")
What rule would come into play IF the GOP is not seen as serious?
(Picking McCain in 2008 exemplifies what happens when the GOP is less than serious in picking its nominee.)
Funny, but I still see Obama holding the advantage!
He's not in the path of the debris that's coming down the pike.
Even with Libya, he let the Navy deploy some missiles. But he didn't really risk anything American.
Sure. Europe is going to hell in a handbasket.
Probably quite a similar view that FDR saw back in 1936. 1940.
You could say that Obama doesn't have FDR's "touch" ... which is true. FDR had a better smile. And, was more willing to meet with the printing press. (There was no TV back then.)
FDR would give a few quips. Nothing serious.
Now you're asking Americans to "take a chance" on a republican ... when lots of Americans are dubious about the "religious agenda."
And, Americans are spooked.
You know, Nixon won re-election.
So why can't Obama? (THIS IS NOT A STATEMENT OF SUPPORT!) I'm just stating a FACT.
Facts are things you can measure.
Everybody loved the Obama package. All around the world they raved at the new colors, the hip packaging is new and different. He was so relaxed and cool. He handled all the questions so smoothly. How about that dancing with Ellen, and the crisp pants crease. Sheese. Do we ever learn?
Newt Gingrich has one.
And, Bill Clinton has the other.
I have NO respect for either man!
I think, though, to "even things out," Newt should be forced to debate Bill Clinton!
I'd pay to see that!
I wouldn't even call it THE GONG SHOW.
If Newt and Clinton debated, Clinton should just say: "Thanks for saving my Presidency, dude. I owe you."
Just what we need ... another Republican working with Democrats to enact their agenda
A President Weasel would destroy what remains of the Republican Party. At a time when much of the entire ediface of government needs to be torn down to save the country, he is the back-to-business-as-usual candidate.
He will not be a fighter. Even with a Republican Congress, he (and Boehner, et al.) will always be looking ahead to the next election, saying we can't do what needs to be done because we might alienate the oh-so-important moderates.
Seeing the debate on tape, the more interesting things:
1. Romney picked Michelle Bachmann to answer his question, which was right up Bachmanns alley and which she answered well. Exactly as Mitt wanted, because I think the Romney Campaign wants to keep her around as long as possible to siphon votes from Perry. All in all, crazy lady was the most improved.
2. Romney again smartest and most informed. Newt a close 2nd.
3. First attacks on Cain's 9-9-9 Plan, which is getting about as repetitious as Rudy Giuliani's 9/11. Cain gave a decent defense, but also showed he had little other than 9-9-9 to run on and other candidates made inroads saying the economy needed a lot more than tax reform, that it shifted the tax burden downwards from the very wealthiest, and it would open up a whole new pipeline for the government to collect taxes and no one could guarantee it wouldn't soon become a 9-9-13,14 plan.
4. Perry did better than the last debate, but still no really in the mix and still all about Texas...
5. Santorum hit Perry hard again, and won this debate exchange as well as the last debate, when he hammered Perry.
Meanwhile, it is looking increasingly like those who vote Republican will live up to their name of the Stupid Party.
More concerned with appearances and who does best in the TV game show debate than with philosophy and actual governing results. They prove that they can be just as shallow and inane as the Dems who fell for guys like John Edwards.
Maroons. Complete maroons. You deserve what you get.
Everybody loved the Obama package.
No, they didn't.
Perry is done; insignificant at this point
That's what they said about McCain about this time in 2007. And by Oct 2008, it was true.
Ever wonder why nobody is ever satisfied with the leaders they pick in this democracy? Because they pick the best campaign not the best leader. They don't pick the best qualified - they pick the best presentation.
Honestly, bagoh20, that is the truth. That is the truth all the way around. The problem is that it's also the truth more generally; that is the truth most of the way around for most of human endeavor. It, this, happens in business, too. Given that, bagoh20, coupled with your experience of working for yourself and running a business on a smaller scale, what observations and issues, if any, do you have with your counterparts involved in running vast, large businesses?
Bagoh, that's a wet dream.
And, if there's anyone to thank, Bill Clinton should have thanked Monica.
On the other hand, Monica stays there as a lesson of how a woman can mistake "romance" for the real thing.
Hillary was never so foolish.
From 1992 to 1994, Bill Clinton's first two years were horrible!
Then, after he saw the democraps get defeated in 1994, he hopped on the train Newt Gingrich provided ... and he coasted to the middle.
Some say Obama can't move to the middle.
And, I think this would be the wrong assumption.
I wish a few of the GOP candidates would refuse to debate under these conditions. Why? The Dems never allow Fox to question them. Why do Republicans get liberals to ask questions in GOP primary debates.
Just. Say. No.
Get real conservatives to ask questions in the GOP primaries. Then in the general, limit the debates but demand equal representation (GOP picks some, Dems pick some).
I wish a few of the GOP candidates would refuse to debate under these conditions. Why? The Dems never allow Fox to question them. Why do Republicans get liberals to ask questions in GOP primary debates.
Just. Say. No.
Get real conservatives to ask questions in the GOP primaries. Then in the general, limit the debates but demand equal representation (GOP picks some, Dems pick some).
Alternatively, let's just dispense with debates, the such and all that jazz. Instead, just put up a static series of links to candidate websites. Publish that series/collection everywhere, in and via old media and new media both. Leave it at that; why bother otherwise or worry.
Cain should go back to janitoring.
Romney does a great Nixon impression.
Texas still scares the northerners.
seems to me debates are silly--looks to me like they are forums for moderators to hog the show.
I suspect the viewership for this debate was very small.
Roger J. said...
seems to me debates are silly--looks to me like they are forums for moderators to hog the show.
I've never watched one. They are not important. What's more important, are the people in the House and Senate. 535 individuals who routinely fuck everything up for the rest of us. You know, the 99%-ers.
Is there a way to filter comments so I don't see the comments of certain (cough Carol Herman cough) commenters?
Did Charlie Rose forget the alphabet a second time and forget to give Santorum a 30-second wrap up at the end? I got distracted, sounds like Charlie did too!
PS - During the section where candidates asked each other questions? Romney lobs a softball to Bachmann. Brilliant - he looks good for treating her respectfully, he avoids giving Perry or Cain more TV time, she gets credibility, and the social conservatives don't coalesce behind a single opponent.
I was disappointed that Herman Cain named Alan Greenspan as the Fed head that he would most like to replicate as his own choice should he become President. Truth is that Greenspan was mightily responsible for the easy money policies that gave raise to the bubbles that have proved so damaging to this country. I suppose Cain thought it might have seemed disloyal to dis Greenspan since that is whom Cain served with when he was on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors.However, I think less of Cain because of his answer.
But, YUCK, talk about a clueless debate answer...John McCain said something about keeping Greenspan on even if he was dead and just propping him up a la Weekend at Bernie's. Truth is, John McCain would have been a painful president. Thanks, (kind of) Althouse.
J: Don't think Cain was ever a janitor, but there is nothing wrong with being one should that have been your point. Your betters would agree with me on this. Cain's life is a remarkable story of one achievement after another, a story that you would not want to contrast with your own. He has done quite a lot with his life. You?
It's true that Ron Paul is the intellectual voice behind the Republicans. He discovers their intellectual ideas, and the others slowly pick up on these, and distribute them. He drove the whole argument against the Fed. It's his bag. Cain isn't an idea-man. He's a competent manager, and he tries to communicate clearly.
That Cain is black isn't his fault. He at least has a sense of humor about it. He calls himself "the dark horse in the race."
Huntsman's line didn't do any damage because the cut to Cain showed humor on his face. He can take a joke.
Compare Obama.
Another comparison to Obama would show that Cain is blacker than Obama. Cain has two black parents. Obama has only one, and it isn't even a real American black. It's just a Kenyan.
We're all in a sense African since humanity developed in Africa. But to call yourself African-American means to say that you are the ancestor of slaves. But Cain doesn't whine about it. Ron Paul is always whining. Cain has a can-do attitude.
Cain is Able.
OK. Pointless, again. Got it.
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