While the occupation's ranks have thinned, the hard-core activists are sticking around, huddling in a large central tent and distributing donated sleeping bags. "It's like Valley Forge out there now," a beaming middle-aged finance facilitator named Mercury John told me. "But it's a beautiful day ... We'll keep splashing in the puddles."Valley Forge. Except you have the option to go inside whenever you want, and you're getting something to eat besides "fire cake,' a tasteless mixture of flour and water." And you don't have typhoid and dysentery. And no one is expecting you to fight a war. But yeah, it's like Valley Forge.
That beaming middle-aged finance facilitator isn't the first one to liken the plight of the occupiers to Valley Forge. Here's an AP bit from 3 days ago:
“Everyone’s been calling it our Valley Forge moment,” said Michael McCarthy, a former Navy medic in Providence. “Everybody thought that George Washington couldn’t possibly survive in the Northeast.”Actually, it was easier for the Valley Forge folks to put up with the harsh conditions. There weren't buildings all around that they could duck into if they lost heart.
९० टिप्पण्या:
I will believe it's like Valley Forge when they start to die of malnutrition, exposure and disease. Their grandiosity is astonishing.
When I listen to interviews with the OWS people, I'm struck by how their comments resemble the comments made by attendees of the original Wodstock Festival.
They've created a new community that discards all the evils of the world. They've got their own kitchens, sanitary facilities and hospital.
It's the eternal dream of kids... to renounce the corruptions of the adult world. They won't be like their parents, by God!
A return to the Year Zero!
I've always wanted to meet a "finance facilitator" named Mercury John.
Do they understand that the Americans at Valley Forge were all willing to take orders? Even Washington had to take orders from the Continental Congress.
What's a finance facilitator anyway?
If these asswipes were at Valley Forge this would be the last thing you heard before "play ball!"
More like "Drama Queen Moments".
"They've created a new community that discards all the evils of the world."
Exactly. We have our own tiresome "Occupy Seattle" movement - the forum postings on The Seattle Times in favor of the movement are laughable. Lots of whining about greed - a human failing that has been with us since there were humans.
I have asked participants, repeatedly, what the Occupy movement has that Jesus and Christianity, Buddhism, and other "reject materialism" teachings don't have. What power does this movement have that will force a change in human nature where established, centuries-old teachings and historical figures have failed?
No good answer for that yet.
"Tents are explicitly forgiven by Brookfield Properties..."
What they mean by this is that, though illegal, as we believe it will be less of a headache, we'll let it go. It is a clever Freudian slip, that.
Can we hire some mercenary Hessians to shoot at them? What a bunch of poseurs and losers. Some much time and energy devoted to protesting and so little time and energy devoted to job hunting.
The left are such pussies. They have no idea what real sacrifice means.
Oh lighten up Annie. They don't mean that it's exactly like Valley Forge. They mean it's like Valley Forge because now it's cold and snowy and they are still there. I'm from the Northeast and we played Valley Forge in the winter all the time as kids. It's not always a sacred term, it's a cultural heritage that we use in play and politics. Maybe it's hard for a mid-westerner to relate. Every kid in the Northeast takes a bus trip Valley Forge (or used to) -- everyone has a memory of it, filled with lunch boxes, songs, fun, community, politics, stories of making America.
It's like Valley Forge because they don't really understand how bad Valley Forge was. I'm not going to say every argument is like the Lincoln-Douglass debates because, hey, two people argued.
It's standard political language, find something positive and try to associate what you're doing with it. No matter how tenuous.
I'm from the Northeast and we played Valley Forge in the winter all the time as kids.
And then you grew up.
"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things"
Just for fun...
It is 1941 and winter conditions are not favorable to the occupying force. However, they press on, and, eventually, are defeated.
Like Valley Forge?
A clear case of delusion of grandeur.
They do know that the snow can kill them, right?
These people have delusions of adequacy.
But, then, they did in '67, too.
I think the whole point of Valley Forge was that Washington and the Continental Army were going to do something once they survived the harsh winter. They weren't just camping out there for its own sake.
What are these people's plans for the spring? More drum circles? What's the end game here? The current strategy appears to go like this:
1. Camp out in a park for months on end
2. ??????
3. Utopia!
"What's a finance facilitator anyway?"
Not to defame "Mercury John" — who I'm sure is an upstanding guy — but "finance facilitator" seems usable as a jocose euphemism for pickpocket.
This snow will kill you if you don't know what you're doing.
"What's a finance facilitator anyway?"
Not to defame "Mercury John" — who I'm sure is an upstanding guy — but "finance facilitator" seems usable as a jocose euphemism for pickpocket.
That makes sense. Here I was thinking that the finance facilitator would be the guy who refuses to reimburse the drummers whose drums got slashed in appreciation of their drumming skill.
I think the whole point of Valley Forge was that Washington and the Continental Army were going to do something once they survived the harsh winter. They weren't just camping out there for its own sake.
Are you sure the British didn't just give us our freedom when they saw we were angry enough to camp in the cold?
The Occupy WS facebook page yesterday had a bleg for CostCo and Payless gift cards.
There were over 200 responses, some people saying, "OK! I'll send whatever you need." Others said, "Hey, why don't you spend that $500,000 we keep reading about?" and others were outraged that they were asking for gift cards to corporations.
Please do not mock the brave soldiers who served at Valley Forge like Mitochondri-Allie's daughter!
How dare you mock their service you cretins.
The left/Dem governments that run these big cities along with the MSM couldn't be more forgiving and considerate towards these people could they...?
Contrast with the treatment and press given to the Tea Party participants over the last 3 years and compare.
Striking and noticed by all who care to see.
"First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. Then they laugh at you some more. Then you go home to your Mommy's basement and cry."
Valley Forge moment.
Valley Forge. Except you have the option to go inside whenever you want, and you're getting something to eat besides "fire cake,' a tasteless mixture of flour and water." And you don't have typhoid and dysentery.
Oh, at this rate the typhoid and dysentery will make an appearance.
This snow will kill you if you don't know what you're doing.
In that case, they plan on suspending their anti-establishment rants long enough for EMS to rescue them.
Do they understand that the Americans at Valley Forge were all willing to take orders? Even Washington had to take orders from the Continental Congress.
What makes you think these people aren't taking orders?
"No Freebies, No Peace!"
“Everyone’s been calling it our Valley Forge moment,” said Michael McCarthy, a former Navy medic in Providence.
As a former Navy man (67-74) this grated on me when I first saw it the other day.
What is a "Navy medic"? Is this something new?
The Navy has "Hospital Corpsmen" (Or as Obama calls them "Corpsemen")
A/K/A "peckercheckers"
Who told the reporter that the guy was a former Navy medic? If it was Michael McCarthy, I would doubt very much that he ever served in the Navy.
More stolen valor.
Everybody wants credit for serving in the military. They see service as something that many rightfully look up to.
Not as many want to actually do something as boring as serve.
What is this Navy medic, did he serve?
John Henry
What's interesting about the Valley Forge analogy is what's also interesting about the Occupy terminology in general.
It's rhetoric of revolution and violence.
But they want people to respond as though it was peacemaking and reconciliation.
They want their opponents to retreat in the face of their forceful language and stance, but are extremely sensitive to any pushback against them.
They want to use the power of violent rhetoric with none of the consequences of asserting that power.
That's why there's so much outrage against the events in Oakland. But if they really were an occupying force that is using rhetoric equivalent to their intended actions, then the US would rightfully respond as the British did.
I know that's not what the present protests are about, but it seems so weird even they can't get away from highly violent analogies and language.
A better example would be the winter of 1776 when a motley collection of Americans stayed through a harsh winter and eneded up victorious at Trenton (just read "Washington's Crossing", great book).
The continentals weren't just hanging around at Valley Forge, they were training. Who will be the OWS Von Steubin?
Of course to understand that you would need a Sarah Palin level of eductaion on the revolution.
addendum; They would also need a victory like Trenton, and thats highly unlikely.
Perhaps Benedict Arnold's attack on Montreal? Intense suffering followed by abject failure followed by more suffering...followed by treason.
What is this Navy medic, did he serve?
Did they check his e-grade?
What doesn't kill them will only make them. . .
Sunshine patriots, the whole lot of them. The biggest privation I have seen for the OWS is poor wi-fi reception and not enough starbucks to go around
Dear Lady,
I regret to tell you that some on the internet are not who they claim to be. When this rare event occurs, you can count on the righteous indignation of the Internet At Large to rise up and cast the offender out of the Fellowship of Commenters. In the meantime, beware, and trust no one without a drum.
The Real Tyrone Slothrop
These are the times that try men's soul patches.
Look on the bright side. If it's like Valley Forge, then there will be corpses by morning. But maybe Mercury John got his valleys mixed up. It's like Rudy Vallee. I'll bet there are some valley girls and boys.
Valley Forge? Valley Forge? Who in hell do these twerps think they are. Four of my ancestors overwintered with Washington at Valley Forge. Get a life kiddies. Nobody is going to shoot you with a musket and leave you to die in the snow with no anesthetic. Get over yourselves.
Actually, it was easier for the Valley Forge folks to put up with the harsh conditions.
A huge misstatement. Just because they didn't have choices didn't make it easier. Not having choices may make it harder as you have to suffer through it. You're trapped in a type of hell.
ATeacher @ 11:09
What horse crap. I grew up around Valley Forge. I used to take my kids sledding there. Been there countless times. These people are attempting to inflate the importance of their faux sacrifice by using Valley Forge as metaphor.
Today one of my people was back for her first time at church after a year in Afghanistan. She is a supply convoy driver. Had IEDs explode and kill some of the soldiers in her unit. One had just passed her to take the lead when he took the hit and was killed. That's real service and sacrifice and it is so far above what these OWS losers are doing that they should be ashamed of themselves. But of course they won't be.
Here's your valley Forge, I got your Valley Forge. Here's your Valley Forge, right here.
Tyrone, I plan on Occupying Althouse for a long long time to come and Audie Murphys Mom, I know your son really didn't die in battle he committed hairy fairy in your basement.
Tyrone, I plan on Occupying Althouse for a long long time to come ....
Just another clueless, leftist hippie scum.
The OWS guys are certainly scriptural. Proverbs 1:10-19 was written about them like it is this morning's headlines...2500 years ago. Go figure.
My son died in a plane crash Mitzie. Why are you so cruel?
And what do you mean by hairy fairy?
Is that some kind of gay slur? Why did you go there?
That isn't very nice. I don't think that Althouse woman will like that.
Yes OK, I have been brainwashed by Althouse wingers, I now embrace all the homophobia that the right wing offers.Hallelujah I am saved, I will now become one of the one percent!!
I dont know why but this shit really pisses me off. Protesters... Tent camps...
I try to think about it from different points of view and try to see it from perspectives other than my own which I love to wallow in and I still cant wrap my ahead around it.
The only possible thing that makes sense to me is these people are getting paid.
Someone had also previously likend me to J in a previous post and I would just like to clarify that I think J is one of the biggest pieces of shit that mankind has produced and is a good example of what is wrong with society. Como Esta~! Or whatever you fuckin idiot.
OWS should have disavowed the Al Gore endorsement. Everytime that man shows up and gets scared by his shadow, you get six more weeks of winter.
I can't understand why they aren't taken seriously.
You see that is what is called an unforced error. In casual conversation you reveal who you are and that you have a problem with gay people. Just like our old friend Jeremy who specialized in gay slurs because he thought calling conservatives gay was the worst thing he could do. Just like J calling people mormon-wicca-fags.
Also you used the term "Duh" which as we all know has only been used on a consistent basis by two people.
Homer Simpson and Jeremy.
So the more you post the more you reveal yourself.
Lucky for you that you can always fall back on your liberal daughter in the Army. Even though on another thread you said she was a teacher.
No one should question you!
You are the bomb!
"... Also you used the term "Duh" which as we all know has only been used on a consistent basis by two people..."
I've had my suspicions for some time.
I hate gays?
AMM = comedy GOLD.
Sixty I was waiting for you to say that, how did I know you would? You are so damn predictable. my husband died when my youngest was seven , from cancer. How do you stand being in your own skin? Your peers will now doubt remain silent, agreeing quietly that any despicable thing you throw my way is warranted. When I say the Althouse blog is rife with right wing bigots and haters, you are the poster boy, you are the star!
Sixty grit you moron, Audie's Mom is a parody, there IS no Audie's Mom, there is no Audie. But maybe you knew that and you are trying to make excuses for your behavior. You are a foul vile excuse for a human being, you are disgusting.
I knew Audie Murphy's Mom, sir, Audie Murphy's Mom was a friend of mine, and you are not Audie Murphy's Mom.
Wow, you REALLY are stupid, I was mocking the REAl Audie Murphy? Wow, that is really stretching .I suggest Dr Frisch, I hear she's good. You are nothing more than human excrement, maybe not even human, maybe more like canine excrement.
So Sixty shit, how old do you think Audie's Mom is now?
Keep it going Sixty shit, I want to hear just how low you can go, you are the star! Shine,show everyone what you are made of, I know you got more in that septic tank you call a soul.
I do not know how the real Audey Murphey died. That may have dawned on you before you opened your disgusting mouth you piece of dog shit. Do you think EVERYONE knows everything there is to know about Audey Murphey? You don't think for a minute it might be disrespectful to the real Audey Murphey to use him as a parody?
You foul piece of dog shit, Audey Murphy died in a plane crash, you stupid moron.
You are as insane as poor J. Ridiculed his death? he died in a plane crash, not suicide. What a dumb loser you are.
Now I'm a husband killer?I gave him cancer, huh? You getting lower, how low can he go? My wonderful husband died and you are still breathing air? Ever consider Karma?
My goodness Mitzie. Do you kiss your non-existent daughter with that mouth before she parachutes in with the Navy Seals when they got Osama Bin Laden?
To be fair I don't think your husband killed himself. I think he went out for a pack of cigarettes and never came back.
Who could blame him?
I do find it hard to believe that you don't know who my son Audie Murphy really was and the story of his heroic life. You obviously know everything there is to know about the military since your daughter is one of the millions of liberals in our armed forces and that gives you the ultimate moral authority to put us all in our places. So you must just be kidding us.
Next thing you know you are going to tell us that the Army Chief of Staff is General Mills.
You are such a caution!
Sixty Shits, talking to yourself?
Zrimsek! You magnificent bastard!!
Von Steuben was a captain in the Prussian army. He took a musket ball in the chest fighting alongside Frederick the Great in a contest the colonials remembered as the French and Indian War. It's known as the Seven Year's War in Europe. It was the last war in which a monarch actually led his troops on the battlefield.
Von Steuben kicked around in Europe for a decade or so, but couldn't find work in peacetime and his pension was a joke. There were also rumors that he had a predilection for young boys. So he took the job at Valley Forge with nothing but a letter of recommendation and the long odds of securing approval from the Continental Congress. He crossed the ocean for a job interview speaking French with a heavy German accent and not a dime in his pockets.
He succeeded at Valley Forge because enough of the enlisted men were German immigrants who understood and followed his orders, unlike most of the colonial officers who were Scots or Irish and resented having to learn Von Steuben's system just so they could give orders to their own men. He taught them to drill, but he did it bottom up instead of top down by gaining the trust of the privates. They didn't have boots, but in less than three months they were executing maneuvers the British only dreamed about using.
sarge here
these here ows folks seem to really piss off the dockers set sarge notes...far in excess of thar alleged importance
unions killt audie murphy fer tryin to free hoffa everyone knows that.
sixty grit id kick your fat ass but ya know fer some folks just being born and livin is punishment enuff...hope them diabetic leg sores aint festerin too much an remember when yer toes turn black yar can klip em off with a set of dykes
I'm familiar with the Austin-Healey, but have never before hear of an Audi-Murphy.
The name doesn't radiate reliability, I've gotta say. Audi-Murphy: Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. And it'll cost a bundle to fix.
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