A-Rod struck out with the bases loaded. He struck out to end the game. He failed miserably as he has done for most of his career. Did you see his face when he struck out with the bases loaded? He was a tight lipped tight assed mess. He froze. He choked. His disgraced the uniform. He might have Hall of Fame numbers but he is a drag on the team. As he has been since the day he got here. We would have been a lot better off without him. His bloated salary and his off the field antics have only brought trouble to the Yankees. He is a disgrace to the uniform.IN THE COMMENTS: Maguro says:
Don't hate on ARod, the man has a painting of himself as a centaur hanging behind his bed. You gotta respect that.He links to an article that doesn't have an image of the painting. I'm forced to do an image search. Hmmm. There's this. Or is it this?
ADDED: Here he is with Madonna.
१३१ टिप्पण्या:
There's no joy in Mudville tonight.
he's been worth every penny the Rangers have paid him to be a Yankee
Hey, Trooper wrote "disgraced the uniform" twice in that paragraph. He's really into the uniform.
What's the special deal with the Yankees uniforms? I know, pinstripes. But what's with not putting the players names on the backs, like their numbers are iconic?
That annoys me. It's like when Prince changed his name to a symbol. It's paradoxically not self-effacing.
He might have Hall of Fame numbers
He should be barred from the Hall of Fame simply for dating Madonna.
Trooper's lovely bride needs to hide the kitchen knives and take away his belt until the depression ends. And, wouldn't everyone like to see Trooper's pants sagging!
Trooper is in the anger phase of personal loss..he's philosophical enough to get through this, but precautions need to be taken in the short run. Oh, he is correct about KRod, er ARod.
Finally, professor. The Yanks and Red Sox are traditionalist..no name on home uniforms. Plus, it helps sell programs.
Soooooo...TY...other than these small failings he is a fine fellow...
Their numbers are iconic. When you think 7, who do you think of, well, after George Costanza?
Usually, not putting names on jerseys is the idea that the team is bigger than the individual.
Yankee fans are so delusional. They have no idea how to evaluate talent or performance. So I hope that they get their wish and ditch A-Rod. It would open up the AL East race a bit and make it more exciting.
Hmm... Pete Rose should try a form of that argument: Okay okay I admit it, I bet on Baseball. But I never dated a performance enhancing drug.
He gets the big bucks to not choke when it's all up to him.
He choked.
Trooper, now is the time to adopt the Zen stance of the Cub fan.
Meditate calmly on your fate.
Look for inspiration to that great Zen master, Ernie Banks.
Ah AA getting some boola-boola on with the perps (with their newpal Byro the queer LDS sockpuppet, aka spinelli , phx,X talking to itself etc). And Flynn aka TY trying to act..hetero again? Nearly as laughable as A-rod
Don't hate on ARod, the man has a painting of himself as a centaur hanging behind his bed. You gotta respect that.
Jeez Ann, you really do not understand the Yankees. Babe Ruth never had his name on his back, and thus it will always be for the Yankees. It's called tradition. It's part of what makes the Yankees special, they do not go in for gimmicky "special" uniforms, simply home pinstripes and gray road uniforms. We Yankee fans like that.
A-Rod was not the reason the Yankees lost last night. He was part of it, but others screwed up as well. Not to mention that the Tigers are a very good team with a closer who is on a roll this year. I dreaded this matchup going in.
AA -- historically the Yankee numbers were iconic! Originally meant to merely show place in the batting order, they obtained greater meaning because of that.
Ruth 3, Gehrig 4 --- heart of the order.
DiMaggio 5 -- heir to Ruth and Gehrig.
Mantle came up in '51. By that point the numbers became so iconic that it was felt to put too much pressure on Mantle...hence he got 7.
BTW, there used to be elaborate deception between the scorecards sold in the park which were coded every day with each player having only that days numbers... to cut out the vendors outside the stadium underselling them by a penny. Hence our modern phrase "can't tell the players without a scorecard" used by the in-stadium vendors...
He's right
I was rooting for Detroit, so when Rodriguez came up with the bases loaded, I was relieved. Inning over.
A-Rod is simply not a *money* player.
He's not a winner.
Can't buy me lo-oove,
Money can't buy me love,
The odd aspect of baseball is that the best of the bunch make an out twice as often as they get on base.
I put a curse on the Yankees a dozen or so years ago. Glad to see it has finally taken effect.
A-Rod gets paid the big bucks to hit, period. And, as every economic analysis of the game I've seen has shown, he hits enough to earn his contract. There is no such thing as a skill for hitting when your team needs you, or if there is, it is miniscule. Every study of clutch hitting every done has shown exactly the same thing. David Ortiz, supposedly a "clutch" hitter who even got a plaque commemorating this from the Red Sox brass, had two seasons being a clutch hitter, and the rest of his career he was worse in clutch situations than in ordinary ones. Don't blame A-Rod for lacking an ability no one has.
What's the special deal with the Yankees uniforms? I know, pinstripes. But what's with not putting the players names on the backs, like their numbers are iconic?
I was going to say it has to do with some 'no I in team' credo, but then I thought.. did the Yankees know about that stuff back when the uniform was designed?
wv: pysheme
Lem, originally most players did not have uniform numbers. Ty Cobb never did.
"Jeez Ann, you really do not understand the Yankees. Babe Ruth never had his name on his back, and thus it will always be for the Yankees. It's called tradition. It's part of what makes the Yankees special, they do not go in for gimmicky "special" uniforms, simply home pinstripes and gray road uniforms. We Yankee fans like that."
If they want to stand on tradition, let the uniforms be made of wool. And knickers for everybody.
He's failed miserably for most of his career? Good to know idiot.
The Yankees wear costumes, not uniforms.
prof, just because the brewers wake up in a new pond every day doesn't mean other teams can't have a sense of tradition.
This is a must-view:
Flip Flop Fly Ball Excerpt: Why Centaurs Wouldn’t Make Good Third Basemen
"If they want to stand on tradition, let the uniforms be made of wool. And knickers for everybody."
Sure thing. I'm assuming next time you report on something, you will be using a printing press?
Since the media = message?
p.s. Trooper, I'll trade you John Lackey for the Centaur.
Why blame A-Rod? Why not heap praise on the Detroit pitcher?
Oh, right. It's ALL about the Yankees. Even when they lose.
I don't think anyone has a picture of the Centaur painting, Althouse, it's just a claim from one of his ex-girlfriends. I choose to believe it, just for the sheer awesomeness of having a picture of yourself as a centaur.
I think now A-Rod is going to commission a picture of himself as Prometheus having his liver ripped out by the New York Post.
Rodriguez and Romo are two Texas guys who cannot stand The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You thought in the big games.
They both date sex symbols and brag about their images as super men. But they don't believe in themselves, and that shows up at the worst possible times.
"If they want to stand on tradition, let the uniforms be made of wool. And knickers for everybody."
Good lord you do not understand. The tradition is in not having names on the back. If they had synthetic fabrics back in the day, that was more comfortable than wool, every team would have used it. Even the Yankees. There are good advances -- such as better fabrics for uniforms and batting helmets -- and times when a franchise with a long tradition wants to honor that tradition by continuing a practice such as no names on the back. Think of it as an homage.
Trooper Y could like give us..his A-rod imitation! (tho like 300+ lbs A-rod) maybe with like a TV--titus!-- as yr Madonna,or Cameron..or Lady Gaga...Troop and Ladyboy titus getting phunky in the stands....shake yr groovethang, shake
(wow X-sockpuppet, the nurse flunkie, trying to sling some sports slang, and suck up to AA (oo the prof..unlike you who never made it to an AA). Better stick to the Book of Moron, X )
Nobody bats a thousand. Nobody.
Remember of all those pics of Ted Williams head Trooper used to put up to chastise RedSox fans?
Sorry Trooper..
(not really ;)
althouse's comment is similiar to my girlfriend's comment watching the Cowboys/Lions game when Romo called an audible: "I don't think he should be telling the other team what he's going to do."
When did Alex Rodriguez ever win a big game?
X --you mean yr boyfriend, Max, right LDS queer sockpuppet, with no blog ,no info..
keep mumbling like yr part of the gang
He's fucking hot though.
Could you imagine having sex with him?
Totally Dreamy.
What do you expect?
The Yankees suck.
Don't blame A-Rod for their inherent suckitude.
J, you forgot to sweep up the grass clippings when you did my lawn last week. I'm going to have to go with someone else.
This post is pure, unadulterated class warfare.
A Rod has a hot uncut sausage.
That is enough for me.
When did Alex Rodriguez ever win a big game?
Ummm...two years ago? How quickly they forget.
Lawnmower boy's you, X-tard
Yr the peasant here, lame, flunkie mumbling hick .
Yr headed to prison, stalker--yr own family testifying, embezzler-boy.
break time is over J. almost time for the lunch rush. limpio los banos.
Get a grip, Trooper. ARod didn't serve up two gopher balls in the first inning to swing momentum squarely in favor of Detroit, and give Joe Girardi a flop sweat over how the hell was he gonna line up the bullpen now that Nova was sucking wind.
Only Yankee fans follow their team closely enough to know them without having to read their names on their backs.
I'll ll grant Trooper this: NYY fans probably follow their team closely enough to know who this number belongs to without a scorecard. They've certainly had plenty of chances to study it while he trots around the bases after homering in their house.
X-joto--yr racism and googled garbled span. and lies doesn't mean shit mormonswine. (and yr sites been flagged as racist AA)
Yr headed down Byro the peasant. That you own a little sweatshop paid with dope sales and embezzled money doesn't matter. Yr buh bye, trash--like yr entire skin-lite gang. hasta, puerco-maricone
Har. In my house we are Dodger fans. If anyone mentions the Yankees we say "Seeknay kroy wen" to undo the bad juju. Given the record of the recent past, A-Rod's poor performance here means he will be wearing a Dodger uniform next season. Sigh.
"I'm assuming next time you report on something, you will be using a printing press?"
I was arguing against the no-name, number-only tradition, so you're aiming that snideness at the wrong person.
"The Brewers idea of tradition is the use the same types of sausages in the Weiner race."
But they keep adding new sausages. (And they're all the blatant ethnic stereotypes... why is that happening in Wisconsin?)
Some ARoid stats:
Last 50 postseason at-bats, he has a .180 avg with 0 HR and 12 K.
In those games, he had 24 PA with runners on base (37 total runners), batting .142 with 4 RBI.
I knew Mr. October, and ARoid is no Mr. October.
I don't give a damn who they are. They're Yankees. That's all I need to know.
Maguro, the centaur thing is priceless. I wasn't aware of that. Thank you thank you.
And most have forgotten that the Red Sox had a deal for this guy before the Yankees did. Thank God that fell through.
Troop's brainfart racist??
Looks like it--like his little spam site ...even if he allows whitey gays.
The queer Klan, yall, sponsored by Mike Flynnberg
Tigers are a great organization w/ a lot of history and great players. Their old ballpark was great..new one not so great. However, Trooper I would not wax poetic about Denny McClain, convicted Federal felon.
Trooper, I used to mooch drinks from ballplayers at the Lindell AC....and watch more than one of those guys try to pick up waitresses.... Cash included.
A buddy of mine was a loan officer who denied Denny McLain a loan when he tried to open a paint company... Hilarious!
We'll see your boot next year as you saw our Fist(er) this year, as '11 joins '06 in Yankees/Tigers lore.
The Tigers also had HoF-er Al Kaline. To match that, the Yankees should make ARod change his name to ACidic. After all, he gives NYY fans reflux.
Why settle for a Fister when you can have a centaur?
I waited in line at the old Tiger Stadium for Al Kaline to sign my Al Kaline mitt...
The date I brought with me...she had a piece of Kirk Gibson's wedding cake in the original box that she kept in her freezer for like 10 years....she wanted him to sign the box and show him the cake. The people standing around us thought it was the finger bone of a saint or something.
A-Rod is the Yankee's Patrick Ewing--the great choke artist.
He's assembled Hall of Fame numbers but it would be a real shame if he made it in. When being great matters most, he's never more than average.
A-Rod is the Yankees Hillary Clinton.
He likes to have sex with lots of women and in the clutch he just fall short. I mean he is likeable enough but he can't close the deal.
And he has cankles.
A-Rod must go!
Trooper is being the typical Yankee fan: insufferable.
Why thank you EM that is the nicest thing you ever said to me.
Yankee fans aren't supposed to suffer. We are supposed to win. We are supposed to hang pennants and bunting and have a parade in the canyon of hero where the truck with the bull pen catchers can run over the dirty hippies protesting Wall Street.
The Yankees are what made America great. Our American exceptionalism. Our storied history and tradition. Mom. Apple Pie. Hot dogs. Baseball. Corporate greed.
This is America. The America I cherish and adore.
People who hate the Yankees hate America.
@Trooper York
Seeknay kroy wen
Seeknay kroy wen
Seeknay kroy wen
Seeknay kroy wen
Seeknay kroy wen
Seeknay kroy wen
And so forth.
I knew Mr. October, and ARoid is no Mr. October.
But he is Miss April.
Trooper, this one's for you!
A-Rod is the Yankees' Dave Winfield. I miss George Steinbrenner. He would offer the datings tips and career advice that would help A-Rod over the hump at this sensitive moment in his life.
Wait a minute. I thought Dave Winfield was the Yankees' Dave Winfield?
Unless A-Rod gave Robin Givens mother another STD.
Then I could see your point.
So A-Rod had a batting average of 1.000 until now? Who knew?
The Yankees are Mom and Apple Pie??????
You really can be amusing, Trooper.
Now, corporate greed I'll give you.
The spankies can suck it. Sorry Trooper. Love ya man, but NYY is a fail. A-Ros is the most expensive fail on record.
While I have nothing against most of the Yankees as individual players, there's something about Yankeedom that engenders a sense of earned (or unearned) privilege and outrage when that privilege isn't respected.
Look at the players like Earl Combs, Bill Dickey and Phil Rizzuto. They don't deserve to be in the Hall of Fame, but for the fact that they played for the Yankees.
Derek Jeter will be whisked into the HOF on the first ballot while Craig Biggio will have to wait. A-Rod will get in quickly - steroids and Madonna notwithstanding - while Jim Thome will probably languish. Mariano Rivera is treated as the Second Coming while no one remembers Trevor Hoffman's accomplishments.
Yankees fans are, of course, despicable swine and loud-mouthed front-runners (like Dallas Cowboys fans). I will say this for them: when the Yankees lose, they react the right way, threatening to lynch players, managers, coaches and front office and burn down Yankee Stadium. Red Sox fans just whine about how much God hates them.
As much as I want to bag on Trooper, I'm a Lakers fan. Then again, we just know we're superior - we don't feel the need to brag about it incessantly.
When you think 7, who do you think of
John Elway.
The Yankees are just like Apple pie. The quintessential american pie. Wholesome and crust but hot and tasty.
Perfect with ice cream. Or even dare I say it .....with Wisconsin Cheddar cheese.
There is nothing better than having a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup while you are listening the Yankees win another fall game.
And now we are denied this sweet truimph.
It is so sad.
"grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup"
Yum, yum.
The Yankees are like Mom. The Mom that always loved you. The one who taught you to walk. The one who taught you what was important in life. The Mom who was the one who nurished you and taught you and shaped you into the person you became.
The Mom you gave you your cultureal traditions and taught you how to behave.
The Yankees are like your Mom.
But A-Rod is not like Mom. A-Rod is a mother. A bad mother. And not in a good cool black way.
A-Rod must go.
Yes Steinbrenner's Yankees represent part of Amerika--the USA of corporate power, ostentatious wealth, hyper-egotisic jocks, NewYawk corruption,etc. Yr kind of team Flynnberg the wannabe-paysano
(wow Byro the salesman-suckpuppet's back praising ol Elway)
Yes the Yankees represent how you can be a winner if you root for corporate power and accumulate wealth, power and prestige be it as a stock holder or a simple fan.
Or you can be a dirty hippie and root for some cheezy new fangled sunbelt team who have all the history and tradition of a popcorn fart. A team who greatest player who is perhaps the ugliest player to ever play the game.
I think the Yankees beat them every game this year. Just sayn'
The Yankees only went 4-3 against my beloved Indians this season, you ignoramus! ; )
And they finished only 1 game better than the Rangers and only 2 better than Detroit, which means any series wasn't going to be a gimme.
"The Yankees are like Mom."
If you were in front of me right now, I'd punch you in the mouth.
The Yankees are the team of a confident America. An America who built great muscle cars and didn't have to plug in your convertable to an extension cord. An America where Detroit meant quality not abject failure and urban blight. An America who knew it was our destiny to rape the land of foriegner so we could ride in style and comfort. An America who was not afraid of offending a bunch of weeines who are afraid that the world is too hot or too cold. A bold America. A confident America. A can do America.
However A-Rod is a Can-don't kinda guy.
He stikes out with the bases loaded and wiffs to end the game. Not a sniff of an infield bouncer.
I bet he drives a Prius to impress Cameron Diaz.
A-Rod must go.
Sorry EM it just seems like we beat them every game.
I feel for you buddy when you have to root for a team whose best player is Charley Sheen.
The Spirit and Tradition of the Yankees are what made our country great. When immigrants come to our shores they can assimilate by rooting for a great American insititution that is the Yankees. That is why you see everyone from Mexican dishwashers to Pakistani cab drivers to Chinese take out delivery men wearing Yankee caps. They want to know what it is to be "Real Americans." So they root for the Yankees.
Or it could be because they give a lot of them away for free.
At least Randy J. could pitch like a mutha-f-er and wasn't on crack like say Dwight Gooden. And Matt Williams was not some punk like Jeter.
Anyway TrooperDork I'm really with Dodgers azul, not so much D-backs(and NLWest like real big league). And they hate the Skankees as well.
Dirty hippie? ah yr mormon-snitch boyfriend's lying as usual.That was him--dopedealer, flunkie, theatre fag etc--until he joined the LDS racket a few years ago. How's yr first reading of Crime and Punishment going, btw Trooper Limbaugh ?. I doubt you know a call from a put either.
It's paradoxically not self-effacing.
Althouse values self-effacement above all else, especially in other people.
But as you can see in Trooper York, the practice of self-abnigation is unknown among the New York Yankees and their followers.
September, though, usually reminds the more philosophical Red Sox fan why he should devote himself to humility. Coming as we do from the land of Emerson, Thoreau, Henry Adams, Longfellow, and a thousand other luminaries of American intellectual life, we are acquainted with a more thoughtful tradition. We know that the delight of an early New England autumn is only a brief harbinger of a long, cold, hard winter, which makes the promise of spring all the sweeter with thoughts of glories to come.
The triumph of hope over adversity is one of the keys to New England's identity and virtue. We are grateful to have a baseball team so true to this age-old principle.
Let the noisome Yankees fan boast of victory, or wail and gnash his teeth at infrequent defeat. Those of us in Red Sox Nation have gained much greater by our longer sorrows and acquaintance with grief.
Growing up one of my friends was a Pirates fan. This was well after the Chuck Tanner era.
I remember him exclaiming at the end of a typical season, "64 wins, 98 heartbreakers."
Now there was a fan.
Let the noisome Yankees fan boast of victory, or wail and gnash his teeth at infrequent defeat. Those of us in Red Sox Nation have gained much greater by our longer sorrows and acquaintance with grief.
Oh, go get stuffed. Yankees fans may be loathsome front-runners (like Dallas Cowboys fans) but at least when their team loses they threaten to lynch players, manager, coaches and front office as well as burning down Yankee Stadium. Red Sox fans just whine about how much God hates them, then try to turn it into a virtue.
We will know when the end of times come. It will not be when Loki joins with the Frost Giants to start Ragnarok. It will not be when the Anti-Christ is elected Presiden (as that seems to have already happened). It will not be when the dogs lay down with the cats and J gets a date.
The end of days will be when the Yankees go 162-0 and sweep the playoffs and the World Series.
Then the Good Lord will end all time and space.
Because God is a Yankees Fan.
The New York Yankees are a brand new Cadillac speeding down the open road.
The Red Sox are a spavined pony with diarhea pulling a wagon filled with rotted fruit.
The New York Yankees are a corproate Skyscaper gleaming in the October sunlight.
The Boston Red Sox are a dilapidated flop house rotting in a slum.
Red Sox record vs. NYY in 2011: 12 wins, 6 losses.
The Yankees got shit on all season by that spavined pony with diarrhea. That's suckitude.
Nice to see TY back in full-throated ill-informed fanboy ranting. It was worrisome to see him pass through a stage of angst, however fleeting.
The one reliable source of joy in my childhood was the NY Yankees. My peak fanatic fandom days coincided with those five consecutive World Series teams in the fifties. Mickey Mantle. No novelist could coin a name more attractive to a ten year old. Mantle has a kind of Homeric ring to it. The mantle of greatness. The kind of guy who needs tape measures to measure his home runs. Mickey is accessible--the name of a boon companion and a cartoon character....Yogi Berra perhaps the most beloved ballplayer of all time. He even inspired a cartoon character. Mantle's greatness sometimes inspired envy and boos, but Yogi was always cheered. Perhaps that was because Mickey had the troublesome habit of striking out, but Yogi never saw a pitch he couldn't make contact with. Mickey was as mercurial as Achilles, but Yogi was Ulysses. He found this way home.....Then there was the outfielder, Hank Bauer. He won two Bronze Stars and two Purple Hearts as a Marine Lt. on Okinawa. And Jerry Coleman, the second baseman. He won the DFC as a Marine aviator during the Korean War. These heroes were just the utility players on those Yankee teams.....When the Yankees win the World Servies, I always feel that God's in his heaven, and the world is right side up.
The only thing that matters to the Yankees and their fans is winning the World Series. Season series, playoff series and division championships (hello there Chippy) don't amount to a hill of beans. Boston Baked or otherwise.
The Yankees are the America of Hiroshima.
I think the Yankees are better than that...they would've dropped the 15-20 nukes on Japanese troop concentrations to make sure the Invasion would have gone as smoothly as possible. (as we discussed internally about Operation Olympic)
"Lefty Gomez Set Me" would have been on a nuke...you know it!
Althouse prides herself on smaat commenters.
Well, check out this, my favorite blog.
Love that cahtoon down the left side.
Read the comments, too.
He is dead to me.
Why him? he was injured.
Captain supeflous made the error that ruined Garcia´s QS. SO 8 times and failed in the 8th.
Texeira is third to last in clutch according to baseball reference.
CC has one good postseason in his resume and failed every time. if i were the opposit manager everyplayer in my team will bunt. By the third inning an ambulance would be taking him out
The evil empire is down because Detroit is a better team:
The MVP and leading batter in MLB.
The Cy Young winner, triple crowned.
A one.two that have no rivals even in Philadelphia.
The best by far setup-closer couple in MLB.
The best catcher in MLB.
The best defensive CF in MLB. He knows to play at Copa unlike Granderson who had luck in the fourth game .He was traded for his inability to track the ball there.Also because his 275 and 170 plus SO are not good for a leadoff.AJax is a sophomore with more upside than him.
Yankees outscored Detroit 18-11 but 11 werescored in one game( After Posada cheated his way into first ,thehe was not HBP).So it was 7-10 the rest of the series.
The lousy pitching of the Yankees. CC and Nova and pray for rain for a week.
Nova had fear in his face.
Freddy wa supset by the Jeter error that cost him dearly.
AJ Burnet, it is better been lucky than good.Not really,he is good but mismanged by Girardi.
And JL is a real manager unlike Girardi. The last real manager of the Yankees was Bob Lemon
And detroit plays in a real baseball stadium not in a sandbox that was made for his LHB and replicated in the new sandbox with wind tunnel included
Trooper, 2 questions:
How does the world's greatest franchise lose a series finale at home?
Speaking of home field, the old Yankee Stadium was in one of the shittiest neighborhoods in the 5 boroughs. Whose bright idea was it to build the new one right next door?
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