She's hot, speaks fluent Italian, is an American accused of killing a Briton in while studying in Italy. This is too Danielle Steele for her NOT to be guilty.
Chris Althouse Cohen said... "Yay! They're released! A horrible miscarriage of justice has been overturned."
The (new) verdict is in, so I guess that's the truth now. But it's not clear to me how you (or anyone at this distance) could have a reasonable conclusion about what happened.
I have no idea whether she was guilty, but will save my celebrations for clearer cases.
Saint Croix, are you on crack?! What about the troops in Afghanistan that are daily being killed? What about the humanity of the over 4000 young lives snuffed out in the war in Iraq, please you hypocrite.
Let's not get all self-righteous while attempting to threadjack, Mitochondria guy. This post is about a hot Aerican exchange student who was having orgies over in Europe and either did or did not kill somebody. Please stay on topic.
"Saint Croix, are you on crack?! What about the troops in Afghanistan that are daily being killed? What about the humanity of the over 4000 young lives snuffed out in the war in Iraq, please you hypocrite."
Funny, your original point was there's a mob of Marxist undergrads camped out on wall street so who cares about Amanda Knox. Now it's leftist crocodile tears for the troops (the demise of any of whom you wouldn't reverse because of the force your "argument" would lose).
Since someone else brought up the subject did anyone see the "demands" the Wall Street protestors issued today? You could not make a better parody of the left if you tried. They included a $20/hr minimum wage and it only got more ridiculous from there.
I am not sure why the "protestors" are getting any coverage at all other than the odd fascination there seems to be with watching crazy people flock together into a large, clueless group. It is not often that you get to see a mass migration of the morons. It almost makes me wonder if something happened to their natural habitat in Berkeley. Maybe they finally cut the trees down they were all roosting in?
Maybe the environmentalists were right about something for once...
Saint Croix, are you on crack?! What about the troops in Afghanistan that are daily being killed? What about the humanity of the over 4000 young lives snuffed out in the war in Iraq, please you hypocrite.
If you really gave a shit about our troops, you would have called for postings about THAT, not a bunch of leftists in NY.
Looks like justice was served in the Knox case, based on the limited info we've had access to anyway.
And it continues to fascinate me how quick all these commenters are to spit on the Wall Street protestors. Recalls the great line from Cool Hand Luke, I suppose: "Them bosses need all the help they can get" I believe is how it goes.
I read about this case four years ago. It was shocking to me how little evidence there was for guilt.
A hot Aerican exchange student who was having orgies over in Europe
That was the kind of evidence they had.
The judicial system is a scary place and you want to avoid it if you can.
The only reason we're hearing about this case, by the way, is because Amanda Knox is hot. We're interested in sex, and so the Amanda Knox case interests people. And that's why the media covers it.
If we lived in a just world, by the way, this would be news.
If you're really interested in the Italian justice system that Amanda Knox became embroiled in, check out a book called 'The Monster of Florence' -- about the never officially solved case of the Italian 'Son of Sam' and the keystone cop absurdities of the Italian police and prosecutors. The same ridiculous, over-the-top charges of satanic the same prosecutor as in the Amanda Knox case (The two cases actually overlap a bit--she makes an appearance at the end of the book).
rhemightypuck: Amanda Knox has those guilty looking eyes.
You're right that there is something strange about her eyes. I don't know if guilty is the right word. It more seems to me that she is hiding something. She's got secrets. That much is clear.
"Wall street is teeming with protestors, not a word?"
Here's a few words about the protesters. They are agitating for unrealistic policies that are even worse than those that have been enacted by the current administration.
We should unleash scores of rabid ferrets on their asses.
Time may be intolerant in a week to a beautiful physique, to quote Auden, but, lucky for Knox, we humans worship beauty and forgive it much, perhaps in this case all.
Looks like justice was served in the Knox case, based on the limited info we've had access to anyway.
And it continues to fascinate me how quick all these commenters are to spit on the Wall Street protestors. Recalls the great line from Cool Hand Luke, I suppose: "Them bosses need all the help they can get" I believe is how it goes.
Actually, Neal Boortz nailed it, "... this was a gathering of the Future Minimum Wage Earners of America."
A greater collection of ignoramuses would be hard to envision short of next year's Democrat Convention.
You're right that there is something strange about her eyes. I don't know if guilty is the right word. It more seems to me that she is hiding something. She's got secrets. That much is clear.
This is why you want to avoid the judicial system. Our guardians, the jury, are made up out of our fellow fuckwits.
Seriously. "Burn her! I see the evil in her eyeballs!"
"Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending "Freetrade" by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.
Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.
Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.
Demand four: Free college education.
Demand five: Begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand.
Demand six: One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now.
Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America's nuclear power plants.
Demand eight: Racial and gender equal rights amendment.
Demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.
Demand ten: Bring American elections up to international standards of a paper ballot precinct counted and recounted in front of an independent and party observers system.
Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the "Books." World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the "Books." And I don't mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period.
Demand twelve: Outlaw all credit reporting agencies.
Demand thirteen: Allow all workers to sign a ballot at any time during a union organizing campaign or at any time that represents their yeah or nay to having a union represent them in collective bargaining or to form a union.
Demand fourteen: Have rabid ferrets unleashed on our asses. Hawt!
These demands will create so many jobs it will be completely impossible to fill them without an open borders policy."
edutcher quotes Boortz. a great source to quote if what you are about is equating human worth with wages earned.
edutcher you like Boortz are an excellent bootlicker, but not excellent enough to elide the fact that Wall Street is being run by blights of human skin, who continue to do serious harm to the nation.
Diamond Head, I wouldn't reverse the troops death if I could?! You also must be using the same crack dealer as Saint Croix. I have someone I love very much serving in Afghanistan at this moment.I have worked in Veterans Hospitals and seen the destruction to thousands of lives because of IED and blast damage to the body, thousands who have to fight to get their disability when they come home, you also are a hypocrite. Are you aware that Marine and Army Veterans were at the Wall Street protest on Saturday, with their uniforms on?
I really think she's innocent. Haven't followed every single aspect of the case, but the whole scenario as presented by the prosecutors was bizarre. As much as people think she got off because she's a "hot Amwerican chick", I think it's more likely that that's why she was falsely accused, convicted and imprisoned. The prosecutors were way shady (some of the main News sites have links to stories of their ineptness /corruption) and ended up losing their case as soon as their methods were exposed. The media circus in Italy depended on her being part of the story.
I'm glad to hear her conviction is being overturned. I'm still amazed at how many people think she's guilty based on some annecdote of her behaviour rather than evidence of merit.
I'm amazed by the people who feel they have the basis to form an opinion in this case. OTOH, the Italian justice system starts out with two strikes against it based on their conduct in The Monster of Florence, which was also serialized in the Atlantic, IIRC.
Well, it could have been worse for Knox. She could have drawn the Amirault prosecutors in Massachusetts (one of the day care sex abuse hysteria cases). Massachusetts can also proudly point to convicting, then hanging, witches, too. So let's not get too superior about our own system.
edutcher quotes Boortz. a great source to quote if what you are about is equating human worth with wages earned.
In this case, a great source.
edutcher you like Boortz are an excellent bootlicker, but not excellent enough to elide the fact that Wall Street is being run by blights of human skin, who continue to do serious harm to the nation.
Just like the people they funded for the last 20 years - the Democrat Party.
(he sounds like J off meth)
Meade said...
AllenS said... Gene said... She's got secrets. That much is clear.
And, The Althouse Woman has a conspiracy theory that she won't tell us. Coincidence? I think not.
And don't forget - the Althouse woman speaks Italian. Or I should say, whispers Italian.
So..., does she call you, Gomez?
Or just, Boobala?
"Alta, that's Italian!!! You know what it does to me when you speak Italian...!!!"
I know from working in court you should never trust media reports of a trial, but I always believed she was innocent--young girls do not commit murder in that horrible way.
Good for her. And word to the wise: stay as far away from trouble as you can in a foreign country.
" I'm amazed by the people who feel they have the basis to form an opinion in this case."
All I know is that the evidence and case was handled poorly, and there was never a great deal of reason to think she was guilty, at least that I was aware of.
It's hard not to come away with the impression Italy messed up.
Knox's first-of-several alibis for the night of the murder was that she was at her boyfriend (and co-defendant) Sollecito's house all night, sound asleep until 10 a.m. the next morning.
A few days later, when that was proved false by telephone records, eyewitnesses and Sollecito's admission that it was a lie, Knox claimed she was in the house during Meredith's murder ... and she knew who the murderer was!
She said it was her boss, Patrick Lumumba, the owner of a popular bar in town:
"He wanted her. ... Raffaele and I went into another room and then I heard screams. ... Patrick and Meredith were in Meredith's bedroom while I think I stayed in the kitchen. ... I can't remember how long they were together in the bedroom, but the only thing I can say is that at a certain point I remember hearing Meredith's screams and I covered my ears. ... I can't remember if Meredith was screaming and if I heard thuds but I could imagine what was going on."
Solely because of Knox's claim that Lumumba murdered Meredith, he was arrested and sat in jail for two weeks before being released when the police discovered about a hundred eyewitnesses who could place him at his bar all night, the night of the murder.
And that's just the beginning.!/page/full/
Kensington wrote: I don't know if she's innocent, but I do think it's a terrible idea to imprison hot women.
IF you didn't imprison hot women, how could you have those womens prison exploitation movies? Not that they make that many of them any more, but considering hollywood's propensity for remakes, my vote would be for a few of those as opposed to a remake of The Thing, for example.
Sue D'Nhym wrote: Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the "Books."
Oh brother. Methinks these idiots have watched a little too much of the movie Fight Club for their own good. I suppose they're going to implement "Project Mayhem" next. Paging Tyler Durden.Paging Tyler Durden. Wait, you mean I'M Tyler Durden AND JACK?!? What a mind f*ck!
Cue up the Pixies "Where Is My Mind" as the credits roll.
God, I hate young(er) people sometimes. What freaking world do they think they're living in?
Sue D'Nyhn (echoing protesters wrote): Demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.
Oh cool. Because I always wanted to have a house in Jamaica, Switzerland, Japan, Mexico and Germany. And I never got around to updating my passport. But now I should have a living wage and a place to live in all those countries. And don't even have to show ID! Those countries will love me. I'm a citizen of the world!
Sue D'Nhym wrote: Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the "Books."
Oh brother. Methinks these idiots have watched a little too much of the movie Fight Club for their own good.
God, I hate young(er) people sometimes. What freaking world do they think they're living in?
This isn't the younger ones; it's the older ones reliving their "glory days" in the 60s - back when they preached "Peace" and "Love" and called for "meaningful dialog", immediately followed by "non-negotiable demands".
Darrell Ann Coulter took most of her 'evidence' from the UK papers that had it out for Knox. Read this site for a good reason why there were most likely innocent.
There is no doubt the evidence against Knox and Sollecito was circumstantial and there were enough questions to overturn the original conviction.
Demand 9: Updated and combined with demand 3: Right to travel anywhere to work or not work, since I will be entitled to a living wage regardless. So I choose the living wage regardless. let's see, summers in Venice, winters in Jamaica, or someplace tropical. And whatever debt I wrack up while travelling to my non work should be forgiven. Why am I getting paid money again? Considering debt is forgiven, and people are entitled to whatever,wouldn't money be reduntant? Wouldn't jobs be reduntant? Why would a company produce things if those that buy them could simply default and all debt be forgiven? Why couldn't I buy things more expensive then my salary allows and then have debt forgiven? Since whatever value a company placed on a product could be forgiven, there would be no real reason to put a price on a product. Or are they saying that the debt forgivness should be a one time thing? Well how is that fair? So because they're in debt now the debt should be forgiven, but if I'm in debt a month from now I should have to suffer and pay my bills? Thats awfully self serving unless there is no time limit on it. Because I'm thinking that 6 months from now after I buy my 10 sports cars and 5 mansions that I'm going to be in debt up to my eyeballs, and will need to have that debt forgiven.
Darrell cites Ann Coulter. Funny, Coulter's column that he cites was the absolute first thing I had heard about the Knox case. I figured, if Ann is so full throatedly condemning Knox, this argues powerfully that there is not much of a case against her. Combine Ann's arguments with George Constanza's instincts to do the opposite, and you will float light and right.
also firmly entrenched in sillyland, edutcher writes (in reference to the claim that the Wall Street investment class is composed of blights of human skin):
"Just like the people they funded for the last 20 years - the Democrat Party."
What, that's supposed to be some sort of zinger, or something?? OF COURSE they largely fund the Democrats. They largely fund both major parties. That's the point. That's why there should be ten times the amount of protesting going on, than there already is. That's also proof of the clinical stoopidity of people who argue that politicians like Kerry and Obama, and Democratic politicians in general, are "leftists" or "Marxists," or some such rot.
But speaking of clinically. You do implicitly agree, in the syntax of your respopnse, that the Wall Street class is composed of blights of human skin. So you're getting there. One step towards sanity at a time.
While Sue's list has comedic value, I don't see a lot of evidence that it is in fact true.
According to the Great and Powerful Wikipedia,
...the central demand of the protest is that President Barack Obama "ordain a Presidential Commission tasked with ending the influence money has over our representatives in Washington".[8] Liberal commentator Michael Moore had suggested that this is not like any other protest but this protest represents a variety of demands with a common statement about government corruption and the privileging of big business and the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans in policy making. [19]
The protest has been criticized for its lack of focus and actionable agenda.
The desire to form a more coherent agenda was evident around the 13th day of the occupation, with sentiment in the encampment generally split along two lines: those who want to draft focused demands about the unequal distribution of wealth in the United States; and those who want the protest to remain amorphous and to grow through spectacle.
No, I don't know what "grow through spectacle" means either.
I figured, if Ann is so full throatedly condemning Knox, this argues powerfully that there is not much of a case against her.
That's because you're an ass. But anyone who gets their facts from Kos and the DU wouldn't know what I'm talking about.
Coulter based her article on the 400-plus page report released by the Italian court in December 2009detailing the mountains of evidence that led the judges and jury to conclude that Knox, along with her Italian beau, Raffaele Sollecito, and a petty thief of her acquaintance, Rudy Guede, had murdered Knox's English roommate, Meredith Kercher, on the evening of Nov. 1, 2007.
The musings of a former FBI agent hired by the defense are interesting but hardly definitive. I bet he always agrees with the defense when the check clears. But that is only my speculation.
But honestly. Do you really believe the only people who do not think Coulter credible are asses, Kos and DU readers, or other alleged "leftist" idealogues? Awwwww. That's kind of cute.
It is pretty clear to most legal experts [as well as the jury that just reversed the ruling!] that the evidence was not strong enough to convict Knox in the first place. If it was she would not have been set free upon appeal. The only reason Coulter takes the approach that she does to this case is because a good many people felt sorry for Knox and felt empathy for her because she is an attractive young woman. To Coulter that is a 'liberal' weekness. [Only liberals feel empathy for cute things...or something like that].
The only thing I might agree with Coulter about is that the news coverage was overdone as a result of Knox's youth and attractive looks. Just yesterday an African American man's 17 year sentence was overturned. Was the court packed with media awaiting his appeal? Nope.
@MarkW, my wife has a copy of Monster of Florence, and the first thing she said when Amanda Knox was first arrested was that the grandstanding prosecutor would make a case out of thin air if need be in order to get a conviction.
"Innocent until proven guilty" is an American concept, not necessarily the way things are in allegedly civilized countries outside the US borders.
Frankly, I wouldn't have convicted a dog of chasing a cat based on the evidence provided by the Italian prosecutor.
There's something very medieval in the whole farce: The hatred of bankers; the demonization of usury. Thank goodness our bankers are a polyglot sort and not representative of a particular ethnic group.
Your irrational hatred of Coulter is the dead giveaway. Perhaps you'd like to detail all her errors over the years.
But carry on anyway. Just ignore the trifles like Perry being a Democrat, like his father, when that offensive rock was on leased property he used for hunting. That reflects well on your credibility.
This is who these fruitcakes are. That's the mindset of enough of them that they don't ever consider telling one of their, um, more exuberant types to call the fack down.
also firmly entrenched in sillyland, edutcher writes (in reference to the claim that the Wall Street investment class is composed of blights of human skin):
Another Roseanne Barr, it would seem. Since he supports the useless idiots in Gotham, he must be projecting straight from the sillyland he mentions.
"Just like the people they funded for the last 20 years - the Democrat Party."
What, that's supposed to be some sort of zinger, or something?? OF COURSE they largely fund the Democrats. They largely fund both major parties. That's the point.
No, dear, they've favored the Demos over the last 20 years by a wide margin. The class warriors harrogate loves couldn't exist without the Capitalist Bosses and their Wall Street Lackeys.
(that is the way in reads in the manual, isn't it?)
That's why there should be ten times the amount of protesting going on, than there already is.
Yes, but there aren't.
The useless idiots "Taking over New York" are freezing their small brains out in the rain for the likes of George Soros.
Everybody else has better sense.
That's also proof of the clinical stoopidity of people who argue that politicians like Kerry and Obama, and Democratic politicians in general, are "leftists" or "Marxists," or some such rot.
Of course not; only if they start the purges tomorrow do they really become true "leftists" or "Marxists".
And he spells and punctuates as well as the morons protesting in the Big Apple, too.
Ann Coulter shot from the hip after spending about five minutes 'connecting the dots' in a way that made sense and appealed to her, and that fit in with an easy point-scoring article she had in mind.
To willfully condemn a fellow human being based on nothing but tabloid testimony so as to craft what she apparently was an easy, political-point-scoring article is shameful.
I'll never read a word of hers again that doesn't include an apology for this. Not that I've read anything of hers in years anyways.
ricpic said... Time may be intolerant in a week to a beautiful physique, to quote Auden, but, lucky for Knox, we humans worship beauty and forgive it much, perhaps in this case all.
10/3/11 4:04 PM
"forgive it much?" i'm outing ripic as Al Sharpton. A 'political actor' if you get my drift.
Darrell, did Nancy Drew Coulter have an explanation for the two pounds of DNA evidence that the petty thief they should have arrested left in the crapper?
Did he drop a deuce in there as part of a Satanic ritual?
If you read anything about this case, it becomes obvious that the confession was coerced from a very young and naive woman in a foreign country where she barely knew the language. She thought she was dealing with rational people in the legal system and it turned out she was dealing with some sort of backwoods Italian hill folk.
Read Coulter's column after some people mentioned it. It looks like Knox, the Italian, and the African are all guilty.
Conservatives do have a bias that they believe any Amurrikan convicted and imprisoned abroad must be innocent - because all other countries lack our Constitution, the Sacred Parchment of perfect justice.
They tribally rally to Amanda Knox like blacks tribally rally to any black that kills a white cop.
Keep in mind when her roomates body was found - beaten, stabbed, throat slashed, Knox explained away her highly suspicious behavior by fist saying she wasn't even calls cops had showed she was...then confessing that she was there the whole time of the murder but a black guy who owned a bar they frequented did it, gave details only someone there knew - and she was "too scared to call police". The black bar owner was released after about 100 eyewitnesses said he was at his bar the whole night.
Then the woman's DNA was found on blood traces on Knox and her Italian nere-do-well boyfriend'sclothes at the boyfriend's apartment.
1. Re-instate Glass Steagall regulations and separate the functions of Banks and Brokerages Houses once again. 2. Repeal Citizens United and go back to "Do you wish to contribute $20 of your Federal Income Tax to campaign finance?" instead of letting Corporations and possibly foreign powers buy our government. 3. Prosecute the Conservative members of the Supreme Court who have violated their oath to the people by serving the Corporatist Conspiracy when they passed "Citizens United". 4. Tax the wealthy at a reasonable rate and tax the large corporations that have paid zero taxes in the last decade. 5. End enormous taxpayer financed subsidies for oil companies that have made record profits in the last 10 years. 6. Pass the Jobs Act and vote the Tea Party terrorists out. 7. Prosecute anyone who signed Grover Norquist's pledge for treason. These Representatives were sworn to serve the American People, not the rich and corporations.
...and yet another, in the comments of the above:
1. Corporate Personhood. [Against it, I suppose.]
2. Caste Warfare; they started it.
3. Its legal to lie to the USA public. Against that too, I guess.]
4. They are OUR airwaves. They should be used for WETHEPEOPLE not leased by the government to corporations. Put Local colleges in charge of all the media. Arrest and seize all mass media devices and then give those devices straight out to the local colleges, including the land they sit on. We need education public media; not legalized lying and propaganda wars against the people.
5. Education reform. Everyones being kept stupid and ignorant on purpose in school and repugnicons want to argue about how to pay or punish teachers. We need child centered education reform, not a con scam to privatize education and thus score all our children for corporate zombotification.
6. Free market system. Not slave market system. Not caste market system. Not Caste warfare market system. Not rigged Casino. Not making something off of nothing and making bubbles to grease a gravy train either. Free market system. We must have one of those. Its time to have one of those. We have NEVER YET had one of those.
7. Realistic regulation of the government to regulate and control corporations so that what they do is fair and just and ethical and under control instead of a parade of unleashed godzillas turning the masses into to toe jam.
8. Real and direct representation, including no more lobbying, and including an evolutionary use of the internet with organized forums and wikis replacing the old style of congressional/ mayoral office.
Goodness, isn't there a way we can short-cut this please?
When the OJ verdict came down, I just knew he was guilty. A Haitian colleague down the hall from me let out squeals of delight when the verdict was read. But nowadays, blacks and whites, I think, are united in their belief that OJ killed his wife.
So do I have this right? This young woman initially said she was not at the house when her roommate was murdered. Then she said she was. ? Why doesn't that throw up red flags for everyone?
Who killed Meredith Kercher? And if Amanda Knox heard screams, why did she not do anything?
Why was the verdict overturned? Technical reasons like mishandling of evidence? That is serious, but I haven't seen anyone make the case connecting the technicalities to the false conviction. It seems a side issue.
If you ask first questions about the case here and/or form an opinion based on an Ann Coulter column, you're not even remotely equipped to think this case through.
If you're honestly interested, go do some homework. Plenty of good sites out there covering all sides. Don't just stop and form an opinion at the first one that shocks your sensibilities this way or that. Go deeper.
Yeah, after a hostile 12 hour interrogation in Italian, which she'd been studying for 8 weeks. After being denied water and slapped in the back of the head, and encouraged to imagine what she might have seen had she been there, this 18 year old girl became confused and signed a confession (in Italian) that she recanted the next day.
I guess that's a slam dunk for Cedarford, Darrell, and Ann Coulter.
Did I mention that the prosecution thought that the motive was Satanic ritual? And that this was the second case in a short period with this same b-movie implausible motive?
Who killed her? I don't know; I suppose it could be the petty thief who raped her and left a pile of shit in the toilet. But that theory of the crime is pretty "out there," I know. It's just tribalism is all. It completely ignores all the evidence for a black mass human sacrifice orgy.
I hope I never look up from the defendant's chair to the jury box and see the mental-giant trifecta of C-fud, Darrell, and Ann Coulter.
The trial was completely screwed up as was the investigation. So we have no idea who did it. I think it is unlikely it was Knox (although it is possible) but to convict on this evidence?
Lot's of hot girls there tonight with bras on. I saw a tit fall out and sweating during a pose
I need to find out where the rich people do yoga. The young women in my classes are chubby, awkward, and have tattoos. The instructor is usually the only hot one. Fortunately, staring at her is acceptable.
Well, I just read John Hinderaker's discussion of the Knox case on Powerline. My neutrality on the case is over, and my apologies for being skeptical about those celebrating Knox's release. I suggest reading Mr. Hinderaker's evaluation. It is quite persuasive.
In addition to the sheer unicorn-far lunacy of this:
"Demand five: Begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand."
... I'm also enjoying the cognitive dissonance between #5 and #6:
"Demand six: One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now."
"Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America's nuclear power plants."
Yowza; if they're successful at #7 they can definitely leave expanding the power grid off of #6, not going to be enough electricity left to go around.
I'm just glad Amanda can come home. I hope she doesn't kill any more people, though, that is, if she did kill someone. She looks nice. Why should she kill people? Of course Jeff Davis looks pretty nice. He got all kinds of people killed with that Confederacy thing.
I have seen pictures of Amanda wearing a hooded black cape while entering the courtroom. This is the uniform of witches. Did she choose this garment or did the prison officials make her wear it? Odd choice of garments for someone accused of satanic practices.....At my gymn there is some kind of aerobic ballet class in one of the studios. I don't participate but I walk by to discreetly ogle. (Cameltoe only happens to the vigilant.) The girls have such a look of concentration on their faces. They're not there just for fitness but to create beauty. I think the girls in the ballet workout are cuter than the ones in the aerobic class. The yoga poses are suggestive, but the endless farting subverts the sensuality.
Titus, good to hear about your yoga. My wife and I watched Vidal Sassoon on Netflix. Interesting documentary. He is very into yoga and for a guy in his eighties he is pretty limber.
I didn't follow this early enough to understand the varying claims. Recent reports summarize the issues as "discrepancies in DNA" or similar euphemism, which doesn't help you form an opinion. But what struck me is how different and strong the opinions are when it seems neither side seems to be making a case.
You seem to think that only one person can be charged with any particular murder. What if another person helped set it up or facilitated it? What if you tried to participate in a cover-up, including a fictitious robbery? What if you told police you knew who the murderer was and identified that person and it all turned out to be a lie? The Italian police believed that they had evidence showing that she participated in the actual murder. But even if she only participated in the other elements of the crime, would she deserve to serve considerable time as punishment for her part in the murder? Hmmm? What happened to the concept of being an accessory before and after the fact? A co-conspirator?
I didn't follow this early enough to understand the varying claims.
I think the other side is claiming that she was a whore. And she's hot. And she had suspicious eyes. Also, she was an American. Which as we all know is bad news. And, also, Satan.
But what struck me is how different and strong the opinions are when it seems neither side seems to be making a case.
Well, speaking for my side, I would just to reiterate our opinion that there should be some evidence before you convict somebody for murder. Overwhelming evidence would be nice. But if you can't find any overwhelming evidence, I would at least like to hear some evidence. Some scrap, some shred of proof, so I can nod my head and sleep at night.
The one conviction they got was [also] based on a hypothetical: Knox was asked by the Italian police - after 53 hours of continuous, sleepless interrogation - to hypothesize about how the murder might have been committed. And her hypothetical answer represented the entirety of the defamation conviction.
Finally, imagine Jeff Ashton on steroids - and you have Knox prosecutor Giuliano Mignini, a deluded, congenital liar not seen since the Spanish Inquisition.
For those people who have read the New York Times, and feel like they have all the news that is fit to print, I would suggest reading The Guardian instead. They sum up the case for innocence pretty thoroughly. It's a damning summary of events.
As for Kercher's DNA that was supposedly found on the knife, testing revealed it was not actually human DNA but a speck of flour and starch that likely came from rye bread.
Well, speaking for my side, I would just to reiterate our opinion that there should be some evidence before you convict somebody for murder. "
Well, let's note a few reported facts I've seen that no one exonerating her has discussed:
She was found at the crime scene by police having made no effort to contact them.
She lied to police that she spent the entire previous night with her codefendant when in fact she left sometime in the night.
Your beliefs are why no one should ever believe anyone who says there is no evidence. You prefer to pretend there isn't any rather than deal honestly with what does exist, so how can anyone trust you're not leaving something else out?
She was found at the crime scene by police having made no effort to contact them.
Her boyfriend called the police.
She lied to police
This would be the police that kept her up for 53 hours and asked her to imagine who could have killed her roommate? And then charged her with defamation? Which apparently is a crime in the backwards hellhole formerly known as Italy?
Entrap much?
she (said she) spent the entire previous night with her codefendant when in fact she left sometime in the night.
Cause she went for cigarettes? Walked the dog? Ran out of condoms?
Why don't you click on the "holy fuck" link and explain to me why you believe anything that prosecutor has to say about anything. I mean, maybe it was an accident that they confused flour and starch with human DNA, and it just happened to be the human DNA of the murder victim in the case they're prosecuting.
Or, another possibility, the prosecuter is a deranged and dangerous fuckwit who is totally cool with perjury, entrapment, and framing innocent people.
He is facing criminal prosecution for his misconduct, by the way.
But I'm sure the ends justify the means. After all, we wouldn't want Satanic American witches to get away with leaving their boyfriend's apartment at night.
"Why don't you click on the "holy fuck" link and explain to me why you believe anything that prosecutor has to say about anything."
If you think the fact that one person is nuts means Knox must be innocent it explains why you have such extreme views.
It's bizarre the way you rationalize. The problem with Knox's action wasn't that she left her codefendant's house, it's that she lied to police in order to give herself an alibi. When you find yourself constantly shading the evidence you should ask yourself why.
I wonder why the dead girl's family still believes Knox was guilty. Are they satanic pursuing nuts too?
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१३८ टिप्पण्या:
Looks like Curtis Sliwa's group in the court room.
Is she getting railroaded again or will I get surprised by some justice out of that Italian court system?
This is super big news because... she's hot.
Where is Thomas, Scalia, Ginsberg?? Oh this is Italy, I forgot.
She's hot, speaks fluent Italian, is an American accused of killing a Briton in while studying in Italy. This is too Danielle Steele for her NOT to be guilty.
Hey what's the deal with the Cross at the back of the room? I guess Amanda will be hanging from it soon!!!!So much for seperation of Church and state.
Casually interested, tuned in to the stream.
Amanda is Free!!!!!!
Amanda is Free!!!! God Bless America!!!! er eh, Italy!!!!
Movie and book deal in 3....2...1...
Honestly, who cares? Wall street is teeming with protestors, not a word? The politics of distraction.
Yay! They're released! A horrible miscarriage of justice has been overturned.
Good for her.
This is so important!
Maybe Amanda Knox can meet those Iranian Border hikers.
When in Rome, don't do as the Romans.
So it's OK to do cartwheels while a prime suspect and being held for interrogation after all.
This was always a bizarre case.
Honestly, who cares? Wall street is teeming with protestors, not a word?
Yeah, that's pretty typical for the left. All about ideology, doesn't give a shit for humanity.
Non mi importa.
Barely followed this, The Blonde didn't even know about it.
Chris Althouse Cohen said...
"Yay! They're released! A horrible miscarriage of justice has been overturned."
The (new) verdict is in, so I guess that's the truth now. But it's not clear to me how you (or anyone at this distance) could have a reasonable conclusion about what happened.
I have no idea whether she was guilty, but will save my celebrations for clearer cases.
She's a s guilty as sin.
The Italian court just reversed the only correct thing they did in twenty years.
Saint Croix, are you on crack?! What about the troops in Afghanistan that are daily being killed? What about the humanity of the over 4000 young lives snuffed out in the war in Iraq, please you hypocrite.
Let's not get all self-righteous while attempting to threadjack, Mitochondria guy. This post is about a hot Aerican exchange student who was having orgies over in Europe and either did or did not kill somebody. Please stay on topic.
"Saint Croix, are you on crack?! What about the troops in Afghanistan that are daily being killed? What about the humanity of the over 4000 young lives snuffed out in the war in Iraq, please you hypocrite."
Funny, your original point was there's a mob of Marxist undergrads camped out on wall street so who cares about Amanda Knox. Now it's leftist crocodile tears for the troops (the demise of any of whom you wouldn't reverse because of the force your "argument" would lose).
Since someone else brought up the subject did anyone see the "demands" the Wall Street protestors issued today? You could not make a better parody of the left if you tried. They included a $20/hr minimum wage and it only got more ridiculous from there.
I am not sure why the "protestors" are getting any coverage at all other than the odd fascination there seems to be with watching crazy people flock together into a large, clueless group. It is not often that you get to see a mass migration of the morons. It almost makes me wonder if something happened to their natural habitat in Berkeley. Maybe they finally cut the trees down they were all roosting in?
Maybe the environmentalists were right about something for once...
Saint Croix, are you on crack?! What about the troops in Afghanistan that are daily being killed? What about the humanity of the over 4000 young lives snuffed out in the war in Iraq, please you hypocrite.
If you really gave a shit about our troops, you would have called for postings about THAT, not a bunch of leftists in NY.
Looks like justice was served in the Knox case, based on the limited info we've had access to anyway.
And it continues to fascinate me how quick all these commenters are to spit on the Wall Street protestors. Recalls the great line from Cool Hand Luke, I suppose: "Them bosses need all the help they can get" I believe is how it goes.
Amanda Knox has those guilty looking eyes. On the other hand, between her OJ, Robert Blake and Casey Anthony she is a prohibitive favorite.
Non mi importa
I read about this case four years ago. It was shocking to me how little evidence there was for guilt.
A hot Aerican exchange student who was having orgies over in Europe
That was the kind of evidence they had.
The judicial system is a scary place and you want to avoid it if you can.
The only reason we're hearing about this case, by the way, is because Amanda Knox is hot. We're interested in sex, and so the Amanda Knox case interests people. And that's why the media covers it.
If we lived in a just world, by the way, this would be news.
If you're really interested in the Italian justice system that Amanda Knox became embroiled in, check out a book called 'The Monster of Florence' -- about the never officially solved case of the Italian 'Son of Sam' and the keystone cop absurdities of the Italian police and prosecutors. The same ridiculous, over-the-top charges of satanic the same prosecutor as in the Amanda Knox case (The two cases actually overlap a bit--she makes an appearance at the end of the book).
That was the kind of evidence they had.
Also that she might be loose, and possibly a witch.
Amanda Knox has those guilty looking eyes.
I'd call them sultry eyes.
And mightypuck nails it.
Knox was convicted on National Enquirer type theories.
There were only circumstantial hunches and a dramatic story to tell.
So OJ, Robert Blake, Casey Anthony, and Amanda Knox walk into a bar...
I gotta work on this. Thanks, Mighypuck.
So OJ, Robert Blake, Casey Anthony, and Amanda Knox walk into a bar, and the bartender says: "
You, you, and you get out. What do you want darling."
WV: smaltlic
Così c-span tutte.
rhemightypuck: Amanda Knox has those guilty looking eyes.
You're right that there is something strange about her eyes. I don't know if guilty is the right word. It more seems to me that she is hiding something. She's got secrets. That much is clear.
"Wall street is teeming with protestors, not a word?"
Here's a few words about the protesters. They are agitating for unrealistic policies that are even worse than those that have been enacted by the current administration.
We should unleash scores of rabid ferrets on their asses.
Gene said...
She's got secrets. That much is clear.
And, The Althouse Woman has a conspiracy theory that she won't tell us. Coincidence? I think not.
I went on twitter to see if this is trending and it is under the rubric Foxy Knoxy.
I am so happy with this decision. It's been a long time coming. If she gets rich off book deals and so on, so much the better. She's earned it.
Congratulations Amanda Knox and family!
Heh. I was checking out an article about the new dynamic views for Blogger on the Official Google blog, and it asked me to enter a blogger blog for me to check it out.
Althouse, a la mosaic!
Head exploding fun!
Time may be intolerant in a week to a beautiful physique, to quote Auden, but, lucky for Knox, we humans worship beauty and forgive it much, perhaps in this case all.
I wouldn't kick her outta bed, but i would sleep wit one eye open.
harrogate said...
Looks like justice was served in the Knox case, based on the limited info we've had access to anyway.
And it continues to fascinate me how quick all these commenters are to spit on the Wall Street protestors. Recalls the great line from Cool Hand Luke, I suppose: "Them bosses need all the help they can get" I believe is how it goes.
Actually, Neal Boortz nailed it, "... this was a gathering of the Future Minimum Wage Earners of America."
A greater collection of ignoramuses would be hard to envision short of next year's Democrat Convention.
So OJ, Robert Blake, Casey Anthony, and Amanda Knox walk into a bar, and the bartender says: "
You, you, and you get out. What do you want darling."
Amanda Knox has those guilty looking eyes.
You're right that there is something strange about her eyes. I don't know if guilty is the right word. It more seems to me that she is hiding something. She's got secrets. That much is clear.
This is why you want to avoid the judicial system. Our guardians, the jury, are made up out of our fellow fuckwits.
Seriously. "Burn her! I see the evil in her eyeballs!"
She has the normal range of human expression.
The list of demands of the Wall Street morons:
"Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending "Freetrade" by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.
Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.
Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.
Demand four: Free college education.
Demand five: Begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand.
Demand six: One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now.
Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America's nuclear power plants.
Demand eight: Racial and gender equal rights amendment.
Demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.
Demand ten: Bring American elections up to international standards of a paper ballot precinct counted and recounted in front of an independent and party observers system.
Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the "Books." World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the "Books." And I don't mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period.
Demand twelve: Outlaw all credit reporting agencies.
Demand thirteen: Allow all workers to sign a ballot at any time during a union organizing campaign or at any time that represents their yeah or nay to having a union represent them in collective bargaining or to form a union.
Demand fourteen: Have rabid ferrets unleashed on our asses. Hawt!
These demands will create so many jobs it will be completely impossible to fill them without an open borders policy."
St. Croix, there's a knowing, calculating look in many of the pics that make me think of Becky Sharp. But it may just indicate high intelligence.
edutcher quotes Boortz. a great source to quote if what you are about is equating human worth with wages earned.
edutcher you like Boortz are an excellent bootlicker, but not excellent enough to elide the fact that Wall Street is being run by blights of human skin, who continue to do serious harm to the nation.
I don't know if she's innocent, but I do think it's a terrible idea to imprison hot women.
@Sue: I don't think we've finished discussing Foxy Knoxy's eyes yet.
Diamond Head, I wouldn't reverse the troops death if I could?! You also must be using the same crack dealer as Saint Croix. I have someone I love very much serving in Afghanistan at this moment.I have worked in Veterans Hospitals and seen the destruction to thousands of lives because of IED and blast damage to the body, thousands who have to fight to get their disability when they come home, you also are a hypocrite. Are you aware that Marine and Army Veterans were at the Wall Street protest on Saturday, with their uniforms on?
Yup, keep blathering on about Amanda Knox.
I really think she's innocent. Haven't followed every single aspect of the case, but the whole scenario as presented by the prosecutors was bizarre. As much as people think she got off because she's a "hot Amwerican chick", I think it's more likely that that's why she was falsely accused, convicted and imprisoned. The prosecutors were way shady (some of the main News sites have links to stories of their ineptness /corruption) and ended up losing their case as soon as their methods were exposed. The media circus in Italy depended on her being part of the story.
AllenS said...
Gene said...
She's got secrets. That much is clear.
And, The Althouse Woman has a conspiracy theory that she won't tell us. Coincidence? I think not.
And don't forget - the Althouse woman speaks Italian. Or I should say, whispers Italian.
Mitochondri-Allie said...
Yup, keep blathering on about Amanda Knox.
Last I checked that's the topic of Althouse's post. Now get you head out of your endoplasmic reticulum. Save your anger for another post.
When she's talking in her sleep, what language does she speak?
Did they vacate the sentence for her boyfriend, as well?
Meade said: "And don't forget - the Althouse woman speaks Italian. Or I should say, whispers Italian."
Bridge of Sighs:
Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'entrate*
* Written by some Italian poet in the 13th Century.
I'm glad to hear her conviction is being overturned. I'm still amazed at how many people think she's guilty based on some annecdote of her behaviour rather than evidence of merit.
I'm amazed by the people who feel they have the basis to form an opinion in this case. OTOH, the Italian justice system starts out with two strikes against it based on their conduct in The Monster of Florence, which was also serialized in the Atlantic, IIRC.
Well, it could have been worse for Knox. She could have drawn the Amirault prosecutors in Massachusetts (one of the day care sex abuse hysteria cases). Massachusetts can also proudly point to convicting, then hanging, witches, too. So let's not get too superior about our own system.
Mitochondri-Allie said... a whole bunch of lies.
Go away.
Did they vacate the sentence for her boyfriend, as well?
Sue, we will never go away.
Yeah, just like herpes.
harrogate said...
edutcher quotes Boortz. a great source to quote if what you are about is equating human worth with wages earned.
In this case, a great source.
edutcher you like Boortz are an excellent bootlicker, but not excellent enough to elide the fact that Wall Street is being run by blights of human skin, who continue to do serious harm to the nation.
Just like the people they funded for the last 20 years - the Democrat Party.
(he sounds like J off meth)
Meade said...
AllenS said...
Gene said...
She's got secrets. That much is clear.
And, The Althouse Woman has a conspiracy theory that she won't tell us. Coincidence? I think not.
And don't forget - the Althouse woman speaks Italian. Or I should say, whispers Italian.
So..., does she call you, Gomez?
Or just, Boobala?
"Alta, that's Italian!!! You know what it does to me when you speak Italian...!!!"
(nibbles knuckles, works way up arm...)
I know from working in court you should never trust media reports of a trial, but I always believed she was innocent--young girls do not commit murder in that horrible way.
Good for her. And word to the wise: stay as far away from trouble as you can in a foreign country.
" I'm amazed by the people who feel they have the basis to form an opinion in this case."
All I know is that the evidence and case was handled poorly, and there was never a great deal of reason to think she was guilty, at least that I was aware of.
It's hard not to come away with the impression Italy messed up.
Kensington said...
I don't know if she's innocent, but I do think it's a terrible idea to imprison hot women.
Unless you imprison a bunch of them together, and make a B movie about it.
Did she have any hot lesbian prison sex?
That would be my first question.
Wall street is teeming with protestors, not a word?
Amanda Knox is about seventeen times more important a news story than those douchebags.
"I'm amazed by the people who feel they have the basis to form an opinion in this case."
There's plenty of evidence and it practically all points to Guede.
There is no evidence pointing to Knox as being anything other than...gasp...a f*cking room mate.
But yeah, whatever. Shake your head in doe-eyed disbelief at the incomprehensible confusion of it all.
Ann Coulter laid out the case nicely.
Knox's first-of-several alibis for the night of the murder was that she was at her boyfriend (and co-defendant) Sollecito's house all night, sound asleep until 10 a.m. the next morning.
A few days later, when that was proved false by telephone records, eyewitnesses and Sollecito's admission that it was a lie, Knox claimed she was in the house during Meredith's murder ... and she knew who the murderer was!
She said it was her boss, Patrick Lumumba, the owner of a popular bar in town:
"He wanted her. ... Raffaele and I went into another room and then I heard screams. ... Patrick and Meredith were in Meredith's bedroom while I think I stayed in the kitchen. ... I can't remember how long they were together in the bedroom, but the only thing I can say is that at a certain point I remember hearing Meredith's screams and I covered my ears. ... I can't remember if Meredith was screaming and if I heard thuds but I could imagine what was going on."
Solely because of Knox's claim that Lumumba murdered Meredith, he was arrested and sat in jail for two weeks before being released when the police discovered about a hundred eyewitnesses who could place him at his bar all night, the night of the murder.
And that's just the beginning.!/page/full/
Kensington wrote:
I don't know if she's innocent, but I do think it's a terrible idea to imprison hot women.
IF you didn't imprison hot women, how could you have those womens prison exploitation movies?
Not that they make that many of them any more, but considering hollywood's propensity for remakes, my vote would be for a few of those as opposed to a remake of The Thing, for example.
Prison Sex is hot.
Sue D'Nhym wrote:
Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the "Books."
Oh brother. Methinks these idiots have watched a little too much of the movie Fight Club for their own good. I suppose they're going to implement "Project Mayhem" next. Paging Tyler Durden.Paging Tyler Durden. Wait, you mean I'M Tyler Durden AND JACK?!? What a mind f*ck!
Cue up the Pixies "Where Is My Mind" as the credits roll.
God, I hate young(er) people sometimes. What freaking world do they think they're living in?
Prison Sex is hot.
Is that assuming daily or weekly showers?
Sue D'Nyhn (echoing protesters wrote):
Demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.
Oh cool. Because I always wanted to have a house in Jamaica, Switzerland, Japan, Mexico and Germany. And I never got around to updating my passport. But now I should have a living wage and a place to live in all those countries. And don't even have to show ID! Those countries will love me.
I'm a citizen of the world!
Prison Sex is hot.
Is that assuming daily or weekly showers?
It's monthly sponge baths these days. Budget cuts, you know.
Demand 15: Money should grow on trees.
I am heading to Vinyasa Yoga to get my chaka khans in alignment.
The place will be packed. We are like seals in there.
The girls wear bras and tiny shorts and the guys are shirtless. Hot bodies (literally) everywhere.
The room is 90 degrees.
The only downside is someone always farts.
Straighties if you ever want to see hot girls sweating and wearing next to nothing go to a hot Yoga class.
Total Jerk Off Material for at least a week.
Titus said...
Prison Sex is hot.
In that case, BOHICA.
jr565 said...
Sue D'Nhym wrote:
Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the "Books."
Oh brother. Methinks these idiots have watched a little too much of the movie Fight Club for their own good.
God, I hate young(er) people sometimes. What freaking world do they think they're living in?
This isn't the younger ones; it's the older ones reliving their "glory days" in the 60s - back when they preached "Peace" and "Love" and called for "meaningful dialog", immediately followed by "non-negotiable demands".
Titus, are you a fan of downward facing dog?
Ann Coulter took most of her 'evidence' from the UK papers that had it out for Knox. Read this site for a good reason why there were most likely innocent.
There is no doubt the evidence against Knox and Sollecito was circumstantial and there were enough questions to overturn the original conviction.
Demand 9: Updated and combined with demand 3: Right to travel anywhere to work or not work, since I will be entitled to a living wage regardless. So I choose the living wage regardless. let's see, summers in Venice, winters in Jamaica, or someplace tropical. And whatever debt I wrack up while travelling to my non work should be forgiven.
Why am I getting paid money again? Considering debt is forgiven, and people are entitled to whatever,wouldn't money be reduntant?
Wouldn't jobs be reduntant? Why would a company produce things if those that buy them could simply default and all debt be forgiven? Why couldn't I buy things more expensive then my salary allows and then have debt forgiven? Since whatever value a company placed on a product could be forgiven, there would be no real reason to put a price on a product.
Or are they saying that the debt forgivness should be a one time thing? Well how is that fair? So because they're in debt now the debt should be forgiven, but if I'm in debt a month from now I should have to suffer and pay my bills? Thats awfully self serving unless there is no time limit on it. Because I'm thinking that 6 months from now after I buy my 10 sports cars and 5 mansions that I'm going to be in debt up to my eyeballs, and will need to have that debt forgiven.
Darrell cites Ann Coulter. Funny, Coulter's column that he cites was the absolute first thing I had heard about the Knox case. I figured, if Ann is so full throatedly condemning Knox, this argues powerfully that there is not much of a case against her. Combine Ann's arguments with George Constanza's instincts to do the opposite, and you will float light and right.
also firmly entrenched in sillyland, edutcher writes (in reference to the claim that the Wall Street investment class is composed of blights of human skin):
"Just like the people they funded for the last 20 years - the Democrat Party."
What, that's supposed to be some sort of zinger, or something?? OF COURSE they largely fund the Democrats. They largely fund both major parties. That's the point. That's why there should be ten times the amount of protesting going on, than there already is. That's also proof of the clinical stoopidity of people who argue that politicians like Kerry and Obama, and Democratic politicians in general, are "leftists" or "Marxists," or some such rot.
But speaking of clinically. You do implicitly agree, in the syntax of your respopnse, that the Wall Street class is composed of blights of human skin. So you're getting there. One step towards sanity at a time.
While Sue's list has comedic value, I don't see a lot of evidence that it is in fact true.
According to the Great and Powerful Wikipedia,
...the central demand of the protest is that President Barack Obama "ordain a Presidential Commission tasked with ending the influence money has over our representatives in Washington".[8] Liberal commentator Michael Moore had suggested that this is not like any other protest but this protest represents a variety of demands with a common statement about government corruption and the privileging of big business and the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans in policy making. [19]
The protest has been criticized for its lack of focus and actionable agenda.
The desire to form a more coherent agenda was evident around the 13th day of the occupation, with sentiment in the encampment generally split along two lines: those who want to draft focused demands about the unequal distribution of wealth in the United States; and those who want the protest to remain amorphous and to grow through spectacle.
No, I don't know what "grow through spectacle" means either.
I figured, if Ann is so full throatedly condemning Knox, this argues powerfully that there is not much of a case against her.
That's because you're an ass. But anyone who gets their facts from Kos and the DU wouldn't know what I'm talking about.
Coulter based her article on the 400-plus page report released by the Italian court in December 2009detailing the mountains of evidence that led the judges and jury to conclude that Knox, along with her Italian beau, Raffaele Sollecito, and a petty thief of her acquaintance, Rudy Guede, had murdered Knox's English roommate, Meredith Kercher, on the evening of Nov. 1, 2007.
The musings of a former FBI agent hired by the defense are interesting but hardly definitive. I bet he always agrees with the defense when the check clears. But that is only my speculation.
I didn't think she was either very hot or very guilty. Just a nice Seattle woman. I hope her life from now on will go better.
Ahhh, Darrell, Darrell, Darrell. Darrell.
But honestly. Do you really believe the only people who do not think Coulter credible are asses, Kos and DU readers, or other alleged "leftist" idealogues? Awwwww. That's kind of cute.
It is pretty clear to most legal experts [as well as the jury that just reversed the ruling!] that the evidence was not strong enough to convict Knox in the first place. If it was she would not have been set free upon appeal. The only reason Coulter takes the approach that she does to this case is because a good many people felt sorry for Knox and felt empathy for her because she is an attractive young woman. To Coulter that is a 'liberal' weekness. [Only liberals feel empathy for cute things...or something like that].
The only thing I might agree with Coulter about is that the news coverage was overdone as a result of Knox's youth and attractive looks. Just yesterday an African American man's 17 year sentence was overturned. Was the court packed with media awaiting his appeal? Nope.
@MarkW, my wife has a copy of Monster of Florence, and the first thing she said when Amanda Knox was first arrested was that the grandstanding prosecutor would make a case out of thin air if need be in order to get a conviction.
"Innocent until proven guilty" is an American concept, not necessarily the way things are in allegedly civilized countries outside the US borders.
Frankly, I wouldn't have convicted a dog of chasing a cat based on the evidence provided by the Italian prosecutor.
Demand 11 is jubilee.
There's something very medieval in the whole farce: The hatred of bankers; the demonization of usury. Thank goodness our bankers are a polyglot sort and not representative of a particular ethnic group.
Your irrational hatred of Coulter is the dead giveaway.
Perhaps you'd like to detail all her errors over the years.
But carry on anyway. Just ignore the trifles like Perry being a Democrat, like his father, when that offensive rock was on leased property he used for hunting. That reflects well on your credibility.
Posted 8 days ago on their website
This is who these fruitcakes are. That's the mindset of enough of them that they don't ever consider telling one of their, um, more exuberant types to call the fack down.
Or they are all the, um, more exuberant type.
harrogate said...
also firmly entrenched in sillyland, edutcher writes (in reference to the claim that the Wall Street investment class is composed of blights of human skin):
Another Roseanne Barr, it would seem. Since he supports the useless idiots in Gotham, he must be projecting straight from the sillyland he mentions.
"Just like the people they funded for the last 20 years - the Democrat Party."
What, that's supposed to be some sort of zinger, or something?? OF COURSE they largely fund the Democrats. They largely fund both major parties. That's the point.
No, dear, they've favored the Demos over the last 20 years by a wide margin. The class warriors harrogate loves couldn't exist without the Capitalist Bosses and their Wall Street Lackeys.
(that is the way in reads in the manual, isn't it?)
That's why there should be ten
times the amount of protesting going on, than there already is.
Yes, but there aren't.
The useless idiots "Taking over New York" are freezing their small brains out in the rain for the likes of George Soros.
Everybody else has better sense.
That's also proof of the clinical stoopidity of people who argue that politicians like Kerry and Obama, and Democratic politicians in general, are "leftists" or "Marxists," or some such rot.
Of course not; only if they start the purges tomorrow do they really become true "leftists" or "Marxists".
And he spells and punctuates as well as the morons protesting in the Big Apple, too.
Ann Coulter laid out the case nicely.
Ann Coulter shot from the hip after spending about five minutes 'connecting the dots' in a way that made sense and appealed to her, and that fit in with an easy point-scoring article she had in mind.
To willfully condemn a fellow human being based on nothing but tabloid testimony so as to craft what she apparently was an easy, political-point-scoring article is shameful.
I'll never read a word of hers again that doesn't include an apology for this. Not that I've read anything of hers in years anyways.
Ms. Sue:
Oh my goodness.
Please accept my sincere & humble apologies.
ricpic said...
Time may be intolerant in a week to a beautiful physique, to quote Auden, but, lucky for Knox, we humans worship beauty and forgive it much, perhaps in this case all.
10/3/11 4:04 PM
"forgive it much?" i'm outing ripic as Al Sharpton. A 'political actor' if you get my drift.
Darrell, did Nancy Drew Coulter have an explanation for the two pounds of DNA evidence that the petty thief they should have arrested left in the crapper?
Did he drop a deuce in there as part of a Satanic ritual?
If you read anything about this case, it becomes obvious that the confession was coerced from a very young and naive woman in a foreign country where she barely knew the language. She thought she was dealing with rational people in the legal system and it turned out she was dealing with some sort of backwoods Italian hill folk.
Read Coulter's column after some people mentioned it.
It looks like Knox, the Italian, and the African are all guilty.
Conservatives do have a bias that they believe any Amurrikan convicted and imprisoned abroad must be innocent - because all other countries lack our Constitution, the Sacred Parchment of perfect justice.
They tribally rally to Amanda Knox like blacks tribally rally to any black that kills a white cop.
Keep in mind when her roomates body was found - beaten, stabbed, throat slashed, Knox explained away her highly suspicious behavior by fist saying she wasn't even calls cops had showed she was...then confessing that she was there the whole time of the murder but a black guy who owned a bar they frequented did it, gave details only someone there knew - and she was "too scared to call police".
The black bar owner was released after about 100 eyewitnesses said he was at his bar the whole night.
Then the woman's DNA was found on blood traces on Knox and her Italian nere-do-well boyfriend'sclothes at the boyfriend's apartment.
Here's another list o'demands:
1. Re-instate Glass Steagall regulations and separate the functions of Banks and Brokerages Houses once again.
2. Repeal Citizens United and go back to "Do you wish to contribute $20 of your Federal Income Tax to campaign finance?" instead of letting Corporations and possibly foreign powers buy our government.
3. Prosecute the Conservative members of the Supreme Court who have violated their oath to the people by serving the Corporatist Conspiracy when they passed "Citizens United".
4. Tax the wealthy at a reasonable rate and tax the large corporations that have paid zero taxes in the last decade.
5. End enormous taxpayer financed subsidies for oil companies that have made record profits in the last 10 years.
6. Pass the Jobs Act and vote the Tea Party terrorists out.
7. Prosecute anyone who signed Grover Norquist's pledge for treason. These Representatives were sworn to serve the American People, not the rich and corporations.
...and yet another, in the comments of the above:
1. Corporate Personhood. [Against it, I suppose.]
2. Caste Warfare; they started it.
3. Its legal to lie to the USA public. Against that too, I guess.]
4. They are OUR airwaves. They should be used for WETHEPEOPLE not leased by the government to corporations. Put Local colleges in charge of all the media. Arrest and seize all mass media devices and then give those devices straight out to the local colleges, including the land they sit on. We need education public media; not legalized lying and propaganda wars against the people.
5. Education reform. Everyones being kept stupid and ignorant on purpose in school and repugnicons want to argue about how to pay or punish teachers. We need child centered education reform, not a con scam to privatize education and thus score all our children for corporate zombotification.
6. Free market system. Not slave market system. Not caste market system. Not Caste warfare market system. Not rigged Casino. Not making something off of nothing and making bubbles to grease a gravy train either. Free market system. We must have one of those. Its time to have one of those. We have NEVER YET had one of those.
7. Realistic regulation of the government to regulate and control corporations so that what they do is fair and just and ethical and under control instead of a parade of unleashed godzillas turning the masses into to toe jam.
8. Real and direct representation, including no more lobbying, and including an evolutionary use of the internet with organized forums and wikis replacing the old style of congressional/ mayoral office.
Goodness, isn't there a way we can short-cut this please?
When the OJ verdict came down, I just knew he was guilty. A Haitian colleague down the hall from me let out squeals of delight when the verdict was read. But nowadays, blacks and whites, I think, are united in their belief that OJ killed his wife.
So do I have this right? This young woman initially said she was not at the house when her roommate was murdered. Then she said she was. ? Why doesn't that throw up red flags for everyone?
Who killed Meredith Kercher? And if Amanda Knox heard screams, why did she not do anything?
Why was the verdict overturned? Technical reasons like mishandling of evidence? That is serious, but I haven't seen anyone make the case connecting the technicalities to the false conviction. It seems a side issue.
Why was the verdict overturned?
If you ask first questions about the case here and/or form an opinion based on an Ann Coulter column, you're not even remotely equipped to think this case through.
If you're honestly interested, go do some homework. Plenty of good sites out there covering all sides. Don't just stop and form an opinion at the first one that shocks your sensibilities this way or that. Go deeper.
HT: " Then she said she was..."
Yeah, after a hostile 12 hour interrogation in Italian, which she'd been studying for 8 weeks. After being denied water and slapped in the back of the head, and encouraged to imagine what she might have seen had she been there, this 18 year old girl became confused and signed a confession (in Italian) that she recanted the next day.
I guess that's a slam dunk for Cedarford, Darrell, and Ann Coulter.
Did I mention that the prosecution thought that the motive was Satanic ritual? And that this was the second case in a short period with this same b-movie implausible motive?
Who killed her? I don't know; I suppose it could be the petty thief who raped her and left a pile of shit in the toilet. But that theory of the crime is pretty "out there," I know. It's just tribalism is all. It completely ignores all the evidence for a black mass human sacrifice orgy.
I hope I never look up from the defendant's chair to the jury box and see the mental-giant trifecta of C-fud, Darrell, and Ann Coulter.
Ann Coulter has a Nancy Grace quality to her.
The trial was completely screwed up as was the investigation. So we have no idea who did it. I think it is unlikely it was Knox (although it is possible) but to convict on this evidence?
Only in Coulter's world.
Go back to Presidential Chubby Chasing.
PatCA said...
. . . I always believed she was innocent--young girls do not commit murder in that horrible way.
We've missed you, Pat, and your incisive social observations.
Charlie Manson needs a new pen pal. Would you volunteer?
Lindy Chamberlain: The dingoes got my roommate!
Constable: No signore that is the Snookie.
(A Cry in the Jersey Shore, 2011)
My downward facing dog is fab Fred.
I was even complemented tonight while performing it...hee hee.
Lot's of hot girls there tonight with bras on. I saw a tit fall out and sweating during a pose.
The bitch kept us in downward facing dog for 10 fucking minutes tonight. I was a mess but my arms are beautiful and toned because of it.
Lots of hot liberal Jewish women in the class tonight.
Boston is loaded with the Jews. Why is Boston a jew destination?
Lot's of hot girls there tonight with bras on. I saw a tit fall out and sweating during a pose
I need to find out where the rich people do yoga. The young women in my classes are chubby, awkward, and have tattoos. The instructor is usually the only hot one. Fortunately, staring at her is acceptable.
Titus said......
Boston is loaded with the Jews. Why is Boston a jew destination?
Because Cedarford doesn't go there?
Well, I just read John Hinderaker's discussion of the Knox case on Powerline. My neutrality on the case is over, and my apologies for being skeptical about those celebrating Knox's release. I suggest reading Mr. Hinderaker's evaluation. It is quite persuasive.
This wasn't a rich person's Yoga Class. It was in Somerville, which is the new hip hood in the Boston area.
I live on the border of Somerville and Cambridge which is white hot. You can get a studio for maybe 2000.00.
The girls were young. Not rich, some students, all hot, definitely Jewish.
I was the oldest person in the class. Sigh.
I'm almost always the oldest person in class. Nevertheless, I enjoy deluding myself that the ladies are "checking me out."
In addition to the sheer unicorn-far lunacy of this:
"Demand five: Begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand."
... I'm also enjoying the cognitive dissonance between #5 and #6:
"Demand six: One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now."
"Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America's nuclear power plants."
Yowza; if they're successful at #7 they can definitely leave expanding the power grid off of #6, not going to be enough electricity left to go around.
Kids are so cute with their wacky clothes, haircuts, music, and protest demands.
I'm just glad Amanda can come home. I hope she doesn't kill any more people, though, that is, if she did kill someone. She looks nice. Why should she kill people? Of course Jeff Davis looks pretty nice. He got all kinds of people killed with that Confederacy thing.
Oh, David, I am so ashamed of the stupidity that I uttered!
To be incisive: you're a jerk.
I have seen pictures of Amanda wearing a hooded black cape while entering the courtroom. This is the uniform of witches. Did she choose this garment or did the prison officials make her wear it? Odd choice of garments for someone accused of satanic practices.....At my gymn there is some kind of aerobic ballet class in one of the studios. I don't participate but I walk by to discreetly ogle. (Cameltoe only happens to the vigilant.) The girls have such a look of concentration on their faces. They're not there just for fitness but to create beauty. I think the girls in the ballet workout are cuter than the ones in the aerobic class. The yoga poses are suggestive, but the endless farting subverts the sensuality.
Titus, good to hear about your yoga. My wife and I watched Vidal Sassoon on Netflix. Interesting documentary. He is very into yoga and for a guy in his eighties he is pretty limber.
I bet Sassoon would cut Amanda's hair.
Pastafarian, you need to correct what you wrote about her age.
I didn't follow this early enough to understand the varying claims. Recent reports summarize the issues as "discrepancies in DNA" or similar euphemism, which doesn't help you form an opinion. But what struck me is how different and strong the opinions are when it seems neither side seems to be making a case.
You seem to think that only one person can be charged with any particular murder. What if another person helped set it up or facilitated it? What if you tried to participate in a cover-up, including a fictitious robbery? What if you told police you knew who the murderer was and identified that person and it all turned out to be a lie? The Italian police believed that they had evidence showing that she participated in the actual murder. But even if she only participated in the other elements of the crime, would she deserve to serve considerable time as punishment for her part in the murder? Hmmm? What happened to the concept of being an accessory before and after the fact? A co-conspirator?
Save your compassion for someone who deserves it.
I didn't follow this early enough to understand the varying claims.
I think the other side is claiming that she was a whore. And she's hot. And she had suspicious eyes. Also, she was an American. Which as we all know is bad news. And, also, Satan.
But what struck me is how different and strong the opinions are when it seems neither side seems to be making a case.
Well, speaking for my side, I would just to reiterate our opinion that there should be some evidence before you convict somebody for murder. Overwhelming evidence would be nice. But if you can't find any overwhelming evidence, I would at least like to hear some evidence. Some scrap, some shred of proof, so I can nod my head and sleep at night.
The one conviction they got was [also] based on a hypothetical: Knox was asked by the Italian police - after 53 hours of continuous, sleepless interrogation - to hypothesize about how the murder might have been committed. And her hypothetical answer represented the entirety of the defamation conviction.
Finally, imagine Jeff Ashton on steroids - and you have Knox prosecutor Giuliano Mignini, a deluded, congenital liar not seen since the Spanish Inquisition.
For those people who have read the New York Times, and feel like they have all the news that is fit to print, I would suggest reading The Guardian instead. They sum up the case for innocence pretty thoroughly. It's a damning summary of events.
As for Kercher's DNA that was supposedly found on the knife, testing revealed it was not actually human DNA but a speck of flour and starch that likely came from rye bread.
Holy fuck.
HT, I stand corrected, she was 20 at the time of the murder, not 18.
That is a huge fucking difference right there. Boy howdy.
And yes, Darrell, you're probably right -- she and the petty thief that actually raped and murdered this woman were probably part of the same coven.
They sacrificed her to their dark lord, Satan.
...were probably part of the same coven.
Very effective-- attacking words I never said. What's that tactic called again?
"Saint Croix said...
Well, speaking for my side, I would just to reiterate our opinion that there should be some evidence before you convict somebody for murder. "
Well, let's note a few reported facts I've seen that no one exonerating her has discussed:
She was found at the crime scene by police having made no effort to contact them.
She lied to police that she spent the entire previous night with her codefendant when in fact she left sometime in the night.
Your beliefs are why no one should ever believe anyone who says there is no evidence. You prefer to pretend there isn't any rather than deal honestly with what does exist, so how can anyone trust you're not leaving something else out?
She was found at the crime scene by police having made no effort to contact them.
Her boyfriend called the police.
She lied to police
This would be the police that kept her up for 53 hours and asked her to imagine who could have killed her roommate? And then charged her with defamation? Which apparently is a crime in the backwards hellhole formerly known as Italy?
Entrap much?
she (said she) spent the entire previous night with her codefendant when in fact she left sometime in the night.
Cause she went for cigarettes? Walked the dog? Ran out of condoms?
Why don't you click on the "holy fuck" link and explain to me why you believe anything that prosecutor has to say about anything. I mean, maybe it was an accident that they confused flour and starch with human DNA, and it just happened to be the human DNA of the murder victim in the case they're prosecuting.
Or, another possibility, the prosecuter is a deranged and dangerous fuckwit who is totally cool with perjury, entrapment, and framing innocent people.
He is facing criminal prosecution for his misconduct, by the way.
But I'm sure the ends justify the means. After all, we wouldn't want Satanic American witches to get away with leaving their boyfriend's apartment at night.
"Why don't you click on the "holy fuck" link and explain to me why you believe anything that prosecutor has to say about anything."
If you think the fact that one person is nuts means Knox must be innocent it explains why you have such extreme views.
It's bizarre the way you rationalize. The problem with Knox's action wasn't that she left her codefendant's house, it's that she lied to police in order to give herself an alibi. When you find yourself constantly shading the evidence you should ask yourself why.
I wonder why the dead girl's family still believes Knox was guilty. Are they satanic pursuing nuts too?
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