“And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party. And you know, there is only one way to beat and win that war. The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what? They’ve got a war, they got a war with us and there’s only going to be one winner. It’s going to be the workers of Michigan, and America. We’re going to win that war... President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march… Everybody here’s got a vote... Let’s take these sons of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong."
Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa, trying perhaps to sound feisty and combative, goes way too far. "Let's take these son of bitches out"? That connotes murder. Whatever happened to the civility Obama talked about last January? Obama took the stage after Hoffa and expressed approval!
I realize "let's take these sons of bitches out" can be interpreted to mean let's vote these terrible people out of office. But "take them out" is not an idiomatic expression that corresponds to "vote them out." Take them out? Maybe that's not the phrase he intended to use, but if it was unintended, it was still a gaffe. A revealing gaffe. Unless you're speaking in a positive way — referring to taking someone out on a date, for example — "take them out" is a violent command. With "sons of bitches" right there, it's unmistakably violent. Now, you can say it's only metaphorical, and all Hoffa really wants is to oust these people from office.
But it was only last January that Obama and many other Democrats were saying that violent metaphors, including a simple target on a map, were dangerous incitements for the unstable irrational folk out there.
UPDATE: On reflection, I'm more concerned about something else Hoffa said.
११७ टिप्पण्या:
That he said he was proud after saying what he did in January should surprise no one. To use a somewhat cliched quip about POTUS, everything he said comes with an expiration date.
Can't wait until Carney tries to spin this one tomorrow. Who wants to bet it will be a football metaphor? As in, your job during this play is to get in that linebacker's face and take him out. Sure, in football, it's understood that means take the linebacker out of the play for 4.5 seconds or so.
When dealing with a Hoffa? Not so much...
Silly. It's not violent rhetoric if the speaker is a Democrat.
Ahh yes... more of that vaunted civility on display, that we hear so much about.
As Saul Alinsky directed, hold them to their own standard.
Cue the whine fest.
"Take them out" only connotes murder in limited circumstances. Everywhere else it idiomatically means "defeat". Your averge fifth grader understands this. Is it worth the risk of appearing foolish to play the game of holding your political opponents to their own rules?
What is the percentage of union members in the private sector? 6.9%. I don't see anyone other than union leaders (and foolish grad students in Wisconsin) who want a war, but if they start one, they're going to lose very, very badly.
This is just the beginning. What you heard or read today is the appetizer. The fun begins tomorrow. The entire POTUS Obama team (consultants, operatives, bundlers, reporters) are motivated to defeat the GOP. There is no place to hide. The Thursday speech will be a grand slam: World Series, Game 7, bottom of ninth inning....
Yes, of course, because people in the Tea Party don't work.
My husband went to work today, and we were grateful.
At least he has a job.
This is different. Hoffa was speaking to an assembly of sensitive, nonviolent types who who never consider harming another human being, unlike those crazy teabaggers. If you can't trust the Teamsters to behave themselvesves, who can you trust?
The interpretation that the sob's were only elected officials is a charitable interpretation of Hoffa's words. In context, they seemed to refer to the tea party as a whole.
Also today, Biden called his political opponents the "barbarians" at the gate, and that he and the unions need to "fight, fight, fight."
Liberal politicians are sloppy with this kind of stuff because they have always gotten away with saying pretty much anything. That may be changing.
This actually is a great opportunity for Obama, but he probably will not have the guts or wisdom to take advantage of it. He should make a big deal out of taking issue with comments first thing tomorrow.
The Democrats have been viciously and unfairly attacking the Tea Party for over two years. It was a calculated campaign to discredit them, because liberals saw they were a threat and knew the MSM would try ot help them. It was a shameful effort to defame millions of Americans. Fortunately, it failed.
Remember when POTUS said that he wanted a civilian force as well armed and trained as the standing military. Hoffa for Generalissimo!!!! But would he have to give up his 6 figure salary?
"Everywhere else it [take them out] idiomatically means "defeat"."
I don't think it does. I think that it can, but generally "take 'em out" is way way more explicitly violent than, oh, "target" is.
Though even the term "campaign" is a specific military term and we use "fight" sorts of rhetoric all the time in politics. "Take them out" is only really interesting because of the (drumroll please) hypocrisy of it all.
I always get a laugh out of the union slugs who start off saying, "I'm a working man", as if you don't work unless you're in a union - a condition many of them would like to see. If this is an America where they don't belong, it's because they sold their souls to the Democrats.
This is a direct threat to anyone who opposes the Democrat agenda, including their handmaidens in the unions. Think Kenneth Gladney.
Not to mention a special couple who needs to watch each other's six.
"Take them out" spoken by a Teamster official of Italian descent does not mean vote them out.
Jimmy better be careful; he doesn't want to end up like his father.
(Anyone who claims that's a threat rather than just good advice is a whiner or unable to comprehend things on a fifth-grade level.)
This violates my personal space bubble.
"Sons of bitches" is despicable coming from the mouth of a union lesder in a public setting, especially before the President of the United States.
Bookmark this and send it to your Democrat friends the next time they decry the lack of civility on the right.
My husband went to work today, and we were grateful.
I'm working tonight. Lots to do.
Oh please, Hoffa knew what he was saying, just as Andre Carson intended to accuse Tea Party people of wanting to lynch all black people and Maxine Waters wanting TP to go to hell.
These are desperate leftists who will say and do anything to push America past the tipping point of Obama's promised "transformation." If it means thuggery, demonization and threats of race riots to get people to re-elect Obama, so be it. What Hoffa and Biden said to today is ugly, but you ain't seen nothing yet.
garage mahal, stop abusing babies.
You still smarting from me pasting your comments, Meade?
"In short," the [9/11 Comission] report added, "while leaders believed the fighters circling above them had been instructed to 'take out' hostile aircraft, the only orders actually conveyed to the Langley pilots were to 'ID type and tail.'"
Labor leaders are thugs. Most people in unions hate their leaders!
Most people who work in post offices across the USA think their managers are DOGS. And, worse than dogs! Lucky political appointees.
What did labor unions once provide? Safe jobs. Then what happened? Well, if you guess that the jobs departed and went overseas, your answer would be right.
How'd the jobs get there?
We built the port to deliver our military hardware. And, over there we used cranes. Here? On the waterfront were union jobs. Holding back the technology. As ships came back empty.
Somebody figured out how to fill those ships with merchandise. And, how to bypass waterfronts run by the mafia.
America has a very long shoreline ... both sides.
And, we also had states that gave corporations tax advantages to move south. Then? Workers found they were working in better climates. And, still their jobs went offshore.
What you see? Only what's left of labor. Basically, it's what failure looks like, when idiots run organizations. And, they run them, aground.
Chase said...
"Sons of bitches" is despicable coming from the mouth of a union lesder in a public setting, especially before the President of the United States.
Bookmark this and send it to your Democrat friends the next time they decry the lack of civility on the right.
Where, O!, where are Alpha, Freder, and franglo?
I listened to the SOB statement in full context, and I was wrong above in saying Hoffa was referring to the entire Tea Party. I think it is pretty clear he is referring to taking out opponents in elections.
I think it's only going to get uglier.
Much uglier.
It's time to take Jimmy Hoffa out.
What's hilarious is that this is the best Media Matters can do to spin the line. Weak. Of course context is important and can fundamentally change the meaning of a remark, but for the reasons Althouse's post notes, this doesn't.
So again, let's be clear: We oughta take Jimmy Hoffa out. I'm sure he's perfectly comfortable at the idea of a whole legion of people out to take him out. Nope, no connotation of violence there.
What did labor unions once provide? Safe jobs. Then what happened? Well, if you guess that the jobs departed and went overseas, your answer would be right.
Now overseas companies are coming here for cheap labor without the worry of pesky labor unions that are provided for workers in their own countries. See IKEA, Verizon, BMW.
Synova said...
"Yes, of course, because people in the Tea Party don't work."
It's funny, all the people I met in the professional left in Britain, all the people who were for the workers, not one of them had done an honest day's work in their lives. They weren't aware of the irony, and I'm sure big labor isn't either. There are a lot of union workers who work very hard, and who are very skilled. And then there's parasites like Hoffa.
I mean, we have to understand that labor is a commodity, and the purpose of unions is to create an artificial scarcity in the market for that commodity in order to benefit a monopoly provider. In the argot, they're cartelizations of the labor market. And we have laws against that, as it happens; perhaps President Perry should file suit against every labor union in the country as a violation of section one?
The Tea Party Express joined the conservative clamor against Hoffa's speech, and called on Obama to condemn it. Spokesperson Levi Russell said Hoffa's rhetoric was meaningless in the current politics of the country.
"Jimmy Hoffa is a has-been relic stuck in a former era. His idea of freedom and liberty involves forcibly extorting union dues from their membership, and applying them to whichever crooked politician has his hand out," Russell told TPM. "These big union thugs are on the wrong side of history, which is why they lose every time they try to attack We the People."
It was only last January that Obama and many other Democrats were saying that violent metaphors, including a simple target on a map, were dangerous incitements for the unstable irrational folk out there.
I know it's a tactic to use against them but, otherwise, I don't know why anybody pays attention to what they say - they never mean it. The call for civility was really a call for conservatives to shut up, so why keep going back to it? They knew metaphors aren't incitement - they were just playing an angle - so why keep acting like there's any validity to it? I get sick of this show where some unreal bullshit is treated as though it's got substance and we all have to start tippy-toeing around because they laid down some bogus rule they don't follow themselves.
It's bullshit.
I should say not coming here, but not affording the same wages/benefits or the ability to unionize they provide in their countries of origin.
And seriously Simon? WTH. No problem with Fox deliberately doctoring the video? It wasn't a matter of providing context. They dishonestly hacked it up.
The Tea Party is not the enemy. What dumbfucks these people are.
The one thing Hoffa and his colleagues in the labor movement could do to instantly increase the wages and employment of American workers would be to press for the enforcement of our many, many laws against working w/o a valid SS and to lobby for a reduction in H1B1 visas.
Fat chance of that happening.
@garage: "Now overseas companies are coming here for cheap labor without the worry of pesky labor unions that are provided for workers in their own countries. See IKEA, Verizon, BMW."
And this is a bad thing.... how?
I guess it Depends on what the meaning of the word is is all over again.
Just signed up to help with what we can with the local Tea Party - just my way of telling Hoffa and the rest of those "wanting to take us out" a simple "what Jane Fonda wanted to do" to Che Guevara.
garage mahal said...
"And seriously Simon? WTH. No problem with Fox deliberately doctoring the video? It wasn't a matter of providing context. They dishonestly hacked it up."
They do that, but this wasn't such an occasion. The line that was omitted did not change the meaning of Hoffa's words, and news routinely omits language from quotes when it's irrelevant to the point. Here, the omitted line changes nothing for the reason that Althouse mentioned: With or without the preface line, "'take them out' is not an idiomatic expression that corresponds to 'vote them out.'" It has an entirely different meaning. If Hoffa is comfortable with people demanding that he be taken out, he'll be in a good position to cry foul, but he's not stupid. He knows what it means. The ambiguity was intentional.
My proposal for the official Tea Party song:
How in the world can you possibly say that? Fox omitted the part of Hoffa's speech saying "Everybody here's got to vote. If we go back and keep the eye on the prize". They chopped that off and spliced it together.
It's pure partisan hackery to whip up controversy where none exists, otherwise they wouldn't feel the need to do it in the first place. I could see it if they omitted sentences before or after for time purposes, or whatever.
Hoffa's message to all tea party business owners is don't ship nor except any shipments from Yellow/Roadway, ABS or any other Teamster dominated carrier because they don't want any tea party business. Use non-union Federal Express or Conway instead. No problem Jimmy! Consider it done. We can "punch back twice as hard" by boycotting teamster controlled trucking companies. In the case of Teamster controlled Yellow/Roadway who is struggling to stay out of bankruptcy it won't take much to knock them out. I will also be looking for the "union label" when I shop and if by chance I find one I'll place it back on the shelve. I'm sure no upstanding union worker would want a tea partier buying anything they made.
Aaaaaaand, looks like mission accomplished.
Simon said...
I mean, we have to understand that labor is a commodity, and the purpose of unions is to create an artificial scarcity in the market for that commodity in order to benefit a monopoly provider
Only in in the Patron System, slavery, and serfdom is the "local labor" considered a commodity akin to bananas, the Czar's beet crop, the local coal mines or timber resources.
In other systems, labor is a factor of production.
Unions are not responsible for America's recent, rapid decline as a nation that has good jobs, creates wealth, produces things. And has enough wealth generated by it's workforce to pay for things for the common good - and not bankrupt itself in debt when only 20% of the workers remain in good jobs to prop it all up.
Unions helped create the middle class and decent wages.
What is undermining it is the push under Globalism and Free Trade to add a 4th economic system besides the slavery, serfdom, and banana republic patron system where workers are just global commodities.
Where the lowest cost labor bidder can have full access to any nation's internal markets.
It is not sustainable in America. We will soon have to emplace tariffs, protect our domestic markets.
(PS - there is little difference between unions and other workers groups that form to protect their sort of workers - the AMA, the Bar Association, the "credentialled classes, gas station chain owners that only employ fellow Pakistanis here. And all seek to create barriers to entry and regulate supply.)
It's ironic to see today's labor leaders. Most of them have never had a real job.
Examples include Jimmy Hoffa Jr and Wendell Young III [a Philly-area union leader].
They are nothing but the sons [union scions] of former union bosses and prime examples of union nepotism.
And the country is run by people who have never really worked in the private sector. People like Obama, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Russ Feingold, Gov. Perry, etc.
Garage -- Why wouldn't companies in countries with even more goofy and stifling labor regulations seek labor in the United States? They would, naturally, in an elastic world where labor prices are constantly changing.
Your utter inability to understand any economics whatsoever has always troubled me. Tell me, though: do you keep yourself willfully ignorant or are you really, truly unable to understand the very basics of economics?
Not that any of this matters, as labor as a movement is dead, even in Wisconsin. Thanks to what democracy looks like. Sweet dreams.
When did Hoffa become the head of AFSCME?
Unions may thrive and grow again someday but to do so they need a new type of leader with new ideas.
Is it worth the risk of appearing foolish to play the game of holding your political opponents to their own rules?
Why not? Obama Party members do this all the time and never appear foolish to you, triangle.
Isn't it interesting how Obama Party members scream and cry whenever their own rules are enforced against them? Why, it's almost as if the little brats never expected to have to abide by their own idiocies. Just like how their "Tax Me More" billionaire Buffett is a tax-dodger and tax cheat.
In the modern era we don't have "workers" anymore. We have featherbedders (most of public and private unions) and we have producers (everybody else).
Hoffa should know about murder.
"Now overseas companies are coming here for cheap labor without the worry of pesky labor unions that are provided for workers in their own countries. See IKEA, Verizon, BMW."
Jobs for us. USA! USA! Seriously, garage? You want to give us this as if it's a bad thing? You'd rather the workers in the US were unemployed than making BMW's? Giving someone a job is anti-labor?
Sort of like US companies moving to South Carolina to employ bunches of people who want to work and then getting held up by our government. See, if a company goes under because of expensive labor, that's the preferred outcome. Businesses are the enemy and if they go under then it's a win?
Please 'splain, cuz it's obviously too complicated for my blondness.
Teke them out in Jimmy Hoffa's lexicon means "fit them with some cement overshoes".
Eh, it'll be news when union reps DON'T act like thugs.
That Hoffa is a real chip off the old block, isn't he?
I actually saw Hoffa's "speech" on Tapper's ABC news tonight. ABC is the only mildly honest MSM.
Jimmy Hoffa's STILL president of the Teamsters?
Wow! I remember him when I was a kid.
garage mahal said...
WTH. No problem with Fox deliberately doctoring the video? It wasn't a matter of providing context. They dishonestly hacked it up.
Let's grant for the purpose of argument that you're right about Fox editing this unfairly. It's no more dishonest or partisan than what's done to those on the right or Republicans on literally everything they "quote" by CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, NPR, PBS, CurrentTV (whatever the hell that is), the NY Times, WaPo, LA Times, NewSpeak, Time, the AP (especially the AP), Reuters, et al, etc, ad nauseum.
I can recall vividly how every broadcast "news" organization and dying fishwrap pushed the outright lie that Limbaugh said he "wants America to fail" crap by ripping his remarks totally out of context, and that's only one example out of many thousands.
Fox is far and away outnumbered in reach and viewership ship by the rest of the leftlings in the Lewinskyite media. But you never see that, do you, because of those ideological blinders?
Your whole leftist religion now hangs on completely "taking out" Fox, talk radio, and controlling the internet. If you fail to do that, they will help this moderate/conservative majority nation understand what despicable propaganda the public has been fed for many decades.
SQUADRISMO rears its ugly head in America
As an extreme example, Ahitler might have used a "take them out" analogy, but his managers certainly knew how to implement it.
Similarly, B0 may talk about more jobs, but his managers at the NLRB, DOE, EPA, SEC, etc. are laying down so many new rules that businesses are afraid to hire.
Detroit, with some 254 shootings and 52 dead also has a 24 percent high-school-graduation rate, 49 percent adult illiteracy, 30 percent male incarceration rates, and 47 percent black teen unemployment.
What a grand success to serve as a backdrop for inspiring violence!
" Let’s take these sons of bitches out"
I think this is an attempt to increase understanding and dialog. He is telling union workers to ask tea partiers to go out on a date with them.
The fact that the tea partiers are getting so outraged is just further proof that they are hate filled bitter clingers.
Sharia law is next.
Richard Epstein econtalk.org podcast on why there are no jobs.
If Obama wants a pointer.
"'Sons of bitches' is despicable coming from the mouth of a union lesder in a public setting...."
The truth often sounds despicable to those not disposed to hear it.
garage, you're always against everything in your posts, so it's up to us to infer what you stand for. I would infer that you condone what Hoffa said and the militaristic tone with which he said it, and you're against foreign companies setting up non-union shops in the US and hiring US workers. When you follow these positions to logical ends can't you see how guys like Joe Stalin happen?
Please, enlighten me as to what you stand for, cuz in all your posts you only throw molitov cocktails at the right. The next time you actually champion a defensible liberal position will be the first time.
The truth often sounds despicable to those not disposed to hear it.
That does it, Kookie!
You dumb fuck, if you hate the Tea Party that much, it has to be the answer.
I'm attending a Tea Party meeting soon.
Any others you hate? You're the perfect reverse barometer.
And wasn't the execrable garbage the most vocal, lo! so many months ago, of those condemning the Tea Party and Sarah Palin for egging on the massacre in Arizona?
How times have changed!
Robert Cook posted
"'Sons of bitches' is despicable coming from the mouth of a union lesder in a public setting...."
The truth often sounds despicable to those not disposed to hear it."
Truth? More like the deranged verbal vomiting of a bona fide thug speaking his own 'truth' about how he personally feels about most Americans, i.e. non-union working citizens. As if union membership affords one a higher place on the human food chain. Au contraire!!!
I guarantee you Cookie, if you meet this guy and don't spout the union line, the knuckle sandwich you receive will definitely speak truth...be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.
This administration set the civility tone from the start.
"President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. Let's take these son of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong," Hoffa added.
Small business losers, jimmy-jobbers, tweek cooks, pimps, perps, etc hate unionists. That describes the Smurfhouse ideology.
I loathe Jimmy Hoffa. Before Law School, I worked at a Golf Course in Ypsilanti, MI and we had a group of MI Democratic party leaders come to the course for a small outing. I carried Hoffa's golf bag and the asshole neither gave me a tip nor thanked me. So much for supporting the working man.
The Left and Big Labor are done. They've had their way everywhere from MA to Michigan to California, and every where they've gone, they've been defeated or their policies have led to massive debt and political corruption. Their last hope is to use violence to cling to power, so they're desperate to get some going. Doesn't matter, the facts don't lie. Leftism is a failed and hateful philosophy, already rejected by thinking Americans, it has no future.
garage mahal said...
"Simon, [h]ow in the world can you possibly say that? Fox omitted the part of Hoffa's speech saying 'Everybody here's got to vote. If we go back and keep the eye on the prize'. They chopped that off and spliced it together."
Right. And that argument might work somewhere else. But for purposes of Althouse's analysis—which I join—that line isn't critical. Even if you view the quote in its full context, it's problematic.
Cedarford said...
"Only in in the Patron System, slavery, and serfdom is the 'local labor' considered a commodity akin to bananas, the Czar's beet crop, the local coal mines or timber resources. ¶ In other systems, labor is a factor of production."
Flour is flour whether you're baking cookies or cakes, and labor is a commodity whether you like it or not. ("Labor," that is, not as a euphemism for "workers, but the good provided by laborers and purchased by employers.)
I'm sure the union victories in Wisconsin have inspired them.
Meanwhile, Biden tells the barbarians at the gate that they are "the only folks keeping the barbarians from the gates.
He says they're the only non-governmental power, and I can certainly believe that he and his boss work every day to make that true. We need to take those jack-offs out.* Through the ballot box of course. We need to take them out.*
*Hoffa-approved euphemism; violence is not implied.
Context only matters when Democrats are talking. Because they're all nuanced and shit.
Small business losers, jimmy-jobbers, tweek cooks, pimps, perps, etc hate unionists. That describes the Smurfhouse ideology.
J, you've become so incoherent that I can't even find a handle here for ridiculing you.
Take another hit on the pipe. Yank on your dick.
Focus! Focus!
Why does anyone bother feeding the Garbage troll?
The internet is perfect for him. He probably had the snot kicked out of him in Jr. HS because he was an obnoxious twerp.
Who wudda thunk he'd be a Democrat troll as an adult? I am making a big leap in assuming you are an adult, Garage.
Feel better now, little J?
Take another hit.
Vomit out another barrage of bile.
I'm only trying to help.
You wouldn't say "little" were I to show up in yr trailer park, Shouting Harley queer--yd be reaching for somethin--yr geritol, or tweek, Dyslexic Tommy.
You can't write, trash. That's the problem with you and 95% of the Alt-tards. Ditto-ing AA's trivial points is not writing--it's..brainfarting.
The Wisconsin experience these past few months serves as prelude to blue state meltdowns that are occurring across the nation.
Obama's massacre of the recovery forced the issue. Were we merely as broke as Bush left us, the Tea Party thing would likely have been elbowed aside.
It's ironic that Obama is to blame for the threat to unions.
It's stupidity to believe that more Obama RR&K* will save them.
(Rules, Regs, and Keynesianism)
What we workers really need are more, better interviews, without all the S&M tactics.
Workers of the World Unite! We don't have to put up with crappy interviews!
More and more violent rhetoric against the Tea Party is coming from the left. The left wants violence, riots and physical attacks against Tea Partiers. Make no mistake about it.
Watch this video of black leaders and black Congress persons.
"It's pure partisan hackery to whip up controversy where none exists..."
I kid you not, Garage Mahal said this.
Phyllis Schaftly says...UNIONS BAD!
Time to Ditto, Alttards
@ DadVocate
"The left wants violence, riots and physical attacks against Tea Partiers. Make no mistake about it."
Yes, so it seems.
I cannot assume that the left is aware that there is legal precedent for self-defense, even if it is against someone who is mentally ill.
We can expect them to introduce themselves to an entirely new reality where they discover that they are not the only ONES in this country.
It is highly inappropriate for anyone to use that sort of language at an event featuring the President of the United States, and doubly so when the speaker is Jimmy P. Hoffa whose father indeed was "taken out," though not by "those" sons of bitches, rather his own associates.
As for the leftist and liberal Democrat labels, if memory serves me right, I believe Jimmy R. Hoffa was a staunch supporter of Mr. Nixon in those days. With either Hoffa, it's about the money, not ideology.
Proctologists love the left - many more assholes per capita than on the right.
Trumka, Hoffa, Obama, etc. are all depending on the ignorant hordes (picture the mooks who tried to grab AA's camera X 1,000) who have been voting for them to get out and literally fight for them. Little do they realize that the same personal characteristics that make the useless idiots vote Lib will prevent them from "rising up" as an sort of Army. Serving any sort of cause, even one as stupid and evil as Leftism, requires sacrifice. These shitbags don't know the meaning of the word. The Unions squawkers will keep squawking, but very little will come of it.
The comment deserves derision and ridicule, nothing more. If Hoffa and his thugs were worth worrying about, they would have made something stick in WI.
His "army" is less than a paper tiger.
J. Lightweight. Insane, but in a lightweight, shallow way.
This is the way these people talk. The problem for Hoffa is that the success of the labor movement has resulted in workers who do not have to work much and have become lazy. They wont come out without the day off and free barbecue and they will be much less bellicose when they get in their trucks for the beery drive home.
When was Verizon a non-American company, garage? I work for the wireless side (you know, the non-union side that actually MAKES money, unlike our useless union brethren) and I am 99.9% sure we are American.
Here in NJ we have a brand new Met Blue Stadium with no Hoffas under either endzone (yet).*
* Not a threat.
Just sayin.
The Obama admin is clearly testing the waters here. How far can it go in threatening its most effective opposition, i.e., the Tea Party?
I believed, on the day Obama was elected, that he would one day have to be impeached, convicted and removed from office.
I did not base this belief on knowledge of any specific wrongdoing. I based it on two things: (1) an understanding of the way a corrupt Chicago politician does business, and (2) the repercussions of his "Vote for me or you're a racist" strategy.
My opinion hasn't changed. This clown may have to be forcibly removed from office, and that will be a calamity in itself.
Stop whining and let the democrats fantasize about killing everyone with whom they disagree.
Tax payers are sick and tired of paying for union greed.
Let's grant for the purpose of argument that you're right about Fox editing this unfairly.
It's not for the sake of argument. Fox took those son of bitching words out.
It's not for the sake of argument. Fox took those son of bitching words out.
garbage, you son of a bitch, you were right here arguing not so many month ago that the appearance of a crosshair on a graphic implicated Sarah Palin and the Tea Party in mass murder.
You are such a fucking criminal putz.
Have you served jail time?
Link it pouty thomas or it didn't happen.
It really doesn't matter what the Union goons say or do right now.
Their gooses are cooked well beyond charred.
In California, for example, the public service unions are complicit in a scam involving pension funds.
The California public service pension funds are far, far under capitalized for the future liabilities.
Nevertheless, the union is complicit in arbitrarily setting the fund growth assumption to a level that is unattainable in the current markets.
Hence, they are really screwed unless they can get the taxpayers to pony up more money to keep then in their fixed benefit retirement.
That might have worked when the taxpayers were doing OK, but nobody in America is in the mind to hear the unions cry for shoring up their gold-plated, fix benefit retirements now.
They've fix-benefitted themselves right out of money and political power.
I work for the wireless side (you know, the non-union side that actually MAKES money, unlike our useless union brethren) and I am 99.9% sure we are American.
This was the crux of the matter and a key fact in the larger debate. Verizon's wired sector (where the union workers are employed) has, simply due to the march of technology and the state of the art, become less important, ie profitable, to Verizon's margins.
Whether or not Verizon's striking union members have a real beef or not, their jobs are being subsidized in large part by the more profitable, and, frankly, futureproof wireless sector.
garage mahal said...
"Let's grant for the purpose of argument that you're right about Fox editing this unfairly."
It's not for the sake of argument. Fox took those son of bitching words out.
Literally amazing. But not unexpected.
I write a lengthy post contending that your leftist media dishonestly and constantly use partial quotes out of context and edit videos of conservatives (we'll leave their fabricating "quotes" and outright leftling hoaxes like the Bachmann "white people" fraud for another time.)
You, in order to support your statement that Fox dishonestly edited the Hoffa video, then dishonestly take the first line of my post out of context and ignore the fact that your side is the biggest offender.
I'm actually surprised you didn't just ellipsis out the first part of that line, like this:
"...you're right about Fox editing this unfairly."
and contend that I agree with you.
That would have been a perfect example of how the liars on the left work.
Yes, of course, because people in the Tea Party don't work.
I know. I hate this term “workers”. What the heck do they think everybody else does every day? Play Yatzee?
J said...
Phyllis Schaftly says...UNIONS BAD!
Time to Ditto, Alttards
9/6/11 7:51 AM
This is the sort of thoughtful, persuasive language we've come to expect from the left. I'm just sort of disappointed you didn't end it by screaming "HATERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I always get such a kick out of that.
Hoffa is sensei.
Sweep the leg
After reading most of the comments, I agree that we have to "take them out", both Jimmy Hoffa and these unions.
Yes again, "take them out" - Jimmy Jr. and these unions that are so antagonistic to the American People - most workers do NOT belong to or want to belong to a union.
Stop using Hoffa's union-based truckers! Bye bye!
It would be my thought that introductions and speeches at events like this are heavily scripted. They don't want those on the undercard to say anything that would catch the grand orator off guard.
So either, the "sons of bitches" reference was in the script and Obama approved it.
Or, it wasn't - and he should have been alert enough to distance himself from the tone of the remarks.
This wasn't some troll on the internet or some hack on MSNBC. This was someone on a program with Obama, presumably reading from a prepared script.
ST, if you think that Obama is so far gone that he would fail to leave office at the end of his term, what makes you think that he's not far gone enough to resist a Senate removal vote? (Don't play the military card; it has the same value in both games.)
I am glad he wants to take us out. He is a very rich man and could afford it. I was leaning toward Ruth's Chris, but now I think he can take me out for sushi.
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