Says Todd Palin, disgusted that Joe McGinniss is getting attention after putting adequately juicy nuggets in his book about Sarah Palin.
The referenced NYT review is by Janet Maslin, who exposes McGinniss's execrable ethics:
“The Rogue” ... includes this: “A friend says, ‘Sarah and her sisters had a fetish for black guys for a while.’ ” Mr. McGinniss did in 2011 make a phone call to the former N.B.A. basketball player Glen Rice, who is black, and prompted him to acknowledge having fond memories of Sarah Heath. While Mr. Rice avoids specifics and uses the words “respectful” and “a sweetheart,” Mr. McGinniss eggs him on with the kind of flagrantly leading question he seems to have habitually asked. In Mr. Rice’s case: “So you never had the feeling she felt bad about having sex with a black guy?”...
[McGinniss] even finds a species of Alaska yenta willing to remark on the condition of the Palins’ toilet...That last quote might be the most embarrassing sentence written by a journalist that I have ever read.
... Mr. McGinniss suggests both that Ms. Palin is committed to stealth religious control of government, and that she is not sufficiently devout.
With the same imprecise aim he cites conspiracy theories that Ms. Palin may not be the mother of her youngest son, Trig, and questions the circumstances under which he was born. Mr. McGinniss puts forth a provocative case for doubting Ms. Palin’s account of Trig’s birth, which involved a round trip between Alaska and Texas while she was supposedly in labor. But then he comes to an indefensibly reckless conclusion: “It is perhaps the most blistering assessment of her character possible that many Wasillans who’d known Sarah from high school onward told me that even if she had not faked the entire story of her pregnancy and Trig’s birth, it was something she was eminently capable of doing.”
ADDED: Here's Filip Bondy in the NY Daily News:
The next time Sarah Palin complains about her treatment by any media member, that reporter might want to inform her that at least he or she is not literally sleeping with sources. Because according to a new book, Palin violated the most basic of journalistic tenets, bedding college basketball star Glen Rice in 1987 when she was a young TV sports reporter for KTUU in Anchorage....
This is the stuff that drives legitimate women reporters nuts, makes members of AWSM (Association for Women in Sports Media) furious because it tears at credibility and plays to false stereotypes. ..
१४८ टिप्पण्या:
Fake but accurate redux.
"most embarrassing sentence written by a journalist that I have ever read."
I suppose, but the word "journalist" used to mean something.
LarsPorsena said...
E.M. Davis said...
Fake but accurate redux.
9/15/11 9:04 AM
Damn! You beat me to it.
I'm guessing 300+ posts on this thread. Palin always bring out the trolls from their caves and the creeps from under thier rocks.
9/15/11 9:06 AM
Didn't Joe M lose a lawsuit to a man who murdered his own family
Marxian journalism.
Stoke the dialectic.
The truth is expendable.
This should be the end of McGinniss's career. Should be, but won't be.
“The Rogue” ... includes this: “A friend says, ‘Sarah and her sisters had a fetish for black guys for a while.’
A "fetish"? Really?
Todd sounds like he has been wanting to pop this guy for months and I don't think anyone would blame him.
The American left seems to be headed for a collective mental breakdown.
The bizarre cult-like energy that put Obama in office is turning nasty as they see that he is a mortal man, and cannot make their lives whole.
If this deity cannot fundamentally change America to their vision, then no-one can, and that realization may just well put many of these people over the edge.
What a nasty bunch.
It's going to get worse.
is that it? just embarrassing? NYT did better calling it reckless and indefensible.
I wonder if Palin is waiting to see how people/media react to this book before entering the race.
Janet Maslin? I thought she was a movie critic. (I was half-hoping this review would be written by Michiko Kakutani.)
WV: stews.
"... A friend says, ‘Sarah and her sisters had a fetish for black guys for a while..."
So having interracial flings is now a scandalous thing for liberals?
I like how he describes being attracted to someone of a different race is a fetish. I'm sure that sits well with those folks in interracial relationships.
Class act this McGinnis. No wonder pb&j cited it.
The thing the best statement re: the book from any Palin family member would be: Haven't read it. No comment.
Repeat as necessary.
And whatever happened to quoting someone directly? The BBC article quotes an ABC News piece that quotes a Sarah Palin campaign aide (?? What's she running for?) that quotes Todd Palin.
Sloppy journalism. Redundant, I know.
The left is ready to burn the witch in their own personal Reichstag fire. She turned them into newts... They didn't get better.
That last quote might be the most embarrassing sentence written by a journalist that I have ever read.
Has Newsweek hired him yet?
NYT, Yesterday: “The Rogue” ... includes this: “A friend says, ‘Sarah and her sisters had a fetish for black guys for a while.’"
Instapundit, Today: "EFFUSIVE PRAISE FOR SARAH PALIN, from Wyclef Jean?"
Were I Todd Palin, I would accept whatever civil or criminal penalties that would result from knocking this guy's teeth out.
McGinniss obviously went to the Mary Mapes school of journalism. "It may not be substantively true, but it should be!"
I read McGinnis's Selling of the President when it came out in paperback long ago. I wouldn't even think of reading his Palin book - or her book for that matter.
Why do people act as if McGinnis speaks for anyone other than himself? Do you accept just anybody speaking for the right?
Perfect gossip is slander that we want to believe is true.
First rule of gossipers: Total depravity in secret is an assumed truth about others who appear successful in life.
They are hiding their fatal sins better than we can, but listen to this...
But this author did his job well. The media's meme is kept alive here that Palin is a Tobacco Road whore from a community of Tobacco Road whores.
"... Were I Todd Palin, I would accept whatever civil or criminal penalties that would result from knocking this guy's teeth out..."
Actually I'm not unconvinced guys like him or Letterman with his stupid knocked up joke aren't hoping Todd goes off the rails and does that so they can play the can't take a joke meme.
On the other hand I have no problem with these scumbags representing the evil that has become contemporary liberalism.
Too little, too late, Joe. That train left the station a long time ago. You just look pathetic. And creepy.
Hey lefties! McGinnis is all yours. Own him. He's the one supplying the fapware for your darkest fantasies. You know you love it!
McGinnis is an opportunistic pig and dochenozzel.
They say they want freedom and privacy, yet it is perfectly okay to portray Sarah Palin either has some right wing xenophobe or as some slutty snowbillie with a case of jungle fever based on some unsubstantiated rumor from the 1980s.
I grew to despise Andrew Sullivan over shit like this. McGinniss is just another one of his ilk. They truly make me sick.
""... A friend says, ‘Sarah and her sisters had a fetish for black guys for a while..."
So having interracial flings is now a scandalous thing for liberals?"
They must really be disappointed with Obama.
Hmmm. Did Sarah Palin ever take a position against miscegenation?
I don't think so.
If not, granting this rumor the possibility of being true, how does it matter?
I mean, other than the obvious salaciousness of it.
Which makes the author a gossip monger, not a "journalist," notwithstanding the rapidly eroding standards of that field.
Lest you think McGinniss isn't getting real press traction, note that he got seven minutes on The Today Show this morning.
The MSM thinks this is newsworthy and has not drawn the obvious conclusion: McGinniss is not credible.
I have a source that tells me Joe McGinnis has every STD documented in the past 50 years. Here Mr. Pulitzer, I'm ready for my close-up!
I do not care if you dislike Sarah Palin. But she has never been a hard core social conservative. She was, when in government, a conservative populist, willing to take on corporate cronyism. She did not at all push a social conservative adgenda. So this witch hunt against her that has been going on since 2008 is just amazing and rather offensive. Nothing is off limits, from her kids, to her husband and now her alleged sexual history from before she was married.
Seriously Liberal attack dogs. Fuck you. I fucking hate your hyporcrisy. And I will not forget.
Columbia Journalism Review this week called the [book] "a fact-twisting, error-laden piece of paranoia" and "the worst kind of smear journalism--a singularly disgusting work."
Maybe these speculative Wassilans were the same folks from W's Import-Export Bank.
It seems as though shanty Irish jornalists[McGinnis, Sullivan, Matthews] have a real bug up their ass about this woman. That should be in her favor w/ everyone else.
Fred4Pres wrote: I grew to despise Andrew Sullivan over shit like this. McGinniss is just another one of his ilk. They truly make me sick.
Same here. Yet their disease metastasizes, feeding on the left lobe.
Maybe Andrew Sullivan can move in next door and take over the obsessive role.
It seems as though shanty Irish jornalists[McGinnis, Sullivan, Matthews] have a real bug up their ass about this woman. That should be in her favor w/ everyone else.
Touche'. In that sense, they inoculate the pox.
Female sports reporters are extremely uptight.
Sid Rosenberg did Suzy Kolber in on Imus long ago, real audio
"That last quote might be the most embarrassing sentence written by a journalist that I have ever read."
It's malicious gossip, not journalism, written by a huckster not a journalist. McG is a reincarnation of Don Basilio (La calunnia è un venticello ...) looking for his paying audience in lieu of finding a Dr. Bartolo.
Journalism as it ever was. The problem for most of today's journalists is that they would like you to think they are fair, balanced, impartial and open-minded seekers of the truth. Oh, and professionals to boot. McGinniss just put the lie to all that.
I can get all the slimy gossip from the internet for free. Why would I pay McGinniss and his publisher?
""... Were I Todd Palin, I would accept whatever civil or criminal penalties that would result from knocking this guy's teeth out..."
Actually I'm not unconvinced guys like him or Letterman with his stupid knocked up joke aren't hoping Todd goes off the rails and does that so they can play the can't take a joke meme."
Maybe so, but the vast majority of Americans would stand and applaud him for giving that twisted bottom feeder a well deserved beatdown.
McGinniss was a hack and a phony when he was pretending to be a "gutsy" city columnist when he worked for the Philadelphia Inquirer 30 years ago.
Even the Establishment Media couldn't help but notice and his career has been going nowhere but down.
The book should have come out in the Spring, when there was a real chance she might run, but all it does now is put a long overdue end to his career.
That comment by Filip Bondy is a hoot.
He accuses Palin of violating the basic tenet of journalism based largely on allegations and rumors in a book written by a Palin hating nutjob. A book mind you that he's not read.
The allegations may be true; why would Rice make them up? But they're still allegations and Rice could be pulling a fast one.
Anyway, the most basic tenet of journalism is - or should be - accuracy.
Apparently, Mr. Bondy doesn't agree since he's using these claims against Palin without ensuring their accuracy.
Palin haters have no limits, do they?
Thanks, Flip, for leading on matters of journalistic ethics.
Someone needs to tell these morons that Jerry Springer trash don't read books.
True or not, two consenting, unmarried adults having sex. Scandalous?
I wonder if black people will notice that liberals think it's a scandal to sleep with a black person?
I wonder if women will notice that if you run for office, liberals will do all that can to insinuate that you are a whore?
It's amazing to me how racist, sexist, and elitist a liberal can be if a Republican is the target.
They let every ugly impulse out. Because the media is dominated by liberals and they don't see it.
But other people do.
Bondy couldn't wait a month or until we have more proof before attacking Palin, couldn't he? The book isn't even out yet. Just some salacious reports in the Enquirer and some vague comments by people.
They appear to be true. Why would Rice make them up? But it's conceivable that he's exaggerrating or making them up or just full of it. Using a book written by a documented Palin hater is hardly adhering to high standards of journalism.
Talk about violating journalistic tenets.
that reporter might want to inform her that at least he or she is not literally sleeping with sources
Assuming, of course, that that reporter can actually say that.
Meade didn't advise you that sports journalists are, by leaps and bounds, the most cravenly p.c group out there? Their field is intrinsically unimportant so they go with p.c to try and obfuscate.that.
I hope Palin sues the NYDN for libel.
Joe McGinniss: who reads anything he writes except leftist tards? So who cares what he writes? Its just an echo chamber for the arrogant stupid. You know, democrats.
Its desperation city for the progs. They think the rubes will distracted by some story of Sarah screwing a Negro 24 years and not notice that they are being screwed right now by The Head Negro In Charge and his cabal of marxist minions.
"That last quote might be the most embarrassing sentence written by a journalist that I have ever read."
You and I have different standards for calling someone a 'journalist'.
Rice was Palin's source? For what? Big Ten basketball scores?
Ooo, now I get to call anyone who hates on Palin a racist.
Oh my God, I've never had this power before. I can't wait to use it.
Shut up, racist.
I would love to see Todd Palin give McGinniss an ass-whooppin of all ass-whooppings and then see him aquitted through jury nulification.
True or not, two consenting, unmarried adults having sex. Scandalous?
But it was an (alleged) nterracial relationship! Which is apparently considered a creepy, creepy fetish to those not racist at all liberals.
Because the rest of us don't actually care at all.
Off Topic, but there are reports of an FBI probe of Scott Walker. Ann, time to get your Wisconsin crazy thing going again.
Also, not to be crude, but doesn't journalist Andrea Mitchell fuck Alan Greenspan? Didn't she do so when he was head of the Reserve?
Saddest part is--no one except McGinnis says Palin was fucking black men (or black women, I don't know).
Yet by the end of the comment stream so far (around 50), that had become accepted and people are saying "so what"?
(and truly--so what)
But it doesn't change there's no proof of it and the only person to mention it is this douchenozzle (and of course, Althouse who can't fucking wait to print shit like that to stroke her Palin hate).
This kinda wrecks the whole "racist teabaggrz" meme, which is about all the Obamabots had left.
McGinniss isn't just skeezy; he's a fuckup.
Racist. And sexist. Disturbing.
Poor Palin. All she ever did was be a popular governor plucked out of obscurity by McCain.
Rice was Palin's source? For what? Big Ten basketball scores?
"The Great Alaskan Shootout" has a whole new meaning.
Saddest part is--no one except McGinnis says Palin was fucking black men (or black women, I don't know).
Well, reportedly Glenn Rice himself has made some sort of vague comments about them meeting each other 20 years ago.
But as you point out (and I did so too above), they're still allegations made in a book that, according to reviewers who've read it, is filled with errors and innuendos and unnamed sources.
That's not an authoritative source by any means.
CEO, I doubt she did anything with Rice.
I also do not care if she did.
As opposed to Jeff McDonald, who told me McGinniss killed his wife and that is serious stuff the press should cover.
Althouse who can't fucking wait to print shit like that to stroke her Palin hate
Yeah, only maybe not the way you think. Some pro-Palin people don't look so good in their response to this.
Remember what Andrew Jackson did under similar circumstances? Of course, today Todd should not use a muzzle-loading flintlock dueling pistol—maybe a high-powered lawyer instead. If not in the US, he could sue in the UK where the laws are stricter about libel. Then McGinniss could not sell his book there or maybe even go there.
I think I may have had sex with Sarah.
Not Sarah Palin, necessarily, but some chick named Sarah. Or Susie.
Maybe Mindy.
Anyway, I thought I was pretty clear about that with Mr. McGinniss in that bar.
By the time this is over, we'll know all about the time Sarah Palin french-kissed some guy in the 11th grade. Rick Perry was in the race for less than a week before we learn how he did in a 4th grade spelling bee.
And yet Obama's entire life before 2004 has been and remains a mystery to virtually everyone. How many people know he grew up in Indonesia? Has there ever been an era in American history with a less curious group of professional journalists?
to quote Joseph Welch: have you no shame? Liberals have no shame
they deserve to be put up against a wall and shot
Well, Glenn Rice apparently claimed both to McGinniss and to the National Enquirer for Enquiring Minds (for a cool fifty grand, mind you) that he and Palin slept together. Palin has had no comment thus far. I imagine she'll say something later on when prompted by Greta or some other interviewer.
No harm, no foul. She was single at the time. Apparently, interracial hookups are only a crime to liberals.
What's fascinating about this is that, quite obviously, the goofy morons who printed this think that conservatives will be up in arms that Palin fucked a black guy.
And it's laughable. This is the biggest so what in the history of time, true or not. It will only drive people to defend her -- her supporters and people like me, and I don't support Palin for president.
Glenn Rice is a washed up piece of black shit--of course he wants some money out of this-
I think they're hoping to provoke a response from the Tea Party, such as; "Sarah done it with a colored boy?!? Maw! Get mah shootin' iron!" But, in reality, all they've done is show their own closet racism and bigotry.
not sure what the issue is--Obama's mother fucked a black guy--the issue? of course we are stuck with spawm
And can I just say, the Palin response is damn smart. Todd responds to the book. McGinniss is a stalker (true) and a liar (true). He could call him a sewer rat, too. And a racist. That's my new favorite word for liberals.
And Sarah says nothing about it. Nothing at all. She keeps on the high road.
Roger -- I don't think that comment shows well at all. In fact, it makes you look like an asshole.
Glen Rice is a basketball player, and he was a pretty good one. He is merely telling his version of events because a shithead reporter asked him questions.
What's wrong with that? What should he have done?
Glenn Rice is a washed up piece of black shit--of course he wants some money out of this-
Swell, just swell.
And you know this how?
I'll agree that if he talked about this that that is pretty sleezy.
But his race has nothing to do with what type of person he is.
So cut it out.
Seven--so am an asshole--fine
so are you
does that square us up?
Someone might also have said something about Roger's other comment:
Liberals have no shame
they deserve to be put up against a wall and shot
“The Rogue” suggests that Todd Palin and the young Sarah Heath took drugs.
McGinnis is not the first to suggest this---Sarah, America's favorite tweeker-skank!
McGinnis is no Sullivan either--AS is a Paultard, not a "leftist"--he supported BushCo in iraq--which is to say, Alt-tard material
Liberals have no shame
they deserve to be put up against a wall and shot
That pretty much responds to itself.
When someone goes off the deep end the best thing is to just watch them descend.
It's just Example 26 (or is it 2600) of a play straight out of the liberal playbook. Here's how it goes in this case:
We just know that all these people on the right are racists. We just know it. We'll spread this news about Sarah Palin around and then they won't like her any more and her career and influence will be over. Yay, us! The usual result: epic fail.
Despite the fact that it doesn't actually seem to work very well, as a strategy, they keep trying it over and over. Because they just know it should. That thing that NBC tried with that NASCAR stunt was a variation of this. It's that same play they're making when they throw around gay accusations against Republicans, even when their own purported philosophy would seem to make that a no-no. "Getting" Republicans trumps any other values they have. Meanwhile, Republicans are consistent with their values and sail on by these litmus tests with no problem, to the Democrats puzzlement and chagrin.
then it doesnt deserve comment does it
at the end of the day I have one vote to cast in the upcoming election--you may not like my fulminations but they are mine
Wyclef Jean on Sarah Palin:
"I have to tell you this: I am a huge fan of Sarah Palin," the former Fugee said. "Cause she’s rad. She’s shrewd. She’s cool. Because at the end of the day, I’m for the people, because this is the United States of America...this is what America’s really about. Anyone should have the right to say, 'Look I can do the job and this is what qualifies me to do the job.'….Now my wife probably will debate and disagree with me."
"I’m not saying she could be the next president, you know, but there’s something about her. Heavy debates in my house. Whenever I say Sarah Palin, people think I’m crazy, but I like her, I do. I can like whoever. This is America, right?"
Good for him. Reminds me of when Neil Young said he liked Ronald Reagan. You can always spot the free thinkers.
That's a great quote by Wycleaf Jean.
And what is it that makes you a freethinker, Saint Quoix?
McGinnis is no Sullivan either'
Actually he is just like Sullivan, since he repeats the allegation that Trig is not Sarah's baby.
Hey J & PHX! Y'all keep fapping away on it! That Sarah is just so nasty, ain't she?
Sweet, sweet nut bust for ya?
You especially, J! That anticcccccci...PATION has been killing you, hasn't it?
C'mon J! do it on your weight bench!
And what is it that makes you a freethinker, Saint Quoix
Well, when my mom was pregnant with me, Joe McGinniss jumped out her and said, "black man! black man!" Scared the crap out of her. And hormones, lot of hormones, normally my uterus was a happy home, but all those damn hormones hit me like a tidal wave. And then I was born. And I've been pretty much free thinkin' ever since then.
Black boys are delicious
Chocolate flavored love
Licorice lips like candy
Keep my cocoa handy
I have such a sweet tooth
When it comes to love
whaaaa...they let the putas de judia out of their cribs today?
like the rest of the Smurfhouse filth, Sarah's yr kind of people Cheffie---though she escaped a life of prostitution--you, yr sort of ....well, probably not making enough to pay for lunch. heh heheh
nada mas que basura
Roger J. -- Intent on being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole.
J. -- Intent on being a troll for the sake of being a troll -- loving to be where everyone can't stand him.
What is it with the letter J?
mary beth--got to tell you that black girls are even sweeter--but thats just me--I am an equal oppotunity fucker
I guess my question was interpreted the wrong way.
look seven--I in general like your posts--I rather enjoy them--but dont fucking lecture me--you are about as flexible as I am
now as we say in the cavalry: go fuck yourself
did you not understand me?
Roger -- One of your posts was stupidly incendiary. Another was goofily racist.
Don't think of it as a lecture. Think of it as much needed advice.
Nachos, yr the troll, not to say crass, vulgar, superficial etc.
I make serious points. You dont know what they are. Ms Palin is a public figure. McGinnis is a fairly powerful writer. So he digs up dirt on SP. What's the big issue? Now, if he actually harrassed SP, take it to court. I doubt they could make shit stick.
But Palin's possible drug use should be noted--any time she starts into some goody-2shoe BS, shout her down. Actually--there's more. She's ...angels pussay, supposedly (as in HA). Perhaps changed her tune a bit--but there are pics of her at bikers' rallies.etc Whatever--we shouldn't condemn her for these innocuous acts--. But POTUS? Hell no.
Angels' pussay. Has a nice ring to it,eh. Hah heh
well seven--since you seem to appointed yourself as the blog monitor, I will take your advice for what it deserves--nothing
this is a blog, son, and if you dont like my posts then scroll on by (exceopt when I am fucking with J)
I dont mind throwing bombs from time to time--if that offends you, then get over it
I make serious points.
Like the one about the "Jewish rackets" and the cabal of British Jewish bankers. Like that one? Or how about how much you can bench press? Or about how John Edwards would have eliminated poverty? Like those points?
Indeed, please elaborate on all that. I would love to hear it all. I have waited a long time and I think I deserve it.
But Palin's possible drug use should be noted
Like Obama's admitted use of cocaine. Okay, chieftain. Noted.
Roger -- I'm not offended. Believe me. I'm just telling you that your posts make you look like a stupid asshole.
thats fine seven--your posts may reflect adversely on you as well
I really dont give a damnb what you think of me--its your opinon and opinions are like assholes--every one has one--dont like my posts--ignore them
"What's fascinating about this is that, quite obviously, the goofy morons who printed this think that conservatives will be up in arms because Palin fucked a black guy."
Exactamundo. Just like Jean-Francois "Magic Hat" Kerry and Silky Pony absolutely HAD TO SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER about Dick Cheney's GAY DAUGHTER! Since we on the right are all about gay-bashin' and nigra-lynchin' and all.
It is truly astonishing the demented caricature the left has of anybody right of Pol Pot. Sarah screwed a black guy? She wasn't a virgin on her wedding night? The Cheneys' daughter is a rug-muncher? Well, obviously I couldn't possibly vote for them. I expect my political leaders to be men and women of unimpeachable virtue. Like Ted Kennedy. Or Sheila Jackson Lee. Or "Cold Cash" Jefferson. Or Nancy Pelosi. Or Barney Frank. Models of intelligence, probity and morality, all. Just the sort of public servant the Founders intended.
But Palin's possible drug use should be noted--any time she starts into some goody-2shoe BS, shout her down...
Ahhh, the old "Unless you've done it you can't talk about it" defense.
Norma McCorvey
Another was goofily racist.
Roger J, Tennessee teabug, "goofily racist"? No Nachos , that's about as goofy as his white sheet with the eye-holes cut out. Ain't dat raht, Tennessee Rog.
I am surprised to hear McGinniss got a book done. I thought he gave up when the Palins built a big fence around their yard.
He is just another example of dying librul media. Very few will miss him when he is gone.
And I think we should consider smacking these librul SOBs when we see them in public.
the douchebag known as J surfieces--I will leave the field to seven and J to determine what a racist I am--go for it dudes
and J--you still playing checkers with death? you arent smart enough to be playing chess
you guys have a great day--me? off to play a round of golf--there is life outside the althouse blog
Christopher -- Agreed. It's the left that believes that people on the right will be aghast when leaders or potential leaders fail to meet some alleged ideal that is itself illusory in the collective mind of the left -- straightness, drug-freeness, some vital stand against miscegenation.
At root, the charge is hypocrisy, and it's just adorably ridiculous.
J. -- How many British Jewish bankers can you bench? How many rackets? Let's just get it out there. You know you want to. Why hold back?
Please tell me, when do lies become slander? Seems anything can be said this day and time.
Jean and all of you -- It is very difficult to libel or slander a public person. And Palin is most definitely a public person.
For ordinary schmucks, it's different. The rule in a nutshell is: put yourself out there, face the consequences of the First Amendment. Maintain a private life, and your privacy is to be respected.
Palin is highly unlikely to win any slander or libel suit. She would be a fool to file one, and one thing she's shown is that she is not a fool.
--"Chris of MA" (most likely another bogus name): not perfect humans. Yet compare to pedazos de mierda such as Nixon, Reagan,Cheney --a Nancy Pelosi seems nearly...virtuous.
--Tenn Rog---you don't know Ruy Lopez from your crescent wrench, dumbass. You can't spell or write a coherent sentence,and you're a Palinite--ergo, Im sure basic chess openings beyond you.
Don't bother responding to my posts, trash.
Hey ndspinelli,
"shanty Irish jornalists[McGinnis, Sullivan, Matthews]" The word is "journalists" but in any case, I resemble your remarks.
It is one thing for you Teabaggers to rag on blacks, Jews and other minorities but when you take on the Shanty Irish, you have just gone too far.
wasn't Ruy Lopez a Jew?
J criticizing someone's ability to write a sentence is pretty rich from a fellow who thinks --- is a valid form of punctuation.
some vital stand against miscegenation.
She married a man who is half Eskimo.
Shocking! Scandal! Oh I tremble for the purity of whiteness.
Seven - you said it much better than I did. I especially liked the bit about the illusion in the collective mind of the left. I must remember than phrase.
"Chris of MA" (most likely another bogus name). . ." Nope. Just click on my avatar, J. You'll go to my website where I have my real name, what I do and all sorts of ways to find me. I and my name are much more real than the sweaty sheen of intellectual snobbery you think using an icon from "The Seventh Seal" gives you.
As far as your delusion that Nancy Pelosi is "almost virtuous" in comparison to Nixon, let alone Cheney and Reagan - well, whatever you're smoking, it must be killer.
Sorry to feed the troll.
I wonder what it's like to be as saturated with hate as Joe McGinniss. I'm sure some of the libs here could give us a hint. Garage? Alpha? Etc?
Here's an interesting story about Joe McGinniss and how he went about "investigating" Sarah Palin.
Yowza. What an asshole.
Here's what Sullivan has to say.
I'd go through the speech Palin made but it was so rambling, extreme and catch-all it's simply another example of her total detachment from reality...
But having now read Joe McGinniss's "The Rogue," I can safely say that reality is about to re-attach to her. Finally! Some actual, reported, unafraid journalism
Hoosier -
"A friend says, ‘Sarah and her sisters had a fetish for black guys for a while..."
So having interracial flings is now a scandalous thing for liberals?
I like how he describes being attracted to someone of a different race is a fetish.
During the OJ Trial, it was widely reported OJ had a fetish for white women groupies...and only white women. He thought of taking a black slut to bed on the road as a debasement of him, a step down.
Team mates said OJ would do without - if no suitable white slut caught his fancy - bypassing many eager black sluts lining up to score. Which they somewhat appreciated, as they nailed the wrong race sluts that were superstar castoffs.
Both blacks and whites use the term "jungle fever" to describe a sexually active white woman that seeks multiple black, and only black sex partners.
Saying it is a fetish does seem fair, if the report is right that Palin and her sisters were groupies for black athletes. Similar to a guy that has a thing, a fetish for - sex with a series big fat women - and fatties over anything else. Fattie chasing is a fetish, too.
Not that McGuinness is any exemplar, but an early and hard rule of journalist ethics is you do not fuck your subject matter, and Palin did.
This came up before in the 80s in sports with a male reporter fucking a female Oympic skiier he wrote feature articles about - then with Samantha Stevenson a NY Times sporstwriter who sued to get equal access to female reporters into mens locker rooms..and was later revealed to have a real thing for black basketball players. Which included a daughter sired by Julius Erving, who she had done numerous puff pieces on while she was banging him and a few of his team mates.
"Finally! Some actual,reported, unafraid journalism."
Ahh, St. Andrew of the Quivering Bunghole. Woodward to McGinnis' Bernstein. Izzy to his Moe. Leopold to his Loeb. Joe to his Curly Joe.
Imagine if a crazy conservative wrote a book about Obama that said his mother had a "fetish for black guys."
This is reviewed in the NYT? Unreal.
It's the New Civility.
Sullivan is like wonkette now, right? A bunch of idiots writing nonsense, hoping to be funny, right? Nobody can ACTUALLY be that idiotic...right?
Hoosier Daddy said...
"... Were I Todd Palin, I would accept whatever civil or criminal penalties that would result from knocking this guy's teeth out..."
Todd Palin is in an awkward position.
The book also has a part describing how after they were married, Sarah Palin cheated on him with his business partner while Todd was off making money at some remote oilfield - leading to an obvious big blowup and end of the business once returning Todd found out what had been going on - the story goes.
And the part about regular booze pot and coke fueled snowmobile excursion parties Todd and Sarah took with friends. Including a vignette where on one trip, the group gathered around an oil drum they found in the boonies and all snorted up a pile of coke dumped on top of the barrel.
Drug use is pretty rampant in Alaska with fisherman, oil field workers, and in places like Wasilla - my own memory from trips there - where even in remote places - local whites and NAs were pushing pot and coke for the touristas. Not a pure and untouched land ...contrary to some Lower 48 beliefs.
So if Todd did punch him out, would it be over the stories about her black lovers, the business partner affair, or the coke use?
According to the dates on Wikipedia, she was done being a reporter in 1988.
So we're supposed to care about who she bedded down with over 23 years ago. Funny, I don't remember anyone talking about the post-college hookups of Obama, Bush, Cheney, Biden, and so on to include any male politician I can name.
That was a very apt analogy that the NYT would never report that same race-fueled charge in a book review about Prez Obama's mother.
And the part about regular booze pot and coke fueled snowmobile excursion parties
That doesn't sound made up at all.
Freeman - "Freeman Hunt said...
According to the dates on Wikipedia, she was done being a reporter in 1988.
So we're supposed to care about who she bedded down with over 23 years ago."
Certain things in a politicians past have relevance if the public thinks they do. John Kerry's 3 purple hearts and "Christmas in Cambodia" 30 years hence, for example. Some meaningful religious experience some politican claimed happened when they were age 14. Past drug use 25 years back with Obama. Perry or Gore or Bush's mediocre grades. 20 years past affairs while married..
Etc, etc, etc.
One side says the past stuff is relevant because it reveals the history - that then compliments or negates some facet of who the person purports to be - while the other side of course claims it has no relevance at all.
Right now this Palin stuff on affairs, a fetish for black athletes, and drug parties is all just salacious gossip.
Now we go into a confirmation and debunking phase..Then the reasonable followups if elements are true - (1) If Palin was fucking her interview subjects as a TV reporter, did she violate work policies and ethics rules that shortened her broadcasting career? (2)If the drug parties and affairs were true - did she disclose that to McCain's people while she was being vetted for suitability to be Vice President on the Republican ticket?
The drug use and affair biz are more significant to me than if she went through a slut phase where she was a groupie for black athletes.
The drug use and affair biz are more significant to me than if she went through a slut phase where she was a groupie for black athletes.
But it is up to the accuser to prove his accusations and not for Palin to clear her name.
According to the reviews in the NY Times and Columbia Journalism Review, the book is riddled with unnamed accusers and unsourced accusations. "A friend" is not a source. The drug usage question is a serious one. But I want some names and dates.
As of today, these are still allegations in a book written by what clearly seems to be an extreme opponent of Palin's. Doesn't mean the claims aren't true; but it does mean that the person making them needs to be judged a little more critically than otherwise.
I wonder if black people will notice that liberals think it's a scandal to sleep with a black person?
Probably. Surely they've noticed what happens when they leave the Democrat plantation.
That was a very apt analogy that the NYT would never report that same race-fueled charge in a book review about Prez Obama's mother.
The sexism and the elitism of Palin's critics is old news. But the allegation that she slept with a black man (a black man!!), this racism is new.
Look at Doonesbury this week. There is all kinds of horseshit in the sewer rat's book, including the truly despicable Trig stuff. (That makes me want to smack people).
But what does Trudeau focus on? What does he find salacious? And funny?
White woman sleeping with a black man.
Here is an article about celebrities in interracial relationships.
(I can see C4 making a list of actor movies to boycott).
So explain to me the Doonesbury fascination. Wouldn't it be weird--no, I think the word is "racist"--for him to be doing this routine on Robert De Niro or Kate Hudson? Or Carol Moseley Braun?
This is a guy who mocks Condi Rice as "brown sugar" and then mocks Sarah Palin for sleeping with one of them.
You want to see how racist a liberal is? Look and see how they treat Republicans. Because that's when they drop the mask and show their real feelings.
J: "Ms Palin is a public figure. McGinnis is a fairly powerful writer. So he digs up dirt on SP. What's the big issue?"
The issue is that "dirt" supposedly equals "sex with a black guy."
And liberals don't see a problem with that, which I think is the more important scandal. It's not two people who like each other, or even two horny young athletes "hooking up." No, it's a fetish.
And I don't get the notion that he was her "source." As someone said, source for what? Game scores?
On an intuitive level, there is something about a person that has a fetish about other race sex objects as the only suitable sex partner to be with - and does it multiple occasions, that just doesn't sit well with most people.
Such as OJ when a pro player only considering white women as worthy of his gift of fucking them. And wouldn't consider a black groupie as beneath him.
OJ, and a white or Asian man/woman with "jungle fever", also appear to have part of their decision impacted by racism. Not "falling in love" with one person of a different race - but wanting sex only with that type of a different race has people that see that rejection of their own kind as racism.
No way would have blacks supported Obama in politics, especially in Chicago, if it was "known" Obama only went with white, then married white.
As I said, the adultery and drug abuse allegations are more significant - but as Sarah Palin draws some considerable fans from the Religious Right that see her as a paragon of purity, motherhood, and family values - IF TRUE, being a black basketball player groupie in her past will hurt her Goddess Adoration. Being the recipient of several black player's "shootout" - outside the "Great Alaskan Shootout" Tournament she covered as a TV reporter and found her desired hookups at -- not good for her future with her Base. But IF TRUE, the adultery and coke snorting snowmobile trips of the 90s are a bigger issue with her fans.
Apparently, interracial hookups are only a crime to liberals.
That's not the point, the media have picked up this story because they think it damages Palin with her racist, teabagging, bible-thumping, gun clinging conservative base.
Yeah, it's that dumb.
No matter how biased and hateful you understand the mainstream media to be in fact they are worse.
But IF TRUE, the adultery and coke snorting snowmobile trips of the 90s are a bigger issue with her fans.
C4, you want to speculate on who the parents of Trig are as well? Or do you want to climb out of the sewer, buddy?
The Today show is giving the slimeball some network time. Nice story to go with your waffles.
The Today show, by the way, is owned by GE, who Palin ripped this week for how their CEO is a crony capitalist of Obama.
But I'm sure the attack on her character has nothing to do with politics!
The National Enquirer gets to publish excerpts (classy!) and the crony capitalist network gets an "exclusive" interview. So that's how it's played.
The New York Times sets the tone ("it's news!") but also skewers the book. Because of all the shoddy reporting it was hard to do anything else.
The Today show decides to go full sewer, repeating most of the allegations--although skipping the most heinous one, that Trig is not her son--and also decides to drag McGinniss into the sewer as well. He comes out of the interview smelling like a stalker perv.
You know, I think most of the journalists who work for the New York Times are ethical. Liberal but ethical. The sleaze comes from higher up, the people who say, "we need to give this book some play."
What is interesting to me is how the racism is packaged and sold. They don't say, "she had sex with a black man, scandal, scandal!" They just throw up a picture of a black man and you're supposed to have a racist reaction.
Now what's interesting to me is whether they are doing this intentionally ("the Tea Party is racist and this will destroy her"). Or whether they are oblivious to their own racism. They honestly think it's a story, but they are in such an echo chamber that they never get accused of racism. So they are oblivious to their own racial assumptions.
So I wonder if this is a cynical and racist attempt to scare Republicans away from voting for Palin? That's probably it. But another possibility is that they actually don't realize how racist their story is. They don't have any Republicans or libertarians on staff to say, "wait a minute, why is this a story? Why are we throwing up a photo of a black athlete and reporting on fornication?"
I thought that when Clinton was president we learned that sex was a private matter.
Especially what happened in college thirty years ago!
The Today Show has sunk to new depths. As has our old friend Cedarford.
The only thing worse than a journalist is a lawyer.
I thought that when Clinton was president we learned that sex was a private matter.
Especially what happened in college thirty years ago!
The Today Show has sunk to new depths. As has our old friend Cedarford.
The only thing worse than a journalist is a lawyer.
Yeah, Trooper, I think the real story here is how slimy the media is.
Here Eric Wimple "exposes" Palin for being a hypocrite.
The problem with the internet is that lots of people have a voice. And your charge of hypocrisy can be thrown right back in your face.
So here is Eric Wimple, Washington Post writer, and paragon of virtue.
Hey, Wemple, I hear the National Enquirer is looking for honest reporters!
Also, just as an aside, your cartoon picture makes you look like a smiling cock.
I would point out to Ann that since she raced to publish this crap on her blog, even actual liberal sites like Politico have denounced it as garbage. Way to go, Ann. In your anti-palin zealotry, you've opened yourself up (again) to charges of complete idiocy.
Hey Althouse!
You love Dana when she's helping you in your quest for victimhood (you know, saying you were attacked, when you really weren't because if you'd been attacked you'd have actually pressed charges when the cops came after you squealed "police! police!")...but she's assembled a list of pretty liberal places that think ol' Joe is full of shit. And a few that refute what he was saying.
I would point out to Ann that since she raced to publish this crap on her blog, even actual liberal sites like Politico have denounced it as garbage.
Althouse denounced it as garbage, too. I know execrable is a big word and all, but you can look it up.
Way to go, Ann. In your anti-palin zealotry, you've opened yourself up (again) to charges of complete idiocy.
The real idiot, as far as I'm concerned--aside from McGinniss, who has been a whore for a while--is Garry Trudeau, who clearly has issues. I saw a quote where he said the McGinniss book "is meticulously reported." Snort.
But the asshole of the day has to be the suckjobs from the Today show, which is a GE stooge.
I think whenever any NBC affiliate does a report on a Republican or a Democrat official, they ought to note the close ties their CEO has to the Obama Administration.
In any event, I think coverage of liberal bias in the media is absolutely fair game, and very relevant to this election. So I for one say kudos to Ann for talking about it.
A tremendous number of liberals take their mindset from the New York Times. It's kind of a bizarre facet of liberalism.
I think one of the things motivating the Times is the truly embarrassing lack of journalism in this book.
The L.A. Times, by the way, goes with this headline: "Sarah Palin, via Joe McGinniss: Cocaine, Infidelity, and Anonymity."
If that was a Jeopardy answer, the question would be: "What are three things Sarah Palin doesn't have?"
The L.A. Times writer says that the "worst allegation" is that Sarah is a bad mother. As proof for the bad mother allegation, he cites a burnt macaroni and cheese incident.
You wonder why these people have jobs.
Here is stupidity on display:
"I have no doubt that McGinniss' view of Palin is accurate: that she is narcissistic, undisciplined and unqualified for public life. Still, I want more than innuendo to make the point."
I'm sorry, this isn't journalism at all. Look how sloppy that is. The reviewer tells us that he has an agenda, that he hates Palin, that she's "narcissistic" and "undisciplined" and "unqualified for public life." But he's reviewing a book that is filled with innuendo, rumor, gossip, and spite.
He wants a better book, one that will confirm his anti-Palin bias. Gee whiz, maybe it's hard to get reality to match up to your fevered imagination. Did you ever think of that? Maybe your ideology is the problem!
Meanwhile, thou who does not like innuendo, look at your frickin' headline again.
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