Michael Moore explains the "Occupy Wall Street" protest in NYC and incites viewers to take the protest to their local bank:
"The working poor of this country have suffered long enough, and they're not going to take it."
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
८४ टिप्पण्या:
I hope, as a Patriotic American, Michael Moore is willing to "wait longer" for Social Security, Medicare, and Obamacare, since at the rate that the Once is bankrupting the nation, we will have to raise the qualification age for these programs to 85!
How about that. Another revolutionary going to the mat and declaring mob violence is a duty.
There is something in the water these days that is removing restraints.
And boy is Obama angry.
Cannibals could live a long, long time dining on this fat asshat.
working poor
Funny how the "working poor" at these protests always seem to be dirty 20something hippie/college students and have tons of time and money to take off work and go protest half way across the country.
Ah, more threats of violence from the left. But, their intentions are good!
Do you still think that Coulter's book, Demonic, is a piece of propaganda? She's correct that the left is always calling out the mob.
There is a way in which I agree with this Moore jackass. Yes, the mortgage, financial heist was an atrocity.
But, it was completely bipartisan. And, the key to the heist was the great Diversity crusade. We all just knew that evil banks were refusing to lend to blacks, so we forced them to lend to blacks. Then, not surprisingly, we indemnified them against the losses. It turned out that blacks aren't such great credit risks.
But only a racist would notice that.
By all means, let's have riots. That'll fix things.
If anyone in America is qualified to speak for the poor and the starving, it has to be Michael Moore.
I'd say "fuck mikey moore" but that's an image I just D'OH! THERE IT IS want in my head.
Really. If people would stop paying attention to him--like how people have stopped going to his dumb movies--he'd dry up and go away.
Unless he really is Rush Limbaugh wearing a Moore suit. Or was it the other way around? I forget.
It is interesting that all of the other examples of kleptocracy somehow escape Moore's attention.
Take a good look at the characters who descended on Wall Street (where I am now working... right at Ground Zero).
It's the usual SSI crowd from Woodstock and New Paltz. Same friggin' loonies who form a drum circle every Sunday on the green in Woodstock.
I don't know what they're bitching about. They just want to collect their "crazy money" checks and smoke dope.
It's hard to have a revolution when the Leader falls out after half a block for Haagen-Dazs.
And what do they have for a spokesman? Moore? A mega rich kleptocrate himself?
I guess like Al Gore, Moore has to do something to keep his name in the paper. It's just another shick to bring in money for him and his rich followers.
You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet.
You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet.
Pogo, how many eggs do you think Moore takes in his omelet?
Cognitive dissonance?
These days, "Wall Street" is almost entirely Democrat.
These days, "Wall Street" is almost entirely Democrat.
Yesterday's Wall Street is today's Treasury Department and Fed.
And yesterday's Treasury Department and Fed is Today's Wall Street.
These people have no party except money.
If just Moore looked more like Che' he might have a chance at attracting a mass following.
Point taken, and many may not be registered to vote at all, and may well imagine they are only betting on the strongest horse (the majority party), but Goldman Sachs has been Democrat going back to FDR and Lewis Strauss, and you don't get any more "Wall Street" than Goldman Sachs.
Do you think this fat ass slob cold climb over a 3 foot wall?
So when it comes time to, 'get your knuckles a little bloody' will Mikey be leading the violent protesters from the front or yelling 'go team' from his multimillion home?
Shortly after my grandfather came to this country in the 1920s, he heard a man as fat as Moore start a political speech with the words "We hungry workers. . ." The hoots and jeers of the crowd drowned out whatever else he was going to say.
Moore deserves the same reception.
"The working poor of this country have suffered long enough, and they're not going to take it."
For once I find myself agreeing with Mr. Moore. I wonder when the working poor are going to rise up and kick the shit out of the non-working poor who sponge off the rest on us.
Keith Olbermann has a tv show?
I keep waiting for natural causes to catch up with Moore.
Can it be that the doctors have been wrong?!
Where do we go to protest against all those ordinary people who used their homes as ATMs, cashing in for every dime they could pull out during the era when the price of a home appreciated 50% a year?
Who's to blame for that?
Now, everybody's pissed off. What are they pissed off about? That the Ponzi Scheme collapsed?
1st Jackdaw: You can klep your kleppin' kleep and klap it for all I give a klop!
2nd Jackdaw: Right back at that klap you klepped in with, you kleppin' kleep!
3rd Jackdaw: Can't we all klep along?!
Taxpayers vs. Taxeaters has already begun. Prez Obama is captain and head coach of the Taxeaters team which means the Taxeaters will lose and lose decisively.
"He invents nothing; he sets fire to everything."
The funniest part of this is that the press refers to Moore as a "liberal". Well, okay, the really funniest is that they give this oaf a platform.
He's a Marxist for crying out loud. He admitted it in his movie "Sicko".
Currently reading The Crime of Amalgamated written in 1904 by stock operator/broker Thomas William Lawson.
And before the Great Depression of 1929 there was the Panic of 1893
Similar to the Panic of 1873, this panic was marked by the collapse of railroad overbuilding and shaky railroad financing which set off a series of bank failures. Compounding market overbuilding and the railroad bubble, was a run on the gold supply..........
When it comes to fear and greed, nothing is new!
...how many eggs do you think Moore takes in his omelet?
All of them?
The mob should seize Moore's assets first.
Ah yes Gretchen Morgenson in "Reckless Endangerment" documents how the financial crisis was caused by diversity--the diversity of a revolving door between Wall Street and Washington, little regulation, and slicing and dicing of bad loans, and Goldman and Sachs making huge profits off the losses of its clients on the very securities it had marketed to them. Of course the crooks who did this have only gotten richer, while the rest of us have taken a depreciation on our homes, or lost our jobs, but I will continue to support the growing gab between very rich and the rest of us who make up 80% of the population because it creates jobs.
Do the working poor even use banks anymore? Hasn't there been a substantial, lucrative rise in check-cashing services? Methinks someone has not lived among the working poor for a while...
The usual idiot comment from r_v.
Yes, the Diversity Crusade was the origin of the mortgage/financial scam.
After years of the left bitching about "redlining," Congress finally passed the Community Reinvestment Act, which forced banks to lower lending standards.
The crusade to lower lending standards crossed both parties and involved three presidents, Fannie and Freddie, Wall Street and the banks, as well as all those people who gleefully used their homes as ATMs.
It was a mass hallucination.
r_v has only one card in his political deck, so he has no choice but to play that one. As an orthodox, braindead, PC leftist, he is a perfect fit for the moribund, stupid world of academia.
In fact, the promotion of a moron like r_v is the ultimate proof of the system's dysfunction. Parroting PC idiocy is how you got ahead in the past two decades. Morons like r_v were destined for greatness in this completely broken system.
What Shanna said. The "working poor" pictured seemed not to be working and could afford a nice drumset and cameras. And poor, in relation to money, is no way to describe Michael Moore.
wv: fords Because, they didn't take a bailout to UAW while they went bankrupt.
What Hagar and mesquito said.
After the Big Fat Pig came out as a truther and a champion for what's become ZeroCare, he's at 14:59 of his 15 minutes.
He didn't actually declare violence as a duty. He's promoting a protest and 'civil disobedience.'
But if violence *does* occur, I hope Mikey is in the middle of it.
You get kleptocracy when government gets bigger.
That raises government capture to avoid the cleansing effect of bankrupcy.
To claim that the "origin" of the banking failures was diversity is a simple bromide that allows folks to over-look the complexity and interconnections of the SEC and Wall Street, the repeal of the glass-Steagall Act, etc. Your post shows a dim recognition of this, Thomas, but then you fall back on your black and white view of the world that gives you ideology comfort, I suppose.Of course there is also personal responsibility involved in the making of some of these loans. Greed is a factor at all levels-- those who did not put 20% down etc in the hope that they could flip their properties, or bough the BigMacs on a dollar income, and the loan officers who faked the forms right on up to Goldman Sachs. The burden and joy of academia is we have to read and weigh articles written by Morgenson or Friedman etc before we reach our tentative conclusions.
One prong Mr. Moore might consider right now is hiring union employees on his own films. Or would that cut into his obscene profits?
roesch-voltaire --
"Greed is a factor at all levels-- those who did not put 20% down etc in the hope that they could flip their properties, or bough the BigMacs on a dollar income, and the loan officers who faked the forms right on up to Goldman Sachs."
All that enabled how? Those previously made points.
Like every other shallow, utopian plan, this one relied on the recipients 'behaving' (wink, wink; nudge nudge).
ST and RV - you should consider taking your "two blind men & the elephant" routine on tour.
To claim that the "origin" of the banking failures was diversity is a simple bromide that allows folks to over-look the complexity and interconnections of the SEC and Wall Street, the repeal of the glass-Steagall Act, etc.
Well, no, it's not a bromide, it's the truth.
The Diversity frenzy was the source of the mortgage/financial scam.
Appeals to social justice always rope in fools like you, r_v. It's guaranteed. Pleading to social justice (or environmental goodness) is the way to scam an idiot like you.
Then, after you've been duped, you get to bitch about the results.
In her book, the NYT's Grethchen Morgenson laid the blame for the housing bubble at the feet of Clinton, Frank, Jim Johnson [Obama's 1st pick to head his VP selection committee], GW Bush but it was mostly longtime Dems.
R-V: And the people who borrowed to buy bass boats and Mercedes and nice vacations and expensive wardrobes using their homes as collateral have no blame in your world, walled off as it is from reality. Had the evil borrowers repaid their loans as they had promised, contracted, there would have been no meltdown of the degree we experienced. Had the greedy borrowers lived within their means and not succumbed to cheap money we would have been fine. If the borrowers had thought to read the documents they agreed to, the contracts they entered, they might have decided that a bump in rates might be a bad thing a year or so down the road. But because they have been raised in a culture percolated in liberalism they got what they wanted when they wanted it, they became kleptocrats themselves these sleezy assholes who borrowed money from banks you owned stock in or which were funded by your pension and they did not pay it back. They did not honor their contracts.
Who is "they"? They, the kleptocracts took $535 millions of the taxpayers' money to reward a billionaire campaign bundler named Kaiser (a very undemocratic name). They, the kleptocrats tried to make generals change their testimonies to help billionaire Soros. They, the kleptocrats stopped us from producing domestic oil so they could steal $20 billion of our money to help Soros' Petrobra to drill oil. Yes, Moore is right, a democracy has no rooms for kleptocrats.
Some truth to what Moore says, obviously.
For a decade, the "Jobs Creators" lived high on the hog churning out poison securities and creating tech and housing and "counter-terrorism" bubbles. And wrecking US industries and shipping the jobs to China under globalism and "Free Trade for All Freedom-Lovers".
When it all came crashing down in 2008, because both Party's fatcat donors were in up to their eyeballs, the results predictable. Not a single indictment, most fatcats made whole or even richer on the trillions in China loans to bail out the Wall Street bankers, execs, and to a lesser extent, politically connected businesses and unions.
How is this surprising? It is how the game is now played in America. If you are connected, you get a "get out of jail free card". And both Parties will go to the borrowing well to make the biggie "masters of the universe" crooks of Wall Street and Big Finance whole again, while stiffing the workers and small investors and bond holders.
After not a single indictment, firing, demotion, or even reprimand happened to the CIA, FBI, FAA staff - or reckless NYFD leadership after 9/11 - just more money and promotions? Is the lack of any punishment for any involved in the economic meltdown surprising?
(That is at least one nice thing if we collapse completely and the military takes over...You will see Wall Streeters and bankers galore marched off in handcuffs screaming that they have 7 Senators from both Parties on speed dial...Along with troops taking at riflepoint people like Barney Franks, Franklin Raines, Jerry Nadler, Tom DeLay, Denny Hastert, Chris Dodd "Hey, I was on everyone important that gave me over 50,000 in donations, speed dial!!")
It's amazing how things that are the same have different terms. Like Bo Swenson said "everytime I call it a game you call it a business, and everytime I call it a business you call it a game".
RV it was affirmative action lending, very similiar to the subprime admissions you guys in academia practice.
what's wrong garage? you only got fat jokes but no morbidly obese jokes?
I read the post title and thought someone was talking about the government! Hey, Moore, have you heard about this company called Solyndra? Didn't think so.
The working poor who not only pay no income taxes, but can game the system to maximize tax credits vastly exceeding all takes they paid (including FICA.) Who are the kleptocrats again?
And has someone checked whether Moore gets the tax credits many states give to filmmakers?
If you want to cite "Reckless Endangerment" as a source of the evils of Wall Street it would be only fair for you to state the authors conclusions as to the origins of the 2008 meltdown. They lay it squarely at the feet of Pelosi, Frank and Dodd. This trio stood like a stonewall and blocked both the Bush and McCain attempts to head off the crisis.
The criminal organization known as the Democratic Party is taking us down the road to Kleptocracy. The President and his party want to make the country over in the image of the South side of Chicago: 20% on welfare, 75% working poor and lower middle class all ruled over by a 5% elite of Party apparatchiks who live off the rest.
Sometimes I wonder whether r-v is for real or whether he's some kind of satire on the intellectual vacuosness and pomposity of the modern academy.
This little gem almost clinches it for me:
The burden and joy of academia is we have to read and weigh articles written by Morgenson or Friedman etc before we reach our tentative conclusions.
I mean, really, the burden and joy of reading Thomas Friedman articles? You cannot be serious!
Are you trolling us, r-v?
The Occupy Wall Street protesters, on the other hand, have ideas and are intent on highlighting the mechanisms at work within the perpetual boom/bust cycle that is the American economy and democracy.
I'm not sure what these people are upset about. Obama has tamed the "perpetual boom/bust cycle"; we're now in a nice, stable bust.
Give credit where credit is due.
The criminal organization known as the Democratic Party is taking us down the road to Kleptocracy.
That is what is so humorous about this - these people are supporting the Kleptocratic Party.
Goldman Sachs has been Democrat going back to FDR and Lewis Strauss, and you don't get any more "Wall Street" than Goldman Sachs.
What is a bit scary is that the financial bailout was run by Goldman Sachs to benefit Goldman Sachs, and everyone turned a blind eye, as they made money, while their competition was destroyed.
Ever wonder why AIG was bailed out, despite being an insurance company, and not a bank? Because, if they had failed, then GS would have taken a bath. And, who ran the bailout? Mostly GS alums.
Earth Charter
The final text of the Earth Charter was approved at a meeting of the Earth Charter Commission at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris in March 2000. The official launch was on 29 June 2000 in a ceremony at The Peace Palace in The Hague.
Principles III 10. a. Promote the equitable distribution of wealth within nations and among nations.
One of several suggestions Moore had was for those who have been foreclosed on to remain in their homes since, given the way individual mortgages were split and bundled into derivatives, “nobody really owns your mortgage.”
Yep. The sheriff's deputies will be perfectly understanding as they haul you away in handcuffs and toss your belongings out into the street to be rained on and picked over by thieves.
Do you think this fat ass slob cold climb over a 3 foot wall?
With enough forward momentum he could slosh over a considerable obstacle.
Oh, and as regards Moore's notion that patriotic Americans should be willing to wait longer for elective surgery, all I can say is that before I had my knee surgery it felt as though there was a pebble behind my kneecap and every step I took was sheer agony.
So call me "unpatriotic," Mr. Moore, but if the same thing happens again I will not be willing to wait.
Given Michael Moore's age and morbid obesity it won't be long before one or more major joints gives way. Then he'll be crippled and in excruciating chronic pain.
How long do you think the lardass will wait in line with the other idiots, er patriots.
@lemondog--Sincere question: What point do you mean to make?
One of several suggestions Moore had was for those who have been foreclosed on to remain in their homes...
You know what this is, don't you? This is Michael Moore, filmmaker, hoping to tempt some poor fool into trying this criminal stunt so he can video the eviction for his forthcoming propaganda opus which will be in selected cinemas about this time next year.
This piece of subhuman offal doesn't realize that the working poor pay no federal and in some cases no state income tax, not to mention that a lot of them actually get tax refunds. Fucking fat sack of cat shit.
The final text of the Earth Charter was approved at a meeting of the Earth Charter Commission at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris in March 2000.
Any organization or event with Earth in its title or corporate name is automatically guilty of sophistry.
wv: mersatin - Mermaid prefer lingerie made of this textile.
This piece of subhuman offal doesn't realize that the working poor pay no federal and in some cases no state income tax...
Of course he realises the "working poor" are mostly takers rather than payers. This is the difference between stupidity and iniquity.
Ever since God made little orange tulips, there have been booms and busts. And it's not just a feature of capitalism. It's just part of our herd instinct to go the direction in which the herd is galloping. If anything, fascist and communist states exaggerate rather than diminish this tendency......Back then, guys like Michael Moore were not producing any prescient documentaries about the evils of sub prime loans. They were preaching about the need to make more such loans.....The bubble went splat. Some people have unfairly profited. That's the way it works. It's unfair that Michael Moore has received so much wealth and honors, but that's the way it works.
@lemondog--Sincere question: What point do you mean to make?
Kleptocracy, under the guise of building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society, is at a global level. Whenever I see UN involvement I become concerned for US sovereignty.
"The working poor of this country have suffered long enough, and they're not going to take it."
Ok, so the working poor have suffered enough. How about the folks who actually paid the taxes that went to bail out wall street? At what point do they have permission from Moore to declare they are not going to take it anymore? They are the one's paying for the bailouts. To pay for the nationalization of health care. To pay for the nationalization of GM.
There's something about Moore which makes me wonder if he didn't consciously pass into the realm of charlantry a while back....
...somewhere past young Lefty idealist, to movie-maker for the "working man" then on to ever increasing self-promotion, fame, truth telling mixed with hypocrisy, long since having passed the point of ideologue...kind of like an over the hill, pop-demagogue.
May he go the way of the unions, and hopefully many other such liberty-threatening, rabble-rousing progressives after the next election cycle.
wv: mersatin - Mermaid prefer lingerie made of this textile.
But where does she take it for dry cleaning?!?
"Funny how the "working poor" at these protests always seem to be dirty 20something hippie/college students and have tons of time and money to take off work and go protest half way across the country."
What Shanna said.
The working poor of this country have suffered long enough, and they're not going to take it.
If they're working, they don't have time to leave work and sit on a sidewalk outside a bank pounding on a drum.
Such mindless pranks will be played, as they were played in Wisconsin, by dirtbag hippies egged on by this multi-millionaire tub of goo.
Is this man ever going to grow up? Or will he die first?
"Working poor" my foot.
I recently saw that a part tme employee of a big hospital receiving federal funds was paid over over $300 an hour. Maybe some of the working poor work there?
If these folks really need to march through the streets and beat some drums they might want to do that outside the hospital. Or the White House where that part time employee now resides. You know -- take the battle to their home.
wv probe
What the main stream media needs to do about a lot of the dealings of the residents @ 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Michael Moore would rather we all protest in the bread lines.
"Some truth to what Moore says"
No surprise that C-fudd chows down on this fat, dishonest America-hating commie. Moore hates Jews and Israel, and that's the only thing that counts within the confines of Fudd's flophouse room.
My local bank is actually a local bank. It has about 5 branches in the SW Chicago suburbs. It's run by people who live in the community, not by a bunch of people in New York or in Chicago. They make most of their money loaning it out to local businesses for construction, etc. I found this out when my son earned his Personal Finance Merit Badge and interviewed one of their VP's (I sat in on the interview).
Who the hell still takes Moore seriously?
(And no, I'm not watching his damned video. I'll read a transcript, if there is one. But I don't watch ANYONE'S stupid web videos, let alone a pathetic con-man like Moore.
I wouldn't trust him to tell me the sky was blue, if I thought he thought there was partisan gain to be had in misleading or deceiving me.)
(Shouting Thomas: A book can be propaganda and be correct in some set [or the totality] of its claims.
Propaganda does not mean lies; almost all political books are propaganda, even when they're 100% truthful.)
(Also, does moore really confuse Wall Street investment banks with Your Local Bank?
KeyBank ain't Goldman Sachs. Nor is your credit union, which is a "bank" in most people's terms.
It'll be hilarious to see Moore-insipired* protests in front of credit unions that take no handouts and aren't involved in investment banking.
* A typo, but one I think is a great new word; insipid inspiration.)
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