Baldwin is the first Democrat in the field and likely the front-runner for her party's nomination....May the issues be sharply defined!
She linked herself to the political tradition of Kohl and former U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold and declared, "It's time politicians looked out for seniors, working families and the middle class - instead of protecting the profits of big oil and Wall Street."...
To her opponents, particularly among Republicans, Baldwin is the definition of a tax-and-spend Madison liberal who backed "Obamacare."...
Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald (R-Horicon), who is all but guaranteed to enter the U.S. Senate race, said, "I think Tammy is the epitome of what's wrong in Washington right now."
ADDED: Here's Meade's video of Tammy Baldwin, with her hand held by Jesse Jackson, on February 23, in the Wisconsin Capitol rotunda, at the height of the protests:
Note the marionette effect at 6:53.
२२० टिप्पण्या:
220 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»"Wonder Woman!"
"May the issues be sharply defined!
Omigawsh. That sounded violent! Mommy!
Shouldn't that have been, "All left!"?
She is in same mold as Herb, dull, and not very intelligent.
Here's a campaign slogan she can use: "Tammy Baldwin -- the woman from Madison."
Damn those oil company profits and all those dividend taxes paid by shareholders!
Do candidates ever campaign on fighting for non-working families?
Good to see that Tammy is starting off her campaign with some original talking points.
"It's time politicians looked out for seniors, working families and the middle class - instead of protecting the profits of big oil and Wall Street."...
Cripes. Another moron running for office.
Because the problem with America isn't unsustainable social welfare entitlement programs and liberal job-killing tax and regulatory schemes, it's the profits of big oil and Wall Street.
I do appreciate, however, the willingness of the morons to out themselves. Life is made simpler by this reflex of theirs...
"Do candidates ever campaign on fighting for non-working families?"
They should start, it's a growing voter block.
"It's time politicians looked out for seniors, working families and the middle class - instead of protecting the profits of big oil and Wall Street."...
So, what happens when the seniors' and working families' pensions and retirement funds are invested in big oil and wall street bank stock?
Another mindless pol ignorant of how our country actually works.
Sounds like she is so far left that she is likely to get the nomination and then lose. Is that an accurate impression?
I also have to say that democratic women in politics as a group seem to be very weak. I saw the video of DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Shultz today refusing to say anything about Hoffa's SOB statement. It was a feeble effort, with her saying repeatedly that she and Obama believe people should work together. To anyone interested and listening with an open mind, it was insulting. How can these people be so insulated that they think it is better to refuse to answer the question, when it would be so easy to say that language was inappropriate and then offer whatever excuse they think works best.
You know that Carney will be hounded until he says something like that, so why not just get it out now.
One benefit to Obama is that at this no one is focusing on Biden's latest insanity, telling unions they are the ones keeping teh "barbarians at the gates." It is too bad, since a VP calling millions of Americans barbarians is more offensive and more helpful to republicans. I guess they will get around to it.
"Do candidates ever campaign on fighting for non-working families?"
Do Republicans ever campaign for families, period? The only time you ever hear them talking about people is when they're proposing to take something away from them.
Well, that's one way to get someone new in the House.
Running on medicare? Running on Russ Feingold's old record?
Tommy Thompson shares her abilities to convince seniors he's the mensh.
What needs to be learned, however, is that conservatives can take a bath with the likes of Michele Bachmann. And, even Perry. Who caters to them.
But that's what keeps the playing field so easily divided, huh?
What did Big Oil do to deserve the accusation that they steal money?
It was the Financial guys who stole everything.
Tammy wants to empower the financial rape of the citizens with Cap and Trade Theft of what Big Oil never could steal.
"Do Republicans ever campaign for families, period?"
Perry's campaigning for mine right now. As are the rest to varying degrees. Mostly for my sons and their sons and daughters when they have them, because there's not going to be much of a future unless things change and soon.
garage mahal said...
Do Republicans ever campaign for families, period? The only time you ever hear them talking about people is when they're proposing to take something away from them.
Alright all you working families, give us your toasters and washing machines.
"Wonder Woman!"
She ain't no Lynda Carter.
"It's time politicians looked out for seniors, working families and the middle class - instead of protecting the profits of big oil and Wall Street."
It's good to see that there are some fresh, original thoughts from candidates entering the fray.
"Well, that's one way to get someone new in the House."
So which Madison state rep or senator will get to hold the same views as Tammy, but with less senority?
I'm not thrilled with the choice. I think Baldwin will raise fistfulls of money, however, so that will make her a difficult candidate to run against.
I see hours of TV ads in my future, all ending with Call so-and-so and tell him/her that this isn't the way Wisconsin voters want it!
So which Madison state rep or senator will get to hold the same views as Tammy, but with less senority?
I'm guessing Hulsey would love the job. (Shudder). Mayor Dave is just starting a new job. The list is prretty long.
Omigawsh. That sounded violent! Mommy!
From all the "whining" posts GM has thrown up over the past few days, one would think his hypocrisy filter is completely clogged. It's really the only explanation.
If she's going to run on her support for ZeroCare and Stimulus, I wish her all the luck in the world.
Even in Wisconsin.
Tim in case you did not catch the news four days ago, many small business owners say that taxes and regulations are not the problem.Government regulations are not 'choking' our business, the hospitality business," Bernard Wolfson, the president of Hospitality Operations in Miami, told The Miami Herald.
Read more:
garage mahal: "Sharply defined" is exactly the same as declaring war on Republicans in order to take them out. You're such a putz, garage.
I am fond of being able to pump gasoline into my car's tank.
The cheaper the gas the better.
How is running against oil companies going to put gasoline in my car's tank?
"Sharply defined" is exactly the same as declaring war on Republicans in order to take them out. You're such a putz, garage.
So if the Koch brothers called Obama "Saddam Hussein", and declared 2012 "the mother of all wars, you would be similarly outraged?
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
So if the Koch brothers called Obama "Saddam Hussein", and declared 2012 "the mother of all wars, you would be similarly outraged
The critical difference is, Garage…THEY HAVE NOT DONE SO.
In case someone didn't already comment with this recollection at the Capital.
Jesse Jackson should have stayed home instead of upstaging the protesters. I'm on the fence as to whether the local politicians should be there or if they are upstaging the regular people too.
Were they all invited? Was there a consensus among the protesters? It would be sad if the day was marred by the memory of an unwanted attention hog.
The critical difference is, Garage…THEY HAVE NOT DONE SO.
"We have Saddam Hussein," declared billionaire industrialist Charles Koch, apparently referring to President Barack Obama as he welcomed hundreds of wealthy guests to the latest of the secret fundraising and strategy seminars he and his brother host twice a year. The 2012 elections, he warned, will be "the mother of all wars."
May the issues be sharply defined!
Issues? Issues? Who needs issues when you can instead demonize, divide, demogogue, and incite?
Hateful thugs don't need no issues.
"I'm guessing Hulsey would love the job. (Shudder). Mayor Dave is just starting a new job. The list is prretty long."
I don't see alot of Paul Ryan equivilents (ideas, impact) on the left side of the Wisconsin talent pool.
garbage references a completely scurrilous Mother Jones article that purports to be a secret recording of a Koch meeting.
No slimeball tactic is beneath you, garbage.
So if the Koch brothers called Obama "Saddam Hussein", and declared 2012 "the mother of all wars, you would be similarly outraged?
You misunderstand completely and continue to do so. The outrage isn't over something someone said in particular. The outrage, at least for me personally (such that it is) and those I tend to agree with is due to the hypocrisy of the left and, partially, to the fallout after the Arizona shootings.
Even when I was an apolitical twenty-something, it always seemed like the left was the first to cry foul of someone else's free speech with calls for disavowment and/or removal unless it was one of their own.
Scott M, you might note the piece of garbage reference that garbage just quoted.
It's the usual hysterical Koch brothers rant in, of all places, Mother Jones.
garbage reads garbage and upchucks garbage.
garbage in, garbage out.
Pouty, you're saying the MoJo piece was concocted out of thin air? They had a stand-in that read of the names of 32 wealthy donors?
Here are the donors.
garbage, you dumb fuck, Obama has collected $1 billion in campaign funds.
Do you have a functioning brain?
So, what are your rules, garbage?
Only one side has the right to fund raising?
This strikes you are extremely clever and penetrating?
Pouty, you're saying the MoJo piece was concocted out of thin air?
That is a distinct possibility.
Tammy Baldwin, perfect for Wisconsin, perfect for the United States.
Running an angry socialist militant lesbian for US Senate from Wisconsin? Well, she locked up the 90% of the Madison vote that was going to vote for whoever the Democrats ran anyway.
You make my brain hurt Pouty. Good God.
If she wins (incredble long shot), at least the Senate softball team would improve.
You make my brain hurt Pouty. Good God.
Well, yeah, garbage.
About the only thing approximating a fact that I can see that you've produced is that the Koch brothers are politically active and that they engage in fund raising.
Jesus, that's a hell of an indictment! They should be shot.
Well, Baldwin could defintely kick the crap out of Don Knots, I mean, Reince Priebus.
If she wins (incredble long shot), at least the Senate softball team would improve.
Madison would probably find themselves included on more Cocteau Twins tour stops as well.
Jesus, that's a hell of an indictment! They should be shot.
No dummy. I was responding to Tosa Guy who seemed agitated that Hoffa used war language. That's why I linked to the Koch's using the same language to see if he was agaitated over that.
No dummy. I was responding to Tosa Guy who seemed agitated that Hoffa used war language. That's why I linked to the Koch's using the same language to see if he was agaitated over that.
Mother Jones, and the assertion of hidden camera surveillance, is not a credible source, dummy.
Especially, when it is followed by the usual crack brained Koch conspiracy rant.
garage mahal said...
Do Republicans ever campaign for families, period? The only time you ever hear them talking about people is when they're proposing to take something away from them.
Like the Bush tax cuts where tens of millions of filers were removed from federal income tax liability?
Taken away like that, stupid?
I'll knock the Koch Brothers when they give a violence-filled speech at a rally held by the president. But until then I will continue to buy Georgia-Pacific products manufactured by people who live and pay taxes in Wisconsin.
Do Republicans ever campaign for families, period?
Sure they do. Although, just to name one issue, I can see how that might escape you if you think the unborn aren't part of the family and free to do with what the woman wills.
Garage. Comrade, i was at the ultra secret meeting. Mother Jones has it wrong. Millionaires and billionaires are not suseptible to being spied on by Mother Jones by the by. Good food, however and excellent conversation. Civilized.
garage mahal said...
Because as we all know, an "apparent reference" as alleged by a left wing blog is FACT right, clown?
I'll knock the Koch Brothers when they give a violence-filled speech at rally held by the president. But until then . . . . .
Do you suppose that Hoffa accidentally showed the cards? Is the army that he referred to finally the civilian security force "that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded" as the military, as President Obama once stated is something "we've got to have"? needing?
What do you suppose the Teamsters would do with the Pentagon's budget?
So Wisconsin will get a choice, not an echo. Probably will work out better for the Republican than the first time that was tried.
Because as we all know, an "apparent reference" as alleged by a left wing blog is FACT right, clown?
I suppose MoJo could have put on an elaborate ruse, faking a gathering of hundreds of people, faking Koch talking to the crowd, faking a list of donors. But I doubt it. But keep playing stupid Jaytard. It suits you well.
RV. You didnt read the article very carefully did you? The business owners interviewed said that regulations were not choking their business but went on to describe the insurance costs and disability claims that were. Both of those are offshoots of a regulatory regime that impacts them mightily. The hotel business,by the way, was severely impacted by the AIG effect which effectively killed upper end and resort hotels for two years.
Garage, video or it didn't happen.
I suppose MoJo could have put on an elaborate ruse, faking a gathering of hundreds of people, faking Koch talking to the crowd, faking a list of donors. But I doubt it. But keep playing stupid Jaytard. It suits you well.
You really are incapable of getting it, aren't you, garbage?
Mother Jones is a lefty propaganda rag, idiot. Get it?
Try reading the nutjob conspiracy rant it published about the Koch brothers...
Oh, what the hell... you are a sucker for that kind of nutjob propaganda.
at least the Senate softball team would improve.
Thanks for the stereotype, but she's not a jock. Sheesh.
She will be like Ed Garvey..loved by the Madison and Dem establishment leftists, and a big zero everywhere in Wisconsin.
Mother Jones is a lefty propaganda rag, idiot. Get it?
What's funny is your brain can't process any information not relayed to you by Fox. And they are the ones that chopped up the Hoffa speech and spliced it back together to dish to their easily fooled audience. Or maybe they don't care.
video or it didn't happen
Here, here. I seem to remember GM's very similar response to the Kenneth Gladney beating case here in STL.
So what can Tammy Baldwin offer to the independent voter who voted for Scott Walker, Ron Johnson, David Prosser and GOP state senators? She does have the temper tantrum vote locked up, but those folks would never vote for a Republican anyway.
garage mahal said...
I suppose MoJo could have put on an elaborate ruse, faking a gathering of hundreds of people, faking Koch talking to the crowd, faking a list of donors. But I doubt it. But keep playing stupid Jaytard. It suits you well.
Um, dum-dum:
Your own link uses the term apparent reference to Obama
Or do you get so piss your pants excited about your idiotic assertions that you miss those little facts?
"... The only time you ever hear them talking about people is when they're proposing to take something away from them...."
garage mahal said...
I suppose MoJo could have put on an elaborate ruse, faking a gathering of hundreds of people, faking Koch talking to the crowd, faking a list of donors. But I doubt it.
Of course I never said there wasn't any gathering or donors, bozo.
Want to guess why you did that?
garage mahal said...
What's funny is your brain can't process any information not relayed to you by Fox. And they are the ones that chopped up the Hoffa speech and spliced it back together to dish to their easily fooled audience. Or maybe they don't care.
What is even funnier is that you spent hours here falsely accusing Breibart of doctoring tapes yet you accept uncritically an "audio available at the BRAD Blog"
Why, it is almost as if you're a hypocritical moron or something.
Of course I never said there wasn't any gathering or donors, bozo.
Ok? Are you actually disputing something here? If you have a point make it.
Comrade Garage: The ultra secret meetings the evil Koch brothers hold are referenced on their evil website, so sorta secret. The MoJo article hinges on the word "loopholes" which it insinuates are the portholes through which millionairesandbillionaires poke their contributions ultra secretly to the evil Koch brothers. Except the "loopholes" are the MoJo writers way of saying that the law does not read as they would like it to read, at least as it pertains to the evil Koch brothers.
Any way you look at it, Tammy Baldwin is not getting of these ultra secret funds channeled to her via loopholes. Count on that.
The good news is that the right wing now has their very own version of George Soros except in the form of evil brothers, a twofer!! So, taking a cue from George, we will use the money from millionairesandbillionaires to reshape the conversation away from the way you want it to the way we want it. Which is better.
What is even funnier is that you spent hours here falsely accusing Breibart of doctoring tapes
The tapes WERE edited and doctored moron. You know how I know? Because Breitbart admits it! How is possible you could be this monumentally dumb?
garage mahal said...
Ok? Are you actually disputing something here? If you have a point make it.
It is not a fact that any donor or Koch referred to Obama as Saddam Hussein
Or are you an idiot who can't read?
garage mahal said...
The tapes WERE edited and doctored moron. You know how I know? Because Breitbart admits it!
He did no such thing.
garage mahal said...
Ok? Are you actually disputing something here? If you have a point make it.
Since you're an abject simpleton, let's try this way.
1. It was asserted that the Koch brothers called Obama "Saddam Hussein",
2. The assertion was disputed by another poster.
3. You, in your pants wetting hysteria said YES THEY HAVE
and offered a link.
4. I copied your YES THEY HAVE
and responded to it pointing out that yet again we have an instance where you claming a link says something it does not.
5. You can't follow this simple progression of events.
He did no such thing.
He purchased the tapes doctored, but claims he didn't know until after it was obvious they were.
It is not a fact that any donor or Koch referred to Obama as Saddam Hussein
Referring to the 2012 elections, who do you suppose he was talking about? A dead dictator?
Well off the top of my head I know the GOP to keep more of my earnings, keep my property, my guns, my choice in food, schools.
Democrats seem hell bent on taking as many of those from me as they can.
He purchased the tapes doctored, but claims he didn't know until after it was obvious they were.
Watching you beclown yourself so eagerly is hilarious.
I said you accused Breibart of doctoring tapes.
You said he admitted they were doctored after he was told so.
Those aren't the same thing.
You're an imbecile.
I said you accused Breibart of doctoring tapes.
Which I didn't do Jaytard! Here is what I said: "The tapes WERE edited and doctored moron. You know how I know? Because Breitbart admits it!"
Aren't you going to reveal your awesome theory of who Koch was referring to when he said "We have Saddam Hussein" ?
Comrade Garage: Do you see a difference between "edited" and "doctored?"
"Huh? What?"
Not playing this stupid fucking game.
roesch-voltaire said...
Tim in case you did not catch the news four days ago, many small business owners say that taxes and regulations are not the problem.Government regulations are not 'choking' our business, the hospitality business," Bernard Wolfson, the president of Hospitality Operations in Miami, told The Miami Herald.
Wolfson gives lots of money to Democrats. A check at Open Secrets shows that less than 5% of his political contributions go to Republicans.
So a racist leftist rag assumes a reference to Obama is a reference to Hussein or vice versa. So, garage's proof is, basically, Stormfront for "respectable" progressives.
garage mahal said...Not playing this stupid fucking game.
Good, because you're losing badly and it's painful to watch.
I can't wait to vote for Tammy in the primary. Is it too soon to send in an absentee ballot?
They restricted the absentee ballot process. You may want to check ahead.
I may vote twice.
"They restricted the absentee ballot process."
Oh, well. All good things come to those who wait.
Block the vote!
Such lovely people.
Is it too soon to send in an absentee ballot?
Better do it before the Postal Service shuts down.
On second thought, this is too important to trust the USPS. When does the polling-place line form?
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Block the vote!
Such lovely people
My take on Garage statements like this is, “Waaaaah, this makes it harder for Democrats to win elections.”
this makes it harder for Democrats to win elections.
Sometimes the truth slips. The recent honestly is refreshing though. So American isn't it?
It is a shame Democrats can't write. But I think you can get an ID by making your mark.
What's funny is your brain can't process any information not relayed to you by Fox.
How comforting... to have your world bounded on one side by Fox News, and on the other by Mother Jones!
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
The recent honestly is refreshing though. So American isn't it
Elections aren’t to elect Democrats, Garage…you just think if Democrats HAVEN’T been elected there hasn’t been an election….
GM at 10:50am: "You make my brain hurt Pouty. Good God."
I'm confused - you have a brain?
Wisconsin is number one in a few things since Walker took over. We're the hardest state in the union to vote, and we lead the country in school aid cuts.
Yessssssssss. Take that libs.
"... this makes it harder for Democrats to win elections.
Sometimes the truth slips. The recent honestly is refreshing though. So American isn't it?..."
What is so hard about registering to vote that one needs someone to hand hold them through the process?
Seriously, if you can't even perform that simple task you really have no business voting.
Seriously, if you can't even perform that simple task you really have no business voting.
Agreed. A pulse shouldn't qualify one or I'd agree with Nancy Pelosi, that noted federalist, about how important elections should be.
It simply isn't that difficult to register to vote. I managed at the age of 18 to do it. If someone is so clueless on how to register its not a stretch to argue they're not going to be an informed voter.
Garage, like most liberals isn't bothered by that as long as they vote the 'correct way'.
"If someone is so clueless on how to register its not a stretch to argue they're not going to be an informed voter."
Hard to argue with that.
Garage, like most liberals isn't bothered by that as long as they vote the 'correct way'.
Oh just admit it you have no problems with blocking American citizens from voting, as long as it's people that you think vote for Democrats. It's just such transparent bullshit and you know it. I would love to see Original Mike look this Wisconsinite in the eye and tell her she's too fucking stupid to vote.
Don't go to your links anymore, garage. You've poisoned the well. As to, "Oh just admit it you have no problems with blocking American citizens from voting, as long as it's people that you think vote for Democrats." that is just flat out wrong. Sorry, dude.
Your advocating spending millions of dollars fixing a non-existent problem, and disenfranchising hundreds of thousands of Wisconsinites in the process. Own it.
"disenfranchising hundreds of thousands of Wisconsinites"
"... Oh just admit it you have no problems with blocking American citizens from voting, as long as it's people that you think vote for Democrats. It's just such transparent bullshit and you know it. I would love to see Original Mike look this Wisconsinite in the eye and tell her she's too fucking stupid to vote...."
Again, what is so difficult about registering to vote? Are you opposed to even the most basic identification to allow getting an id or verifying who is eligible to vote? In this age if identity theft I'd think not but anything to secure political power is fine for your kind.
Screw you. It's people like you that have poisoned the discourse in this country to the point that that there is no reasoning with you.
"garage mahal said...
Wisconsin is number one in a few things since Walker took over. We're the hardest state in the union to vote, and we lead the country in school aid cuts."
Hardest to vote? I just go to my local precinct (a few blocks away), show my driver's license, get a ballot, and vote. Easy.
As far as the rest, what crap. First, they only looked at 24 states. Obama thinks there are 57, you think 24. Second, we don't lead "putting Wisconsin at fourth in the country so far in cuts". Are you a lair or an idiot?
The real issue is what do we spend.
And really, you could give a shit about school spending...schools have not had to make program cuts.
Reading that article, she clearly is too dumb to vote. "Sure, I have no proof I live here...why should that stop me?"way is too dumb to even mock adequately. Reading that the writer is convinced that the USPS is a government agency was hilarious. I think the author might also be too dumb to vote. That somebody claiming to be a lawyer said they are one speaks ill of legal education in general.
If some person said "I live here" and their evidence consists of "because I said so", then they should be laughed at.
Well I went to his link Mike and it sounds like the problem is the DMV and not the voter is law.
Assuming that story is even 10% true.
".... So, here's the thing. Like so many parents of adult children, or adult children living with parents, or young people, or unemployed people, or the self-employed people-- or basically, like so many other huge swaths of the population of any state-- my mother cannot easily meet these restrictions...."
Makes one wonder how they functioned in society up to how.
Your link also thinks Bradley was the victim and is demanding all correspondence between the conservative justices...because they totally heave a right to demand that. Truly.
HD, it wasn't the DMV's fault. The required proof of residency was not presented. The USPS is not a federal agency and her mom lacked proof of residency. They weren't asking for really obscure documentation.
"Well I went to his link Mike"
You're a better man than I, Gunga Din.
"and it sounds like the problem is the DMV and not the voter is law."
I heard on the radio that Walker's budget funds increased DMV locations and hours.
So, help is on the way, garage!
"... Your link also thinks Bradley was the victim and is demanding all correspondence between the conservative justices...because they totally heave a right to demand that. Truly...."
The link was to the Green Bay Progressive. What else do you need to know?
ID to rent a movie or cash a check, no problem. ID to prove you're an eligible voter, travesty.
I say give the liberals what they want, complete unrestricted voter eligibility. No id, no problem. In fact remove the age requirement too. Hell let's just let the 15 million undocumented worker's vote too.
I heard on the radio that Walker's budget funds increased DMV locations and hours.
Just think Mike, your conservative policies are so shitty, so unpopular, that our governor has to block people from voting. All that garbage about being broke, and you fell for it. Nice movement you got there. Anyways, laugh it up, asshole.
"... The required proof of residency was not presented. The USPS is not a federal agency and her mom lacked proof of residency. They weren't asking for really obscure documentation..."
Ok I went back and looked. Was she getting SS? It had to be mailed somewhere. If she moved in with her kid, its not that difficult to get an address change to reflect a new residence. I moved several years ago and Mrs. Hoosier and I took. Pto day just to get all that crap done. Deal with it.
The disenfranchise whine is just that.
"Pay check or stub or earning statement with your name and Wisconsin address, and your employer's name and address, issued within the last 90 days. Your employer's telephone number may be required for verification.
Idiot Author: "My mother is working remotely from her law firm in Toledo, and is for all intents and purposes retired in WI. She has no earnings statements from a WI employer."
There is no requirement that your earnings statement or check or pay stub come from aWI employer.
If you are 72 you get correspondence from a number of government agencies...Medicare is one mentioned. Also SSN. If she was a lawyer she must hvae worked and be getting Social Security.
100% Bullshit. Well except how awful the DMV can be. What do you expect from public union workers.
Just think Garage, your liberal obamacare policies are so shitty, so unpopular, that they have to be mandatory. Just like most liberal ideas.
It's almost like she doesn't want to succeed.
The disenfranchise whine is just that.
No dickhead, you still don't get it. It's adding layers of headaches for thousands of honest Wisconsinites who have voted faithfully for decades for no fucking reason. It's meant to be chaotic and frustrating. There is no voter fraud in this state. None.
"thousands of honest Wisconsinites"
Don't you mean hundreds of thousands?
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
There is no voter fraud in this state. None
Uh how would we know for sure? Like marital infidelity, people don’t advertise it….I guess you bought the charm that keeps elephants away, too, right?
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Don't you mean hundreds of thousands
Possibly, MILLIONS of them….you racist, homophobe.
"... No dickhead, you still don't get it..."
I get it fine jackoff. Funny how proving eligibility is a government requirement you oppose. Yeah getting an id is soooo chaotic.
170,000 seniors, and 200,000 students, for starters, currently do not have the proper ID to vote in Wisconsin. You're a scientist, can you figure that math out?
Are you suggesting that 170,000 seniors (ie, people over 65) are completely incapable of handling this on their own? My father, 66, would be quite offended at that notion.
What percentage, scientist, do you suppose the infirm/incapable seniors actually make up of the category "seniors"?
Go Tammy, go!
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
170,000 seniors, and 200,000 students, for starters, currently do not have the proper ID to vote in Wisconsin. You're a scientist, can you figure that math out
So you’re saying that right now, if we change the law, 370,000 potential illegal votes exist to be used for the Democratic Party, no wonder you’re on fire about this Garage…My advice, to them, is get any of the many LEGAL proofs of residence, and register. I know that’s hard…I know it takes time…I know it’s not as good for your side than if the SEIU “signs” them up in a voter registration drive, but it won’t kill them either.
Unfortunately Tammy will not have the Republican record of destroying the economy to run on...
I think it's funny that garage's link goes on and on about getting a driver's license. A drivers license.
She would have had to do through all this regardless of the Voter ID law.
Yet not one bitch about her ability to drive. Not one.
"garage mahal said...
170,000 seniors, and 200,000 students, for starters, currently do not have the proper ID to vote in Wisconsin. You're a scientist, can you figure that math out?"
There are 200,000 students, legal residents of WI, that don't have a WI driver's license or state ID?
LOL I'll bet their life is a bitch. I mean, how do they get by? Because they would not be able to get a checking account. Or even get in-state tuition without the same proofs that voter ID law requires.
There are 200,000 students, legal residents of WI, that don't have a WI driver's license or state ID?
No. Do some reading before you jump into a conversation. Almost all student ID's aren't an acceptable ID to vote.
"... 170,000 seniors, and 200,000 students, for starters, currently do not have the proper ID to vote in Wisconsin..."
Hmmm. Would those 200k students be Wisconsin residents?
I'll say it again, if you cant accomplish the simple task of getting an ID then you shouldn't vote.
How do these poor people cash checks, rent movies, buy beer, get their Rx? This disenfranchise argument is total horseshit.
Sounds like she will likely get the Democrat nomination. And collect a ton of fundraising dollars from the Gay Mafia coming in from out of state.
I don't know if she is electable statewide. On her hard left reputation.
There have been other gay people in the Senate...just not "proudly out".
I imagine that her "baggage" is pretty considerable on votes and positions and quotes she has accumulated.
In much of Wisconsin, I imagine her opponent might like a few video clips of her holding hands with Jesse Jackson in the Wisc State Capital. As not a good thing for Tammy. From Jesse's own negatives. And also from a unique Wisconsin perspective that voters see Wisconsin Democrats as eager to do what powerful Chicago Dem politicians want done.
"... There are 200,000 students, legal residents of WI, that don't have a WI driver's license or state ID?
No. Do some reading before you jump into a conversation...."
200k students eligible to vote don't have a drivers license?
I'll say it again, if you cant accomplish the simple task of getting an ID then you shouldn't vote.
Yea, well, if you can't sign up to buy mandatory health insurance you deserve to be thrown in jail.
Hey, Professor, Tom Hayden says you're full of it!
200k students eligible to vote don't have a drivers license?
200k student ID's that aren't valid to vote.
"garage mahal said...
200k student ID's that aren't valid to vote."
Yeah, that's evasive. Intentionally? Because you can regsiter with a driver's license. So again, 200,000 students with no valid WI drivers license?
and we lead the country in school aid cuts.
Dropping us all the way to ... 16th highest per capita spending in the country.
200k student ID's that aren't valid to vote.
You believe that more than 60% of all college students in the state (including grad schools) don't have drivers licenses?
Calypso, you for, or against the voter ID law. Also curious why if so.
garage brings up seniors and students. No mention of minorities.
Why does he hate black people?
'200k student ID's that aren't valid to vote.'
Nor should they be any more than the ID badge that your comnpany gives you when they hire you in. A college ID - student, administrator, teacher, groundskeeper, or cafeteria worker - says only that you are affiliated with a college just as a company ID says. Neither implies anything about legal residency in the state the company or college is in.
Your argument is reductio ad absurdum nonsense. You might as well say that any ID issued by any Wisconsin issuer should confer the right to vote to the recipient. Try again.
garage mahal said...
"170,000 seniors, and 200,000 students, for starters, currently do not have the proper ID to vote in Wisconsin."
Garage said, dancing on his being called on his bullsit about 200,000 lacking proper ID like a Wisconsin drivers license:
[200k students eligible to vote don't have a drivers license???
Garage - "200k student ID's that aren't valid to vote."]
REading between the lines, Garage appears to be admitting most his 200,000 students have driver's licenses, just ones issued to residents of different states that have not changed residency, but who would enjoy the privilege of voting at least twice - once in Wisconsin, once in their home state, perhaps some other state or polling place where they just flash a ultility bill, photoless student ID or Mexican Counselate card..
Hence, the wisdom of photo ID laws. Much to the chagrin of Democrats,
Hence, the wisdom of photo ID laws. Much to the chagrin of Democrats,
Bottom line: Walker's own AG spent two years investigating voter fraud in Wisconsin. Found nothing. And we'll spend millions implementing it anyway. I suppose that's wisdom to you.
I'm for it garage. It's time we try it. If, in fact, there's an outcry from seniors (or others) across the state that the requirement is too onerous (and neither I nor any retiree I know can figure out why that would be), the requirement will be changed.
On the other hand, I've got my personal experience as recently as the recall elections where someone volunteered to drive me to the polls and vouch for me to vote without ID as someone else. That shit happens. And it disenfranchises legitimate voters. If it happened to me just because I was sitting in a bar at the right (wrong?) time, how much is going on intentionally?
Back in April, when Prosser was running for his SCOW seat, the Wisconsin left was apoplectic with claims of voter fraud.
Now, they say it doesn't exist at all.
How does one explain it?
garage mahal said...
Who is "Walker's own AG"?
11 potentially improper votes cast in 2008 out of 3 million cast that resulted from an 18 month taxpayer financed investigation. 8 were paper felons. Two were suspected of voting twice. That's 0.0004%. It's a joke, sorry.
And Pogo still can't figure out the difference between actual voter fraud, and what happens to the votes after they've been cast. But no problem with partisan incompetent hacks tabulating the votes. She's one of us!
I didn't know it was a conservative position to throw millions at a probelm that doesn't exist.
garage mahal said...Bottom line:...
No, the expense of ensuring the integrity of the vote is not the 'bottom line'. The bottom line is that the expense of ensuring the integrity of the vote is going to guarantee that any voter who is a legal resident of Wisconsin is not disenfranchised either by not be able to cast a legal vote, or having that vote nullified by someone else casting an illegal one.
BTW: You keep finding it somehow important to mention that the AG study of voting integrity occurred under the authority of Walker as if that were significant. It could have occurred under the authority of Bozo the clown and be no less relevant to the current effort to ensure voting integrity now and in the future.
Oh, I know what you meant. I'm yanking your chain.
The point is, a majority of folks no longer have a basic trust in the way voting is done. They think it's fraudulent and corrupt, and that the abuses do not come to light. So change is demanded.
The fact that the vote is distrusted should be of great concern, more than the concern over 'disenfranchised' voters, because a majority don't believe that hogwash is true either.
Here in Minnesota, like other blue states, we have had narrow victories for Democrats tainted by the stench of fraud.
I myself witnessed it. A small busload of Somali women got out at the polling station. None spoke English, it was said, and none had registered. They were "vouched" for by one man, who had already vouched for other busloads. The women went into a booth with this man, and lots of talking was done. The voting judges suspected he was marking their ballots, but they were all afraid of appearing racist by stopping them.
Fraud and bullshit.
Calypso said: "If it happened to me just because I was sitting in a bar at the right (wrong?) time, how much is going on intentionally?"
Garage said.
Pogo's "majority" = right wing conservatives.
If Walker wanted true election integrity there would be mandatory counting of all the paper ballots, on election night, before a panel of observers at every precinct. Fuck the recount, they don't leave until it's counted and recounted until a victor is declared. Instead we rely on machine tallies from easily hacked voting machines. Or Kathy Nickolaus's laptop.
Pogo's got a good point garage. No matter what the one investigation turned up, current public opinion, reflected by our elected legislators, is that voter fraud is real and it's a problem. Maybe it's partial boogeyman, but maybe it's a lot of real world examples like he and I experienced.
And while I'm very sensitive to any restrictions being placed on a Constitutional right, I honestly don't believe voter ID is an undue burden to protect against fraud.
"Garage said."
I don't know Calypso could have actually voted from someone "vouching" for him. Do you?
And I'm OK with paper ballots, counted that night, bolstered by voter ID.
Sounds like a plan.
Appreciate the response Calypso, I see the constitutional aspect is tugging at you.
The law is being challenged on just that, we'll see. Current makeup of the court would seem to be against it though.
"And I'm OK with paper ballots, counted that night, bolstered by voter ID."
Sounds good to me, too.
I don't know Calypso could have actually voted from someone "vouching" for him.
Joe Parisi thinks I could have:
"State Rep. Joe Parisi (D-Madison) says a GOP-backed photo ID bill would end the practice of "vouching" for someone without identification who needs to register at the polls..."
Alright, I gotta run. Got my Tammy Baldwin sign to put up (until she wins the primary)!
"Big oil and Wall Street" and ruining everything?
No. Democrats and unions are ruining everything. Corruption and economic illiteracy are ruining everything.
Do democrats have anything new to say that isn't a pile of bullshit?
She seems dumb.
GM at 1:48pm: "Wisconsin is number one in a few things since Walker took over. We're the hardest state in the union to vote, and we lead the country in school aid cuts."
How can we be the hardest state in the union to vote when the voter ID law has not even gone into effect yet? Are you omniscient?
You are truly a dumb f**k!
I keep thinking Tammy Baldwin must be a country singer.
Or maybe she used to be married to a corrupt televangelist and wore heavy black mascara and eyeliner.
Then I thought it might be Tammy Bruce.
Too many Tammys.
I hear the cottonwoods whisperin' above,
"Tammy ... Tammy ...
Tammy's in love"
"... 200k student ID's that aren't valid to vote..."
I still have my KISS Army membership card and that isn't valid. Travesty!!!!!! Disenfranchised!!!
"... Yea, well, if you can't sign up to buy mandatory health insurance you deserve to be thrown in jail..."
Of course. Thats the progressive way.
How can we be the hardest state in the union to vote when the voter ID law has not even gone into effect yet?
Excuse me. Will be next time we vote. Happy, bizzatch?
Down here in Dem-run Illinois, I have to show ID to vote. Am I oppressed, garage?
"garage mahal said...
How can we be the hardest state in the union to vote when the voter ID law has not even gone into effect yet?
Excuse me. Will be next time we vote. Happy, bizzatch?"
garage post another bullshit link. In this case, it's from February, and the claim is based on the fact that student id are not excepted...but they were in the final law.
I'm betting garage never gets past the talikng point headlines. Or is just a fucking liar. Or maybe an idiot. Hard to tell.
No dickhead, you still don't get it. It's adding layers of headaches for thousands of honest Wisconsinites who have voted faithfully for decades for no fucking reason. It's meant to be chaotic and frustrating. There is no voter fraud in this state. None.
Given the lack of photo identification, I'd love to see how you know this isn't a problem.
Heck, for years, there was no problem with blacks being barred from polling places since none of them could register and all...
170,000 seniors, and 200,000 students, for starters, currently do not have the proper ID to vote in Wisconsin. You're a scientist, can you figure that math out?
So, those 200,000 students have no bills for tuition? No photo ID for bars? Do you realize how hard it is to have LITERALLY no ID?
170,000 seniors don't get Medicare or Social Security?
No. Do some reading before you jump into a conversation. Almost all student ID's aren't an acceptable ID to vote.
Which is why he asked about driver's licenses or photo ID's...not student ID's.
None of those students drive anywhere? Never get beer?
200k student ID's that aren't valid to vote.
No argument.
None of them have DRIVER'S LICENSES?
11 potentially improper votes cast in 2008 out of 3 million cast that resulted from an 18 month taxpayer financed investigation. 8 were paper felons. Two were suspected of voting twice. That's 0.0004%. It's a joke, sorry.
How much was spent on investigating claims of racial discrimination at voting polls in 2000?
I ask because, NATIONALLY, the total number of cases even remotely close to being provable was one. Yes, a single incident.
And that one wasn't discrimination, either.
Excuse me. Will be next time we vote. Happy, bizzatch?
Any bets that gm won't apologize when he's proven wrong? usual...
Me:How can we be the hardest state in the union to vote when the voter ID law has not even gone into effect yet?
You:Excuse me. Will be next time we vote. Happy, bizzatch?
I am absolutely happy that you acknowledged that I am right and you are wrong.
I didnt say oppressed did I? Dickish wAste of 7 million dollars. Walker is a dick with eyes though, quelle surprise.
You have photo I'D in IL?
garage, can you explain why photo ID too much for somebody to expect to have to vote?
Can you explain how you'd verify that somebody was who said they were?
Does ANY other thing in life require zero ID to enter? Heck, my 7 year old being in school required far more paperwork and identification then voting does.
Curious George
I'm mobile, but to my knowledge the student ID provision is in the law. Unless you have a link
I didnt say oppressed did I? Dickish wAste of 7 million dollars. Walker is a dick with eyes though, quelle surprise.
You have photo I'D in IL?
Ha, when did liberals ever worry about wasted money? Think of it as a $7M stimulus program - jobs saved or created, woo!
You can get a photo ID at DMVs in Illinois. Either free or at a nominal cost, can't remember which.
So you need photo ID in IL to vote?
Yep. At least at my polling place you do.
"to stand up for you (voters), no matter how tough the odds or how powerful the special interest it means fighting against."
Gosh! A liberal Democrat who will stand up to Environmental Groups, Pro-Choice Groups, Organized Labor, ACORN, and all of the Soros-backed Marxist infiltrators. WOW!!!
Curious George?
" garage mahal said...
Curious George
I'm mobile, but to my knowledge the student ID provision is in the law. Unless you have a link"
Yes it is. I said it was. The link you posted saying we had "the most restricted voter ID law" was from Feb, and was based on the law not allowing student ID's.
If you're mobile you shouldn't be drinking.
@Curious George
You said:
garage post another bullshit link. In this case, it's from February, and the claim is based on the fact that student id are not excepted...but they were in the final law.
Are student IDs acceptable in the final law or not? I'll be happy to retract, but you'll have to provide a link.
" garage mahal said...
@Curious George
Are student IDs acceptable in the final law or not? I'll be happy to retract, but you'll have to provide a link."
"Student IDs need to be issued from accredited public and private colleges and universities in Wisconsin, include the student’s signature and have a two-year expiration date. Students would have to establish they are currently enrolled in the school if using a student ID. A provision to require addresses on student IDs was removed from the bill by the Assembly."
"UW-System IDs do not currently meet the legislation’s requirements, and the changeover could cost the system $1.1 million"
This was point all along! Their current student IDs are not acceptable. UW System IDs don't have expiration dates.
I should have phrased the question again that way though. Re: their current student IDs.
'Or Kathy Nickolaus's laptop.'
That lie again? You're a consummate jerk. The lady had NOTHING to do with ANY VOTE count. Are you so stupid that you cannot grasp this, or does it just that as long as it suits your purpose, buttresses your dustheap narrative, you'll endlessly re-issue lies or calumny (While protesting that you do not lie).
Nothing you write can be taken at face value.
Nothing you write can be taken at face value.
Yet you follow me around in every thread taking me at face value.
Curious George said...Who is "Walker's own AG"?
garage does not have a clue what the Election Fraud Task Force was about. (It started in 2008 under...whose AG? Garage? Garage?). Nor does he have a clue about it's findings, or why those findings support, not contradict, the need for Voter ID.
That's a teaser, garage. Here's fair warning. You haven't a clue about it because your info was gathered from the barking mad ' Voter sSuppression!! Voter Supression!!' sites. I, on the other hand, did what I always do. I went to the actual source. I know what the findings are. Not what some shithead poured into your receptive noodle. What they are.
garage mahal said...Yet you follow me around in every thread taking me at face value.
Sorry, shit for brains. I read many if not all the threads on Althouse (among other blogs). I don't comment in all that many threads actually. You comment in most of them. I usually pass right over your comments. Wrote you off long ago and don't even register your drivel directly. What happens is that I read comments from posters I respect that mention your nonsense. Once your lying, dishonest arguments, and outright stupidity reaches a benchmark, I sometimes chime in. Only when other posters are noting it.
I usually pass right over your comments.
There you go again B. You can't quit me man. It's a perfectly natural reaction dude to be attracted to my greatness, male or female. You're not all alone!
'You can't quit me man.'
Its the lying, garage. Trademark of the left and I truly despise it and its practitioners and enablers. Really hate it, so like I said, I usually pass over posts from proven inveterate liars. And the damnedest thing is that I think you really believe that a lie is a position. That makes you stone stupid also.
But when I notice that your lying passes that threshold/benchmark I mentioned, its no real effort to point it out. Shooting fish in a barrel, your being stone stupid and all.
Hello, how are you, I care, not really.
My trip was delayed a tad but I am ready to go!
Tammy Baldwin, the big diesel dyke will not win in Wisconsin. Sorry, but Wisconsin is not lesbian central. More like rednecks and dumbfucks and fat fucks. That Tammy Baldwin dyke shaking her tits will not fly in that dumbfuck Wisconsin state, unless she is willing to go bi and suck cock and go anal statewide. In Mass or New York, but Wisconsin, no fucking way.
Tits and clouds and pinched loaves.
See you Wisconsin.
garage mahal said...
200k students eligible to vote don't have a drivers license?
200k student ID's that aren't valid to vote.
9/6/11 3:50 PM
If they don't live in WI year round they aren't WI residents and shouldn't be voting in WI to begin with. They can vote in their home states if they wanted to. Now if they feel that grounded to WI they can always bother themselves to get a WI drivers license. They haven't been disenfranchised, they just aren't franchised to vote in WI but they can always get an absentee ballot from their home locality.
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