২১ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Rick Perry's intense new ad.

Too theatrical?/Nicely Reaganesque?

The ad is...
Absurdly over the top.
Intense and theatrical, but not really terrible.
Passionate and Reaganesque... in a good way.
A brilliant, strong, and well-deserved attack on a failed President.
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Carol_Herman বলেছেন...

Roger J, @ 5:41 PM. My eggs are dead. They've been dead for at least 20 years. So, I know, I'm not "young lady."

I also don't remember what I said about Jimmy Breslin's book about Ricky Branch ... other than I read it because I love Breslin's books. (Not baseball.)

Though when I was growing up ... my dad who loved to listen to baseball on the radio ... When he wasn't listening to Bob & Ray ... made me aware of baseball players whose names are still known to this day.

Ricky Branch was the baseball manager of the Brookyn Dodgers. Who signed Jackie Robinson. Quickly followed by Roy Campanella.

Maybe, today, it's very normal to see Black players. But they were, in fact, locked out of baseball until Ricky Branch decided that Jackie Robinson was so good ... it paid to put him on the lineup.

And, guess what? IT WAS POPULAR, TOO!

Some barriers are in White men's minds for no good reason!

The story of Ricky Branch is a delightful NEW book! (Of course, Jimmy Breslin is now old.) Like me.

Carol_Herman বলেছেন...

Back to Perry's ad ...

As I said IF Obama had a sense of humor. AND, he had to do a "response ad," he should go no further than that clip of Donald Trump ... slathering it on his Trump's usual manner ... But "accidently" saying "Jim Perry."

We know.

Now, I can't wait for Ad #2. Will it be from the same ad agency, I wonder?

Roger J. বলেছেন...

Carol Dear Heart--I love you and mostly scroll thru you comments. But baby cakes--I hate to break this to you: The Dodgers GM was BRANCH RICKEY

I know your heats in the right place but god girl, not sure about your brain. Anyway sweetie, eggs notwithstanding, keep on trucking. You are an inspiration to us all

Matt বলেছেন...

Seven Nachos

How'd that all work out for you, dude? How'd that ass kicking go?

Still in the works, friend. But I'm more interested in Obama's victories and America's victories than I am in fulfilling ass kickings. Hold my hand friend. We'll get there.

Mike বলেছেন...

Saw the hooves of the horses. The Perry Posse is coming after the Bamster--and I suspect that Moochelle is going to have some "unexpected" laundry in the White House.

Run Bamster Run! Your record is going to get an examination that a proctologist would be proud of between now and November 2012. May not be Dr. Perry--could be somebody else. You can hide what you did and what you were before the White House, but these four years are open to just a bit more "probing".

Robert বলেছেন...

About halfway through I expected Will Smith and Martin Lawrence to come busting out of the screen.

Very Michael Bay, if you ask me.

Oh. Two snaps up.

Carol_Herman বলেছেন...

Yes, Roger J. You are right!

Branch Rickey.

And, I reversed the names. So what? It's the same story.

You don't even have to love baseball to love the story of the courage it took to let Jackie Robinson just play baseball in the majors.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne বলেছেন...

Obama got elected pretending to be Jesus. That being the case, I don't think there's any problem with Perry trying to get elected by pretending to be Superman.

Carol_Herman বলেছেন...

I have no idea what Rick "Jim" Perry was thinking when he approved this ad; but the ad ... but it's a downer.

You don't even have to be in politics to know ... you don't want to take your audience "down." The good guys want to INSPIRE.

Think of Sarah Palin's bus.

Notice while it's covered in paint ... It's not black like Obama's bus was ...

And, she got the name of an Independent Party Label right out front ... should she decide (let's say with Perry the front runner) ... that the GOP might as well have chosen that old Taft guy ... When Teddy Roosevelt really, really got angry.

Sarah Palin's bus, though, is not named "Bull Moose."

She picked a much better name.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Obama might as well resign right now.

Steve Austin বলেছেন...

Amazingly detailed imagery. Did anyone else catch the shot at 33 seconds in of the Obama logo handbag that was autographed by Obama? Subtle slap at the celebrity president.

Then later there is the young boy using sidewalk chalk to make an American flag.......but he hasn't finished all the stars yet. I.e. America is nothing unless you have the individuality of the States. A similar take would be that the boy is Rick Perry and he is drawing back in the stars (states) after Obama's crew has erased them in favor of a massive federal government.

BJM বলেছেন...


You know, if Perry chooses a horse. I hope he chooses a honey colored one. He could call it TRIGGER.

Me too, I'm pretty tired of the DOA one-trick pony Obama's flogging.

Tea Party at Perrysburg বলেছেন...

I LIKE Perry. Romney's a RINO. What's happening to Perry is that he's being attacked by establishment Republicans and lefties, just like Palin. I LIKE Perry.

BJM বলেছেন...

Drudge has a photo up of Captain Clueless & Bibi that says it all. The body language is pretty telling here too...looks as if Hillary would like to smack both the Jivester and Sarko.

Oshbgosh বলেছেন...

It's the kind of propaganda film Reagan could have directed in WWII. Tugs at your emotions in a positive way.

Almost Ali বলেছেন...

I was Pollcode's lucky winner today. Very exciting, I won the Hawaiian vacation.

Menahem Globus বলেছেন...

It's a bit much but it has it's charms.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Romney and Huntsman are the favorite candidates for people who have no intention of voting Republican.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Attended a black-tie affair with WH crowd. The passion for re-election is incredibly strong and so is the biggest defeat of the GOP. The POTUS Obama crowd is salivating Perry nomination. It is believed that with NPR and NYT support, the POTUS can defeat Perry like hitting a ball over the park. They want Perry so bad that they cannot see any other GOP. I am totally impressed with the passion/hatred towards GOP in the camp.

Re: Ron S. new book, the verdict from NOW and others is that they will do what they did during Lewinsky era. They will simply ignore the issue. The issue will die. It is in fall 2011. There will not be any news next summer or fall. The re-election of the greatest POTUS Obama will not be impacted by a slimy-hit-job of the book.

Carol_Herman বলেছেন...

Sarah Palin and Donald Trump have both staked out sane positions for our country.

So, if Perry is crazy enough to think all he has to do is insult Obama ... he's one real low class dude. On a program that won't work.

Sarah Palin, as Drudge pointed out "yesterday" ... (And is still carrying the same headline today) ... Sarah Palin is within 5 points of Obama "if there were an election right now.)

With the good news that she's paid by FOX to go on their network and tell everybody who wants to listen; to just what she's thinking.

And, she hasn't even spent a single dime.

You can't call Sarah Palin "cheap." You can only call her smart.

Now. Why would Perry think Obama's gonna respond?

Dubya fell off his horse.

Had nothing to do with Obama running back in 2008.

And, who says Perry even holds onto his "#1 slot?"

Donald Trump calls him JIM.

And, Sarah Palin isn't running (as of yet. As of today. As of now.) Even though she's really close in the polls ... when statisticians go out there to measure opinions.

After, of course, they "measuare" global warming.

Doesn't amount to a hill of beans.

You know, I remember when Pat Paulson ran. (I think that was his name. He was a comedian on some TV show. Real skinny guy.)

You were even able to buy his buttons. Pat "something. Or other." For president.

We aren't through seeing all the candidates for 2012 yet. (Not that I can foretell the future. But, ya know what? Like Christmas coming, ahead. I'll guess there will also be more candidates on the republican side.)

Don't get discouraged.

The show's not over. There'll also be lots of commercials in between.

Carol_Herman বলেছেন...

You mean, American Politico, that for Ron Suskind to sell more books, he's going to have to come on TV wearing a Blue Gap Dress?

That would be interesting.

Carol_Herman বলেছেন...

North of the 101 @ 6:34 PM

Somebody's gonna have to tell Perry, then, that Superman is Jewish.

(The give-away was that he entered the gentile world "disguised.") When he was himself, he could fly faster than a speeding bullet.

I thought everyone knew this.

By the way, I'm south of the 210.

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

AP said:

"like hitting a ball over the park."

That is how Titus talks. It's a Titusism.

Moneyrunner বলেছেন...

Magnificent. It drew a tingle up my leg.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

America's Politico: they are deluded and they don't understand the country they exist in. 2012 is going to be a fun year.

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

What's happening to Perry is that he's being attacked by establishment Republicans

No. Perry is the establishment Republican. The only one who doesn't like him is Karl Rove. And that's personal, dating back to Texas.

The rest of the elites in the Republican party are on board with Perry.

All the corporations are on board with Perry. They will give him lots of money. And these same corporations will give Obama lots of money. These two candidates will raise lots and lots of money.

If you want a candidate who makes the establishment squeal, that is Sarah Palin.

Rick Perry = Bush II

Mitt Romney = RINO

Sarah Palin = Tea Party

Carol_Herman বলেছেন...

Let's get real

Obama knows the GOP will field a candidate. And, he's probably figured out different ways he'd confront the top nominee.

If he had his druthers? Perry's one of his top choices. The other one would be Dennis Kucinich. But, unfortunately, Kucinich wouldn't get picked.

Not that Obama couldn't enjoy that fantasy!

Now. Let's say obama agrees to a debate. (Not that he has to!) I'm just saying IF he chose to ... and then there would be this debate ... what makes you think any candidate would win such a debate by going "ugly?"

"Ugly" is like Algore's "lock boxes." Remember those?

Remember when Algore "walked across the stage to stand behind Dubya?" What did that do?

In the "debating world," (just like in Dancing with the stars.) You get to practice.

At "roll out" time ... there are gonna be lots of outfit changes. In other types of shows they're called "costume changes." But in politics? They're called "rational items to debate."

If Dennis Kucinich was the chosen GOP condendah? There would be this box he could stand on. So you wouldn't have to have two different heights for the podiums candidates get.

Will obama debate ALL of the 8 GOP candidates? (Where Sarah Palin wasn't even invited?)

You'd have to smoke some pretty heavy stuff to think you'd see the president agreeing to any of this nonsense.

Meanwhile, how many different outfits will Mrs. Obama get to wear? So many, most women would plotz with envy.

And, you bet. Every single day at the White House ... an enormous amount of time is spent getting ready for the cameras.

(I bet they also tell each other good Perry jokes.)

DADvocate বলেছেন...

Overall, pretty good. The music was overly dramatic. Liked the way it took Barack straight on.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

Hmmm...shocking...Seven Machos has some unusually apt and perspicacious remarks to make about this Saul Alinksy character who stalks the highways and byways of America in the imaginations of the right (and nowhere else), teaching countless commie symps in the ways and wiles of subversion and dirty tricks...no mean feat, given that Alinsky has long been forgot...and dead.

Oh...the ad? An overcooked casserole of stale pandering, nonspecific blamecasting, and equally nonspecific promises to, uh, do better...or something...empty of informational nutrition or fiber. A typical (and typically cynical) political ad in the post-literate century.

viator বলেছেন...

Palin looks better on a horse than Perry.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I see R. Cook is already preparing the we're smarter but the rubes just don't get it "narrative". 54-46 Perry in a walk. Bank it.

Carol_Herman বলেছেন...

Wow, Robert Cook @ 9:50 PM. You knocked my sox off!

As you said, it's a "casserole" or a "stew" ... where you're supposed to guess what got thrown into the pot.

I don't think most voting Americans are hungry enough to swallow this shit, though.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Love the Rick Perry vid.

More please!

Terry বলেছেন...

Robert Cook wrote:
this Saul Alinksy character who stalks the highways and byways of America in the imaginations of the right (and nowhere else)

But the WaPo says:
CHICAGO -- The job offer to "Miss Hillary Rodham, Wellesley College" was dated Oct. 25, 1968, and signed by Saul D. Alinsky, the charismatic community organizer who believed that the urban poor could become their own best advocates in a world that largely ignored them.

Alinsky thought highly of 21-year-old Rodham, a student government president who grew up in the Chicago suburbs. She was in the midst of a year-long analysis of Alinsky's aggressive mobilizing tactics, and he was searching for "competent political literates" to move to Chicago to build grass-roots organizations.


Why are there so many idiots on the left? Don't know history, don't know economics, can't use Google . . .

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Terry -- The very quotation you use disproves your point:

Saul D. Alinsky, the charismatic community organizer who believed that the urban poor could become their own best advocates in a world that largely ignored them...

...he was searching for "competent political literates" to move to Chicago to build grass-roots organizations

The whole Alinsky project was simply to force the government and the wealthy to recognize the plight of the poor. That's it. Obama is now at the top of the government and he is wealthy. He vacations at Martha's. How is he going to use what Alinsky wanted against...himself?

I'm not defending Alinsky. However, you have to understand who he was and what his goals were. There is simply nothing useful about what Alinsky had to say for Obama because Obama is now on the exact other side of the class divide Alinsky perceived.

Saul Alinsky is merely a trickster -- a fictional, powerful, deceitful creature created by people the right to explain Obama to themselves without having to address political reality.

Robert Cook and I don't agree very often. But when we do, it's usually an omen that the other side is terrifically wrong.

BJM বলেছেন...

Moochelle knocks one out of the park.

Carol_Herman বলেছেন...

Saul Alinsky smoked cigarettes.

Barrack Obama smokes cigarettes.

Both lived in Chicago.

So as a matter of fact, did Hillary.

Saul Alinsky did not make anybody rich. And, what he touted was touted by Karl Marx ... As if "workers unite and they rule the world." The don't even rule anything in Russia.

If you add animal acts, clowns and jugglers, you get P T Barnum's circus. Very entertaining. But it costs you money to go in.

If you're looking for government to find solutions to human misery, they won't.

Does this mean Blacks will abandon Obama at the voting booth in November 2012?

It's as hard to cure "crazy" as it is to cure cancer.

Now, you tell me. Why is it more popular in America to say "Alinsky?" Than Karl Marx?

Flawed dogma is still flawed.

Politicians, on the other hand, want to appeal to as many people as they can ... because they need majorities to win.

Terry বলেছেন...

Mr. Seven Machos, perhaps I was being too elliptical.
I referenced the WaPo story only to demonstrate that Robt. Cook's characterization of Alinsky as a "character who stalks the highways and byways of America in the imaginations of the right (and nowhere else)" is false.
I do not know much about Alinsky, but I do know that the tactics he promoted influenced a significant number of radicals who came of age back in the late sixties and the nineteen-seventies.

chickelit বলেছেন...

@Seven: I find your "move-along-here-nothing to-see" dismissal of Saul Alinsky less than helpful. At one level, Alinsky is just a rhetorical device. But he was also a real person who inspired Hillary Rodham. Without conflating the two, your summary dismissal is a bit like saying "Marx? he's just a trickster." Alinsky is important for anyone of a certain age in Chicago politics. Sort of like James Groppi would be for Milwaukee leftist, and Paul Soglin is for Madison leftists. They're more sacred cows than tricksters.

Of course Obama is too young to have been directly influenced by Alinsky, but he was groomed and shaped by handlers who were. It's a natural impulse for people to seek out the major influences our leaders have experienced. Obama stated that his mother was his greatest political influence. It's a pity that more people didn't seek out more info about her before pulling the lever in 2008.

Also, I for one very much enjoy Althouse's many posts tagged Alinsky; they help draw interesting comparisons with ongoing events.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I do not know much about Alinsky, but I do know that the tactics he promoted influenced a significant number of radicals who came of age back in the late sixties and the nineteen-seventies.

That's all true. It was a different time then. But those people are all grown up and old and wrinkly now. They live in mansions and drive Benzes.

Alinsky has nothing to say about what to do when you are in power -- when you are the ruling class. Everything he wrote assumes, as I have said much earlier in this thread, that there are entrenched classes of people, some who have power and others who don't, and that's how it is.

Nobody of any importance believes that goofy shit any more. Even if they do, once they have power, Alinsky offers them no further guidance.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Chicken -- I'm not saying that Alinsky wasn't inspiring and isn't still inspiring to a certain breed of coddled, wealthy leftist kid who wants desperately to see himself or herself as a force of altruistic benevolence.

I'm saying that Alinsky is useless to people who are actually in power, because Alinsky stood against people in power. Therefore, any claim that Obama is somehow now "using the Alinsky playbook" is utterly stupid. It's a shorthand for a whole poorly conceived worldview, really, and it's too bad it's coming from the right.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Now, you tell me. Why is it more popular in America to say "Alinsky?" Than Karl Marx?

Carol, Hillary Rodham wrote her Wellesley College senior thesis on Alinsky. Did you ever write a senior thesis? I did. Mine was in chemistry and was pretty amateurish, but I took it seriously and still do.

Like Jane Fonda, I never heard Hillary ever "renounce" her own thesis (which I admit I've never read).

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Chicken -- Mine was on the minimum wage, which is interesting now because of the silly tools who published a then-recent study on the minimum wage suggesting that raising it created more jobs is now a big-time economist for Obama. The study has since been ripped to shreds, based not least on the incredibly shoddy research (which included calling fast food restaurants and asking questions to whichever fry guy answered).

My conclusion was that the minimum wage hurts young poor people with few skills terribly. Employers respond to increases by assigning more tasks and more hours to older, more mature, more responsible staff.

And thus we see another leftist program that hurts the very people it is supposed to help.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Alinsky has nothing to say about what to do when you are in power -- when you are the ruling class.

But isn't that telling? I can turn it around and say you're right, Obama has no clue how act and inspire now that he's the ruling class. He just keeps wanting to empower the powerless (and the very powerful of a certain ilk). He can't be a leader of a majority when he only seeks to inspire a minority. And it doesn't matter what skin colors are "majority" or "minority" -- he's not accepted by a growing majority of people and it has nothing to do with race.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Chicken -- Those are all great points insofar as it goes. But then what to make of all these sinister claims about Alinsky?

If everything you say is true (and it's hard to argue that it isn't), how can any reasonable person be yapping about how Obama is "using the Alinsky playbook" or using "alinsky tactics" or otherwise channeling him? These people say it as if it's a bad thing.

Under your argument, no one who wants Obama to lose could possibly worry about Alinsky or his playbook. The only logical thing to say would be: that Obama sure is an idiot to be using that Alinsky stuff because it will never work and wasn't designed to work for people in power.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Obama is really only as powerful as his supporting political machinery. So to dismiss "means to the ends" methodology, we'd have to dismiss quite a ways down from POTUS. What are Axelrod's views on Alinsky? Do we know? You said earlier that Rove is trickster. That makes Axelrod a trickster too.

There's no reason to believe that Obama has a copy of "The Rules" in his night stand. He carries an enormous burden from the circumstances of his birth (his father's abandonment), his mother's unfortunate plight (and spite), and God knows what else. Many found Obama inspiring--I never did, but I accept that he did inspire them. I'm almost verging on starting to feel sorry for the guy--but that's pathetic and has no place in American politics.

Kevin বলেছেন...

This is the Daisy ad. If Michael Bay directed it.

Longer than needed, louder than needed (I can see my father turning the volume down because of the loudness and missing the message). Effective message but it can be tightened. A lot.

Kirk Parker বলেছেন...

"When will the lamestream media do their job and demand to see his birth certificate?"

What--and put Mick out of a job???

frank বলেছেন...

Carol hates the ad--it must be GREAT!!

FedkaTheConvict বলেছেন...

Obama knows the GOP will field a candidate. And, he's probably figured out different ways he'd confront the top nominee.

If he had his druthers? Perry's one of his top choices. The other one would be Dennis Kucinich. But, unfortunately, Kucinich wouldn't get picked

LOL... that's superior political analysis right there.

Robert Cook বলেছেন...

"I see R. Cook is already preparing the we're smarter but the rubes just don't get it 'narrative'."

Can you find anything in the Perry ad that is substantive in the least, that would argue for it being anything other than I have described?

Robert Cook বলেছেন...


In response to my pointing out the reality that Saul Alinksy--little known in his own time, outside of political activists or the politically interested, (then, as now, a minority of the population)--is long forgot and on no one's mind but the right's, you bring up something from 1968.

Like I said, it's ancient history, and outside the fevered obsessions of rightists looking for boogiemen, (as 7M pointed out), Alinksy is of no moment at all.

Saint Croix বলেছেন...

Obama is now on the exact other side of the class divide Alinsky perceived.

Yeah, that's like noticing Castro is rich.

The left is filled with hypocrites who position themselves as being on the side of "the workers," but the reality is that they are wholly concerned with increasing and centralizing power.

The left has always been like this. It's Marx 101.

And of course Obama is still blaming other people. That's how it works. If Obama is failing, it's because he doesn't have enough power. He needs more power. And more and more.

Who is he blaming for our economic distress? The rich. It's their fault. If we take their money so they're not rich anymore, we'll fix it. Help Obama fight those rich people who are destroying jobs!

Saul Alinksy is all about the accumulation of power. You think Obama has arrived and he doesn't want any more power? Ha!

AllenS বলেছেন...

I read all of the comments before watching the ad. Too loud, but good at using obama to destroy obama. All ads from now on should have obama saying his stupid nonsense.

John henry বলেছেন...

I agree with some others here that the music is a bit too overpowering. Not the music itself but the relative volume.

Other than that, a fine ad.

John Henry

X বলেছেন...

About halfway through I expected Will Smith and Martin Lawrence to come busting out of the screen.

shit just got real.

BJM বলেছেন...

@Saint Croix

Who is he blaming for our economic distress? The rich. It's their fault.

Obama is so out of touch with reality that he doesn't see that his wife buying $42,000 bracelets makes them part of the rich he's blaming.

In the face of a collapsing economy and real hardship among the citenzery, there are no other explanations for their lavish, indulgent lifestyle but a callous entitlement, greed and hubris.

Jim Howard বলেছেন...

It's like he's running for God. He opens with a dark apocalypse. And then it's "let there be light."

Aren't you confusing Perry and Obama....oh that's right, Obama didn't run for election as God, he just proclaimed himself to be God.

Rick Perry, the Messiah.

Rick has never promised to make the oceans recede.

Basically it's scare tactics and "give power to me."

You mean like 'If you love me pass this bill'?

chickelit বলেছেন...

BJM wrote:
Obama is so out of touch with reality that he doesn't see that his wife buying $42,000 bracelets makes them part of the rich he's blaming.

I think the rocks were just on loan--like how the starlets do it at the Oscars. But you're right about the ostentation. Thorstein Veblen had one explanation for this. I think she's deliberately trying to provoke resentment to get people like us riled enough to back her husband's plans. But she's flirting with backfire.

BJM বলেছেন...


I think the rocks were just on loan--like how the starlets do it at the Oscars.

Michelle Obama is not a "starlet," she is the First Lady and a phoney display of wealth is better how?

btw-I thought we had this conversation back in 1982 when Nancy Reagan agreed to stop borrowing clothes...thanks to a pact created by the then-White House counsel and Office of Government Ethics...because the gifts or loans represented taxable income when the donors could benefit from her wearing them.

Do you think Katie Decker will be audited?

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