Though Romney currently receives the highest level of consideration among voters, more say they would "definitely vote for" Obama (33%) than say this about either Romney (21%) or Perry (20%). That may reflect the virtual certainty that Obama will be the Democratic candidate for president, while Republicans' loyalties are divided between their two leading contenders.This means that Romney also has a much smaller "definitely not vote for" number than either Obama or Perry.
२२ सप्टेंबर, २०११
"More Voters Considering Romney Than Obama, Perry."
A new Gallup poll.
2012 campaign,
Mitt Romney,
Obama 2012,
Rick Perry
९४ टिप्पण्या:
Oh, heaven help us with crappy polls!
They're not going to stop!
They also tell you NOTHING.
Romney is spending the money to win. But he wouldn't "win" ... if you get my drift.
Perry? Just came to town.
And, is already meeting head winds.
His hair stays in place.
The GOP is more than welcome to switches all the horses they have in their starting gate. Sarah gets headway without them.
While Ron Paul is sewing up all the old Ralph Nader votes.
You know, I'm going with what Sarah said: "THIS IS GOING TO BE AN UNCONVENTIONAL ELECTION."
You bet'cha.
889 registered voters is a smallish sample, and registered voters is not the same as likely voters.
This means that Romney also has a much smaller "definitely not vote for" number than either Obama or Perry.
Sure. He's the mushy middle. He's soft and squishy. He's a back-slapping pol, the President of Kiwanis, the head of the school board. He's Major Major Major Major. Say nothing! Disappear! He's mild-manner milk toast. Clark Kent would kick his ass. He's warm oatmeal that's been sitting there for four hours.
He's the least hated man in the room.
Give up your mild, polite applause for Mitt Romney!
Give up your mild, polite applause for Mitt Romney!
Why not? You think a fire-breathing southern conservative will pull many votes from Obama?
I think Romney is being viewed as a safe haven for lots of people that would never vote for Palin or Perry.
And in the end, beating Obama is everything.
Carol is right about this. This poll is crappy and does not really tell you anything.
What about Romney plus ___? or Perry plus ___? combos...
...that's where Biden becomes a burden.
Perry is not yet a known quantity, so dull Romney seems good enough.
Answering a poll question about an unknown man is subject to later changes in opinion when that man becomes known.
Romney will not go up unless Perry flops in public, but Perry can go much higher by becoming a real person in the people's minds.
Romney can not win for his style or for his record. He can only claim a name recognition lead that will evaporate soon.
Here's what the poll tells me: Since only one of them, Romney or Perry will be the candidate, then it's obama 33% and the "candidate" 21% + 20%, or 41%.
@Allen - you give me the feeling that you never graduated high school.
I'm going to make another bet about TV.
The BIG plasma jobs are here to stay. They're not in every single room of a home ... But they're sort'a like TV's beginning. Where you put your TV in the living room. Facing the couch.
TV's at first were so small, people put magnifying glass in front of them. And, at 8PM on Tuesdays nights ... you had the neighborhood over ... to see Mr. Tuesday Night. (Milton Berle.)
These big plasma TV's are different. People watch live football, baseball, and basketball events. Then? I'd put movies, next. Or what people can "up-load" off of the Internet.
Big TV debates is not one of the items that gets lots of viewers, however. (Nixon must be jealous. Because audio seems to surpass actual viewership. Or else how would I have heard some of this stuff?)
What will a candidate need?
An ability to GO VIRAL!
Or have so much Internet savvy they can provide a "link setup" like InstaPundit. And, actually get "views."
Drudge will remain the ring master.
Not everybody holds an audience.
Look what happened to Katie Couric.
These polls, as has pointed out, are meaningless at this point in time
Get back to me with polling data next march and then we can start talking sense
Allen, exactly.
The pole tell me that 41% definitely WON'T vote for Obama,
and that people who are excessively educated are incapable of doing simple math.
Already exhausted and there are 14 months of this stuff to go. Okay, 13 and 1/2. Okay, 13 and 10 days. Help!
Gallup is also notorious for oversampling Democrats.
Romney's problem is that there is no Huckleberry in this race to combat the shellacking that Perry is going to put on him on Super Tuesday, even if he does win Iowa in addition to New Hampshire.
The South does like its social conservatives. Ann might recoil in horror hearing Perry mention God, but it's key to anyone wanting the Republican nomination.
She's not going to vote for anyone but Obama anyways. The best we can hope for is for her to stay home on election day.
Has Palin announced her candidacy yet?
Romney's favored status comes from the fact that he is moderate enough for the media, but not conservative enough for the Right, so he hasn't received a major onslaught of negative attention.
So, he's being promoted by the media much as McCain was promoted. The guy who could win, the safe one. As we found out in 2008, that position in the primaries doesn't last in the election itself. The media will turn on Romney and without strong conservative support his election chances will slip away.
Bud over Miller? Taco Hell over McDonalds? Diane Sawyer's pussay over Rachell Maddow's? Mittens Moroney over Tex Perry and ObamaCo!
MoroneyCo! That doesn't have caffiene in it, mam,does it
Two words - 13 months.
This stuff is absolutely meaningless this far out, so Carol (sorry, Troop) and Fred are absolutely right on the polls.
After this trainwreck of a presidency I'd consider pretty much anyone.
J. Lightweight J, do real people in the SFV laugh at your tiresome efforts to be clever? You are such a clod.
J said...
Bud over Miller? Taco Hell over McDonalds? Diane Sawyer's pussay over Rachell Maddow's?
Maddow has a pussy?
Who knew?
The english language has totally gone over J's head--nothing but gibberish--
But wait for a few minutes and el senor J will be back threatening to come to our houses and beat us up--J is the ultimate internet turd
RogerJ: His abuse of English is bad enough but he insults Spanish in a way that cannot be forgiven. Plus he has a temper that resembles a girly pout.
El senor Jota no tiene cojones--que lastima.
I did graduate from high school. In 1964. We used the old version of math back then, not the new version. Back then 21 + 20 = 41. What would it be now? 39? 42? 103?
I also took English back then.
you give me the feeling that you never graduated high school.
I think you're missing a "from".
Interesting. For Romney, 35% say they will definitely not vote for him. That's basically the same as the 33% who say they will definitely vote for Obama. It means in substance that essentially everyone who hasn't definitely decided to stick with Obama (the core Dem base) is willing to consider Romney.
Same with Obama in reverse -- 41% say they will definitely vote for Perry or Romney (the Rep base), which is at the margin of error for those who say they will definitely not vote for Obama (45%). The 'undecided' in these polls -- those who are not definite about anything -- typically break against the incumbent.
O is in deep trouble, especially if Romney is the Rep nominee but only a bit less so if it's Perry. But we all knew that.
You think a fire-breathing southern conservative will pull many votes from Obama?
We are a center-right country where half the people don't vote.
Obama is a hard-left President.
He's doomed. But this idea that we need to "pull" votes from him is absurd.
What we have to do is excite Republicans.
Sarah Palin? Yes.
Rick Perry? Maybe.
Mitt Romney? No.
That's our field, from rock star to mittens.
When Rick Perry started a Social Security brouhaha, I tried to like Mitt. I really did. Lasted about five minutes.
I don't know. He's just so Massachusettsy.
If Mitt Romney was a Disney cartoon, Mike Dukasis would pop out of his hair, land on his shoulder, and whisper in his ear. "We need to raise taxes. It's the sensible thing to do."
If Mitt Romney was a live action Disney movie, he would be a giant robot and Mike Dukasis--I see him played by Rick Moranis--would be inside his brain, frantically pulling levers and trying to get him to say something generic and pasty.
I don't understand. If you answered the poll's question, hasn't everyone been considered? Shouldn't everyone be at 100% consideration? You can't consider an option without also considering all other options. This whole poll is nonsense.
The bottom line is that the race for the GOP nomination is between Romney and Perry. And it is looking more and more like Romney will get it. The main reason is because most Republican voters realize that only Romney can beat Obama. Perry would tank.
Romney is your man. He can appeal much better to the Independent voter. And that is what you want to win a general election.
Rick Perry's campaign just needs to drop the bombshell that Mitt's first name is really Willard. That will sink him. We've had enough losers with goofy names running our country.
Romney is your man. He can appeal much better to the Independent voter. And that is what you want to win a general election.
Possibly. It depends on how many ABO's there are in the middle. That number seems to be going up slowly.
I'm thinking on average a 1964 high school diploma represents the equivalent education of a BA today.
The Weasel has been running for president for more than five years now.
He has more experience running for president than he has as governor. And he has done such a great job as candidate that he routinely tops out at 20-30 percent. And of that, only a handful views him with any great enthusiasm.
But, hey, if he supposedly has so much support, then he doesn't need my vote. And he will NEVER get it. If he wants to win, then he'll have to do it without me, he'll have to do it with the votes of liberal Dems, which he is more interested in courting anyway.
Romney is your man. He can appeal much better to the Independent voter. And that is what you want to win a general election.
Gee, thanks, Obamaman.
"... The main reason is because most Republican voters realize that only Romney can beat Obama. Perry would tank..."
Sure about that? Unless unemployment drops a few points between now and November Obama couldn't beat Palin.
That's what happens when you set expectations so high. Obamas campaign was like the blockbuster movie trailer, all the awesome scenes and then 3/4 into the show and you realize you saw the best parts in a 30 second clip and t
Gee, thanks, Obamaman.
Exactly. Matt's preference is really for "whose underwear can I make more fun of."
Matt said...
The bottom line is that the race for the GOP nomination is between Romney and Perry. And it is looking more and more like Romney will get it. The main reason is because most Republican voters realize that only Romney can beat Obama. Perry would tank.
Romney is your man. He can appeal much better to the Independent voter. And that is what you want to win a general election.
This, of course, is what the Demos and RINOs said about McCain.
The difference between Romney's underwear and Matt's is that Romney wears his underwear with the opening in the front.
Saint Croix
A 'center right' country would not have given us a 'far left' president. You need to rework your theory.
You know, there really isn't a category of humans that you could call "voters."
Men. Yup. They've got a category. Women, ditto. If you add "American," and then you try to count them all up ... perhaps you'd get a category you could call "voters."
But you might as well just grab some number out of your ass.
You lost me at the first sentence, Carol.
Romney is the favorite son of Chris Matthews, Larence O'Donell, Racheal Maddow, Matt, America's Politico,MadisonMan, Garage Mahal and Ezra Klein.
And of course Seven Machos and assorted rinos.
Somehow I don't see how that helps him much in the Republican primary.
It's like asking me who the Red Sox should start in the ACLS.
I have a vested interest in failure.
I don't think there's a huge difference between Perry and Romney. Both appear to be electable over Obama.
Both are conveying a sensible set of views in a sensible manner. The Ponzi scheme thing is meant to make Perry appear unelectable, but that's all BS.
They aren't that different on this count, and we can safely pick which of them we actually prefer politically.
Of course, Democrats prefer Romney and Republicans prefer Perry. But I do think Romney's got less of a record and can be characterized as a bad faith politician more easily. Perry has a very easy to understand basis for running. He knows how jobs come.
I think over the long haul, Perry's simple and well established argument will weather the billion dollar hate machine better than Romney's would.
Remember, Obamacare was unpopular, too. As is gun grabbing. As is tax increases and spending increases. Romney is going to have a difficult time on all these issues. Sure, he can say the right thing now, as he reads whatever the polls say, but it's just not enough. Kerry tried saying all the right things, and was laughed at.
This, of course, is what the Demos and RINOs said about McCain.
We were right. McCain was your best chance but the country was tired of Bush. For this reason anyone to the right of McCain would have done much much worse.
Note I didn't say Romney will win against Obama. But he is your best chance and could win.
Rush made a good point today about the nature of polling Obama.
People are hesitant to say to a stranger on the phone that they don't like Obama.
All polls casting Obama are skewed in his favor do to the nature of his presidency.
Romney's foes within the GOP may have fucked themselves over by making him a demon with their portrayal of Mass. Health Care reform. Now that Perry (who I'd take in a heartbeat over Obama) is caught in his own variations from the Party line (mandating Gardasil by Exwecutive Order, In-State tuition for illegals (amnesty), the "we can't trust him!" argument falls apart. Allowing States to choose how to deal with their indigent and uninsured is one thing, allowing the University system to serve as a catch basin for every illegal on Earth is quite another. The country can survive the first, not the second.
It's like asking me who the Red Sox should start in the ACLS.
Its like somebody did some voodoo on them.
And Daisuke Matsuzaka should start the first game of the playoffs for the Sox.
After all diversity is our strength.
Lem said....
Its like somebody did some voodoo on them.
No it is much simpler than that Lem.
BOSTON SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trooper York
Voters in primaries fall into two basic categories; Those who vote with their heart and those who vote with their head [brain]. The one's who vote with their head outnumber the ones who vote with their heart. This is almost ALWAYS the case. Why? Because most primary voters take into consideration the general election. They think ahead not just in the moment.
It would seem a Republican primary would yield a far right candidate and a Democratic primary would yield a far left one. But this does not happen. If it did you would have an election with Dennis Kucinich facing Alan Keyes every time. Few would want that.
For AllenS @ 3:01 PM
There is NO such category of human that's a "voter."
You'd be better off just going out and looking or belly buttons.
RogerJ: that's called dissent--I don't think yr boys in the crypto-klan allow that in Tennessee. Then I doubt you have attained a 10th grade reading ability either, like most A-tards.
Mittens doesn't stand much of a chance in the South. Tex Perry does ,whether one like him or not (not). BO will win the blacks and hispanic votes again, eazy.
Mittens is ...a centrist kind of guy. Country club GOP-TP, but they serve only non-alcoholic drinks and's whitey, like Utah-white. Holy Angels of Nauvoo,ratman
The Quinnipiac Poll from FLA tells a (completely different story):
Texas Gov. Rick Perry has a small lead over the Republican presidential pack in Florida with 28 percent, followed by former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney with 22 percent, but Perry tops Romney 31 - 22 percent if Sarah Palin doesn't run and leads Romney 46 - 38 percent in a two- man face-off, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.
God Bless Our Founding Fathers!
Boy, did they know human nature!
So as they divide up the pie ... that used to belong to monarchies ... they decided that PEOPLE would decide on who would "BOSS THEM AROUND."
Then they knew the person who votes should do this in secret.
Back when I was a kid. And, marriages were for real. (Since unhappy married people didn't seek a divorce.)
I remember a woman, talking to my mom, who said that she didn't care whom her husband voted for ... She always voted "against."
She thought she was canceling out his vote.
I found that so funny!
Fred4Pres said...
Carol is right about this. This poll is crappy and does not really tell you anything.
I did note that more Dems were willing to cosnider the GOP than Reps willing to vote O'bama :)
There may be some people who would definitely vote for Romney now but would vote for Obama if the Republicans nominate Perry. I don't see anyone who would definitely vote for Perry, turn-around and vote for Obama if Romney gets the nomination. I could see them not voting at all, or for a third party.
For the most part, I would expect almost anyone who likes either of these candidates to vote for whoever the Republicans nominate. So I think AllanS' math is sound.
You'd be better off just going out and looking or belly buttons.
3:13 PM
Now you've lost me at the last sentence.
Well, Allen S, if you really like counting "voters" ... you should enter every contest that has a jar of jelly beans ... that lets you win a prize ... if you guess the right number.
Should be easy, right?
I'd like to take a chance counting voters if they were in a jar.
Matt...dude you ain't fooling anybody. If you think Perry is far right and out of the mainstream you are as looney as Carol.
You are for Romney for the same reason I always vote for the Mets on the National League All Star team. I want them to lose.
Matt said...Why? Because most primary voters take into consideration the general election. They think ahead not just in the moment.
Are you anticipating a big Operation Chaos-like turnout for the Republican primary?
You know, Ann, since you posted today about the comedian who paid off his mortgage by writing vagina jokes, I think there are other people who pay off their mortgages by working for companies that do polls.
Some of them, though, are just telemarketers who make lots of phone calls.
A joke-teller (who can make money writing jokes), is a more unusual story.
Would it be easier to get a person to respond honestly to a stranger taking a poll ... if you start your questions with a vagina joke?
You know, if a stranger asked me my opinion about Rush, I wouldn't say anything nasty, either.
But I don't listen to him.
Does that count for points?
While Romney was vetoing dozens of attempts by the MA Legislature to institute Obama-style "reform", Perry was using his Executive power to mandate injections. Let's not pretend Perry is some sort of small Government Republican. He likes Govt having all the power as long as HE is the Govt.
Trooper York
The perception is that Perry is far right. His views of Social Security is certainly not moderate. Then again, you probably think Obama is far left....
Note I am not for Romney. I am a liberal. I am actually scared of Romney because I think in a general election he might beat Obama.
I am actually pulling for Perry or Bachmann in the GOP primary because neither could win the general election.
Are you anticipating a big Operation Chaos-like turnout for the Republican primary?
I was actually wondering today how many open primaries there are. We don't have any in the South, as far as I know. The open primary is pretty retarded, actually.
I think Romney is being viewed as a safe haven for lots of people that would never vote for Palin or Perry.
Nail on the head. I'm one of those people.
And although I have moderate views on most issues, I'm also a person who has never voted for a Republican in a presidential election. But if I had to vote next Tuesday and the choices were Romney or Obama, I'd vote for Romney.
Matt: "The perception is that Perry is far right."
In which high school is this the "perception?"
Justin: But you would vote Obama over Perry? You think now is an opportune time to incite poor against rich and to suggest that the poor are poor because of the rich? Probably not helpful but perhaps it makes you feel good about yourself. St. Bill Clinton himself said yesterday that the great thing about America is that we applaud success and encourage it. A bit of a hard jab at our current President, but correct.
A 'center right' country would not have given us a 'far left' president.
That's right! Which is why Obama did not run as a far left candidate. He kept it as vague and moderate as possible.
And McCain kept himself as vague and moderate as possible.
So when both candidates sound as vague and moderate as possible, why not vote for the black guy and prove you're not a racist?
That's not going to fly this election. He is neither vague nor moderate. We know who he is and what he believes in.
We've elected a frickin' socialist and the country is not happy.
The right-wing theme song for 2012? Wipeout.
I just hope our economy can hold steady until we get this jackass out of office. Markets are crashing again this week.
Actually, in more surprising news ... more ordinary folk have chosen to have tattoos ... so that you see tattoo parlors at the mall!
How can somebody put a tattoo on their skin, I have no idea!
Back when I was young I saw tattoos on sailors. And, they all said they did this because they were too drunk to know better.
Now? It's a fashion style!
And, you want to know how people vote?
I really feel sad that Ronald Reagan is dead. Ronald Reagan had a real flair. He made "making the rounds" ... and "visiting people in their living rooms," so much more entertaining.
The country is in fast decline. My concern with Romney is that he is the sort that wants to try and tweek & fix dysfunctional parts of the US system rather than replace them. A ton of good ideas, but none that are revolutionary.
Perry has the hope that he would toss out the EPA, gut entitlements. But he would want to make all of America Texas, a Fundie sort of Texas and he may put off enough voters to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory outside his Bible Belt and give the Failed Boy President 4 more years or until the military takes emergency control of the country..
Bachmann is a hyperambitious, unqualified, demogoguing joke.
Palin is an idiot who quit her only high office halfway through. Who is only in the conversation because media hates her and the rightwingers love her following McCain's annointment of the inexperienced, unqualified lady.
Romney or Perry. With the risk that Romney will not go far enough in actions to stop or slow down our collapse. But right now, it looks like Romney could beat Obama and no big surprises are likely that would change that "Romney over Obama" election math.
With Perry, the risk he will be so off-putting outside JesusLand that Obama becomes the least worst choice.
Perry is good at governing.
That may raise red flags for our government minimalists like Paul , Bachmann and Santorum.
But I have never wanted to see a minimalist government running the war against my foes.
And HPV is a deadly war foe for young women that have a cervix. Maybe they are not a class that war should be waged to protect according to the religious ideologues, but it is to humans like Rick Perry.
Cedarford said...
Romney could beat Obama and no big surprises are likely that would change that "Romney over Obama" election math.
Now, are you talking about new math, or old math. Did you graduate from high school? Not that it matters, but in some circles it's important, not that I care.
It appears most of the open primaries are in the South. Oops! You'd think I would notice I was voting in an open primary.
Wisconsin is open, too.
Here's the list. I got it off Ron Paul's website. (The Ronulans seem to think getting anti-war libs to vote for Paul is critical).
Alabama (50)
Arizona (57)
Arkansas (36)
Georgia (75)
Hawaii (20)
Idaho (32)
Indiana (46)
Massachusetts (41)
Michigan (59)
Mississippi (37)
Missouri (53)
South Carolina (50)
Tennessee (58)
Texas (152)
Vermont (17)
Virginia (49)
Wisconsin (42)
I think open primaries are really dumb. Why let Garage help pick the Republican nominee?
Romney was denounced as a rabid right-winger every single day of his term in Massachusetts. Listening to today's know-nothings decry him as a "squish" or a closet Liberal reminds me that people simply don't pay attention to the world around them. They prefer memorizing "quick summaries" over actually knowing jack shit.
Saint Croix
why not vote for the black guy and prove you're not a racist?
OMG you didn't really write that...
What a morooooon. You have no clue what you are talking about.
And if Obama is a 'socialist' then Reagan was too. Obame raised taxes = 0 times. Reagan signed bills raising taxes = 6 times or more. And, yeah, dude it was Bush who bailed out the banks. He must be a socialist too. And the healthcare bill is modeled after the one Romney created in MA. He must be close to being a communist.
And on and on.. You have no idea what you mean when you use the word socialist. But you think you do. Sad, really.
Matt seriously. You have to be kidding me.
Obama won because maroons like the professor could feel good about themselves by voting for the black guy. In the immortal words of Clueless Joe Biden he
was "articulate." In other words not your usual Sharpton or Jackson type bomb thrower. So lots and lots of people gave him the benefit of the doubt in the hopes that the election of the first black president would help bridge the racial divide.
Well he blew up that bridge by his every action. From his "typical white people" to his "clinging to guns and religion" to his beer summits to every other fucking thing he does and says to make it worse instead of better.
His class warfare and big government prescriptions is the road to disaster. Look at his current plan. Same as the old plan. Tax and spend. Take all the money from the rich people (ie everyone who makes more than $10 an hour) and give it to the government for make work jobs and sixteen dollar muffins. Yeah that's the way to cure unemployment. That's surely the way to turn it around.
For Dunkin fuckin Donuts.
Hopefully even the dim blubs who voted for him won't get fooled again.
Snooki would make a better President.
My grandma could govern better than Obama, and she's been dead for nearly 15 years.
If it'd promise to repeal anything Obama and the Democrats did, I'd vote for a magic 8-ball.
Yes – definitely
Shit I would vote for a brussel sprout if it ran against Obama.
Then I could say I voted for the first green vegtable president.
Lincolntf says:Let's not pretend Perry is some sort of small Government Republican. He likes Govt having all the power as long as HE is the Govt.
Bingo. Got that right. People who think Perry is some sort of a laissez-faire federalist are kidding themselves.
What a morooooon. You have no clue what you are talking about.
I think Republicans vote for Republicans and Democrats vote for Democrats. But I think a large percentage of Independents--who do not pay attention to politics much--voted for Obama, not against him. And a major reason--not the only one, but a major one--was to participate in a historic event, namely the first African-American President in our history. It's like voting for Rosa Parks or MLK. Like voting for the moon landing. Like voting for Lincoln. Like voting against Pearl Harbor. This was a Historic Moment, and so a lot of people wanted to participate in it.
Now I think a lot of people are regretting their vote. And now they wish that he had been vetted more carefully.
You know, when Branch Rickey--sorry, Ricky Branchy--integrated the Dodgers, he paid a lot of attention to who that man was going to be. He was very careful. He got not just an awesome ballplayer in Jackie Robinson, but also somebody who had the right personality.
Obama may or may not have the right personality. But as a ballplayer, he sucks.
It's like we integrated baseball with a guy playing .200 baseball. It's embarrassing.
I hope Condi Rice runs in my lifetime. I would like to see African-Americans achieve success in our society. I really would. But I refuse to lie and say that the Obama Presidency has been anything less than an unqualified disaster. It's been horrible for the economy. And it hasn't been particularly good for black people, either.
But somefeller....if you and Matt and Robert Cook and Chris Matthews and Ezra Klein and Al Shaprton and that Hamster chick from Blogging Heads and Michele Goldberg and Alpha Liberal and Garage all don't like this guy and think he is a menace....well all the more reason we should vote for him.
You are the ones who gave us the current occupant of the Oval Office.
Just sayn'
Wait I take that back.
Robert Cook was not a Obama supporter.
He voted for Raul Castro in a write in ballot.
My humble appoligies to the Cookmiester.
But somefeller....if you and Matt and Robert Cook and Chris Matthews and Ezra Klein and Al Shaprton and that Hamster chick from Blogging Heads and Michele Goldberg and Alpha Liberal and Garage all don't like this guy and think he is a menace....well all the more reason we should vote for him. You are the ones who gave us the current occupant of the Oval Office. Just sayn'
Voting for someone just because you think doing so will annoy your political adversaries isn't the best strategy for good governance or even winning. You end up with political leaders like George McGovern or Sarah Palin that way. Anyway, last time I checked, Rick Perry wasn't the only option the GOP had to run against Obama. Might want to look at some others, namely the former Governor of Massachusetts.
I amnot doing it to annoy you. I just think you are wrong about everything pretty much. That you foisted this failure on us is reason enough to reject whatever you might have to say.
I can't vote for someone you would endorse. Or any of the other miscreants I listed. By giving us Obama you have pretty much forfeited any serious consideration of your views.
Especially of the your favortie rino.
Just wouldn't be prudent.
But I still love you somefeller.
You are a cool guy and a great commenter. Just sayn'
I can't vote for someone you would endorse. Or any of the other miscreants I listed. By giving us Obama you have pretty much forfeited any serious consideration of your views.
Considering the alternative at the time, I don't any reason to regret voting for Obama over McCain and Caribou Barbie. Though I would agree he has been something of a disappointment.
Especially of the your favortie rino. Just wouldn't be prudent.
What if your only options (save a third-party candidate) are Romney and Obama in 2012, and one of those miscreants supported Romney? Would that cause a brain freeze?
But I still love you somefeller. You are a cool guy and a great commenter. Just sayn'
Thanks, you're too kind. I like your comments also. Even though you're a Yankees fan.
I have a better chance of winning the Olympic marathon than Romney has of being the Republican nominee.
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