September 29, 2011

"A lawyer who donated sperm to pay his way through college has learned that he has fathered an astonishing 70 children."

"More than 15 of those have already attempted to contact 33-year-old Ben Seisler. The donor confessed to his fiancée as part of a new reality show, Sperm Donor...."


chickelit said...

Shouldn't the show be called "Genetic Jackpot" or "Darwin's Greatest"?

Patrick said...

1/2 of his children want their father in their lives, at least to some degree. What sort of individual, what sort of man could ignore that, ignore his own children.

Yeah, I know. Happens every day. I see my children, and loathe men who walk away from their own, with little thought. I feel awful for those who have been abandoned.

Wince said...

"On the one hand, these kids are biologically my kids. On the other hand they are not my kids."

Does it really matter which hand he used?

Sounds kind of arbitrary. Like eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

chickelit said...

Wasn't Andrew Sullivan recently whining about a sperm donor who had fathered more than 150?

At one, level, it is a studly feat, enabled by women in need.

Irene said...

Seventy children does not sound like an astonishing number of offspring for a sperm donor.

He must have kept his "laptop" on his lap when he was outlining his classes.

Titus said...

Another reason to love Boston.

He's fab, natch.

Patrick said...

I read it wrong, it's not half. OK. But Hey, let's put 'em on a reality show! Great.

How am I still astonished at the level of self indulgence?

Carol_Herman said...

I think if you donate sperm you should just forget about it, the way you do all the other episodes of masturbation.

Carol_Herman said...

Plus, this guy does this to pay for law school?

Didn't one professor point out to him the LIABILITY if the DNA matches?

Titus said...

I go to a very straight gym.

I go because no one takes a shower and there is no temptation to put on a little towelette and go to the steam room.

The guys are so hot.

I was the only whitey there tonight.

chickelit said...

On the one hand, these kids are biologically my kids. On the other hand they are not my kids.

A man like Seisler sure comes in handy for women in need.

Carol_Herman said...

Oh, yeah.

And, at the fertility clinic, women who were going to get "impregnated" by the staff ... with the sperm in a bulb baster ... ACTUALLY PICKED ATTRIBUTES!

So, women selected men based on their race, and their height. And, their eye color!

You think I'm kidding?

You think a nurse just reached into the refrigerator and took out a random sample?

rcocean said...

I guess he was a "Alpha male".

Carol_Herman said...

In the fertility clinic, they could probably impregnate 70 women a week, easy.

One man doing it all ... would just get exhausted, if he had to go from room to room, "spritzing."

Carol_Herman said...

Can an American citizen run for the presidency if his mom got pregnant using donated sperm?

How could anyone prove the sperm didn't come from a European male's member?

We need to clarify our laws!

Because wouldn't it be how you define "natural born citizen," with a man and a woman doing it in the missionary position?

chickelit said...

@Carol_Herman: I'm sure being able to choose characteristics spares those women loads of anxiety.
Embrace the change.

Anonymous said...

Sperm banks have supplies of pornographic magazines to assist donors in making their donations. These magazines come in different varieties to cater to different tastes. It is unlikely, however, that there are any which cater to my, ahem, taste.


Fred4Pres said...

Hey, I gave donations all the time when I was younger. There could be many Fred4Pres out there.

Fred4Pres said...

Can an American citizen run for the presidency if his mom got pregnant using donated sperm?

How could anyone prove the sperm didn't come from a European male's member?

We need to clarify our laws!

Because wouldn't it be how you define "natural born citizen," with a man and a woman doing it in the missionary position?

Carol Herman, I would almost suggest getting you and Mick together...

but Mick is my friend. Friends do not let friends do Carol Herman.

Beta Rube said...

These numbers are nothing special in the NBA.

Gene said...

If Seisler, who is 33 today. started law school when he was 22, then the oldest of the 15 children who have tried to contact him is only 11.

Somehow I don't think 11 year old children are trying to contact Seisler. More likely their mothers, who presumably picked Seisler on the basis of his health, intelligence and alpha-maleness, are probably thinking, "Hey, this guy had such great genes he's probably done very well for himself. Maybe it's time to see if he wants to share a little of that with his kids."

edutcher said...

This is why the laws regarding marriage work the way they do.

Imagine child support.

Carol_Herman said...

Oh, yeah.

And, at the fertility clinic, women who were going to get "impregnated" by the staff ... with the sperm in a bulb baster ... ACTUALLY PICKED ATTRIBUTES!

So, women selected men based on their race, and their height. And, their eye color!

You think I'm kidding?

You think a nurse just reached into the refrigerator and took out a random sample?

Not quite.

You're given a wish list of attributes and they try to match it as best they can, but it's not something where they run down a list of specific "donations".

traditionalguy said...

Well Trooper has got to respect a lawyer who can begat another whole tribe of future lawyers carrying good LSAT score DNA.

DADvocate said...

Eventually, too much fathering of children like this would decrease the genetic pool. Do they have any safeguards in place to make sure no one marries a half sibling?

Cedarford said...

"Carol_Herman said...
Can an American citizen run for the presidency if his mom got pregnant using donated sperm?

How could anyone prove the sperm didn't come from a European male's member?

We need to clarify our laws!"
You have to admit Carol can think up the angles!
This will probably throw Mick into a pretzel.

1. How can he be sure that any President was not conceived with non natural born sperm?

2. If it was natural born citizen sperm, can the child be natural born if conceived from what is considered an "unnatural act" by some?

3. What about a President conceived by in vitro? Natural born? Or not?

Whackadoodle Mick will have even more "issues", no doubt!

Fred4Pres said...

traditionalguy said...
Well Trooper has got to respect a lawyer who can begat another whole tribe of future lawyers carrying good LSAT score DNA.

9/29/11 10:24 PM

American's obsesity epidemic started around the 1970s. Does anyone know if Trooper was supporting his bar days around that time with frequent trips to the "bank?"

Fred4Pres said...

Ceadarford, I would get those two kids togehter, but I like Mick too much to stick him with Carol.

jacksonjay said...

We have lost our ever-loving minds! Reality show about sperm donors?

God save Us!

Kids need moms and dads! You ever heard of ying and yang?

After God saves us, I hope he can forgive us!

Lyle said...

How much do they pay?

chickelit said...

Well, Barack Obama, Sr., was hardly more than a sperm donor and his son was elected President so I think Carol's point is moot.

Some people do think being raised fatherless should be a red flag against electability (Clinton, Obama) but I don't see a constitutional issue.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Just what we need - more lawyers.

Michael K said...

He is in trouble as the agreements of anonymity the sperm banks provided have been attacked. Some crazy women in LA spent years tracking down her biological father to sue him for support. Naturally, she was a social worker,

Fred4Pres said...

AJ Lynch, how about more Troopers!

Gene said...

The movie rights to this, I bet, are already being sold. And why not, the screenplay practically writes itself.


Seisler walking down the street of a small town one Saturday morning. As a car slowly passes him a boy of 10, who looks just like Seisler (and is dressed like him too), gives Seisler an intense unnerving look from the passenger seat.

Astonished and bewildered, Seisler waits for the light at an intersection, only to discover across the street a girl of 11 waiting on her bike and staring intently at him.

Walking quickly the other direction with glances over his shoulder, Seisler looks into the window of an ice cream parlor, only to see another boy (again with a strong resemblance) staring fixedly at him through the window, spoon suspended in mid-air.

Rattled by all these strange kids who look just like him, Seisler dashes into a supermarket. As he stands in the back getting his heart rate under control, a young girl comes around the end of the aisle, looks up and shouts, "DAD!"

William said...

I have a similar idea for a reality tv show, "Holistic Heaven". Here's how it works: Every week a different vacation spa teams up with a celebrity chef and a team of Victoria Secret models. Their object is to overload me with every sensual pleasure known to mankind. The following week a different vacation spa with a different chef and, perhaps, a team of Sports Illustrated models enters the hustings. Their object is to top the previous week's contestants. And then the next week a different team and so on. At the end of a 52 week cycle, I will announce the winner. The winner gets a substantial cash prize and the chance to defend the title in next year's contests......Ratings gold in my estimation. Some of you are going to to say that the Clintons and the Obamas have already aired this show. But that's just the point. If the show revolves around me instead of some hotshot President, the pleasures shown will be seen not as the trappings of grandeur but as the releases of joy.

William said...

To be honest, I was also influenced by Charley Sheen and Tigers Woods. I like the porn stars and luxury hotel suites, but their sprees lacked gravitas. My show aims to combine the best qualities of a Charley Sheen coke binge with that of a Michelle Obama vacation and a Clinton wedding. The centerpiece of the whole show will be my bemused reaction to all this luxury. It wouldn't work with anyone else.

William said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fred4Pres said...

Wiliam, that sounds like something Trooper would think up. But you were first. Well done.

Crack's reality show would be him acting as a detective/host and each week disproving another new age charlatan.

Mich would be the same show every week, explaining why Barack Obama is an upsurper. Well occasionally he would mix it up with Marco Rubio and John McCain specials.

Fred4Pres said...

Mick. My bad.

cassandra lite said...

Too bad they didn't have AI back in the day. Poor Onan wouldn't have been zapped dead for spilling his seed so unproductively.

cheddar said...

Thought the locals would appreciate learning that the UW fertility clinic used to maintain its own sperm bank but they stopped because the poor quality of the local donations.

chickelit said...

Thought the locals would appreciate learning that the UW fertility clinic used to maintain its own sperm bank but they stopped because the poor quality of the local donations.

From what I've read and seen here recently. Meade has a lock on all the local seed.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The point we're making is that we need some sperm..

jamboree said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rcommal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
frank said...

A "man's man" Carol/Titus said.

rcommal said...

Never mind that. It's gay people who are deconstructing family life, decoupling heterosexual family life from procreation.

Also, practically speaking, not to mention specifically speaking, Seisler has "fathered" precisely zero children, so far. His seed is powerfully effective, clinically speaking. But he is the father to nary a one of those 70 (or whatever the number of) children. In so far as he might feel puffed up about his virility, he ought consider his cheapness.

rcommal said...

Ben Seisler's sperm successfully fertilized 70 ova.

Also, this story smells to high heaven. 33? Plus, I guess, given the received narrative, he must have checked a particular box, that doubly selfish sonuvabitch.

If his betrothed goes on to marry him, she will have forfeited the right to complain, at least about some certain stuff--not least as to how special he considers creating a child to be as opposed to her POV.

Mick said...

Carol_Herman said...
"Can an American citizen run for the presidency if his mom got pregnant using donated sperm?

How could anyone prove the sperm didn't come from a European male's member?"

Interesting question, but easily answered. Unless the mother is married to the father, there is no possible inheritance of Citizenship to another foreign power. A child born to an unmarried US Citizen mother, in America, is a natural born Citizen

Mick said...

Cedarford said...
"Carol_Herman said...
Can an American citizen run for the presidency if his mom got pregnant using donated sperm?

How could anyone prove the sperm didn't come from a European male's member?

We need to clarify our laws!"
You have to admit Carol can think up the angles!
This will probably throw Mick into a pretzel.

1. How can he be sure that any President was not conceived with non natural born sperm?

2. If it was natural born citizen sperm, can the child be natural born if conceived from what is considered an "unnatural act" by some?

3. What about a President conceived by in vitro? Natural born? Or not?

Whackadoodle Mick will have even more "issues", no doubt!"

Glad you are thinking about that issue. If the mother is unmarried, an American Citizen, and the child is born in America, then there is no foreign Citizenship legally inherited from any father.

If, however the mother is married to a foreign national, and is artificially insemenated, and is legally claimed as the offspring of the foreign national father, inheriting his Citizenship, then the child is not natural born.

Mick said...

Fred4Pres said,

"Carol Herman, I would almost suggest getting you and Mick together...

but Mick is my friend. Friends do not let friends do Carol Herman."

It's an interesting question, easily and logically answered above. It's easy and logical because the natural born citizen requirement is logical. Legal inheritance of foreign Citizenship at birth is the key. If there is none, and the mother is an American Citizen, and the child is born in America, then that child is a natural born Citizen. Rubio attained Cuban Citizenship at birth, Jindal-- Indian, Barack Obama-- British-- thus all not natural born. Pretty simple and logical really.

The 14th Amendment is also logical, but it has been made illogical by the purposeful blurring of the "subject to the jurisdiction" clause, which has led to acceptance of dual Citizenship of adults-- which is totally anathema to the clause. If the clause means subject to the jurisdiction of the US and NO OTHER foreign power, then it matches w/ the naturalization oath, which demands allegiance to ONLY the US. It also would match the civil rights Act 1866, which is still on the books, and was the framework of the Amendment.

The criminals in Congress and in the courts who have insisted it means "subject to the laws of the US"--- they have made it illogical. It prioritizes the US Citizenship of those born of illegal aliens w/in US territory, over the children of US Citizens abroad with regard to eligibility for POTUS. It makes the citizenship oath illogical.

According to Marbury v. Madison, any construction that makes any clause in the Constitution moot is INADMISSABLE. By saying that any child born in America is an American citizen, one has made useless the Jurisdictional clause of the 14th Amendment, and that construction is INADMISSABLE.

edutcher said...

Fred4Pres said...

Carol Herman, I would almost suggest getting you and Mick together...

but Mick is my friend. Friends do not let friends do Carol Herman.

I read that last night and I had a weird thought - right out of an old TV show.

What if it turned out Carol is another Althouse - a good-looking woman who never lost her love of, uh..., life?

I know...

I need to put down the remote.

BigFire said...

The reason for the registry he's on is to prevent accidental dating of his offspring. Imagine if all of his offspring lived well within a short distance from each other, blissfully unaware. Now imagine if they date each other.

Dustin said...

You gotta wonder what happens when one of these kiddos runs for president and the kooks say they weren't natural born.

I think men considering sperm donations should steer clear of whatever agency this guy used. Their anonymity is critical. If anything, they should make the entire process anonymous. Give a blood test, an IQ test, a fitness test, and take down demographics, and never store any other information about the donor.

Personally, I do think men who donate sperm owe 100% of their offspring care and resources, because that is what it means to create a child.

It's one of those issues where a contract doesn't mean jack, so those entering into these arrangements shouldn't expect them to hold water.

Carol_Herman said...

The 7th Cleopatra. The one that "made it" with Marc Anthony ... had as her mother and father ... a brother and sister. Since royals didn't marry out of that line.

TRUE. In Russia. Where the Czar's had similar interwoven threads ...

Or even over in England ... where first cousins were united in marriage ...

You can look at the progeny and wonder if the "biology" of your fears actually holds up.

It's like "reefer madness." A situation that is not true; but peddled.

As to the genetics, itself. EVERY CONCEPTION tosses out HALF the material of each contributor.

In other words? Einstein's child got only HALF of Einstein's genetic set. The other half came from the mom.

Or as George Bernard Shaw once said ... when a woman swooned at him that she'd just love to have his baby ...

"Well, what if the child were so unfortunate as to inherit YOUR brains, and MY looks?" GBS meant that would be a 100% bad outcome.

Carol_Herman said...

There's also another bit.

You have a woman who finds that she's dropping eggs, but she's not getting pregnant. Could be she's single. No live donor available. Just the desire to have a kid.

She could be in a lesbian relationship?

Or she could be married to a man who has a very poor sperm count. (Bill Clinton had the mumps when he was a little boy; and it destroyed his sperm count.) Hillary got pregnant with Chelsea, probably with the help of Webster Hubbell.

Webster Hubbell was not a good looking man. So at a young age Chelsea underwent lots of facial plastic surgery. To look less like Webster Hubbell.

Sal said...

It'd be cool to know what all of your kids were like, but 70 is a lot of birthday party invitations to turn down every year. Then think of all of the grandkids!

Carol_Herman said...

Most likely, someone born through the infertility doctor's procedures ... is NOT LIKELY to copy a mom's behaviors. (Though, on the other hand, a fella might be a sperm donor if it pays well. And, he wants to eat, and/or pay bills. And, he doesn't want to keep donating pints of blood to do it.)

The infertility clinic tends to view donors as having attributes women want to have. Very short men don't make the cut. Neither, I would guess, would very fat men make it, either.

Except in one case, where the gynecologist was fat. And, he'd just jerk off ... rather than pay another man for his sperm. And, he "made" 150 babies. With infertile women ... who became enraged when they heard what he did. (Which must have been much later. When their kids began looking a lot like their doctor!)

He went to jail.

I think the "jackpot" is on the side of the kid born through sperm donation! (You've eliminated the guys with poor sperm, and performance issues.)

And, you've let the selection process go through screening. Where the man had to have attributes where someone was willing to pay him for his ejaculate.

I once saw a lab technician ... walking with a canister ... out of Caltech. (So, I figured that's where you'd get great donors.) As long as the janitor didn't sneak in.

Carol_Herman said...

You know how blondes are the preferred female type for most men? (And, it doesn't matter the race.) Preferences go for Marilyn Monroe "types." Period.

Maybe, after that? Sophia Loren.

Now, what if a woman wants a "male type?" What's the preferences that get set there?

What if there's a "Brad Pitt" type? So, let's say Asian women wouldn't mind getting sperm that meets this criteria?

The one thing you KNOW FOR SURE! They're not asking their cousins, brothers, or dads, to donate!

X said...

How much do they pay?

wrong question. how much do we pay? I never agreed to this deal. If any of the Murphy Browns need government assistance, this guy needs to pay child support. men who father children the old fashioned way don't get to have a financial abortion the way this guy does. judges assign child support to men who are not fathers citing the best interest of the child. how does this guy skate?

twinsdad said...

People like him when they first meet him because of his firm handshake

Fred4Pres said...

Or she could be married to a man who has a very poor sperm count. (Bill Clinton had the mumps when he was a little boy; and it destroyed his sperm count.) Hillary got pregnant with Chelsea, probably with the help of Webster Hubbell.

Webster Hubbell was not a good looking man. So at a young age Chelsea underwent lots of facial plastic surgery. To look less like Webster Hubbell.

I always thought Chelsea looked like Bill, but if Carol says it, well it must be true!

Your Milage May Vary.

MadisonMan said...

I can just hear it now, when they meet Dad.

You. A Lawyer

Fernandinande said...

What's the point of saying "donate" when nothing is being donated?

John henry said...


Where the sperm came from, where the mom or dad came from, make no impact on a person's eligibility to be president.

You have been paying too much attention to Mick.

The *ONLY* thing that counts is the physical location of the Mom when the child is born. If physically present in the US, like Obama's mom, they are citizens under the 14th Amendment and eligible.

If not physically present in the US, like McCain, they are statutory citizens (assuming mom & dad are citizens) and probably not eligible. There is not universal agreement on that last, though.

John Henry

madAsHell said...


You can't get paid $150 for jacking off!

You can't be 33 years old, and have 15 children wanting to share your life. You may have 15 women looking for a share of that $150 dollars, but not 15 children.

There a registry of sperm donors? So, the kids can find their fathers.

AllenS said...

Carol_Herman said...
(Bill Clinton had the mumps when he was a little boy; and it destroyed his sperm count.) Hillary got pregnant with Chelsea, probably with the help of Webster Hubbell.

Webster Hubbell was not a good looking man. So at a young age Chelsea underwent lots of facial plastic surgery. To look less like Webster Hubbell

That there is some weird shit.

MadisonMan said...

If Seisler, who is 33 today. started law school when he was 22, then the oldest of the 15 children who have tried to contact him is only 11.

What Gene says bears repeating. No way are pre-teens reaching out to find sperm-donor daddy. It's all the mothers' doings. Which makes the story a whole lot different.

(My opinion is that Seisler is ugly, too. Sorry kids)

John henry said...

Mick said:

"A child born to an unmarried US Citizen mother, in America, is a natural born Citizen"

No, Mick.

A child born in the US, regardless of parental citizenship, regardless of parental marital status, regardless of anything, is a natural born US citizen under the 14th Amendment.

Except for children of diplomats.

John Henry

Sal said...

(My opinion is that Seisler is ugly, too. Sorry kids)

I agree. You'd think a guy picked that often for his sperm would look more like Brad Pitt.

chickelit said...

Seisler really touched a nerve here for a lot of people!

John henry said...

Allen S said:

To look less like Webster Hubbell

That there is some weird shit.

As weird as the story that Joe Kennedy Sr fathered Jimmy Carter?

Carter's mother did work for Joe Kennedy around the time she would have conceived Jimmy and Joe was a cockhound par excellance.

There is a family resemblance between Jimmy and Saint Jack and Saint Bobby.

John Henry

chickelit said...

You gotta admit this about Seisler: the guy has spunk, going on the show that way and bragging!

Mick said...

John said...
Mick said:

"A child born to an unmarried US Citizen mother, in America, is a natural born Citizen"

No, Mick.

A child born in the US, regardless of parental citizenship, regardless of parental marital status, regardless of anything, is a natural born US citizen under the 14th Amendment.

Except for children of diplomats.

John Henry"

And you would be wrong again. Here is the SCOTUS precedent definition, from Minor v. Happersett:

"The Constitution does not in words say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners. "

You keep mixing up "Citizen", and "Natural Born Citizen". They are 2 separate things (although both are citizens, only natural born Citizens are eligible for POTUS), as evidenced by A2S1C5's grandfather clause ("OR a Citizen, at the time...")---- "OR" means different, and Obama was born 171 years too late to take advantage of that clause.

mgarbowski said...

It is preposterous that to this day, after decades of evidence and stories like this, that people still sneer at "Humanae Vitae" and Pope Paul VI, and cannot understand why the Church opposes in vitro, and all artificial methods of birth control, whether to create a pregnancy or to stop it. Children are not a commodity, and deserve two natural parents whenever that is possible, which is to say absent death. We should not intentionally create children who are sundered from one or more parent. His fiance is right. He is selfish.
What a sad, sad, story.

MadisonMan said...

chickenlittle, you need this link.

Steve Koch said...

I never heard the story about Bill Clinton being infertile or Web Hubbell fathering Chelsea Clinton but Web and Chelsea do both have the same very unusual lips.

Thank you Carol for injecting some National Enquirer type stories into the Althouse blog, they may be tacky but they are interesting.

Sal said...

...the Church opposes in vitro, and all artificial methods of birth control, whether to create a pregnancy or to stop it.

Here's a reality show I'd watch: Catholic bigwigs visiting these kids and explaining why this Church policy is more important that the kid's life.

Scott M said...

I think this guy has set some kind of record for bringing "baggage" into a relationship.

TheThinMan said...

They say drinking diet soda doesn't help you lose weight because the sweet taste makes your brain crave the calories it didn't get in the soda, and you make up for it elsewhere.

I wonder if knowing you fathered 70 kids makes you feel, instead of empowered, cheated out of all the sex you should have had, and feel bereft of a harem that should go with your abundant offspring.

Brian Brown said...

new reality show, sperm donor

I weep for the future...

Dustin said...

ya gotta love how Mick has total contempt for the Constitution, amending its plain meaning with his own ideas about citizenship, based on goofy crap that obviously cannot change the Constitution's plain language. If you're born here, your'e a citizen. If you're a born citizen and of age and a few other things, you are eligible to be president.

Of course, Mick recognizes his contempt for the Constitution and projects it onto those who actually read it and follow it.

AllenS said...

Well, I guess if Chelsea looked half like a cigar, we might have something.

n.n said...

A perverted natural order. If one man can "father" 70 children, then it is understandable why our society would believe it is justified to marginalize the male of our species.

I wonder if the new "families" are self-sufficient or if they are subsidized through taxpayer funds.

I also wonder if any studies have been conducted to determine the mental well-being of children who develop without the influence of both a mother and father, especially biological parents.

Well, like every other distortion in our lives, let the experiment continue. If it's as "successful" as so many other social, economic, etc. experiments, then we should be able to observe the consequences within a decade or two, at most.

boxingalcibiades said...

I'm not much for reality shows - or t.v. at all, for that matter. I have only one kid, and will likely only ever have one kid (an unfortunate circumstance of biology). I'd *happily* help other folks have children, and would be more than willing to be contacted by them later as they grew up.

This sounds like a positive story all-round, frankly.

Mick said...

Dustin said...
"ya gotta love how Mick has total contempt for the Constitution, amending its plain meaning with his own ideas about citizenship, based on goofy crap that obviously cannot change the Constitution's plain language. If you're born here, your'e a citizen. If you're a born citizen and of age and a few other things, you are eligible to be president.

Of course, Mick recognizes his contempt for the Constitution and projects it onto those who actually read it and follow it."

Ya gotta love how you have no clue what you're talking about. The requirement for President in A2S1C5 is "natural born Citizen", not "Citizen" or Born a Citizen", or "native born Citizen", or "bonified Citizen".

Natural born Citizen is defined thus by the DS Supreme Court:

"The Constitution does not in words say who shall be natural-born citizens. Resort must be had elsewhere to ascertain that. At common law, with the nomenclature of which the framers of the Constitution were familiar, it was never doubted that all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens became themselves, upon their birth, citizens also. These were natives or natural-born citizens, as distinguished from aliens or foreigners."

Now, until you can refute that, you have no argument. You are embarrassing yourself.

Geoff Matthews said...


I think that this case here is an argument as to the problems with in vitro.
70 kids is an incredible number. If they aren't aware of their sperm donor, what if they start hooking up with each other?
This is a serious, ethical oversight.

Known Unknown said...

Tigers Woods.

Does he know Rickey Branch?

Known Unknown said...

You gotta admit this about Seisler: the guy has spunk,


Gene said...

Mick: A child born to an unmarried US Citizen mother, in America, is a natural born Citizen.

You are right of course. If it were any other way, 75% of inner city kids wouldn't be citizens.

Mick said...

Gene said...
"Mick: A child born to an unmarried US Citizen mother, in America, is a natural born Citizen.

You are right of course. If it were any other way, 75% of inner city kids wouldn't be citizens."

Again confusing "citizen w/ "natural born Citizen"---- purposefully.

Tagore said...

This is shocking. I always assumed lawyers reproduced by mitosis. Now we have to worry about them stealing our women.

Joe said...

I've always found the whole thing creepy.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I desperately wanted children, he has no sperm production. Thanks to this kind of miracle, we now have a beautiful little girl. We perused the profiles of men who match my husbands description so that there is no obvious question of "is she ours." My husband is a devoted father to this beautiful child. I consider myself very fortunate to be able to participate in parenthood. At the particular bank we used they keep a registry and will stop selling sperm from a single donor once the offspring reach 15.

Micha Elyi said...

I never agreed to this deal. If any of the Murphy Browns need government assistance, this guy needs to pay child support.-X

Likely, he doesn't feel the need like you do.

"Government assistance" is the deal I never agreed to, X.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I dub him The Spermatron.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Future versions will come with model numbers that match the number of offspring they've spawned.

The Spermatron 450 is not too far off in the works.

Ralph L said...

Mick said...
A child born to an unmarried US Citizen mother, in America, is a natural born Citizen

You do realize there's no official record of Stanley Ann's marriage to BO, Sr.

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