I've been saying this for a long time, but
here's Clay Barbor in the Wisconsin State Journal:
Thousands of people descended on the state Capitol in February and March, crowding the streets and filling the rotunda in opposition to Gov. Scott Walker's collective bargaining bill. But in the past six months those crowds have given way to a small but dedicated band of 20-something protesters who routinely disrupt meetings, harangue individual Republican lawmakers, stage publicity stunts and take video of nearly everything they do.
The group -- led unofficially by about a half-dozen "regulars" -- has exasperated Capitol law enforcement and Republican lawmakers. But they also have frustrated Democratic lawmakers, interrupting their speeches and getting into shouting matches with them during committee meetings....
"But the clergy were critical of MLK, too," [said Jeremy Ryan.] "Not that I'm comparing myself to MLK, but I think it fits in this case. Some Democrats can't see far down the road."
This is the problem with prolonged protests. There have been waves of participants, and the personnel evolves over time. If you make a big deal about continuing the protests day after day, week after week, as was done back in February and March when the crowds were gigantic, some people are going to fixate on the idea of never stopping. As the crowd thins, who will remain and why? What will they say to each other to harden their resolve? It becomes a cult, with some strange ideas about how to act.
[Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau] is a frequent target of protesters. They follow him during parades and videotape him in an effort to catch something controversial. Once, a protester even chased him into a bank, blasting a horn in Fitzgerald's ear the whole way.
"I think they're trying to get a lawmaker to take a swing at them," he said. "And it's really hard to not take a swing at someone when they're blowing a horn in your ear."
I know exactly what he is talking about.
९७ टिप्पण्या:
Attention whores.
What you reward gets repeated.
“But the clergy were critical of MLK, too"
It’s MLK’s revenge:
“They said MLK was a troublemaker, but now he’s recognized as a near-saint.
They say I, too, am a troublemaker.
Therefore I, too, must be a near-saint!”
Surely there is some way to stop protesters from doing things that can permanently damage a person's health? Tinnitus is serious and permanent.
Not that I'm comparing myself to MLK, but I think it fits in this case.
This case? Wait - what is it that they are protesting again? Do you know?
That's what democracy looks like, I guess. To some. In a twisted way. And by "democracy" I mean "hate-filled liberal tyranny".
The remaining protesters are just that; protesters...Segway boy, that doofus with the Amish beard that Meade had several run-ins with, the asshat that threw the beer on Vos, the black dude that has the mean Joe Greene beard. Protesting gives them "worth" sadly. I don't think any of them have skin in the game...they are not public union workers.
Too bad the national press is not covering this.
"Day 124, Madison held hostage"
Quayle wrote This case? Wait - what is it that they are protesting again? Do you know?
Apparently they are protesting people.
MLK protested unjust laws. The freedom riders protested laws that weren't being enforced.
These fools are protesting the existence of officeholders they don't like. This is what the recall elections were about. This is what this current harassment is about.
Imagine MLK going to Birmingham and instead of marching and organizing boycotts, he and Fred Shuttlesworth scuttled around behind Bull Connor blowing a horn in his ear.
Who is supporting these people financially? I mean, horns cost money, food costs money, beer costs money. Somebody's allowing them to turn this worthless behavior into a career.
wv: rasism. But they're all pallor-Americans!
Is this guy still out there? I saw him on Day 62.
I'm betting that at least half of these "dedicated" protesters are mentally ill. Probably personality disorder of some sort.
Blowing an air horn in someone's ear should be considered assault. It's painful and could cause permanent harm, not that harm has to be permanent to qualify as assault.
Reminds me that I need to post the rest of these photos.
Wasn't Segway Jeremy blamed for some of the delay in Waukesha County's recount of the Prosser/Kloppenberg elections? As I heard it, he rode his Segway into a restricted area and disrupted counting.
If someone gets fed up, they might grab a mike or a horn.
This is normal behavior, but it would be on youtube, cut from the context, just as was done to Prosser.
These people will chase old men around, deliberately provoking a reaction. In most private places, the reaction would be violent, though they act like a mild rebuke is incredibly bad.
This is probably not representative of Wisconsin, since Wisconsin is run by Republicans, but it's the impression I have of Madison.
I met a lady from Madison who constantly blurted out political views on things, even though we were in a large seminar and she knew most people didn't agree with her. I noticed she had a huge UW logo on her shirt, and mentioned these protests, and how Madison is a cesspool of trashier democrats than you'll find in most other places. She stopped with the annoying commentary (seeing racism everywhere was a major feature).
That's great. As far as I'm concerned, the Madison kooks should keep it up at least through the 2012 election. They are doing the GOP a huge favor.
Taking a horn into the capital should be prohibited.
Blowing one within 20 feet of someone else should lead to an arrest.
There is no excuse at this point. The GOP folks being hassled should have an officer follow them around in plainclothes, actually aiming to catch one of these people.
But they won't do that, perhaps because the GOP realizes they can associate democrat policies with lowlifes.
Some people need a good physical beatdown. These protestors certainly qualify for that.
"For example, according to the court system's online records, police have issued ['Segway Jeremy'] Ryan 14 citations this year, most of which were for disorderly conduct."
So that's where Jeremy's been. Duh!
wv: stidiota. In-sta idiot.
I mean "hate-filled liberal tyranny".
Madison has become a hellhole of left wing idiocy, violence and hatred. Hatred isn't a good point to be bargaining from.
These are the Brownshirts. And yes, I'm going there because that is what these folks are. They are at the least Mussolini's early thugs.
The protest is to shut down the lawfully elected government by the losers in the election.
If that works, then Wisconsinites are no longer a free people. They are the new fascists with beer hall putsch in their ethnic DNA.
What exactly is Segway Jeremy's disability?
Waukesha Sherriff Department Violates ADA and Tries to Kick Disabled Man Out!! SHARE!!
Why is this not harrassment?
Blowing a horn in a citizen's ear as they walk into a private business?
Arrest the perps.
Police Chief Tubbs is incompetent.
These 20-somethings should be called TUBBS TOILET.
They are there because they can get in! Even though they are recognized. And, they make everyone's life inside this building miserable!
What would you do IF this were your classroom?
Start with this.
If your university decided a "few disrupters ... (let's say five). Routinely open your door ... and shout out silly things ... once you've already started your class ...
They'd be depending on the fact that you have no locks on your doors. So ALL latecomers can just meander in and out.
And, that you can't run fast enough to "get" on of these doozies into a "choke hold."
Nor can you throw an eraser accuratetly, enough.
But what IF you taught the class HOW TO DO A LAWSUIT ... where at least this year's tution would ultimately be free?
You'd make disruptions popular.
You'd control the poison the university administrators would have to suck.
And, you'd realize ...
Over at the rotunda ...
The creepiness of the VIGILS (and their aunties ... So they are vigilanties) ... exists only because TUBBS is incompetent.
Now why not just fire TUBBS?
Why not take the rooms that belong to democraps ... and put them in more inconvenient places?
You didn't know someone who sits in a majority chair ... gets the keys that are given out to all the other elected officials?
I just think this is on-going ... because no one is really trying to solve this.
Perhaps, not even Walker?
Is hunger strike dude still going, he must be down to about 225 lbs by now? Odds are most of these folks are unemployed, probably getting money from relatives or some disability claim. A good chance that there is some real mental disorders in play.
Blowing a horn in someone's ear is assault, plain and simple.
Do you remember the scene in Huckleberry Finn, that takes place at one town's circus?
And, there's a drunk in the crowd. Who gets up ... and wants to ride one of the horses ... around the ring.
(It turns out the "drunk" was a stooge.)
There are shows that pay people to look like they spring up out of the audience. But don't.
Several protesters had been filming the session, which is not allowed by Assembly rules. Capitol Police forcibly removed them from the gallery, creating a ruckus.
That's some great stenography there. It created a ruckus because what they did is implicity guaranteed in the state constitution, and they should not have been removed. Oh well!
Little Hitlers like Robin Vos will have a much harder time getting that stench of Walker off them than a glass of Miller Lite.
Love the little fake humility there. "Not that I'm comparing myself to MLK," leaving unsaid but understood - "if YOU want to do it, MSM reporter (wink, wink). . ."
Spoiled, delusional, whiny, ungrateful leeches. The face of Madison.
Spoiled, delusional, whiny, ungrateful leeches. The face of Madison.
Building a unified community of love and compassion one horn blast and beer pour at a time.
Speaking of love and compassion, here's garage -
"Little Hitlers like Robin Vos. . ."
Little Hitlers. Litle Hitlers? Just die, now, garage. Slowly and painfully. You've jumped the shark and turned into a full-bore piece of sewage.
Would that I were able to grant wishes. I'd have you live under a REAL Hitler and see how long you'd survice.
I'm with DADvocate.
If anyone blows a horn in my ear, I'm going to consider that assault and battery as noises in that decibel range are likely to cause long-term hearing loss, and I'm going to defend myself accordingly.
Deliberately seeking to deafen me is definitely seeking to cause me 'great bodily harm'. I believe any jury of 'reasonable' people would agree. Let's see...that fulfills Opportunity, Ability, and Jeopardy. Check. Can I escape his assault? No, the weapon he's using has a long range (sound). Not a lot of other options for me to preserve my hearing, especially as the likelihood of this person committing repeat assaults is high. Bye-bye protester.
Like I said,
"I want that rye, lady... Shut up, you old bag!"
"The last holdout protesters"?
How about all of them?
None of these guys did their cause any credit once the light was turned on them.
Thank you ANN and New Meadia Meade.
Christopher in MA said...
Speaking of love and compassion, here's garage -
"Little Hitlers like Robin Vos. . ."
Little Hitlers. Litle Hitlers?
He means Eichmanns. It's the change from Mountain to Central Time.
When Abbie Hoffman ran on stage during The Who's performance at Woodstock, Pete Townshend hit him in the head w/ his guitar and the crowd cheered. Even they were sick of the prolonged militancy.
How about the kid who set up a website to ask for donations so he could continue to protest rather than get a job? For me, and many others, that dumb-ass and the beer dumper are the face of the movement.
Maybe some Liberal Dane County Judge will get smart and heavily fine, or give time to these morons, ironically to protect their own cause.
"Little Hitlers like Robin Vos will have a much harder time getting that stench of Walker off them than a glass of Miller Lite."
IDK, Walker's "stench" smells like Victory to me. Which of course drives you and these crazy professional protestors even more batty.
GArage: Comrade, how about the horn blowing in the ear? Would you blast an Acme Thunderer in that new puppy's ear? It is a great whistle and dog's react well to the Acme, but would you blow it in your dog's ear? Would you let one of these protester's blow it in your puppy's ear if you thought it would reverse the results of the last election?
Allow me to blame the victims here. If the GOP won't defend itself by pressing charges, seeking restraing orders/PPOs, changing the laws on what you can and cannot do inside the capital and fire ineffectual or biased capitol kops, then they fuckin' deserve what they are getting. And they should note that public sympathy has a way of morphing from sympathy to bewilderment to contempt toward people that are continually victimized but who won't defend themselves in any way. Viz sucker punch me once shame on you; do it every damn day then you are revealed as just a punk. If you won't stand up for yourself GOP who will you stand up for?
My 5-y-o son threw a bit of a fit one the way to school today, because he wanted Mom to drive him to school instead of me. This was the first fit he's thrown in a long time, so I just let him go on and have his say. A child has a right to a good fit now and then.
The crying always reaches a point with children where you can tell they're not upset anymore, but they don't want to just give up and stop crying, because that would perhaps give the wrong impression about the dreadful seriousness of the REAL crying they did earlier. So the crying continues in fits and starts, but clearly requiring an ever-increasing effort. There's a greater ramping up sort of sound from the gut, which reminds them of what they felt earlier and--yes! There it is again, a good cry and a wail for good measure. Some real emotion!
Then...whoa...squirrel! Waitaminute. Oh yeah. Ramping up again and...squirrel! Oh bother. What was that? Oh yeah. A bit of a sob, but not very convincing. Ramping up again, but...no go. It's just not there.
And so on until all is well again. Children, at least, know enough to eventually just let it go and move on to other things.
I remember thinking and behaving this way myself when I was a child!
Can't for the life of me imagine why your post about the Wisconsin Capitol protesters made me think of this, but there it is.
If you go to Segway Jeremy's Facebook Page there is a link to contribute to the Miles Kristan Legal fund. So far they've raised a whopping $85 to defend the beer dumper. Wonder how much Garbage-Mahal has contributed. Hard for libs to put their own money where their mouth is, especially when they don't have any.
A few months back I saw a movie called "This is England" that told the story of a fatherless child who fell in with skinheads. They start as little more than a group of teenagers who like to hang out together.
As the story unfolds, the group moves down the road toward national socialism. And with each step, the most reasonable members get stripped away, leaving a more and more radicalized core ready to take the next step.
Same thing here. The ones that stick around are the ones ready to get more crazy.
That's some great stenography there. It created a ruckus because what they did is implicity guaranteed in the state constitution, and they should not have been removed. Oh well!
It "implicitly" guarantees the right to videotape the proceedings? What a crock of shit.
GArage: Comrade, how about the horn blowing in the ear?
Would I like it? Probably not. But I can think of dozens of things I hate worse that this little prick has done. The latest from Vos seems to be some sort of "Thoughtcrime" legislation - to go with amending the constitution to make recalls illegal. Which I don't know they are even bothering with, they ignore the constitution basically any time they want. And cheered on the whole time by the "consitituion lovers", of course.
To paraphrase, "I'm not saying I'm like MLK, except that I am." He seems to have wanted to compare himself to MLK, realized that people might think him arrogant (in other words, people might get the right idea), so he ended up saying its a valid comparison while trying to distance himself from it at the same time.
It seems they're videotaping their own criminal offenses, like Beer-Pouring Jackass did, but I guess they're smart enough not to disseminate those videos, unlike BPJ.
<< Kristan said he could not talk about the beer incident but said he didn't consider the action violent. "I would say it is equivalent to throwing fruit at someone," he said. >>
This is weird. Yes, pouring beer is an act of violence, just like throwing fruit at someone. I wouldn't say it's quite as violent as throwing fruit at someone - it's definitely on the low end of the violence scale. But it's clearly on that scale.
Dead enders. Like the last Japanese soldiers on the island after all of their buddies had been killed off. Not smart enough to realize that the war is over and they lost.
Would I like it? Probably not. But I can think of dozens of things I hate worse that this little prick has done.
Really? Perfectly legal political acts -- supported by the people who elected him -- offend you more than assault and battery?
That's sick.
Rep. Stephen Nass is accusing Madison law enforcement of encouraging bolder, perhaps violent behavior by not enforcing the laws now on the books. This should be interesting.
The cops deny having a double standard.
"Taking a horn into the capital should be prohibited. Blowing one within 20 feet of someone else should lead to an arrest. There is no excuse at this point."
What about Taps at a state funeral?
HA! BUUUUUUUUURN! Go jimspice! Go jimspice! It's your birthday! It's your birthday! Bee-YAAAAAAAATCH!
I didn't know they conducted funerals inside the Capitol.
I am a very very mild guy. Very few people have ever seen me raise my voice to get angry.
But if I was being harrassed by a smelly liberal, being stalked, having horns blown in my ear, attacked at restaraunts, they would get the video they want.....me punching a lefty douche.
This category of protesters aren't about protesting, but about narcissists. These people are one step removed from someone who puts a bag of flaming dog shit on the porch and then talks about how cool they are later while smoking weed in their parents' basement.
MacIver has a very good video of the lefty protesters all applauding Barney Fife...or whatever the Madison police chiefs name is, for not doing anything to them. The protesters are working with the police chief to have no laws enforced against them.
You know, it's not a "contest!'
It's not a contest if you toodle into a classroom during a lecture ... without belonging in the school!
And, believe it or not ... there are certain professors in any given school in America ... where you wouldn't want to open up their classroom door ... and "walk in."
You could even get a professor who'd stop. And, with a stare ... the person entering would know that every single eye in the room fell upon him.
(If that person gets arrested ... the police better come with lots of notepaper. Because they'll have a roomful of witnesses.)
And, a really great professor may even tell the cops to go among the students and "take reports."
Even if it means the loss of some lecture time. There are professors who don't kid around. Interruptions are not your friend.
And, the professor doesn't even lose anything. Because your ass needs to know the information ... whether you hear it in the lecture. Or not. It's on the syllabus.
You're telling me a public event, where the legislators are functioning ... can be disrupted by hyenas?
What about a bunch of monkeys?
What about a slew of adorable puppies?
While, by the way, the few remaining protesters are ESCALATING ... because TUBBS IS INCOMPETENT. And, nobody stops to call attention to the great malfunction of the Madison Police Department!
And, if SUMI gets to be the judge ... she won't allow "disruptions" in her courtroom. But, maybe, she won't mind doing something really loony again, from the bench?
Just for laughs.
It "implicitly" guarantees the right to videotape the proceedings? What a crock of shit.
Wisconsin has a LAW ss 19.90 which states “Whenever a governmental body holds a meeting in open session, the body shall make a reasonable effort to accommodate any person desiring to record, film or photograph the meeting.”
"The latest from Vos seems to be some kind of 'thoughtcrime' legislation. . ."
Naturally, garbage doesn't bother to post any supporting link. So a quick dogpile search turns up an idiot at an idiotic website (Democurmudgeon), which links to a report from Fox 6 News which says Vos wants "[that] repeat offenders should stop getting slapped with tickets." I fail to see how this is 'thoughtcrime,' but perhaps the brilliant, Obama-like mind of garbage can clear things up for us.
And "amending the constitution to make recalls illegal?" That's what democracy looks like. Would you prefer Vos to take a page out of the SCOAMF's book and just declare things by legislative fiat?
Isn't blowing a horn in someone's ear, especially if done to harass, assault and battery?
It certainly can cause short term stress and long term hearing loss.
KenK (on GOPers not defending themselves). I thought of that to. The GOP legislators have much more patience than I do. I think they just want to go about their business and not mess with restraining orders and that sort of thing.
Not to be a conspiracy guy, but I wonder if they kind of hope that the protesters will become fruastrated and do some more really bad stuff. The beer assualt is a starter. But maybe home or car vandalism. Or a more direct physical assualt on a Republican.
That should really seal the deal for Governor Walker.
Like the abortion doctor who was murdered in Kansas. I have a pro-choice friend who admited what we all know, that the pro-choice crowd was extremely happy that happened as they could use that like the gay crowd uses the Lamerie murder.
Apparently, you need a permit to take a vuvuzela into the Capitol. And the cops gave permits to the protesters. (Smooth move.)
Hell, maybe Fitzgerald should start stalking some of them, blow horns in their ears. I wonder how that would go over.
On a serious note, I hope the protesters don't know how to build bombs.
There is a VAST difference between an implicitly guaranteed right and a govt body making a reasonable effort to accommodate a citizen's request.
And you know that.
For example, "separation of church and state" is not explicitly in the Constitution. Some believe it is an implicitly guaranteed right. Now, imagine how the country would be different if the Constitution explicitly stated that the govt only had to make reasonable efforts to accommodate requests to keep state out of church and church out of state.
Vast. Difference.
Garage: So, to be clear comrade, it is ok for me, say, to blow an Acme Thunderer whistle in your puppy's ear on the theory, proven, that worse things have happened?
As to thought crimes, I would suggest you visit #attackwatch which implores you to rat on your fellow commenters. Creepy but for being hilarious.
Joanna said...
Apparently, you need a permit to take a vuvuzela into the Capitol.
Wait a cotten picking minute!
A woman needs a permit to bring her vulva into the captial building?
That's not fair!
Garage is right! Somewhere in the consititution there must be protection for women's vulvas! It's a prenumbia or something like that there!
T-York, way to offend blacks and women in one attempt at humor.
Isn't blowing an airhorn in someone's ear, as Fred implies, an assault?
It's causing physical damage (to their inner ear), and quite deliberately and knowingly.
(On a more general note, do these people not realize how crazy and assholish this is making them look?)
Professional protesters never give up or fade away. They have nothing better to do with their miserable and unfullfilled lives.
There is a VAST difference between an implicitly guaranteed right and a govt body making a reasonable effort to accommodate a citizen's request.
Look at the videos on Youtube. They were sitting silently, then were tossed out, simply for filming. And 100% of the constitution wavers are completely cool with that, because they were iberals. Right?
Laws aren't the Constitution. There is a difference.
Furthermore, guess who makes the law? That's right, the legislature. So if the legislature says some law doesn't apply in the legislative session, then guess what? It doesn't! In fact, we just recently had a Supreme Court case that affirmed this very concept...
T-York, way to offend blacks and women in one attempt at humor.
Unless you're a black woman, how do you know anyone was offended?
I suspect most of these people are being paid to continue the circus. I'm sure it beats getting a real job in their eyes. There is no boss. You can show up and leave whenever you want. you get respect from the other local leftists who actually have to work for a living. All in all, not a bad gig for a local grifter.
Well jimspice is a pussy so he is qualified to speak to the vulva.
At least on the internets.
He probably has never seen one in real life.
Protesting has become all about the act and not the result. You'd think that if these people were serious about getting their political agenda through, they'd be concentrating on things like findings alternate candidates. Not blowing horns and being general (or in this case, specific) nuisances.
Even though it's an entirely separate phenomenon, I see a distinct similarity between these folks and 9/11 truthers. They both claim to want a specific change (truthers: A "new investigation", Walker protestors: A new policy), but via their specific actions both groups demonstrate that all they really care about is creating agitation and making noise. Not about actually implementing the change.
Part of me wonders if they'll know what to do with change if it would actually happen.
It just goes to show: Protesting has fallen from being an honorable element of societal dissent to being an activity for someone to pat themselves on the back for. It's such an insult to people such as MLK that these are the folks trying to pick up the banner.
He's like the tree-sitting protester.
Look, here comes Mr. Lumberjack.
Laws aren't the Constitution. There is a difference.
It's my understanding state statue 19.90 is in the state consititution. Article 1 Section 3. If I'm wrong I'll gladly retract.
There is a VAST difference between...
Hey, look, if SHE can talk about his vas deferens, then HE can talk about her vulva.
Fair's fair.
Tibore said: "Protesting has become all about the act and not the result."
"Pink Slip" Kristan has been protesting non-stop for about 6 years now, according to his social media pages. Perpetually aggrieved, I believe is the term.
And Tibore continues: "I see a distinct similarity between these folks and 9/11 truthers."
Ding, ding, ding! Pink Slip's MySpace page is covered with 9-11 Truther conspiracy stuff. Also, some weird fascination with Masons that I didn't try to understand.
garage, here's the Journal Sentinel's coverage, indicating that filming is against Assembly rules:
Madison -- Five demonstrators have been carried or led out of the Assembly galleries.
The demonstrators appeared to be quietly shooting photos or video from seats in the public galleries. Assembly rules prohibit visitors in the galleries from doing that.
The five were removed by police after they declined to stop.
Rep. Mark Radcliffe (D-Black River Falls) made a motion seeking to suspend the rule and the Assembly took a break to decide what to do next.
When they came back, Republicans asked for time to consider what to do carefully. Radcliffe declined to withdraw his motion and Republicans voted it down 60-37.
And no, 19.90 is not part of the state constitution, it's a part of Subchapter V of Chapter 19, the open meetings law .
"garage mahal said...
It's my understanding state statue 19.90 is in the state consititution. Article 1 Section 3. If I'm wrong I'll gladly retract."
That explains a lot.
Calypso, thanks.
Curious George, stuff it asshole.
Reminds me that I need to post the rest of these photos.
What’s with the middle aged bald guy in the red tank top with matching sneakers?
Would I like it? Probably not.
I volunteer to blast the horn into your ear so you'll know for sure.
Little Hitlers. Litle Hitlers? Just die, now, garage. Slowly and painfully. You've jumped the shark and turned into a full-bore piece of sewage.
Garage jumped the shark years ago. Maybe it's news to you.
But how will this play in Madison? You know Madison represents the best of Wisconsin and it's purest people.
Thugs and Troofers run the show in Madison. Pathetic.
I'd call them professional agitators, but I doubt anyone's paying them. Their "normal" lives must be unbearably small and boring if this is what they prefer.
They can't quit now, Noodles is still a dictatorship.
The protestors are doing "Agitation and Provocation 101" to get negative footage to use for propaganda purposes.
Typical left wing jerks being themselves.
If someone blew one of those horns in my ear, I'd beat them with it.
What’s with the middle aged bald guy in the red tank top with matching sneakers?
Is Garage Mahal the guy in the red striped tank top?
Here is the text of Article I Section 3: Free speech; libel. SECTION 3. Every person may freely
speak, write and publish his sentiments on all subjects, being
responsible for the abuse of that right, and no laws shall be
passed to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech or of the press.
In all criminal prosecutions or indictments for libel, the truth
may be given in evidence, and if it shall appear to the jury that
the matter charged as libelous be true, and was published with
good motives and for justifiable ends, the party shall be
acquitted; and the jury shall have the right to determine the law
and the fact.
Retract away Garage.
Don't know the elements in Wisconsin law but the horn-blowing, directed at an individual person, could be an assault. And as someone points out, it might be a battery as well.
Curious George said...
"FedkaTheConvict said...
What’s with the middle aged bald guy in the red tank top with matching sneakers?
Is Garage Mahal the guy in the red striped tank top?"
Nope. But he did get cock-blocked by him once.
Where IS the line between protest/free speech and disruptive noise? This inquiring mind really wants to know!
A couple of years ago, I was working in Seattle's Pioneer Square neighborhood. For several weeks, there was a protest, right across the street, regarding the use of non-union labor to install drywall. These were paid protestors that yelled, screamed, blew whistles, banged on drums, etc...for 6-8 hours a day. A couple of dozen businesses/workplaces, I am sure, could hear this as well.
Imagine having to tune that noise out all day, every day, Monday-Friday! I wanted to pull my hair out, and run screaming out of the office at times. From my vantage point, all I could glean from the protest was just plain noise.
How is mere noise "speech"? I would imagine for something to rise to the level of speech, it would have to convey something more insightful than noise. Like an actual message. They did have signs with a message. Does this mean as long as you carry a sign with a message, you can make any type of noise, no matter how disruptive?
Any answers?
Reminds me of the Chicago Seven.
"a lady from Madison who constantly blurted out political views on things, even though we were in a large seminar and she knew most people didn't agree with her."
THIS encapsulates being right of the left in Wisconsin.
Difference of opinion is one thing. The assumption of "solidarity" is the real offense to "diversity".
Many here know exactly what that means in terms of maintaining friendships (and business relationships) with those that are clueless about respecting true diversity.
Rummy went looking for "dead enders" in Iraq and all the time they were hiding out in plain sight in Madison.
"she knew most people didn't agree with her."
Might be too optimistic. Usually in a world of their own.
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