I already know the answer. I'll leave that to others.
Fonda's radicalism was/is a sexual prop. Got her laid, and created a lot of drama around her getting laid.
Some women like dirty movies. Some like to dress up like French maids. Some, like Fonda, like to play revolutionary.
God alone knows why she couldn't just be a good time trollop. Must have been the noxious influence of the '60s.
Dylan sort of serves the same purpose for Althouse that revolutionary politics served for Fonda. A big, complex, really seriously intellectual reason for screwing around. Some women really like that. I've met very few women who admit to screwing around just because they like it.
I've met numerous women like Fonda in the music biz. Yeah, they do serve up hot sex with lots of drama. That's a plus. But, if you actually want some peace and quiet... best to avoid.
This lady is constantly in search of a cause. Grasping, and finding that none are fulfilling. She will die an empty, unfulfilled person. And of course leaving the usual wreckage.
I'll bet anything she was one of the very first "pioneers" in shaving. Thanks in part to her influence more than 85% of women today are completely hairless :(
@gerry - yeah, it is more difficult to directly link TT with mass murder. But hey, leave him alone in the jungle for a month and he might acquire enough revolutionary funk for Hanoi Jane, you never know.
I almost linked to this Daily Mail column in last night's cafe.
What rang especially true for me based on my early exposure to the left was how how selfish, sexist and cruel the "elder statesmen" of the left were when you got to see them up-close in action, as opposed to their ostensible world view.
And what a "useful idiot" Jane Fonda was for them.
If Fonda had only stuck to the Hollywood and/or hookers mantra of "I'd rather make a thousand men happy than a single man unhappy" her husbands would have been saved no little psychic wear and tear.
I've met very few women who admit to screwing around just because they like it.
You are so right. I screwed numerous young ladies in my college age years (c'mon - you guys did too)who were more sexually aggressive than I, but they would not wish to appear that way publicly.
What rang especially true for me based on my early exposure to the left was how how selfish, sexist and cruel the "elder statesmen" of the left were when you got to see them up-close in action, as opposed to their ostensible world view.
And what a "useful idiot" Jane Fonda was for them.
The noxious skank has a "regret a minute" depending on which talk show she's on. At least a whore leaves once paid and doesn't keep ringing you up for more.
My sole regret vis a vis that bitch is that I'm not the guy who spat upon her at some book signing.
From the article: '...her second husband, Tom Hayden, a Left-wing activist with a bulbous nose and acne-scarred cheeks, had forbidden her to have either a washing machine or dishwasher.'
Forbidden her? The queen of Women's Lib was forbidden from these by her husband? "Jane, I said no dishwasher and no washing machine. Did I mention sex with Che? Well, no sex with Che, either. Now go get me a beer."
What rang especially true for me based on my early exposure to the left was how how selfish, sexist and cruel the "elder statesmen" of the left were when you got to see them up-close in action, as opposed to their ostensible world view.
Well in all fairness, she is too young for a shot at the big league. She is too young to have a realistic shot at Hitler or Stalin. Mao was available, why didn't she take a run at him? There has been an almost unlimited number of regional homicidal maniacs over the years, but none of them really made it as successful tee shirts. Still, I'm sure the regret of not sleeping with someone who personally shot young boys, musicians, gays, old men......not in combat but as they were held captive, in the back of the head. And ordered the same to countless more.....well, who WOULDN'T want that?
Out of a sick perverted sense of curiosity, I wondered about Ironrails crack about Jane's crack.
Quick to the Google where a search for Jane Fonda pubic hair turns up the following from John Gilmore:
"I liked Jane's blonde pony tail and long neck, and by the second rehearsal we were on the bed together. She'd shaved her pubic hair deep into the V-shaped crevice of her crotch-more like a pie-patch than a natural blend of her body from belly to thighs."
Hmmmm.... after reading the article I see there is fudge room on that quote. "She supposedly confided during a feminist consciousness-raising session, ‘My biggest regret is I never got to f*** Che Guevara.’" Reading it shows a not very bright, very confused young woman. Almost feel sorry for her. Tom Hayden on the other hand. Complete scumbag. I like the end of it when it says she married a right wing billionaire. Ted Turner used to be a right winger?
"sorepaw" aka "Raul" aka Byro the Teeshirt salesman aka "oy" (skin tag) with his rightist schtick now. Bipolar disorder politics.
Jane and Tom did the right thing--even the... Christian thing-- protesting US involvement in 'Nam--naive perhaps in regard to...maoism, but PC in regard to the US military's brutal invasion (approx. 2 million dead NVA, civ. and military).
Well, I always hated her for being a traitorous bitch, (was telling the wife that this morning while listening to Baez). Now I'm pleased to know that she was a traitorous slut bitch as well. This made my day.
Baez was different. Where Fonda was anti-American to her core and stumbled into being anti-war to please her idols, Baez as a Peace and Human rights advocate who hated all wars, including Vietnam. The way you can tell the Difference is that after Siagon fell, Baez was all over the Viets over their reeducation camp horrors, she raised money for the boat people, and in 79 took out a full page ad in the NYT decrying the Killing Fields. Fonda was quoted in response that there was no evideance that Pol Pot was anything except an agraian reformer...Baez has real talent as well :)
jeff said... Well in all fairness, she is too young for a shot at the big league. She is too young to have a realistic shot at Hitler or Stalin. Mao was available, why didn't she take a run at him?
Mao liked 13 y/o virgins with tight equipment to fit his small joy stick. Fonda was clearly too old and too wide to interest Mao.
it should be pointed out that 1) the "regret" is a rumor. 2) only at the end of the article do we find out this article is taken from someone else's biography of Fonda. So is it sourced from Fonda or her "friends"?
Her domestic life with Vadim and Hayden uncannily mirrors that of a whore with her pimp. She didn't stay despite the abuse but because of it. It was not necessary for her to do a lot of research to prep for the role of Bree Daniels......She has so much regret for past lovers but none for her politics. To have lived so much and learned so little. The intensity of her self righteousness was matched by the profundity of her stupidity.....This woman was blessed with fantastic good looks, wealth, inherited and earned fame, robust health, business acumen. And all these gifts were marshalled into the service of making herself miserable.
Really, is there a surprise? This is one example of what happens to an unprincipled life. Had she allowed Che to screw her, would she have been a better person? How? Yet that is what she regrets. She is a prime example of a celebrity who is famous because she is famous. Had her father not been a famous actor, could she achieved the acting career she did? Maybe, but then maybe not. Lots of acting talent never gets discovered.
My long deceased grandmother said we should avoid the movies because we'll end up worshiping the actors and actresses. Jane Fonda made movies where she pretended to be somebody she wasn't. Then somehow she decided that because she had a platform she needed to promote causes. When she leaves this world, why will she be missed?
Lightweightweight J. Shallow, predicatible and narrowly read. Public education i would guess. Childhhod home with few books. Poorly informed and incurious.
What is it about women who want a "bad boy"! We call them bad boys for reason! Generally speaking, they don't become good boys! Roman Polanksi and O.J. Simpson are still available if Hanoi Janes needs a good hump with someone evil!On second thought, she's way too old for Polanski!
J, Protest is one thing..giving aid and comfort to the enemy is treason. Some pretty liberal friends, who served in the military despise her for that. The difference between protest and aid and comfort to the enemy is the difference between jerking off to a photo of Jane as Barbarella, and sexually assaulting Jane.
Once again, she is aiming low. If she was really ambitious, she would hope to f*** the supreme left-wing leader, Kim Jong Il. There is no better representative of left-wing ideology than that lunatic. He is the ultimate rebel with a cause and without a clue.
"Jane and Tom did the right thing--even the... Christian thing-- protesting US involvement in 'Nam--naive perhaps in regard to...maoism, but PC in regard to the US military's brutal invasion (approx. 2 million dead NVA, civ. and military)."
Not to mention the brutal killing of so many German and Japanese soldiers not so many years before. /sarc
Funny how "progressives" never describe the Vietnamese communists as "brutal". It's almost as if they don't mind terrorism and murder, as long as it's done by socialists.
I wonder if she cashed out of her Time-Warner/AOL shares around the time of the "merger". I lived in Atlanta then and the AJC said that her shares were worth $800M at the time. Of course Ted Turner was momentarily worth $8.2B at that point.
I also wonder how much coin Tom Hayden got when they split. I thought most of her aerobics tape money was made while they were still married. A good pre-nup and the right planning, no problem. Otherwise he got a shitload of $.
jeff said... Well in all fairness, she is too young for a shot at the big league. She is too young to have a realistic shot at Hitler or Stalin. Mao was available, why didn't she take a run at him? There has been an almost unlimited number of regional homicidal maniacs over the years, but none of them really made it as successful tee shirts. Still, I'm sure the regret of not sleeping with someone who personally shot young boys, musicians, gays, old men......not in combat but as they were held captive, in the back of the head. And ordered the same to countless more.....well, who WOULDN'T want that?
9/5/11 10:33 AM
A late friend of mine was imprisoned at La Cabana who told me me this: The psychopath Che would have mothers of the condemned see him the night before their scheduled murder and beg him to spare their son's lives. He would act so sympathetically towards them After they left he would personally kill the prisoner that evening. Raul was afraid of him and Fidel sent of off to Bolivia to get killed. Too bad the Bolivians dispatched him so mercifully. They should have made him beg for worthless life than hanged him slowly in public and fed his corpse to feral pigs.
Jane Fonda is proof the God is an accountant. For every credit there is a debit. He made her super beautiful while young and infinitely stupid and depraved all her life. Her daughter is right to hate her. Its too bad the AF didn't know her whereabouts when she was in North Vietnam. It would have been a righteous napalming.
73 years old and no wisdom to speak of, not even the wisdom to keep her vain, shallow, petty, careless, and remarkably stupid thoughts to herself. Empty shell.
Look, all Jane Fonda was, was a very good looking fuckbunny that was elevated to higher public importance than she merited because her Dad was a "famous, revered actor".
Hollywood nepotism. Like Charlie Sheen, good enough to make it on her own....while other nepotic products like Peter Fonda and Emilio Estavez would have lived wastrel lives out of the public eye with no one ever the wiser.
Lot of actors and actresses and other entertainers are "out there". Lives lived to excess, in the extreme because they are somewhat expected to, and can get away with it. For every notorious Fonda, there are a thousand others just like her.
1. Jane Fonda was a fine actress. Very good on stage, in drama, in comedy. Whatever it "is", she had it. 2. Smoking hot model's body and looks. 3. She stayed "relevant" in movies for 5 decades because she made people lots of money. 4. Fonda also had enormous success outside film and stage in her "workout business" and energizing her causes, however misplaced they were. 5. While Fonda was by no means an intellect or an especially ethical person...a lot of Movie Stars are of normal or subpar intellect (along with some ferociously bright stars)..and have perpetually spinning personal moral compasses. 6. Face it. Fonda is the American Dream. Said what she wanted, did what she wanted, stayed a happy fuckbunny..took some hits..but ended up on the top of the wave. Rich and famous. The archtypical capitalist and Freedom-Lover!! was Miss Jane.
Man walking down beach hears woman calling for help and runs to her aid. She has no arms or legs. As he gets closer she calls to him, "Fuck me, fuck me". Shocked he turns and walks away.
This happens 3 days in a row. Same thing. On the 4th day she calls to him and he approaches. She says, "Fuck me, fuck me." The guy looks around, sees no one else on the beach, reaches down and grabs her...
...throwing her far out into the ocean and calling after her, "You're fucked now lady!"
Ode to Jane Fonda...not to worry Jane. You're fucked now lady.
This thread has attracted twice as many comments as the Palin one. On a conservative site, more people wish to express their hatred for Fonda than their love for Palin. After all these years, she still connects with her base......I don't think the hatred she attracts has ever bothered her. It just feeds into her self image as the brave heroine martyred for speaking the truth. Public abuse, like the private abuse she endured with her husbands, justifies her life.
Jane Fonda was an over-rated clown. Her ability to stay in the public eye isn't noteworthy considering her background, loud mouth, and liberal domination of the media & Hollywood.
Was she a good actress in the 70s, yes within limits, but so what?
God gave her the "great body" & the ability to act, while her parents gave her wealth, education, and Hollywood connections.
So what did she do with it? Who'd she ever help except the Communists, Black Panthers, worthless Radicals, & women who wanted "buns of steel"?
Think of all the poor people she could have helped through publicity and her wealth. People laugh at Jerry Lewis for his Marathon, but at least the man gave something back.
Lewis is an easy man to make fun of but he's 10 times the human being that Fonda is, and 100 times a better American - if she even considers herself that.
Her celebrity depends on the wealth created by the capitalist US system and movie industry. And don't forget the cronyism component of her father's notoriety. Things Che would have abhored. So in a sense, she got her wish.
I would not have predicted, before reading this series of articles from the book they're pimping, that anything in them could possibly have lowered my opinion of Jane Fonda.
But I was wrong. All these years, I've been despising her as if she actually had the depth of one of her better movie characters. As if she were interesting.
She has an ugly, flat soul. She's not worth further thought, and I already regret investing my time writing this comment, so I hope I get the word verification on the first try.
So much hatred you doofuses! You're maybe just jealous maybe that you dont have tits and a c..t to play with and that long hair to toss in reverse penis envy. You wouldn't like the bullemia l'm thinking. Try a little love in your heart, stead of the flash mob lynch mob mentality.Jeeze- didn't yuh mommies teach yuh nothing?"sticks and stones","people in glass houses"," judge not lest ye..." Lighten up, have a nutha brewsky n kick yuh dog..yuh'll feel better! G'wan back to Nam n cry for yuh youth bein gone fur godz sake...!
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৮৪টি মন্তব্য:
...that I didn't have a chance to shoot down American pilots while manning that North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gun.
She would seem to be one of those women who needs to latch onto a man to forge her identity.
I already know the answer. I'll leave that to others.
Fonda's radicalism was/is a sexual prop. Got her laid, and created a lot of drama around her getting laid.
Some women like dirty movies. Some like to dress up like French maids. Some, like Fonda, like to play revolutionary.
God alone knows why she couldn't just be a good time trollop. Must have been the noxious influence of the '60s.
Dylan sort of serves the same purpose for Althouse that revolutionary politics served for Fonda. A big, complex, really seriously intellectual reason for screwing around. Some women really like that. I've met very few women who admit to screwing around just because they like it.
I've met numerous women like Fonda in the music biz. Yeah, they do serve up hot sex with lots of drama. That's a plus. But, if you actually want some peace and quiet... best to avoid.
Her book must not be selling well. She's so irrelevant that she's resorting to "shock" comments to garner attention.
The Panthers promptly charged a car to her Visa card — then lost both the car and the card.
That's funny.
Maybe the hands are still around
in Cuba. She should have made that part of the Turner divorce settlement.
There's always Hell.
Ted Turner seems like a good substitute, however.
Naw. That whore needed a REALLY radical, murderous, sadistic dick.
This lady is constantly in search of a cause. Grasping, and finding that none are fulfilling. She will die an empty, unfulfilled person. And of course leaving the usual wreckage.
I'll bet anything she was one of the very first "pioneers" in shaving. Thanks in part to her influence more than 85% of women today are completely hairless :(
@gerry - yeah, it is more difficult to directly link TT with mass murder. But hey, leave him alone in the jungle for a month and he might acquire enough revolutionary funk for Hanoi Jane, you never know.
A deeply disturbed spoiled little brat still looking for attention after all these years.
The last time I even gave her a thought I was sneaking into her boobie movie Barbarella as a little kid.
This person is a waste.
"I'm ready for my close-up now, Mr. DeMille."
Could anything be more uncomfortable than tights and stubble?
I almost linked to this Daily Mail column in last night's cafe.
What rang especially true for me based on my early exposure to the left was how how selfish, sexist and cruel the "elder statesmen" of the left were when you got to see them up-close in action, as opposed to their ostensible world view.
And what a "useful idiot" Jane Fonda was for them.
Yeah that's right, she has a book to sell.
Maybe, she can go on TV and 'accidentally' say she still loves to suck Cock.
If she hurries Fidel and KJI are still around for a bit. Maybe not the same as Che but all in the same league.
I wonder if she has a fan wall for Putin also.
@rcocean: But would she wear a bra under her white t-shirt? More importantly, would anyone still want to see that!
I feel sorry for Jane. All she wanted to do was help the Black Panthers kill a few more Cops and those sexists threw it back in her face!
Poor little Rich girl.
She should retitle her book, "A Man made me do it".
Haha, what a filthy capitalist pig. Chasing that filthy lucre to the bitter end.
Contra NYTNew Yorker, no person is a waste, but Ms Fonda tries hard to prove me wrong on that. As does Mr Che Guevara.
Regards —&nbps; Cliff
So she fucked Charlie Manson?
I don't really see the difference between one murderous sociopath and another.
She wanted to fuck a cruel heinous murderer? But of course.
Jane Fonda never ceases to be a complete asshole.
She wanted to fuck a cruel heinous murderer? But of course.
Fucking a cruel heinous murderer is one hell of an emotional jolt.
Wondering whether he's likely to finish you off with an ice pick to the head really amps up the orgasm.
Actresses enjoy highly charged emotional drama. That's why they're actresses.
That was funny. And it fits nicely with stereotypes, which makes it even funnier.
publicity whore
Jane should also have slept with that hottie Anita Pallenberg in Barbarella.
Or Bertrand Russell, when Lord Russell was protesting US involvement 'Nam (with Sartre! whoa).
If Fonda had only stuck to the Hollywood and/or hookers mantra of "I'd rather make a thousand men happy than a single man unhappy" her husbands would have been saved no little psychic wear and tear.
Did you ever see that bloated monster that Pallenberg became? Almost couldn't believe my eyes--beyond belief!
Zero self awareness.
I've met very few women who admit to screwing around just because they like it.
You are so right. I screwed numerous young ladies in my college age years (c'mon - you guys did too)who were more sexually aggressive than I, but they would not wish to appear that way publicly.
What rang especially true for me based on my early exposure to the left was how how selfish, sexist and cruel the "elder statesmen" of the left were when you got to see them up-close in action, as opposed to their ostensible world view.
And what a "useful idiot" Jane Fonda was for them.
Yoga, Meditation, And Useful Idiots (And yes, there's a Jane Fonda connection: her father would be so proud,...)
Do a Google search for "Hanoi Jane urinal targets" and see what the U.S. Air Force thinks of her
The noxious skank has a "regret a minute" depending on which talk show she's on. At least a whore leaves once paid and doesn't keep ringing you up for more.
My sole regret vis a vis that bitch is that I'm not the guy who spat upon her at some book signing.
From the article:
'...her second husband, Tom Hayden, a Left-wing activist with a bulbous nose and acne-scarred cheeks, had forbidden her to have either a washing machine or dishwasher.'
Forbidden her?
The queen of Women's Lib was forbidden from these by her husband?
"Jane, I said no dishwasher and no washing machine. Did I mention sex with Che? Well, no sex with Che, either. Now go get me a beer."
Uh oh the Amazing Cracki, takin on the Eevil of yoga.
Nixon-Kissinger, napalm, carpet bombing are alright--but no f-ing Yoga
I was unable to finish reading the article, and for that I have no regrets.
I guess walking around saying, "Cunt", was getting enough attention.
Homie John Law probably got in Janey's pants...and Anita P's too?? es posible
What rang especially true for me based on my early exposure to the left was how how selfish, sexist and cruel the "elder statesmen" of the left were when you got to see them up-close in action, as opposed to their ostensible world view.
Anybody remember this about Bill Ayers?
It makes me wonder if there are many leftys who live in this real world with integrity.
The leaders are corrupt and destructive.
She always seemed pretty normal to me.
Well in all fairness, she is too young for a shot at the big league. She is too young to have a realistic shot at Hitler or Stalin. Mao was available, why didn't she take a run at him? There has been an almost unlimited number of regional homicidal maniacs over the years, but none of them really made it as successful tee shirts. Still, I'm sure the regret of not sleeping with someone who personally shot young boys, musicians, gays, old men......not in combat but as they were held captive, in the back of the head. And ordered the same to countless more.....well, who WOULDN'T want that?
She is one lost lady. I hope the light bulb turns on before she dies.
Out of a sick perverted sense of curiosity, I wondered about Ironrails crack about Jane's crack.
Quick to the Google where a search for Jane Fonda pubic hair turns up the following from John Gilmore:
"I liked Jane's blonde pony tail and long neck, and by the second rehearsal we were on the bed together. She'd shaved her pubic hair deep into the V-shaped crevice of her crotch-more like a pie-patch than a natural blend of her body from belly to thighs."
So not bare, back in the 60's but styled.
And still a traitorous scrunt.
John Henry
Hmmmm.... after reading the article I see there is fudge room on that quote. "She supposedly confided during a feminist consciousness-raising session, ‘My biggest regret is I never got to f*** Che Guevara.’"
Reading it shows a not very bright, very confused young woman. Almost feel sorry for her. Tom Hayden on the other hand. Complete scumbag. I like the end of it when it says she married a right wing billionaire. Ted Turner used to be a right winger?
She missed her chance to bone Osama binLaden as well.
Rumor has it that......Osama was found masturbating to old Jane Fonda exercise videos. So, he kinda had a thing for her.
aarrrgghhh....I'm starting to sound like Carol Herman.
When Jane Fonda's light bulb turns on, it will immediately break, spreading poisonous mercury on it's owner.
That is one sad life
"sorepaw" aka "Raul" aka Byro the Teeshirt salesman aka "oy" (skin tag) with his rightist schtick now. Bipolar disorder politics.
Jane and Tom did the right thing--even the... Christian thing-- protesting US involvement in 'Nam--naive perhaps in regard to...maoism, but PC in regard to the US military's brutal invasion (approx. 2 million dead NVA, civ. and military).
Well, I always hated her for being a traitorous bitch, (was telling the wife that this morning while listening to Baez). Now I'm pleased to know that she was a traitorous slut bitch as well. This made my day.
Baez was different. Where Fonda was anti-American to her core and stumbled into being anti-war to please her idols, Baez as a Peace and Human rights advocate who hated all wars, including Vietnam. The way you can tell the Difference is that after Siagon fell, Baez was all over the Viets over their reeducation camp horrors, she raised money for the boat people, and in 79 took out a full page ad in the NYT decrying the Killing Fields. Fonda was quoted in response that there was no evideance that Pol Pot was anything except an agraian reformer...Baez has real talent as well :)
jeff said...
Well in all fairness, she is too young for a shot at the big league. She is too young to have a realistic shot at Hitler or Stalin. Mao was available, why didn't she take a run at him?
Mao liked 13 y/o virgins with tight equipment to fit his small joy stick. Fonda was clearly too old and too wide to interest Mao.
May she rot in Hell
May she rot in Hell
Perhaps, but she'll be a ways above the likes of Tricky Dick, Kissinger, LBJ, Reagan, Al Haig, John Napalm McCaint,etc (or Mao)
Wave dat Flag
it should be pointed out that
1) the "regret" is a rumor.
2) only at the end of the article do we find out this article is taken from someone else's biography of Fonda. So is it sourced from Fonda or her "friends"?
Her domestic life with Vadim and Hayden uncannily mirrors that of a whore with her pimp. She didn't stay despite the abuse but because of it. It was not necessary for her to do a lot of research to prep for the role of Bree Daniels......She has so much regret for past lovers but none for her politics. To have lived so much and learned so little. The intensity of her self righteousness was matched by the profundity of her stupidity.....This woman was blessed with fantastic good looks, wealth, inherited and earned fame, robust health, business acumen. And all these gifts were marshalled into the service of making herself miserable.
Our country's biggest regret is she didn't F*** Che just when he was SHOT.
She said that her youth secret is testorene,
Really, is there a surprise? This is one example of what happens to an unprincipled life. Had she allowed Che to screw her, would she have been a better person? How? Yet that is what she regrets. She is a prime example of a celebrity who is famous because she is famous. Had her father not been a famous actor, could she achieved the acting career she did? Maybe, but then maybe not. Lots of acting talent never gets discovered.
My long deceased grandmother said we should avoid the movies because we'll end up worshiping the actors and actresses. Jane Fonda made movies where she pretended to be somebody she wasn't. Then somehow she decided that because she had a platform she needed to promote causes. When she leaves this world, why will she be missed?
Paul said...
Our country's biggest regret is she didn't F*** Che just when he was SHOT.
late, but a thread winner
Lightweightweight J. Shallow, predicatible and narrowly read. Public education i would guess. Childhhod home with few books. Poorly informed and incurious.
What is it about women who want a "bad boy"! We call them bad boys for reason! Generally speaking, they don't become good boys! Roman Polanksi and O.J. Simpson are still available if Hanoi Janes needs a good hump with someone evil!On second thought, she's way too old for Polanski!
Fonda always impressed me as:
being in competition with her father;
seeking his approval;
striving to exceed his fame and reputation.
Little girl forever?
J, Protest is one thing..giving aid and comfort to the enemy is treason. Some pretty liberal friends, who served in the military despise her for that. The difference between protest and aid and comfort to the enemy is the difference between jerking off to a photo of Jane as Barbarella, and sexually assaulting Jane.
Once again, she is aiming low. If she was really ambitious, she would hope to f*** the supreme left-wing leader, Kim Jong Il. There is no better representative of left-wing ideology than that lunatic. He is the ultimate rebel with a cause and without a clue.
"Anybody remember this about Bill Ayers?"
Yes. Interesting how the Left doesn't object to a little rape, as long as it's done by "progressives".
"Jane and Tom did the right thing--even the... Christian thing-- protesting US involvement in 'Nam--naive perhaps in regard to...maoism, but PC in regard to the US military's brutal invasion (approx. 2 million dead NVA, civ. and military)."
Not to mention the brutal killing of so many German and Japanese soldiers not so many years before. /sarc
Funny how "progressives" never describe the Vietnamese communists as "brutal". It's almost as if they don't mind terrorism and murder, as long as it's done by socialists.
ndspinelli said...
J, Protest is one thing..giving aid and comfort to the enemy is treason.
Hence this Nam Vet's distinction between Baez, who had a moral reason to protest and Fonda, who effectively, just did it to get loved and laid.
I bet she isn't even a good lay, though she has lots of practice.
I wonder if she cashed out of her Time-Warner/AOL shares around the time of the "merger". I lived in Atlanta then and the AJC said that her shares were worth $800M at the time. Of course Ted Turner was momentarily worth $8.2B at that point.
I also wonder how much coin Tom Hayden got when they split. I thought most of her aerobics tape money was made while they were still married. A good pre-nup and the right planning, no problem. Otherwise he got a shitload of $.
jeff said...
Well in all fairness, she is too young for a shot at the big league. She is too young to have a realistic shot at Hitler or Stalin. Mao was available, why didn't she take a run at him? There has been an almost unlimited number of regional homicidal maniacs over the years, but none of them really made it as successful tee shirts. Still, I'm sure the regret of not sleeping with someone who personally shot young boys, musicians, gays, old men......not in combat but as they were held captive, in the back of the head. And ordered the same to countless more.....well, who WOULDN'T want that?
9/5/11 10:33 AM
A late friend of mine was imprisoned at La Cabana who told me me this: The psychopath Che would have mothers of the condemned see him the night before their scheduled murder and beg him to spare their son's lives. He would act so sympathetically towards them After they left he would personally kill the prisoner that evening. Raul was afraid of him and Fidel sent of off to Bolivia to get killed. Too bad the Bolivians dispatched him so mercifully. They should have made him beg for worthless life than hanged him slowly in public and fed his corpse to feral pigs.
Jane Fonda is proof the God is an accountant. For every credit there is a debit. He made her super beautiful while young and infinitely stupid and depraved all her life. Her daughter is right to hate her.
Its too bad the AF didn't know her whereabouts when she was in North Vietnam. It would have been a righteous napalming.
73 years old and no wisdom to speak of, not even the wisdom to keep her vain, shallow, petty, careless, and remarkably stupid thoughts to herself. Empty shell.
Jane has been the best example of a woman who wants her latest hero to win. Good grief its Daddy!
She actually is a friendly and good natured person...but she chooses her heroes from liberal myths of conquering comrades.
And her heroes cannot stand up to her deluded worship, and end up ditching her after screwing her.
Would've served him right, too.
Look, all Jane Fonda was, was a very good looking fuckbunny that was elevated to higher public importance than she merited because her Dad was a "famous, revered actor".
Hollywood nepotism. Like Charlie Sheen, good enough to make it on her own....while other nepotic products like Peter Fonda and Emilio Estavez would have lived wastrel lives out of the public eye with no one ever the wiser.
Lot of actors and actresses and other entertainers are "out there". Lives lived to excess, in the extreme because they are somewhat expected to, and can get away with it. For every notorious Fonda, there are a thousand others just like her.
1. Jane Fonda was a fine actress. Very good on stage, in drama, in comedy. Whatever it "is", she had it.
2. Smoking hot model's body and looks.
3. She stayed "relevant" in movies for 5 decades because she made people lots of money.
4. Fonda also had enormous success outside film and stage in her "workout business" and energizing her causes, however misplaced they were.
5. While Fonda was by no means an intellect or an especially ethical person...a lot of Movie Stars are of normal or subpar intellect (along with some ferociously bright stars)..and have perpetually spinning personal moral compasses.
6. Face it. Fonda is the American Dream. Said what she wanted, did what she wanted, stayed a happy fuckbunny..took some hits..but ended up on the top of the wave. Rich and famous. The archtypical capitalist and Freedom-Lover!! was Miss Jane.
And her heroes cannot stand up to her deluded worship, and end up ditching her after screwing her.
The tragically perfect feminist.
Induge me:
Man walking down beach hears woman calling for help and runs to her aid. She has no arms or legs. As he gets closer she calls to him, "Fuck me, fuck me". Shocked he turns and walks away.
This happens 3 days in a row. Same thing. On the 4th day she calls to him and he approaches. She says, "Fuck me, fuck me." The guy looks around, sees no one else on the beach, reaches down and grabs her...
...throwing her far out into the ocean and calling after her,
"You're fucked now lady!"
Ode to Jane Fonda...not to worry Jane. You're fucked now lady.
This thread has attracted twice as many comments as the Palin one. On a conservative site, more people wish to express their hatred for Fonda than their love for Palin. After all these years, she still connects with her base......I don't think the hatred she attracts has ever bothered her. It just feeds into her self image as the brave heroine martyred for speaking the truth. Public abuse, like the private abuse she endured with her husbands, justifies her life.
Jane Fonda was an over-rated clown. Her ability to stay in the public eye isn't noteworthy considering her background, loud mouth, and liberal domination of the media & Hollywood.
Was she a good actress in the 70s, yes within limits, but so what?
God gave her the "great body" & the ability to act, while her parents gave her wealth, education, and Hollywood connections.
So what did she do with it? Who'd she ever help except the Communists, Black Panthers, worthless Radicals, & women who wanted "buns of steel"?
Think of all the poor people she could have helped through publicity and her wealth. People laugh at Jerry Lewis for his Marathon, but at least the man gave something back.
Lewis is an easy man to make fun of but he's 10 times the human being that Fonda is, and 100 times a better American - if she even considers herself that.
Her celebrity depends on the wealth created by the capitalist US system and movie industry. And don't forget the cronyism component of her father's notoriety. Things Che would have abhored. So in a sense, she got her wish.
I would not have predicted, before reading this series of articles from the book they're pimping, that anything in them could possibly have lowered my opinion of Jane Fonda.
But I was wrong. All these years, I've been despising her as if she actually had the depth of one of her better movie characters. As if she were interesting.
She has an ugly, flat soul. She's not worth further thought, and I already regret investing my time writing this comment, so I hope I get the word verification on the first try.
So much hatred you doofuses! You're maybe just jealous maybe that you dont have tits and a c..t to play with and that long hair to toss in reverse penis envy. You wouldn't like the bullemia l'm thinking.
Try a little love in your heart, stead of the flash mob lynch mob mentality.Jeeze- didn't yuh mommies teach yuh nothing?"sticks and stones","people in glass houses"," judge not lest ye..." Lighten up, have a nutha brewsky n kick yuh dog..yuh'll feel better! G'wan back to Nam n cry for yuh youth bein gone fur godz sake...!
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