Sorry I've failed to contribute to the frenzy. I don't like to post to say hey, look at that. I feel like I have to add some value. So I'll just say... what's with the secrecy combined with conspicuousness? The woman's reputation is besmirched by the conspicuous raid, and the governor of our state is collaterally damaged. But she's supposed to keep quiet, why?
"I'm not worried," Archer said. "I don't even have a lawyer. I don't need a lawyer. I did nothing inappropriate."Why not? The FBI search your house for hours and you don't need a lawyer? Just because you think you've done nothing wrong doesn't mean you don't need a lawyer! Assuming Cynthia Archer is not an idiot, on what theory does she not need a lawyer?
१४१ टिप्पण्या:
Can law enforcement order someone to not talk?
I thought only judges could do that.
On the same theory that law enforcement can "order" you not to discuss the case: you've alreaddy got your deal in place.
At this point she probably doesn't need an attorney..but she does need some duct tape to keep her pie hole shut w/ the FBI, media, and everyone. She may indeed need an attorney soon..but what I just said is about all an attorney could tell her @ this point and my advice is free!
So she really does (or did) need a lawyer, cause a deal with "law enforcement" (sans the DA) ain't much of a deal.
Well know, Garage can move on to his next tangentially-related Anti-Walker topic.
*now*, not know.
They were searching under the beds for the mysterious Koch brothers, on a tip from Garage.
After the first level of foot stomping and holding of breath, the little children of the Left have graduated to full fledged character assasination (vandalism). They never give up, which is why a larger civil war is coming for the soul of America.
Look at that...
Judges can't do it, either. Some of them with an authoritarian mindset think they can give an order like that. But it's an illegal order.
Free speech is free speech. You give it up at your peril.
Big jump to assume she is not an idiot. Yes she needs a lawyer.
Hell, you need a lawyer if you walk past a federal building now a days.
There once was a day when Madison-type hippies were totally against the FBI.
Now a bunch of them are sitting over their coffee, reading their iPads, and harrumphing in pleasure that this lady had what was coming to her.
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can and will be held against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.
Actually, anybody can order anyone else not to talk. The extent to which they will be obeyed is directly proportional to the severity and plausibility of an implied "or else."
Yes, raf is right.
(And my wife doesn't feel much threat.)
Is this the thread on the SolyndraGunRunnerLightSquaredCLASSActAttackWatch scandals?
The implied or explicit threat is that "talking" will jeopardize their investigation and lead to a charge of obstruction of justice.
Nifong ridiculed Duke students for hiring a lawyer. In turn, it was pointed out that he, himself, had hired a lawyer when he was charged with crimes. Goose, gander, etc.
But get a lawyer. Shut up. These are the basics of interacting with the police/court complex.
FBI investigation? Or Obama-ordered hit on union-busting Republican?
I mean, it's not like the Holder DOJ is politicized or anything like that.
It's like a scene from The Untouchables. "Issa issues subpoenas on one of our guys? We send the FBI in to raid Walker's office. That's the Chicago way."
on what theory does she not need a lawyer?
Perhaps the "request" for silence comes not from the investigators, but from the investigatees. Suppose there is something to cover up and the coveruper thinks the best strategy is to appear to have nothing to coverup, and so they want Archer to project that image. She, being a loyal and trusting associate, cooperates.
This scenario may violate the "not an idiot" clause.
They probably meant to search the house across the street.
Feds are a clique that values their assignments coming from DC to "get someone" for something. And they will get someone.
She needs lawyers, and she will need them until after January 21, 2013.
In what way could they have made the raid less conspicuous? Raids by their nature are not pre-arranged meetings.
Since you asked about the theory; for the truly innocent, there is something wrongful about having to hire someone to prove your innocent. Now, I realize to a lawyer, the FBI has to prove your guilty; not you prove your innocence. But if you did nothing wrong, then an innocent's mind is simple: they'll never prove it, so I don't need to do anything else.
There's also the problem of the cost. You might even wonder if the point of the raid is to make it costly for people aiding Walker.
Finally, I kid you not, my wv: panties. I'll now go type that in.
The implied or explicit threat is that "talking" will jeopardize their investigation and lead to a charge of obstruction of justice.
Yeah yeah. And the judge will say you are in contempt of court.
Fuck the liars and don't back down. You have a right to speak.
Shining a light on these cockroaches is what makes them scurry.
You don't like to just say "Hey look at that" but once you saw a chance to ridicule the woman, you were OK to post on it.
on what theory does she not need a lawyer?
Sad commentary, no?
Let's assume that she's absolutely correct: that she did "nothing wrong."
Hiring representation to assert the same does seem a bit luxurious.
OTOH, I agree with your assessment that she should hire counsel.
Too bad.
A valid theory would have to be one where finding herself in legal trouble is the least of Archer's worries. Extortion? Blackmail? More likely, she has been assured that she will not be a target if she is cooperative (or, alternatively, she will be vigorously defended if it should be necessary if she plays innocent now) -- but that runs back into the idiot clause. She would have to believe whomever is making the promises.
...on what theory does she not need a lawyer?
Well, try this: She's not the target of the investigation, and she's not involved in any way other than she might happen to be in possession of evidence relating to someone else who IS the target of the investigation. But, even with that, she really ought to at least discuss it with a lawyer.
just because you think you've done nothing wrong doesn't mean you don't need a lawyer!
just because you did nothing wrong and have an attorney doesn't mean a judge and jury will find you innocent.
ObamaCo hardly perfect has a ways to go in terms of matching BushCo in terms of warrantless search and seizures, PatAct, FISA, and all-around JEdgarness
A better (for certain values of "better" having nothing to do with liklihood) theory is that she is deeply involved in high-level corruption and knows that all the attorneys are fatally compromised by past associations. She knows she could use a lawyer, but also knows she can't trust any of them.
At last, a good wv: tortlyc.
She's a cooperating witness for whatever they want to charge whomever with.
Does anybody else live in her house? If so, how do we know she's the target?
If she's not the target, and she knows it, that would explain her embarassment, AND her lack of need for the services of a lawyer.
Having spent some time in the Federal Public Defender's Office, I am fully appraised of the fact, as are many of you, that the FBI/USA is a meat grinder even your shoelaces best stay way clear of.
I'm not saying they act in bad faith or they're not trying do to the right things - far from it. I think they are pretty top in their professions.
But every day their giant shredders turn and people go through, and it can take a gargantuan effort to get them to take a moment to stop and think whether Person A should really be there.
I'm the innocent bystander
Somehow I got stuck
Between the rock
and a hard place
And I'm down on my luck
Yes I'm down on my luck
Well I'm down on my luck
But should you really wait until the "shit has hit the fan" to hire a lawyer?
Any time the word legal is involved, you need a lawyer.
Any time the Feds are involved, you need the best lawyer you can get.
A good many people have been run through the Federal wringer on the mere "appearance" of impropriety.
And what J said.
(I know, I know...)
it cant be that the Holder justice department would be involved? Nahhh
will leave it to the legal eagles here to determine if the lady needs legal counsel--this operation
doesnt pass the smell test.
BTW--agree with edutcher--every now and then J comes up with some good analysis
Perhaps she's got enough guns and money that she doesn't need lawyers.
well ,whether Archer is guilty or not, she probably doesn't have the legal skills to negotiate the court bureaucracy. Ergo, she needs a Lawyer:"one skilled in the circumvention of the law" as Lt Bierce put it.
Paul beat me to it.
"Two men in a bunker, fighting extradition." - Phil Ken Seven
Let's see...subject of very prominent raid, did nothing wrong, nothing to hide....
Anyone remember Richard Jewell?????
OK J--I'll bite--who the hell is LT Bierce.
A John Doe investigation is a secret proceeding in which witnesses may be subpoenaed to testify. Participants are barred from discussing the case publicly.
"I don't need a lawyer. I did nothing inappropriate. I didn't expect a kind of Wisconsin Inquisition."
"NOBODY expects the Wisconsin Inquisition! Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency.... Our *three* weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the Unions.... Our *four* *Amongst* our weapons.... Amongst our weaponry...are such elements as fear, surprise.... I'll come in again."
Doesn't FBI involvement mean a federal crime is being investigated? The charges I've heard discussed are violations of state laws. What criteria will get the FBI involved?
Seems like <a href="> HuffPo</a> has already declared Scott Walker guilty of high crimes so maybe that is why Archer is keeping quiet.
Seems like HuffPo has already declared Scott Walker guilty of high crimes so maybe that is why Archer is keeping quiet.
My God! J wrote something that made sense!
Even raving lunatics have brief moments of clarity!
It might have something to do with obama's AttackWatch program.
RogerJ: Bierce, Ambrose Bierce, is J's latest muse. Unlike J, Bierce was a man of action and a talented writer.
She certainly sounds innocent in her statement for what that's worth. I'm eager to see what comes of it.
If this turns out to be some sort of ill-conceived DOJ/FBI Walker-harrasment-by-proxy, then I don't know what to say except that this Administration is fucked up in the head, big time.
Goju said...
Let's see...subject of very prominent raid, did nothing wrong, nothing to hide....
Anyone remember Richard Jewell?????
Or Ray Donovan?
The best HuffPo can do is imply that she posted comments on a political website while on the job!
And garbage wants to get into that pissing match!
If garbage does have a job, it's as a union thug or party hack, assigned to monitor and misdirect this site.
Of course, garbage is also famous for his political predictions, too. Back before the recalls, he crowed that Walker was completely fucked!
Michael: thanks--I am a big fan of Ambrose Bierce--the LT Bierce thing threw me off--Bierce's devils dictionary is a great piece of literature--the other guy I like is HL Mencken--he did have an antisemtic streak but he is still a great essayist.
J: good job, man--does this mean you arent going to come over and beat us up? I am vastly relieved
Cogent writing on a Friday morning renews my basic faith in humanity.
Roger J: If I am not mistaken Bierce was a Lt. in the Army during the Civil War. I believe he fought at Shiloh and Kennesaw Mtn. Disappeared into Mexico riding with Villa.
She's a witness, not a suspect?
They probably meant to search the house across the street.
Thats similar to my thought, the only way she would not need a lawyer is if she was never the target to begin with. Can't explain why it took several hours though.
Michael--I think you are correct--and Pancho Villa's real name was doroteo arango--and my family name is arango--although I dont think mexican bandits are in my lineage
The woman's reputation is besmirched by the conspicuous raid, and the governor of our state is collaterally damaged.
Actually Walker's campaign was subpoenaed days before the Nov election, and he lawyered up shortly thereafter, already paying the firm $60,000 for work related to the John Doe investigation.
Roger J: Were I you I would claim relationship with Villa! Arango is not a particularly common name in Mexico, or at least I haven't run across it much if ever. Clearly you are a desperado waiting for a train, perhaps even ready to organize a raid north of the Wolf River, enemy territory.
Michael: again you are correct--the arangos that came from Pravia, in Asturias provice settled in cuba, florida and columbia--my granddad was one of the original cigar manufacturers in Ybor city--had homes in Tampa and Havana, where my dad was born. The name is not prevalent in Mexico
The theory is that she's innocent of any wrongdoing. Unfortunately, in our over legislated country, the odds are wee are all criminals, even garage. The Obama administration has shown a propensity to drum up any and every legal charge it can against Republicans and Republican supporters. Get a lawyer.
DADvocate: Get a lawyer indeed. It is not just this administration, but all of them that seem to think we need more laws. We should quit calling these people lawmakers and compensate them for repealing laws, compensate them bigtime. What if we paid every yes vote to repeal ANY law a million dollars. Do you think we would not be saving vast fortunes in the process? And then all the congress people could be millionairesandbillionaires in the process. win win
We had a 6:30 a.m. raid at my house not too long ago and I will tell you: it's the shits. Armed ICE agents, swarming all over my house. They showed no ID when they came in, nor did they show me the search warrant until after they had "secured the premises." Evidently, shouting "Police! Search warrant!" and scaring the shit out of the homeowner is identification enough.
They have planned long and hard for this, or they couldn't have a dozen agents there at the same time. They did not plan enough to simply stop my husband when he went out to get the mail or mow the yard. No, they planned it carefully so that we were all home, so that Dad's troubles couldn't be kept from the kids. They planned it carefully so that I would need to leave the house to take the kids to school, thereby separating me from my husband. They were very polite, asking to call me by my first name, letting them establish a more intimate feel to their exchanges with me. Bastards.
They plan it all carefully so that the victim-homeowners are so rattled that they can barely remember their names. The Miranda warning? Yeah. But who the hell has a lawyer on speed dial, and who remembers that they should not talk? THAT's how rattled all their careful planning made us. People TALK because they are scared out of their minds, not because they are stupid.
Since this is a federal crime, it sure looks bad, doesn't it? But what made my husband's a federal crime was simply that federal officers did the investigation. The crime itself would be a state crime if the state patrol had done the investigation. The Department of Homeland Security has all kinds of money thrown at it--not for homeland security, but for any kind of crime investigations. Homeland Security is simply a way to fund a police state where the most insignificant action is criminalized. I love George Bush for many reasons but will not forget that he started this.
I have lost all respect for law enforcement.
I have lost all respect for law enforcement.
How do you feel about whatever law was broken by your husband?
My husband broke the law. Yes. Do I think that is okay? No, I was horrified. Do I think that a five-year mandatory minimum prison sentence is right? No. Do I think that mandatory minimum sentences are right for any offense? No.
Am I able to discuss this dispassionately? No.
Seems to me that there has been an increasing "militarizatrion" of law enforcement--there is ample evidence of botched raids were family pets are shot, and innocent people are subjected to the scourge of inept law enforcement--the police in these botched raids are protected by sovereign immunity. I see no upside to this type of "law enforcement."
This may be merely an indication of a new "Jobs Program" for under-employed lawyers initiated by the Administration. Get a judge to issue a search warrent, have ICE, Homeland, FBI, ATF, Wildlife, etc. conduct a search of one's home or business, and they have "created" billable hours for a lawyer. Or, in the case of Gibson, a law firm.
Thus "saving" several jobs for various agents and "creating" legal jobs. Enough of those actions and the resulting billable hours plus the corresponding overhead billings for staff, paralegals,copying,etc. and the GDP might show an increase in time for the election.
Just speculating, but she might have been selling unpasteurized milk or perhaps even making guitars.
I'm just glad you didn't speculate about her making unpastuerized milk. :-)
Well, at least they didn't shoot her dog.
This makes me think of the FBI raid on Gibson Guitar which Rush Limbaugh claims was politically motivated . . .
Here's a theory that would fit in with her not needing a lawyer:
A co-worker of mine (we'll call him Fred) had his house raided by local and state law enforcement a few years ago. They were investigating some illegal downloading (ahem) that had taken place through Fred's internet connection.
Fred gave them access to all of his stuff, and they very quickly determined that it was Fred's next door neighbor, Barney, who had been doing the downloading -- using Fred's wireless.
So these guys told Fred not to mention this investigation to anyone until after they'd taken Barney down; and they came back the next night (probably after obtaining a second warrant) and raided Barney's house.
It could be something that trivial and totally unrelated to Walker.
And even if it is, I'm sure we'll see garage et al make veiled references to this for years afterward.
I did think they were going to shoot our dog, and it was not funny. A dozen armed ICE agents invaded my home...for a non-violent crime. There is something wrong with that.
Yeah, I know I'm going on about it.
Wonder if any of Walker's sockpuppets have commented here? Or was it just at the MJS.
Wonder if any of Walker's sockpuppets have commented here?
If so, maybe we can arrange a cage match with the Solyndra sockpuppets or the soon to be sockpuppeted Lightsquared.
"what's with the secrecy combined with conspicuousness? The woman's reputation is besmirched by the conspicuous raid, and the governor of our state is collaterally damaged. But she's supposed to keep quiet, why?"
Reminds me of Fitzpatrick discovering early on that the Plame "leak" was Richard Armitage, but telling Powell and Armitage to keep quiet and then continuing the investigation.
I'd suggest Archer get a lawyer.
Solyndra had sockpuppets?
According to Lester Pines Archer has retained a lawyer. Not sure how he knows, or why Archer would lie about it. Not that Walker or one of his appointees would be opposed to lying. Still.
Solyndra had sockpuppets?
Yes, but they cost $6 per to make and the company was trying to sell them for $3 per, while Chinese companies were making the same products for $2.
Not a sustainable footwear model as far as sockpuppets go.
"How can she possibly think she doesn't need a lawyer?
Says the Lawyer.
I guess when the only tool you have is a law degree everything looks like a case.
She needs a lawyer.
And they cannot order her not to talk about her own case, can they?
A Walker aide has already admitted to sockpuppetry while on the taxpayer dime. Not sure if you knew that.
Again Sorepaw, you're awesome man. But, people respond to me, and never you. Wouldn't that make you the bot?
If she had a cooking show, like Martha Stewart, she'd have to worry.
The FBI raiding her ... is just something Obama does ... using the Alinsky method.
And, if they don't find evidence, they'll plant it!
A Walker aide has already admitted to sockpuppetry while on the taxpayer dime. Not sure if you knew that.
So garage, since you oppose that, why did you support Wisconsin teachers and university professors politicizing and sockpuppeting while on the taxpayer dime, using school and state email and internet systems?
Oh, that's right. You're a hypocrite. And since you're a hypocrite, no one cares.
Also, why won't you comment on why you abuse women? You stated that a woman cracked a phone across your face; you also stated that women only committed acts of violence when they were abused by men. So why did you abuse women, garage?
Keep fucking that chicken North Dallas Turd. Or, maybe you're one of Walker's sockpuppets. So hard to tell these days.
Maybe she "needs" a lawyer but lawyers aren't free. For many, the meter starts running as soon as you start talking to one.
Maybe she's really saying, "I'm hoping I don't need a lawyer so I'm not going to spend any money on one yet."
It is a terrible thought that a person might need to spend a large chunk of money even though she has done nothing wrong.
Chicken fucking aside, garage, it's a valid point. You didn't have a problem with all those public employees doing their little civil disobedience thingy on the taxpayers back. Not that I recall anyway.
Not that Walker or one of his appointees would be opposed to lying.
Don't know about Walker, but I believe lying is perfectly fine in certain circumstances. The 9th commandment says, "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour." It doesn't forbid lying. It forbids lying about others.
For liberals, lying about others is a given, lying about them being racist, greeedy, stupid, etc. For a liberal to be concerned about someone else lying is morally ludicrous. Liberalism is the great lie of our time and is maintained by lies.
Keep fucking that chicken North Dallas Turd. Or, maybe you're one of Walker's sockpuppets. So hard to tell these days.
Yup. Once again the hypocrite and woman abuser garage demonstrates how Obama Party sockpuppets like himself think they can break whatever law they want.
Answer the question, sockpuppet garage. Who pays you? Why do you support Obama Party members using taxpayer resources for political purposes, as was PROVEN to be being done by Wisconsin teachers and university professors?
Also, garage, why do you abuse women? You admitted that a woman was forced to crack a phone across your face. Was that because you were trying to rape her?
After all, you stated that women NEVER act violently or threateningly unless provoked. You also stated that women only attack those who are abusive or intend to rape them, so clearly the fact that you were attacked proves that you are an abuser or rapist.
You didn't have a problem with all those public employees doing their little civil disobedience thingy on the taxpayers back.
If you mean leaving the state, they broke no laws.
Don't know about Walker, but I believe lying is perfectly fine in certain circumstances
Of course you don't. That's why you love Walker. Out of 33 statements analyzed by Politifact, only 5 were deemed "true".
Nope. I'm referring to public employees taking part in the protests when they were supposed to be at work.
Well, if there is a crime here, I certainly hope it's something more substantial than posting web comments from a government computer, because I couldn't see how that would be anything but politically biased prosecution.
I'm referring to public employees taking part in the protests when they were supposed to be at work.
Again, not illegal.
Sofa King
If you remember in the early 90s, legislators resigned and some went to prison for similiar activities. If anyone was promising quid pro quos from Walker's admiminstration, shit will really hit the fan.
Define sock puppetry as you're using it and explain it's illegality. I was under the impression your problem with it was doing it on the tax payer's dime, not the illegality of least that's what your statement above led me to believe.
In a related vein, you're okay when wasting taxpayer money, then, as long as it's not illegal?
I don't think they were wasting anything. You're free to disagree.
That's why you love Walker.
There you go with your lies. That's why you like hiding behind anonymity.
As I said yesterday in reference to Obama, politicians are not to be loved or trusted. I do love how Walker gets under the skin and rankles liberals. I love the exposure of the complete and utter hypocrisy of the left, who claimed to care so much about constitutinal rights and human rights during the Bush years, yet have gladly abandoned and trampled on them during the Obama years.
I sleep with a smile on my face regarding things like this.
I'm not a Wisconite, so I don't think about Walker much, other than when I'm reading this blog.
If you remember in the early 90s, legislators resigned and some went to prison for similiar activities. If anyone was promising quid pro quos from Walker's admiminstration, shit will really hit the fan.
Can you justify the fact that there is evidently no probe into Shelly Moore, who REPEATEDLY used school district emails for her campaign?
So, just to be clear, if a public employee is supposed to be at their work location, you know...working...and they call in sick...but aren''re okay with that? That's not abusing a publicly paid position?
Hell, it's abusing a private one. What makes a public employee so special that it's not abuse of trust?
Also...answer my question about sock puppetry/illegality.
So the issue here with the federal probe of Walker's staff is with..... teachers and Shelley Moore. Ok....
The issue is politically motivated abuse of the criminal system. I thought I was very clear on that.
In other words, yes it actually does matter that if it's wrong for one side, it's wrong for the other.
"Also...answer my question about sock puppetry/illegality."
What is the question? What's legal and what isn't? If you are a government employee, politicking, that's illegal. As I mentioned, there was a scandal that rocked the capitol years ago, for the very same thing. Two Democrats went to prison, and some Repubs resigned. Was that investigation politically motivated?
What is the question? What's legal and what isn't? If you are a government employee, politicking, that's illegal.
If you're supposed to be at work, and you call in sick order to take part in a political rally, is that illegal?
garbage, the ultimate union/Democratic sockpuppet, accuses others of being a sock puppet.
Pretty clear that you're paid to monitor and misdirect this site, garbage.
Wouldn't surprise me if you're doing you sockpuppet act while on the job as a public employee.
Fess up!
sockpuppet garbage:
Is bushwhacking this site really so important that your puppet master is willing to pay you to sit here all day attempting sabotage?
Unless arrested/incarcerated, just keep your mouth shut. Totally. You don't need to pay a lawyer to tell you to do that.
People who raid your house are not looking for evidence to clear you. If they want to chat, remember, the 'good' cop has the same objective as the 'bad' cop.
Ain't that right, Martha...Scooter?
is that illegal?
Illegal? Don't think so.
Is it a waste of taxpayer money?
They get sick days like the rest of us.
Notice how garage mahal supports and endorses lying and claiming you are sick when you are not for the purpose of defrauding the taxpayers.
Notice how garage mahal repeatedly supports sockpuppeting and use of government email accounts and internet resources to promote Obama Party candidates.
Notice how garage mahal openly supports Obama Party lawmakers and their union thugs threatening retribution against businesses who do not contribute to Obama Party campaigns or do not put signs up in their window showing their support for the union or the Obama Party.
Notice how garage supports and endorses making bomb threats against Republicans and then the Obama Party district attorney refusing to file charges.
And notice how garage refuses to answer why he abused and/or attempted to rape a woman who was forced to crack a phone across his face to make him stop.
They get sick days like the rest of us.
Unfortunately, they took fraudulent days and then used doctors, working at taxpayer expense, to defraud the taxpayers.
It is on video, garage. These Obama Party taxpayer-paid doctors from the University of Wisconsin deliberately lied. They did not perform thorough examinations. They colluded to defraud the taxpayers. And they had the full suppport and endorsement of your Obama Party and the politician who pays you to sockpuppet here.
Why do Obama Party state representatives like the one who employs you support defrauding the taxpayers, garage?
Fucking mental patients in here, ScottM excluded.
Agree she needs a lawyer and Gargae says she has one, so yes why would she lie about it? Why proclamations of innocence, she doesn't need any lawyers because SHE didn't do anything wrong.Unspoken message could be ,"it wasn't I that did the wrongdoing, I am safe here because I am cooperating with this investigation, that's why I don't need a lawyer".
Tell me why would she quit her job, only to be given another position with the State, in which she is getting paid 61% more than her predecessor? Is it possible that Walkers administration wanted to get rid of her because she was the doer of their deeds and they knew she ( and they) were under investigation? If she were a lone wolf doing the deeds, why wouldn't Walkers administration fire her and distance themselves from her and plead that they had no knowledge of her deeds, UNLESS they were trying to kill two birds with one stone, get rid of her and give her another job to keep her from singing like a bird to the Feds.
There is way more to this John Doe investigation than some political crony of Walkers using computers for political purposes on Government time, way more. BTW she is compelled to remain quiet during a John Doe investigation, she MAY already have given testimony and obtained immunity, hence her declaration of innocence. She is not an idiot, I believe she know damn well what she's doing.
George W. Bush started this, prairie wind?
From your name, I would assume that you are familiar with Ruby Ridge and/or Waco? In addition, there was also the fire-bombing of the MOVE building in Philadelphia.
Prairie Wind, You have my sympathy and prayers. When I worked the visiting room @ Leavenworth my heart would ache for family members. And, yes..cops can be pricks and love to show force. Waco could have been avoided if they just arrested the suspect in his routine trip into town. However, in that show of force, the ATF got it shoved up their asses. I'm sure ICE agants have cowboy in them..but there are no bigger cowboys than the ATF.
They get sick days like the rest of us.
Nice tap-dancing, there Gregory. Just admit you're inconsistent and we'll get on with our day.
Bender, I am familiar with Waco and Ruby Ridge. I do not think the proliferation of laws making us all criminal started with Bush but the Dept of Homeland Security did, and those are the agents used almost as mercenaries by other LE agencies. That is my understanding of how ICE agents ended up waving guns around in my house, anyway.
Col Mustard, I could have used you that morning. You wouldn't have been worrying about the dog and the kids and the husband and could have kept your head better.
ndspinelli, thank you.
Fucking mental patients in here, ScottM excluded.
Why would you insult ScottM like that, by implying he meets some level of your approval? How low can you go?
Nice tap-dancing, there Gregory. Just admit you're inconsistent and we'll get on with our day.
If they were out of sick days, called in, and got paid anyway, I would agree with you.
The one that says "you're innocent until proven guilty."
Not that this stops the FBI.
Garage most of the information you pointed out today, is a valid counter point to the some of the comments, and not sabotage. Our recent history shows that two Dems went to jail over issues very similar to what this Walker aid, and perhaps others I did during the Milwaukee campaigns. But rather than jump to conclusions let us watch Justice work.
Fair enough, R-V
So, FBI raids Soylendra ... virtually dead silence from the Lame Stream Media pointing at Obama.
FBI raids someone remotely affiliated with Walker? Can't turn down the Lame Stream Media volumne low enough.
Repugnant, vile, despicable people == Liberal Journolists.
Am I the only one who remembers Georgia Thompson?
The FBI brought in ebony and rosewood sniffing dogs looking for Gibson guitars and they interrogated her about why she hasn't purchased any Solyndra solar cells for her roof.
She doesn't need a lawyer under the "We're from the government and we're here to help you" theory.
"I did think they were going to shoot our dog, and it was not funny. A dozen armed ICE agents invaded my home...for a non-violent crime. There is something wrong with that."
Prairie Wind, for what it's worth, I hope you and the kids are all right and about this I agree with you completely. There is no excuse for needlessly bringing a spouse, kids and dogs into an arrest. For one thing, it's your home and you've a right to an expectation of security there, and people get crazy about their children's safety. Spouses may try to protect each other. It's got to be the most volatile possible situation that must put everyone in additional risk of injury, including the agents, and the chance of trauma for the kids is 100%.
There is no excuse at all not to deliberately arrange to arrest someone away from their children if at all possible.
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