১০ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

"Egyptian activists destroyed a wall around the Israeli embassy..."

"... and set police cars on fire in Cairo on Friday after thousands demonstrated at Tahrir Square... after Friday prayers for what was billed as 'Correcting the Path' protests."
Fridays demonstrations were organized mostly by secular groups which had been pushing for reforms, a new constitution and an end to the trial of civilians before military courts.

Islamists, including the political party set up by the Muslim Brotherhood -- Egypt's best organized political force after the dissolution of Mubarak's National democratic Party -- have distanced themselves from the planned protests.

২৮টি মন্তব্য:

AllenS বলেছেন...

Anyone happy with the turn of events in Egypt? Anyone else think that this great obama Libyan adverture will turn out any different? Raul, how about you?

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

There is nothing as uniting as killing the Jews. It seems to give life a purpose and unites the former foes within a State.

Just more Muslim and Nazi fun and games.

That bad Mubarak is not around to restrain it anymore.

And Egypt has immediately entered the final stages of social ruin that always follows cursing and killing the Jews.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

So somebody tell me why young democratic secularists are anti-Israel?

Something is fishy here.

Automatic_Wing বলেছেন...

Activists, eh? I wonder what these guys would have to do to get upgraded to "militants".

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

Religion of peace.

edutcher বলেছেন...

I seem to remember something like this happening in another country about 30 years ago.

Maguro said...

Activists, eh? I wonder what these guys would have to do to get upgraded to "militants"

Take their party over where the Americans are.

Maybe it's time to cut the US Embassy staff to skeleton levels.

BJM বলেছেন...

The “Arab Spring” turns into “Springtime for Hitler.” -Roger L. Simon


Activists, eh? I wonder what these guys would have to do to get upgraded to "militants".

Join the Tea Party?

William বলেছেন...

The problems in the Arab world boil down to the fact that they have not been sufficiently anti Israel and that they have allowed their women to become influenced by decadent western thinking. Here in America, our problems stem from the fact that we have not spent enough money on the stimulus and not enough women are corporate board members.

নামহীন বলেছেন...



Fred4Pres বলেছেন...

I am glad they are living in peace. Maybe some Egptians should drive out to Sinai and see the rusty Soviet era tanks still laying out there in the desert. And remember how it used to be.

Yet they still consider 73 a victory because they won a battle and then lost the war (with the Israelis 60 miles from Cairo) which was negotiated by Kissinger.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

Muslim Arabs consider jews inferior beings and cannot accept that Israel is a modern mostly first world economy that actually produces things and has defeated them. Its the humiliation of being outclassed and repeatedly defeated by their perceived inferiors.

But unlike the past, this time there is no Soviet Union to bail the Arabs out. No USSR to threaten war if Israel doesn't back off at the last minute from completely defeating an Arab army. So if the Egyptians provoke a war with Israel and Israel kicks the crap out them again, no one is going to push for Israeli restraint (as in threaten military action) when Israel reoccupies the Sinai and kicks the Arabs out of it as they should have the last time.

Paco Wové বলেছেন...

"There is nothing as uniting as killing the Jews."

Oh, the Protestants
hate the Catholics
and the Catholics
hate the Protestants.
The Moslems
hate all the Hindus
everybody hates the Jews

-Tom Lehrer,
"National Brotherhood Week"

T J Sawyer বলেছেন...

Well, now that "the youth" have learned that you get what you want by demonstrating and burning things, whey shouldn't they just keep doing it?

It is hard to learn to think like an Egyptian. The first time you cross the large 6th October Bridge in Cairo, you might ask, "What happened on the 6th of October" out of curiosity. You find out it was the start of the 1973 war - which, by the way, didn't go so well for the Egyptians after the first three or four days. So then you keep asking the question just to hear the explanations.

I have often wondered if there is a December 7 Bridge somewhere in Tokyo.

Cedarford বলেছেন...

Cubanbob - "But unlike the past, this time there is no Soviet Union to bail the Arabs out. No USSR to threaten war if Israel doesn't back off at the last minute from completely defeating an Arab army. So if the Egyptians provoke a war with Israel and Israel kicks the crap out them again, no one is going to push for Israeli restraint (as in threaten military action) when Israel reoccupies the Sinai and kicks the Arabs out of it as they should have the last time."

In 40 years, what has changed is:

1. The Soviet Union is gone.

2. Support for Israel, about 1/3rd of UN nations in 1973, has dwindled down to just the US and 2-3 small Pacific island nations bribed to vote Israel's way with American money gained through AIPAC's influence on US Congress.

3. The US is no longer the economic and military power it was 40 years back..able to carry Israel through an oil embargo.

4. The technological edge the Israelis had has dwindled, as evidenced by Hezbollah driving the zionists out of Lebanon and fighting them to a bloody, inconclusive standstill in 2006(?).

5. In 1973, the two great non-Arab powers - Iran and Turkey - sat that conflict out. Nowadays, both regimes are hostile to Israel.

6. Egypt has a robust military. Now stocked not with Soviet military stuff - but with modern US and other Western nation modern weapons, F-16s, etc. Thanks to the eternal 5 billion dollar deluxe welfare package Israel and Egypt manipulated out of Jimmy Carter as the price both sides demanded for not fighting one another. (Kept alive and renewed for 33 years by AIPAC)

***Starting a 6th war would be folly for Israel. It would definitely be a two-front war. No one would lift a finger to help Israel if they were the aggressor. Highly unlikely they could keep the Sinai even if they took it. A lot changes in 40 years. ***

jimspice বলেছেন...

Just wondering is ASCII work in blogspot blogs: ♥

Gary Rosen বলেছেন...

C-fudd's fantasizing about a second Holocaust, it's the only way he can get it up for his nightly jackoff at the flophouse. But he forgets that his Arab/Muslim butt buds are even bigger losers than he is.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

Cedarford said...

Starting with your false assertion that Israel started six wars the rest of your comment is tripe.
Iran and Turkey aren't capable of directly invading Israel or carrying air operations over her or of conducting naval blockades against her.

As Hezbollah, true they will launch tremendous amounts of rockets and will cause a lot of damage but the Israeli's will survive them. But unlike 2006 who is to say they will try to be so sparing of 'civilians' the next time. More likely they may turn southern Lebanon in to a free fire zone which will erode Hezbollah's popularity. Your assumption is that Israel will always play by the current western rules of war. What if they decide not to be fools in the future? The Europeans are not going to muster an expeditionary force just to bail out the Arabs, the Chinese can't and the Russians can't or wont. As you said the US isn't as powerful as it was 40 years ago and even if we were, there isn't any great sentiment to bail the Arabs out. And the Israeli's have the ability to set the Arab oil fields on fire which is a problem for the Europeans and the Chinese not so much for us.

As for the Egyptian military you assume because they have US weapons therefore they are as capable as Israeli's.

Now as for the UN, no one cares. Blockade, by whom? And Sinai has enough oil production for Israel's needs. And as for AIPAC please enlighten us why the almighty Jew dollar is much more mesmerizing than the Arab petrol dollar. Finally shouldn't we bill NATO for 45 plus years of expense?

You right about one thing, we should end military aid to Israel and Egypt. The Israeli's will be able to earn export income to purchase the equipment from the US, the Egyptians, not so much.

Rialby বলেছেন...

Obama better wake up praying that someone in the Arab world doesn't invade one of our embassies. It would only be then that his transformation into James Earl Carter would be complete.

Cedarford বলেছেন...

Cubanbob - Pile of misinformation is on your side, not mine.

"Starting with your false assertion that Israel started six wars the rest of your comment is tripe."

I didn't say Israel started 5 wars. I said they would be starting a 6th one.
For the record, both the zionists and the Arabs got the 1948 war going. France, Israel, and Britain started the 1956 War. Israel started the 1967 war with a Pearl Harbor-like 1st strike. Egypt and Syria started the 1973 war to reclaim land taken in the 1967 War. No fighting happened on Israeli land. Israel started the Lebanon War.

"Iran and Turkey aren't capable of directly invading Israel or carrying air operations over her or of conducting naval blockades against her."

My point was that the two most powerful nations outside Israel and Egypt in the ME were not hostiles in the 1967 or 1973 wars. Now they, and Iraq which also sat out the 1967 and 1973 Wars are hostile to Israel and both Iran and Turkey have formidable military power.

"And the Israeli's have the ability to set the Arab oil fields on fire which is a problem for the Europeans and the Chinese not so much for us."

Amazing after seeing the huge oil price shifts when ME trouble breaks out that you think setting the Arab oil fields on fire would "not be so much a problem for us". Can you say "Global Depression???"

"As you said the US isn't as powerful as it was 40 years ago and even if we were, there isn't any great sentiment to bail the Arabs out."

The US is not in the business of bailing out Arabs, but once keeping the Soviets out, and frequently bailing the Israelis out with massive military weapons and spare parts shipments- starting in 1973. A downsized and outsourced America cannot do it easily now, and with the Reublicans and Dems slashing the military further, perhaps not at all in the future unless America's own vital interests are in peril.

"As for the Egyptian military you assume because they have US weapons therefore they are as capable as Israeli's."

No, I didn't say that. I said all American and West weaponry makes the Egyptians more capable than when they had 2nd tier Soviet stuff.

"Blockade, by whom?" You appear clueless on the Order of Battle of Syria, Turkey, Egypt in terms or air, missile, and naval assets. Nor do they need to wipe out the IDF to create an effective blockade. Just make it an unacceptable risk for tankers, merchant ships to enter a war zone - and surface to ship missiles more than suffice for that.

"And Sinai has enough oil production for Israel's needs."

You were talking about burning Arab oil fields and calling it a no nevermind for us compared to how it would affect Europe and China.
Why does your thinking assume the Egyptians would not destroy the Sinai fields infrastructure so it would take years for the Israelis to resume production - while an embargo throttles it?

"And as for AIPAC please enlighten us why the almighty Jew dollar is much more mesmerizing than the Arab petrol dollar"

Money is just grease to help the levers of real zionist support moving - Jewish clout in the media, Wall Street, DC - plus their tools the Christian Zionists. The Saudis grease does not have the big levers the zionists command.

***Bottom line is that pretending the world has not changed substantially in the last 40-45 years DOES allow the Christian Zionist other Israel boosters fantasy of superior, plucky Israelis kicking primitive Msulim butt with no consequences to them or us. But the world has changed. And an attempt to duplicate 1967 and grab Arab lands in a sneak attack will not end well for the Israelis. Fortunately, the Israelis are smarter than the average Christian Zionist entertaining such fantasies.

cubanbob বলেছেন...

Rialby said...
Obama better wake up praying that someone in the Arab world doesn't invade one of our embassies. It would only be then that his transformation into James Earl Carter would be complete.

9/10/11 3:39 PM

Fortunately for Obama there is still enough retained fear in Arab world (of America going trigger happy as it did under Bush as they believe) to tempt fate. But if we did have another embassy hostage situation Obama won't screw it up like Carter, he will let the military pros take care of it. He knows what happened to Carter and Obama is for Obama before he is for anything else. His 'speech' before the joint session congress proves that he wants his job and needs his job and the only job he really is concerned about is his. He won't let a bunch of Arabs ruin his job prospects.

Gary Rosen বলেছেন...

"The Saudis grease does not have the big levers the zionists command."

LOL!!! Waaah boohoohoohoo, the poor Arabs have nothing, except for trillions of dollars of oil reserves under their sand dunes! I love it when Jew-baiters like Fudd prove what a bunch of delusional compulsive liars they are.

William বলেছেন...

Increasing numbers of Egyptian women are reaching adolescence with their clitoris intact. First thing first. Until the new Egyptian government addresses this problem they will remain a backward state. The clitoris sits within a woman's body like the Zionist entity within the near east. Responsible Muslim Brotherhood leaders know this. Eliminate the clitoris and you will eliminate the decadence of Egyptian society. Then a strong, proud, clitoris free nation will be able to take up arms against the Zionist entity, and this tiime they will win.

Gary Rosen বলেছেন...

William's mind has been possessed by the zombie C-fudd!

cubanbob বলেছেন...

Cedaford you may not have noticed but right now we are in a depression.

The rest of your diatribe is nonsense. Missiles that can stop ships from going to Israel are not a one way street.

Israeli anti-ship missiles can stop ships from unloading food among other things to Arab countries. Already they cannot afford their food imports (the non oil producers) And the Arabs will starve faster than the west will succumb to oil shortages. All the more reason to drill at home and in non Muslim places. And at those higher prices shale oil becomes very doable economically and Israel has discovered a huge shale oil deposit within her borders. The Arabs are mindful that too high a price for oil makes other suppliers much more attractive than them since its oil without the drama and threats. So yes the world will suffer a few years of hardship in the worst case scenario but pulling out the stops in other sources of production will make the Arabs unimportant, a price to heavy for the Arabs.

As for the wars, 48 you have to be kidding. 56 launching terror attacks from Gaza is an act of war and so is grabbing the Suez canal. 67, blockade an international waterway and massing an army on Israel's border was an act of war. Lebanon, harboring terrorist and letting use you soil as a base for terrorism s an act of war.

Setting Arab oil fields on fire (or rather the threat) is more than enough for Europeans to squeeze the Arabs as well. Israel is quite capable of burning Saudi fields, destroying desalination plants and electrical power stations (a fact not lost on the Saudis) and grabbing the oil fields in Sinai that Israel first developed. And she does earn enough from exports to import oil in the interim from the other suppliers while bringing Sinai back online.

"No, I didn't say that. I said all American and West weaponry makes the Egyptians more capable than when they had 2nd tier Soviet stuff." As Storming Norman said in '91 If the Iraqis had our weapons and we theirs, we still would have won hands down. Its the training and motivation.

Again as to your point about Syria, Turkey and Iran blockading shipping, are you serious? Iraq is going to invade Israel? With what? Really. You may have missed the recent events in Libya a major oil exporter, the French and British have no problem attacking an Arab oil producer if they feel it's in their interest. A lesson no doubt not lost on other Arab producers. And Israel isn't important enough to the Europeans to suffer the disproportionate harm of trying to take out her anti-ship capabilities. Hate to burst your anti-zionist bubble but a ruthless Israel has more cards in her favor than the Arabs. As for starting the sixth war, Egypt already has started it by allowing terrorists to get arms smuggled in to Gaza and by standing aside and letting an organized mob attack an embassy. I noticed that an Israeli mob hasn't attacked the Egyptian embassy.

I'm still amazed by your insistence that a few million Jewish dollars have such magical powers that they transcend trillions in Arab petro dollars.

sorepaw বলেছেন...

Activists, eh? I wonder what these guys would have to do to get upgraded to "militants".

And to get upgraded to "terrorists," what would they need to do?

Nuke Israel?

Carol_Herman বলেছেন...

For what it's worth, it took six days to extract about 80 Israelis from Cairo, back to Israel. It was all done by phone between the White House and Israel. And, the extraction worked.

That Cairo has mob violence? How does this help the Egyptian economy, exactly? How does it draw tourism back?

Within the Israeli Embassy, itself, there were only 6 security members. In a safe room. When the mob chiseled the wall down. And, gained access to the building, things got dicey. And, finally, the Egyptians responded. But FIRST there was the mob looting of a police building for its guns.

To get the 6 security guards extracted from the steel enclosed safe-room, the Egyptians who were there (not in uniform). But wearing street clothes ... Needed to call DC, to get the code. To open the door. And, then the security members were dressed in arab street clothes ... to surreptitiously be removed by armored car. To the airport. And, when everyone landed in Israel the press was informed that the extraction was successful.

This story has not really gotten a lot of media play. (But the relationship between Israel and Obama's White House has been very much improved.) No wars were started.

If egypt is having an arab spring, perhaps they need a new name for the loss in tourism. And, what will remain a stain against Egyptians who were once judged as friendly as the Lebanese in Beirut. Where businessmen have also seen a loss of trade.

Maybe, the lucky news is that this really didn't grab media attention all that much?

Carol_Herman বলেছেন...

Egypt faces FAMINE ahead! It's over-populated. And, their mob scenes, which demonstrate Muslem Brotherhood capabilities ... is something that the Europeans don't like. And, the Americans don't like.

Ehud Barak PULLED OUT OF LEBANON! Israel is not going back in.

Back in 2006 Dubya gave Arik Sharon a stroke! By demanding a pullout from the West Bank. And, Condi Rice danced with the french. (She actually saw herself as republican presidential timber. Now? She's back to playing her piano.)

The problems Israel has is not new to Obama! They were shifted into place by Dubya. By Arik Sharon's stroke. And, by Sharon's placement of Olmert in "government seat #2" to block Shimon Peres.

You know, it's rather a miracle that Israel survived all this political "mishigas."

While Bibi Netanyahu spent six days on the phone with Obama, working out a solution to the "mob scene" in Cairo, with a perfect solution.

There's real trouble, ahead, But it's European in nature. And, it's just a question of time before various European nations face the music at home. Because they turned their sovereignty over to the gnomes in Belgium.

Even Libya is still a mess. And, The French, Turks, and British, weren't making headway in getting Kaddafi on the run ... until US Naval Power took aim at Tripoli.

The Mideast is not stable.

Obama has enough domestic problems, now. He can't afford to make Israel look like his enemy.

(And, Bibi Netanyahu spent six cays working with the White House to extract about 80 Israelis from Cairo. What if Obama learns that he needs to reduce embassy staffs around Mideast "trouble spots?" He certainly doesn't want to end up looking like Jimmy Carter!) He's got an election to win, ahead. And, he's fully engaged. And, concentrated.

This whole incident in Egypt has not ended up badly for Israel. Because there was no Israeli loss of life. And, the whole left's business with tents in Tel Aviv, has also ended.

Ahead, the people in Gaza may be better fed than the people in Cairo? The politics of this stuff is just stupid.

Carol_Herman বলেছেন...

The Saudi Arabian Embassy is right next door to the Israeli Embassy. And, the mob was also going to go there and attack it.

The crisis, itself, is now over. In 6 days the Israelis (with the cooperation of Obama, also working the phones), got Egyptian commandos to help get the 6 Israeli security officers out of the building. Only one wall separated them from the mob!

The mob, it turns out, is also considered "the Ultras." Or, the "soccer mob." Who use any excuse to attack the police.

While it's Egypt that gets to suffer, ahead, DIPLOMATICALLY, because ALL other Embassies feel their staffs are at risk. Less diplomats from other countries doesn't help Egypt, either.

While it's interesting. Israel wins. It extracts about 80 of its citizens from Cairo. And, the news cycle dies.

How is it that the only "acceptable news" is supposed to hurt Israel?

And, then when Israel miraculously saves its own citizens, the news just dries up. How come? Wouldn't that "extraction" have made an interesting story?

একটি মন্তব্য পোস্ট করুন

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