१३ सप्टेंबर, २०११
"A challenge to our commenters: Just try to out-racist your counterparts over at Ann Althouse’s blog."
See? This is the kind of thing I have to contend with. Web writers who don't like me or don't like whatever side of politics they think I represent will comb through the comments to find whatever sounds worst and then smear me and the entire comments community here. As the discussion turns to affirmative action today, people who would like to discredit or silence me are going to be especially active looking for comments. What can be done? 1. Think about what you are writing and how it will look to outsiders, 2. Don't feed the troll, 3. Perceive the Moby.
११८ टिप्पण्या:
The lefties posting over there are already more racist than I am.
They support State enforced racial discrimination.
I do not.
The most insightful text at that site--"Showing 0 Reasonable Discussions"
The new scarlet letters are AA.
What a rigidly Puritan religion is Madison leftism.
Their cult is fragile, and they are easily provoked to Defend the Faith. Soon, the burning of heretics.
I have grown weary worrying what they think. No, they do not think, not at all. It's a brainstem response, devoid of rational thought or insight.
Once again, it's comforting to know that now leftists have to actually search for even the smallest tidbits of racism, and more often that not, twist words or make them up when they fail to find it.
I tend to remember the advise I gave my oldest, now in college, about posting things online: always assume your grandmother is reading them. Aside from that, I usually give little or no thought to what an "outsider" might think about what I write. The only exception to that being that when I write something purposefully humorous, I hope other will think so as well.
As far as this whole "out-racist" thing, it's just more proof, along with manpris (male capris), that there are far too many among us that never really figured out what growing up means.
Oh...and my mother makes the best chocolate chip cookies...evah.
Seconding the Sarge....isn't affirmative action inherently racist??
You could go all Paul Krugman on us, and shut off the comments....."for obvious reasons"
Hey, I missed that whole post! Have I mentioned how much I really dislike Althouse's new thing where there are fewer posts on the front page? (I know, it loads faster.)
- Lyssa
(And wow, the person is quoting Carol Herman. I care about what commenters here say, and I can't even read through Carol Herman's rants.)
They are citing Carol_Herman as a racist?
The AV club are geniuses!!.
A tough post to respond to Althouse.
You provide a good, useful service with this blog. Thank you.
You're on one side of the quotas. I'm on the other. You're a potential recipient of the quota system. I'm set up for punishment.
Apparently, the quota/Diversity scam is going to have to be dismantled piecemeal. I'm in favor of torching it.
I recommend your blog to closed minded liberals who I encounter on Facebook and elsewhere. You do present most issues fairly, and in a way that they can digest.
Professor, you're already doing (1) and (2) quite well. I hope this garbage doesn't rise to the point that it can actually trouble you, but I don't think it will. Your blog is the best example of argumentative merit out there.
Anyway, call out your army if need be! I'll be there with a sign, truly.
I care about what commenters here say, and I can't even read through Carol Herman's rants
I usually get to the forth line before moving on, so I'm no expert, but...maybe...it's the most vile, racist slop on the blog if you read Carol's every other word or something. Outside some code only liberals can figure out, I don't see it.
Okay, I followed the link and it looks like Mark Riechers needs a simpler challenge:
A challenge to our commenters: Please give me more than zero comments.
God forbid someone make any unfair and deprecatory generalizations like: "On the plus side, a national profile of Soglin as a “conservative” Madison mayor makes Madison seem that much more sane compared to the gun-toting, teacher-bashing sections of our state.
Thanks very much for the slandering those of us who sometimes reside in those insane hinterlands.
And that's from the blogger directly, not a random commenter/moby.
Why would you ever visit that predictably sad page, Ann? A feed-hit on your name probably?
At least now we know that SOMEONE reads Carol Herman comments.
After how many years of racial preference in admissions will the damages of historical prejudice against racial minorities be judged compensated? What is the definition of success in affirmative action programs? When can we return to an ordered meritocracy based on a clear standard of qualifications for admission to elite universities?
Not that I really care about UW-M. My three children attended competitive smaller private colleges,qualified for Merit Aid, received excellent educations, graduated with honors and have good jobs.
One, a Naional Merit semi-finalist, was actually turned
down at several elites because her race adjustment disqualified her for admission. Thankfully her attitude was, "Well then they just won't have my specialness in their community."
The folks over there have traded the scarlet A for a scarlet R, but otherwise they are no different.
Somebody finished reading one of Carol_Herman's rants?...and they found something meaningful?
What are the odds of that happening?
Excuse me, I'm off to buy a lottery ticket.
"Anyway, call out your army if need be! I'll be there with a sign, truly."
Now that is a protest I could get behind.
The comment cited as "racist" is only racist if you are a racist... possibly.
Obviously, a lot of the fun of the comments here involves playing and being sarcastic and making allusions. Outsiders who want to hurt me will not try to get anything that requires any level of penetration.
It would also hurt this blog if the commenters played it too safe and were boringly circumspect. I don't want that to happen, and I have already endured the risks of maintaining this freewheeling speech forum.
The comments here are extremely important to me, much more important than what my antagonists are able to say about me. I have been dealing with that kind of thing for 7 years and I long ago became to tough to let them push me back.
Who's Carol Herman?
I really would not worry over this, there are always gonna be nutty commenters, ditto blogs, lol. The real problem that much of the left has is, their policy positions cant be argued on policy grounds so that leaves personal attacks as their only weapon. What do they teach in law school?
When you have the law on your side, argue the law.
When you have the facts on your side, argue the facts.
When you have neither on your side, argue like HELL!
Ann, you are being intimidated by an interesting, if crude form of censorship. You should resist that, not ask us to conform to the censors.
Those who use race to advance their political views are, in fact, racists. As are those who use race to censor political thought.
Buck up, prof.
I have to agree with Pogo and lyssa. Once you realize the man's offensive example is Carol_Herman you just have to laugh. For his next trick, Reichers can complain about sophomoric vulgarities on Althouse and link to J.
Its a high privilege and a distinct honor to be read by the most wonderful, open minded, fair minded and excellently perfected people on the planet.. ever.
I really mean that.
I'm not worthy.
After how many years of racial preference in admissions will the damages of historical prejudice against racial minorities be judged compensated? What is the definition of success in affirmative action programs?
Just sit down and shut up, and they'll tell you when enough is enough.
And don't you dare try to inject sexual mores or family structure into the mix because that is racist!
The affirmative action folks are busily bailing water out as fast as they can, and they don't need any naysayers to point out that lack of fathers in some communities is a gaping hole flooding the boat far faster than can be bailed.
Just never you mind - shut up and keep from obviously being the heartless racist they already know you are.
From going through the links it appears the comment that set off the critic (the one that called you racist) is Carol Herman asking when the first pregnancy would happen at that school. Carol babbles nonsense most of the time, but I can't say that particular comment was racist.
So isn't this more a case of you being falsely accused Ann?
Once again, the protests in Madison are all about you.
No, NO, NO - it's "raaaaacist!" You MUST include all five a's.
"We're all raaaaacists now."
captcha: dronon
To point out the obvious, Carol Herman's comment was not about race. She was commenting about the planned exclusion of females, and the eventual numerically equal admission of boys and girls, but with segregation of the sexes, which won the eventual approval of the ACLU.
Althouse wrote: Originally, Madison Prep was to be an all-boys charter school — with the Madison school district is pouring $10.5 million into this lavish experiment. After hearing from the ACLU, there will be equal numbers of boys and girls, albeit with boys and girls in separate classrooms.
Calling people racist is just a tactic to get them to shut up. Ignore it.
Ann, anyone from another blog who tries to paint you with the brush of (false) racism based on someone else's comments here is at best intellectually dishonest and at worst a feculent weasel. And that's probably unfair both to weasels and feces.
You could always edit the comments Ann. All their blogs do. Just sayin'.
I guess they're OK with J and Cedarford's stuff, then?
Carol Herman? That logorrheic, litium-sozzled loon? She's the new baseline for AA commentary?
Oh, please. You'd get as much sense (and probably more) from her ravings if you just consider them as an endless feedback loop squawking "what's the frequency, Kenneth?"
"Obviously, a lot of the fun of the comments here involves playing and being sarcastic and making allusions."
Makes one wonder if the same is true "over there". I'm thinking, however, that the answer is no.
The left's standard template with respect to conservatives: racist bigots, homophobes, sexist neanderthals,... whatever, several more elements can be added. They look for anything they can use to support the template.
Btw, has anyone read UW's latest alumni mag? The one featuring the "working class" Italian mafia guy, 50, who escaped from Melrose Park and then went back to the old neighborhood to spend a day with his non-educated working-class buds?
It's a hoot. Especially the part about him recounting a beating in his past by some blacks, with "I had no business being in that neighborhood." He acknowledges his racist past, and is absolved by the good life now. Then there's the black music professor, also from Chicago, who teaches anti-racism along with music in his class.
Really, if you have access, read a few stories in that magazine. It's like, even when they try to be working-class inclusive, they preach. Diversity only goes so far it seems, and you MUST fit into the liberal's "radical" box...
Peter V. Bella's advice is spot on for this. This is a nonsense attack on you. Of course in the witch hunt atmosphere of Madison, Wisconsin now a days, you have to be careful about even the perception of racism.
"See? This is the kind of thing I have to contend with."
Why be a victim? Why accept the responsibility for other people's comments? Why not accept responsibility only for your own?
"See? This is what I have to put up with" is something you don't want to catch yourself saying even to yourself but definitely not to other people, IMO.
makes me think of that old joke:
What's a racist? A conservative winning an argument.
"in the witch hunt atmosphere of Madison, Wisconsin now a days, you have to be careful about even the perception of racism."
Isn't that what helped us get into this cobbled-together mess in the first place?
Don't be afraid. Be bold.
Especially those of us who can afford to face the consequences (ie/shunning). Call it out where you see it.
Argument Ad Hominem is abundant on this blog, as folks shout labels at each other, but racist, usually not, and I agree with Althouse that this open forum is for a good thing. I admit I do find it frustrating, at times, to see what is over-looked-- usually a counter opinion to the view point shaped by Althouse's framing of current issue-- but it is her and Meade's blog and folks, like me can suggest a counter-point.
What?!? Leftwingers are going to paint people who disagree with them as "racists"?
That NEVER happens.
Years ago, I got an account on DemocraticUnderground.com. It's a good site if you want to sample leftist American thinking. I posted a comment on a hot thread about George W. Bush, and it caused a ruckus, because some people there agreed with my comments (roughly, he was not Satan). Hours into the discussion, the site banned me because I had violated a rule: supporting Bush. That was not allowed, so I was shut up.
Of course, I could have gone back. But what would be the point? Echo chambers encapsulate their own antidotes.
Racist is someone who wins an argument with a liberal.
The thing with throwing around insults is pretty soon they lose their sting. I can't imagine what the next iteration will bring.
I'm here for the train wreck aspect of the commenters,
not "to hurt you". You and your brand are def. the face of rabid discontent in the age of Obama.
We thank you for your brave service, master cylinder.
A challenge to our commenters
Ooh, I think I see your problem. It's that "s" at the end.
Will this do?
Who is the audience for this plan?
I'd say themselves.
A doubt is creeping in.
The leadership in the country from Obama/Holder/ACORN/Teacher's Unions and down the trail of the slush fund grants has been aimed at setting up mob actions to empower the fascists at the top.
That comes from their Prophet Chas. Manson's greatest revelation.
"The white Tea Party is the enemy of the black people" is a meme designed to pit white middle class retirees against the courageous Black President.
But it will only work if a racial divide and its automatic guilt response among white voters is recreated before the election.
So I expect to see racially themed stories on the Obama owned networks 24/7.
The guilt by association card is a sign of weakness..
But then it seems like the left doesn't need very much substance to sustain them.. (is that the best they can do indeed)
I think Pogo is onto something.
No, they do not think, not at all. It's a brainstem response, devoid of rational thought or insight.
I come over here and pretend to be someone who is exactly like me. So far I have everybody fooled.
Actually, doesn't this embolden the diarrheic Carol Herman?
First instapundit, now this.
When this show ends, does she get her own spin-off?
1. Think about what you are writing and how it will look to outsiders, 2. Don't feed the troll, 3. Perceive the Moby.
Be aware that the 'leftist' lack a sense of humour or the ability to detect irony.
There already was a spin-off, one Herman Carol. He didn't last one season, though, and apparently got cancelled early.
I have nothing against CH in particular, but regardless of the fact that I'm a Monty Python nerd, stream of consciousness doesn't work for me in a airquote-serious-unairquote discussion. I never did understand the Instapundit cite.
I'm boringly circumspect. :(
I yearn for Cruel Neutrality.
At least now we know that SOMEONE reads Carol Herman comments.
You guys are mean ;-)
I read her comments, mostly. They are a fascinating stream of consciousness that will often make me laugh or sometimes, randomly make some sort of weird sense.
I read them, too, mostly. She gets skipped as often as I do, I imagine.
But picking CH as the racist post is damned weak.
If Carol Herman had to think about what she wrote before writing it.........
Would there be a Carol Herman?
I wonder if 2012 defeat will finally put a chill into this Robespierrite reign of insanity-- I'm thinking of two reigns actually, the one centered in Madison, and the Cult of Diversity on the other, at least as abetted out of Washington, DC.
The Wisconsin progs have taken hard maulings at the polls, but the reality principle hasn't kicked in.
Official Washington, and the MSM, still kow-tow to the Cult of Diversity.
I'm sure *academe*'s cultic tendencies will endure through any crisis whatever.
But it'd be swell for the federal bureaucracy to shed a few Equal Opportunity Office pounds. It'd also be nice to publicly hold populations in the grip of underclass pathologies to some modicum of good bourgeois decency.
There already was a spin-off, one Herman Carol. He didn't last one season, though, and apparently got cancelled early.
I heard that he's going to be a new recurring character on Curb Your Enthusiasm.
Since the rise of the Internet, I'm amazed at the wisdom of my mother, who always told me, "Consider the source".
Pogo said...
They are citing Carol_Herman as a racist?
How can they tell?
Carol is the only person breathing who can be for and against something in the same comment.
I think.
Just stay honest with yourself.
Most people know how to discriminate between lunacy. And, some stuff that is pure fun. (Titus.)
And, with Crack, people get extra things to link to worth seeing.
By the way, take a lessons from Jews. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE LIKED! You just have to be truthful to yourself.
Israel doesn't have to be liked!
But it has to know not to step over the boundaries, say, and go into Lebanon "to help out." Arabs will NEVER say thank you! So, when you find yourself in certain situations just watch your wallet.
You're the teacher.
If people find their ways back here ... they can participate. And, that's good for business.
I had to look that one up. Thank-you, Christopher in MA!
I do occasionally read a cringe-inducing borderline-racist comment here, but Carol Herman's comment wasn't one of them.
She pointed out that now that they're including both boys and girls, this will probably increase the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy. I don't see where race even enters into that.
This just looks like a very, very minor blogger "punching up".
Let me give a shot at the racism stuff. I propose a government backed system where we make miniorities as dependent as possible on the government, build government subsidized ghettos, brainwash minorities into thinking they can't get by without government assistance. They need us for food, health care, educational advancement, etc. You get the picture.
In the mean time, we fly around in jets, ride in limos and live in gated communities while blaming the plight of minorities on people like ourselves, which we somehow also claim not to be.
Additionally, to show our great conern regarding civil rights, we sue a school so that students can wear "I love boobies" bracelets.
Pretty insidiouis racism. Try and beat me.
By the way, take a lessons from Jews. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE LIKED! You just have to be truthful to yourself.
And speaking of unliked Jews, what may Democrats say about all the Orthodox Jews in NY-9 tomorrow?
Who knows; who cares? There is a world full of poo flinging monkeys out there.
I think that famous Texas philosopher Kinky Friedman (who once fronted a band called The Texas Jewboys---if that's not an anti-Semitic statement--but he said it, and he named it) had it best. In his song Wildman of Borneo he writes "They come to see what they want to see, but they never come to know".
It's not quite as succinct as the two word history of the world: "Jesus wept".
But it is an accurate statement of the condition of the partisans on the left--and on the far right.
So diddly squat lefties--y'all can scream "racist, racist, racist" as much as you want--but you can't make it so.
I guess it's my interest in abnormal psychology, but I find Carol Herman's post slightly intriguing. I rarely read them, but she may hold the record for associating the greatest number of disconnected thoughts with a single concept.
Ah, the Kinkster. The man behind two of the greatest songs ever written: "Asshole From El Paso" and "They Ain't Makin' Jews Like Jesus Any More."
My comment did it? When you posted the "solution" to the new charter school, that was going to be composed, at first, only of males ... was to add an equal number of females ... to be in compliance with funding laws
... And, I guess I should have added the scarcasm tag, alert, huh?
Because I asked: "When would the first pregancy occur?"
As if you didn't know why boys and girls were kept in separate classes. Why Harvard was once all male. And, the "sister colleges" held all the females. (And, where women went to school "looking for husbands.")
Yes. There were lots of shotgun marriages back in those days.
I have no idea if this new charter school is going to be successful, or not.
They wouldn't know a Racist...if it BIT them.
When a rattle SNAKE bites you it's important to REMOVE the venom.
I removed the stakes from my tent back in the day....when we CAMPED. It was cramped unlike a new school house...with boys AND girls...which can still be close enough.
Like they said...IF it's shaken don't come knocking.
....a stork visits NINE months later.
Every so often you see an out and out bigoted statement here. My guess is that it is a comment posted by Mr. Riehers under an assumed name.... Unless we see a pointed disavowal of that statement by Mr. Riehers, we should all assume that bigoted statements are his works.....It is very easy to quote Carol Herman out of context. Finding the context: that's the challenge.
I think DADvocate wins the thread there, myself.
Gosh, still no comments over there. The guy ought to at least use a couple of sock puppets. It's kind of sad.
What if the truth is "racist"? For example, that the illegitimacy rate among blacks is much higher than other races, and black teens routinely become pregnant? That's the truth. If it's "racist" to point out the truth, then just maybe it isn't always wrong to be racist.
They must be missing my comments, or they would for sure cite the outward racism inherant in them. I mean, if you question the eligibility of the Usurper then you MUST be racist, right?
Think about what you are writing and how it will look to outsiders
Why would you EVER ask your commenters to do that??
Why would you not instruct them to write honestly, from the heart, and how anyone else 'Perceives" it be damned?!?
More troublesome, to me, is that I have got to be Alhouse has been around long enough to know that these libtards are called that for a reason-
The reason being, no matter what you say, think, or do, they will always choose to twist it into something they consider vile.
Lastly, if anyone here self-sensors themselves because of how it may be perceived by others, you need to ask yourself why you even bother.
Well, I clicked the link, so he got one hit he'd never have gotten any other way. Win for him I guess.
Conserve Liberty said...
After how many years of racial preference in admissions will the damages of historical prejudice against racial minorities be judged compensated?
I believe Justice O'Connor opined that we have about 25 years to go.
You and your brand are def. the face of rabid discontent in the age of Obama.
Pssst - most of the country is discontented right now in the age of Obama.
They win. I can't out racist them.
Carol Herman is my swooner dreamboat lover-girl.
(If a Jew will have a Mormon, that is.)
A. V. Club must be the dullest arts pub on the web or in print. Linking to them is an act of charity.
Btw, has The Onion published anything funny this year? Seems like its writers are suffering from Gregory's Disease; named after the performer who was called a comedian for two decades after he stopped making people laugh.
Uh-oh. That might be racist. My bad.
AA is inherently racialist but not racist.
It's an important difference even if I'm being a pedantic jackass about it.
I think the first step to calling out racists is to actually call them out.
You know, by name....
It's fun to watch people try and defend AA. "Yes, of course the non-racist position is that people with dark skin can't compete." Please, please tell me more, liberals with exquisitely nuanced non-racism...
I love the AV Club and I am really sad to see such sad assholery from them. It could be one of their local franchises -- the B or C team.
It's fun to watch people try and defend AA. "Yes, of course the non-racist position is that people with dark skin can't compete."
That is a pretty weak defense.
Shouting Thomas,
A tough post to respond to Althouse.
You provide a good, useful service with this blog. Thank you.
I will always, always, always stand with that sentiment, no matter how much I can appear to get pissed here and/or by Ann's positions or topics. (Which I think gets blown out of proportion.) Things may get tangled here, but Democracy and free speech ain't pretty. I could use more honesty and even an attempt at fairness - I do think those are sorely lacking here and offline - but, for now, I'm glad for what we've got and salute Ann for providing it. She ain't the most courageous person I know - can even be pretty cowardly and chickenshit depending on the topic - but I still put her over most bloggers when it comes to bravery. Althouse is a definite "good."
I read Carol's comments with wide-eyed wonder, like listening to an especially precocious 5-year old, and do so because, sometimes, I get something useful out of it. (Her disconnected thoughts make me connect things in odd ways I enjoy.) But racism? From Carol? That's a laugh. She and I have been each other's fans, almost, from Day One. Somebody's gonna have to explain how that one works.
There's a subtle racism here - nothing overt, very post-modern, both of the P.C. and anti-black variety - but Carol Herman certainly ain't a purveyor of any of it.
It's funny how, in a society gone mad over race, those least in favor of racism, or willing to play the racial game, regularly get tarred and feathered.
Sixty Grit kept a gun to shoot "blacks." Hardly anybody notices or cares. Carol crosses lines because she doesn't see any, yet she's marked as the racist of the bunch.
Fucking insane.
@ AA if the commenters played it too safe and were boringly circumspect.
You're joking, right? I mean it didn't really cross your mind as a possibility, now, did it?
wv moosic
What Lem listens to a lot.
@ Crack
She and I have been each other's fans, almost, from Day One. Somebody's gonna have to explain how that one works.
(Your brains on drugs? I mean -- like post polio syndrome. Comes back at you years later.)
"Kill Whitey, Kill Whitey, Kill Whitey, Kill Whitey, Kill Whitey, Kill Whitey, Kill Whitey, Kill Whitey."
Hopefully, this is a counter to the racist comments made by the less enlightened.
By the way, this was the chant heard @ County Stadium after the 1982 World Series. I know AlanS will get the reference.
Oh, Crack, I've been your fan, too. And, I actually take "rides" on the links you provide.
Racism, alone, makes for a very dull person, in my book. Look at all the things they'd miss out on! (Including jazz.)
You know, I even like to read Cedarford's stuff. He rants his way. So what? It doesn't stab me. It doesn't kill me. I don't agree with his opinions about Israel. But so what?
As to the remark that start it all ... I can't imagine why it needed a sarcasm tag. You were gonna take kids whose hormones were coming along ... And, then you were giong to mix them, together.
Since the school was starting with 60 males. And, they judged themselves "wrong" to do so ... they decided to add an equal number of girl students.
Now if one of them should happen to get sick ...?
You know, I never did hear of a school that set priorities on the number of boys it would accept. I'd bet even in the old days ... when Harvard was all male ... They were more like an accordion, than anything. Some years more students were accepted than others.
Here? When something went "wrong" with the planning ... instead of inviting in "some females" ... the decision was to go whole hog. As if all they're going to be teaching is dancing. And, everyone needed a partner.
Now, can pregnancies occur when girls begin to menstruate? Wouldn't that provide you with your first clue, so that you could say "maybe?" Girls as young as 10 can start.
Comments will be reduced to being extremely literal and pedestrian if written to be idiot proof. Seeing race in Carol's post just underscores the degree of race colored glasses some wear.
Off topic. But on menstruation. (I got my "last" among all my friends.) But I had a friend who was as skinny as me, who mom didn't tell her anything. Who went to the beauty parlor to get her hair done.
And, she went to the bathroom. And, came out screaming ... because she was bleeding.
Of course, the women laughed.
But my friend had NO IDEA!
I wonder for how many women this would have been the truth?
I left out that my friend was only 10.
Carol Herman would make a great character on Curb Your Enthusiasm. Too bad Larry David doesn't read Althouse (or Instapundit).
Sixty Grit kept a gun to shoot "blacks." Hardly anybody notices or cares. Carol crosses lines because she doesn't see any, yet she's marked as the racist of the bunch.
Fucking insane.
Carol Herman statementsj (at least the ones linked to here) were not racist. Not in the least. Is she insane? Well of course she is, which is apparent when you read her stuff.
As for Sixty Grit, I do not know what is in his heart of hearts. But he seems to have an issue with blacks in North Carolina. Whether that is crime related or race related, he seems to have linked the two.
Most people aren't that defensive about their spelling. When you want to shoot them because of their skin color they understandably take it a little personal.
Not saying I know anything about the people spoken about in particular.
If misspelling were a capital offense, they would be hanging me several times a day.
Carol Herman has this thing about girls not knowing about menstration. Carrie aside Carol, most girls have the back up of the health film they show them.
I resented as a nine year old that we boys did not get a "special film." I had to teach myself with some Penthouses I found in a idled bulldozer under the seat.
How about give you a test on prop209 for starters,AA. The problems at U WI--if they are problems-- are not AA--your typical faulty generalization (and defending klansmen over rationalists and tweekers as a whole -how typical) .Trolls? That would be yr site as a whole.
TY: I prefer to follow the example of one of my personal heroes Augusto Pinochet. They need to be disappeared. Just sayn'
Bookmarked, macho-man perp, along with your vicious smears of Ms Herman--whether I agree wit' her is beside the point. And yr comments with your new racist-mormon boyfriend from Sac. You know who . Hoss Mysterioso with countless s-names
So you're a lefty who doesn't like Althouse? Just post a racist comment. Then turn around call HER a racist.
Mission accomplished.
Look, we can't control who posts here nor do we know their true motivation. People need to grow up - Stop being so hypersensitive and empowering the smear merchants.
Pol Pot HATED racism, and George Washington owned slaves. So, to many Americans - Pol Pot > George Washington.
I also enjoy Carol_Herman comments. At least partly because, for many months, I was convinced that Carol_Herman was actually an artificial intelligence bot that was being tested out on this blog. It's an intriguing thought, isn't it: Does Carol_Herman pass the Turing Test?
I discovered Carol Herman long before I discovered Althouse. She's never been racist. She's never been precise. She's never been someone you read past paragraph four.
"Think about what you are writing and how it will look to outsiders"
Your blog is more coprological than probably 99.99% of the net. That doesn't bother you, but this does?
C'mon, you're not actually asking people to pretend to have more "acceptable" views than they really do, are you?
...but I like Carol and think she's a nice lady. So lay off.
At a certain point the person who runs a blog has a responsiblity to the people who post there. At a certain point a commenter goes over the line of personal attacks, threats and anti-semitism. At a certain point a blogger has to stop being lazy and has to delete that person from the blog.
We have reached that point.
I see that you have done this with Mary on another thread. Please note that you have a new one that is just as bad. I don't think you are paying attention. You should. It's bad and is going to get worse.
Take my word for it. Cut it out before the cancer grows. Just sayn'
I'll admit, my reason for visiting more often than not is to see just how low the commenters can get given the subject matter. I'm rarely disappointed. It's the old like-a-car-wreck thing.
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