२६ ऑगस्ट, २०११

"Where does David Prosser go to get his reputation back?"

Asks David Blaska.
There are some people who need to apologize to Mr. Justice David Prosser now that he has been cleared and soon. They took a shallowly researched and preposterous allegation -- that Prosser held fellow justice Ann Walsh Bradley in a chokehold -- and ran to the guillotine with it.
Yes, let's look back on the public demonstrations. Let's remember that protesters had a big ugly balloon effigy of Justice Prosser, which they tied by the neck to a lamppost. Look at their signs. Let's remember how these protesters strung together "allegations about Justice Prosser choking Justice Bradley [with] much more general issues about abortion and violence against women." As I said at the time:
I heard no acknowledgements of the uncertainties about what we know about what happened and no sensitivity about fairness and due process. I heard: 1. declarations about the importance of women's issues and 2. a demonization of Justice Prosser.
This is the level of left-wing activism we witnessed here in Madison. A justice is despised because his decisions do not please liberals, and so, without thought, they forgot about things liberals like to love themselves for caring about, such as fairness and due process. These are the same people who have been chanting the chant "shame, shame, shame" for months up at the Capitol.

How are they not oppressed by their own shame? Seriously, for the purposes of writing the previous paragraph, I channeled the feeling of shame that I would feel if I had done that, and now I am literally nauseated. If I had said what the people in the video at the last link said, I would be weeping now and begging forgiveness. But I am not them, so I will simply ask that they stage a rally in support of Justice Prosser and they publicly retract their earlier statements and commit themselves to the core principles of liberalism: fairness and due process.

Blaska demands apologies from people who should be "ashamed of their lynch mob mentality." He names the "practitioners of the dark arts of 'by any means necessary.'" Check out his list (which unfortunately includes the name of a UW law student). I'll highlight this:
Ms. Emily Mills owes an apology for blogging that UW law professor and bloggress Ann Althouse "has gone to great and terrible lengths to excuse the alleged behavior, attack the credibility of only the anonymous sources with whom she disagrees, suggest that no arrests (yet) mean no wrongdoing, impugn the honor of Justice Bradley, and cast doubt on the very justice system of this state." Looks like it is the other way around, Ms. Emily.
(Here's my contemporaneous pushback of Mills.)  Blaska ends his column with a request for more names. I have one: Bill Wineke. Like Mills, he owes me an apology.

ADDED: My analysis of the investigative report that was released today is in the previous post.

२२५ टिप्पण्या:

«सर्वात जुने   ‹थोडे जुने   225 पैकी 201 – 225
Sal म्हणाले...

The most powerful man at the most powerful company is a fag.

Titus, how is the fact that the new CEO of Apple is a butt pirate affect the company? Will there be a lavender iPhone coming out soon?

Carol_Herman म्हणाले...

Back on topic, I think Justice Prosser KEEPS his reputation! Becaues he's got a dozen years on the Wisconsin Supreme Court ... where anyone who wants to can read what he's written.

What went on for the election which he won, was done to knock him off as a candidate. DIDN'T!

And, I don't think either side "owns" all the people in the middle. Who always hope for the best. And, grit their teeth when they go to vote.

The media did not destroy Justice Prosser! It's a good lesson to underscore ... because there will be other targets, ahead.

mariner म्हणाले...

Liberal means never having to say you're sorry.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

I loved Vera Farmiga in Down to the Bone (2004)

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

The close relationships here are the iceberg part that is submerged.

It is becoming apparent that Prosser still has a close bond with Abrahamson, whom he originally supported passionately.

That makes Bradley the one who is jealous of Prosser's close relationship with her.

When Prosser exercised a criticism claim over Abrahamson as if he had a right to correct her in their relationship, that made Bradley jealous and set her off to shut up her rival for Abrahamson's affections.

That also explains why it is Bradley and not Abrahamson who has been trying to ruin Prosser with "Choke Hold" accusations.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

"Will this impact you from buying Apple products."

Depends: top or bottom?

WV: "brand"

That's not just some software algorithm. Some mischievous SOB is doing that.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

"The one time in memory CMC didn't link-whore....

That means he's serious. Probably typing with one hand and swinging nunchucks with the other.

It would be cool if this whole blog thing just suddenly became real life - face to face. Everybody in the same room, and as you hit "publish" you suddenly appear in the room exactly as you are. Just imagine what we would learn about each other. Boxers or briefs?

Milwaukee म्हणाले...

....or serves as Governor of Arkansas or President of the United States provided he gives lip service to feminist causes.

I thought that champion of women's rights gave cigar service to women, not lip service. Sorry for being so blunt, but leftist men and women really don't seem to like each other. They seem intent on using the other gender.

Sal म्हणाले...

That means he's serious. Probably typing with one hand and swinging nunchucks with the other.

He's whining that Althouse voted for Obama (tiresomely again) and that she's some sort of political imposter - a heretic. And all the while he's swinging numchucks. Yeah, I can picture that. Not.

Milwaukee म्हणाले...

The bottom line is that those on the Right start with that whole "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." biz. The sentence before that was When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

See these people believe that we have a Creator and there are Natural Laws. While we have been given rights by our Creator there are obligations as well: be good and do well. There isn't any reason all of us can't abide by the Honor Code of the service academies: we won't lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do. I don't lie because I simply won't tolerate that. I take care not to besmirch the character of others. The Left, on the other hand, has freed themselves from any moral obligation. This questions, "Where does David Prosser go to get his reputation back?" has two responses. He either does nothing, or he pursues legal avenues and sees to it that Bradley is disbarred, incarcerated and loses her pension. I hope he takes that latter choice.

wv: vitich

Titus म्हणाले...

I loved the movie Orphan.

And her character in Up In The Air. Something about a strong woman, fucking a man, and dissing him, got me horny.

Milwaukee म्हणाले...

As a youth, Prosser probably did read Kipling, and knows these lines:
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise;

He should also know about the The Truce of the Bear. The Left will beg and demand mercy and deserves it not.

Milwaukee म्हणाले...

When I was in college, one of my girlfriends broke up with me. Among the reasons she cited was that I was fond of Kipling. After all Kipling was a White supremest, Imperialist chauvinist. Indeed, he was a man. He also wrote "Soldier an' Sailor Too."

ErisGuy म्हणाले...

"hey forgot about things liberals like to love themselves for caring about, such as fairness and due process."

I apparently don't live in the same universe you do. 'Liberal' has since the 1930s been another name for 'Communist,' people who lie without shame and support mass murder (e.g., liberal Lillian Hellman); which was 're-branded' to 'Progressive,' but the ideology and people haven't changed. A new name won't suddenly make these people ashamed of their deeply-held, core beliefs in evil.

The Crack Emcee म्हणाले...

Two things:

1) Links are why there is an internet, you doofuses. To say anyone link-whore's is stupid. And, if finding a link bothers you, I've got an easy answer for your all-too-simple minds:

Don't click it, dummy.

2) MarkG, if I'm so full of shit, don't just say it - produce the evidence, genius. Show me where Ann Althouse showed serious remorse or regret for her comments or actions. I've done so on this blog, which has definitely left me vulnerable to criticism, but such is the price of being human. The rest of you cowardly hide behind your pseudonyms (and pictures of dogs) throwing bombs from a safe distance, which Ann at least doesn't engage in, thank goodness. But I've never seen her admit anyone's fault but someone else's and I'm not going to take her word that she would, when judging someone else, after all this time. Honesty requires practice and Ann - a NewAger - doesn't engage in that. She's more into being provacative and subversion, both favorites of hippies and gays, neither attractive to a world already trying to recover from what they've produced.

So - evidence, MarkG - or else it is YOU who are not only full of shit but yet another cowardly online attacker, just talking shit while full of it.

Oh, and one more thing:

Voting for Obama - not just for Ann but for anyone who did so - was a statement about intelligence and intent. Intelligence - you either have it or you don't. Ann is clever, which is NOT the same thing. She was dumb enough to fall for this shit, which was an obvious scam, so, as far as I'm concerned, it's practically all anyone needs to know about whether or not she thinks in a respectable manner. (The same thing goes for Reynolds and quackery - you can only fall for the shit so many times, before it becomes clear you've got an issue.)

Intent - the whole Obama campaign was a diss to the ideals that make this country great. It's like Ann disliking Norman Rockwell, who was capable of doing anything the radical painters were, but chose not to - she's just being as pretentious as Obama was. They were going to radically transform the country? Says who? And who said the country needed THEIR radical transformation, seeing how they started from a bad place that didn't "get" this country to begin with? So their intent was malevolent, and deserved to not only fail but to be dissed with all the energy we possess.

They tried to snooker us, and that ain't nothing nice.

Roger J. म्हणाले...

rather a vituperative thread--almost like getting back to usenet flame wars--

Francisco D म्हणाले...

Mamacita J,

Quayle beat me to it. My first instincts were that the Koch brothers paid off all the key players so that Prosser would be exonerated and then lead a movement to bring fascism to the US.

Wait a minute! Isn't that what your side is doing? Make that "has been doing".

Joe Schmoe म्हणाले...

The most powerful man at the most powerful company is a fag.

Dick Cheney of Halliburton is a cigarette?!?

roesch-voltaire म्हणाले...

Prosser admits that he fingers were around her neck, but can not recall where his thumbs were-- ironic yes? And he recalls feeling the warmth of her neck-- must have left quit an impression. Just remember conservatives never apologize, they just "shout" more.

sorepaw म्हणाले...

I feel no need to apologize for those who stirred the political pot of Prosser as in part because I think they were right to point how political our court is, and how juvenile its members are.

In other words, R-V is proud to lie, so long as it is in what he regards as a good cause.

Michael J. Mathias म्हणाले...

Goodness. Does anyone have a count as to how many times Lady Althouse has demanded apologies over the years? She has to have the thinnest skin of any blogger out there. As a Wisconsin resident and someone who's watched Prosser and Althouse dishing it out over the years, they have plenty to apologize for themselves.

Skipper50 म्हणाले...

"core principles of liberalism: fairness and due process" are just slogans used for other political purposes and to masquerade the true statist goals.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Professor Althouse,

I lurk, and I often disagree with you, but I thank you, and want to express my admiration and appreciation at the time you took to put your analysis together.

I would ask you to take it to the next level, that is, to Think Progress and Salon and the other elements of the media that blindly reported their foregone conclusions.

Syte म्हणाले...

Thank you Ann Althouse, thank you David Blaska.

Justice Prosser's name will be restored when people like you continue to make sure the REAL story gets out.
Shame on the rest of Madison's media who have misrepresented the story all along.
The REAL story is about radical liberal tactics reaching even the Supreme Court, and Wisconsin's 2010 people's vote winning despite these shameful tactics.

I add my humble efforts to restoring Justice Prosser's honorable name:

Unknown म्हणाले...

Pretty good post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts. Any way I’ll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon. reputation repair

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