[Rick Perry has] visited Israel on many more occasions than Obama, who’s been there exactly zero times as president. If I were Obama I wouldn’t go either. His favorability rating in Israel once clocked in at 4 percent. Say what you will about the Israelis, but they are not slow out of the chute. They know who their friends are. On the topic of the Holy Land, there remains the little matter of God. God talks to televangelists, football coaches, and people in mental hospitals. Why shouldn’t he talk to Rick Perry? In the spirit of Joseph Heller, I have a covenant with God. I leave him alone and he leaves me alone. If, however, I have a big problem, I ask God for the answer. He tells Rick Perry. And Rick tells me.(Via Instapundit.)
What's the Joseph Heller quote he's channeling?
1. "'And don't tell me God works in mysterious ways,' Yossarian continued, hurtling on over her objection. 'There's nothing so mysterious about it. He's not working at all. He's playing. Or else, He's forgotten all about us. That's the kind of God you people talk about - a country bumpkin, a clumsy, bungling, brainless, conceited, uncouth hayseed. Good God, how much reverence can you have for a supreme being who finds it necessary to include such phenomena as phlegm and tooth decay in His divine system of creation? What in the world was running through that warped, evil, scatological mind of His when he robbed old people of their power to control their bowel movements? Why in the world did He ever create pain?'"
2. "God does have this self-serving habit of putting all blame for His own mistakes on other people, doesn't He? He picks someone arbitrarily, unbidden, right out of the blue so to speak, and levies upon them tasks of monumental difficulty for which we don't always measure up in every particular, then charges US for HIS error in selecting imperfectly. He tends to forget that we are no more infallible than He is."
3. "Now THERE'S a hollow state to be in, isn't it — to believe in God and get no sign that He's there."
Help me out here.
Or maybe this is a better place to look.
१०८ टिप्पण्या:
Coincidence: I'm currently listening to the Catch-22 audio book.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
IS it a “coincidence”, alternatively, “Coincidence or not? You decide.”
Why in the world did He ever create pain?
Thank God for pain or you'd never know anything was wrong. It's a signal, something you'd think a writer would get.
God, the Lefties do whine.
And I never heard The Duke say an unkind word about Israel, either.
Texas is a hard and flat land with some hills and a coastline.
Texas was flat taken by Scots-Irish hard fighting men from its earlier owners, who conquered the Army that was sent out to exterminate their trespassing.
Texas is a Baptist place. It doesn't have to cling to guns and religion...it is a people who carry guns and freely express religion all of the time without having to cling to what is natural.
Texas is envied and resented by the East Coast Aristocrats like Israel is by European Aristocrats.
So a Texan viscerally understands why Israel stands its ground against Arabs, Europeans and Obama's tricks.
Never again!/Remember the Alamo!
Israel stands alone.
And, she's been smart enough that she's been standing since Truman's days. And, often on her own. So she had to develop diplomatic smarts.
Diplomatic smarts is a magician's art. You use deflection.
And, when you get real serious about an adversary, you use the Mossad.
At Lillihammer, in Norway. The bad guys won one. But learning from this experience, cast your eyes upon Dubai. Did you see the graduation ceremony?
Did you see how nuts a department with 50 agents in it ... all at once ... could drive the rest of the world crazy?
STUXNET has also put a stop to a lot of nonsense.
But over in Libya we seem to also see Kaddafi standing up to all of NATO. And, all of US. What do they use? Their own civilians. Who don't run away.
Civilians didn't run away in Vietnam, either.
Will we ever learn? Will we ever learn?
OVER TIME. This shows up in Feynman's example of how you'd measure quantum minutia.
It doesn't mean your lifetime.
It doesn't even mean a family's charted time line ... if they can go back to the First John Churchill.
It means a very long distance. Not run by a clock.
Sometimes, it means you can feel you got an escape from something terrible ... by "chance." Or "luck."
Good and bad, it goes sight unseen.
While for some reason (probably lots of cash), Teddy Kennedy got an awesome religious funeral. I bet Rose paid for it in advance.
But does it all amount to a hill of beans?
"Coincidence: I'm currently listening to the Catch-22 audio book."
It's evidence of the existence of God.
Ann I don't know why you waste your time on Heller--there's not much there.
But you missed the best line of the Kinkster's essay: "Obamaa's done for the economy what pantyhose did for foreplay."
Friedman is (sometimes) a perceptive philosopher. One of the great lines in all rock 'n roll shows up in Friedman's "Wild Man of Borneo" about an ape in the zoo. He writes of those who visit the zoo, "They come to see what they came to see, but they never come to know."
That certainly describes today's political situation--with partisans on both sides listening to their particular echo chambers, and never gaining wisdom.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
As a continuing public service to free up the Small Pathetic Voice’s time to work on its blog, allow Garage and Alpha chance to use their 15 minute breaks at the restaurant for something besides Althouse, just let me submit:
• Palestinian Holocaust
• Apartheid
• Genocide
• Right of Return
• Zionism is Racism
And for Cedarford, “Israel is full of Jooos! In case you didn’t know and Juice have too much power!”
One look and I knew Obama was the enemy, my enemy. Some of us can't afford the pose of cruel neutrality.
The media tug of war to define Perry's image is in full swing. This piece is unusally favorable to Perry at Obama's expense: Rick Perry, strong and friend of Israel; Obama, not so much on either score. The Heller quote puts a fancy, literary spin on Perry's religiosity, making it marginally safer and less scary for non-believing Perry-skeptics -- you know, those who read the book, maybe even deconstructed it, rather than just saw the movie between beer commercials.
Given the lefty tilt of the media, the media tug of war essentially meatns that Perry is in for Palin-like treatment. Nothing new there. What is interesting is that the chosen meme is to paint Perry as the anti-Obama, just as this piece does. Unlike this piece, the standard media portrait offers contrasts like "Obama, smart; Perry, dumb"; "Obama, adult compromiser; Perry, wild bomb-thrower", etc.
That only works if people buy into the characteristics attributed to the "Obama" side of the comparison. That's where the lefty media narrative is really falling apart. Part of Obama's weakness is that we still don't have a firm handle on him -- is he the crafty Alinskite lefty of Stanley Kurtz' portrayal, or the indecisive dodo that Glenn Reynolds sees; a brilliant orator and policy wonk or a guy who rose to the top using his race and glibness, etc.
The media effort to define Perry as the anti-Obama keeps looping back to the emptiness at the other end of the comparison.
Kinky Friedman is quite entertaining, but I'm always left wondering whether or not Alice Cooper's words about the folly of taking political cues for entertainers apply or not.
"But you missed the best line of the Kinkster's essay: "Obamaa's done for the economy what pantyhose did for foreplay.""
I didn't miss it. I considered it and bypassed it. It's a pretty old-fashioned joke. I mean... Erma Bombeck specialized in pantyhose jokes. And do we really want the President fucking the economy? The analogy is off.
Obama is the Lemrick Nelson of the Democratic Party. He's just waiting for the right moment to stick the shiv in.
The Israeli's get this.
They are not fooled.
Well, I suppose the fucker is private enterprise and the President is more in the role of the pantyhose...
It's not like the are some naive broad who voted for him because of guilt.
Hey! Trooper York slipped right in there.
And do we really want the President fucking the economy?
Well, a lot of folks are bent over and sore.
I do not mind if you have a candidate that says from their Faith that they must support what Israel wants (Palin, Lieberman, Perry)...or Rep Ellison (What the Ummah wants is very, very important to him).
Just justify your support of a foreign country to voters.
We have also had powerful connected Greeks/Armenians that "tipped" our relations against Turkey in the 70s-90s...and ethnic Cubans in power in America playing exile politics. We have politicians in the pocket of the China lobby as well as AIPAC. Black Caucus members that say we should give "The Brothers" in Africa and Haiti almost everything they request.
Bill Richardson had a Mexican flag in his New Mexico governors office until he removed it after protest. Palin had her twin US, Israel flags on her governors desk.
My personal opinion is no US politician should have loyalty to anything but the American people.
If Perry says his religious faith requires him to support Israel it is a fair question to ask very detailed questions of him, as were asked of JFK and the Pope...
"What sort of support, under what circumstances, Rick? Will you ask Jesus in prayer yeah or nay, after an Israeli request? Or go on what their government says? What if your faith says support Israel and it is against the US national interest to do their bidding, or it puts US lives and treasure on the line for something that benefits Israel more than America, Rick?"
Ann Althouse said...
Hey! Trooper York slipped right in there.
Hey. Don't say that. I don't want Meade to get mad at me. Just sayn'
A Texan was bragging to an Israeli about his ranch: "I get in my truck at the crack of dawn, and start driving, and when the sun goes down, I"m still on my land!"
The Israeli responded: "I had a truck like that once, but I sold it."
(I heard that joke decades ago. Hope this doesn't derail this comment thread.)
I mean if you have John Wayne and Jews in the title you know that Cedarford and I have to comment.
Of course when the Duke wore a star it was because he was a lawman.
When Cedarford's pals had you wear a star it had a different meaning entirely.
Is Ariel Sharon dead yet?
John Wayne was a Nixonian-Kissinger man, and BushCo and now Perry following in that ignoble tradition. Kinky too, apparently.
Re the sky-daddy JHVH, why He thought so much of the chosen people that He allowed 6 million or so to be liquidated--
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Re the sky-daddy JHVH, why He thought so much of the chosen people that He allowed 6 million or so to be liquidated
Shall we make this into a discussion of Free Will and Moral Responsibility, SPV? Yhwh ALLOWED, and Himmler and Heydrich and Demjanjuk were what, chopped liver?
Guilt trips are expensive.
I think Texas has a big problem and maybe the draught that G..d has sent upon them is some kind of message?
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
I think Texas has a big problem and maybe the draught that G..d has sent upon them is some kind of message
Yes but what vote Obama or to hurry up with low cost desalinization processes? Yhwh can be a bit OPAQUE in His Messages?
First you need to google like Theology 101 Joejoe Nixonberg, and "omnipotence". Maybe one of the Tweekhousers might help ya out.
Even positing "free will" doesn't help matters. Were a God to exist God knows what his creatures will do anyway or he's not G*d--so He by definition would have set the parameters for Himmler, Hitler, Stalin, Bush family, Diane Feinswine, etc. Indeed omni-whatever actually would increase His guilt, and makes monotheism--ie the code of Abraham-- seem all the more unlikely (--people can believe what they want but should never mistake their faith for some rational system)).
Farmers in Wisconsin are pushing for an Oil for Food program to keep the Texans from starving.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
SPV, try The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius….
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Oil for Food program to keep the Texans from starving
I would be glad to administer such a program, for a small consideration…..
roesch-voltaire said...
I think Texas has a big problem and maybe the draught that G..d has sent upon them is some kind of message?
Really Roachy?
So how did the Big Guy feel about NOLA when he sent Katrina?
Or was that the super secret weather machine that W had in the White House basement?
"Now THERE'S a hollow state to be in, isn't it — to believe in God and get no sign that He's there."
Isn't this basically a tenet of deism?
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Now THERE'S a hollow state to be in, isn't it — to believe in God and get no sign that He's there
He sends SIGNS all the time, but we question them, ignore them, or say, “What an odd coincidence.” After all Theistic Certainty is a matter of BELIEF, not PROOF…
No, Little Joe--this is the 21st century. Not 10th. Re God-talk try Bertrand Russell for starters. Or Dostoyevsky and Nietzsche for that matter, since BR's cool disputation would prove too much for you.
Amazing. Kinky was hating on Perry when he ran against him for governor. Now he likes him? Wow, I didn't think Kinky would make a good governor, but I at least thought he had some modicum of integrity. Now we see he doesn't or didn't.
There's nothing wrong with reading joseph Heller, particularly in regard to Catch-22. Find an equally funny/original novel on any Publisher's list today.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
No, Little Joe--this is the 21st century. Not 10th. Re God-talk try Bertrand Russell for starters. Or Dostoyevsky and Nietzsche
So you’re going to reference late 19th C. and early 20th C. philosophers? BTW, SPV, the TRUTH is the Truth, no matter whether written by Moses ben-Maimon, Erasmus, or Niebuhr….That would be the same Bertrand Russell of the Swedish War Crimes Tribunal, right? Odd you, the devout Anti-Socialist would use him, don’t you think?
Thank God for pain or you'd never know anything was wrong. It's a signal, something you'd think a writer would get.
"Pain?" Lieutenant Scheisskopf's wife pounced upon the word victoriously. "Pain is a useful symptom. Pain is a warning to us of bodily dangers."
"And who created the dangers?" Yossarian demanded ... "Why couldn't He have used a doorbell instead to notify us?"
There is more there about how any jukebox manufacturer worth his salt could have rigged up some lights as well, but you get the point.
wrong again, Little JoeJoe-- I oppose Stalinism and may not agree with all of Russell's political views (Russell was a democratic socialist--or anarchistic at times--not marxist). But that's a separate issue from his discussion of religion--we may not agree with him on that either (Russell was mostly Humean in that regard) but he was an authentic intellectual not another bullshit artiste, like you and the Smurfhouse gang.
And we're supposed to listen to him because......?
Vicki Fro, Pasadena
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
but he was an authentic intellectual
By which you mean to say, He agrees with YOU…Theistic Certainty is a matter of BELIEF, not PROOF…I’d stack Augustine, or Aquinas against Russell any day, for intellectual firepower, but the results would STILL inconclusive, one either BELIEVES in Yhwh or one does NOT…Reason nor Science can advance that debate not one bit, not strictly true as it relates to validity and consistency, but substantively they contribute not a whit.
Would you care to summarize the IRREFUTABLE “logic” by which Russell vanquishes Yhwh?
Your usual sophistries, Leetle Joechek. For one, Russell correctly points out that the burden of proof (re proving G*d exists) lies with theists. They make the extraordinary claims. Now, even Russell would grant the old theological arguments (ie, First cause, Thomistic, Design) are not merely bullshit--but they are not necessarily true or axiomatic-- as Kant realized as well. They are inductive actually (based on the old outdated physics, really--some Being must have set the domino chain into motion! yeah maybe. maybe not). Do you even know what they are? The dogma of the Old Testament has nothing to do with the Thomistic type of syllogistic-reasoning, or pseudo-reasoning. No proofs are attached to the Decalogue, JoeJoe Nixonberg.
Now, read that a few times slowly. A bit beyond Hellers neo-con talent night schtick.
traditionalguy said...
Texas is a hard and flat land with some hills and a coastline.
Texas was flat taken by Scots-Irish hard fighting men from its earlier owners, who conquered the Army that was sent out to exterminate their trespassing.
I seem to remember some Germans, French, and real Irish had a hand in things, too.
Not to mention people with surnames like Seguin.
Texas is a Baptist place. It doesn't have to cling to guns and religion...it is a people who carry guns and freely express religion all of the time without having to cling to what is natural.
Again, a lot of Catholics might quibble.
PS So J is a fan of Bertrand Russell.
The clay is certainly mad at the Potter today.
And what's more we do not live forever.
When will God fix that?
Waiting is especially wrong when we only get to live 80 or so of the 5 billion years that went before us and may go on after us.
Atheist's motto is, "I demand a new deal, or I will kill the hostages."
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Russell correctly points out that the burden of proof (re proving G*d exists) lies with theists
You and Bertrand seem to have a FUNDAMENTAL flaw, you “assume” that Yhwh can be “proven.” I doubt Bertrand made the mistake, if that was his position it was merely a trap for the unwary “Theist.” Again one BELIEVES Yhwh exists or one believes He does NOT….there is no “proving it”. There are better or worse arguments, and there reason, validity, evidence come to hand, but fundamentally you and Bertrand are of the Church of Atheism, and I am not…and we have arrived at our “faith” via a path of discernment and BELIEF…we are Theistically certain, you that Yhwh does NOT exist, and I that He DOES. But rationality does not enter into it, or we would both be AGNOSTICS, expressing an inability to know that truth, via human reason.
Please continue to flatter your ego that you and the intellectuals know something that the lesser beings don’t….
I like that endorsement a lot, it speaks to me.
Edutcher...You are correct, the Catholics, Mexicans and Germans are other settlers that made Texas into what it is today, but the founders carved out a territory on their own and then were able to invite the other settlers in.
Mexico was Spain's and later France's colony until Austin, Houston, Crockett and many more conquered the Texas lands from them and then defended it from re-conquest.
I think Texas has a big problem and maybe the draught that G..d has sent upon them is some kind of message?
Who knew that Bob Jones University had a world-class environmental engineering program?
RV said: "maybe the draught that G..d has sent ..."
God sent beer to Texas? They must be doing something right!
Althouse -- This Heller stuff is the Book of Job. It's all there. It's all been said before.
Heller makes a nice answer to God's answer to Job, though.
By the way, anybody interested, after reading Job, there's a real nice book of essays out there called The Dimensions of Job by Glazer that really pulls together multiple viewpoints well.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
yet many judeo-christian denominations insist otherwise
I haven’t met them, then…I have read Professions of FAITH, not Proofs of Yhwh’s Existence.
You and Bertrand seem to have a FUNDAMENTAL flaw, you “assume” that Yhwh can be “proven.”
Non sequitur, once again, JoeJoe. Russell was arguing that the existence of JHVH can't be proven--yet many judeo-christian denominations insist otherwise (including the RCC)--and should we believe in something that can't be proven?? BR says no (not sure I even agree---but that's a bit much for you Joey Nixonchek). And you, Joe Joe, represent the dogmatist-fundamentalist position--ie "bonehead". Believe, regardless. Because you were told to.
Russell might offend biblethumpers or torah thumpers but his thinking on religious matters was similar to Jefferson and Madison in that regard (and all the leading Founders--say Alex Ham.--no churchie either)--they were rationalists, not zealots..
Tex Perry, had he any spine, might refer to Jefferson and the US-Con. rather than his pals in BushCo, or Nixonians, or Kinky for that matter .
Then, logic is not good for bidness.
Incidentally, I see J. has found his way here.
You know, J.: a lot of Jewish people believe in God. Also, many Jews are highly successful in many areas. What are your thoughts on that?
Meltdown in 3, 2, 1...
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
judeo-christian denominations insist otherwise (including the RCC)--and should we believe in something that can't be proven
No the Roman Catholic Church does NOT think Yhwh can be “proven.” Further, why ought we believe in NO Yhwh, UNLESS it can be “proven?” If you’re going to demand evidence, proof and proof in order to justify one set of beliefs, why not your side?
Trooper I was implying that trying to determine G..d's intention, as many claim to be able to do,is rather tricky as Heller points out. Why would G..d decide to cure one of cancer and let another die--etc, why would he let the Packers win and the Jets lose? No matter what, nature runs it course and we die either by accident or old age and disease--period.
That as may be Roachy but you have to apply it evenhandedly no?
I think the drought in Texas has the same relationship to Governor Perry as Katrina had to President Bush as the recent earthquake had to the vacationing Jug Eared Jesus.
Not a thing.
To imply otherwise is just silly.
Roesch -- Half the Bible is about your question. You know that, right?
Shouldn't you be out scouting the bursar to see which coeds have the biggest breasts?
You the early bird gets the quirm.
Just sayn'
So what, nachos-joto. That has nothing to do with my comments. Metldown is the velveeeta on yr nachos.
The dogma of the OT has been falsified. It's wrong--and primitive, anecdotal, sexist, racist, hypocritical etc. The New T. is not written in stone either. But one might agree with JC's ethics...treat fellow citizens with respect... without believing people should be killed for eating shellfish, or adultery (per the bozo-code of Leviticus).
Even from a ..religious perspective..Dios . assuming HE exists for a few nanoseconds...probably has more respect for Jeffersonians or the rascally Russell (who respected the greeks, at least) than He does for religious blowhards like Hagee, or Robertson, Falwell, mormon liars, or orthodox jews.
That's why purgatory exists, jotos.
Se lah.
Jewish people are everywhere, believing in God.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Jewish people are everywhere, believing in God
And I believe that Cedarford and “J” view that as a BUG, not a feature……
Seven Machos said...
Jewish people are everywhere, believing in God.
Don't tell Cedarford. He will have a heart attack.
Hey I always wanted to ask.
Does a Cryto Jew always talk in code?
traditionalguy said...
Edutcher...You are correct, the Catholics, Mexicans and Germans are other settlers that made Texas into what it is today, but the founders carved out a territory on their own and then were able to invite the other settlers in.
Mexico was Spain's and later France's colony until Austin, Houston, Crockett and many more conquered the Texas lands from them and then defended it from re-conquest.
Not saying you're wrong, tg, you just left out a couple of salient details.
My goal at this point is simply to get J. unhinged. Let's do the Roger Rabbit trick:
Shave and a haircut...
Jew are successful...
He won't be able to contain himself.
I do know that Winona Ryder (Horowitz) is a Klepto Jew.
But I think that means something else entirely. Just sayn'
Oh sorry I forgot the P in Crypto.
Does that stand for Progressive?
On the Heller connection: I wonder if it is this -
You can't count very well either can you nachos. The number of jewish people in USA is probably 2-3% of population. How many in Texass? Probably less %-wise.
Tex Perry made an appeal to a very small segment of the pop., and their man "Kinky"--most likely pissing off the other 98%, whether hispanics, whitey, or blacks. Not very bright, tactically speaking (tho' one might speculate on Perry's real motivations--cue Cedarford, and the Z-word).
Holy cow J. You and Cedarford are working as a tag team now?
I have seen one like this since the Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff!
But how is is that those Jews are so successful, J.? And doesn't it bother you a little?
First, can we quit with the "Scot-Irish" nonsense? Houston, Crockett (et al) thought of themselves as Americans of proud English or "Anglo-saxon" descent.
The 'Scot-Irish' nonsense only began when it stopped being "cool" to be English - aka sometime after WW II.
Second, loved reading Catch-22, hated listening to it. Heller uses a lot of repetition, OK on the page but torture on audio.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Does a Cryto Jew always talk in code
We do, but don’t tell C4, it makes him paranoid. I mean I have enclosed several messages to the cabal in this thread alone.
Nope, TY.
I've pointed out a few times that I disagree with his ...innate anti-sem. or anything suggesting a nazi sympathy (tho' ah haven't noted a Heil Hitler from Herr C.). So, that's BS.
. However there are ...zionist rackets. Like there are WASP rackets, or italian, or russian, asian or blacks, etc. Hating Al Capone and La Cosa nostra doesn't imply hating italians, does it. Same wit' jews
The penquin screams at night.
The rooster walks alone.
The monkey and the snowman make love in the shadows.
Bert and Ernie like salami.
A pinched loaf is not enough for dinnner unless you are a centipdede.
So you only hate the bad Jews, then? The ones with the rackets?
I am intrigued. Tell us more. Which Jews have rackets? What are these rackets?
Seven Machos said...
I am intrigued. Tell us more. Which Jews have rackets?
Well Noam Behr,Ilana Berger and Harold Soloman to name a few.
You tell us, Nachos boy, the blogger psychologist. Why not use your jewish name too, wannabe- Meyer Lansky since that's what you're into every day.
Ah another cool aspect of Russell--he finally agreed with the...left that the founding of Israel itself (supported by his foe fat boy Churchill) was mostly due to imperialist aggression and violence.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Ah another cool aspect of Russell--he finally agreed with the...left that the founding of Israel itself (supported by his foe fat boy Churchill) was mostly due to imperialist aggression and violence
Which is an incoherent statement…WHOSE Imperialism, aggression and violence?
Ernie is a catcher
The Rabbi’s wife has made the strudel
Wound my heart with a monotonous languor
Leave the cannoli but take the gun.
The gardener fondles his hose at midnight.
The professor only looks out of her fish eye.
Heh heh. Ah jus' knew that would get you, Joe Joe Nixonberg: imperialists--you know British-zionist banker sorts. Churchill's pals. And the Family Windsor as well.
that said Russell was not at tolerant of the german right (as his palsie Keynes was on occasion), and criticized Hitler consistently. But that's a bit too complex for yr levitical mind, Joechek
British-zionist banker sorts
Awesome. Thank you.
J and C4 are the same person, don't you think?
C-ford always uses "Bridget loves Bernie".
Maybe, but Gary Rosen and C4 are.
C4 is actually Ezra Klein.
It's a testament to the awfulness of J. when people start reminiscing about the quality of Cedarford's anti-Semitism whenever J. comes around.
Cedarford's Antisemitism always had a lazy, half-assed quality to it. J -OTOH- seems to be hard-worker.
If a jobs worth doing, its worth doing well, as Heinrich Himmler and Joe Stalin used to say.
Reason's sort of scary eh, Nachos the wicca queer. Someone refers to like Jefferson, the US-Constitution, Russell--or Aquinas' Quinque Viae-- and Nachos is reaching for his notes to the kabbala
I want to hear more about these British-Zionist banker sorts. This I find most intriguing.
Tell us what you know. Everything. Start at the beginning. Don't worry that some of it might go over our heads. Just lay it out there and we'll digest it best we can.
I found this while looking for a Jerry Jeff Walker quote about Rick Perry. original.
"...seems to be hard-worker."
Indeed, those volumes of the 1952 Encyclopedia Britannica are heavy to move around.
ROcean...Yes the Scots-Irish think of themselves as Americans.
So they never could understand why everybody else did not hate the English, their King, Their Aristocracy and their Church like the Scots-Irish did with a resolve to defeat them that seemed so ...Texan like.
Andrew Jackson's fellow settlers migrating down from western Pennsylvania through the Shenandoah and on into Tennessee set out for the next place they came to called Texas. They were looking for places the English Colonial ownership laws could not steal land from them.
No Englishmen were involved.
The Eagle has landed.
The Beagle has ovulated.
The Sullivan is satiated.
Texas was the land of the Comanchia. The Commanches tried to discourage illegal immigration by torturing children to death in front of their mother before enslaving her. It worked. The Mexicans stayed out of Comanchia. The Mexican invited the Anglos (as they saw them) to settle Texas. The kind of people who were willing to fight Commanches for an arid land like Texas were not the kind of people who were willing to pay taxes for the proper burial of Santa Ana's leg. (Santa Ana erected a pyramid to his amputated leg that cost 25% of the national budget of Mexico.) Texas was a conquered land but it was conquered from the Commanches and not the Mexicans.
rcocean said...
Cedarford's Antisemitism always had a lazy, half-assed quality to it. J -OTOH- seems to be hard-worker.
True, I work far harder in condemning the Other Semites, the Islamoids. Who also feel very strongly they should be exempt from any criticism.
I also think we are lucky the Chinese as of yet do not own much of US media. Otherwise there would be 400 Chinese genocide movies out there, starring the beastial Japanese, the disease and opium spreading colonialists, and how the Indonesians killed 500,000 Chinese in 28 days in 1965.
And do we really want the President fucking the economy? The analogy is off.
We may not want the President fucking the economy, but that's what we have.
The analogy may have been made, but it's still good.
Well, I suppose the fucker is private enterprise and the President is more in the role of the pantyhose...
The economy is the two consenting adults trying to enjoy themselves, and Obama is the spoilsport prude making sure nothing happens.
There exists a visceral kinship between John Wayne's outhouse and the Sears & Roebuck catalog and Rick Perry gets it.
Speaking of John Wayne kinship with Israel - he actually played a pro-Israel US Army General in the 1966 film "Cast a Giant Shadow" about Israel's War of Independence and the role of Mickey Marcus - an American Jew who had been an US Army Colonel in WWII and was subsequently recruited as the nascent Israel's first General.
The film has an excellent cast including Wayne, Kirk Douglas, Frank Sinatra, Angie Dickinson, Topol, and Yul Brenner.
Speaking of John Wayne and connections Here is a blog about John Wayne and his kinship.
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