"[Marathon County Labor Council] president Randy Radtke says they choose not to invite elected officials who have 'openly attacked worker's rights' or did nothing when state public workers lost most of their right to collectively bargain."
From Congressman Sean Duffy's chief of staff: "Having walked in this parade in past years, Congressman Duffy was hoping that for a moment, we could set our differences aside and simply have some fun in a family-friendly event."
Fun? Family-friendly? Wisconsin?!
२६५ टिप्पण्या:
265 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Anger is the theme. Republicans would spoil it.
My question to the union dolts.....what do they think about Democrat efforts to block the iron mine near Mellon Wisconsin? A project that will create hundreds of perminent union jobs. Republicans are in support of the project.
Well, it is Labor Day although I think they should rename it to BBQ Day.
Anyone every called him Sean "Duff" Daddy?
Seems like a lawsuit-worth piece of stupidary. What if he said, "we're not going to allow gays to participate"?
I have witnessed a labor day event in another city that was organized by the AFL-CIO. Fun and family friendly don't really describe it. Angry and thugish are more accurate.
Some workers are more authentic than others apparently!
They will allow pregnant Republicans whose pains are five minutes apart.
Republicans are management. Let labor have their day, the rest of the year belongs to management.
I know I'm in the minority on this board but I think it is Duffy who is being ridiculous. Labor Day is not just picnic time for families, like an extra big Saturday afterboon but rather a holiday with a specific meaning. And it seems pretty evident at this point that the Wisconsin GOP is not on board with what Labor Day is about. They hate unions private and public alike, and they don't exactly hide this. Further, I think it's pretty clear that Ann's views on the subject are equally hostile.
The state GOP absolutely should not be welcome for this occasion. But it's weird they would want to go in the first place.
Triangle Man: exactly.
He should figure out a way to co-opt it. Walk along the sidewalk, shake hands, etc. They can't stop him from doing that and record everything just in case the union decides to get ugly.
According to harrogate, Labor Day doesn't honor everyone who labors, as I had thought, just those relatively few who do so as members of unions. If that's so, it shouldn't be a federal holiday.
Ah, yes, more tolerance and civility from the left. At best, they've become a parody of themselves. Hate mongers.
I hope they keep up this feckless, immature crap at least until the first Wednesday in November 2012. What independent voter would want to identify with such lack of grace, not to mention lack of accord with the democratic process?
Ah, Triangle and Harrogate, I know of a number of Republican union members up in that neck of the woods, and they are not thrilled with this.
You'd be real surprised how many private sector union members are Republicans up in 'Sconsin. And they're resenting on this sort of thing big time.
Republicans are management. Let labor have their day, the rest of the year belongs to management
Christmas is my favorite management day. Get back to work you lazy serfs!
Make the state right to work. Screw all of the unions.
Dr. Weevil,
I certainly am not saying that only union members are honored by Labor Day, but the context of what is happening in Wisconisn right now, in relation to unions, is not irrelevant here.
Plus, as someone who has lived in the south my entire life, I can tell you what you may already know, that the GOP is by no means any friendlier to working classs citizens who are not unionized.
I mean, c'mon. This isn't rocket science. I ask you in good faith, what in hell sense does it make for the GOP as currently configured, to be marching in a labor day parade?
According to harrogate, Labor Day doesn't honor everyone who labors, as I had thought, just those relatively few who do so as members of unions. If that's so, it shouldn't be a federal holiday.
Dr. Weevil nails it to the floor. If Labor Day is simply about unions, and union membership is so minuscule in this country, then why have a Labor Day as a Federal holiday? Really? Why bother, especially if people of certain political beliefs can be excluded.
I guess conservative African-Americans should be excluded from observing MLK day, right? Exclude them from the MLK Memorial dedication for their political proclivities?
It appears to me that Big Labor, at least in Wisconsin, wants a war. I think we should have it.
harrogate said...
Labor Day is not just picnic time for families, like an extra big Saturday afterboon but rather a holiday with a specific meaning. And it seems pretty evident at this point that the Wisconsin GOP is not on board with what Labor Day is about. They hate unions private and public alike, and they don't exactly hide this.
Christmas is not just toy time for kids, and an extra big paid day off but rather a holiday with a specific meaning. And it seems pretty evident at this point that the left is not on board with what Christmas is about. They hate Christians, and never, ever hide this.
But instead of just trying to stay away from Christmas, they try to destroy it for everyone else, who happen to constitute a significant majority of this country.
Hatred, bile and pettiness. That's all the Democrats have to offer.
The Labor Day parade organizes can invite whomever they please, but they damn well better not be getting any public funds or using public accomodations w/out paying out compensation. Also, since this is now an explicitly political event (by expressly prohibiting the participants of one political party) it should be viewed as an in-kind political donation to the Democrats.
In other words, it should be treated no different than a convention put on by the DNC or the RNC.
Isn't he a local fella?
Don't all the locals (if they want), march in the parade?
Do they allow kids in?
Can the kids be inside a wagon while mom or pop pulls? Everyone knows it's illegal to make kids work.
Still, the kids are allowed to parade, huh?
I guess Congressman Duffy ... is not "Duffy's Tavern. And, Duffy ain't here," folks, type of man?
Entirely fitting, in my view. The sooner rethuglican scum are drummed out of polite society, the better.
They hate the Republicans because the Republicans actually labor.
The union slugs spend all day walking around the Capitol shouting, "This is what democracy looks like", when they're not trying to beat up a certain 60 year old lady.
Hey campy, you sorry asshole! Dig it!
We're here! We're Republican! Get used to it!
Wausau has plenty of folks that consider your ilk scum. Your time is coming, dicksmack!
Depends on how you want to define "labor" doesn't it.
Does it only count as labor if you work in a union?
How 'bout the self employed business owner. Their labor is not celebrated or counted? Even though most jobs area created by small business owners.
The Bruce landscaping guys ....they don't count either I suppose because they are not part of that 15% or so of the country that belongs to a union.
Farmers.....not labor?
Bookkeepers...not labor?
Self employed plumbers (like my husband who hasn't had a freaking paid day off or a paid sick day in over 30 years and who routinely puts in 10 hour days) ....not labor?
Please define just what you mean by labor.
The GOP is not anti labor or anti business. In fact the GOP being pro business creates more jobs and labor than ANY union. The unions as they are today are anti labor and anti job growth. Crush the employer and who is going to give you a job to labor at?
harrogate: I suppose it also doesn't make sense to take children to any parades if they are the spawn of capital. So we will have a nice day at home while you can march in the empty streets? Who runs public relations for the unions in Wisconsin? Must run it internally. Haaaaahahahahahahahahahhaha
And another thing, campy: The Republicans in your community are the polite society.
You are just soul sucking scum sucking off the tit of government largesse.
Crawl back under your rock. Your time has past.
What about the labor of those teachers who didn't get layed off because school districts no longer have to pay extreamly high prices for union health care? You see most labor has benefited from Republicans, The small percent who are unionized public employees did not. They can have their own day, NOT labor day.
harrogate, you one of those new Whitehouse paid posters? you are way out of your league here.
How, exactly, does the anarchist wing of one political party get to determine who can and cannot march on a public street?
I'd bet that 100% of the lefties who want to ban Rep Sean Duffy from marching in a Labor Day parade also oppose the efforts made by the Ancient Order Of Hibernians to ban gays from marching in the NYC St Patrick's Day parade.
Effing anarchist hypocrites.
Are they going to check the marchers for the Trade Mark Of the Union Made Beast?
"We will stamp our widdle feet until you vote right, you big bullies!!"
I'd bet that 100% of the lefties who want to ban Rep Sean Duffy from marching in a Labor Day parade also oppose the efforts made by the Ancient Order Of Hibernians to ban gays from marching in the NYC St Patrick's Day parade.
Oh, hells yeah! Hypocrites all!
Why not rename the parade for accuracy?
It's the "We Want More of Your Money You Fucking Assholes Day" parade.
A couple of things for harrogate and triangle to ponder.
Governor Walker and the Republicans are at war with the parasites who run public employee unions, not private sector unions. The last time I checked Walker and company weren't pushing for right to work laws. They aren't even at war with the public employee union members. Walker's reformes have saved hundreds of union jobs in the state.
The reason that the Republicans were free to go after the public employee union bosses is that they owed them nothing. If the union leadership contributed to both parties then the restrictions might not have been passed. I see that the bosses haven't learned anything.
I'm with harrogate. Republican animosity toward the labor movement should absolutely get them banned from Labor Day celebrations. Of course, Democrats will have to stay locked away during Independence Day and Memorial Day.
Why not call it Democrat Day ? Easy to remember.
Why not call it Democrat Day ? Easy to remember.
After our greatest President ever wins his landslide re-election next year, every day will be Democrat Day.
campy, that's hilariously delusional.
Nothing like partisan discrimination. Labor Day should be canceled. Instead of celebrating thugs and anarchists we should replace it with Capitalist Day.
Celebrate the people who made America great.
harrogate: The state GOP absolutely should not be welcome for this occasion. But it's weird they would want to go in the first place.
The unions should want the Republicans there to get a public reaction from an unfavorable crowd. But they gave up that chance, and they gave the GOP another bit of fodder to use against them.
Stupid! If the people running the unions run this parade, they deserve to go out of business.
And it seems pretty evident at this point that the Wisconsin GOP is not on board with what Labor Day is about.
Yes, they preserved a lot of jobs rather than save the automatic deduction of dues for unions. You'd think if the union was worth a damn, automatic deductions of their dues by the state would not be a requirement, wouldn't you?
The state GOP absolutely should not be welcome for this occasion. But it's weird they would want to go in the first place.
Can you explain why those same Republicans shouldn't just make WI a right to work state, then? Any rationale, AT ALL, to keep laws forcing people to abridge their free association rights by being required to join a parasitic union?
Chief Mojo.....I used to live in Northern Wisc and can confirm what you say. There are a lot of libertarian/Republican union members in the north. These guys work hard, hate the welfare state, love their 2nd amendment rights, etc.
Labor Day? Bullshit. Change the name to BBQ Day, or Grilling Day, or Last One in the Pool Day, or
End of Summer Day, or Get Ready for Winter Day, or Praise the Good People Who Built This Country So That Sorry Ass Socialist Bastard Sons of Bitches Can Tear It Down Day. Change the name of that first Monday in September to anything but Labor Day. What a joke of a name that is now.
After our greatest President ever wins his landslide re-election next year, every day will be Democrat Day.
You live in Venezuela?
I'm an Independent. And, I don't think I'm the only one. Here. There, and everywhere.
I think republicans are just as rare a breed as democrats.
Labor Day and labor unions represent two completely different philosophies now.
Hatred, bile and pettiness. That's all the Democrats have to offer.
Now, now. They have all sorts of other stupid shit to offer.
Labor Day is the last day of summer.
The day after Labor day is important to politicians. Because people go back to thinking about whom they'll vote for ... if the next big election UP is coming in November.
How do I know? I heard a politician say this.
Said, too, that most Americans (in presidential years), make up their minds in September. And, they rarely change their minds.
No matter what gets spent on "last minute" advertising.
One of the things that makes my postage stamp worth it ... Is that I get to vote absentee EARLY.
Sure. I heard these votes don't get counted. Not at first, they don't! And, they won't amount to a hill of beans when the counting gets around to them, either.
But wow. What joy in knowing I can't be swayed by any advertisements. Because my vote's already in the mail.
Labor Day is a federal holiday. Neither political party and no other organization can dictate who is allowed to participate.
Inclusion and diversity are such left-wing bullshit.
Who will be kept out next? Catholics? Pro-choicers? Jews? The Marathon County Labor Council had damned well better think hard about the legal and social implications of its temper tantrum.
What if some of the participants in the daily public sector unions singalongs, marches, protests are really WALKER SURROGATES! Remember, the more outrageous the behaviour the more the movement is discredited. If this is war why wouldn't we have double agents? Perhaps the woman from Meade's dustup could ponder that idea, after all, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean we're not out to get you.
If you want to have a parade for union thugs and lefties with no Republicans allowed, you should be honest and schedule it for May 1st, not the first Monday in September.
Just take away mandatory auto withholding from union member pay checks and see how much love the unions get from their members.
He should go there and hand out pocket Constitutions while talking with his constituents.
So according to this standard, it would be perfectly acceptable to ban progressive leftists from participating in parades on the 4th of July?
I guess if Labor day has come to mean Wagner Act Union Day then it's time to change the name. Better yet, eliminate the holiday and let them go to work like the rest of us.
If the union is such a great thing then why can’t I, as a member of the military, have a union? Then again if we were unionized guys wouldn’t show this kind of dedication: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.261349963889120.71300.109701809053937.
All your parade are belong to us!
Labor Day: The day the rest of us get to sit around on our asses and still get paid.
Also, since this is now an explicitly political event (by expressly prohibiting the participants of one political party) it should be viewed as an in-kind political donation to the Democrats.
"Now"? So, a politician at this event makes it not a political event? I'm not following. Frankly, not seeing any of them in any parades throughout the year, would be fine by me.
Also, the quote talked about individuals, not certain political parties not being invited. I'm gonna guess that Dale Schultz might be invited to some Labor Day events. Just a guess.
This is what they think democracy looks like.
Are the Bruce landscaping dudes allowed to participate? They did interrupt a very important union singalong, just sayin'.
"Labor Day is not just picnic time for families, like an extra big Saturday afterboon but rather a holiday with a specific meaning."
That's what May Day is for.
"Of course, Democrats will have to stay locked away during Independence Day and Memorial Day."
As well as MLK Day.
Also, the quote talked about individuals, not certain political parties not being invited.
Kate, if you were any more lame, you would have to be confined to a wheelchair.
So you want civility and comity in Wisconsin politics?
Here's how that went in 1845, from Charles Dickens' American Notes:
'By a slip from THE SOUTHPORT TELEGRAPH, Wisconsin, we learn that the Hon. Charles C. P. Arndt, Member of the Council for Brown county, was shot dead ON THE FLOOR OF THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, by James R. Vinyard, Member from Grant county. THE AFFAIR grew out of a nomination for Sheriff of Grant county. Mr. E. S. Baker was nominated and supported by Mr. Arndt. This nomination was opposed by Vinyard, who wanted the appointment to vest in his own brother. In the course of debate, the deceased made some statements which Vinyard pronounced false, and made use of violent and insulting language, dealing largely in personalities, to which Mr. A. made no reply. After the adjournment, Mr. A. stepped up to Vinyard, and requested him to retract, which he refused to do, repeating the offensive words. Mr. Arndt then made a blow at Vinyard, who stepped back a pace, drew a pistol, and shot him dead. 'The issue appears to have been provoked on the part of Vinyard, who was determined at all hazards to defeat the appointment of Baker, and who, himself defeated, turned his ire and revenge upon the unfortunate Arndt.'
At least these days they aren't shooting, just yet.
...no Republicans will be allowed to participate in this year's Labor Day Parade.
My first reaction was shock. It can't be. Not In America. But then I thought, yes, this is the inevitable outcome of labeling your opponents the enemy.
"...violent and insulting language, dealing largely in personalities...."
And to think the blogosphere wasn't even invented yet.
I guess that since Labor Day is now a Democratic holiday instead of a federal holiday for all, that the GOVERNMENT should stop giving workers a paid day off to participate in POLITICAL activities.
Oh, boo hoo? Only democrats are invited to the Labor Day parade?
What next? They won't invite us to the Che Guevara Revival, St Karl's Day, or the 100 Million Broken Eggs Omelet Festival?
But then again, we have this:
Do July 4th Parades Turn Kids Republican?
Whoda thunk it? A holiday parade with lots of United States flags, celebrating patriotism and the founding of this great nation, turns kids into Republicans?
So a Harvard (where else?) professor does this study to warn leftlings to keep their kids away, or they might be turned from the Dark Side.
If that's so, it shouldn't be a federal holiday.
I agree. Labor Day is a silly reason for a holiday. It's not like people who really work -- like Farmers -- can take the day off.
the party of diversity and tolerance once again shows it is just the opposite.
The Bruce landscaping guys will probably be out working on Labor Day since it won't interrupt the sing-a-long folks as they will be out enjoying a weekend off.
"State workers lost most of their right to collectively bargain."
Not true, actually. They still have extensive bargaining rights.
The union lost the right to take money out of its members collective pockets, without their specific consent.
The low percentage voluntarily paying these does tells you how the members really feel about their union. THAT'S what democracy looks like.
The unions appear to be in death throes.
Union management doesn't want to note how companies help and appreciate their workers.
For unions it is a continuous class warfare - to preserve union management perks.
Labor Day? Oh right... I'll be working.
What better way to truly celebrate it?
This is just the long drawn out "Paul Wellstone Memorial"-ization of the Democrats response to the Tea Party. The longer and louder they play this out, the better. Bring it on!
To the lefties here: why do unions get to decide the meaning of Labor Day?
You don't own labor, pal. Get over yourself.
And folks who are in unions (and teachers, for that matter) wonder why the great majority of non-union folks dont like them and why they are perceived so poorly to the public in general.
Sandog, good idea. We should ban the most leftist Democrats from July 4th parades.
Pogo says: The unions appear to be in death throes.
Sure do. The level of paranoia reminds me of MacBeth's spiral into madness.
'Fear not, till Birnam wood
Do come to Dunsinane:'
and now a wood
Comes toward Dunsinane
The wood has come, alright.
Triangle man said "Republicans are management."
Except in the public sector where labor can "force fund" and vote in their own management..the concept unionistas and Dems desperately want to cloud/avoid.
Not my idea of a family-friendly event anyway, if there is any chance that the Capitol "F**k Walker" & "F**k the Teabagger" chanters participate.
Atlas Shrugged is looking less and less like fiction every day.
@ 7:58: "Whoda thunk it? A holiday parade with lots of United States flags, celebrating patriotism and the founding of this great nation, turns kids into Republicans?"
Here's something Crack Emcee posted - when these delightful black children see themselves in this video when they are old enough to vote, I'm sure they will turn into Republicans:
Obnoxious Protest At Successful Choice School
So the brownshirts are still with us, only they are UNIONS. It's the Democrats SD (Secret Police.)
And the anarchist simply useful tools.
And not only that, Jane says:
Reminds me of when the Kenosha labor bosses hired a legit jazz band from Chicago to play at the Columbus Park Labor Fest in the early 90's.
About a dozen of us were enjoying the band. About 300+ labor folk were much more interested in the raffle going on at the same time. They insisted on calling out ticket numbers - while the band played on.
The big prize was a pizza oven thing. Made in West Bend Wisconsin!
Second prize? I don't recall.
Why would an R who is in favor of limiting the labor movement want to be in a labor day parade?
It's like the KKK wanting to celebrate MLK day.
Of course it does make sense If the Rs plan to protest the parade, just as the KKK would like to protest MLK.
Labor unions represent such a small minority of citizens, and unions are no longer something to be celebrated.
There used to be holidays celebrating various classical and pagan gods.
Like in those cases the holiday should just be dropped or reassigned to something valid to our times.
I suggest Taxpayers Day. At least that would celebrate half of the population instead of just 2%.
Isn't the bunting made in China?
Flags? China, I think, too.
As to the parades, I'm sure it should'a been outlawed. Because we have laws forbidding putting children to work.
On the other hand, what's wrong with an event that got known as Labor Day long ago? And, people didn't ask you to show your ID if you felt like joining along?
Heck, all the floats are handmade.
The Rose Parade's are professionally done.
And, THAT'S a parade!
While the Doo-Dah was forced to move its date.
Comedy, it seems, is what's not allowed.
"Duffy's Tavern. Duffy ain't here." And, no one else remembers this skit?
You'll need to make that 'Federal Income Taxpayers Day.'
Some of those po' folk who are paying nine (or so) percent in payroll taxes (which conveniently go to zero for folks a bit north of $100M/year), sales taxes, property taxes, and other fees/taxes may not understand that their tax payments don't count, according to you.
Why would the unionistas, mad at state-level Republicans, ban the US Representative who had no involvement in the lawmaking they disagree with?
Hopefully they lose all their business community funding and only 4.7% of the population shows up (labor's representation in the general population).
So the Unions are essentially saying: give us free money or we will hurt you?
"Rage, rage, against the dying of the featherbed" - Instapundit
PBJ -- Again, what gives labor unions ownership of labor?
Everybody works. Only a small percentage is in unions, and you will see that percentage go down substantially as people are free -- free -- to choose not to join unions.
Everyone who works and everyone who wants to work should be able to enjoy Labor Day as they fit.
This is America, dude. It's not East Germany where you need a party card to enjoy the benefits. Get with the program. You are embarrassing yourself.
Maybe we could have our own day--Private Enterprise Day. Honor people like Steve Jobs, the Gibson CEO, your neighborhood hardware store owner.
Sean Duffy complained he was not making enough money as a congress gritter.
I would do him though. I loved him in Real World.
It's Labor Day, not Union Day.
Did Triangle Man bring out the trope about "management" being Republicans? Really?
Dude, every exceptionally wealthy person I have ever met has been a leftist. Guess they're not "management."
Your demonology of good people and bad people is hilariously touching.
I despise Unions as well.
Have never and would never work in an Union environment.
I much more "entrepreneurial" and "creative class" and "new economy".
As a HR Whore I would be limited in my "partnering" abilities with Key Thought Leaders and Senior, Executive Decision Makers.
As I understand it, and according to Wiki, that holiday is was explicitly created to celebrate labor unions.
For the record, I schemed w/ the managers at my HS/college job so that I never had to join the union, in a not-right-to-work state. Every year (or so), when the union was getting really pushy, I would quit, and then I was rehired the next day. The dumb union never realized I was the same person, even though my name and ss number were, obviously, still the same.
In other words, I'm no fan of unions. Hence, I've never attended a labor day parade. And, knowing that my anti-unionism I wouldn't be welcome there is pleasing (not upsetting) to me.
Any time some headhunter calls me and says the word "Labor Relations" regarding a job I cringe.
In the creative class it is "Organizational Design" and doesn't require some fucking contract. It requires thinking "outside the box" and when "your hair is on fire" and understanding "bleeding edge technology". Six Sigma Certified is assumed, natch.
As a matter of fact I don't care to communicate with anyone who isn't Six Sigma, I mean really.
If Labor Day is only for Democrats, then what holiday is only for Republicans? The Fourth of July? Veterans Day?
Should we even call it a national holiday if it's purely of partisan interest?
Let's have a parade to honor the most powerful man at the most powerful company, who is also a fag.
Go Apple.
We really have come a long way baby.
And Fags are totally non union. We need to spread our wings and be creative.
Don't group Unions with Fags.
PBJ -- Christmas is the day Jesus was born. Should non-Christians be able to celebrate it? The Fourth of July is the founding of the USA? Should non-citizens be able to celebrate it? Easter is the day Jesus rose from the dead (or something -- I'm not exactly clear). Should non-Christians be able to celebrate it? Memorial Day is the day we remember our dead, particularly people who died in wars. Should people who know no one who has died, especially in a war, be forbidden from celebrating it? Pearl Harbor Day is the day we remember a dastardly attack on American territory by the Japanese. Should Japanese-Americans and Japanese people be forbidden from celebrating it?
You want me to go on? Or you want to work in the KKK again? How about Hitler?
I guess the union thugs don't want to admit that the overwhelming majority of LABOR in the United States CHOOSES NOT to be in a union. Screw the unions in Wisconsin!
"As a matter of fact I don't care to communicate with anyone who isn't Six Sigma, I mean really."
I know what you mean, only for me it's One Iota.
"Why would an R who is in favor of limiting the labor movement want to be in a labor day parade?"
Beats me. Cause the labor movement as currently configured has done its very best to kill the automotive and steel industry? How many plants have been shut down due to labor and legacy costs? Better to shut down the plants and idle the workforce than to make concessions to The Man? In Mansfield, Ohio on labor day the Steelworkers would have a hearse painted with the names of the companies the union broke and ran out of town. Painted as badges of honor. I didn't understand then, and I don't understand now the logic behind that. Mr Radtke would probably understand it.
I've got the message. My family is not welcomed in Wisconsin and our safety may be at risk because I'm a republican. I will cancel our hotel reservations for our planned trip to the Wisconsin Dells this coming Labor day weekend. We have never been to the Dells and this was the year we were going. We will go to "family friendly" Branson Missouri instead.
PatCA said ... Maybe we could have our own day--Private Enterprise Day. Honor people like Steve Jobs, the Gibson CEO, your neighborhood hardware store owner.
So how is the "put the fister sign in your window" program working out?
I have not seen a single one in ANY business in Racine or Kenosha.
On my daily commute, I see two professionally done "Recall Scott Walker" signs, but they have been out since March, and are at homes that once sported Obama signs.
My Indian UK husband, who is very hot, says in some ways I am really stupid but in other ways I am really smart.
I think that is a good definition of me and I am going to embrace it.
My word verification, right now, is suckme. Not kidding.
Clouds and tits.
and Clouds shaped like tits and tits shaped like Clouds.
"As a matter of fact I don't care to communicate with anyone who isn't Six Sigma, I mean really.
Six Sigma...That's it?
At my place, we are Seven Sigma
I'm fairly certain that a lot of Christmas parades don't usually allow satanists. Likewise, most Independence Day parades probably don't allow folks who like burning American flags. And so on.
Karl, much respect and props.
I am bowing to you, seriously.
I hope that not one single penny of public money is going to support that parade.
If they are getting taxpayer money, there needs to be a lawsuit seeking an injunction requiring them to let Republicans in if they let any Democrats in.
PBJ -- Your analogy is shit. I didn't really want to get into it, but here we are.
Labor is everybody who works. Unions do not own labor. Anyone who works is, indisputably, a laborer, entitled to participation in Labor Day. This is all very elementary, and it's shocking that I have to explain it to you.
Nobody is against labor. Labor produces value. Even Marx would agree with me here.
What people are against is certain policies that some people in labor unions advocate.
Those people do not own labor.
Don't be so thick-headed. Because, see, when I explain it all to you, you look silly.
Sorry, Dems, but it's the Republicans who actually give a damn about the workers, not the Democrats.
Republicans favor letting individual workers decide if they want to give money to the union, Democrats want workers forced to pay.
Republicans supported policies which meant that the schools could save money on health insurance (what benefit did the workers (rather than the union) get from having the schools overpay for WEA Trust insurance?). Democrats favored policies that would have lead to teachers and others getting laid off.
In Democrat fantasyland, it's always the 1800s, and the Pinkertons are behind every door. In reality, the greatest threat to workers today are the unions.
It is a shame that Republicans care so much about the future of Wisconsin that they try to get the brain-dead whining zombies in the public sector unions to recognize that they have sucked the state dry and have to wean themselves from the "all you can eat" benefits buffet. Even the private sector unions know the public sector unions are the major cause of looming insolvency for many government units.
That holiday was created for labor unions.
To clarify things for folks like yourself they should have called it 'Labor Union Day."
I know I'm in the minority on this board but I think it is Duffy who is being ridiculous. Labor Day is not just picnic time for families, like an extra big Saturday afterboon but rather a holiday with a specific meaning.
Well, yes, it has a specific meaning.
After Grover Cleveland sent in the Army in to break the Pullman Strike, with the result that strikers were killed, the union was disbanded, and the leader of the union was imprisoned, and the cause of union organizing was set back for about four decades, he created the holiday in order to try to placate the voters before the election.
The specific and true meaning of the day, accordingly, is "Vote for people who bust unions!"
Now, it's true that the Wisconsin GOP hasn't quite lived up to the Cleveland standard of actually sending armed men to forcibly bust unions, but that really isn't the same thing as saying "the Wisconsin GOP is not on board with what Labor Day is about." The actually weird thing is that unions celebrate the day.
Only people sharing certain views of labor policy may celebrate Labor Day. That's PBJ's strongly authoritarian position.
Think about that, PBJ. You are better than that. I know it.
Send some pregnant and showing women down and see if they have the nerve to run them off.
When do they have time for a parade?
PBJ --
1. You don't have any understanding of American history, apparently, beyond what you read in the shallowest sources.
2. Assuming for a moment that you are right, the name is not my problem, it's yours. Errors in drafting are assigned to the drafter. Again, this is all very basic.
That holiday was created for labor unions.
No, it wasn't. Not even remotely.
No, no, this is great!
Let these boobs weed out all who will not follow in lockstep. Every one.
Then when the bombs start going off, we don't have to fear that innocent people were hurt.
Free speech is great - how better to figure out who needs killin' than to listen to them scream "Kill me!"
TW: hylite. Love to see the hylite reels from that parade!
If I was one of the GOP officeholders, I would gather the other Republicans around me, along with some Tea Party folks (complete with signs and a Marathon County Deputy Sheriff) and take a walk down the parade route.
I do not believe that the Labor Council can impede such an action. Why would I do that? Simply because these crybabies said I could not.
I say fine. Film the event, put it up on YouTube, and use it for campaign commercials.
Oh, you thought I was serious? No, I was not serious. We should only be so lucky. Walter, I wouldn't bring any preggies by these beasts unless you wanted them to get free abortions.
Ok, so this thread has concluded (as of now) that Labor Day is actually meant to reinforce the idea that citizens should vote for folks who bust unions.
Thanks for the "insight," Steven.
Maybe bring huge gavels and shit-eating grins like Pelosi. Don't forget lots of redundant audio and video.
PBJ -- You are both wrong. Like with anything, the reasons for Labor Day were complex. They certainly weren't to celebrate only the preferred policies of labor unions.
Labor is labor. Anyone who labors or has labored or will labor is entitled to celebrate Labor Day.
Your arguments are asinine, shallow, and grossly political. I really am surprised you are making them.
Blogger pbAndjFellowRepublican said...
citizens should vote for folks who bust unions.
8/28/11 10:31 PM
Truest comment you've ever posted, pbj.
I hope this comes back to bite them on their big fat cans!
This is a FIRST!
I've never heard a town doing something this schmucky. Nowhere!
maybe Labor Day is the new "May Day".
For the person talking about payroll taxes. . . . you DO know that those people not paying taxes on the 'over 100,000' are also nto getting benefits commensurately? If Social Security were being what it was SUPPOSED to be, rather than a slush fund, then it would be a direct investment/return. So why SHOULD they pay taxes on everything but only receive benefit from some of it? Wealth envy much?
It will be so satisfying when these swine need the help of Republicans and discover that their account is so overdrawn that the bank says, "kiss my butt you scum bags". It may be gratuitous but nonetheless I'd add a hearty "eat poo and die".
Why would a Republican want to march in a Labor Day parade anyway? They hate fucking labor. Sean Duffy is a no nothing doofus anyhow. Which is an absolute requirement to be in the WIGOP these days, it seems.
Here's a direct quote from the AFL-CIO website:
"12,000 federal troops were called into Pullman, Ill., to break up a huge strike against the Pullman railway company and two workers were shot and killed by U.S. deputy marshals. In what most historians call an election year attempt to appease workers after the federal crackdown on the Pullman strike, shortly after the strike was broken, President Grover Cleveland signed legislation making the first Monday in September Labor Day and a federal holiday."
You can believe whatever you like, of course.
The whole thing just seems so petty and stupid. Marathon County voted for Walker, is it really good politics to be so antagonistic towards the majority of people in the jurisdiction? Doesn't seem like a real bright move to me, but then again maybe I'm not smart enough to be a modern American labor leader.
Why would a Republican want to march in a Labor Day parade anyway? They hate fucking labor.
Republicans most certainly do not hate labor. Republicans hate the preferred policies of labor unions because those policies lead to massive debt, massive unemployment, and the death of the very entities that produce jobs.
And that's why those policies are either embattled or no longer in existence across the country, even in Wisconsin. That's right, Garage. You lost. This is what democracy looks like.
But, just for you: TOTAL RECALL!!!!!!!!
a no nothing doofus
Hilarious. Today's proof that there is obviously a God.
That holiday was created for labor unions.
To clarify things for folks like yourself they should have called it 'Labor Union Day.""
pb&j, in that case it should cease being a federal holiday. No discussion. If it's "labor union" day and warrants a federal holiday, then so does "author's day" or "dwarf and little people's day" or "Norwegian-American day."
Not that that isn't all very *silly*, but there you go.
As for who is "for" labor or not, despite what a couple of commenters have said (I'm half convinced at least one or two were being factitious anyhow) the labor union bosses don't own labor. They don't even own *union* labor. Several other people, quite seriously, have pointed out that the Republicans in Wisconsin have actually done more for labor, and union labor!, than the unions have done lately. More people still have their union jobs because Walker took on organized labor.
What principle was at stake there? Jobs or union privilege? Who was being served? The union workers or the union management?
Because, quite clearly as demonstrated in Wisconsin, unions have management TOO, and it seems to me that the union workers are getting screwed over by management, who have proven that they'd rather people lose their jobs than risk having to manage their own internal budgets.
Harrogate is rather adorable and all, but if Labor Day had a specific purpose, so did labor unions have a specific purpose and maybe someone should bother to ask if the unions bother to serve the worker anymore, or if the worker serves the union.
Every day a new embarrassment from the left. It's really pretty amazing you guys have such capacity to keep it up without being ashamed enough to stop digging. I'm pretty disappointed that the opposition is so far gone, apparently beyond resignation or adaptation, but c'mon guys. You don't have to walk off the cliff. Most of us independents and righties started out like you to some degree.
You don't have to make asses of yourselves. Just think, consider, relax and let go. We all just want to be free, pursue happiness, find beauty and respect each other.
Give some well tested ideas a chance. Forget about who presented them, and just consider them fairly as possibilities that could be better.
You're not really as stupid as all this Madison stuff makes you look are you? I doubt it.
Republicans don't own the market on patriotism you asshole.
And Democrats don't own the market on labor. That's the whole point. You dumb ass twat cock-sucking motherfucker.
My grandmother's dead.
Anyway, you get to call people assholes but you can't take getting called names in return? Well, fuck you, you old bitch.
Awesome comeback for an old twat.
If this is a politically exclusive event, I hope there are no units from US military or public school bands who have agreed to participate. Others might want to keep their distance as well, or at least practice beforehand marching in step while holding their noses.
Althouse has done nothing remotely twatty.
Unlike you. You come in here and completely miss the point, screaming that Republicans don't own the market on patriotism when the whole point is that Democrats don't own the market on labor. Then you drop the word asshole.
Then, when I tell you what a cunty motherfucker you are, you pull the affronted grandmother act. Hilarious.
Anyway, listen up you dumb old bitch: you can't call someone an asshole and then act all offended when you get called names. That's not how it works.
I just love me some warm fuzzy leftie hate.
" I'm with harrogate. Republican animosity toward the labor movement should absolutely get them banned from Labor Day celebrations. Of course, Democrats will have to stay locked away during Independence Day and Memorial Day."
"My daughter who is a Democrat will be "locked away" in Afghanistan, with the Marines next Independence Day and Memorial Day". Republicans don't own the market on patriotism you asshole."
That was the point!
Yes, indeed, it's moronic to decide that Republicans are anti-labor and not allowed to participate in Labor Day.
It is equivalent, fairly well so, to saying that Democrats ought not participate in Independence Day or Memorial day because some pointy-head from Harvard wrote to warn liberals that celebrating the 4th of July was damaging to their spuds. Equivalently ridiculous. Just because the educated sort of Democrats are worried about liberty-cooties it's not fair to say Democrats shouldn't be invited to liberty-cootie environments.
Of course there are patriotic Democrats and of course there are Democrats in the military (as I understand it, 25%-ish, which is why Democrats tend to try to find ways to disqualify military absentee ballots which are likely to be 75% Republican.)
Yes, Republicans tend to be more vocal about being anti-union than Democrats are. After all, public funds aren't funneled through unions into Republican campaigns.
Apfel -- I'm not remotely drunk. And I shall be sober in the morning. When you wake up, you'll still be an old bitch who makes dumb, self-defeating arguments and can dish out crass insults but can't take them.
Sweet dreams. Cocksucker.
you will still be a vulgar asshole
Okay, slut. Whatever you say. Just use a douche every once in awhile, okay? For the kids.
Yep, the Labor Movement is now owned by the Temperance League and its second-generation inbred Red-diaper thugs.
They don't know much about history (or anything else) but they know Granny was agin' the Company Men and the Revenuers, and if the Revenuers are now on their side (accordin' to Granny) then the skull-crackin' just got easier!
So f**k any Company Men who want to have fun on Granny's Day!
Garage said, Sean Duffy is a no nothing doofus anyhow.
This is hilarious. The unions enforce a structural inequality in the labor market. The public unions bypass the representative process and extort taxpayer funds directly.
That's quite the racket they have going. It's a bit like communist-lite, when the leaders and supporters marginalize and exploit everyone else.
I would guess not many Americans have witnessed a left-wing regime in all of its glory. It is the ultimate realization of capitalism restricted to the control of a few and their transient cast of supporters.
In its most progressive form, it is a monopoly enforced through authority; but, only of the most profitable sectors of the economy. With an obfuscated loss of liberty (through the substitution of totalitarian policies for moral knowledge), the progressive involuntary exploitation often evades notice.
Well, I'm sure that will convince Republicans that union members are actually reasonable people and that they should reconsider their position.
Listen you moron, noMacho. I was addressing the comment about Democrats and hiding out on days that would be considered patriotic holidays. Get it?
Good god you are dumb.
The entire point of the argument is to demonstrate the absurdity of one party making exclusive claim to a holiday, whether it's over Independence Day or Labor Day.
And what the fuck is wrong with some of you? Republicans oppose labor unions, not labor. More than 30% of Americans identify as Republicans-- it's pretty fucking ridiculous to suggest they're all management.
Maybe Labor Day started as a celebration of unions, but unions today make up a tiny percentage of American workers. Is it really a holiday for 7% of Americans and no one else?
Perhaps we can say it's a day to celebrate what the labor movement accomplished back in the day, but that doesn't require us to bow to unions today. (I get really tired of the argument that we should support unions because they gave us 40-hour weeks and an end to child labor. I would suggest that, as a corollary, blacks should vote Republican solely because the latter ended slavery. It's fucking absurd. People dislike unions because of the shit unions do today, not because of what unions did last century.)
This thread is worth reading simply for Machos hilarious skewering of a dull, hypocritical grandma.
And I don't get to come here very often these days, but I'm guessing "campy" is the "America's Politico" sockpuppet and pb&jfellowrepub must by former law student due to the extremely poor reading comprehension and poor Republican disguise.
And it's good to see garage is just as dumb as ever.
(Quiet golf clap for 7M)
The "dialogue" between 7 and apfel is really approaching USENET flame wars territory--wonderful invective--hell,its better than in my days in the cavalry--well done
apfel is to bradley as seven is to prosser--the analogy seems apt
Labor Day weekend has turned into Fantasy Football Draft Weekend - no bbqing or parading here. Between my husband and two sons, we have drafts for 5 leagues going on. Just as well, I have no interest in celebrating labor this year.
re: harrogate
You've got it exactly wrong. Gov. Walker's reforms let many school districts avoid laying off workers. The unions don't care about layoffs, they are only worried about dues, perquisite and power. They don't give a shit about workers, and they prove it constantly.
Also, what gives this doucher the right to invite or disinvite people to a parade? If they are going to politicize the holiday, then the power should be taken from him and given to the community, taken away from the union thugs and power boss tyrants.
Awwww. Do you really think I'm "adorable and all"? Now that's the kind of disagreement I can get on board with.
Wasau residents ought to stage a parade, scheduled to begin immediately following the Labor Unions Only parade.
Call it the Taxpaying Workers Parade. Use lotsa flags, give out candy to kids, and keep it short.
Fine. Lets divvy up the holidays by party. I say Republicans get Christmas since that's where all those nasty Christians are.
I'm always late to the party. I love the cheese from Wisconsin, and the commentary here. But I'm starting to think that some of your residents have slipped a cog.
Can union laborers who don't labor celebrate Labor Day too?
Quote from linked article:
Long-standing labor agreements with two major postal unions prohibit the Postal Service from laying off or reassigning workers because of broken equipment or periods of low mail volume. Instead, idled employees show up for work, sit in a break room or cafeteria and do nothing.
Why do Americans celebrate a Communist holiday anyway?
Wausau residents ought to stage a parade, scheduled to begin immediately following the Labor Unions Only parade.
Call it the Taxpaying Workers Parade. Use lotsa flags, give out candy to kids, and keep it short.
"Workers"=code for the 11% of combined public and private Union members. These people are why we're in the financial mess we're in, their day has thankfully come and gone and they are the only ones who don't know it.
There is no dictum that Labor Day is for organized labor only. It celebrates the working man. Someone who is part of the community and a good following in Madison should get the ball rolling so the unrepresented working man or woman is honored.
All it takes is a permit and publicity. How about you A.A.?
How about all those union workers in Wausau get the damn road construction done. It's been going on for like ten years.
Yeah, Sean. Let's have some fun! Nothing is more fun than getting a 20% cut in take-home pay from your $28,000 a year public service job and deciding whether to drop health insurance or stop buying groceries. And nothing is friendlier than elected representatives calling Wisconsin's working families deadbeats and bottom-feeders, then telling them they can drop dead. That's just just good, clean, wholesome family fun, ain't it?
Hey, it'll free up your day off - go have a catch with your kids.
Good times. Good times.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
$28,000 a year public service job and deciding whether to drop health insurance or stop buying groceries. And nothing is friendlier than elected representatives calling Wisconsin's working families deadbeats and bottom-feeders, then telling them they can drop dead. That's just just good, clean, wholesome family fun, ain't it?
Hey, it'll free up your day off - go have a catch with your kids.
Good times. Good times
Wow Brookfield, welcome to PRIVATE America, where you have to contribute to your own healthcare costs and retirement! Look on the bright side, you can forgo your union dues, and save some cash? Also, with the DECREASE in healthcare costs, you won’t lose as much cash….you know now that you can choose from something OTHER THAN WEA Trust for health care…sorry that the recession, long-delayed for public employees, has finally arrived at your doorstep. You might want to consult with your UNEMPLOYED neighbors about what it’s been like for the last few years.
"Labor Day parade organizers confirm that no Republicans will be allowed to participate in this year's Labor Day Parade."
Is this what Democracy looks like? In Wisconsin, apparently so.
Cheers from someone who answers the phone before 8am and after 5pm.
@brookfieldfred--Right now there are job postings for entry-level custodians with the State of Wisconsin that are paying over $23K per year plus benefits. That figure alone is greater than what would be left after a 20 percent cut from $28,000 even before adding in the value of benefits, so I have no idea what public servants you are talking about.
I'll bet we have that in common.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
If I call someone an asshole and that person comes back with the degree of filth and hate that he did and you people applaud that? Have conservatives lost their senses?
I stated my daughter was going to be risking her life in Afghanistan, that she was a Democrat.you people hate all no conservatives THAT much that not one of you could thank her for her service , even if you hate her guts and that of her mother? You Althouse followers have jumped the shark in vulgarity nag expressions of hate . Althouse should be proud of her loyal followers
Back whining Apfel? Machos put it best, you call someone an @sshole, but can’t take the retort…you make self-defeating arguments and don’t like the push-back…Give it a rest Granny.
Nothing is more fun than getting a 20% cut in take-home pay from your $28,000 a year public service job
Doing what?
You Althouse followers have jumped the shark in vulgarity nag expressions of hate
Weren't you the one who objected to a blanket characterization of all Democrats? Consistency really isn't your strong suit, dear sweet apple-cheeked grandma.
But thanks to your daughter for her decision to serve in the military. I wonder if she'll still be a Democrat when she comes home. If not, will you be cool with her being ostracized from the next Labor Day parade in your hometown?
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Joe, the push back is ALSO unequivalent. Have non of you a shred of decency left
You might want to search about Granny….I try to avoid calling people @ssholes, and don’t use the word c*nt, and the like, because I find it unseemly. In turn, except for “J” I generally don’t get insulted…I engage in debate and disagreement, but usually no one calls me anything…YOU might take that to heart…don’t open up with “@sshole” But IF YOU DO, open up with “@sshole” don’t whine about what comes back your way. And the “shred of decency” line if so precious, oh how I bleed for you…what you’re trying the Granny cliché, first off as they say, “On the Internet nobody knows you’re a dog.” Or a granny….
And you come in here with faux outrage, citing your daughter, and expect us to give you “Unquestioned Moral Authority”, Mother Apfelkuchen? Be nice, argue well, and you’ll get that back, mostly…come in acting like a douche and you’ll get that back, instead.
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