August 20, 2011

"I’m keeping my power to myself and my glow. I’m not giving anybody my glow anymore."

"I’m not saying I’m always going to be celibate, I’m just saying that until there is someone that is worthy of my love and a reflection of the way God loves me then I’m not doing it.... There’s no greater power in the world than that of a woman’s vagina. You hold the key to everything! Women, we are so strong! It took me so long to figure that out but I realized just how strong a woman is. The sensuality and the power that we have… if we withhold you can get that man to do whatever you want him to. I’m not saying it’s easy! Not by any means, it is very difficult. My daddy used to tell my sisters. 'Once you pop you can’t stop,' but it’s worth it, it is definitely worth it. I’m keeping my power to myself and my glow. I’m not giving anybody my glow anymore."

Keep that glow, ladies!


Ron said...

Well....everyone has their self-delusion I suppose, and hers is about her crotch.

Anonymous said...

What an awful post. So ... weird.

traditionalguy said...

Sexual socializing with the man of the week is not going to work well, and she knows that now.

The true value of marriage is the lifetime commitment that makes knowing of one another's secrets and weaknesses a safe and fulfilling way to live.

Col Mustard said...

Useful bit of self-awareness, if you ask me.

Ann Althouse said...

Video at the link. The woman is quite beautiful.

Gary Rosen said...

At first I thought this was going to be Titus.

ricpic said...

Glow little glow worm, once you're poppin'
Glow little glow worm, can't be stoppin'
Glow little glow worm, can't be hidin'
Glow little glow worm, what's excitin'
Gonna blow a gasket if you don't glow
So glow little glow worm glow.

wv: taturit. Whoever tat is, she's it!

Anonymous said...

The woman is quite beautiful.

Tout les chats sont gris dans la nuit.

Ron said...

"Millions for psychological defense, not a penny for sexual tribute."

Glow this!

Sue D'Nhym said...

Women can get men to do just about anything through sensuality.

But withholding it is the best way to squander that advantage.

Henry said...

Only slightly on topic, but this reminded me of NBA forward A.C. Green. Green played sixteen years in the NBA and was famous for being celibate. He married in 2002 after his retirement.

These days Green, who married in 2002, continues to preach celibacy. He runs the A.C. Green Youth Foundation of Rolling Hills, Calif., which works to inform kids about sexual abstinence and social issues. Green also consults for the Christian Flower Network, a company based in Santa Ana, Calif., that creates custom-designed Christian-themed floral arrangements for delivery nationwide. "I love what I'm doing," says Green, 44. "And it's important work. I want kids to see that there is more to life than chasing skirts."

There's a future in this.

The Crack Emcee said...

I don't know about all the glow shit, but it sounds like she's finally caught on:

That's my kind of girl!

edutcher said...

Look at it this way, she won't be breeding.

OTOH, it may be the brain just kicked in. If so, when she decides to breed, she'll have taken more than 10 seconds, hopefully a lot more, to decide on the Daddy.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Video at the link. The woman is quite beautiful.

And yet....somewhere some guy is sick of putting up with her shit.

(old joke)

The Crack Emcee said...

Among changes she has made in her life, she has taken a vow of celibacy, which was not only a spiritual decision, but also a result of her realizing exactly what it meant to truly value and love herself and her body. Her message in the interview was clear: ‘Women Hold The Power’

Arggghhh! I take it back - she's just another NewAge narcissist - shoulda known with all that talk of her glow. She probably means an aura or something. Whatever. I'm glad she's not having sex. I hope she dies now. Come on, God, if you're up there:

Complete the circle!

The Crack Emcee said...

Hey, DBQ - how's that for timing?

I'm already sick of her shit!

wv - "drygisms": I shit you not.

The Dude said...

Crack is sure hatin' the black woman - could it be because she has "good" hair? He racist!

Anga2010 said...

Isn't there a word for women who use sex for personal gain? What was that word... hmmmm....

Spaceman said...

Not to be too melodramatic, but woman can create life. How marvelous and close to God is that?

Dust Bunny Queen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dust Bunny Queen said...

Look.....if you don't want to fuck (or to be more lady like have sexual congress) don't.

It is a 'choice'. Just stop with the spiritual hoo ha and power to the vagina crappola. It is just a sick and disgusting technique. Withholding sex to get power and control....what a bitch.

You give love a bad name.

Not to be too melodramatic, but woman can create life. How marvelous and close to God is that?

To be really down to earth. We don't do it all by ourselves. We aren't Parthogenetic.

(Also I must say that the entire process is really pretty miraculous)

Dust Bunny Queen said...

parthenogenetic, for the spelling Nazis


yashu said...

General Jack D. Ripper: Mandrake, do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk... ice cream. Ice cream, Mandrake, children's ice cream.

Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: [very nervous] Lord, Jack.

General Jack D. Ripper: You know when fluoridation first began?

Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: I... no, no. I don't, Jack.

General Jack D. Ripper: Nineteen hundred and forty-six. 1946, Mandrake. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works.

Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: Uh, Jack, Jack, listen... tell me, tell me, Jack. When did you first... become... well, develop this theory?

General Jack D. Ripper: [somewhat embarassed] Well, I, uh... I... I... first became aware of it, Mandrake, during the physical act of love.

Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: Hmm.

General Jack D. Ripper: Yes, a uh, a profound sense of fatigue... a feeling of emptiness followed. Luckily I... I was able to interpret these feelings correctly. Loss of essence.

Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: Hmm.

General Jack D. Ripper: I can assure you it has not recurred, Mandrake. Women uh... women sense my power and they seek the life essence. I, uh... I do not avoid women, Mandrake.

Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: No.

General Jack D. Ripper: But I... I do deny them my essence.

The Dude said...

Yeah, born in the Parthenon - we get it - what the heck, it was dedicated to Athena, so that makes perfect sense.

WV: buffy - this thing slays me.

Phil 314 said...

I was gonna say "Crack bait" but Crack beat me to it!

Carol_Herman said...

Oh, Bull!

Besides, in Dr. Strangelove, Sterling Hayden already pulled it off. Because he said he wouldn't climax and give up his "essence."

Never believe what celebrities say, anyway. Because they can be hired to say what you hear them say.

While Perry's answer ... to explain why Texas has the 3rd highest teen pregnancy rate ... Even though it spends the most on its abstinence campaign ...

Means teenagers hear this stuff. But then they don't listen.

Anonymous said...

Who is this girl kidding? She makes her living having her body photographed for the the general public, and she thinks that because she does not consummate, she is celibate? All modeling is prostitution, she's just missing out on the orgasm.

Anonymous said...

My old man told me on the eve of my wedding, just remeber son, she'll have half the money and all the pussy.


chickelit said...

According to internet, White dated Vin Diesel. I wonder if he showed her his glow plug.

Chip S. said...

The "glow" isn't something women keep from men; it's something they get from men.

She's been keeping bad company.

Roux said...

It can start wars, tear down mountains and has the tinsel strength of steel.... What is it?

Jason (the commenter) said...

I don't get it, is "glow" a euphemism for herpes or something?

Jason (the commenter) said...

Apparently the herpes is powerful.

Michael K said...

As the father of a 21 year old daughter, I wouldn't mind if this catches on.

flicka47 said...

"I’m basically saying this to give women the strength to understand that we do connect physically too soon at times and it isn’t worth it."

OK, so I understand you can't post the whole interview, that's why there's a link, and the gal does sound more than a little dippy. but where is she wrong here?

She's not "withholding" to get extra goodies from her man, she's saying take the time to get to know the other person and be sure they are right for you before you commit to them.

You know, maybe one night stands are not the best way to go through life...

Or is it her inartful way of speaking that bothers the professor more than her message?

themightypuck said...

Link to Strangelove scene.

I do deny them my essence

chickelit said...

ChipS: said: The "glow" isn't something women keep from men; it's something they get from men.

No reason to get all analytical.

Charlie said...

So - does this mean nothing until the second date?

Ipso Fatso said...

Glow me.

David said...

"The power that women hold in their vagina . . . "

My first thought was of a cherry bomb.

Anonymous said...

Her actual plan, to not have sex until she knows the guy and knows he cares about her, is a perfectly good one. In fact, its one that we would have a better world if more people followed.

But the way she phrases it is extremely annoying and obnoxious.

- Lyssa

MamaM said...

Adult women who refer to their father as "my daddy" while talking about their powerful vagina don't sound all that strong to me.

rhhardin said...

It's fluorescent yeast.

Sal said...

I didn't see anything in there about not giving head.

The Crack Emcee said...

Modeling. Vagina. A glow.

She's another graduate of the Jane Fonda school of NewAge.

traditionalguy said...

Not all women are sensual and passionate. neither are all women hard working and intelligent

When you find one with all of those gifts to offer you and can romance her into a marriage, it is a 100 to nothing score, all in that man's favor.

Congratulations, Meade.

Anonymous said...

"But the way she phrases it is extremely annoying and obnoxious."

yeah, pretty much. Look, if she's still a kid, then fine. Whatever works.

But if she's an adult? glow? power? really?

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, Crack almost fell under a spell of a New Age vixen, whew close call.

tamsf said...

My daddy used to tell my sisters. 'Once you pop you can’t stop'

I've tried to be a good father to my 21 year-old daughter and offered her much advice. But it never ever occurred to me to offer her that little gem.

DADvocate said...

There’s no greater power in the world than that of a woman’s vagina.

Some women certainly think that. Most men simply think it's a nice warm place to put their penis.

roesch-voltaire said...

And I am sure she keeps her fingers on the glow button just to be sure...

Heart_Collector said...

Theres nothing I love more than ignoring chicks who think their vagina is the shit (ha, it probably is!).

They got off on the look that lets them know you want it. Then they walk away the temporary self esteem boost.

wv-misal- They call me misal dick, cause I cum quick.

Michael K said...

I've tried to be a good father to my 21 year-old daughter and offered her much advice. But it never ever occurred to me to offer her that little gem.

I had a talk with my daughter about herpes when she was about 15. Her mother is kind of squeamish about some things.

clint said...

Is there supposed to be something empowering in the message that women hold all the power -- by using their sexuality to control men?

How, um, retro?

Anonymous said...

There’s no greater power in the world than that of a woman’s vagina.

Nor is there anything as completely hairless. God damn it.


Krumhorn said...

You cant grasp how uncomfortable and manipulative she is until you watch the video. Withholding "it" until you get what you want from a man is a front row ticket to the worst show in town. And a very short run it will be.

Glow? Not until you give up the pink, baby. Mr Buzz is no substitute.

KCFleming said...

"There’s no greater power in the world than that of a woman’s vagina"

Shit, I can name five without trying real hard.

Her rediscovery of an ancient virtue is laudable, but that should bring humility not hubris, or she's missed the point.

The Vagina Monologues is the sound of one hand clapping.

Ralph L said...

Tout les chats sont gris dans la nuit
Especially since most have lost their fur, according to Peter.

I hope she'll report on how her next relationship ends, so we can extrapolate his side of the story.

Sue D'Nhym said...

My daddy used to tell my sisters. 'Once you pop you can’t stop'

We are blessed by your presence, Mr. Pringles.

jr565 said...

You are the last dragon,
You posses the power OF THE GLOW (of the glow, of the glow....)!

Laika's Last Woof said...

Nothing says "narcissism" like a woman talking about her vagina.

Calling it "The Glow" makes it sound radioactive.

R.L. Hunter said...

Pogo said...
"The Vagina Monologues is the sound of one hand clapping."

More like a long drawn out queef.

Clyde said...

Pogo said:
"There’s no greater power in the world than that of a woman’s vagina"

Shit, I can name five without trying real hard.

Oil, coal, natural gas, nuclear, geothermal. How many watts does the coochie put out?

Erik Robert Nelson said...

More young women ought to have respect for themselves and be more discerning in the sexual choices they make. Hell, a lot of young men ought to as well. It's a perfectly rational, sane choice to remain celibate. It avoids quite a few emotional and physical crises. But dressing it up in all this hoohah-power bullshit is ... well, it's damned creepy. I felt like a perv just reading it.

Toad Trend said...

This woman has issues.

Her father didn't help, really. Getting advice along the lines of 'once you pop, you can't stop' should be reserved for the amusement park.

Really, the power lies in the advice. The vagina, well, is akin to the bunghole in that every woman has one. Just because one has one does not mean one should 'practice' or better yet, 'reproduce'.

She apparently shared hers with the wrong guy, so now she gets all biblical.

Suck it up, sister. You made a mistake. Its no reason to turn your body part into a WMD.


The Crack Emcee said...


Hahaha, Crack almost fell under a spell of a New Age vixen, whew close call.

Yeah, yeah - but I caught the glow shit, immediately, which made me take another look. You gotta hear the catchphrases, or the loonies can slip anything past you.

I betcha she's full of shit, and some dude's mackin' that shit up right now.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! She's got a vagina. She's really lucky. Those things are rare. Stick by your guns, girl.

bagoh20 said...

Two can play at that game, sister, and your ranks will not hold. Your strategy is only as strong as your weakest member, and she is on her way over right now. Even you yourself betrayed your cause the other night after we finished that second bottle of Pinot.

bagoh20 said...

So a guy has sex with her and then isn't interested "her" anymore. I don't think her plan is gonna fix that. She needs to offer more woman, not less vagina.

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