If you already like her, that's great. But she needs to commit to get in or get out of the way. We already know what's wrong and what we want. Running against Obama is easy at this stage.
I loved her nomination acceptance speech in '08; I'm not finding this too inspirational - she sounds somewhat shrill.
I think (or rather, hope - I fear far too many idiots who voted for Obama aren't smart enough to have learned from their nearly catastrophic mistake) things may be so bad in '12 that Republicans won't need a shrill voice to convince voters our grand national experiment in making the presidency an affirmative action job was a mistake that needs to be corrected.
I know it's Iowa, but I wish "regular people" and "real Americans" were portrayed by more regular Americans. We don't all live on farms and have 4 kids. A lot of us are single, not religious, and work in the city too. Some of us are even fat and ugly. Not me, I'm adorable and hot.
And, I can remember back to 1980. Finally, Reagan wrested the top slot. Then, he broke the hearts of his entire California Kitchen Cabinet. He dropped them for James Baker. And, the elder Bush swept into the veep's slot.
Back in 1980, Reagan went out of "campaign mode" and decided that he wanted to lead. Deaver and Nofsiger had to "swallow it" ... just to stay in place.
"Regardless of whether you support her or not, for President or not, no one does inspirational political (campaign?) videos better than Palin."
The opening of a Jesse Jackson rally had montages of Jesse in full preacher speak then an glowing video of the Man-God of His People. By the time Jesse personally walked to the podium, inspired guilty whites and old fat black rube ladies were already bawling tears and chanting "Jesse! Jesse! Jesse!". (Many overseas leaders have their own Cult of Personalities that put the scale of devotion to a Jesse! The One! Our Sarah! to shame..)
Obama did similar, but with not quite as much passion as Jesse or Sarah cause with their peeps.
Would Jesse or Sarah make a better Prez than Obama? Perhaps. But is the fact that a hush puppy chewing evangelical is sporting a woody for Sarah more meaningful than the woody Obama gave Chris Matthews?
This video brings to mind the contrast of her opponents: Through the tepid, turgid squalor Of the liberals of pallor Come the hollow words that do no longer sway; Though their stories are debunked And their theories defunct They keep whining and opining every day; They may boogie with their fans Or do some fancy dance But they miss the tune that common folks do play.
Back in the eighties movie directors discovered the music video montage. There's a pop song and bunch of quick cuts of cute actors being happy and hardly any real dialog and that tells you that the main characters are falling in love. This was as inspirational as Ralph Macchio falling in love with Elizabeth Shue.
Cedarford, Obama's skills are as a campaigner. He had this early in his life. Even though he's skinny. And, can sound unappealing. But something's there all the same.
Can't just be attributed to "white guilt."
I can name comedians who didn't depend on jokes to be funny. They played, instead, the "schlemiel." Guys who couldn't take a step on stage without falling down.
No different than Jerry Lewis. (Who for the first time at 85 is not heading up the "telethon.")
Never underestimate the popularity of being the schlemiel.
The splicing between media reels and footage of Palin reminded me of the trailer for "The Nomi Song." I was expecting her to break into a falsetto version of "Total Eclipse." Her participation at the fair seems authentic, too. She seems right at home among the sows and slop--which is something both her fans and detractors can celebrate. I like Palin. She's a powerful presence wherever she goes. I hope she doesn't mess that up by doing anything stupid like running for elective office.
Herman - "And, yet? And, Yet? It's as if McCain's goons are there, trying to blow her off course."
Look, the only reason she is out there now making millions on her celebrity is John McCain settled on the Ditz after his handlers told him he would blow up his own nomination selecting his Good Friend and Fellow Neocon Joe Lieberman.
I googled Palin's bus tour to find out the make of her bus to draw a cheap comparison between her bus and Obama's Canadian wonder wheels, but the entire first page of results is filled with media reports from places like CBS news and the Guardian, most from the end of June, asking "has the Palin bus tour run out of gas?" Apparently not. Silly goons.
In a sane republic, noone would have to announce before Sept. I'd love to see someone pull the Fred Thompson campaign strategy and make it work (the late entry part, that is) just to yank the calendar back into some kind of sane norm.
If Nebraskans can survive without getting to pick corn, er, Presidents every four years, so can Iowa.
I went to country fairs when I was a kid and loved them. But looking at this makes me gag. It's all too much of a muchness.
And whether Palin runs or not: I want to see her get back to substance. Which she *can* do. Her roll-out speeches in '08 were fantastic. I loved her Tea Party convention speech (rough-delivered as it was from her index cards) too.
She needs to avail herself of an opportunity to make a splashy policy address. She's proven her populist credentials in spades. Enough of that. Now do one of them gravitas thingies.
Cedarford wrote: Look, the only reason she is out there now making millions on her celebrity is John McCain settled on the Ditz after his handlers told him he would blow up his own nomination selecting his Good Friend and Fellow Neocon Joe Lieberman.
I always wondered about the source of your irrational Palin-loathing, but that statement puts it altogether for me. It was simple transference.
I think her and Bachmann should eat more dogs. Let the Dems make their jokes while they alienate independent women who might be thinking, "wtf, can't a woman even eat a corndog at the fair?"
The most inspirational video I ever saw was filmed for the Bicentennial by the Air Force. It had the Air Force Academy glee club (all male in them thar days) singing, "This Is My Country", over aerial views of the wilderness areas of the country.
This isn't in the same Universe, but Michele Bachmann could learn a lot from her.
edutcher said... The most inspirational video I ever saw was filmed for the Bicentennial by the Air Force.
The 45 minute video that the Park Service shows at the Pearl Harbor Memorial is the best I've seen-- perhaps ever. It's narrated by Stockard Channing and puts everybody in a somber mood before being ferried over by the Navy to the Arizona wreck site.
I've looked on line to buy a copy but didn't find it.
Folks ... we are witnessing a Presidential campaign under what will be known as the "Palin Rules."
When she announces, her campaign will continue in the same vain that we have already witnessed. There will be no formal debates, there will be no press conferences.
There will be "One Nation" bus tours in the primary states, there will be showings of "The Undefeated" and there will be Sarah greeting her people.
Opponents will try objecting but she literally will have them panting from lack of oxygen -- she already has the press corps in that mode. A new, cheaper, political paradigm is born!
chickenlittle said... edutcher said... The most inspirational video I ever saw was filmed for the Bicentennial by the Air Force.
The 45 minute video that the Park Service shows at the Pearl Harbor Memorial is the best I've seen-- perhaps ever. It's narrated by Stockard Channing and puts everybody in a somber mood before being ferried over by the Navy to the Arizona wreck site.
That's the second time I've heard someone mention that. When we were in HI ('02), we went to Pearl and the Navy had an excellent presentation, but it wasn't Stockard Channing.
If I'm not prying, when were you there?
WV "oriled" Being yelled at during Fox News' flagship news show.
@gadfly wrote: When she announces, her campaign will continue in the same vain that we have already witnessed. There will be no formal debates, there will be no press conferences.
"But is the fact that a hush puppy chewing evangelical is sporting a woody for Sarah more meaningful than the woody Obama gave Chris Matthews?"
If you prefer conservative values, then absolutely. Passion is not a negative, it's power. If it's on the right side, then it's good. Some people just don't have the courage or conviction to pick a side, but strangely enough they seem to always have enough intellect and knowledge.
I doubt that anyone here would describe you as level headed and neutral. You do in fact get quite excited, but it seems only by what you hate. That's unfortunate for you and the good who need you.
I bet that phrase "the good" itself even pisses you off. Don't you trust your ability to dicern it?
On September 4th we will all awaken to the Grizzlie's roar,
Rick Perry will have to get a bigger gun to have any hope to bring down the Sarah Bear protecting her Cubs before she picks him up and throws him away.
She is running the ideal campaign by interacting directly with the people and emphasizing the correct principles. I hope she decides to become our candidate for President.
I love Palin, I don't think she's the best person for the Presidency, but I think she should be an inspiration to men and women alike. I don't really get why the left hates her. If she was a Democrat and nothing else changed, she would be their matriarch of the next Camelot.
That said, I too can't take her voice. The message is right, but the voice and the way she delivers it usually sounds like Tina Fey clowning on her. Women politicians don't usually have such a distinctive sound.
Obama had a painted bus when he was a candidate - but unlike Palin he had to fake ti in order to get elected. he had to pretend to be pious, centrist, had to pretend he had access to the best talent around, and when he got elected, all he had were warmed over Clinton retreads and activist assholes. Everything about the man is a lie. Everything he says is the opposite of the truth, and you know the knife is coming in from the other side - and you are seeing the results. The entire world is melting down because of Obama's inherent weakness.
SHE is the opposite of Obama - honest and real, she doesn't have to fake it - and she doesn't have the media pretending for her, yet her light, her inherent strength, shines through their black shroud.
Wow. I loved this video. You feel her passion and you can't fake that. So many politicians are robotic, scripted. They shake hands and kiss the babies and they feel nothing.
Palin is a master of the political quip, of the one-liner, of using humor to jab, jab, jab at her opponents. But this video shows her at a whole different level.
Nothing about Obama, nothing about liberals. It's a completely positive, uplifting message. And yet you feel her passion and her anger at what is happening to our country. Look at her shaking her fist. She is really worked up.
She is really, really good at campaigning. This is the best I've seen in my lifetime, by far.
It's a completely positive, uplifting message. And yet you feel her passion and her anger at what is happening to our country. Look at her shaking her fist. She is really worked up.
And completely devoid of any concrete ideas or policy. The whole video was pointless, people saying how much they love Sarah because she is a "real person", whatever the hell that means; and Palin spouting meaningless phrases like "you know how to spend your money better than the government".
"Regardless of whether you support her or not, for President or not, no one does inspirational political (campaign?) videos better than Palin."
Heh. It was transparent bullshit, as par for the course.
"America's got to get back on the right track!" says La Palin. There's a penetrating prescription for improving our wretched state of affairs. I wonder why no one else has had this clarity of insight or the courage to proclaim it?
With Palin, it's all glittering generalities, all the time.
Of course, in this respect and most others, Palin is no different than other politicians, reality show tv stars, and other prevalent counterfeit phenomena of the day, which is why it is both amusing and confounding that her followers find her so "inspirational," so different and so refreshing in comparison with the pack; she exemplifies the pack! She's the ne plus ultra product of the phony media and political world that befogs our society with an unceasing cloud of lies, like the toxic radioactive steam still geysering forth from Fukushima's nuclear plant.
One question about tour buses in Iowa: Who paid for Palin's bus versus who paid for Obama's "government business" bus?
Not known to be a Palin fan, here, but I dam sure am less offended by her political campaign bus paid for by book and speaking revenues versus Big O's non-political campaign bus paid for by taxpayers.
“Helicopter” Ben Bernanke created about $600 billion dollars that he used to buy much of this year’s deficit. The Fed thought it would have a stimulative effect, but the economy is at a stand-still. Team Obama told us that this would be the “summer of recovery.”
In November of 2010 Palin said “I’m deeply concerned about the Federal Reserve’s plans to buy up anywhere from $600 billion to as much as $1 trillion of government securities. The technical term for it is “quantitative easing.” It means our government is pumping money into the banking system by buying up treasury bonds. And where, you may ask, are we getting the money to pay for all this? We’re printing it out of thin air. The Fed hopes doing this may buy us a little temporary economic growth by supplying banks with extra cash which they could then lend out to businesses. But it’s far from certain this will even work. After all, the problem isn’t that banks don’t have enough cash on hand – it’s that they don’t want to lend it out, because they don’t trust the current economic climate.
She warned about the danger of the Fed’s efforts resulting in inflation: “All this pump priming will come at a serious price. And I mean that literally: everyone who ever goes out shopping for groceries knows that prices have risen significantly over the past year or so. Pump priming would push them even higher. And it’s not just groceries. Oil recently hit a six month high, at more than $87 a barrel. ... And the worst part of it: because the Obama White House refuses to open up our offshore and onshore oil reserves for exploration, most of that money will go directly to foreign regimes who don’t have America’s best interests at heart. We shouldn’t be playing around with inflation. It’s not for nothing Reagan called it “as violent as a mugger, as frightening as an armed robber, and as deadly as a hit man.” The Fed’s pump priming addiction has got our small businesses running scared, and our allies worried. The German finance minister called the Fed’s proposals “clueless.” When Germany, a country that knows a thing or two about the dangers of inflation, warns us to think again, maybe it’s time for Chairman Bernanke to cease and desist.
How's that for a prediction that came true? There's even talk about QE3! And from a woman who's caricatured by the "smart set" as too stupid to breathe.
There are even people whose objections go to the tone of her voice, apparently preferring a catastrophe like Obama because of the crease in his trousers and his well-modulated tones.
I am really amazed that her enemies both Right and Left continue to portray Palin as stupid when she’s actually exhibiting a high level of basic wisdom on economic and legislative issues. That resonates with the American people. Since the election of 2008 Palin has been largely in a defensive mode while keeping her visibility up; occasionally making sharp, insightful remarks that sting, like her reference to “death panels” which did incredible damage to ObamaCare.
If she should become a candidate for President, she can move from defense to offense, using some of her past comments as ammunition, showing just how on-target her ideas have been. Palin would be the most formidable Republican opponent to Obama, no matter the hatred of the Left or the disdain of the Establishment Right. The fact the she has enemies on either side will make her even more attractive to the vast majority of the American people who give low marks to both the President and Congress.
I've said before, the media loves to focus on Palin's negative polling so I guess it's up to her to highlight her positives. She connects with rural low and middle income folks like nobody else. Elite blues hate her; elite reds don't trust her. I don't see how she wins with a demographic that is a minority in numbers and campaign donations. She won't win now but we may look back in 10 years to dissect how she used this time to firm up her policy chops to become a more serious presidential contender in 2020.
@Cedarford: "But is the fact that a hush puppy chewing evangelical is sporting a woody for Sarah more meaningful than the woody Obama gave Chris Matthews?"
The quote you are mocking is from Prof. William Jacobson, a Harvard Law grad, Cornell faculty member, and well regarded securities lawyer. The scant information about his religious sensibilities that can be gleaned from his website would lead me to believe he is a conservative Jew.
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"I gotta feva; a feva for fish lens!"
--Quite too demotic for me.
My sense is that South Dakota or Wyoming would make for much more interesting first-caucus states.
Iowans are way too cornfed.
wv: perat What H.W. Bush said.
I'm a normal person too.
Here's today's video heel.
If you already like her, that's great. But she needs to commit to get in or get out of the way. We already know what's wrong and what we want. Running against Obama is easy at this stage.
But Trump said "she isn't running."
What's the purpose?
I think she steals the thunder from everybody else. And, yet? And, Yet? It's as if McCain's goons are there, trying to blow her off course.
In Iowa, her crowds are all White and Christian. How, exactly, does this play elsewhere?
Can Sarah frighten enough people so that Obama edges into first place?
Enough Iowa already!
Up ahead, there are 49 other states. I think in each and every one of them, Sarah draws a crowd.
While I think UNSEEN, Jeb is heading into the GOP veep slot. To cure "the Florida problem."
Yup. Even if Sarah comes in first. She' gotta deal with the GOP tent flap holders. (And, they tried to destroy her once before.)
Hard to call how the race turns out.
I loved her nomination acceptance speech in '08; I'm not finding this too inspirational - she sounds somewhat shrill.
I think (or rather, hope - I fear far too many idiots who voted for Obama aren't smart enough to have learned from their nearly catastrophic mistake) things may be so bad in '12 that Republicans won't need a shrill voice to convince voters our grand national experiment in making the presidency an affirmative action job was a mistake that needs to be corrected.
Palin still needs voice lessons.
She got bad breathing habits from playing the flute.
Wisely she ate no hot dogs on camera.
Avoid bananas and hot dogs, is the advice for women from Fix Business's Degan McDowell, on Imus.
I know it's Iowa, but I wish "regular people" and "real Americans" were portrayed by more regular Americans. We don't all live on farms and have 4 kids. A lot of us are single, not religious, and work in the city too. Some of us are even fat and ugly. Not me, I'm adorable and hot.
Mama Grizz for president! Hooray for the Red, White, and Blue!
Cheers, y'all.
Campaigning's not the same as running anything.
And, I can remember back to 1980. Finally, Reagan wrested the top slot. Then, he broke the hearts of his entire California Kitchen Cabinet. He dropped them for James Baker. And, the elder Bush swept into the veep's slot.
Back in 1980, Reagan went out of "campaign mode" and decided that he wanted to lead. Deaver and Nofsiger had to "swallow it" ... just to stay in place.
"Regardless of whether you support her or not, for President or not, no one does inspirational political (campaign?) videos better than Palin."
The opening of a Jesse Jackson rally had montages of Jesse in full preacher speak then an glowing video of the Man-God of His People. By the time Jesse personally walked to the podium, inspired guilty whites and old fat black rube ladies were already bawling tears and chanting "Jesse! Jesse! Jesse!".
(Many overseas leaders have their own Cult of Personalities that put the scale of devotion to a Jesse! The One! Our Sarah! to shame..)
Obama did similar, but with not quite as much passion as Jesse or Sarah cause with their peeps.
Would Jesse or Sarah make a better Prez than Obama? Perhaps. But is the fact that a hush puppy chewing evangelical is sporting a woody for Sarah more meaningful than the woody Obama gave Chris Matthews?
Back in 1960 is was LBJ who swept into the veep's slot. Sure. He said the job was worth spit.
But that's not how it played out.
How many times do Americans send distressed front runners back to Texas?
"In Iowa, her crowds are all White and Christian. How, exactly, does this play elsewhere?"
Sorta-kinda like the Union protests in Wisconsin. ;-)
This video brings to mind the contrast of her opponents:
Through the tepid, turgid squalor
Of the liberals of pallor
Come the hollow words that do no longer sway;
Though their stories are debunked
And their theories defunct
They keep whining and opining every day;
They may boogie with their fans
Or do some fancy dance
But they miss the tune that common folks do play.
Back in the eighties movie directors discovered the music video montage. There's a pop song and bunch of quick cuts of cute actors being happy and hardly any real dialog and that tells you that the main characters are falling in love. This was as inspirational as Ralph Macchio falling in love with Elizabeth Shue.
"We don't all live on farms and have 4 kids."
She did that ride with a bunch of bikers through a major metro area, didn't she?
Cedarford, Obama's skills are as a campaigner. He had this early in his life. Even though he's skinny. And, can sound unappealing. But something's there all the same.
Can't just be attributed to "white guilt."
I can name comedians who didn't depend on jokes to be funny. They played, instead, the "schlemiel." Guys who couldn't take a step on stage without falling down.
No different than Jerry Lewis. (Who for the first time at 85 is not heading up the "telethon.")
Never underestimate the popularity of being the schlemiel.
The splicing between media reels and footage of Palin reminded me of the trailer for "The Nomi Song." I was expecting her to break into a falsetto version of "Total Eclipse." Her participation at the fair seems authentic, too. She seems right at home among the sows and slop--which is something both her fans and detractors can celebrate. I like Palin. She's a powerful presence wherever she goes. I hope she doesn't mess that up by doing anything stupid like running for elective office.
Herman - "And, yet? And, Yet? It's as if McCain's goons are there, trying to blow her off course."
Look, the only reason she is out there now making millions on her celebrity is John McCain settled on the Ditz after his handlers told him he would blow up his own nomination selecting his Good Friend and Fellow Neocon Joe Lieberman.
The grizzly at the end was a nice touch.
I googled Palin's bus tour to find out the make of her bus to draw a cheap comparison between her bus and Obama's Canadian wonder wheels, but the entire first page of results is filled with media reports from places like CBS news and the Guardian, most from the end of June, asking "has the Palin bus tour run out of gas?" Apparently not. Silly goons.
I'd vote for her!
All this teasing, I dunno . . .
In a sane republic, noone would have to announce before Sept. I'd love to see someone pull the Fred Thompson campaign strategy and make it work (the late entry part, that is) just to yank the calendar back into some kind of sane norm.
If Nebraskans can survive without getting to pick corn, er, Presidents every four years, so can Iowa.
I went to country fairs when I was a kid and loved them. But looking at this makes me gag. It's all too much of a muchness.
And whether Palin runs or not: I want to see her get back to substance. Which she *can* do. Her roll-out speeches in '08 were fantastic. I loved her Tea Party convention speech (rough-delivered as it was from her index cards) too.
She needs to avail herself of an opportunity to make a splashy policy address. She's proven her populist credentials in spades. Enough of that. Now do one of them gravitas thingies.
So Palin is driving around Iowa making videos about Iowa. I wonder is she knows she's not in the race?
Cedarford wrote: Look, the only reason she is out there now making millions on her celebrity is John McCain settled on the Ditz after his handlers told him he would blow up his own nomination selecting his Good Friend and Fellow Neocon Joe Lieberman.
I always wondered about the source of your irrational Palin-loathing, but that statement puts it altogether for me. It was simple transference.
Prediction for 2012.
Sarah Palin reveals secret affair with Sean Hannity.
Wisely she ate no hot dogs on camera.
I think her and Bachmann should eat more dogs. Let the Dems make their jokes while they alienate independent women who might be thinking, "wtf, can't a woman even eat a corndog at the fair?"
The left with a lap dog media tried to kill her but she's alive and they are scared to death of her.
Sarah Palin stirs people like no other politician on the scene today.
Interesting times.
The most inspirational video I ever saw was filmed for the Bicentennial by the Air Force. It had the Air Force Academy glee club (all male in them thar days) singing, "This Is My Country", over aerial views of the wilderness areas of the country.
This isn't in the same Universe, but Michele Bachmann could learn a lot from her.
From Phil 3:14:
"Prediction for 2012.
Sarah Palin reveals secret affair with Sean Hannity."
Actually, she spends more time with Greta.
edutcher said...
The most inspirational video I ever saw was filmed for the Bicentennial by the Air Force.
The 45 minute video that the Park Service shows at the Pearl Harbor Memorial is the best I've seen-- perhaps ever. It's narrated by Stockard Channing and puts everybody in a somber mood before being ferried over by the Navy to the Arizona wreck site.
I've looked on line to buy a copy but didn't find it.
Folks ... we are witnessing a Presidential campaign under what will be known as the "Palin Rules."
When she announces, her campaign will continue in the same vain that we have already witnessed. There will be no formal debates, there will be no press conferences.
There will be "One Nation" bus tours in the primary states, there will be showings of "The Undefeated" and there will be Sarah greeting her people.
Opponents will try objecting but she literally will have them panting from lack of oxygen -- she already has the press corps in that mode. A new, cheaper, political paradigm is born!
chickenlittle said...
edutcher said...
The most inspirational video I ever saw was filmed for the Bicentennial by the Air Force.
The 45 minute video that the Park Service shows at the Pearl Harbor Memorial is the best I've seen-- perhaps ever. It's narrated by Stockard Channing and puts everybody in a somber mood before being ferried over by the Navy to the Arizona wreck site.
That's the second time I've heard someone mention that. When we were in HI ('02), we went to Pearl and the Navy had an excellent presentation, but it wasn't Stockard Channing.
If I'm not prying, when were you there?
WV "oriled" Being yelled at during Fox News' flagship news show.
@gadfly wrote: When she announces, her campaign will continue in the same vain that we have already witnessed. There will be no formal debates, there will be no press conferences.
If I'm not prying, when were you there?
Early July of this year. You may have heard about it from me over at Trooper's. You told a story about the Blonde snorkelling at Kealakekua Bay.
That's it.
Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it. If you're interested in the video, you might want to try to talk to the Navy, rather than the Park Service.
Just a guess.
She is totally running. What a tease though.
I have seen more substance on an episode of Jersey Shore. If she became president it would inspire me to leave the country.
"If she became president it would inspire me to leave the country."
That statement has an eerie familiarity. It's almost like I heard it before.
Jason: Brenden, um, I wouldn't buy this. A fisheye lens is a tired device. Is it really worth it? It's rather hackneyed.
She has a positive message and a can-do attitude and it is contagious. I haven't seen this since 1979.
I'm inspired that some who saw the video would like to leave the country.
adios, mofo
Maybe it's that, if she became president we'd be inspired by real economic and energy leadership to dust off our passports and take vacations?
I dont know what it is but Sarah Palin speaks as the lone voice of sanity in a insane politcal spectrum.
@Saul... you promise?
"But is the fact that a hush puppy chewing evangelical is sporting a woody for Sarah more meaningful than the woody Obama gave Chris Matthews?"
If you prefer conservative values, then absolutely. Passion is not a negative, it's power. If it's on the right side, then it's good. Some people just don't have the courage or conviction to pick a side, but strangely enough they seem to always have enough intellect and knowledge.
I doubt that anyone here would describe you as level headed and neutral. You do in fact get quite excited, but it seems only by what you hate. That's unfortunate for you and the good who need you.
I bet that phrase "the good" itself even pisses you off. Don't you trust your ability to dicern it?
On September 4th we will all awaken to the Grizzlie's roar,
Rick Perry will have to get a bigger gun to have any hope to bring down the Sarah Bear protecting her Cubs before she picks him up and throws him away.
She is running the ideal campaign by interacting directly with the people and emphasizing the correct principles. I hope she decides to become our candidate for President.
I love Palin, I don't think she's the best person for the Presidency, but I think she should be an inspiration to men and women alike. I don't really get why the left hates her. If she was a Democrat and nothing else changed, she would be their matriarch of the next Camelot.
That said, I too can't take her voice. The message is right, but the voice and the way she delivers it usually sounds like Tina Fey clowning on her. Women politicians don't usually have such a distinctive sound.
WV: gfuct You first asshole.
And then go look at Obama's hearse like vans (that cost us millions.)
Sarah's van didn't cost tax payers a nickel.
And she makes better videos to.
I wonder when Obama will take his malaise tour on the road? September you think?
The t-shirts and jeans look was the right thing to do, Sarah.
Drill, baby, drill!
Palin stars in Chris Muir's latest Day by Day cartoon
I googled Palin's bus tour to find out the make of her bus to draw a cheap comparison between her bus and Obama's Canadian wonder wheels
If Palin's bus weren't 100% Made In America, is there any doubt that tidbit would still be unknown?
She has been running, she will officially run, and it will be all on her own terms. (And it will be fabulous.)
imagine the heat from the left that Obama would have taken if his bus had been painted with a cool patriotic theme like Sarah's
I wish she'd put "Furthur" in the destination sign.
Obama had a painted bus when he was a candidate - but unlike Palin he had to fake ti in order to get elected. he had to pretend to be pious, centrist, had to pretend he had access to the best talent around, and when he got elected, all he had were warmed over Clinton retreads and activist assholes. Everything about the man is a lie. Everything he says is the opposite of the truth, and you know the knife is coming in from the other side - and you are seeing the results. The entire world is melting down because of Obama's inherent weakness.
SHE is the opposite of Obama - honest and real, she doesn't have to fake it - and she doesn't have the media pretending for her, yet her light, her inherent strength, shines through their black shroud.
I notice that you favor a white rose.
Yorkist, Purist, or ... Racist?
Wow. I loved this video. You feel her passion and you can't fake that. So many politicians are robotic, scripted. They shake hands and kiss the babies and they feel nothing.
Palin is a master of the political quip, of the one-liner, of using humor to jab, jab, jab at her opponents. But this video shows her at a whole different level.
Nothing about Obama, nothing about liberals. It's a completely positive, uplifting message. And yet you feel her passion and her anger at what is happening to our country. Look at her shaking her fist. She is really worked up.
She is really, really good at campaigning. This is the best I've seen in my lifetime, by far.
It's a completely positive, uplifting message. And yet you feel her passion and her anger at what is happening to our country. Look at her shaking her fist. She is really worked up.
And completely devoid of any concrete ideas or policy. The whole video was pointless, people saying how much they love Sarah because she is a "real person", whatever the hell that means; and Palin spouting meaningless phrases like "you know how to spend your money better than the government".
Palin spouting meaningless phrases like "you know how to spend your money better than the government".
It means that absent a profit motive the government misallocates resources, which necessarily lowers the nation's standard of living.
Whether she knows that is another question.
I saw the Iowa Hannity interview from which the two second clip was extracted. The makers of that video are very talented.
"Regardless of whether you support her or not, for President or not, no one does inspirational political (campaign?) videos better than Palin."
Heh. It was transparent bullshit, as par for the course.
"America's got to get back on the right track!" says La Palin. There's a penetrating prescription for improving our wretched state of affairs. I wonder why no one else has had this clarity of insight or the courage to proclaim it?
With Palin, it's all glittering generalities, all the time.
Of course, in this respect and most others, Palin is no different than other politicians, reality show tv stars, and other prevalent counterfeit phenomena of the day, which is why it is both amusing and confounding that her followers find her so "inspirational," so different and so refreshing in comparison with the pack; she exemplifies the pack! She's the ne plus ultra product of the phony media and political world that befogs our society with an unceasing cloud of lies, like the toxic radioactive steam still geysering forth from Fukushima's nuclear plant.
One question about tour buses in Iowa: Who paid for Palin's bus versus who paid for Obama's "government business" bus?
Not known to be a Palin fan, here, but I dam sure am less offended by her political campaign bus paid for by book and speaking revenues versus Big O's non-political campaign bus paid for by taxpayers.
"The grizzly at the end was a nice touch."
Americans never fail to be dazzled by empty platitudes, facile metaphors, trite images, stale phrasemaking, and "America, Fuck Yeah!" chauvinism.
It's true what some warned us of: television rots our brains!
Hey cedarford, a tip....
"...hush puppy chewing..."
Never use the same stupid joke twice.
Ok, carry on.
Robert Cook sez ...
With Palin, it's all glittering generalities, all the time.
Of course with Obama its always penetrating specifics, eh? Like the detailed budget & jobs plan he's gonna give us, uh, well, sometime in September.
Which "September" will that be? 2011? 2012? Like he's already passed on 2009 and 2010.
Americans never fail to be dazzled by empty platitudes, facile metaphors, trite images, stale phrasemaking, and "America, Fuck Yeah!" chauvinism.
Hey Cook ... did you write Obama's recent speeches? Sure sounds like it. Yeah! America has always been and will always be AAA!! Etc. Etc.
The wisdom of Sarah Palin
“Helicopter” Ben Bernanke created about $600 billion dollars that he used to buy much of this year’s deficit. The Fed thought it would have a stimulative effect, but the economy is at a stand-still. Team Obama told us that this would be the “summer of recovery.”
In November of 2010 Palin said “I’m deeply concerned about the Federal Reserve’s plans to buy up anywhere from $600 billion to as much as $1 trillion of government securities. The technical term for it is “quantitative easing.” It means our government is pumping money into the banking system by buying up treasury bonds. And where, you may ask, are we getting the money to pay for all this? We’re printing it out of thin air.
The Fed hopes doing this may buy us a little temporary economic growth by supplying banks with extra cash which they could then lend out to businesses. But it’s far from certain this will even work. After all, the problem isn’t that banks don’t have enough cash on hand – it’s that they don’t want to lend it out, because they don’t trust the current economic climate.
She warned about the danger of the Fed’s efforts resulting in inflation: “All this pump priming will come at a serious price. And I mean that literally: everyone who ever goes out shopping for groceries knows that prices have risen significantly over the past year or so. Pump priming would push them even higher. And it’s not just groceries. Oil recently hit a six month high, at more than $87 a barrel. ... And the worst part of it: because the Obama White House refuses to open up our offshore and onshore oil reserves for exploration, most of that money will go directly to foreign regimes who don’t have America’s best interests at heart.
We shouldn’t be playing around with inflation. It’s not for nothing Reagan called it “as violent as a mugger, as frightening as an armed robber, and as deadly as a hit man.” The Fed’s pump priming addiction has got our small businesses running scared, and our allies worried. The German finance minister called the Fed’s proposals “clueless.” When Germany, a country that knows a thing or two about the dangers of inflation, warns us to think again, maybe it’s time for Chairman Bernanke to cease and desist.
How's that for a prediction that came true? There's even talk about QE3! And from a woman who's caricatured by the "smart set" as too stupid to breathe.
There are even people whose objections go to the tone of her voice, apparently preferring a catastrophe like Obama because of the crease in his trousers and his well-modulated tones.
I am really amazed that her enemies both Right and Left continue to portray Palin as stupid when she’s actually exhibiting a high level of basic wisdom on economic and legislative issues. That resonates with the American people. Since the election of 2008 Palin has been largely in a defensive mode while keeping her visibility up; occasionally making sharp, insightful remarks that sting, like her reference to “death panels” which did incredible damage to ObamaCare.
If she should become a candidate for President, she can move from defense to offense, using some of her past comments as ammunition, showing just how on-target her ideas have been. Palin would be the most formidable Republican opponent to Obama, no matter the hatred of the Left or the disdain of the Establishment Right. The fact the she has enemies on either side will make her even more attractive to the vast majority of the American people who give low marks to both the President and Congress.
It helps to have the right enemies.
And you seem to assume I am any more well-inclined toward Mr. Obama...how?
I've said before, the media loves to focus on Palin's negative polling so I guess it's up to her to highlight her positives. She connects with rural low and middle income folks like nobody else. Elite blues hate her; elite reds don't trust her. I don't see how she wins with a demographic that is a minority in numbers and campaign donations. She won't win now but we may look back in 10 years to dissect how she used this time to firm up her policy chops to become a more serious presidential contender in 2020.
nuff said
@Cedarford: "But is the fact that a hush puppy chewing evangelical is sporting a woody for Sarah more meaningful than the woody Obama gave Chris Matthews?"
The quote you are mocking is from Prof. William Jacobson, a Harvard Law grad, Cornell faculty member, and well regarded securities lawyer. The scant information about his religious sensibilities that can be gleaned from his website would lead me to believe he is a conservative Jew.
Robert Cook said...
And you seem to assume I am any more well-inclined toward Mr. Obama...how?
Hey, I didn't say you were, I just sort of asked, eh?
I've not noticed any similar disparaging commentary from you on Obama. If I missed it, that's my bad. Sorry about that.
In this thread you seem focused on Palin. So I guess I posed my assumptions.
I wonder is she knows she's not in the race?
This reminds me of the general opinion of Big Red's maiden in '72 at Aqueduct. I think you know what happened in '73.
"In this thread you seem focused on Palin."
That may be because the the thread is titled "Enthusing over the new Sarah Palin video."
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