Did Rye Playland have a head scarf ban?
One woman, Entisai Ali, began arguing with cops over the amusement park's head scarf, or hijab, rule, said Dena Meawad, 18, of Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.
The ban, which is not Muslim specific, was imposed about 3 years ago mostly to prevent hats from falling onto the tracks of roller coasters and other rides, park officials said.
What is the actual rule? No hats? The ban was "not Muslim specific," so what was it exactly? If you read far enough into the article, you finally get to this:
Peter Tartaglia, deputy commissioner of Westchester County Parks, said the Muslim American Society of New York was warned in advance of the rule barring head scarves on rides for safety reasons.
The rule barring head scarves? That paraphrase dissserves Tartaglia, but at least they finally give us a direct quote:
"Part of our rules and regulations, which we painstakingly told them over and over again, is that certain rides you cannot wear any sort of headgear," Tartaglia said. "It's a safety issue for us on rides, it could become a projectile."
You cannot wear any sort of headgear...
Many Muslims were given refunds as they left the park disappointed.
"In this heightened state of Islamaphobia, a woman wearing a hajib is an easy target these days," said Zead Ramadan, president of the Council on American-Islamic Relations - New York.
I'd say they were the
opposite of an easy target. It was, in fact, very difficult to hold them to a rule that applies to everyone. They demanded a special exception, caused a scene when the didn't get it, extracted refunds, and brought some terrible press to the park and the police.
१७१ टिप्पण्या:
"They demanded a special exception"
When you gonna lord over me, over me,
Is it just a matter of time Sharia?
Is it just destiny, destiny?
Or is it just a game in my mind, Sharia?
Same as it ever was.....
I read this yesterday, along with the comment.
It could have been from anywhere in the country, and God know I get my fill of it here in Michigan thanks to Dearbornistan.
Bleeding heart dhimmi newspaper trumps the "muslims are victims, American are evil racists"..
muslim isn't a race, it's a relgion, ideology, government, etc..
Readers see right through it, with the inevitable exception of a few libtards.
I was left with one nagging question:
Why were the muslims getting a refund, since they are the ones who caused, at least in part, the park closure and ride closure for everyone else??
It wasn't just the muslims who could not go on the rides--nobody else could either!
At the drop of a hat the Mosque's Muslim mob becomes a proud invading army of angry self-pity party jerks.
"No headgear" does not equal "No Muslims".
These yellow maggots are infecting our country. They will not stop until Shira Law rules America.
"These yellow maggots are infecting our country. They will not stop until Shira Law rules America."
The first sentence was unnecessary, but yeah that is the goal of radical Islam wherever it goes.
"No headgear" does not equal "No Muslims".
Seriously. It's a safety issue. Who gets sued if a roller coaster kills people? Not suzie muslim homemaker!
It's Rick Perry's fault.
(just getting a head start)
Reading the article a couple points.
She just wanted to get on a ride. That was it," Dena Meawad said of the initial confrontation. "It's clear, this all happened because we're Muslim."
What hubris! Hint to people everywhere, not everything in life is personal. Sheesh.
"We requested a refund and all of a sudden an argument became a riot,"
Yeah. 'All of a sudden'. These things just happen somehow!
the Muslim American Society of New York was warned in advance of the rule barring head scarves on rides for safety reasons. "Part of our rules and regulations, which we painstakingly told them over and over again, is that certain rides you cannot wear any sort of headgear," Tartaglia said.
I love the use of "painstakingly". You can tell how irritated that guy is. So, the group knew the rules, they just thought they could ignore them. And then a riot "all of a sudden" happened. It's a mystery how!
I, for one, welcome our new perpetually aggrieved overlords.
The same rule would apply to some cracker-assed white hippie chick if she had a long scarf around her neck. Go fuck a goat.
"Part of our rules and regulations, which we painstakingly told them over and over again, is that certain rides you cannot wear any sort of headgear," Tartaglia said. "It's a safety issue for us on rides, it could become a projectile."
Certain rides.
Don't go on those rides.
My daughter told me something that happened at the park near us, don't know if it's an urban legend or not.
Ponytail was to the side, not the back & hair got stuck.
Not pretty.
It's clear, this all happened because we're Muslim
they say this when it's not true. when it's true, they don't say it.
This is how CAIR activists manufacture phony "civil rights" propaganda.
When what they are after is deference to a supreme Islam.
Briefly: Muslims go to an amusement park called Playland and nobody has any fun. Who knew?
The reality is:
1) Leave scarf on and be forbidden to ride
2) Take scarf off and be stoned to death for shaming your family.
Fuck you CAIR.
"It's clear, this all happened because we're Muslim."
they say this when it's not true. when it's true, they don't say it.
Just try and top that, everyone. Cuz, ya can't.
Since they were told in advance and went anyway, this was obviously an attempt to challenge the rule.
As already staed, "projectile" is the least of the dangers when you are not in an enclosed cabin, have relative movement and rotating machinery, and you have something around your head and neck. Since Muslims believe that taking someone's head makes them your slave for eternity, this rule actually spares them that fate. It's pro-Muslim!
More faux emotional pain and suffering. What a set up! They remind me of the race pimps. Maybe they will be just as effective.
I suppose the annual CAIR report about predjudice against Muslims in the United States will count this one as an injustice.
They remind me of the race pimps. Maybe they will be just as effective.
Do you mean they are going to try and force NASCAR to have an all-Muslim team or are you suggesting that some Muslim huckster will be on MSNBC at some point in the future uttering "Resist we much"?
Two words... " Isadora Duncan"
Two words..."Isadora Duncan"
They've got a lot of material from all the previous grievance mongers from which to learn.
Someone should make a training manual: How to be oppressed in the richest most free country in the history of the planet, in 1 easy step.
Rules are not for everyone anymore. Some are chosen and allowed to break them. Some are chosen and get waivers.
This is not a case of bad press. It is a case of the press being bad.
What's next?? A ban on suicide belts??
"... What hubris! Hint to people everywhere, not everything in life is personal. Sheesh..."
It is when victimhood is a central part of your existance.
This is a no win situation. A business that cares about personal safety of its patrons is now accused if racism. Liberals everywhere must be proud.
They remind me of the race pimps. Maybe they will be just as effective.
Dangerously short sighted.
The real issue here is one that is rarely spoken of publicly, but acted on daily.
You cannot be a muslim and not live your life according to sharia.
"There is no law other than sharia".
They will never subject themselves to American law/rules, or any "man-made" law for that matter.
In America especially, sharia and the U.S. Constitution are incompatible.
Someone must yield.
They will not.
your rule says no hijab--Allah says otherwise
Are height requirements for rides discriminatory for 'little people' or should they be allowed to risk death or injury?
Why don't they just comply or shut up and leave?
"... Why don't they just comply or shut up and leave?..."
Huh? And pass up an opportunity to play the all powerful Islamophobia victim card???
Just wait, the megabucks lawsuit will be next.
The linked article was not so much about the ban on headgear but about the cops' reactions and aggression against the muslim people. Not complying with the playland rules doesn't mean some NY thug with a badge gets to jack you and family members with a billy club.
eh shallah
So, had they been allowed to ride and a bolt of fabric wrapped around one of these women's head and neck managed to jam itself in the whizzing gears of a roller coaster ride and rip off said wrapped head, would that have happened clearly because the now headless woman was Muslim? I'm a little confused as to where we draw the line regarding what things happen to us clearly because of our protected victim classes.
Maybe I shouldn't say things I don't mean. But boy there is a lot of mob think.
Browndog gets to the nub of it. Islam itself in ALL its manifestations is TOTALLY incompatible with Western Civilization. I'll say it for the nth time: "Moderate" Muslims are "moderate" only insofar as they are like American Cafeteria Catholics who ignore basic tenets of Catholicism yet somehow delude themselves that they are "good Catholics" in order to fully partake (whatever THAT means) in a largely secularized civic culture. Those who faithfully hew to the true spirit and written text of the Koran CANNOT reconcile themselves with the civic culture of the West. It is the "moderates" who are the lapsed--NOT the "radical" Muslims who are but faithful followers of the teachings of their religion.
wv:accurant--yes, VERY accurate and/or current--take your pick..saaayy, I've just stumbled onto a new word, sort of like mis-unederestimate! LOL!
"There is no law other than sharia".
at least they're not.......... mormonics, aka the People of the Fiery Newts.
Are we to assume that if a regular ol' American woman, visiting the park on a rather windy day, would not be allowed to wear a scarf to keep her hair in place?
Does anybody really believe that?
Rules are not for everyone anymore. Some are chosen and allowed to break them. Some are chosen and get waivers.
We were discussing this in context of Obama's drunken illegal alien uncle who has a fake social security card and probably is also getting SSI and welfare.
Why should WE obey any laws when people like this get a free ride. Illegal aliens getting all the perks and paying none of the freight.
Why should WE obey any laws when others get special treatment because they are a certain ethnic group or because they whine louder than anyone else.
If the laws are not obeyed by everyone why should we pay attention to any of the laws.
If the government isn't to protect us all and picks and chooses who it favors, why should we support the government in any way.
The result of the discussion was the resolution that we will not play by the rules anymore. I don't think we are alone in coming to this conclusion
Lots of that good ol' Muslim hate in force today.
I'm shocked.
What part of "no headgear" don't you understand, Raul?
Hey Raul the dyslexic Romneytard --this is one of your PC lib-rall days, chump? Maybe we link to some of your neo-nazi writing, or your LDS rants. You're a rightist--always have been-- even to the right of the Alt-tards . Now, don't you have some tee-shirts to sell, perp.
Quick! Someone put a head scarf on J.
And start those gears spinning.
You're the one who needs a burqa, Allen the Log Cabin joto. Make some more jokes, perp.
The Atards are too stupid for Constitution, or the newspaper for that matter. Muslim women can wear scarves. The ride rules are another matter. But the cops have no right to bust heads merely for them not complying.
Is there more than one definition for the word "perp"?
Local reports say that 3000 Muslims were in the park.
I think that's a pretty good reason to act decisively when things got out of hand.
Hmmm. More Muslims say they are happy with things in the US than the general population (82% vs. 75%).
A better question for you -- Geronimo--what's the definition for "septum smashed in"? heh heh
You're another libertarian dumbass
I'm shaking in my moccasins.
You should be, dreck
Following a carefully worded lead in from the "law" professor:
"They demanded a special exception, caused a scene when the didn't get it, extracted refunds, and brought some terrible press to the park and the police.
We get this:
"These yellow maggots are infecting our country. They will not stop until Shira Law rules America."
"The same rule would apply to some cracker-assed white hippie chick if she had a long scarf around her neck. Go fuck a goat."
"When what they are after is deference to a supreme Islam."
"Fuck you CAIR."
"They will never subject themselves to American law/rules, or any "man-made" law for that matter."
"Islam itself in ALL its manifestations is TOTALLY incompatible with Western Civilization."
And of course, after this parade of bigoted comments, many of which relate to how Muslims could NEVER adjust to or "respect" our culture or way of life, could NEVER be REAL Americans; an honest to goodness, real, red, white and blue American takes the time to throw the President of the United States into the mix:
"We were discussing this in context of Obama's drunken illegal alien uncle who has a fake social security card and probably is also getting SSI and welfare."
Muslims + Amusement Park Problem = Obama?
*By the way: Onyango Obama, 67, has had a license since at least 1992, the farthest back the Registry of Motor Vehicles has electronically stored records, agency spokesman Michael Verseckes said.
The fact that he had a driver's license indicates Obama had a U.S. Social Security number. ("To obtain a license in Massachusetts, you need a valid Social Security number and you need proof of residency," Verseckes said.)
So, our humor doesn't amuse you, Raul?
The Moslems and the homosexuals both take anything that affects them negatively as a hate crime.
Threats of violence from J the sub-literate are always cute. He might as well just go out in the street and scream "I'm a huge fucking pussy!"
The Moslems and the homosexuals both take anything that affects them negatively as a hate crime.
You missed a few protected classes there, Ed.
Scott - I just asked a question.
And I certainly understand the park having rules that should be followed, but what does this little problem have to do with the comments I posted previously?
This is a non-story that adds gasoline to the anti-Muslim fire, and brings out the very worst in many of the people posting comments here and on other sites.
I can't even imagine any (well most) of these people saying things like this in an open forum.
I sure hope not.
"... Are we to assume that if a regular ol' American woman, visiting the park on a rather windy day, would not be allowed to wear a scarf to keep her hair in place?..."
On a ride where safety rules restrict headcoverings, yes.
I thought liberals were all about protecting people from injury?
I thought liberals were all about protecting people from injury?
I'm led to believe that school construction takes into account easy access to exits in the case of a fire. Thus, attempting to superglue closed one of those exists would dispel your theory.
Allen - Yes, I do find you to be funny.
But in a kind of "feel sorry way."
What's that Lincoln, tweek trash Yr talking out yr big pussay? Yes, you izz, as per usual. YOu're the homos here--Log cabin style. Which is to say, Mitt Romneytoid style.
Alt-tards--too stupid to blog
Well then, just pat me on the top of the head, and I'll be on my way.
Raul the fraud, LDS trash/..go back to like...Romney.com or whatever shithole you crawled out of. You're no friend of muslims, either, Glenn Beck fan.
The real demons are the WASP-zionist trash of Smurfhouse
You know what the difference is between you and J, Raul? He has a better sense of humor.
"... Lots of that good ol' Muslim hate in force today..."
In the meantime, Bashar Assad is cheerfully gunning down Muslims in Syria but Raul is full of angst over some intemperate internet comments.
Keep those priorities.
Hoosier - As I said before, I do understand specific rules, but I've been to Disneyland on a number of occasions, just recently in fact, and I saw all kinds of men wearing baseball caps and women wearing scarfs and hats.
Different parks, different rules perhaps?
With all that is happening in America, I just think the medias coverage of this story just feeds into people's bigotry:
"It is when victimhood is a central part of your existance."
raul said..
And of course, after this parade of bigoted comments, many of which relate to how Muslims could NEVER adjust to or "respect" our culture or way of life
Well, I don't know about all Muslims, but the ones who went and caused this undue commotion certainly aren't adjusting!
I remember playing indoor soccer and getting penalized for wearing a necklace with a cross. I didn't read the regulations for the league and they specifically cited no jewelry for safety reasons and wearing of such would result in a 2 minute penalty. My first instinct wasn't that they were being anti-Catholic.
Why was their first reaction to the policy that it was anti-muslim?
Hoosier - What in the world does Bashar Assad have to do with Americans on a law professor's blog site, posting such disgusting bigoted comments?
And once again: What does Obama have to do with any of this?
I think you're just embarrassed and don't know how to get away from what you know is true.
The fact that he had a driver's license indicates Obama had a U.S. Social Security number. ("To obtain a license in Massachusetts, you need a valid Social Security number and you need proof of residency," Verseckes said.)
LOLOL my mom worked w/a guy who had 3-5 VALID SS#s.
Wrong again, Allen the glibertarian dumbass--then I suspect you like mormon-trash. Comedy part of yr problem, demon
The real demons are the WASP-zionist trash of Smurfhouse
J ought to get a job at the nearest multiplex. He's a great projectionist.
Scott M said...
The Moslems and the homosexuals both take anything that affects them negatively as a hate crime.
You missed a few protected classes there, Ed.
They're the ones making a career of it.
"It is when victimhood is a central part of your existance."
You absolutely sure it's victimhood? How about the possibility that people get tired of being beat over the head with the "everyone should be equal" stick for a couple of generations, only to find those same people crying out for special exemptions every time one turns around.
Nothing will piss people off quicker than a double-standard. Add coercion from authority to double-standard and you're not going to go long without incident.
jrberg3 - "Why was their first reaction to the policy that it was anti-muslim?"
Gee, based on the comments here today, it's hard to imagine.
Hoosier - As I said before, I do understand specific rules, but I've been to Disneyland on a number of occasions, just recently in fact, and I saw all kinds of men wearing baseball caps and women wearing scarfs and hats.
Different parks, different rules perhaps?
You're not suggesting Disney is like Cedar Point, are you?
Cedar Point is geared towards roller coasters, Disney is not.
Can't wear flipflops on some of the rides in our park, they'd be lost.
Can't do a couple of activities if you're wearing flipflops either.
If you have heart problems, you're not supposed to go on certain rides. Or pregnant.
Restrictions are everywhere.
Height, weight, I was at Disney and the woman was so fat they couldn't lock the belt, she had to get off.
Seeing Red - Why not take some time out of your day today to thoroughly investigate this important "Obama's uncle" story?
Or maybe you should take a week or so because this is the kind of story that is very, very important. The kind of situation that effects ALL Americans.
Get back to us with the evidence.
"... Hoosier - As I said before, I do understand specific rules, but I've been to Disneyland on a number of occasions, just recently in fact, and I saw all kinds of men wearing baseball caps and women wearing scarfs and hats..."
I was just at Disneyworld lady year and was asked to remove my hat on several rides and I did without throwing a temper tantrum.
With all that is happening in America, I just think the medias coverage of this story just feeds into people's bigotry:...."
So ignore a story that makes a certain group look bad. Gotcha.
"It is when victimhood is a central part of your existance."
And I stand by that. Quit expecting to live by different rules and cry RACISM when things don't go your way. Muslims aren't a race anymore than Christians are.
Seeing Red - I think I already said that.
Different parks, different rules?
*Ever see anybody wearing a baseball cap at an amusement park? Think they ALL make you take it off to get on a ride?
Gee, based on the comments here today, it's hard to imagine.
Holding anyone at this blog (hell, in this very thread) but the writers of the specific comments responsible is akin to blaming all Muslims for 9/11, no? You're just practicing another version of bigotry.
Slang: the grunt of the human hog (Bierce--).
grunt away, swine
safety harness, it was a safety harness on the bobs in Animal Kingdom.
Raul believe that the park's no-headgear rule, which applies to everyone else, shouldn't apply to Muslims because...er...well..
I've seen plenty of cell phones, coinage, sunglasses, hats in the water.
Sometimes adults don't make the right choices either.
jrberg3 - "Well, I don't know about all Muslims, but the ones who went and caused this undue commotion certainly aren't adjusting!"
Do you also think the Tea Party members who create "undue commotion" at town halls or other venues are not "adjusting?"
(Or any group who feels slighted in some way?)
Oh, wait: that doesn't count.
"A ride."
Not all rides require removal.
Raul, when I worked in the pressroom, we had to have steel toed shoes and wear ear protection at all times. Failure to do so would result in your termination. Those were the rules. I was on someone elses property. Why do you think that our employer made us do that?
"... I think you're just embarrassed and don't know how to get away from what you know is true..."
What that some people dislike Muslims? So what? A lot of people hate evangelical Christians and I don't see any grand movement to grant them protected status. People like Bill Mahr or Joy Behar routinely mock Christians and have nice careers to show for it.
I thought the Assad reference was self explanatory.
Maguro - I realize I'm in the minority here (to say the least), but you're not being honest.
Show me where I said any such thing.
We never made it to Dollywood, but they have clothing requirements.
Nothing too short or revealing.
Are we to assume that if a regular ol' American woman, visiting the park on a rather windy day, would not be allowed to wear a scarf to keep her hair in place? Does anybody really believe that?
Yes? It’s a safety hazard. You can’t wear a hat to cover up your bad hair day, either. If your religion requires you to wear a hat/scarf/doorag, then you don't ride a roller coaster at that park. They knew this going in!
Hoosier - I never said anyone has to "like" anybody.
I'm referring to the nasty and bigoted comments I posted earlier.
Are you actually defending them as being some kind of rational criticism?
As for your comment relating to Obama, that's just part of the usual conservative "we hate the President" tripe I can find here every day.
And it's still irrelevant to to the topic at hand.
Now there's a rhetorical question for ya, "How is participational democracy like an amusement ride?"
Don't I have a right to question my employees on the type of job they're doing? Since I pay for them?
Raul, enough of the liberal schtick, and non sequiturs (ie baseball caps, Disney, NASA< etc). Tell the A-tards about your love for LDS, or Romney, or Glenn Beck again.
But bringing politics into an issue of safety diverts us.
First: We are different than you
Second: Your rules do not apply because we are different.
Third: We cannot follow your laws because we are different.
Fourth: We have our own laws and should follow them. In your country.
Fifth: Our laws are superior to your laws:
Sixth: You should follow our laws.
Seventh: You WILL follow our laws.
Raul - Just explain why the rule shouldn't apply to Muslims.
If you can't do that, what are you arguing about?
It's apparent that most of the people here, opposing my viewpoint, are much more focused on trying to make it look like I'm saying the park had no right to impose specific rules on patrons.
I've never said they "can't."
I merely said different parks have different rules. (I wore a baseball cap the entire day at Disneyland and was never asked to remove it, on rides or not.)
My argument is with the disgusting and bigoted comments that have little if anything to do with the park's rules of even the disturbance.
Anybody who can't or won't separate the two is not being honest.
"... Are you actually defending them as being some kind of rational criticism?.."
Nope. Just pointing out people don't like other people. As for rational criticism, you don't want to actually listen to any but instead focus on some intemperate comments.
" as for your comment relating to Obama, that's just part of the usual conservative "we hate the President" tripe I can find here every day..."
Jeremy you need to focus. I didn't say a word.about Obama.
Anybody who can't or won't separate the two is not being honest.
Do you separate the "we hate the president" description of the "tripe" that goes on here every day from the "tripe" and "we hate the president" that followed the Bush administration around for eight years on liberal sights?
If you do, you're just being dishonest.
Even something as simple as a Ferris wheel can lead to real trouble if something your wearing (or your hair) were to get caught in the structure around you.
Now that I have kids and go to these amusement parks more often, I'm really amazed at how often terrible accidents don't happen. Glad, of course, but amazed.
"... My argument is with the disgusting and bigoted comments that have little if anything to do with the park's rules of even the disturbance..."
In other words, you don't want to discuss that the Muslim patrons acted stupidly.
Hands down, braids and scarves are a lot more dangerous than a baseball cap. If the object is 'safety' and not 'fairness', then it's perfectly understandable that baseball hats would be overlooked when scarves (which often go around the wearers neck) would not.
If the object is 'fairness' well, then, good luck because all sense goes out the window at that point.
*Ever see anybody wearing a baseball cap at an amusement park? Think they ALL make you take it off to get on a ride?
All you have to do to ride the ride is take off your hat, it’s not that hard to take it off, stuff it in your bag or stow it with the park people, and pick it back up on the way out. People do it all the time.
What that some people dislike Muslims?
I don’t dislike Muslims, I dislike people who are told the rules before they go somewhere, then go there expecting the rules to be ignored for them just because, and then afterward whine about the rules being “obviously” because they are Muslim. As I said before, it’s pure hubris and self absorption. Not everything is about you! If you don’t want to take off your scarf, don’t ride a roller coaster.
As for your comment relating to Obama, that's just part of the usual conservative "we hate the President" tripe I can find here every day.
And it's still irrelevant to to the topic at hand.
A.) I am the one who made a comment about Obama's drunken uncle.
B.) It is entirely relevant to the topic. Because the topic is about people getting or demanding special dispensation from obeying the rules (of the amusement park) or the laws (of this country) based on ethnic status. Obama's uncle is an example of a person breaking the laws (illegal immigrant) and getting away with it.
The muslims in the park demanded that they be exempt from the safety rules and claim that it is because they are a "special" class.
The rules of the park are for everyone. They knew the rules going in and still made a big deal and claimed that they were being discriminated against.
Either the rules are for everyone or the rules/laws are meaningless and need not be adhered to by anyone.
As I said before, it’s pure hubris and self absorption.
Are you suggesting that all poets are Muslim?
...and brought some terrible press to the park and the police.
The terrible press was on themseleves.
"this story just feeds into people's bigotry"
No, Sharia-based Muslims generate appropriate discriminatory responses. Appropriate because their way of life is incompatible with Western life.
Their actions here prove that.
Besides, they don't preach that tolerance of different religions bullshit because they believe it, but because we do.
They'll use our core beliefs to get their way, but will not respect anyone else's beliefs or rules.
They deserve harsh discrimination, including forbidding immigration.
Hoosier - "In other words, you don't want to discuss that the Muslim patrons acted stupidly."
Once again, for those with a reading comprehension problem: What does a patron, Muslim or not, have to do with the bigoted comments I posted?
Are you actually trying to say that if a black person was acting stupidly, you wouldn't feel it out of line to refer to them as a ni**er? How about a woman? Would it then be fair to refer to her as a bitch or how about a c**t? How about a Jew? Is Kike okay with you?
You're not making yourself look any better with these silly arguments.
Bunny - Has Obama's uncle asked for or been granted some kind of special favors?
If not, what does his arrest have to do with this story?
Isadora Duncan was killed when her scarf drifted into the spokes of the open sports car in which she was riding. It choked her to death (the scarf put a "chokehold" on her for the benefit of our Wisconsin readers who are expert in that concept.) Had she been wearing a baseball cap she would have been fine. There is, in other words, a reason why a particular form of "head covering" can be dangerous and another not. Even the dumbest wearer of head scarfs should be able to grasp this concept. As should any liberal.
"... You're not making yourself look any better with these silly arguments..."
Your not making yourself look better trying to hijack the discussion focusing on a couple of bigoted comments from the commentariat.
The issue is whether asking Muslims to remove headscarves for saftey reasons was an act of prejudice. Any sensible person would say no which is why you are trying to misdirect the discussion.
Has Obama's uncle asked for or been granted some kind of special favors?
Yes. Reportedly, he asked to call the White House.
Shanna - What does liking or not liking Muslims have to do with my criticism of the bigoted comments appearing above?
I don't think anybody has to like anybody, but depicting them as sub-human because of something as trivial as this is just plain ignorant.
Try this one on for size:
Maximum Twine said..."These yellow maggots are infecting our country. They will not stop until Shira Law rules America."
Has Obama's uncle asked for or been granted some kind of special favors?
Implicitly by ataying here in violation of our law.
It's my understanding that a child was killed in the past because something he wore on his head got caught in the gears.
This is a totally ginned up anti-American headline.
Scott - So if he asked to talk to Captain Kirk, would a call be placed?
And even if he asked to make such a call, what exactly is your point?
Is he not allowed to make a call to anybody he feels can help?
Who would YOU call?
Has he spoken to Obama?
Has Obama granted his every wish?
"Any sensible person would say no which is why you are trying to misdirect the discussion."
You're barking up the wrong tree.
The left and Islamists both seek power over the West. Having a common enemy, they support each other, even though their political views are completely incompatible otherwise.
These staged events are about wresting power from the West, a little bit at a time, eventuating Sharia.
The leftists longing for state domination will not enjoy the form of statism preferred by Islam.
From the Disneyland Dress Code Site:
"Wear a hat or sun visor and sunglasses, especially in the summer. If it’s not a hat with a string, remember to stash it with your sunglasses in the pocket provided on rollercoasters so it doesn’t fly off."
*Note: "If it’s not a hat with a string..."
The group was informed ahead of time of this rule (which was good thinking on the part of Rye Playland). Did they pass the message along to their members?
If there were 3000 people in the park from that group and quite a few of them were in headscarves and only a handful of them displayed this jackassery, I wonder if they did and some of the members just didn't pay attention. Alternatively, the group failed to inform its members but most members declined to cause a fuss.
Other question: if they closed the park for a couple of hours, did non-Muslims also get refunds? It was preannounced and, presumably, posted on signs that you couldn't wear headgear on the rides, but nobody could have anticipated the two-hour closing when they bought their tickets. People who relied on an assumption that rides would be open should be given at least as much compensation as people who relied on an assumption that the posted headgear rules wouldn't be enforced.
Pogo - "These staged events are about wresting power from the West, a little bit at a time, eventuating Sharia."
What about the "staged events" organized by the Tea Party or other political groups?
And really...are you actually saying you're afraid of Sharia Law taking hold?
Give us some examples of where it's being employed in America. Give us the cases where it's been the deciding factor.
Give it a rest, Raul.
The Muslims knew the rules, which had been "PAINSTAKINGLY" repeated to them before.
But they came anyway, and made a stink about the rules. I call bullshit.
They are doing standard lefty-inspired activism in the name of Sharia and they can pound sand. This is no different than the unions in the capitol building. All political theater.
Unable to see the forest or even the trees, all your posts are meaningless twaddle.
And even if he asked to make such a call, what exactly is your point?
You asked, specifically, Has Obama's uncle asked for or been granted some kind of special favors?
"or" not "and". I was correct; he did ask.
Admit I'm right and we'll get on with our lives. Then you can get back to hijacking the thread. And I'll return to ignoring it.
There's a Disneyland in Rye, New York? Who knew.
"What about the "staged events" organized by the Tea Party...?"
Name one similar to this or to the Madison bullshit.
But seeing as they are the one group demanding a return to the original US Constitution, their actions thus far seem tailor-made for the USA.
Hoosier - "The issue is whether asking Muslims to remove headscarves for saftey reasons was an act of prejudice."
No, I don't think it was, but again; if that's the crux of your argument, why post or defend bigoted comments that are irrelevant to your supposed point?
When YOU post this: "It is when victimhood is a central part of your existance."
Are you saying you believe that "victimhood" is really a "central part" of a Muslim's existence?
ALL Muslims feel they are victims?
Considering that there are over a billion of them worldwide, what would you possibly be basing such a statement on?
Nothing factual that's for sure.
"Give us some examples of where [Sharia]'s being employed in America.
It already exists in Londonistan.
There's a reason they call it Dearbornistan, too.
That you are ignorant of these changes is regrettable but not my problem.
Read Mark Steyn; you're too far behind to bother with.
Pogo - "But seeing as they are the one group demanding a return to the original US Constitution, their actions thus far seem tailor-made for the USA."
Oh, you mean the "original" Constitution...not the one with all of those pesky Amendments relating to equality and other silly notions?
Yeah...I see where you're coming from.
"Are you saying you believe that "victimhood" blah blah blah"
No, I am saying you argue in bad faith and remind me of a prettied-up Montana urban legend/Ritmo Brasileiro.
"Yeah...I see where you're coming from."
No, you see nothing.
You argue in bad faith, Ritmo.
Pogo - "It already exists in Londonistan."
In what part of America is Londonistan located?
Oh, and now you're suddenly siding with a term the French came up with..to shore up your argument that America is under siege via Sharia Law?
Now that's a hoot.
Explain Dearborn, Ritmo.
Give it a try.
Look, you don't see what you won't see. Fine.
But I don't have to play along with bulshittery. It's a goddamn bore.
If not, what does his arrest have to do with this story?
Since this "story", as you call it has to do with people not following the laws or rules and "special" classes of people, it IS relevant.
The Obama's uncle incident is fresh on the news AND is egregious because of the political implications.I could just as easily picked a story about the hundreds of thousands of illegals in California who will never be deported because of their supposed victim class. Boo hoo they only came here ILLEGALLY so they could work under the table and pay not taxes or with fake social security number or stealing numbers from legal citizens. They get to break the laws with impunity.
The "stories" are the same. Breaking the laws, ignoring the laws, ignoring the rules and getting special treatment.
The disgust with the amusement park story has nothing so much to do with the Muslim status as it has to do with the double standard of some people obeying the rules/laws and others not. I would be just as annoyed if it were a bunch of redneck scarf wearing hillbillies. :-D
Pogo - When someone arbitrarily throws out the comment relating to Muslims, that "It is when victimhood is a central part of your existence," I don't think it's "arguing in bad faith" to question it's relation to any "facts."
It is arguing in bad faith to pretend as if the Muslims in that specific park were doing anything other than staging a political act.
Failing to acknowledge that means you are merely here to provoke.
Bunny - "The disgust with the amusement park story has nothing so much to do with the Muslim status as it has to do with the double standard of some people obeying the rules/laws and others not."
Oh, and throwing Obama's uncle into the mix is an important part of your argument?
When do you suppose was the last time President Obama and this uncle got together?
Pogo - "It is arguing in bad faith to pretend as if the Muslims in that specific park were doing anything other than staging a political act."
When did I say any such thing?
When I was not yet one & twenty, I refused to go on the super rollercoaster & was called a bad name.
I claim victim status.
"... if that's the crux of your argument, why post or defend bigoted comments that are irrelevant to your supposed point?.."
I didn't post or defend bigoted comments.
"..when YOU post this: "It is when victimhood is a central part of your existance."
Are you saying you believe that "victimhood" is really a "central part" of a Muslim's existence?.."
I believe it is for CAIR which seems to come running screaming RACISM!!! for any perceived slight.
"...ALL Muslims feel they are victims?.."
Don't know about all but this particular group apparently feels the rules should not apply to them and if they do its RACISM!!!!
Being a multi cultural society doesn't mean each culture, ethnic group or religious follower should get to buck the rules because they think they're special.
I wonder, do you get this upset when people like Bill Mahr mock Christianity? Or upset over movies like Davinci Code cause it challenges Christian faith? Or are you like most liberals who think that's brave and edgy?
Pogo - You say I argue in bad faith, and at the same time you refer to Londonistan as some kind of example of Sharia Law infesting our American legal system?
Show me where this has taken place.
Otherwise you're just posting tripe.
Just have scarf wearers sign a release and an acknowledgement that they have been warned of the dangers. Require witnesses.
A Pew poll recently reported that half of U.S. Muslims believe their leadership should vocally oppose islamist terrorists. Seven percent of U.S. Muslims believe its fine in certain circumstances to deploy suicide bombers.
Hoosier - "I wonder, do you get this upset when people like Bill Mahr mock Christianity? Or upset over movies like Davinci Code cause it challenges Christian faith? Or are you like most liberals who think that's brave and edgy?"
First of all Maher is a comedian, and an Atheist to boot so he has the same right as you do to tell people what he does or does not believe.
And now you're complaining about a fictional novel challenging Christian faith?
Do you understand what "fictional" means?
I'm not defending the Muslim faith, I don't give a rat's ass about any of them, but posting bigoted or ridiculous "victimhood" comments in relation to this silly amusement park story is just plain stupid.
From Inwood - "When I was not yet one & twenty, I refused to go on the super rollercoaster & was called a bad name.
I claim victim status."
Sorry, but there is no law protecting pussies.
Get your ass up to the new thread, titled:
“Some of them in Congress right now of this tea party movement would love to see you and me…hanging on a tree.”
There might be a bigot on the loose, and we need your help.
Bad faith: Dearbornistan ignored .
Yes I know what fictional is. Kind of like when some draws a cartoon of Mohammed and Muslims scream racism, go on murderous riots and threaten the cartoonist with death.
Oh wait, that really happened.
Bill Mahr had routinely demagouged Christians, not simply expressed his atheism. He us free to display his biogtry and you are free to defend his bigotry.
Althouse --
"They demanded a special exception, caused a scene when the didn't get it, extracted refunds, and brought some terrible press to the park and the police."
I believe the part I bolded is incorrect.
Maximum Twine --
"These yellow maggots are infecting our country. They will not stop until Shira Law rules America."
I usually read down first, but I had to stop here.
Do you, Sir or Madam, have the slightest idea that neither the religion of Islam nor the fanatic sects within give one single crap about race?
I mention this because of the inherent stupidity of equating religion to race.
I also mention it because it provides a delicious opportunity to point out that, in this aspect only (so far as I know), you have displayed greater ignorance and hatred than the "yellow maggots" you so loathe.
Raul --
I've never said they "can't."
I merely said different parks have different rules."
Would you like to know why, so you can eliminate any prejudices as motive?
States govern the rules for parks. They have safety inspectors and boards who write the rules.
Second. Each and every ride may have variations of rules applied because each and every ride may be custom built.
External rules - for that ride.
Scott M --
"Are you suggesting that all poets are Muslim?"
That would be absurd. All Emos are though.
As for sharia in America, just google sharia-compliant mortgages.
Go to The Googles and type this:
"carnival rides" statutes
Towelish nonsense.
"Are we to assume that if a regular ol' American woman, visiting the park on a rather windy day, would not be allowed to wear a scarf to keep her hair in place? Does anybody really believe that?"
Would you work over a running car engine while wearing a necktie? A scarf? Any loose clothing?
I suppose if it was your car and your garage (as well as your neck) you'd sure have the right to do so.
But I'll bet you'll never see a mechanic in a commercial garage wearing loose clothing anywhere near a running car engine. Or any other machinery with exposed moving parts.
Although I woudn't put it past CAIR to manufacture an Incident of Outrage around it.
They demanded a special exception, caused a scene when the didn't get it, extracted refunds, and brought some terrible press to the park and the police.
Unfortunately, that's been my experience with, and observation of, Muslims whenever there's a problem. Add to that the knee-jerk use of "This is only happening because I'm a Muslim" card.
Shariah does not require the hijab. Asserting that it does is just another lie.
Althouse said...
"They demanded a special exception, caused a scene when the didn't get it, extracted refunds, and brought some terrible press to the park and the police."
Oligonicella said...
I believe the part I bolded is incorrect.
@Oligonicella - Unfortunately, many Daily News readers will just have scanned the headline, and gotten the idea that the park has a "head scarf ban," which implies an anti-Muslim bias not found in the story.
The Muslims here were idiots, but the reputational harm came from the headline writer, who it should be said is normally not the same person as who wrote the story.
You say I argue in bad faith, and at the same time you refer to Londonistan as some kind of example of Sharia Law infesting our American legal system?
Show me where this has taken place.
Raul, a New Jersey judge ruled that a woman's rape was legal because the rapist, her husband, was Muslim and the rape was permitted under Shariah:
This court does not feel that, under the circumstances, that this defendant had a criminal desire to or intent to sexually assault or to sexually contact the plaintiff when he did. The court believes that he was operating under his belief that it is, as the husband, his desire to have sex when and whether he wanted to, was something that was consistent with his practices and it was something that was not prohibited."
The appellate court overturned him, but can we count on that happening always?
I can see a ban on scarfs, but headgear? Does that include a ban on the wigs worn by some Orthodox Jewish women? Wouldn't long hair and pony tails be more dangerous than a hat?
Islam allows the hijab to be adjusted so that it is not a danger of being caught in machinery, so what exactly are we discussing? A formfitting scarf, or a turban, or a scarf that goes around the neck, or a scarf that goes only around the head, or a baseball cap?
A few additional facts to toss into the mix.
1. Playland is owned and run by Westchester County. It's an infamous patronage pit, has been for decades.
2. The signature ride is called the Dragon Coaster. The dragon has sawed off teeth after somebody imprudently stood up many decades ago and was decapitated. They're a little touchy about that sort of danger to this day.
3. The county executive, a Mr. Astorino, is currently a Republican.
A classmate of my son, while wearing a scarf, hopped onto a go-cart. Her scarf got caught in the machinery and it snapped her neck back, breaking it and killing her. Dead at 13 years od.
Its common sence.
I once applied for a job as chemist at a refinery, but they informed me that if I was hired I would have to shave my beard, because all employees were expected to wear a respirator in the event of a fire or other accident. A respirator won't seal against face hair.
I declined the position because my beard hides a nasty scar that I picked up on an IFR approach to DFW involving a wayward flock of VFR geese.
Perhaps I shouldn't mention it, because I have given the grievance theater crowd another whip with which to flail us, but I don't care. Bring it on, wimps!
Charlie (can't stand wimps)
I once spent a summer working in a large amusement park. The employees called the visitors "animals", for good reason. We endured incredibly abusive behavior from the public, much of it rising from the desire to avoid payment for park entry, souvenirs, amusements and food.
It would be interesting to know how long the "maltreated" had been in the park and at what point in the day they decided to seek discrimination. I suspect that the alleged discrimination occurred after hours of park enjoyment, at a point at which they were only too happy to be sent home with a full refund.
The alleged/provoked discriminatory event was a two-fer: a full refund after a day at the park plus media attention.
That was it," Dena Meawad said of the initial confrontation. "It's clear, this all happened because we're Muslim."
These days, there's nothing more American than a keen sense of victimhood and entitlement. I'd say these folks are fully assimilated into our way of life. They have learned well.
> ... "No headgear" does not equal "No Muslims"....Idiots.
Well, Einstein, it equals anybody who feels a religious obligation to wear their religious headgear.
Don't get me wrong. I don't think of anybody as intelligent who feels any religious obligations whatsoever. All religion is an expression of ignorance.
But you know and I know if they had kicked Jews off the thing for wearing "headgear" the cries of antisemitism would be trumpeted to the skies.
But Jews would have just taken off the headgear or not attempted to ride. More important, they would not start a riot or claim victimhood.
Mambo Bananapatch said...
I don't think of anybody as intelligent who feels any religious obligations whatsoever. All religion is an expression of ignorance.
But you know and I know if they had kicked Jews off the thing for wearing "headgear" the cries of antisemitism would be trumpeted to the skies.
The problem with your point is that the Park's rules apply to everyone, and there are no stories about observant Jews crying antisemitism.
There aren't a lot of Muslims crying about this policy either. It was one group of people.
Personally, I don't think of anybody as intelligent who feels the need to make poorly thought out, sweeping generalizations about large groups of people - religious or otherwise.
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