"That's no small task for anyone — and more proof that he's earning every last one of those gray hairs. This has been a busy week in Washington, but today happens to be Barack's 50th birthday...."
Michelle emails me. The subject line is "Gray hairs." Don't you see? That gray hair? He's gone gray for us.
Anybody who runs for President is committing to working extremely hard and getting old at a faster rate than they would if they'd refrained from volunteering to work on all our problems all the time for 4 years. We the people are more concerned with whether we like your work product. You can't really get any pity for pointing to your graying hair. We're a pitiless bunch, because you stepped up to the big job and there's too much at stake.
But happy birthday, anyway, Mr. President.
Can Barack just go away? I didn't ask for his "help".
Playing golf gives you grey hair?
Who knew?
"This has been a busy week in Washington, but today happens to be Barack's 50th birthday...."
Bullshit - it's his 57th birthday.
2008: "Hope and change!"
2012: "Never say dye!"
Hey Crack - aren't you like 80?
You work 50 years for the Marxist Revolution, and what do you get? Sixteen tons of golds while dollar holders go further in debt.
Obama is a great leader...of the enemies of American life.
Obama is aging before our eyes not because of the rigors of office but because he has been coddled his whole life. He is facing his own failure to question those who prop him and tell him what he wants/needs to hear. The foundation of his beliefs are crumbling beneath his feet as he gets accustomed to having been had by entitled pseudo intellectuals.
He is a one-trick pony trotted out in front of the cameras by a herd of one-trick ponies. Grey hair is the least of his worries.
Saw a picture of the two of them, and Michelle has the same hair style that barack does. Except it's not grey. She's having fun. Lots of fun.
But happy birthday, anyway, Mr. President.
Was that said breathily, in a blonde sort of way?
Dear God,
Please grant President Obama good health for another year. CrackedHead Joe in on deck!
I can't believe he didn't get that 3rd autobiography out by age 50.
Why don't all soldiers come home from Afghanistan with gray hair?
She emailed you? Form letter style?
"Obama is a great leader...of the enemies of American life."
No. Obama is not the leader of the financial elites or Wall Street...he is their servant. (As was Bush and as will be whomever is the next President.)
I'm sorry, I gave MO a pass on her "1st time I am proud of America" fobble and wanted to like her and hope she succeeded as much as I wanted the same for Barack. Keeping an open mind.
But after 3 years, I have to say I don't like her.
Cheeseburgers for me but not for thee
The Crack Emcee said...
"This has been a busy week in Washington, but today happens to be Barack's 50th birthday...."
Bullshit - it's his 57th birthday."
No. Obama is not the leader of the financial elites or Wall Street...he is their servant. (As was Bush and as will be whomever is the next President.)
For Christ's sake, Kookie, it takes $1 billion dollars to run a presidential campaign.
Where the fuck do you think a candidate would go to collect $1 billion dollars?
We all know this is reality. It has been reality since... I don't know... the beginning of human civilization.
Will you please shut the fuck up about it? Why in God's name do you think this is clever, novel information?
That cocksucking crackhead has never worked a day in his life. What a load of shit.
Barry "making choices that will affect every American family" is the problem.
They're both educated dimwits.
The choices aren't working.
Maybe whatever he chooses to do, he should do the opposite?
Three words: "Just for Men."
Grey hairs are part of the aging process. You don't have to be special, do something awesome, work really hard, blah blah blah, to get grey hair.
Seriously, this pair is an atrocity.
Obama is a great leader...of the enemies of American life."
No. Obama is not the leader of the financial elites or Wall Street...he is their servant. (As was Bush and as will be whomever is the next President.)
Maybe you should actually ponder what you wrote.
Cookie...Re-read your comment. It does not contradict my comment.
What Obama has been doing is to reduce the numbers of Financial Elites on Wall street to a small number that he can rule over much easier.
He has the remainder playing for time. Then he will purge more and then the even smaller number will be playing for time.
It makes you feel nostalgic for the old financial elites competing among each other.
I'm writing only because of the wv: "etickers."
That's the do-it-yourself method that will replace heart transplants after Obamacare is in full effect.
I'm only replying to you b/c of my wv:
"...No. Obama is not the leader of the financial elites or Wall Street...he is their servant..."
Actually he's in the pocket of Big Unions, violating Federal laws to enrich his labor cronies. Just another left winger who believes taking from the producers to 'spread around' to the non-producers is the fair thing to do.
"...I'm sorry, I gave MO a pass on her "1st time I am proud of America".."
I didn't. It certainly told me what a shallow, self centered person she is. That's like saying you finally love your parents because they actually got you the toy you really wanted for Christmas.
Zero use for her.
When Obie visited Britain a few weeks ago he did not have a gey hair on his head. Does this mean Barack Obama dyed for us.
By the time Dubya left office his youthful looks were gone. And, his popularity dipped below 31%.
Have we ever had a president who got to be as popular as Queen Elizabeth is today? Pictures are so phony. You can watch "hoo-ha" ... and still know "that's not what the lady is like in person!"
But if you have a good PR campaign? You can probably survive almost any storm.
While the stupid party? Oh, my gosh. You think Boehner has something to celebrate, here?
You don't think the political class eats all the other classes, alive?
I wasn't really willing to spend $1000 on a bet that involved the stupid party running against obama in 2012.
But "internal problems?" Hey, Harding ate a vegetable. Served at the White House. And, he was a gonner ... in his first term.
No. I can't list all 44 Presidents! But I can remember the ones that set off "that's a doozy" story to re-tell. Way after it happened.
Theodore Roosevelt, by the way, was DUMPED into the veep's slot, for McKinnley. When he came up for re-election. The stupid party thought it was getting rid of their New York menace. Nu?
Don't bet on the future. You don't know who is carrying a gun.
I'll give that one to you, Carol. I got past your third carriage return before I scrolled away.
I've picked up lots of gray hair worrying about how to survive in the Obama economy. Not really, but it makes for a good retort.
Wonder if they're going back to their favorite restaurant in MV, The Sweet Life Cafe
We ate there in July. I had the ribs and steak. Excellent. Only $622 for six of us. Of course, it's not the kind of place you go when you're all sharing the sacrifices.
Yep, he is living a sweet life. Or maybe just her.
Tough choices:
Is this a full seven iron or a soft six iron?
Hey I looked on my e-mail screen and guess what! I got the same touching message from Moochelle as well.
What a load of garbage--and I'm only talking about the contents of the e-mail, not the qualities of the alleged sender. Although don't tempt me.
Somehow I could not bring myself to "sign" Baracky's birthday card.
Mike, Let us know if you get a letter from the IRS later this year.
Hey, Scott M, since you can read, you ought to thank a teacher!
Mark Twain said "everybody skims."
He also said "nobody remembers what they read."
I beg to differ. I think we do "remember" ... but in our own fashion.
While opinions are as varied as fingerprints.
Imagine thinking that everything looks the same, when it's not.
All his life, Obama has gotten extraordinary rewards for ordinary accomplishments. Why shouldn't he get sympathy for having some gray hair at 50?
Imagine thinking that everything looks the same, when it's not.
Too much work. I just wanted to use the term "carriage return" in context for old time's sake.
yeah, yeah, Obamas' think they are doing us a favor by giving America its first Black president, somebody polished and refined and not like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson for which they want all White people to be grateful. They think it is just enough for showing up.
Bullshit - it's his 57th birthday. Or may be not a birthday at all, ;)
He's not just a member of the Hair Club for Men.
He wants to be President.
(If you don't vote for him you are a racist)
Seeing Red said:
"Maybe you should actually ponder what you wrote."
While the boobs talking about Obama being the pawn of "the Big Unions" (sic) (R.I.P.) or the master manipulator reducing the numbers of the financial elites down to a weak few--the better for him to control them--may be easily ignored as seriously delusional, I'm curious what great paradox or irony or conundrum you think I have missed and will discover if I ponder my comment further.
Can you help me out?
Obama has more grey hair than my Mom did when she died last month at age 84.
Genetics! I, alas, inherited Dad's hair coloring genes and he was very grey by age 50. My brother has no grey hair at age 52 -- thanks to Mom's superior genetics.
Scott M has downloaded the "ding" app for his simulated typewriter. Next, a bit bucket for his simulated key punch machine - movin' on up, oh yeah!
WV: dolickers - what Obama has too many of.
And it's time for Obama's umperteenth VACATION!
And maybe some GOLF!
And tell me, how many vacations did Bush take? Clinton take? Jimmy Carter take?
Yea, happy birthday Prez. wimp.
...but today happens to be Barack's 50th birthday...
I'm sorry, but I'm gonna need to see a long-form birth certificate on that one.
"...While the boobs talking about Obama being the pawn of "the Big Unions"..."
You're right Cook. The unions all vote Republican and vehemently oppose Obama.
And he calls me delusional.
Well the market is really down....all 2011 gains are gone
WTF ....they sent in the clowns and they are killing us...financially speaking...
In the new series in Doctor Who, the Doctor brings down a Prime Minister's government with six words whispered into one ear: "Don't you think she looks tired?"
Last time around, Barack Obama ran on youthful energy and enthusiasm, hope and change.
What's he going to run on this time? His record?
Just remember one thing and never forget!
You voted for him.
It's you're fault.
Crack - "57th birthday." Ha! Maybe we should all wish him a happy Quatro De Cinco while we're at it.
Yes, yes, Michelle, you cow, we all know about Barack's "choices." We also know about your choices - how you bully food providers into putting up idiotic, misleading "calorie counters," insist that Cheerios - Cheerios! - can't advertise to children, and sanctimoniously lecture us on our unhealthy eating habits, all the while shoving greasy hamburgers and fries into your gullet.
Go away, you ghetto trash, and take your cokehead prissypants "husband" with you.
What's he going to run on this time? His record?
Yes. But, unfortunately, the best one he has is a 12" remix of Heavy D And The Boyz' Now That We've Found Love.
...volunteering to work on all our problems all the time for 4 years.
If by work on you mean exacerbate...
What constitutes "working hard" in the Obamas' world? He's not building stuff, so it's not physically hard. And there's no evidence that he's doing any studying or other mentally hard stuff. What does any President's daily itinerary look like anyway?
"...Well the market is really down....all 2011 gains are gone..."
There you go Cook. Wall Street just took it in the ass today so that should have you sleep the sleep of the righteous.
A nice tax increase is really what we need right now. Spread some of what's left of the wealth.
It's understandable going gray at 50 when you start your first job.
I don't know how anybody could describe either of the Obamas as "ghetto trash".
They both seem to me to be very suburban, upper middle class, "concerned" parents who feel they know just a tad bit better than those beneath them.
Go away, you ghetto trash, and take your cokehead prissypants "husband" with you.
I'm ANGRY!!!
Did she begin with "Dear Rube"? :-)
This is a bunch of nonsense. He's not "going gray." He's "stopped using hair dye."
Up until his election in 2008, he was trying to portray himself as the youthful, energetic guy. No gray hair allowed.
Now that he's in the office, he has to show "gravitas." So he stopped dying his hair back to black.
When he was elected he was 47 years old, yet not even the slightest bit of graying. This despite the fact that most people start graying between 30 and 35.
12 years outside of the window, and not even a hint of gray?
Now 3 years later his head is FULLY gray. Not graying. FULLY gray.
He didn't "EARN" his grey hair any more than any blonde woman "EARNED" her dark roots when she hasn't been to the stylist in a few months.
Michelle wishes she could do to her caboose what Barry does to his hair but there's no shrink dye.
He had gray hair before, he just dyed it.
ricpic -
Michelle wishes she could do to her caboose what Barry does to his hair but there's no shrink dye.
That's not fair. She always has a healthy swig of "Hope'N'Change" Koolaid to go with her cheeseburger habit, and that has fewer calories and even less substance than a Diet Coke.
The First Lady is first naming Althouse.
I doubt she would be too pleased with "Dear Michelle," however.
Bite me.
JimatPolimerican.com is on tgt. But beyond that, I'm not buying the "pressures of the office" bit. ANY President has a full-time staff/Chef, etc. at his beck & call 24/7. You want a 14-course meal @3am--you got it mister! He also has a total fitness center, his own mountain-top rural retreat, the ability to call-in and converse with practically ANYONE in the world on ANY subj for intellectual stimulation; the ENTIRE Library of Congress and ALL the national museums at his disposal to stock the Oval office and the WH bedroom with art and literature,--the full functional equivalent of someone who is a multi-billionaire. Did you know that giants of the stereo industry equipped and stocked a stereo music listening room in the WH free grattis for any President to enjoy a few years back? White House tennis courts, a running track--the list goes on and on. Puulleeessse.....
"I'm ANGRY!!!"
I am also coherent. And sober. And good-looking. That's three for three I have on you, Garage.
And to follow up, now that I've shooed the child away -
My application of "ghetto" is a reference to an attitude. It's hard to put into words, but imagine, if you will, the stereotypical angrey head-snapping "oh, no, you di'nt!" black woman. My impression is that underneath her affirmative action Princeton degree and her no show political hack hospital job, Michelle is a nasty, trashy, bitter woman.
Screw Little Zero.
Today's The Blonde's birthday and she's got 2 bad knees, a bad ankle, and bad feet.
And she worked all her life!
Feel sorry for her. (actually, give her a pat on the back. people like her have earned it)
As vet66 notes, Barry has been passed along all his life and now he finally is getting some criticism.
PS Good one Crack, but he'd be 60. Don't forget he had one more to go and they wouldn't let him go to AK or HI.
My impression is that underneath her affirmative action Princeton degree and her no show political hack hospital job, Michelle is a nasty, trashy, bitter woman.
I thought every one of those grey hairs stood for one over par.
Dearest Evita...I mean, Michelle:
I am so worried about your wonderful husband and all the wonderful things he is trying to do to us, or for us, I mean. Since I don't like any of them so far, except for the Osama killing, I would have no objection if he made a little career change in a year. Why not write another book, maybe about how all those racist bitter clingers were soooo mean to him?
You can borrow our cottage in Michigan, rent free. We would be honored!
Name Withheld Upon Request
Tell you what, Michelle. I'm a lot more concerned about the gray hair Obama is giving me and everyone else who works for a living or tries to keep a business going.
My application of "ghetto" is a reference to an attitude
Uh huh. Sure.
Working hard? What in hell hard work does he do? He never comes up with anything on paper. He only babbles the same nonsense he's been babbling. Why doesn't he take his faux gray hair and his high taxes and his billions in over-regulation and just go away. Leave us the hell alone!
he's earning every last one of those gray hairs....
Cry me a river.
Perhaps I should blame all my additional gray hairs, and I have plenty, on trying to deal with the affects of Barack Obama being president. And, I ain't never been to Spain or any other ferin countries 'cept Mexico and Canada. Never even been to Kansas (but I'll be going there next month).
Could these people be any more narcissistic? It should be an honor to be elected president and an honor to serve the American people. For the Obamas, we should feel honored to have him as president.
To echo Alex, "Go away!"
Did you ask her the question:
If the purpose of the natural born Citizen requirement was to prevent foreign influence into the White House (FACT), then how is it possible that Obama, admittedly born British, is a natural born Citizen, eligible for POTUS?
If the purpose of the natural born Citizen requirement was to prevent foreign influence into the White House (FACT), then how is it possible that Obama, admittedly born British, is a natural born Citizen, eligible for POTUS?
I asked her that once. With a puzzled look on her face, she said, "Huh?"
"I asked her that once. With a puzzled look on her face, she said, "Huh?""
Well, I wouldn't doubt that, I mean, "law profs" of Con Law even voted for the Usurper, so you can't expect their students to know much about the Constitution.
His hair is greying owing to his age, not to any stress. In any event, the man is a fraud and a liar. He has concern only for his fundraisers and his re-election.
"We're a pitiless bunch." Yes, but not all of us. Presidents, regardless of their party deserve not pity but empathy and respect.
"You can't really get any pity for pointing to your graying hair." Yes, I wouldn't pity anyone for that either, but I don't think Obama did that. This is a case of someone pointing it out. And I doubt that he asked her to point it out, unless you meant that's Michelle Obama that emailed you.
Whatever. I didn't vote for Barry.
If he doesn't like the job, or feels 'unappreciated', then he can resign.
He's a sorry excuse for a president anyways, and I for one don't really consider him 'presidential'. I consider him an 'occupier'.
Very, very few people born on this day will have a party that people pay tens of thousands of dollars to attend.
It's just about fairness. Like it's not fair to imply with no evidence that Obama doesn't like his job or feels under-appreciated.
I never got that from him.
Apparently Michelle made some lame comment about Barry deserving a 2nd term due to his grey hair.
Imagine if Pat Nixon or Betty Ford made such a lame ass remark...
IOW, Michelle, Barry deserves a kind of 'affirmative action' nod for the grey hair - is that right???
P A T H E T I C and completely unworthy of anyone's respect.
Laura Bush would still have the class to try and help save this dumb ass woman from herself IF asked. Fat chance ;)
“Every day, I see Barack make choices he knows will affect every American family,” Mrs. Obama said in an email blast to supporters. “That's no small task for anyone -- and more proof that he's earning every last one of those gray hairs.”
So I see now, THAT'S the remark for which she deserves "classless" "lame ass" "pathetic" "dumb ass" "completely unworthy."
How petty do you want to make your politics and partisanship?
How petty do you want to make your politics and partisanship?
If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. When Dear Leader's decisions affect the American family as negatively as they have, it's supremely arrogant to expect us to feel some level of appreciation for those decisions. And, it's dumb, classless, lame ass and pathetic for you to expect something different, especially after what I've listened to from lefties for the past 20 years.
I said I empathize with and respect Presidents regardless of their party.
I didn't say anything about respecting their decisions.
Every day Michelle sees Barack make choices he knows will affect every American family.
Is there a point where these choices will affect families in a positive direction? Since this guy was sworn in I swear every day is worse than the one before.
And every day, I laugh, laugh, laugh at the schmucks who are in his way. Tomorrow though his hair will be without the grey, depends on what "perception" he wants on that particular day for the f.o.l.k.s.
"So I see now, THAT'S the remark for which she deserves "classless" "lame ass" "pathetic" "dumb ass" "completely unworthy."
There have been plenty of others as well, this is just the latest.
Do I need to provide links for you? Of all the class rhetoric? Do you deny the existence of his own words? Or Hers?
You best pick your battles wisely. You won't win this one. I have his and her own words to cite.
I said I empathize with and respect Presidents regardless of their party.
I empathize and respect as I see fit. So far two presidents that I have little respect or empathy are Nixon and Obama. Nixon's dead and gone. Obama's busy dictating hour health care, dividing the nation by waging class and race based warfare, and generally screwing things up and his wife's busy trying to dictate what we eat.
We don't need Big Brother and Big Sister controlling every aspect of our lives.
"Obama's busy dictating..."
Do you prefer overlords to your own life path?
I suggest you read, and understand the following;
"If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”—Samuel Adams"
The price of liberty, is eternal vigilance.
I urge you to choose wisely.
over these past three years, when some of us mentioned that barack's hair color would go from black to gray to black to gray from one day to the next (depending on whether his handlers wanted him to look young and forceful or mature and serious) we were told, by this very wife no less, that it was an illusion caused by lighting (and we were a bunch of racists anyway, natch, for pointing out such things). so now, after a couple of weeks of facing 'serious issues', we're told that he's suddenly 'turned' gray as a result of his hard labors...(certainly not the vacations, parties, golf games, etc) and his reaching the ripe, old age of 50. so i guess lighting had nothing to do with it after all... and MY head is about to explode !
I see the Professor has finally abandoned cruel neutrality vis a vis BHO.
She's pitiless.
When he was elected he was 47 years old, yet not even the slightest bit of graying. This despite the fact that most people start graying between 30 and 35.
No fan of BHO here, but I think the key word in the above paragraph is "most." I'm quite well acquainted with someone who's two months older than the President, and his gray hair consists only of a few flecks in his goatee. "Blessed family genetics," he says.
But as far as the idea of Obama dyeing or not dyeing his hair to present a certain image--sure, that's quite plausible. He doesn't strike me as genuine in any other way, so this isn't much of a stretch.
"Uh huh, sure."
Well, that's what I get for going back to work and leaving the thread.
Garbage, if you think I'm a racist, then say it, you worthless cockholster. Not that I particularly give a damn what a proud member of the party of Klansmen, treason and murder thinks, but if you're going to accuse someone, then actually come out with it instead of hiding behind your usual witless snark.
MarkG said...
I can't believe he didn't get that 3rd autobiography out by age 50.
His ghost writer has since retired and is busy sulking over being denied Emeritus status by the U of IL.
Besides, what would a third auto-hagiography have to talk about anyway - his accomplishments?
I have had a simple life. My health is great. My financial obligations are few. At 48, I had a few gray hairs and at fifty, quite a few more. And, now they are almost all gray.
It's the age that most presidents are which make them appear to "age" so much while in office. They would have still looked older had they just stayed home and done nothing for the same length of time.
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