Says Harry Reid, as if "chicken" is a one-sided game.
The question is: Who's the James Dean here and who's the "aaaahhhhh!" guy? We know the American people are Sal Mineo.
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blogging every day since January 14, 2004
३८ टिप्पण्या:
It's Reid's party that has planned for a dollar collapse and wants that the dollar collapse that will destroy the USA to be blames on the only people who want to stop it.
Obama and his world government friends intend to have a dollar collapse that makes their World Currency remedy a necessity.
Chicken is not a game when one side plans all along to crash into you and kill you off.
McConnell understands this. The shouting off at the mouth warriors do not understand the game that they are playing.
We'll all be the "ahhhh" guy in a few years if Harry and Owebama have their way.
Since James Deans father was Jim Backus I say Obama is Dean.
With Rachel Maddow playing the role of Natalie Wood.
Owebama, I like that. Too bad it is Oweamericans that will pay the bill.
I vote for Paul Krugman or Steven Chu to be the gloom and doom science guy lecturing inside the planetarium.
or Al Gore
Actually Harry, the House Republicans passed a budget that contains spending.
You have not acted on said budget.
On another note, the Obama legacy will be:
1. We don't estimate speeches
2. The U.S. losing the AAA rating it has had since 1917.
It's ok that we do it because they do it too. But they suck for doing it.
Also, Harry and his ilk have demagogued Social Security and Medicare for the last 20 + years and now we are left with 2 weeks to fix it.
Major crisis, and the players are only concerned with who gets the blame.
We are so screwed.
...says the proponent of tax-payer subsidized cowboy poetry.
What will it take for Harry Reid and the Democrats to wake up to the fact that they are playing a game of political chicken with the entire global economy?
Democrats- ruining the country since the early 1900s.
Democrats to America:
We must raise job killing taxes so we can waste more of your money and continue to grow the welfare state graft machine. Or else.
The rest of us to Dems: Piss off.
Its the Democrats that are holding us all hostage - we've got to let them keep spending like crazy, or else!
But they've got the media to help them shape the narrative that its the fiscal conservatives who are ruining us.
Harry's Senate has passed a budget for two consecutive years. Barry presented a budget that didn't get a single vote after he formed a hand picked "Debt Commission" and then ignored it when they actually took the job seriously (the chumps).
Fuck you Harry, and your President that only speaks with a Negro dialect when he wants to.
Harry, Nancy, Barney, and Barack all seem to believe that there's an infinite amount of money out there, and that 70% to 90% tax rates are perfectly feasible.
I can only assume that there is no such thing as a sane "Progressive" Democrat.
Steve Wynn did a great job telling off Obama. He mentioned Reid too and even his erstwhile support for the latter. Hopefully at least Reid is listening to his constituents because POTUS is heading for the cliff.
One of the most memorable movie scenes from my youth. My buddies and a I talked about going over the cliff for days.
I hope the Democratic Party goes over the cliff with the budget/debt negotiations. The big question is have they dumbed down education enough that enough idiots will continue vote Democratic to keep the Democrats as a viable party?
The next question is, will the Democratic Party become known as the party of Idiocracy instead of the party of the common man. The Dems sure don't give a damn about the common man any more, except to drive him into serfdom in order to solidify their power.
It doesn't accomplish anything unless someone goes over the cliff. You'll notice that everyone else goes home and gets on with their life with one less conflict to deal with.
I hear all the doomsday from the "experts", and that just makes me want to see what would happen. The "experts" have a real bad track record. Being an "expert" requires that you must say something terrible is happening or will happen. What's cool is that after you are wrong, you are still an expert to be called on the next time. No wonder people are always saying crap will happen, but nobody tells you when the real crap is coming. I wait for stuff to be going real well, then I worry. Right now, I'm fine.
Harry's budget is still on super-secret probation.
Have we hit 800 days yet?
That was a very good article, chickenlittle, about Wynn, until I read this: and I am a Democratic businessman and I support Harry Reid. Perhaps, Wynn is part of the problem as well.
Can't wait until the new Sal Menio pic plays.
Wasn't Sal hot?
I mean really hot?
Little Zero wants the Republicans and the American people over the cliff.
If ACORN was still around, they could count on enough people named Dick Tracy and Mickey Mouse to make sure the Republicans suffer at the polls.
PS The Republicans have proposed one plan in the House (Ryan) and there's McConnell's (like it or hate it), CCB (fronted by DeMint), Rand Paul's, and now Coburn's - which makes five. Somebody ought to make note of the fact no Demo has proposed one on his (or her) own.
Somebody ought to make note of the fact no Demo has proposed one on his (or her) own.
Excluding the POTUS?
Actually Jay, Congress would have to lift the debt limit in order to implement the budget passed by the House.
Scott M said...
Somebody ought to make note of the fact no Demo has proposed one on his (or her) own.
Excluding the POTUS?
No one serious.
WV "flableu" A Frenchman so cold even his love handles turned turquoise.
AllenS wrote: Perhaps, Wynn is part of the problem as well.
Here's the problem Allen. It's easy for me to imagine Harry Reid or even Sarah Palin enjoying themselves at one of Wynn's casinos. Commonality? It's much harder to imagine our Pious-in-Chief doing so though. He'd rather gamble with an entire economy and bluff about bluffcalling.
They started it.
Note to Harry Reid:
I don't know about your Republican colleagues, but the American voters woke up about a year ago when the Congress, controlled by Nancy Pelosi and you, failed to pass a budget with a near super-majority and a friendly President. I'd say that is all, but I must also say we noted that no Democrats in the Senate chose to vote for President Obama's budget just a month ago.
Don't expect us to fall asleep again before November of next year.
Democrats message - "We can spend as we please to cultivate votes"
Republicans message - "In a time of responsiblity and budget austerity, we call on all Americans but Grover Norquists rich friends, and ours, to make the necessary sacrifices".
The public's message - "We don't recall a vote by us on free trade and destroying our jobs to give to China. We don't recall being asked about our prosperity being wrecked and what should be done. We don't recall being asked if everyone should sacrifice to restore the health of the nation except welfare mommas and illegals by the Dems, or how everyone must pitch in and make sacrifice BUT the very rich, by Republicans."
The military - "We are proud to be the only institution trusted in government, by the public. We of course absolutely do not seek to take over. But in an emergency, could we run the nation and fix problems with it better than Republicans, Dems, or the whackball Greens or Tea Party zealots of Libertarian extremists? Why, yes, of course we could."
@Cedarford: Neil Young sang about Four Strong Winds.
Very much like that song "4 Strong Winds". It is a classic.
I actually heard the Johnny Cash version - before going back to the N Young version done in my childhood. I like the N Young version no small part to the brilliant backup vocalist's ability to harmonize and extend Youngs range on each line. That was Nicollette Larson.
As for how it jibes with America's great institutional troubles and decline - I don't know. Perhaps the "moving on" part. If what worked in America once no longer works - schools, 2 party system, Rule of Law(yers) and a badly in need of update Constitution and body of law and an end to being the "Global Freedom-Giving Military" - it is time to consider moving on from many and maybe all those things.
A Feast for Crows.
I think Obama is James Dean. That "hit and roll" sequence is as phony as Obama's debt reduction position.
We're Sal Mineo? Wrong. The MSM is Sal, the "other guy" is the Republicans.
We're Jim Backus, confused and passive. Upset at James Dean (Obama) but sympathetic. We don't know what to do with these crazy kids in DC. They're just all a bunch of JDs.
Plus, we're torn between our wife (Michelle Bachmann) and Dean.
Patriots are fighting the good fight in not expanding the debt ceiling. Support them.
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