"However in the last minute, Ameneh changed her mind and asked the proceeding to be halted," the Islamic republic's Fars state news agency reported.
This week marks the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan in the Islamic world, and pardons and commuted sentences commonly occur as a show of compassion leading into the holiday....
The sentence was to be carried out in May 2011, but a court postponed it after Amnesty International protested against it on the grounds of cruelty.
Bahrami forgave her attacker in part for her country, she told state news agency ISNA, "since all other countries were looking to see what we would do."
३१ जुलै, २०११
"A physician was to drop acid... into the eyes of Majid Movahed... to punish him for throwing acid in the face of Ameneh Bahrami seven years ago."
Bahrami, who was blinded, had insisted on the eye-for-an-eye punishment, under Islamic law:
१३० टिप्पण्या:
At least one woman embracing Islam as the "Religion of Peace." Good on her! As for the physician, no Hippocratic oath there since Islamic Law trumps "Do no harm."
I love stories that have a happy ending. It makes me feel so much better about life.
It should perhaps be pointed out that "an eye for an eye," etc. comes from the Old Testament, which Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (in order of seniority) hold in common.
"Hagar said...
It should perhaps be pointed out that "an eye for an eye," etc. comes from the Old Testament, which Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (in order of seniority) hold in common."
True, but only one remains "old school"
Aaaw, isn't that sweet?
Shwiiiiiiing!!...another head bites the dust.
Not exactly true. The word "fundamentalist," when applied to Christians, means someone who believes in the absolute truth of all chapters of the Bible.
And sometimes, one or more of them will act on their interpretation of what is commanded in the Old Testament.
"The word "fundamentalist," when applied to Christians, means someone who believes in the absolute truth of all chapters of the Bible."
In Mssachusetts, "fundamentalist", when applied to Christians, means anyone with less than two rainbow-patterned Darwin fish on their Prius.
In America, if he were convicted of the same crime, he'd serve a few years in prison before being paroled.
Bahrami forgave her attacker in part for her country, she told state news agency ISNA, "since all other countries were looking to see what we would do."
It sounds like she was pressured into her "forgiveness." Meanwhile countless others suffer from the depravity of sharia punishment. Example: stoning women to death.
What's Paw Paw, MIchigan like?
good on her... that is true nobility, forgiveness and sensitivity
The religion of piss wants everyone to know it's Ramadan. You could have figured out this outcome on May 31st. When the judge "postponed" doing this to a man. Who is both crazy and guilty.
Lots of em within that cluster fuck, though.
If they're having a religious experience because of Rama-dama-ding-dong ... Well, that's as per usual, too.
A religion that caters to lunatics. And, manages to kill or main ALL the ones who come out with good genetics.
The eye-for-an-eye ... got translated early by rabbis to me when you do the crime you pay the victim.
Religion of piss is without this concept.
I hope she didn't get any acid on her tits.
What a waste if her tits were deformed by acid.
I would be curious to see a tit hit by acid though.
Acid Tits.
"It should perhaps be pointed out that "an eye for an eye," etc. comes from the Old Testament, which Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (in order of seniority) hold in common." Uh, no. Two thousand years ago, the sages of the Mishnah already said that "eye for an eye" referred to monetary compensation. And they said that it was even much older, calling it from the "law given to Moses at Sinai" - part of the original oral understanding of the Old Testament.
And, of course, Hagar's bible knowledge also falls short because of something else that happened 2,000 years ago. Jesus said "turn the other cheek."
In Christianity, New Testament trumps Old Testament because Jesus changed the rules.
"Rama-dama-ding-dong", "Religion of piss", "religion that caters to lunatics"
Do you read this stuff before you hit the "publish" button?
Can we do it to somebody else then?
Just askin'...
A physician was to drop acid...
Timothy Leary, please pick up the white courtesy phone...
But for fundamentalists, Jesus did not change the rules; that's kind of their thing, and why we call them "fundamentalists."
And the other argument sounds a lot like Stephen Breyer claiming the Constitution does not say what it says.
Ah, yes, we go from the Lefties admiring the Great Leap Forward to kowtowing to the Great Leap Backward.
These people need to go on a long retreat.
"Hagar said...
But for fundamentalists, Jesus did not change the rules; that's kind of their thing, and why we call them "fundamentalists.""
Ah, hatred of the religious claims another brain. We refer to those who believe in the old testament but not Jesus Jews.
I smell a payoff. I do not like that I see it that way, but there's something about the times we live in.
Hagar said...
But for fundamentalists, Jesus did not change the rules; that's kind of their thing, and why we call them "fundamentalists."
Last I looked, fundamentalists - ya know, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Billy Graham - preferred a government of laws. Constitution. Stuff like that.
If you mean Jews, well, they are the lawyers - at least according to Cedar.
What exactly is more perverted? Eye for an eye or Euroweenie justice?
Other than the matter of eye for an eye in the sphere of stone age Mullahs control...why not make someone who threw acid in the face of a person take a faceful and then some extra - themselves?
The worst that guy Breivik can get is 3 1/2 months per murder. Served in a posh jail with conjugal visits, college classes, recreational facilities, and cable TV.
But according to the posters above, the rabbis long ago explained to the Jews that the Old Testament does not say what it says.
and edutcher,
None of the people you listed , not even Billy Graham, remotely qualifies as a "fundamentalist."
According to you.
I had no idea Hagar was such a religious authority... I guess I'll have to tell all the fundies around here they're doing it all wrong.
The feel good story of the year....Like obscenity, there is a certain intuitive sense when something is just or not.....That Norwegian fuck deserves to die. Something bad should happen to the Iranian, but the bad thing should not be dropping acid in his eyes. A prison term similar in length to that which will be given to the Norwegian would have the appearance of justice.
A physician was to drop acid...
Timothy Leary, please pick up the white courtesy phone...
Yeah, I too was totally misdirected by the intro...
No, according to the posters above the New Testament trumps the old.
You're trying to pretend this isn't true by claiming somehow fundamentalists choose the old over the new, a notion completely unsupported by facts. If you weren't trying to shoehorn your hatred of fundmentatlists into a fact pattern it doesn't fit you wouldn't make such a mistake.
The Timothy Leary reference got me wondering what would happen if the most extreme Islamists did get on the Ken Kesey bus. Would they experiment with Hinduism?
Wasn't the purpose of "an eye for an eye" to prevent a cycle of revenge escalation? It wasn't saying that you had to take an eye for an eye, but that you couldn't take more.
timmaguire42 said...
And, of course, Hagar's bible knowledge also falls short because of something else that happened 2,000 years ago. Jesus said "turn the other cheek."
In Christianity, New Testament trumps Old Testament because Jesus changed the rules.
If you believe that, then logically you must also believe that God isn't perfect since the laws he gave were wrong and had to be corrected.
I'm cynical, but I wonder what pressure was put on the victim to make her change her mind.
"If you believe that, then logically you must also believe that God isn't perfect since the laws he gave were wrong and had to be corrected."
Really? Man's interpretation of god's will cannot be faulty? It must be god?
I've often wondered why the Taliban weren't a bunch of strung-out heroin junkies (unless they are and I don't know about it). All that opium plus a pretty miserable life should equal Needle-Park-istan, no? Maybe they can't figure out how to make it themselves.
The Christian formula is that one is convicted of sin, and then accepts the sacrifice of God's Son as a full payment of the penalty that leaves the sinner a righteous man.
End of story.
The fundamentalists forget the end of the formula, so they help God condemn sinners out of pride.
The whole Muslim act is to be fundamentalists.
They exist to deny the Christian solution to sin.
To a Muslim the #1 belief is that "God has no need of a Son".
That is why Mohammed's revelation from an angel in a cave is exalted as the only word that has authority>
Marshal is jumping to concussions.
I do not "hate" fundamentalists, but as far as I can see, in their world it all exists simultaneously and there is no contradiction between "an eye for an eye" and "turn the other cheek."
Also the world was created October 23, 4004 and there is no valid evidence to the contrary.
I've often wondered why the Taliban weren't a bunch of strung-out heroin junkies
It's Afghanistan. They're too busy corn-holing young boys.
If you don't hate them you should explain why you every description you offer of them or their actions is both (a) wrong, and (b) to their detriment. If you were merely ignorant at least sometime you'd err to their benefit, wouldn't you?
So why don't you explain how you developed your theory that the New Testament is not operative to fundamentalists.
That is not what I said, is it?
You wrote "Jesus did not change the rules" in the course of denying that fundamentalists could believe in "turning the other cheek". So why exactly is it not possible fundamentalists would look to the New Testament?
So you claim I'm jumping to conclusions. I say I'm taking a tiny baby step to explain your accusations. And I can conclude this because there's no other explanation for why you're defaming "fundamentalists" over something that has nothing to do with them.
This is less about "Islam" and more about primitive Eastern cultures. I'm pretty sure all kinds of honor killings/beatings/acid drippings go in Hindu lands as well. It's just that part of the world is still stuck in the 12th century. Because for sure there is a modern Islam that is attuned with 17th century values.
An eye for an eye may be harsh, but equating a girls eye with the eye of a man is huge progress.
Stupid Amnesty International.
It's nice that the girl asked for it not to happen, but I really hope that the man spent a whole lot of time utterly convinced that it would. It *ought* to have. He wouldn't have died. And he'd have been forced to be decent to the people he depended on for the rest of his life.
Oh, and I'm not going all "Old Testament" on anyone. I simply decided long ago that we delude ourselves into believing that locking someone up is benign and we can pat ourselves on the back for not approving of physical punishment. (In foreign policy we impose hardship through sanctions intending to disrupt governments as miserable people rise up against them and call ourselves virtuous for not waging war.)
A flogging or other physical punishment isn't automatically more inhumane than forcing someone to remain in the environment of prison, locked up and unable to keep their employment or support their families. (Put yourself under experimental "house arrest" and see how long you can stand it.)
Burning out this guys eyes would hurt and would change the rest of his life, but the girl is still blind. The physical punishment may be horrible, but as an alternative to being locked up in an Iranian prison it allows him freedom (if it actually is an alternative) and the ability to live with his family.
It also sends a strong message to anyone else who thinks that the society might tolerate the fashion of burning young girls with acid.
Also, a whole lot of you have extremely weird ideas about what "Fundamentalist" means.
Fundamentals of the Christian Faith (from I Am a Fundamentalist
by John R. Rice)
1. Inspiration and divine authority of the Bible.
2. Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ
3. Virgin birth
4. Blood atonement
5. Bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ
6. Personal second coming of Christ
7. The fallen, lost condition of all mankind
8. Salvation by repentence and faith, grace without works.
9. Eternal doom in Hell of the unconverted
10. Eternal blessedness of the saved in Heaven.
There are other notions and the meanings of words change over time, but I think it's entirely odd to suppose that Fundamentalists reject notions of New Testament forgiveness or grace.
You are jumping onto Marshal's horse.
What I said was that in the minds of fundamentalists, there are no contradictions, it is all true.
And the Lord hid all those bones and whatever in the mountains to test our faith.
"Evangelical" does not necessarily equal "fundamentalist."
I should get out to church more--I always thought the Nicean Creed pretty well laid out the tenents of Christianity.
Clearly we need some matrix that lists various sects of christianity down the left side, and evangelical, fundamentalist, and main line across the top. That will most certainly be useful to me.
"Evangelical" does not necessarily equal "fundamentalist."
Mostly, it does.
Until we use "fundamentalist" to mean nothing more than "that person more radical than I am."
I consider myself a fundamentalist, even when I doubt my own faith, because I'm of the opinion that if a person neither believes in God nor believes it's possible to be wrong about God, why bother? There is no room for "what you believe is true for you."
What is "moral teaching" if it's based on a lie? The fundamentalist movement was an answer to (and a person *would* think that the earlier creeds would have been enough) the notion that it was all pretend anyway but that big minded people smiled at the quaint habits of the faithful.
Perhaps we use "fundamentalist" to refer to anyone in any religion that doesn't think God is nothing but socially cohesive make-believe. There is no reason at all to think that someone bothers to make fine distinctions between true believers with one notion of what God requires and true believers with some other notion of what God requires when they want to describe who is scary and who is not.
True, but only one remains "old school"
Every Christian I've met that opposes homosexuals uses verses from the OT to justify that stance.
"Every Christian I've met that opposes homosexuals uses verses from the OT to justify that stance."
And of course "opposes" means "disapproves of" and by no means means "hangs" or "imprisons" or even "discriminates against."
People who say they want Sharia ought to get it, good and hard, for a generation, and then have a vote on it.
Likewise, gay marriage should be mandatory.
I cant wait till shit like this is a common place occurance in the United Islamic States of America.
This would have been more moving to me if a female who had blinded a guy with acid had been forgiven by him even though he was disfigured for life.
Why is it always the chicks that have to be the saints in these situations? Marry him off to that woman who cut the guy's dick off.
It makes me distrustful that the better people are just roadkill throughout history - from jesus' time until now - all handed some candy ass bs about the next life or whathaveyou.
I'd just like to see it happen in reverse some time and see if it changes my opinion.
Let's see if husband of the woman who cut her guy's dick off "forgave" her and did not disfigure her in return, how would I feel?
A. That he probably knew he deserved it on some level and had done much worse things
B. Was mentally ill and a candidate for battered spouse syndrome.
Neither option is that heartwarming.
Forgiveness can be cathartic for the victim. Good for her to not insist on acid in his eyes. To be honest, if the option was allowed here people would opt for it. That does not make it right.
As for Iran's Mullah state, it is completely fucked and everyone there knows it.
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