My bride banned me from uttering that word in her presence. Although a minor infringement on my First Amendment rights, I do honor it. The emailer was almost certainly male..very few women use that word.
On the left and on the right and in the middle, some people just gotta hate. It's a pity they can't be bothered to discuss, but I suppose that's less satisfying to our primal desires to hurt, assert dominance, and define ourselves in relation to the "other."
Bah. This is tame! Malkin posts some of hers every once in awhile, and some of them are enough to make sailors blush. This one doesn't even have a death threat.
The great thing is how many of them are from academia.
I was recently "unfriended" by a liberal on facebook. After she posted an article on the Minnesota shutdown I commented that Republicans had no reason to cave. She said I was a knee Jerk tea-bagger and unfriended me.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew) Are "It’s amazing how petty Obama’s critics are. Go f*ck yourself c^nt."
IF, they could, I mean of what value would men, BE? Isn’t this one of the reasons Meade moved in with Althouse?
I mean it’s good to see that we can all just get along…..
My sympathies to you and yes, I’m betting this was a guy, I’m sure he’s a caring, emasculated Liberal dating a Hippie Chic, so he can release his pent up misogyny on YOU, because you are a acceptable target for the Two Minute Hate.
The closest I ever came to writing out that word (other than quoting it or paraphrasing somebody) was to tell a joke about a friend whose last name was Kuntz and how teachers used to misspronounce it.
It is part of sailor-speak though-just like rum, sodomy and the lash. Also, old time "shock-value" novelists held in high esteem by academicians seemed to like it too, but it's not sticks nor stones.
Moose, that's what I was thinking. Except I figure that this is the guy that was yelling at the 14-year old girl speaking in Madison. Guy like that looks like he would just be about now learning how to do an email and send it. Give him another year, maybe he will know how to forward inane crap to everyone in his address book. When will he learn how to log into a blog and make comments? - never!
the GFY argument. Basically that's the Obama defense these days.
Though I suspect this is a Wisconsin democrat, due to the complete lack of humanity.
You'd think the democrats would be critical of Obama as well. You'd think they realized there's nothing petty about 6 wars and a gigantic increase over Bush's already high deficits. Claiming it's petty to criticize Obama shows a truly impressive attempt at self delusion.
Yeah, we just hate Obama because we're mean. Oh, maybe racism too. We'd totally love this stuff if Jimmy Carter had done it.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew) Women use the c-word all the time.
Mayhap, though not in my circle…where I come from this is a BIG “No-No” Word and Yhwh Protect anyone, male or female who should use it….
And Womyn may use the “C” word, and African-Americans may call each other “N!gger”, and Poles call each other “Pollock” and Infantrymen or Marine Riflemen may call each other “Grunts” but it’s not a word that someone from the OUTSIDE may use to describe a member of that group…
I hope Rebecca Watson seeks counseling. After all, people calling women other than Watson a "C" makes her fearful and unable to interact with people. I'm so worried for her.
I'm not sure why you would lend the author of that particular missive anonymity. I'd publish with the name and email address, including employer (although I concede there is little chance that this person has meaningful employment).
Look on the bright side Althouse, at least your Madison Privileges are still intact….Sure, you may be a C^nt, but at least they’ll still serve you pizza. I pray this was a 1L that has to take a class from you, BTW.
"Original Mike said... Jeremy's been busy, today."
Nah, this guys thinks Obama's critics are "petty". Garage and PB&J use misdirection without engaging substance. This is entirely too highbrow for Jeremy.
The offensive word has a long and illustrious etymology. Shakespeare was among its greatest practitioners. During the play within the play, Hamlet asks Ophelia if he might lie between her legs so as to more "comfortably" view the performance. Ophelia blushes and demurs. Hamlet teasingly responds "Do you think I meant country matters?"
I don't think the emailer knows a damn thing about country matters.
Even better, we don't need no fucking score card ... to know that the democraps are scared shit-less!
It's one thing to go in to the bank vault ... robbing it. Thinking no alarms are going off ... And, you look up at the hole you made to crawl in ... And, you see Sherlock Holmes.
Norman Mailer turned to Diana Trilling at a party. "Now what about you, smart cunt?" She was charmed. Everyone else, she said, spoke to her with appalling reverence.
Externalized self-hate; this misfit defenses strong internal currents of self-hate and self-contempt by completely repressing them. He (she?) has to hate others to avoid experiencing his own self-loathing. Would have made a good Nazi.
We're in the middle of a cold war and nobody wants to say it out loud. You have a sitting member of congress calling her opponents racists every damn day of the week. Today it was Shirley Jackson Lee. That's just reprehensible.
I know I cannot be the only one oh so very much looking forward to the fireworks, about this time next year, when the Left realizes that there is going to be a new President.
We will all look back with fondness to the lazy hazy summer Cunt days of 2011 and yearn for those much simpler days
Maybe he/she was channeling the anger they felt when they couldn't process the complexity of the argument in "Critique of Pure Reason" and said, "Go fuck yourself, Kant."
People are that emotionally charged up because Obama gets criticized? Well, I get emotional too.
Let's settle with our emotions - It's simple. I challenge any liberal so full of self-righteousness and hatred (are you listening Wisconsin Public Employees union members?)Obama supporters:
Meet me in a dark alley after midnight. I will bring United States Marines that love their country and will definitely not be voting for Obama or your anti-American ways conservative. I have multiple Marine family and friends. You bring your Marines.
What's that? You can't find any US Marines that support your point of view.? Marines that commit to giving their lives to protect your right to hate and curse Obama's critics? That protect your full right to be foolish and shit-headed in your political thinking, you lemmings? You can't round up enough US Marines that would buy your garbage?
Too bad. Cause I would love to shut your fucking anti-American mouths for a awhile. A swollen couple of lips and eyelids would do on such ungrateful liberal motherfuckers.
I truly would not do violence. Every human life is precious, no matter haw stupid and destructive to this country.
In arbitration, some say a decision angering both sides is probably an appropriate one. Ann, maybe you have found your cruel neutrality middle ground: those who rudely wonder about your wisdom in voting for Obama on one side and now the rude name-callers from the other. I am in the wondering category but try to stay short of rudeness.
Some times I wish I was a woman just so someone would call me a cunt. Hilarious. Is that the best insult he (assuming) can cook up. Come on, penis, cun't you do better than that?
I mean if you were a woman who was constantly undermining Obama and telling everyone that he is a failure and a one term president you wouldn't be a cunt.
And Womyn may use the “C” word, and African-Americans may call each other “N!gger”, and Poles call each other “Pollock” and Infantrymen or Marine Riflemen may call each other “Grunts” but it’s not a word that someone from the OUTSIDE may use to describe a member of that group…
I am missing something here. Who set up those "rules" that all the rest of us have to follow? The Progressive Jewish media?
Why should we listen to them? Or rappers? Or feminists who "love their cunts!" a la Ensler (who the progressive media loves as one of the Tribe) but insist the rest of us should be fired or arrested if we say it?
==================== Anyways, in context of Althouse's much for the Left's 'post-Tuscon call for the New Civility".
It didn't last long with all those budget cut protests, did it?
It appears to me that the Left, activists have escalated the organized shock, outrage, confrontational behavior right to the edge of public violence. And if history is a guide - that eventually leads to the other side escalating.
Scott M said" Ah. You've never worked with truckers, most of which are proudly non-union. A bunch of fucking potty-mouths, those guys. --------------
I'm a former OTR driver, and 90% of the drivers (union or non-union) are decent, courteous, respectful human beings who absolutely do not use that language.
But, the 10% who do are nothing but road trash. There were a number of times I was goin' down the road, only to have some jackass start on me with that kind of language. If it was a high traffic area a lot of other drivers would get all over the ass. If it was a more remote area and I was by myself, I'd use the off button on the CB. Some people are just psycho....
My brother used that language on me, the day our mom died....I was hoping he'd hit me so I could call the cops.... good thing he's a Christian, he'll answer to God for that....
I use the word in public on rare occasion - but almost exclusively direct it toward men.
Men tend to overuse it - especially UK guys. It loses its power and is easily ignored.
It really only has any charge when you can tell the guy using it has *real issues* with women and is trying to leverage the word to attack on that level. And then what can you say? He's an ass. You have to take into account the emotions behind it.
In this case, your emailer is, appropriately enough, merely being a petty cunt with his usage. Hah.
And it seems to me "cunt" is a particularly nasty word--I say that as old cavalryman who has a wonderful command of four letter ango-saxon swear words. My old platoon sergeant in basic training, MSG Ronald Marcum (RIP) taught me well
Someone here suggested that women call each other "cunts." Have never, ever heard women use the word. Maybe I'm not hanging out in enough lousy bars and getting in fights with drunk women, however.
Are you familiar with the work of the famous Danish gynecologist Yorick Hunt? The American Urologist, Richard Small? The famous Chinese Dr. C.U. Wee also does good work.
Cunt and cocksucker are the last of the legit curses. They still have power. Nothing gets a woman's attention like calling her a cunt. It's a pretty good substitute for a left hook. For guys it's cocksucker, unless of course you are one.
Why is it that I never hear conservatives using the word "cunt" to describe their political opponents, but leftists -- who routinely claim the mantle of sensitivity toward women -- use it regularly?
I was recently "unfriended" by a liberal on facebook. After she posted an article on the Minnesota shutdown I commented that Republicans had no reason to cave. She said I was a knee Jerk tea-bagger and unfriended me.
I got unfriended during the early weeks of the Madison lunacy by a friend who regularly posted all the leftist, pro-union crap to his Facebook wall and did not appreciate when I gently attempted to correct the fabrications.
"My bride banned me from uttering that word in her presence. Although a minor infringement on my First Amendment rights, I do honor it. The emailer was almost certainly male..very few women use that word."
You have not lived until you hear a woman use it. I worked with a woman how used it all the time professionally (make up woman) and it was a wonderful experience witnessing this.
Anatomy - Currently, all male and female "naughty bits" are covered with slang terms that range from acceptable to vulgar, but common, not shocking.
Save the vaginal barrel proper. That term supposedly must be used, or these words only feminists can use amongst themselves, feminists claim.
The term pussy is more about the furry mons..old black (nigger) slang...and even that is getting outmoded for the Brazilianized mons area of recent generations of us post-baby boomers.
If cunt and quim aren't acceptable slang for the vaginal barrel/tunnel, a new slang word should apply. Feminists and the perpetually outraged should be consulted! Preferable one, at most two syllables. We could borrow foreign words for cunts on asumption that feminists can only spread their outrage just so thin. German for cunt is "Fotze". Arabic for cunt is "Koos" Persian for cunt is "Kos". Chinese for cunt is "Bye" Finnish for cunt is "Toosa"
All are not considered strong swear words, or even swear words at all. It is common in the UK and Australia as saying "dick" is here.
BTW - Arabic for shit is "Aha" - no doubt named when some inquisitive Arab wiping his ass with his left hand felt something interesting in his excrement smear or dingleberries. Pulling his fingers back to look and sniff, and saying "A-ha!"
The emailer was almost certainly male..very few women use that word.
Actually I disagree. That word is actually used pretty often by LEFTIST females to demean women with whom they disagree. Just go look at how many times Lefty feminists used exactly that epithet against Sarah Palin.
If I was going to lean one direction or another, I'd actually lean towards it being a "feminist" since the emailer ALSO called Ann "petty." How many men who have worked themselves into a "righteous rage" so that they can justify calling a woman a c*nt, will then use the relatively dainty term, "petty."
Nope. For my money, it was one of those self-avowed guardians of all things Feminist: a woman who feels "entitled" to use the word, and so it more freely fits at home with "petty" in her own lexicon.
Back in the 70's Bette Midler use to open her show telling the audience how she wasn't nasty, out of line, foul mouthed, and out of control...really, she'd say, "I'm not the cunt I used to be"!
And then it was 2 hrs of amazingly great talent, song/dance/Sophie Tucker jokes. So,forgive my almost affection for the term.
But, I digress. I think it's interesting that in one line he calls the critics "petty" and in the next line uses one of the few serious vulgar terms left that is not used in polite company.
The semantics and voice of this writer is off, don't you think?
Now, I'm curious to know more, not necessarily the name, but other identifiers that might help me understand the dissonance of the terms used.
I recall that morning in high school when my sister called my mother a bitch. Let's just say I left the rest of my Wheaties and went to school early that day.
While we're on the subject and freely discussing it, is there an explanation for the asymmetry in the effects of the various terms that all refer to the vagina? Call a woman a "pussy" and she doesn't seem to care. Call a woman a "cunt" and you might as well have blockaded her ports. But call her a "twat" and it seems to be in a hazy area in between the two. Not generally acceptable, but not nearly as radioactive as "cunt."
Jack Cashill in Deconstructing Obama argues that BO never wrote his own books and provides hundreds of proofs that Ayers wrote Dreams. I know, petty.
It's a fun book which makes the claim that Obama is to literature what Milli Vanilli was to music.
Sure, petty.
In fact, with Obama's approval rating down in the low 30s, the whole country is petty, and only the hardcore faithful with the big souls aren't worried about the 14 trillion dollar deficit, the attempt to raise the debt ceiling for yet more, and selling everything we have to the last great communist nation.
Cashill's book is so good.
But it's so petty. He points out that in Obama's own articles tenses sometimes agree, but logic is bad, and cliches abound.
So, who wrote Dreams?
The same guy who wrote Terrorist Daze?
Isn't it petty and mean to point these things out?
Isn't it petty to even read any critique of the Great Leader?
The whole country is a bunch of "cunts" now. (Are leftists allowed to use this word? I didn't understand! I thought this was supposed to be a positive term for a spunky woman in the new jargon.)
Sitting at a coffee shop in Madison this morning, as a small family parked in the table next to me. They could see a TV screen out of my sight line, and the mother looked up to see what was on. Evidently Dear Leader was on. She told her little girls that she loved everything about this man; his great intellect and his wonderful understanding of how the country should work, as well as his Presidential air, and the fresh new tone he brought to Washington. One of the girls commented that he has a most beautiful smile.
and, how do you know it was a leftie? Could be a rightie in leftie clothing...
And this is what passes for reason in the Community-Based Reality. The enlightened "Progressive" who sent Althouse that clever missive wouldn't have known that she would publish it here for our entertainment. But Vicky knows that her people are on the side of Good and Truth and Social Justice, so it couldn't have been a Leftie -- musta been one of them Reich-wing RethugliKKKan scrotum-suckers.
After almost half a century, many "Progressives" still don't believe it was a loser Communist dipshit who murdered John F. Kennedy ... because they're the good guys, they don't do that shit. Musta been some kind of shdowy conspiracy -- Halliburton and Nixon and Blackwater and the Republicans ... Yeah, that's the ticket!
I find it interesting, when AA advances the notion Rush wondered aloud (duh) about, that Obama would hasten the problems of America which would then hasten the cure(s) for our country, she doesn't get credit for that point.
It's how I felt, for a short period, before the election.
And, of course, it's rational to vote for an historic candidate who lies enough to sound credibly decent enough to those of us who aren't psephologists.
I've always found "rational" a low bar when wonders to relate abound. Obama was that wonder, and to many millions still is.
Years ago,in the days of barbershops and movie palaces, Robert Kuntz, in a good mood arrived home after work and offered to take his wife to a show.
Happily,she kissed him and proceeded to get ready. Being a hot night, he told her he would wait for her in front of the building.
After 15 minutes waiting and pacing,he looked at the barbershop next door and decided to get a quick trim. 15 minutes later, still no wife ,peeved he asks the barber to give him a shave. In the meantime the Mrs finally comes down and is slightly distressed that her husband is not to be seen. She paces up and down the street and finally notices a man in the barbershop chair,his face obscured by a hot towel. She pops her head in the door, and asks,"Bob Kuntz here?",and the barber responds "NO MA'AM, just shaves and haircuts".
Take heart Ann, when I was a mere lad just discovering girls a wise old lumberjack warned me, "Son-- just remember--an ounce of cunt can pull more than ten teams of horses."
Chaucer made great use of the word. See, e.g., the Wife of Bath's Prologue in his Canterbury Tales, where she berates her late husband:
Since you've enough, why do you reck or care How merrily all other folks may fare? For certainly, old dotard, by your leave, You shall have cunt all right enough at eve. He is too much a niggard who's so tight That from his lantern he'll give none a light. For he'll have never the less light, by gad; Since you've enough, you need not be so sad.
(It's interesting that Chaucer uses the variant “Quaint” that Craig refers to above — spelled “queynte” in his Middle English.)
In the 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, they can't even bring themselves to say/write it. Words like "quim" are simply defined as "the monosyllable" (which in turn is defined as "a woman's commodity").
When you look under "C," you find "C**t: The χοννος of the Greek, and the cunnus of the Latin dictionaries; a nasty name for a nasty thing."
Of course, D.H. Lawrence did yeoman's work in trying to rehabilitate the word in "Lady Chatterley's Lover," but he obviously wasn't completely successful.
At least you now know you have an audience at the White House, right alongside of Glenn Beck and Fox news!! Love your posts Ann. Keep charging! Maxwell US Navy!
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१६९ टिप्पण्या:
They author must not know about your rational choice.
you don't understand. These people are on the side of tolerance, justice, and the truth.
You are a threat to those benevolent people's world view, therefore it is just dandy to call you vile names.
Isn't it cute?
And that was from one of your supporters!
So, you now have Jeremy's email address, eh?
Yes, it is true that the Obama side has all the class.
My bride banned me from uttering that word in her presence. Although a minor infringement on my First Amendment rights, I do honor it. The emailer was almost certainly male..very few women use that word.
Ahh, the loveable left strikes again. I feel so warm and fuzzy now.
Another intellectual giant heard from ....
I callled my wife cunt, once. Once.
WV: awkbas:
awlawl awkbas
That's how to keep it classy, Libs.
On the left and on the right and in the middle, some people just gotta hate. It's a pity they can't be bothered to discuss, but I suppose that's less satisfying to our primal desires to hurt, assert dominance, and define ourselves in relation to the "other."
I'm glad you don't let this stuff get to you.
Malkin, Coulter, Ingraham, Liz Chaney, Bachmann....welcome to club Althouse!
Sadly this type of person sees nothing ironic in that. That clearly indicates a lack of intelligence to go along with cowardice.
For someone reason that reminded me of the old Groucho Marx line:
(Margaret Dumont character): I didn't come here to be insulted!
(Marx character): Oh...where do you usually go?
Malkin, Coulter, Ingraham, Liz Chaney, Bachmann....welcome to the club Althouse!
Bah. This is tame! Malkin posts some of hers every once in awhile, and some of them are enough to make sailors blush. This one doesn't even have a death threat.
The great thing is how many of them are from academia.
Well, just so its been said. I've read the "c" word many times on this blog.
So all need to stay classy
It's like lynching: It's only bad if the left isn't doing it.
I was recently "unfriended" by a liberal on facebook. After she posted an article on the Minnesota shutdown I commented that Republicans had no reason to cave. She said I was a knee Jerk tea-bagger and unfriended me.
Now I am in therapy.
As long as it's already been established that we're all petty here, let me point out that you forgot a comma in your second sentence, cunt.
That is not how you address a lady.
I am sorry you have to put up with things like that.
I'm surprised that was in an email. Would have made good comments fare...
I agree with ndspinelli and Fred4Pres.
What sort of prick would send that kind of an email?
Why keep his name a secret? You don't want to discourage fans?
Jeremy's been busy, today.
As a staff member at a State University, I threw up in my mouth a little bit at this post directed to a faculty member.Caught me by surprize.
I am hardly surprized by the sentiment, just the execution.
I am sorry you have to put up with it also, Dr. Althouse.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Are "It’s amazing how petty Obama’s critics are. Go f*ck yourself c^nt."
IF, they could, I mean of what value would men, BE? Isn’t this one of the reasons Meade moved in with Althouse?
I mean it’s good to see that we can all just get along…..
My sympathies to you and yes, I’m betting this was a guy, I’m sure he’s a caring, emasculated Liberal dating a Hippie Chic, so he can release his pent up misogyny on YOU, because you are a acceptable target for the Two Minute Hate.
The closest I ever came to writing out that word (other than quoting it or paraphrasing somebody) was to tell a joke about a friend whose last name was Kuntz and how teachers used to misspronounce it.
It is part of sailor-speak though-just like rum, sodomy and the lash. Also, old time "shock-value" novelists held in high esteem by academicians seemed to like it too, but it's not sticks nor stones.
Women use the c-word all the time.
Moose, that's what I was thinking. Except I figure that this is the guy that was yelling at the 14-year old girl speaking in Madison. Guy like that looks like he would just be about now learning how to do an email and send it. Give him another year, maybe he will know how to forward inane crap to everyone in his address book. When will he learn how to log into a blog and make comments? - never!
I'm sure it was meant as a term of endearment to soften the soft critique of the preceding clause.
Must be a union memmber who emailed that. The only job you can have and use that kind of rude language would be a union job (since you cant be fired).
Well, I'm convinced.
the GFY argument. Basically that's the Obama defense these days.
Though I suspect this is a Wisconsin democrat, due to the complete lack of humanity.
You'd think the democrats would be critical of Obama as well. You'd think they realized there's nothing petty about 6 wars and a gigantic increase over Bush's already high deficits. Claiming it's petty to criticize Obama shows a truly impressive attempt at self delusion.
Yeah, we just hate Obama because we're mean. Oh, maybe racism too. We'd totally love this stuff if Jimmy Carter had done it.
You got to them, Professor.
Now how do you go about getting them thrown out of the game?
If it was from A. Weiner, then you are being flattered. He wants you.
The sender already thinks that you are on Michelle Malkin's level.
When SNL has an Anne Althouse impersonator skit, then you have made it bigtime.
Wait until he finds out the rest of your
I could not disclose the rest.
The only job you can have and use that kind of rude language would be a union job (since you cant be fired).
Ah. You've never worked with truckers, most of which are proudly non-union. A bunch of fucking potty-mouths, those guys.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Women use the c-word all the time.
Mayhap, though not in my circle…where I come from this is a BIG “No-No” Word and Yhwh Protect anyone, male or female who should use it….
And Womyn may use the “C” word, and African-Americans may call each other “N!gger”, and Poles call each other “Pollock” and Infantrymen or Marine Riflemen may call each other “Grunts” but it’s not a word that someone from the OUTSIDE may use to describe a member of that group…
I hope Rebecca Watson seeks counseling. After all, people calling women other than Watson a "C" makes her fearful and unable to interact with people. I'm so worried for her.
One, what do Obama supporters have against masturbation?
Two, there should be a comma after yourself.
I'm not sure why you would lend the author of that particular missive anonymity. I'd publish with the name and email address, including employer (although I concede there is little chance that this person has meaningful employment).
The left’s fight for women’s a front
All conservative gals they confront
When the Prof dissed their Barry
Whose water they all carry
They shamelessly called her a cunt
Ah. You've never worked with truckers, most of which are proudly non-union. A bunch of fucking potty-mouths, those guys.
That doesn't mean truckers use such language in emails. If they did, they would probably be fired (unless they worked for themselves of course).
The word has solid Anglosaxon lineage. You have to give it that.
Romance languages always prefer blasphemies as their hardest core swear words. There are things I learned in Italian which I'd never repeat.
I wonder if the Middle Eastern or Asian languages show this preference or distinction.
What, no e-mail address?
Does it at least end in .edu?
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Look on the bright side Althouse, at least your Madison Privileges are still intact….Sure, you may be a C^nt, but at least they’ll still serve you pizza. I pray this was a 1L that has to take a class from you, BTW.
"Original Mike said...
Jeremy's been busy, today."
Nah, this guys thinks Obama's critics are "petty". Garage and PB&J use misdirection without engaging substance. This is entirely too highbrow for Jeremy.
"What sort of prick would send that kind of an email?"
I have his name and email address, but I am refraining from embarrassing him. Because that's the kind of cunt I am.
I've never seen Cruel Neutrality abbreviated that particular way before.
I wish I had the thickness of your skin.
Keep up the good work, Professor. Don't let the bastards wear you down.
The offensive word has a long and illustrious etymology. Shakespeare was among its greatest practitioners. During the play within the play, Hamlet asks Ophelia if he might lie between her legs so as to more "comfortably" view the performance. Ophelia blushes and demurs. Hamlet teasingly responds "Do you think I meant country matters?"
I don't think the emailer knows a damn thing about country matters.
Is Althouse worried that a google search of the C-word will bring up Althouse?
I tried it. Instead Googling it results in a bunch of wikipedia references and probably porn sites. Althouse did not make the first few pages.
Maybe if she used the word more often...
Speaking of filthy AngloSaxon genital references, are you familiar with the "fig'o Spain"?
An orgasm! You caused them to have an orgasm!
You know where the "O" goes in "cunt?"
And, they are.
And, they are miserable.
Even better, we don't need no fucking score card ... to know that the democraps are scared shit-less!
It's one thing to go in to the bank vault ... robbing it. Thinking no alarms are going off ... And, you look up at the hole you made to crawl in ... And, you see Sherlock Holmes.
Norman Mailer turned to Diana Trilling at a party. "Now what about you, smart cunt?" She was charmed. Everyone else, she said, spoke to her with appalling reverence.
Do these people not understand that you voted for Barack Obama and will vote for him again?
Externalized self-hate; this misfit defenses strong internal currents of self-hate and self-contempt by completely repressing them. He (she?) has to hate others to avoid experiencing his own self-loathing. Would have made a good Nazi.
Do you know what she did, your cunting blogger?
We're in the middle of a cold war and nobody wants to say it out loud. You have a sitting member of congress calling her opponents racists every damn day of the week. Today it was Shirley Jackson Lee. That's just reprehensible.
It is the abbreviation for Cannot Understand Normal Thinking.
How rude.
I used to be as fouled mouthed as the come-
A true artist.
That said, that word, spoken or written, makes me very uncomfortable.
Poor punctuation, too, in addition to being intolerant and unkind. The author needed a comma after "yourself."
This should boost your street cred quite a bit.
Won't make any of us forget those lame-ass excuses you gave for voting for The One.
But it should boost your street cred.
Speaking of filthy AngloSaxon genital references, are you familiar with the "fig'o Spain"?
Perhaps aurally, but never in "digital" media. Do tell.
Fred's right; you don't say things like that to a lady, especially in a political debate or discussion.
This is the Internet variant of the old Chinese proverb, "You can always tell who's losing the argument, he's the first to raise his voice".
PS He doesn't even know how to use a comma (and there are plenty here who would like to show him).
My bride banned me from uttering that word in her presence. Although a minor infringement on my First Amendment rights
Your bride is the government?
"It’s amazing how petty Obama’s critics are. Go fuck yourself cunt."
If his critics are petty, his supporters are thin skinned...not to mention foul mouthed.
They meant it in the nice way. You know, like when someone gives you a hug and whispers "Eat shit and die". Like that.
I know I cannot be the only one oh so very much looking forward to the fireworks, about this time next year, when the Left realizes that there is going to be a new President.
We will all look back with fondness to the lazy hazy summer Cunt days of 2011 and yearn for those much simpler days
(Congress, specifically)
The only women I've ever used the c-word on (and always silently, to myself) were women that I loved. I just happened to mad at them.
Be a real dirty cunt, and give us his name and email address.
Mark G, I grew up hearing "putz" and "schmuck" thrown around with delicious fervor.
But I'd refer to "down there," as "down there." I thought pussy just meant a cat. Or a kitten.
How about this, is this person someone who has commented before? I'm curious.
WV: annex
Maybe he/she was channeling the anger they felt when they couldn't process the complexity of the argument in "Critique of Pure Reason" and said, "Go fuck yourself, Kant."
This is nothing new for classy left-wingers:
wv: revagg ... No comment.
BTW, Kant evidently died a virgin, so he might have replied "well, since I'm not fucking anyone else..."
You don't want to embarrass the author??
The author could be working his (her?) way to violence. I hope you have an alarm system, and a BF gun.
People are that emotionally charged up because Obama gets criticized? Well, I get emotional too.
Let's settle with our emotions - It's simple. I challenge any liberal so full of self-righteousness and hatred (are you listening Wisconsin Public Employees union members?)Obama supporters:
Meet me in a dark alley after midnight. I will bring United States Marines that love their country and will definitely not be voting for Obama or your anti-American ways conservative. I have multiple Marine family and friends. You bring your Marines.
What's that? You can't find any US Marines that support your point of view.? Marines that commit to giving their lives to protect your right to hate and curse Obama's critics? That protect your full right to be foolish and shit-headed in your political thinking, you lemmings? You can't round up enough US Marines that would buy your garbage?
Too bad. Cause I would love to shut your fucking anti-American mouths for a awhile. A swollen couple of lips and eyelids would do on such ungrateful liberal motherfuckers.
I truly would not do violence. Every human life is precious, no matter haw stupid and destructive to this country.
But - sigh - one can dream, can't one?
In arbitration, some say a decision angering both sides is probably an appropriate one. Ann, maybe you have found your cruel neutrality middle ground: those who rudely wonder about your wisdom in voting for Obama on one side and now the rude name-callers from the other. I am in the wondering category but try to stay short of rudeness.
Ann - you should out the fucker and make him pay. Have you learned nothing from Alinsky counter-tactics? When you don't respond, they win.
Oooops. Sorry. I meant to send that to Queen Elizabeth.
Some times I wish I was a woman just so someone would call me a cunt. Hilarious. Is that the best insult he (assuming) can cook up. Come on, penis, cun't you do better than that?
It isn't that big a deal. Holding your wrist to your chin and staggering to the fainting couch is just a tad dramatic doncha think?
Free speech means foul speech.
I think that's a lot better than being called a vintage bag. Just sayn'
Besides if you critize the Jug Eared Jesus you are a racist not a cunt.
Perhaps it was the professor of ME English at U of W?
Now if you wanted to curse out Tyrion Lannister would you call him a runt of a cunt.
How about if you wanted to get to that girl who was a kicker for her high school team. Would she be punting cunt?
What if you wanted to mock a pretentious actress. Could we call her a Lunt-like cunt?
It's just a word.
You're a beatnick. Didn't you ever hear Lenny Bruce's routine about words? Or the one George Carlin stole from him?
I mean if you were a woman who was constantly undermining Obama and telling everyone that he is a failure and a one term president you wouldn't be a cunt.
You would be a Hillary Clinton.
All right I will give you that one.
Crypto - Jew
And Womyn may use the “C” word, and African-Americans may call each other “N!gger”, and Poles call each other “Pollock” and Infantrymen or Marine Riflemen may call each other “Grunts” but it’s not a word that someone from the OUTSIDE may use to describe a member of that group…
I am missing something here.
Who set up those "rules" that all the rest of us have to follow?
The Progressive Jewish media?
Why should we listen to them? Or rappers? Or feminists who "love their cunts!" a la Ensler (who the progressive media loves as one of the Tribe) but insist the rest of us should be fired or arrested if we say it?
Anyways, in context of Althouse's much for the Left's 'post-Tuscon call for the New Civility".
It didn't last long with all those budget cut protests, did it?
It appears to me that the Left, activists have escalated the organized shock, outrage, confrontational behavior right to the edge of public violence. And if history is a guide - that eventually leads to the other side escalating.
Scott M said"
Ah. You've never worked with truckers, most of which are proudly non-union. A bunch of fucking potty-mouths, those guys.
I'm a former OTR driver, and 90% of the drivers (union or non-union) are decent, courteous, respectful human beings who absolutely do not use that language.
But, the 10% who do are nothing but road trash. There were a number of times I was goin' down the road, only to have some jackass start on me with that kind of language. If it was a high traffic area a lot of other drivers would get all over the ass. If it was a more remote area and I was by myself, I'd use the off button on the CB. Some people are just psycho....
My brother used that language on me, the day our mom died....I was hoping he'd hit me so I could call the cops.... good thing he's a Christian, he'll answer to God for that....
How come it's less offensive to call a man a "dick" than it is to call a woman a "cunt?"
Maybe there's something to all those feminist critiques of language that I had to read in college in the 70s.
Obama's followers can be scary people. They're cultish. He fills a vacuum that most others fill with God.
I use the word in public on rare occasion - but almost exclusively direct it toward men.
Men tend to overuse it - especially UK guys. It loses its power and is easily ignored.
It really only has any charge when you can tell the guy using it has *real issues* with women and is trying to leverage the word to attack on that level. And then what can you say? He's an ass. You have to take into account the emotions behind it.
In this case, your emailer is, appropriately enough, merely being a petty cunt with his usage. Hah.
Trooper York @4:49 PM ...
Wasn't Lunt the male member? And, Fontaine the female?
Alfred and Lynn, if you know them by their first names.
ndspinelli @ 2:25 PM
You said you once called your bride a cunt. Only once. Is that because she questioned you and said? Is your mother on the phone?
Women have favorite names ... but the problem with cunt is that it seems so outside. When the best is inside.
Please C4--stop it with progressive jewish media--its hackneyed.
Now for a cunt joke: whats the difference between a tribe of pygmies and girls track team?
Ans: one of them is a bunch of cunning runts
It is left for the reviewer to finish the joke
And that joke is at least 60 years old.
Staying with the intellectual theme ....
Insult is the fruit of an exhausted intellect ...
Some people are easily exhausted.
And it seems to me "cunt" is a particularly nasty word--I say that as old cavalryman who has a wonderful command of four letter ango-saxon swear words. My old platoon sergeant in basic training, MSG Ronald Marcum (RIP) taught me well
Carly on Imus got a listener email to read from Mike Hunt.
Guys think that's funny.
I might add that I love fucking (from the German "fick" to pound)--
but calling your fickee a cunt is a bit declasse
Someone here suggested that women call each other "cunts." Have never, ever heard women use the word. Maybe I'm not hanging out in enough lousy bars and getting in fights with drunk women, however.
Skippy: change your venues--its really quite enlightening
and, how do you know it was a leftie? Could be a rightie in leftie clothing...
Vicki from Pasadena
Fuck you and fuck yourself are quite different in structure, the former being an epithet and the latter being an imperative.
Well Ms Vickie from pasadena--whether from the left or right it is simply tacky
"digital" figo--lol
@Trooper--what famous tennis match featured a cunning runt and a running....
wv: linga--really, I'm not kidding
P.S. What famous female tennis player always won her matches lickety split?
Pussy, my preferred, has an anotomical reference less the opprobrium the is imbodied in "cunt"
"cunt" is just a nasty word the conveys much more meaning, say for example, "pussy"
Pussy is good, cunt is not good
if titus were here he'd say tits which is good observation
One would think that a worse word would be asshole. Everybody has one. Cunts and pricks have one, and out of the asshole flows shit. Dirty shit.
I love it when The Althouse Woman talks dirty to us.
Old dad: that would Martina Navratalova--coochie muncher extraorinare
Are you familiar with the work of the famous Danish gynecologist Yorick Hunt? The American Urologist, Richard Small? The famous Chinese Dr. C.U. Wee also does good work.
I*love* that word. I say it every chance I get. But no, I hardly ever hear other women say it. And I really don't hear a lot of men say it, either.
I think that's what makes it such a fun word to say. Is there a male equivalent?
Cunt and cocksucker are the last of the legit curses. They still have power. Nothing gets a woman's attention like calling her a cunt. It's a pretty good substitute for a left hook. For guys it's cocksucker, unless of course you are one.
Why is it that I never hear conservatives using the word "cunt" to describe their political opponents, but leftists -- who routinely claim the mantle of sensitivity toward women -- use it regularly?
Kelly from GA: good observation--I dont think there is a male anatomical reference that carries the same opporbrium
Does anyone stop to think how truly difficult it is to fuck yourself.
I was recently "unfriended" by a liberal on facebook. After she posted an article on the Minnesota shutdown I commented that Republicans had no reason to cave. She said I was a knee Jerk tea-bagger and unfriended me.
I got unfriended during the early weeks of the Madison lunacy by a friend who regularly posted all the leftist, pro-union crap to his Facebook wall and did not appreciate when I gently attempted to correct the fabrications.
No great loss, really.
Sarah Silverman has such a song.
Does anyone stop to think how truly difficult it is to fuck yourself.
Particularly for those who are lacking one of the two necessary implements.
Yes you are right Carol but Lunt was still the cunt. Ask anybody.
Hey since you like to take photo's and video of people with them being unaware you are filming them would that make you an Allen Funt Cunt?
My ex-wife's feminist scoldings would sometimes include: "You men think we're inferior just because we have an ax wound between our legs."
That one always cracked me up.
OK Mark: you are goonged for that one--but it is a three star comment
Actually having a cunt isn't the worse thing, it's the menstruating that has to be the pits.
If that's the worst Email you ever received, be grateful.
"My bride banned me from uttering that word in her presence. Although a minor infringement on my First Amendment rights, I do honor it. The emailer was almost certainly male..very few women use that word."
You have not lived until you hear a woman use it. I worked with a woman how used it all the time professionally (make up woman) and it was a wonderful experience witnessing this.
Anatomy -
Currently, all male and female "naughty bits" are covered with slang terms that range from acceptable to vulgar, but common, not shocking.
Save the vaginal barrel proper. That term supposedly must be used, or these words only feminists can use amongst themselves, feminists claim.
The term pussy is more about the furry mons..old black (nigger) slang...and even that is getting outmoded for the Brazilianized mons area of recent generations of us post-baby boomers.
If cunt and quim aren't acceptable slang for the vaginal barrel/tunnel, a new slang word should apply. Feminists and the perpetually outraged should be consulted!
Preferable one, at most two syllables.
We could borrow foreign words for cunts on asumption that feminists can only spread their outrage just so thin.
German for cunt is "Fotze".
Arabic for cunt is "Koos"
Persian for cunt is "Kos".
Chinese for cunt is "Bye"
Finnish for cunt is "Toosa"
All are not considered strong swear words, or even swear words at all.
It is common in the UK and Australia as saying "dick" is here.
BTW - Arabic for shit is "Aha" - no doubt named when some inquisitive Arab wiping his ass with his left hand felt something interesting in his excrement smear or dingleberries. Pulling his fingers back to look and sniff, and saying "A-ha!"
The emailer was almost certainly male..very few women use that word.
Actually I disagree. That word is actually used pretty often by LEFTIST females to demean women with whom they disagree. Just go look at how many times Lefty feminists used exactly that epithet against Sarah Palin.
If I was going to lean one direction or another, I'd actually lean towards it being a "feminist" since the emailer ALSO called Ann "petty." How many men who have worked themselves into a "righteous rage" so that they can justify calling a woman a c*nt, will then use the relatively dainty term, "petty."
Nope. For my money, it was one of those self-avowed guardians of all things Feminist: a woman who feels "entitled" to use the word, and so it more freely fits at home with "petty" in her own lexicon.
AA said: "I have his name and email address, but I am refraining from embarrassing him"
Sorry, but I don't suspect someone who emails such information would be capable of embarrassment.
Jim, Althouse already indicated that the emailer was male. Probably a very effeminate male, however. Perhaps even gender-confused.
Persian for cunt is "Kos".
So basically, that ridiculous lefty website is called "Daily Cunt"?
So much is clearer now.
Back in the 70's Bette Midler use to open her show telling the audience how she wasn't nasty, out of line, foul mouthed, and out of control...really, she'd say, "I'm not the cunt I used to be"!
And then it was 2 hrs of amazingly great talent, song/dance/Sophie Tucker jokes. So,forgive my almost affection for the term.
But, I digress. I think it's interesting that in one line he calls the critics "petty" and in the next line uses one of the few serious vulgar terms left that is not used in polite company.
The semantics and voice of this writer is off, don't you think?
Now, I'm curious to know more, not necessarily the name, but other identifiers that might help me understand the dissonance of the terms used.
Sure, the word is rude, but I sort of figured that the significance of the email was the level of irony involved.
Ms Althouse, does he know you voted for Barry Obama?
Kind of related....Shot in the Dark blog has a comparison of Unionist Shelley Moore and Dwight Schrute:
Second story down as of right now. Worth checking out.
"I have his name and email address, but I am refraining from embarrassing him. Because that's the kind of cunt I am."
I know I'm real late to the game here, but I just got to this comment, and I gotta say that it is absolutely priceless! Very, very well done!
I learned from a professor in a Chaucer class that the adjective quaint is derived from an Anglo-Saxon root.
You know, if you had to tell a kid about sex, that about covers it. Fuck. The cunt. It's where babies come from.
I never did figure out what the birds and the bees had to do with it.
I think this is one of those emails you get tht you'd send to everybody in your address book. With the subject heading: PRICELESS
How weird. I had a dream last night I called my sister a cunt.
My real GIRL friends use the word cunt all the time.
If the other one has a cute outfit on before going out they say to them, "you look cunty".
It's a term of endearment.
I say own it.
I recall that morning in high school when my sister called my mother a bitch. Let's just say I left the rest of my Wheaties and went to school early that day.
While we're on the subject and freely discussing it, is there an explanation for the asymmetry in the effects of the various terms that all refer to the vagina? Call a woman a "pussy" and she doesn't seem to care. Call a woman a "cunt" and you might as well have blockaded her ports. But call her a "twat" and it seems to be in a hazy area in between the two. Not generally acceptable, but not nearly as radioactive as "cunt."
One of my favorite movies of all time is Talk To Her. The man shrinks to be with the woman, I can't remember why.
But anyways he slides into her large bushy cunt.
It was such a nice story.
My INdian UK husband and I watched Almodovar's Bad Habits while in India. What a great fucking movie. They were a bunch of cunty Nuns.
Cunt, Cunt, Cunt, Cunty Wunty, Lunty, Cunt.
Faggy Waggy, Queerbutt, Fudgie, Fudgepacker, Faggot Ass.
I am so happy.
My INdian UK husband and I always say he want to cut off each other's peepee's and either put in a blender or in the garbage disposal.
And low and behold some cunt did that to a man.
More cunt postings!!!!!
Yea, so fun.
Well I can't say that your critic--in this case at least--is particularly articulate.
"It’s amazing how petty Bush’s critics are. Go fuck yourself cunt."
That's directed back to the emailer.
The Left. All the charm and class of the Nazis, but without the slick leather uniforms (so far).
Jack Cashill in Deconstructing Obama argues that BO never wrote his own books and provides hundreds of proofs that Ayers wrote Dreams. I know, petty.
It's a fun book which makes the claim that Obama is to literature what Milli Vanilli was to music.
Sure, petty.
In fact, with Obama's approval rating down in the low 30s, the whole country is petty, and only the hardcore faithful with the big souls aren't worried about the 14 trillion dollar deficit, the attempt to raise the debt ceiling for yet more, and selling everything we have to the last great communist nation.
Cashill's book is so good.
But it's so petty. He points out that in Obama's own articles tenses sometimes agree, but logic is bad, and cliches abound.
So, who wrote Dreams?
The same guy who wrote Terrorist Daze?
Isn't it petty and mean to point these things out?
Isn't it petty to even read any critique of the Great Leader?
The whole country is a bunch of "cunts" now. (Are leftists allowed to use this word? I didn't understand! I thought this was supposed to be a positive term for a spunky woman in the new jargon.)
Maybe this dates me.
Maybe it dates the user.
Sitting at a coffee shop in Madison this morning, as a small family parked in the table next to me. They could see a TV screen out of my sight line, and the mother looked up to see what was on. Evidently Dear Leader was on. She told her little girls that she loved everything about this man; his great intellect and his wonderful understanding of how the country should work, as well as his Presidential air, and the fresh new tone he brought to Washington. One of the girls commented that he has a most beautiful smile.
They are out there, folks!
What a perfect campaign slogan for the Presidential rerun.
"Go fuck yourself cunt."
President Barack H.Obama
Always vulgar and stupid, Team Obama gets louder and more vile every hour as they watch the dream slip away.
Your emailer is a rancid and suppurating cunt. Ignore her.
wv: nuckuf
victoria wrote:
and, how do you know it was a leftie? Could be a rightie in leftie clothing...
And this is what passes for reason in the Community-Based Reality. The enlightened "Progressive" who sent Althouse that clever missive wouldn't have known that she would publish it here for our entertainment. But Vicky knows that her people are on the side of Good and Truth and Social Justice, so it couldn't have been a Leftie -- musta been one of them Reich-wing RethugliKKKan scrotum-suckers.
After almost half a century, many "Progressives" still don't believe it was a loser Communist dipshit who murdered John F. Kennedy ... because they're the good guys, they don't do that shit. Musta been some kind of shdowy conspiracy -- Halliburton and Nixon and Blackwater and the Republicans ... Yeah, that's the ticket!
Leftard of course and he/she is completely ignorant of your once cruel neutrality.
I find it interesting, when AA advances the notion Rush wondered aloud (duh) about, that Obama would hasten the problems of America which would then hasten the cure(s) for our country, she doesn't get credit for that point.
It's how I felt, for a short period, before the election.
And, of course, it's rational to vote for an historic candidate who lies enough to sound credibly decent enough to those of us who aren't psephologists.
I've always found "rational" a low bar when wonders to relate abound. Obama was that wonder, and to many millions still is.
Good for him; Bad for country.
Years ago,in the days of barbershops and movie palaces, Robert Kuntz, in a good mood arrived home after work and offered to take his wife to a show.
Happily,she kissed him and proceeded to get ready. Being a hot night, he told her he would wait for her in front of the building.
After 15 minutes waiting and pacing,he looked at the barbershop next door and decided to get a quick trim. 15 minutes later, still no wife ,peeved he asks the barber to give him a shave.
In the meantime the Mrs finally comes down and is slightly distressed that her husband is not to be seen.
She paces up and down the street and finally notices a man in the barbershop chair,his face obscured by a hot towel.
She pops her head in the door, and asks,"Bob Kuntz here?",and the barber responds "NO MA'AM, just shaves and haircuts".
"Please C4--stop it with progressive jewish media--its hackneyed"
It's heroin for C-fudd. He's addicted like a junkie derelict crawling throught the gutter for a fix of cheap smack.
Old joke:
A college student traveling in France wires his father:
Father wires back:
Take heart Ann, when I was a mere lad just discovering girls a wise old lumberjack warned me, "Son-- just remember--an ounce of cunt can pull more than ten teams of horses."
The left’s “fight for women’s” a front
With conservative gals they are blunt
Bachmann Coulter and Malkin
Even with Althouse there’s no balkin’
To slur them as just a dumb cunt
Chaucer made great use of the word. See, e.g., the Wife of Bath's Prologue in his Canterbury Tales, where she berates her late husband:
Since you've enough, why do you reck or care
How merrily all other folks may fare?
For certainly, old dotard, by your leave,
You shall have cunt all right enough at eve.
He is too much a niggard who's so tight
That from his lantern he'll give none a light.
For he'll have never the less light, by gad;
Since you've enough, you need not be so sad.
(It's interesting that Chaucer uses the variant “Quaint” that Craig refers to above — spelled “queynte” in his Middle English.)
In the 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, they can't even bring themselves to say/write it. Words like "quim" are simply defined as "the monosyllable" (which in turn is defined as "a woman's commodity").
When you look under "C," you find "C**t: The χοννος of the Greek, and the cunnus of the Latin dictionaries; a nasty name for a nasty thing."
Of course, D.H. Lawrence did yeoman's work in trying to rehabilitate the word in "Lady Chatterley's Lover," but he obviously wasn't completely successful.
At least you now know you have an audience at the White House, right alongside of Glenn Beck and Fox news!! Love your posts Ann. Keep charging! Maxwell US Navy!
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